Thanks for the links stile & Catonyx. It's always good to get other views, and ones that don't necessarily match my own.
Some bits and pieces:-
Sook's art is really good. I could do without all the large group panels. I'm not sure whether Sook gets them, so that original art sells for more, or if Bendis has asked them all to go in, and onto which he adds spots of dialogue to give some characters a voice.
I like the little visual stories that go on. Lu's costume; the Dawny/ Jo match.
I hadn't thought about the previous Super-punches in the Legion. I was thinking of Infinite Crisis and some Event before that. The villain is immune to one super person bludgeoning him to bits. But if *two* should punch, it's all over. My ultra-quibble voice tells me that Darkseid wasn't defeated by his punches, making them less a silly plot conclusion.
I also thought that Gold Lantern's page per issue plot progression is interesting.
And nice work on why the Kryptonians might not attack the villain, stile. Plot acrobatics is a Legion World super skill!