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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 10 March 21)
Harbinger #999585 03/10/21 03:47 AM
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IB and Raz, thank you both again for your kind reviews.

Dawnstar will pop up soon, let's hope she hasn't just blown her chance at finding happiness in a relationship... oh dear.

IB, as you've probably read above I did plan on covering the Academy's forgetting to tell the main team about the Rebounders info on Rimbor gangs, so you beat me to it smile Looks like a beauraucratic error, they happen to the best of us.

More coming soon as Lu and team make their way to the Bubble Arc's council, Sade's sub-team deal with a crushing problem, Dirk has words with Hadru and Brek and we learn a bit more about what's going on with these blasted gene-mod operations.

Thanks again,


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 10 March 21)
Harbinger #999595 03/10/21 05:58 AM
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Nice bit, re the Academy forgetting to tell the main team about the Rimbor stuff, Harbi! very realistic - I work in a large organization and this kind of thing happens all the time wink I like how Cos had to consult the minutes too - very realistic, with so many facts and interviews... I just wish we could also set up algorithms that easily in real life!

Love the bit on Weber's World. Intrigue, relationships, working within government channels... very nice! Also nice seeing Gear and Oodoo.

And the plot thickens on the nebula... can't wait for more!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999898 03/17/21 01:39 AM
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Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts


Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light

The people from this colony had moved well away from the Legion's cruiser.

"Monica, ah reckon we're gonna have something more serious comin' our way soon... scans pick up movement in the infrastructure around us."

"Where?" She peered over the muscular young man's shoulders. "Okay, so what are they gonna try next...?" As she finished there was a loud clanging noise and the cruiser shook.

"Somethin' just grabbed us from underneath." Neel Koduah said as he scanned the read-outs before him. The landing pad had folder up around the cruiser gripping hold of the front and back of the craft.

"Auto-defences should deal with it okay though, shouldn't they?" D'Nadka Endarooga approached her colleagues to check the hard-light scans herself.

"Perhaps not. We'll have to do something to dissuade them, I think. D'Nadka, someone needs to stay on board and I'm sorry to say this time it's you. We won't be gone for long, let us know if there are any other problems pop up on the scans, okay?" Monica Sade looked sad for the intern as she said this, but right now felt it was for the best to leave the fiery gorilla behind as she took Kid Pulsar out to teach the natives a lesson in manners and free the cruiser from whateverhad just grabbed it.

While Kid Pulsar left via an air lock on the underside of the cruiser Monica Sade activated her distorter to full Hide-Mode before she teleported out onto the front to the craft. She knew that they were being watched so had every intention of taking their watchers attention away from Kid Pulsar as he freed their ship from the vice-like grip of the mechanism that held it in place.

She could see several vantage points where she knew she would likely find people monitoring the ship. With a smile she popped! out of existence in one point and reappeared at another. The three men that were trying to hide as they spied upon the Legion's cruiser were quickly overcome as the Rimborian teleporter easily overpowered them. She scanned their equipment so the cruiser AI could work out what they were up against and looked around again. It didn't take long before she spotted what looked like the top of an old space suit helmet sticking out from another balcony on the wall along from her. Sade smiled as she teleported across to pay a surprise visit on whomever was hiding there...

Kid Pulsar was not feeling particularly comfortable. He estimated that the docking pad was built from some early form of smart-material that could be plied into various shapes by remote control. Currently he was laying on his belly, in the dark with the very front of the cruiser less than three feet above his head. His belt buckle light would be of little use in this situation so the young man reached out with his fingertips and felt exactly where the landing pad had folded up to grab the Legion's craft. With little more than a thought he released a blast of explosive energy. The detonation rocked the landing pad but it still held onto the cruiser. Once again, Neel Koduah reached out and felt for the indentation where his blast had struck... as his fingers traced the edge it moved - the smart material was healing itself. Neel sighed; he had hoped to avoid creating too large an explosion as it might damage the cruiser but another small blast wouldn't help. He could focus the blast away from their ship but knew there would be some blowback from it.

<cover your ears guys, I'm going to have to really blast this sucker> And with that the young Legionnaire released another explosive blast. This time he was hurled backwards and slammed into the cruiser. The pad beneath him cracked and started to crumble, releasing the cruiser.

<You okay there Neel?> Solar Gorilla asked.

<Yup. will do the same at the other side then you'd better set the cruiser to hover>

<Totally, good luck>

It took several minutes for Kid Pulsar to wriggle his way to the rear of the cruiser where he once again detonated another blast under the cruiser releasing it from the folded docking pad.

<once you get back inside Neel we'll hover here and keep an eye out for anymore smart-tech until we hear from Lu and her team> Solar Gorilla sent.

<cool, on my way. So, how's Monica doing?> He replied.

<Oh, she's having a ball. I think we'll have trouble getting her to come back...>

<you do know I'm listening, don't you?> Monica Sade interrupted <though, ahem, I miiiight stay out here ...just for a wee while to guard the cruiser you understand>

Sade laughed as she finished sending her message, knowing full well that the intern was right - after being cooped up on board, it was simply too much fun being out here dealing with these descendants of the Bubble Arc colonists as they tried to get into their cruiser.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999899 03/17/21 01:40 AM
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Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo, heightened awareness and limited telepathy

Science Police meta-squad member seconded to Legion World Second Base:
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields

Magno reached out with his abilities to push holes through the floors beneath each of the Legionnaires, all the while holding onto the unconscious Maiara and Gerral.

The Legionnaires each levitated down to the dark space below, activating their spotlights from their belt buckles they easily avoided the mechanisms that had pushed the floor up towards them. Magno used his abilities to block the holes he had just created with the debris around them. No-one would easily follow them from here.

Noah Kabbo took Gerral from Magno's arms and scanned the baby with his flight ring. There didn't appear to be any serious harm so Noah cuddled the sleeping child against his chest while Magno and one of Luornu's selves checked the unconscious Maiara. Thankfully the young woman appeared to be fine.

From the obvious dust and decay this part of the bubble arc had not been used in a good while. After she checked that Maiara and Gerral were safe Luornu decided the team needed to make their way straight to the council - they needed to resolve this situation. The unconscious woman and her baby deserved the chance of a decent life and Lu seriously doubted that Maiara would settle easily into living amongst the 'Non-Conforms' of the United Planets.

Magno and Spy were helping Maiara as she regained consciousness just as Lu finished examining the map that the cruiser's scans had revealed of the insides of the Arc. Babbage had been looking at the read-outs over Duplicate Girl's shoulder and pointed out a route that avoided areas that seemed to have workshops or residential units but led through to what appeared to be a large central space. Lu agreed that it appeared to make sense but first of all she wanted to ask Maiara for some input. After Maiara had been helped to her feet and her son had been passed back to her Lu asked if she agreed that they should make their way to the council and try to resolve the situation.

While she was still scared there was an anger in her expression now that the young woman hadn't exhibited before.

"I will take you before the council Luornu. They will not listen to you as you are from the Cold Outside, though they will have to hear me! Let them deny my claim when I stand with a Titan wearing the Old Sky at my side, the priests will have no say!" She reached out and patted Babbage on the arm as she spoke.

The Legionnaires exchanged worried glances amongst themselves. And with that Maiara marched ahead of them down the gloomy corridor.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999900 03/17/21 01:41 AM
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It took Maiara twenty-five minutes to lead the Legionnaires to the central area of the Bubble Arc.

As they had made their way through the tunnels and ducts to get here Magno had collapsed several of them behind the group, hoping that it would delay anyone that was trying to follow the Legionnaires. They crept through a gardened area that had row after row of fruit bearing tree surrounded by barley and oat grasses. The walls of this space held growing pockets of herbs and spices that filled the air with deliciously pungent smells. Luornu thought to herself that Harmonia would love this place.

Maiara said she expected the council chamber to be full as her people would be discussing the strange craft they had captured. They would also have figured out by now that Maiara and the Legionnaires had escaped from the crushing prison traps that had been set for them so the team had to be careful.

An idea struck Luornu: she asked Babbage to scan for any internal information network - they needed information - historical, legal... anything that may help when they faced the council of this secluded society. As it appeared that the Robotican would likely be their focus it was imperative they were armed with as much information as possible.

Several minutes after leaving the dark disused corridors they found themselves in a broader walkway where several dozen of the natives congregated. Maiara told the Legionnaires they would need to walk behind her or they would be attacked. Non-Conforms needed to be seen as subservient if they wished to stay alive in the common areas. Magno and Duplicate Girl remained close behind while Spy and Babbage walked at the rear of the group. The inhabitants of the Bubble Arc started approaching, shouting angrily at the strangers but as the small crowd saw Babbage, they fell quiet and backed off. The Robotican did not acknowledge them, instead it extended its perceptions to better understand their surroundings. &#8203;By the time the Legionnaires got to the large double doors at the entrance to the council chamber there were easily several hundred of the colonists around them, all eager to see the strangers that had returned Maiara and Gerral to them.

<Duplicate Girl, I have been accessing the on-site Infonet and it appears that the 'Titans' that Maiara refer to were the robotic technicians that kept this ship running while the original colonists slept. This arc encountered a massive coronal mass ejection from the nearly red giant causing an EMP to critically damage the onboard systems. It is recorded that the titan mechanics forced the arc into this nebula to start repairs. The crew were revived as the robots were too damaged to finish repairing this craft themselves. The priests have predicted that a titan shall return when the People of the Blue most need it. I extrapolate that Maiara believes I am that titan>

<Okay, let's play it by ear Babbage... I mean, let's deal with things as they arise, okay?> Luornu quickly added as she knew the Robotican could take colloquialisms literally, before continuing <I think we may have the advantage if they think you are their saviour...>

<Surely you do not infer I pretend to be figure from their religious text to facilitate interference with this culture's development? I cannot find that as a viable option within the standard UP First Contact protocols!> Babbage's tone almost sounded indignant.

<Okay Babbage, though these human colonists have had contact before, they just don't like it so it's not quite the same...> Duplicate Girl sighed to herself <let's make sure Maiara and Gerral are okay first before we save the rest of them, okay?> She knew that if they needed to use Babbage's status as a religious figure to save the young woman and her baby and the Robotican rigidly stuck to established protocols then things could easily go from pretty bad to far worse...

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999901 03/17/21 01:42 AM
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First Base

Dirk had tried to speak to Hadru and Brek twice in the last twenty four hours but so far, they had been dismissive of his offers to help.

As their trial was due to start in only sixteen hours Dirk knew needed to get some straight answers or they would both be looking at stretches on Talkon-Gartos in their near futures.

Hadru had been, as Dirk expected, non-cooperative from the moment he had approached the cell. The front wall of the holding cell was a transparent force field that meant anyone could see exactly what Hadru was doing. The only part not immediately on view was a discreetly placed washroom. Chemical Kid had been sat on his bed watching a holo-novella and absent-mindedly scratching his crotch as the senior Legionnaire approached.

"Hey Hadru, you being helpful yet or just counting the hours until you're off to Talkon-Gartos?" Previously Dirk had tried a more tactful approach but he was feeling less charitable as he increasingly felt that they were wasting his time. The catalyser didn't even look at his solar powered colleague, instead he blew a raspberry and continued to watch the holo before him.

"Okay then... see you tomorrow morning. Just remember don't antagonize Lu when she starts asking the tough questions, you don't want things to get any worse 'cause if you're snarky it'll end badly for you. Okay? You hear me Hadru? Be on your best behaviour tomorrow. At least give me a chance to save you from being the present that every prisoner looks forward to opening in the TG shower block, eh? Unless of course that's what you really want..."

Before Hadru could reply Dirk turned and left.

The last time he had approached Brek the short Tharrite had let loose a string of obscenities before dropping his pants and telling Dirk in gross anatomical detail what he could do to relieve his current anguish. Dirk wasn't sure if he could deal with that again, though knew he had to at least try one last time. While this cell was architecturally arranged exactly the same as the last, where Hadru had kept his cell immaculately neat, Brek had thrown his bedding onto the floor in rough piles alongside clothes and some debris from his meals. As he saw this Dirk really hoped that Brek wasn't planning on holding a 'dirty protest'...

"Brek, hi, no displaying genitals this afternoon please, I'm only here to chat." Dirk could see that Brek had curled up into a ball on a crumpled sheet on his bed, clearly sobbing to himself.

"Brek... c'mon, talk to me. We'll work something out..."

"I didn't want to hurt the kid, I just wanted him to stop fighting Hadru and get away." Brek looked up from the bed, as well as having noticeable bruising across one side of his face, his eyes were red and puffy.

"I thought as much matey, believe me." Dirk and Brek stared at each other for a few seconds until Brek looked down into his hands. Dirk carried on, hoping that his former friend would see how genuine his offer to help was, "I really don't want this to get any worse, so... do you want to give me something to work with and we'll do what we can to get you out of this mess?"

Brek Bannin groaned as he sat upright, wiping his face with his hands.

"Yeah... I mean, if I must."

Dirk gave Brek a withering look and smiled. Brek looked away for a couple of seconds before turning back towards Dirk.

"Okay Dirk, so, wotcha need to know?" His belligerent tone made it clear that Brek was not happy to be helping.

"Just take me through it from the start bud. What happened, no detail is too small."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999912 03/17/21 05:12 AM
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Heh! the mission with Lu's team continues to entertain. I like the fire in Maiara. Your story is a wonderful examination of the power of beliefs - and religion (?) As someone born into a Catholic country/context... and whose personal beliefs completely do not match... I am fascinated.

Ah, Hadru continues to be a little slot. Brek at least is a bit more sympathetic. This will be extremely painful, and my heart goes out to Dirk for being such a trooper/professional and doing his best.

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #999913 03/17/21 06:02 AM
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Thanks again IB, your right that Lu's team are having to challenge hard core beliefs, it'll be a toughie! Hopefully we'll get to the end of it next time, along with a look at the rules of Acturrian Ringball and a new member takes a tumble.

The trial will be next up after this. I've written it all out and I hope it'll keep you guessing, as there's a sting in the tail that hopefully will surprise you.

Anyway, thanks again, always appreciate your feedback.


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 17 March 21)
Harbinger #1000037 03/22/21 03:55 AM
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Man, Hadru's really working his way toward becoming a bitter Legion reject...though if he does end up breaking bad, he has an interesting powerset for a villain!

I am also into the story with Maiara and I think putting Babbage through this kind of a development is an awesome way of showcasing his personality beyond the superficial "he's a robot" stuff...I am really enjoying that and looking forward to seeing where it goes smile

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000221 03/26/21 05:12 AM
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The Lesser Spider Nebula

Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo, heightened awareness and limited telepathy

Science Police meta-squad member seconded to Legion World Second Base:
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields

Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts


Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat And light

The doors swung open and they entered the council's chambers.

They all noticed the small blue lights indicating safety from radiation that ran round the wall of the chamber. There had been very few on display in the side-corridors the team had taken to get here.

Lu was surprised to see the council chamber was a circular room. The ceiling, forty feet above their heads had three lines of text writ large in a language that Luornu didn't understand. She had been expecting something more like a court room... There were a dozen rows of pew-seating that enclosed a central dais. Every single seat was occupied, though most of the audience were on their feet shouting at the centre of the room. The noise of the crowd made it impossible to hear any one particular voice, though as Maiara led the Legionnaires up the walkway towards the central dais the crowd fell silent.

In front of the team stood four people covered head to toe in white robes. One held a staff with an ornate hoop on the top end that glowed with a blue light. Lu didn't need to be told these were the priests that Maiara had said decided her son would have to be sacrificed for the 'sin' of simply having a birth-mark.

<Right, let's see what these whack-jobs have to say before we act...> Lu sent through to the team.

<there are a lot of personal and cultural reasons why people behave the way they do ... though actually, in this case whack-jobs is as good a name as any, so, umm, sorry Lu, carry on> Dr Kabbo interjected.

<Okay Noah, thanks> Lu continued <Babbage, are there any laws that will allow us to address the council?>

<None; as Non-Conforms we have no legal rights here that I can find on their databases> The Robitican responded.

<So... get ready, we may need to break a few rules>

"Maiara, are these Non-Conforms brought before us as you think they'll satisfy the law of sacrifice? Your mutant must die to keep us safe. You know the rules." The priest with the staff stepped forward as she spoke. Lu couldn't tell if the rest of them had noticed Babbage because their hoods hid their faces, and wondered if they had actually done much more than glance at the Legionnaires - she realised that as Non-Conforms the team were probably not seen as worth the effort.

"No," Maiara shouted, her voice was raw with emotion, "the fore-telling is true, a Titan walks with us to take back on the true path!"

Tbe priests and many of the crowd started shouting abuse at the exhausted woman and two of the priests rushed forward to grab her for saying such blasphemous words.

"No" Babbage stepped in between Maiara and the priests, throwing back the sky-blue cloak to reveal the Robotican's mechanised body. Positioning itself between the advancing priests and the scared woman and child, Babbage was not going to allow them to get close to her. The challenge was clear.

<Babbage, what are you doing?> Lu went to take a step towards her colleague but Maiara sharply waved her back.

The crowds around the council started to shout again, some were praising the Legionnaire while other thought this was some sort of trick. Some in the crowd were baying for the Legionnaires immediate death. The four priests all stepped back, obviously shocked.

"That cannot be a Titan, this is a trick! The child is marked with the Red and must die or we will all perish." The priest with the staff shouted, pointing the lighted end towards the Legionnaire.

<Babbage, have you downloaded their history? Is there a way we can get out of here that saves Gerral and doesn't disrupt their culture too badly?> Lu sent across to her Robotican teammate.

<The original orders issued from the Titan mechanicoids have been distorted...>

<always happens, usually to suit whoever's in charge. Can you remind them what was originally agreed?>

<Affirmative, this unit has now accessed the Arc's mainframe and has sufficient data to proceed>

"You are unaware of what you speak." Babbage's voice rang out across the council chambers. "You were tasked to keep your people safe from outside harm, to protect your children and ensure the Arc survived. Murdering offspring was never in the covenant between the People of the Blue and the Titan mechanics. This one states it must now stop."

<Babbage, I really hope you know what you're doing as the priests are terrified! Scared people make real bad choices> Dr Kabbo sent across the telepathic matrix. Around them the crowd had started shouting louder and several were approaching the dais, clearly angry. A few started throwing objects at the Legionnaires. Magno caught these missiles within a magnetic field and as the angry crowd saw their projectiles suddenly stop in the air and drop to the ground they paused and reconsidered their attack.

<You need to do something quick or we'll be fighting our way out of here> Magno sent to the Robotican. The Braalian SPO was watching the crowd hawkishly, preparing to create further barriers if needed to protect the team, Maiara and Gerral.

"You will all return to your seats now!" As Babbage loudly announced this the Robotican's shot up ten feet into the air and as it hovered there it turned its head a full 360 degrees around on its neck so its face could be seen by the entire crowd. There were many gasps and scurrying as the People of the Blue dutifully returned to the seats around the council chamber. All four priests sat down on the floor of the dais.

The silence that followed was deafening.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000222 03/26/21 05:13 AM
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Babbage returned to the floor without a noise other than the ruffling of the new cloak it wore.

"This Titan returned to save my son!" Maiara stood up and shouted at the top of her voice, holding Gerral up for the crowds to see. There was a general muttering though none of the assembled people argued outright as Babbage stood only feet away from the young woman.

One of the priests jumped to their feet and started yelling "The child carries the mark. Red means dead!" which some of the crowd started to echo back, stamping their feet after each word. The other priests took to their feet and encouraged the rest of the crowd to join in. Several dozen of the crowd started to inch towards the dais all the while the chanting and foot stamping got louder.

The Legionnaires positioned themselves protectively around the young mother and child.

<Damn it, don't want to do this but we've got to get ready to fight our way out of here. Magno on my mark can you push out a bubble that'll knock them away, give us some space to act...> Lu sent, her tone was clearly anxious. The crowd circled the Legionnaires, less than twenty feet away, feet stamping and shouting as loud as they could.

Red! *stamp!
Means! *stamp!
Dead! *stamp!

<didn?t Maiara say they have prophesies that a Titan would return to save them, so who's to say that isn't you Babbage? Can you use their own history to educate them? I'll attempt to cool down the moods in the crowd while you try> Dr Kabbo sounded remarkably calm, especially as he could clearly feel the angry and aggressive mood of the mob around them.

Red! *stamp!
Means! *stamp!
Dead! *stamp!

The Robotican levitated off the dais causing some of the crowd to quieten down again and start to retreat. There were still many more shouting demands that the Non-Conforms be put to death, easily half of the hundreds of people present were in the crowd that threatened to engulf the Legionnaires.

Theatrically, Babbage indicated the Legionnaires beneath him.

<please follow me> it shared along the telepathic matrix.

Magno put an arm around Maiara before he urged his flight ring to lift them from the floor. The young mother that the Legionnaires had rescued gave a scared whoop and clung tightly onto her young son. As the Legionnaires took to the air the crowds moved back, their faces showing their awe. Babbage floated twenty feet above the dais, while the Legionnaires were a few feet underneath. The crowd stared at the spectacle before them.

"People of the Blue, you will listen." This time Babbage's voice roared like thunder around the council chamber.

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000223 03/26/21 05:24 AM
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Second Base - Combat Training Zone

Tyroc - Deputy Leader - Troy Stewart of Marzal city pocket dimension, sonic control
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes dragon fire and acid
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth, physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
Karate Kid iii - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic, creation of personal spherical force field

Brin Londo was enjoying himself!

Spending a couple of hours breaking things in the newly opened Combat Training Zone was exactly what he needed right now. Tyroc had commissioned Gear to create this space to mimic the training space in the Academy, built to simulate trying situations where the Legionnaires would need to rely on their abilities to get through. Brin had been the first person here this morning and had immediately took advantage of the situation. He ran six hostage scenarios, had a fight against a holo-space dragon and taken out half of the LSV in his last, particularly bloody, holo-fight.

As the day slid into the afternoon more of his colleagues arrive until it was no longer safe to operate his solo missions with such wide latitude. Troy had started playing some rather strange game with Marya and Stoor that Brin thought they were being entirely too loud about. Still, that wouldn't stop Brin from taking full advantage of the training technology available. He had found a holo-scenario that totally appealed to him and was thoroughly enjoying practicing his flying kicks against a holo-avatar of Lightning Lord when Laurel arrived.


Timber Wolf spun in the air and quickly flew down to find out what was so urgent that his girlfriend would need to shout so loudly.

She stood close to the wide entrance, the young Karate Kid and Tyroc were on each side. The new Bouncing Boy and Dragonwing were stood behind the group, chatting.

"You okay there Laurel?" He asked as he landed softly in front of her, as if on cat-like feet.

"Oh... yeah, fine." she sounded a little surprised as she answered, "We was wondering if you wanna game of Acturrian Ringball, y'see we need teams of three aside to play it." The pretty young woman gave a hopeful smile. Brin sighed and scratched an armpit as he looked around the cavernous room.

"C'mon Brin, it'll be us old-guard 'gainst the youngsters. We'll show 'em we still got the moves." Troy smiled at Brin hopefully.

"Okay," Brin gave a half-hearted smile back at his friend, "...though the losers take a forfeit. We gotta make things a bit more interesting, add some stakes to the game." This time Brin's smile was genuine as he looked at his teammates.

Everyone agreed.

The games rules were widely understood - teams of three had to pass the ball between them and would gain points, after completing a full set of the rings that were marked upon the field that included a set number of successful passes, if they scored in any of the three hoops that rotated in the centre of the court. The first team to score in each of the hoops, without the other team scoring in between, were the winner. The teams started at the outermost ring of the court and would move inwards with each successful string of passes. Only once in the shooting area at the centre where they were allowed to attempt to score a hoop.

Each member of a team was allowed one attempt to get the ball from a member of the opposing team within each of the marked rings that radiated out from the hoops while the team with the ball needed to make a full circuit of the ring to progress to the next area. Other rules included no biting, strikes to opponents' eyes, throat or groin, and definitely no breaking of your opponent's bones. That was seen as particularly bad form.

Tyroc, Timber Wolf and Dragonwing were on one team while Shield, Karate Kid and Bouncing Boy were on the other.

Just before they started Laurel casually announced that she had seriously considered taking up this sport professionally before applying to the academy instead... she had heard that the potential sponsorship deals for the descendant of the legendary Superman were off the chart!

The game began with the ball, slightly larger than a standard Magno-ball, flying out of the central hoop and both teams scrambling, within the allocated rings, to grab onto it. Timber Wolf pounced and as he reached out Bouncing Boy slammed into the back of him and snatched the ball centimetres from the Zuunian's fingertips. Marya Pai had watched the play and realised that her opponents could easily get a full circuit before her team so she ran back towards Shield. Marya seriously doubted she would match Karate Kid's dexterity but she'd certainly try to get the best of Laurel.

As expected Stoor threw the ball for Karate Kid to catch. The young martial artist easily caught it, somersaulting over Timber Wolf as he dived towards her before side stepping Tyroc as the Second Base team leader flew at her back. Marya positioned herself in between Laurel and Karate Kid, waiting for the ball to be passed. She heard Timber Wolf land beside Shield, obviously waiting for the chance to snatch the ball if Dragonwing failed to intercept it.

Karate Kid pulled off a deviously swift dodge and slid past Dragonwing to pass the ball to Laurel. As the invulnerable young woman reached out to take it from her teammate, and so to progress to the next circuit closer to the hoops where her team could score points, Timber Wolf pounced. As Brin reached out Bouncing Boy landed on his back again, though wasn't ready for the Zuunian's preternatural reflexes that twisted the force of the blow, throwing Stoor slap-bang into Laurel.

They both flew across the training space and crashed loudly onto the floor, Stoor on top of Laurel. His face was rather unfortunately planted right between her breasts.

"If your face stays where it is it'll be punched." Laurel said ominously.

Without moving his body, the dazed Stoor arched his neck to look up, right into the angry face of Timber Wolf who was standing over them looking decidedly menacing.

"Punched!" Brin agreed emphatically, spitting the word out at the young man currently laid on top of his girlfriend.

It was agreed by both teams that after that unfortunate incident Bouncing Boy never really fully committed to the game and consequently his side lost much faster than expected. Dragonwing teased him mercilessly about the forfeit he'd be called upon to perform at a later date...

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000225 03/26/21 05:27 AM
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Hey folks, I meant to finish posting the Bubble Arc storyline today but seem to have deleted the next two posts - it's damned inconvenient as I can't find them anywhere but know I had them I gave them a final read through to make sure it all worked out.

Anywhere, more soon, thanks for your kind words.


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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000226 03/26/21 05:44 AM
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The game rules made me laugh; specifically "definitely no breaking of your opponent's bones. That was seen as particularly bad form" laugh

Timber Wolf taking on the LSV would be an awesome open for a comic, took me back to when the X-Men still had a Danger Room smile

So annoying losing posts, good luck! It takes me ages to get back into writing mode again when it happens to me...I am looking forward to seeing what happens with Lu's team, I just read Handmaid's Tale this week so I am looking at Maiara's story with a new perspective. Babbage in that last instalment reminded me of Shady and Dream Girl tricking Hagga on Orando way back when (which is a compliment, I thought that was quite cleverly done).

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000230 03/26/21 08:27 AM
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Thanks Raz, appreciate your feedback.

I had a laugh writing out those rules, originally it was going to be a lot less physical but given the players I thought it needed a bit more Oomf!

I bought the first four New Xmen omnibuses a couple of years ago (Len Weins and David Cockburn New Xmen, so not all that new really) and love the danger room so the combat training room is a direct homage to that rather than just hinting at it as I?ve done before.

More from Lu?s team next time as they try not to start a full on riot. Didn?t plan for Babbage?s spinning head trick as a reference to Nura and Shady but I understand why it can been seen like that, tbh I just thought it was a funny image.

Rewrote one post already though the other was more complicated so it?ll take a bit more time and though. It really is frustrating as I?m already writing out story arcs three or four arcs ahead of this so even though I remember it my brain is kind of struggling with it. Hopefully it?ll be done by the end of the week. Fingers crossed.

I read the Handmaidens Tale years back, picked it up in an airport as a holiday book - that wasn?t a cheery choice! Great book, just really dark and sadly prescient

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 26 March 21)
Harbinger #1000238 03/26/21 01:14 PM
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more awesome stuff, Harbi!

loved Babbage taking control - you write Babbage way better than I have!

Dragonwing is one of the old guard now - I like it! Shows how much your team has grown.

Brin hesitating, shades of the old Lone Wolf, hee hee. Scratching at an armpit, hahaha that is so Brin

Poor Stoor... it was an accident, after all. I hope Laurel and Brin will see that, it seems a bit mean of them (and Stoor was quite dazed, not everyone has healing or invulnerability!)

Hope your posts are ok! Writing sure takes a lot of effort eh? Take your time, I'm sure it will be worth the wait!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000371 03/30/21 06:54 AM
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The Lesser Spider Nebula:

Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo, heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts

Science Police meta-squad member seconded to Legion World Second Base:
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields

Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light

"What are the three laws?"

Babbage's voice echoed again as the Robotican asked its question. There was silence and many of the People of the Blue ducked their heads and backed away.

"First law: Keep our people safe from the outside!" It was one of the priests that shouted the answer. Babbage lowered its head to stare at the priest. They cowed a bit but then looked back up at the orange Legionnaire, defiance and hostility were clear from their body language.

"The second law?" Babbage lowered the volume with this question.

"Protect the children so the next generation can thrive..."

"Indeed, so why would you attempt to murder an innocent like Gerral? It is a breach of the second law!"

"Red means dead!" The priest shouted back, and several of the crowd joined in the chorus.

<Babbage, we've been here, what are you doing?> Lu sent across to her Robotican colleague.

<This one has discovered a flaw in the AI data crystals the Bubble Arc use and believe our cruisers computational matrix will resolve this issue. Allow this unit 120 seconds more>

"People of the Blue, that teaching is not absolute! It is this unit's understanding that...." An object bounced off Babbage's side, flung from the crowd below it. With incredible speed and precision, the Robotican spun around and a pencil-thin red light sprung from one of its fingers, pointing at the guilty party. The crowd scattered from around the young man with the red dot of light on his chest.

"Is it not the People of the Blue's teachings that the Titan mechanics were deserving of respect?" Babbage asked, its voice rising in volume again. The young man, clearly terrified, nodded.

<Umm... you're not a Titan mechanic> Magno sent through.

<He does not know that> Babbage responded, which gave the team a smile.

While its finger still pointed a light at the scared man's chest, Babbage turned its head back to the priests and continued.

"This unit had identified an error within your Bubble Arc's library AI matrix, and as the Titan mechanics once strived to ensure your survival, this unit is at your service to resolve this issue."

The priests looked confused and conflicted. Dr Kabbo had been gently easing their mental anguish and pointing them towards accepting the offer given to them. After several seconds they agreed that any mechanical or computational flaw needed examining and correcting.

Babbage floated quietly above the crowd for several seconds before it lifted its arms up. The crowd gave a collective moan. The space in front of the Robotican began to glow as a holo materialised.

"This unit has restored access to the full historical databanks. The People of the Blue can now access their complete history."

Before the assembled crowds the air filled with recordings of their ancestors, telling their stories before they went into the deep freeze that would keep them alive until they had completed their three-hundred-year voyage to their new home world.

<I have discovered the appropriate messaged to highlight>

"People of the Blue! Listen to this unit one more time. You must witness these instructions before you continue."

The holo's before the crowd faded away leaving only one. In it a middle-aged woman with short hair and a pointed face was giving technical instructions to ensure whoever came after her would have the information they needed. The holo zoomed through a large part of it before freezing and restarting.

"...and remember, if these lights..." The holo showed the long dead engineer pointing to the ring of lights that still ran around the council chamber, "ever turn red you'll only have seconds to act. It'll mean the radiation buffers haven't worked. So, to keep it simple; red means dead, blue gets you through..." The holo froze. Babbage re-wound it and played the part about the lights again.

There was an audible moan that ran through the crowd.

The priests looked alarmed and several of the crowd shouted their protests towards them. They had only ever seen the last few seconds of this holo, the data crystal had been unable to access any more of it after the EMP had damaged the Bubble Arc. Several dozen of the crowd started screaming at the priests for misleading them.

"People of the Blue, the priests have not lied to you. They were unaware of the entire message. Your data crystals were damaged. This unit has retrieved all of the messages that were upon it. You can now access this data." Babbage's voice cut through the crowd.

Many in the crowd were pulling small personal info-units from their pockets and bags. As Lu watched the crowd that surrounded them turned their attention to the holos that were springing up around them. Several had approached Babbage to thank the Legionnaire. The priests were too busy scrolling through the sudden influx of historical data to notice that the Legionnaires had stopped floating above them and were interacting with the distracted crowds.

Interest in their ancestors and history was thankfully far more important to these people than attacking the Legionnaires or murdering Gerral. Maiara hugged Babbage tightly, which drew some awe-struck glances from those around her as the Robotican gently patted her head.

Lu breathed a heavy sigh of relief as the Legionnaires were no longer the centre of attention.

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000372 03/30/21 06:55 AM
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In total the Legionnaires remained on the Bubble Arc for a further six hours.

In that time Babbage had introduced the team, including those that had remained on the cruiser, to cheers from the crowds. Solar Gorilla was initially treated with fear but Babbage insisted the intern was a trusted friend that should be respected, and unsurprisingly the children of the colonists appeared to be particularly drawn to her.

Duplicate Girl and Spy spent the majority of the time speaking with the priests and civil leaders. They explained the history of the Great Terran Diaspora, the United Planets and the role of the Legion. Dr Kabbo reassured the priests that the UP would not invade their territory or disturb the Lesser Spider Nebula, and by setting up Protectorate Status the UP could keep outsiders from straying too far into their Home Glow. Lu and Noah knew the priests were dealing with generations of prejudice and ignorance but came out of their meeting feeling at least hopeful that the People of the Blue would not be so quick to attack outsiders in the future, and may possibly reintegrate into the United Planets at some point in the future. Before they left, Lu asked the priests for a small favour...

Magno and Babbage helped with technical issues - a broken hydroponic tank room was quickly fixed, the internal lighting within a closed section was sorted and the outer air locks in that area were secured, several one-man shuttles that were damaged had their twisted frames and shells magnetically re-shaped and their circuitry was made functional again. Babbage noted deterioration within the central air pumping mechanism and, using materials and technology from the Legions cruiser rebuilt the failing system. Everywhere the Robotican went, it was surrounded by small crowds that 'ooh'ed and 'ah'ed at its every utterance; it made sure to mention the benefits of cooperation and kindness at least half a dozen times, hoping these would be picked up and considered by the crowds-folk.

Monica Sade spent time with the Hunters, those tasked with protecting the Bubble Arc, and initially their hostility was almost overwhelming. By the time she left, the Rimborian teleporter had won them over by showing them martial art moves they never knew, complimenting them lavishly on their dedication and determination, setting up and winning a target practice competition, and reminding them how easy she found it to take out over a dozen of their group when they had the Legion's cruiser held in place and the team onboard surrounded. This last part brought her the most respect.

Kid Pulsar was surrounded by many young, and not so young women who spoke about their reproductive cycles in quite frank detail. It made him incredibly uncomfortable so he telepathically requested Solar Gorilla join him. The intern's presence drove most of the eager crowd away. Neel promised that he would make it up to D'Nadka later. She told him that she would definitely remind him of that when she had a monitor board shift. They both laughed.

Five hours after the Legion had arrived the priest invited them to share in a meal. Lu asked the priests to ensure it was vegetarian, not because her team were but as she had noted on the scans when they had approached the bubble arc that there were comparatively few animals on board. she couldn't contemplate the thought of one of their goats or chickens being killed just to feed the Legionnaires when the Bubble arc's resources were so meagre.

The meal was surprisingly delicious and all of the Legionnaires complimented the chefs that brought each dish out to them. There had obviously been a competition of sorts behind the scene to provide the Legionnaires with the best course of the lavish meal.

After they had finished eating and conversations were beginning to dry up Lu asked Babbage to announce that the team were leaving. The crowds that only hours before had been chanting for their death now pleaded that the Legionnaires stay. Maiara hugged each of them, whispering in each of their ears that she would name her future children after them so the Legion would never be forgotten. She cried as Babbage gently, and rather awkwardly, stroked her hair.

As the team left the nebula Lu made sure to inform the scavengers that were waiting outside that the Legion were personally protecting the people found inside. Lu called the pilot that had issued the alert that had initially brought the team here and invited them onto the cruiser. The man flew his bulbous craft alongside the sleek Legion cruiser and an access corridor was extended between the two crafts. Lu met the pilot and shook his hands. In her other hand she held a small pipe like piece of mid 23rd century technology. He recognised it and his eyes grew wide.

"This should be yours I believe." Duplicate Girl smiled broadly as she passed one of the Bubble Arcs black boxes to the scavenger. With this as proof he could claim a hefty reward for finding it. By the time it was verified and word got out Lu was sure the protectorate status would be in place so the People of the Blue would be spared from treasure hunting opportunists.

All in all, she thought it had been rather a successful mission.

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000373 03/30/21 06:56 AM
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First Base

It had been nine hours since Duplicate Girl's mission to the Lesser Spider Nebula had returned and forty hours since the arrest of Hadru Jamik and Brek Bannin.

Tinya, Dirk and Luornu stood together and looked directly at their colleagues in the great horse-shoe shaped tiered seating of the First Base team's central meeting room.

They were several chairs and tables around the three Legionnaires, arranged to face their assembled colleagues. The team were either there in person or had live stream holo-avatars present. All Senior Team members, including the two SP liaison officers and Dr Shakespeare were sat at the front row of the crescent with the Home Base Academy staff sat in the row behind them.

Dirk made sure to look around the room making eye contact with as many of his teammates as he could, his hands behind his back and a small smile on his face. He was trying to exude as much quiet confidence as he could without appearing too cocky, which as he was feeling surprisingly nervous was harder to do than he thought it would be.

Tinya thanked everyone for attending and reminded them that in eight hours they would need to release Hadru and Brek so the day would be spent interviewing witnesses with a planned hour-long session at the end to discuss their findings and vote on the outcome. After finishing speaking, the team leader quickly left Dirk and Lournu to it, joining her Senior Team in the front row above. As was tradition, before either could begin their cases the defendants were brought in. Captain Heavyweight led Brek and Hadru into the room with Thunder and Ultra Girl following behind.

This blatantly obvious show of strength was, Dirk thought, rather distasteful.

While Hadru had his chin up and was unconvincingly pretending to be unfazed by the whole situation, Brek looked as if he were ready to throw up. Dirk's heart went out to him in that instant and he knew that whatever the outcome he would try harder to stick by the Tharrite in future.

Sun Boy looked up at his teammates sat in judgement around the room and he could see that several felt the same, though it angered him that just as many looked quite happy with the tableau before them.

"We've all heard what happened, but if this is to be fair, we need to put the rumours and speculation aside and focus on the facts of the case. We will present evidence from Flight Ring monitors, Dr Shakespeare and Ella Drottmi, as well as statements from the victim, Tkemwa, and our two defendants. It is my assertion that you will join me in believing that Hadru Jamik and Brek Bannin broke Legion constitution and UP laws when they assaulted and..."

"Allegedly assaulted. They've not been found guilty yet." Dirk interrupted Luornu with a smile. She stared at him, incredulous, for two long seconds before continuing.

"Hah, yes indeed. Not yet. So, their actions... I will prove beyond reasonable doubt, were clear breaches of our constitution and UP law." Luornu stopped and turned to look at Dirk as the flamboyant Legionnaire sat on a desk and quietly picked at his nails.

"You really believe they're not guilty of assaulting one of our students, do you Dirk? Really? Wow! I'm going to shut up and let Dirk speak... this'll be interesting." Luornu stepped off the stage and sat on one of the seats at the side, her arms crossed and a small smile on her face.

Dirk stood up and thanked Luornu before moving to the centre of the dais and smiling up to the Legionnaires before him.

"So, let's be clear here: Hadru and Brek acted like a pair of jerks. But, as a friend reminded me, they are our jerks. We need to stand by the mistakes just as much as we take credit for our successes. We've all known that Hadru was suffering; he was brutally beaten when we captured Second Base and then suffered again under the Blight."

Several of the Legionnaire's present tried to interrupt but Dirk shushed them and continued, ignoring their protests.

"Brek has been seen as a weak link, despite being a former leader of this team he has always stood in the shadow of his once being a Sub, and it's well known he suffers from alcoholism and has struggled with withdrawal symptoms. Also, we can all acknowledge he has a badly wounded ego that craves validation. And in front of his former colleagues and friends he was humiliated by being made to attend the Academy before re-joining the team.... actually, that should be potentially re-joining."

This time Brek also protested. Dirk ignored him as he continued.

"And we allowed them to be broken, to be broken and stay broken we have offered some support, that's true... but really, we haven't actually supported either of them. Not as friends should, not as family should. And as embarrassing as it is to admit this, I include myself firmly in that category. Whatever they are guilty of we share part of the responsibility."

Dirk was quiet, and surprisingly, this time so were the seated Legionnaires. It was Laurel Kent that broke the silence first.

"Nah, they're both entitled idiots Dirk. I'm not responsible for their stupidity or for their attacking a student. They are!"

And with that the team in the tiered seating erupted into arguments about the two defendants.

"Sterling job there Dirk, that went well." Luornu smiled as she spoke.

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000374 03/30/21 06:57 AM
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As had been the precedent for a millennium, the prosecution went first.

Danielle Foccart's holo-avatar had been the first witness called. The young technopath that ran the various AI's and technical infrastructure that kept the bases operational appeared withdrawn as she presented before the assembled team. Everyone knew she had difficulty in social environments and both Lu and Dirk planned on making this as easy as possible for her.

Danielle had plainly laid out a timescale of when Hadru had warped to Home Base, the times of the warp that took Chemical Kid and Polar Boy to the Intrepid Station and the times that the tutors had followed and returned.

Luornu then asked for flight data regarding use of abilities. Dirk knew that this might be the proof that could sink any chances of the two getting off but he couldn't think of a way to stop it.

An almost twenty feet tall hard light screen appeared before the Legionnaires. On it the assembled team could clearly see that Hadru had struck first, almost a minute before TKemwa retaliated. Brek then exhibited a burst of his freezing abilities and it was several minutes later when Shadow Lass had used her light nullifying powers. As both Wildfire's and Jumping Jack's abilities were part of their physicality there were no clear records for them, though Danielle had accessed the bio-metric data for the Science Police Officer that showed a spike of adrenaline when he had leapt at Hadru, and Wildfire's suit reading clearly displayed the energy release used to free himself from the ice trap Brek had created.

Luornu emphasised that Hadru had struck first and then Brek had used his abilities to strike the student while he was defending himself and then again against Wildfire before the tutors could reach him.

It looked fairly damning; Dirk had to admit.

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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Invisible Brainiac #1000375 03/30/21 07:02 AM
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Hey IB, thanks for your kind words.

I agree that Babbage is difficult to write - I'm going to try to use them more so I can get a better handle on its personality.

The way I see it, any character that was a member of the team that is canon is one of the old guard. Not sure if that's really accurate, especially when Marya is one of that group, but it'll do as a distinction for now smile

Anyway, the trial is upon us, expect a couple of twists and turns. Hope you enjoy.

Thanks again,


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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000378 03/30/21 07:58 AM
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hi Harbi, what a lovely end to the Nebula mission. Babbage using some subterfuge (pretending to be one of the ancient Titans), but clearing things up by showing the real history. and the Legion reminding the people that the priests were honestly misled, not lying. A wonderful conclusion! If only this happened more in real life.

The trial, the trial! You are off to a great start. I love that the team is clearly divided about this. Dirk had a stunning opening statement, it does not excuse in my mind BUT it does give some food for thought.

Also, Brek and Hadru indeed have very different issues and motivations...

I am hooked!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000379 03/30/21 09:56 AM
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Thanks IB, once again I'm very grateful for your kind feedback.

I've written out the trial in full and am really looking forward to hearing your thoughts as it goes on. It's not going to be too easy for the team and there's a twist coming that I think will surprise you too.

More soon,


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Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000383 03/30/21 12:42 PM
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I am so eager to read it, C! As always, I remain a big fan!

Re: Legion Worlds Seven (more 30 March 21)
Harbinger #1000406 03/31/21 06:07 AM
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I just realised tonight that there have been updates and I am very excited to see that we're into the trial!! I kept a notepad with some thoughts as I went along so here goes:

- I really liked the resolution to the Bubble Arc arc, it had a nice classic Star Trek feel to it with Babbage revealing that one of the things this society believed was a sacred rule was based on a misunderstanding

- I also got a chuckle out of the image of Babbage awkwardly patting someone's head while they hug him earnestly laugh And his final goodbye to Maiara was quite wooby, well done!

- Also a good LOL: "Kid Pulsar was surrounded by many young, and not so young women who spoke about their reproductive cycles in quite frank detail. It made him incredibly uncomfortable so he telepathically requested Solar Gorilla join him."

- oof, I do NOT envy Dirk....for one thing he doesn't have much to work with in terms of a defence, but Luornu is definitely in my top three Legionnaires I wouldn't want to be opposing in a trial!

I am eagerly anticipating where you take this, Harbi...I like how Hadru and Brek are being presented with different approaches; I kind of feel like your Brek is someone who is at heart not a bad person but his lack of confidence and desperate need to be validated lead him to stupid decisions, whereas Hadru seems like he's just a little entitled nasshead tongue Part of me is hoping Hadru breaks bad actually, we've never really seen something like that happen outside of Jan in Legion Lost as far as I can think of!

Ready for more, more, more!

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