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Legion Worlds Nine updated 26 June 24
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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 7 Oct 20
Harbinger #993101 10/07/20 04:13 AM
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The Spear of Artemis - Amynta of Nostos ii, incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight, carries magical weapons
Karate Kid - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills

Morning is arbitrary when the sun never sets, but the Amazonian living on the tidally locked world of Nostos ii had taken to using a rhythm that matched the cycles of day and night of Earth, their original home world.

Amynta had polished her armour when she had woken up, not that it wasn't already immaculate but still she brushed and buffed the leather and metal studs until they gleamed. After she had finished, and Karate kid had completed her morning Tai Chi in the garden, they had eaten a hearty breakfast of soaked oats with fresh milk, honey and sharp little berries that popped with flavour. Karate Kid had offered to clean their bowls for Glykeria. The Amazon grandmother had only smiled as she took them from the Legionnaire's hands and placed them in her kitchen sink.

"There are far more important things to do this day... but thank you for your kind offer Mithindrivithis." Before the conversation could continue Amynta spoke.

"Come on, the temple will know I'm here already. We must visit the priestesses." The Spear of Artemis stood up from the table and reached for her fur lined cloak, eager to get going.

The older woman walked behind the legionnaires as they made their way to the Temple and the Priestesses of Artemis. There were very few Amazons on the streets and those that saw the three of them were obviously happy to see Amynta and Glykeria, though often a little bit wary of Karate Kid. Amynta made a point of introducing her friend as a great warrior from a distant world. The obvious respect the Spear of Artemis had for the elf-like martial artist was enough to encourage her fellow Amazons to be less hesitant in being friendly. Karate Kid was gracious and respectful in return. Glykeria smiled as she watched, she could see how much her granddaughter had grown in the last year since leaving their world for the Legion and knew that the curious elf-girl that had joined her was perhaps part of the reason for that maturity.

As they walked Karate Kid asked questions about the architecture. Amynta described how the city had been created to remind the refugees that arrived here so long ago of ancient Greece yet adapted for this world - great columns and frescoes decorated the fronts of each building while the rears were curved to deflect the cold winds. The city itself was built in a curved fashion so the centre was most sheltered. All roads curved as they led in from the suburbs towards the heart of the city so there was never a single view of a sweeping vista of this most unusual settlement for a traveller to glimpse. With the strange shifting shadows in the thin fog blushed a dirty pink by the constant twilight the city appeared gloomy. Although she didn't say it, Karate Kid felt more claustrophobic in these surroundings than she had on any of the Legion's satellite bases.

The Temple of Artemis sat in the centre of the town. There was an open space in front of the huge building where a market had been set up and a small crowd buzzed at the stalls. As Amynta approached a silence fell as everyone present turned to watch her as she strode towards them. Several cheered and started to approach but it was noticeable that many looked angry or upset - their Spear had finally returned and Karate Kid noticed that clearly not everyone was glad that either Amynta had left in the first place ...or perhaps that she had deigned to come back.

"Be careful now darling girl. Be gracious and gentle... not everyone understood you reasons for leaving." Glykeria said softly from behind the legionnaires.

Amynta smiled broadly and clapped the arms of the friends that came to her. There were more cheers from some and broad smiles and questions as the crowd came towards them. Karate Kid watched on, wary that it may not have been what it seemed. There was a small crowd chanting her name as Amynta approached the temple steps. Karate Kid had fallen in behind her fellow legionnaire, deftly avoiding the push and pull of the mob that surrounded them. Glykeria had stepped well back as the old woman wanted to watch the priestess's reactions to her granddaughters' return.

Two young priestesses, wearing simple white robes bound by leather straps at the waist that marked them as the chaste keepers of Artemis' Temple, walked down the steps towards the crowd. Everyone fell silent as they approached. Amynta held her chin up and gave a genuine warm smile towards them. Both gave quick smiles in return.

Amynta turned to the crowd and said "Thank you my sisters, I look forward to speaking with you all again once I have shown proper piety due our Sacred Mother within the Temple." There was a cheer again from the Amazons in the marketplace. Amynta signalled for Karate Kid to follow her as she went up the steps. Glykeria stepped forward and followed them up the steps of her goddess's temple.

After the doors had been closed behind them the two young priestesses, Aegina and Ione, turned and hugged their goddesses' Spear in genuine pleasure.

Amynta reciprocated and the three of them chatted as they slowly walked the length of the temple to the altar at the far end. There were a dozen large columns running down each side of the central space, with burning torches protruding from each giving the otherwise austere temple a warm glow. The windows to the front were the only other source of light, and they had stained glass showing scenes from the huntress goddesses' life. Karate Kid kept her thoughts to herself though from what she saw it appeared Amynta worshipped a vicious god.

Half a dozen lean hunting dogs ran up to them, happy to have Amynta and Glykeria stroke their heads affectionately. They avoided Karate Kid at first and she looked around at the insides of this temple. She had never been in any sort of official religious building before so wanted to learn as much as she could while here. The largest of the dogs, its head reached Karate Kid's shoulder, approached the elfin martial artist. Its deep brown eyes were glinting with mischief. It bowed its head down, its tongue lolling out to the side of its mouth. Its tail beat fiercely against the flagstone floor.

"That is Laipas, she wants to play with you Mithindrivithis. She is welcoming you to the temple." Amynta said quietly.

"I have never played with a dog before. Will it bite me?" Karate Kid turned to her friend as she asked. Laipas gave an excited bark to get the Legionnaires attention.

"She may, though she will not draw blood from any friend of the Temple. You should be fine; she would attack if she felt threatened in any way by your presence. Her pack guards this sacred place for the goddess."

Karate Kid smiled at the dog and gave a low bow towards the beast. The hunting dog yelped with excitement and her tail beat twice as fast. The other dogs all turned away from Amynta and Glykeria's fussing to watch as their pack leader played with the stranger.

Karate Kid sprung into the air and gave a twisting double somersault before landing behind the great hound. The great hunting dog turned quickly and jumped to catch the Legionnaire. With a grin Mithindrivithis slid along the floor underneath the dog, missing her paws by millimetres. As she passed the Legionnaires quickly stroked the dogs' belly gently. Laipas barked again when she landed and turned once more. This time the dog stopped to consider her opponent, a great grin across her snout as she gave three quick barks. This time her pack barked back in unison and sprung forward to join in the game.

"Watch out my friend." Amynta said with a chuckle. The priestesses both laughed. The Hounds of Artemis rarely played with an outsider, in fact they rarely played with anyone, so the priestesses were sure that these mystical hunting dogs trusted the small Legionnaire that had accompanied their Spear into the Temple.

As Karate Kid glanced over her shoulder at the other hounds Laipas bounded forward and leaped at the Legionnaire. Karate Kid kept her stance and just as the hound reached her she moved with stunning fluidity and swept the dog into her arms, spinning it around in the air before her then plonked it down onto the hard floor in front of the pack. For a second Laipas looked confused before yelping and turning back towards the Legionnaire, the great hound's tail wagging fast. The hunting dog grinned again before bowing her head and stretching her paws out in front of her to lower her body to the floor, Karate Kid bowed graciously and smiled warmly in return. Laipas barked once more but before the game could continue a voice called out from the far end of the temple.

"Spear! So, you've finally remembered your duty and returned. Is that your sacrifice for the Goddesses playing with the hounds? Bring it here so I may slit its throat upon the altar."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 7 Oct 20
Harbinger #993102 10/07/20 04:14 AM
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More soon as we complete Cham's mission and things heat up on Nostos ii.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993295 10/14/20 06:06 AM
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Officially missing (Espionage Squad mission): Rimbor, investigation of former Vice-Chancellor Sa Lok of Rimbor, the once Under Secretary to the United Planets Security Council

Chameleon Boy ? Espionage Squad leader, Reep Daggle of Durla, shape changer
Spy (Former team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo - Heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Prescience (Former Academy student) - Gord Eno of Naltor - precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situations

Gord Eno had taken out the guard with a swift blow to the head.

The former Pre-Commando of Naltor caught the unconscious man before he smashed into the ground. Gently, Gord laid the man down behind a large desk and slipped a set of incapacity cuffs on his arms. This guard would not be able to raise any alarm until the cuffs came off. Reep patted the former student lightly on the shoulder before walking ahead. The Durlan slipped into the form of a Vanutian Bloddhound, its keen senses of smell and hearing would give them warning if there was anyone else there.

For all Reep had cultivated contacts and aides over the years in some less-than-salubrious organisations and cabals on Rimbor he had no-one they could lean on within Sa Lok's network. They would need to work out a way of getting onto his mainframe without there being a high risk of being caught some other way than simply asking... or perhaps blackmailing, someone else to do it for them. Noah and Gord were both a little shocked when this was explained to them though the senior Legionnaire smiled and reassured them that if they were successful they'd be in and out before their opponent knew anything about it. Any other outcome would be a failure.

The compound was set amongst prime farmland with rolling fields of grain and orchards that appeared to stretch almost to the horizon. There were plenty of barns and huts throughout the area and the team had asked Henry to warp them to the co-ordinates Gord had seen in his vision. The holo-man had whispered "good luck" as they strode through the swirling honey and violet warp into a dark shed full of industrial farming equipment. The main residence was only a klick or so away. Gord had quickly dealt with the guard before they searched for any others.

The three-man team each wore their distorters at maximum setting; the illusion setting would make them difficult to see, not exactly invisible but matching their environment in colour and shading, while it also generated a field that scrambled any electronic surveillance. They each hoped it would be enough to get them out safely as well.

<I think there may be a tunnel connecting this place to the main house> Noah Kabbo sent to his colleagues.

<The guards scent comes from here> Reep replied, in his canine form he had quickly found a solid looking square in the floor where the man they had unconscious on the floor had walked through recently. Gord approached and quickly found the opening control - a series of buttons under a wooden panel. Reep transformed into a sand fly and flew through the gap as Gord eased the trap door ajar.


The two men quickly followed their team leader into the tunnel. With the confidence that their flight rings would stop them from being spotted they made their way quickly along the corridor. It was utilitarian in design, stark concrete walls and floor with pipes running along the ceiling and unshaded lights every twenty metres.

Due to the curve of the corridor they couldn't see more than 10 metres ahead of them so Chameleon Boy flew ahead in his sand fly form. Noah Kabbo used his psionic skill to search for the nearest minds but he couldn't sense anyone close by - this aspect of his abilities had a 25 metre radius.

<there's a lock here, Gord do you fancy working out the combination?> Reep's message caught both Gord and Noah by surprise as they had been so focused on creeping along the corridor. Both smiled to themselves as they continued.

<Looking forward to it, be with you shortly>

They reached Reep soon after and Gord got to work figuring out the most probable combination. He quickly had it and pressed the numbers in confidently. The door before them irised open and they stepped through into a darkened room - finally, the three man espionage team had access to the underground chambers of Sa lok's personal accommodation.

Gord Eno knew that this was the break they had been working towards.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993296 10/14/20 06:07 AM
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In the end it had been anti-climatic, Gord thought.

There had been a close call when a security detail changed shifts and they had heard one mention that one of their colleagues wasn't replying to the hourly check-in, but they then went on to say he was legendary for skiving off and Sa Lok would deal with him...

Reep had managed to get access to a net-point to access the internal database on Sa Lok's computers. Brainiac 5's data vampire had quickly copied all the data and after returning to the unconsious guard they had left behind and removing the incapacity cuffs so there would be no evience of their visit they had made their swift exit without any further problems with the help of one of Henry's warps.

They returned to Reep's rather stark quarters on First Base where the Durlan quickly went to work on researching the data they had taken. Both Gord and Noah had been excused by the senior Legionnaire and he turned to give his full focus to the data stream before him. Although he didn't say it to the two men that had joined him on the mission to Rimbor, Reep Daggle could already see there were financial transactions that would definitely be of interest to several judiciaries within the UP, and he had only just started examining the data. He was certain that by the time he was finished they would have enough information to shut down the corrupt Rimborian and the majority of his business interests. In a lot of ways this was more satisfying to the Durlan Legionnaire than punching any amount of meta-humans on the face. He also fully understood that quite a lot of his teammates would disagree...

After leaving the quarters Gord spoke to Noah:

"I kinda expected a bit more action on that mission. We sat out on a station for three weeks and picked up a few tips for the SP's but in the end we needed Ayla to create a distraction..."

"Espionage is often like that I think. The holo's reliving the adventures of James and Jane Bond make it seem really exciting but, sorry to say it wasn't, was it?"

"Yeah, well, I guess it's a learning experience, eh? So what's the plan now? Are you going back to counseling?" Gord asked.

"Are you joking? I want to be a Legionnaire now, more than ever. The last hour when we snuck into the house was the best I've had in the last year!" Dr Kabbo started laughing as he replied.

"Yeah ... that's true. Let's hope they let us keep our flight rings."

"After helping get the dirt on one of the most corrupt men in the UP's upper hierarchy? We'll be shoo-ins." Dr Kabbo smiled broadly.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993297 10/14/20 06:08 AM
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The Spear of Artemis - Amynta of Nostos ii, incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight, carries magical weapons
Karate Kid ? Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills

Alcathoe, the high priestess of Artemis walked towards them.

Dressed in a long white robe like the other two priestesses, Alcathoe carried an ornate bow across her shoulder and a small dagger on a thin looping belt. Her thick black hair had been cut in a short rough bob and around her neck she wore a silver chain with small medallions showing the stages of the moon cycle from a thin crescent through to a bulbous full sphere. The stern lines of her face betrayed the High Priestess as someone that did not smile often. Karate Kid suspected Alcathoe, like the divine being she worshiped, could be capricious and cruel as easily as she could be generous and forgiving. The Legionnaire wondered to herself which mood the priestess was in this day.

Amynta and Glykeria had both taken to a knee with their head bowed as their high priestess approached. The two young priestesses stood demurely with heads also lowered in submission. Even the dogs all sat and were quiet. Karate Kid bowed from the waist and waited to see when her friend would stand again as her cue to straighten up.

"How was your hunt Spear? Have you slain all the brutal monsters of man's galaxy in our goddesses' name and now seek your rest?" The tone was mocking.

Out of the corner of her eye Mithindrivithis could see her friend raise her head, though she remained with a knee on the floor. Karate Kid decided to stay bowed. Amynta of Nostos ii smiled, though with little warmth as she replied.

"The monsters to be found are endless, holy one. Even with our long lives it would be impossible to slay them all. I have returned becau..." Amynta was cut off by Alcathoe before the Legionnaire could offer an explanation.

"No trophies to share? Artemis Agrotera will be displeased. Your respect for your hold of the Spear is obviously slackening." There was an obvious admonishment and perhaps an edge of threat in the tone though Karate Kid was unsure what could be said to turn the conversation.

"If it pleases..." Glykeria started to speak, her tone light.

"It does not! Stay quiet or be removed." Karate Kid heard Amynta take a deep breath as her grandmother lowered her head again, "So, Amynta, is your grip of our sacred Spear slackening? Have you become infected by man's weakness while on your... jolly adventures?" The last two words was dripping in scorn.

"If you wish to challenge me Alcathoe please feel free." Amynta said in a deceptively soft voice. "Perhaps our meeting in arms will teach you to speak more respectfully to our elders, especially the one that held your position for several centuries prior to your ascension to High Priestess?"

There was a toxic silence for several seconds that followed. One of the dogs whined, obviously sensitive to the atmosphere.

"Perhaps you do need a challenge Amynta, granddaughter of the ... former High Priestess. If only she had kept her vows and not lain with a man and so betraying our virgin goddess..."

"Amynta!" Glykeria snapped as the Spear of Artemis stood up and took a step towards Alcathoe.

"You... you dare to threaten a High Priestess? Well, a challenge you shall have Amynta. I formally challenge you to a contest for the Spear. Let Artemis Agrotera decide our fates."

"I accept your challenge Alcathoe, gladly will I meet you in combat." Amynta's reply was gleeful.

The High Priestess gave a knowing smile before she replied.

"Ah, yet it is unseemly for the High Priestess to lower herself to fight like a drunken commoner in the market square." Again, the scorn showed through in her tone. "I will name a substitute as is only proper." Alcathoe smiled viciously before adding, "...As you too now must do as well. And let it be known that only those currently with their feet on Nostos ii can participate in this challenge so do not go running to your man-friends for aid. This is a battle for sisters only."

The High Priestesses eyes flicked down to Karate Kid and her smile widened as she turned away from the Legionnaires and walked out of the temple to announce that in one hour a fight for the right to be called Spear of their Goddesses' temple would be held.

"Oh, what have you done now Amynta?" Glykeria hissed.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993298 10/14/20 06:09 AM
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Karate Kid closely watched the woman that the High Priestess had named to fight on her behalf in the challenge.

Eunomia was tall for an Amazon, standing close to seven feet with cropped strawberry blonde hair. She was heavily muscled, though her step was light as she walked around the crowd with a belligerent confidence trying to whip up support.

The High Priestess and the young warrior she had named to fight on her behalf shared glances that told the Legionnaires that this was not a surprise for either to find themselves in this position. The High Priestess obviously wanted Amynta to rise to the bait of her taunting and challenge her. Karate Kid wondered if Alcothoe was looking for a Spear for her temple that she could control. As it had been Alcathoe that had announced the challenge it was Amynta's right to say what the challenge should entail. It was obvious that Karate Kid was her only choice of second in this contest.

Amynta warned her friend that Eunomia was a fierce warrior that had hurt many of their sisters during their training over the years and she was widely feared for her temper. Karate Kid nodded and asked Amynta to ensure it would be combat without weapons. Amynta smiled as she called this out to the assembled crowds. She added that they had requested this to save Eunomia from losing too much blood unnecessarily, which had raised a laugh from the townspeople.

The two young priestesses that had welcomed Amynta into the temple stood with the High Priestess, their eyes betrayed how upset they were with the situation. Alcathoe had strutted around as the market traders quickly moved their stalls and produce out of the way, clearing a square roughly twenty-five meters along each edge. The crowds had quickly gathered as word went round.

Amynta and her Grandmother stood at the bottom of the steps several yards behind Karate Kid. The gathering crowd had avoided them.

"Are you sure your friend is capable of winning this? Even without weapons it will be hard to hold Eunomia down, she is as strong as you are Amynta." Glykeria had asked quietly through a fixed smile.

"Mithindrivithis is more than capable, grandmother." Amynta's tone was harsher than she had meant, though it was obvious her anger was not directed at Glykeria.

Alcathoe clapped her hands and announced that the leader of this city's warriors, the Spear, had returned from her adventures only to insult and threaten their High Priestess, so in keeping with tradition a challenge had been called. Eunomia had kindly offered to stand in for the High Priestess while Amynta had chosen a base off-worlder of dubious heritage to represent her. The crowds could all see and understood the two junior priestesses' expressions from behind their senior which told them that this interpretation of events was not exactly how they remembered it.

The contest was to be in hand-to-hand combat with defeat being called once one or the other called out for mercy or were unable to do so due to being unconscious ...or dead. The winner would decide who should carry the name of Spear for this city. With that announcement Alcathoe stepped backwards out of the combat area and the two opponents stepped forward.

Karate Kid stepped into the square and bowed respectfully towards her opponent. As she did Eunomia flew at the Legionnaire with both fists above her head as if ready to crush her opponent. The Amazon was within two feet of the Legionnaire when the martial artist deftly sprung into a sideways cartwheel and kicked the Amazon firmly under the chin sending her reeling into the dirt.

The crowd cheered as Karate Kid cartwheeled across the square away from her opponent.

Eunomia stood quickly and bowed ironically towards those that had cheered and jeered as she fell. Her eyes were hard and unforgiving as she looked towards them while she got back onto her feet and stood up straight. The threat on her face as she stared at the crowd was tangible, the Amazon would remember who had not supported her here. Karate Kid saw this and understood perfectly; Eunomia was clearly a bully to the folks of this small city and she was also in league with the high priestess that had insulted both her friend Amynta and the Amazons' kind grandmother, Glykeria.

At that moment the young elf-like Legionnaire also knew she would rather enjoy teaching her opponent the errors of her ways. On Lythyl they had a saying about people like this:

"Unworthy of a clean death."

While the Legionnaire certainly had no plans of murdering her opponent, the sentiment behind the statement made perfect sense - public humiliation given to those that assumed and abused a status above that which they deserved... It only seemed like the proper thing to do.

The small elf-like martial artist smiled as she signaled for the Amazon to try again.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993299 10/14/20 06:10 AM
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As Eunomia attacked Karate Kid leapt over her head. The Legionnaire cuffed the Amazon on the ears as she ran underneath the Legionnaire then kicked out to catch the bully on her lower back throwing her once more onto the ground.

The cheers were more subdued than before but it was obvious that the crowd were enjoying seeing their rude sister beaten like this. That only confirmed to the Legionnaire that her assessment of her opponent had been correct. As she landed, Karate Kid effortlessly rolled and leapt back to her feet. Eunomia swore as she stood up and this time she sauntered slowly towards the Legionnaire. She had twice tried to run her down and failed so this time the Amazon would try a different approach.

As she got close Eunomia lashed out with her left hand as if to grab the Legionnaire's throat. Karate Kid ducked and swerved gracefully to avoid the hand but as she did the Amazon lifted her right knee in an unexpected swift attack. The blow was only glancing but it was enough to throw Karate Kid away from her opponent. The Legionnaire remained on her feet but rubbed her ribs to indicate the strike had hurt and nodded her head in acknowledgement to her opponent that the blow was good.

Eunomia had a wicked smile as she once again approached the Legionnaire.

"I will enjoy throttling you... you disgusting alien beast. You will die today as surely as a hog at the hunt." Her voice wasn't loud but it was heard by everyone present. Several of the crowd booed at this though the High Priestess herself clapped in agreement.

Glykeria placed a hand gently on Amynta's forearm; a warning to not step forward as in doing so she would forfeit the fight and lose her title.

Mithindrivithis had cartwheeled, ducked, swerved and bobbed to avoid the rain of blows that her opponent tried to strike her with. After perhaps fifteen seconds of missed attacks the Legionnaire spotted an opening and jumped towards the Amazon striking her fully in the chest with her knee and battering her face with a couple of swift elbow strikes. The cracks of these blows echoed in the market square and for a second, as the Amazon warrior fell backwards, there was silence. As Eunomia's back crashed into the ground with a tremendous thud a cheer roared out from the crowd. Karate Kid cartwheeled away again and stood watching as her now dazed and livid opponent once more scrambled to her feet.

Karate Kid smiled and held a hand out towards her opponent signalling her to approach, if she dared. Eunomia dashed at it and grabbed tight, though as she did Karate Kid rolled and turned the Amazon's momentum against her and with a double kick to the Amazon's stomach sent her flying into the air to crash at the feet of the High Priestess. The crowd roared its approval.

Eunomia snarled as she dived once more at the Legionnaire and again, she quickly found herself face down in the dirt and the crowd cheering her misfortune. Again, and again, and again once more this scenario played itself out with Eunomia being further humiliated before her people until eventually Karate Kid spoke. She had been considering what she might say as she fought the Amazon, and had decided that unless she used a language that these people understood there would be no chance of her opponent acting appropriately.

"Eunomia, yield and you can leave with some pride intact. If you do not then you will forever be named as a loser amongst your people! Yield Eunomia, spare yourself from any more of this shame. "

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 14 Oct 20
Harbinger #993306 10/14/20 10:51 AM
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Unseen, not unheard
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Another great batch, Harbi!

Loved how the spy mission was a TRUE espionage one, in and out undetected (even removing the incapacity cuffs from the guard!). Great highlighting of "truth in non-fiction" (i.e. not all espionage missions are meant to be llke James and Jane Bond - nice touch by the way, adding Jane!)

Great, funny symmetry with Ayla's team lulling Sa Lok into a false sense of security

You did great having the High Priestess and Eunomia be the obvious bullies here. Glykeria as former High Priestess - well done, well-revealed. I love how the junior priestesses' faces showed the crowd the truth. And also love you having Karate Kid be willing to offer a saving throw to Eunomia.

More, more, more please!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 15 Oct 20
Harbinger #993341 10/15/20 06:06 AM
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The Spear of Artemis - Amynta of Nostos ii, incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight, carries magical weapons
Karate Kid - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills

The cheers and jeers from the crowd that followed were the loudest yet and Eunomia screamed incoherently as she charged at the lithe Legionnaire. Mithindrivithis waited until the very last split second before diving aside leaving Eunomia to smash full pelt into Alcathoe and the crowd around her. Amynta smiled to herself; she understood that Mithindrivithis believed that such a challenge would draw an Amazon to her senses! Her friend may be an incredibly talented combatant but she had no idea of the motivational force of pride of a warrior or the fear of losing social status. Her friend clearly was not overly burdened with an ego.

<Amynta, can you put an end to this? I assumed she would see sense and stop> Karate Kid sent her message along the Legion flight ring's telepathic grid.

<The fight must remain between just the two of you. If you have any help you would immediately lose and forfeit any claims>

As the two Legionnaires had been communicating Eunomia rose from the crowd holding a sword in one hand that she had grabbed from one of the crowd she had collided with and the High Priestesses' ornate dagger in the other.

"DIE!" The Amazon warrior yelled as she launched herself at the Legion's martial artist.

Karate Kid leapt into the air just as Eunomia reached her and kicked the Amazon firmly in the throat knocking the blonde warrior backwards. As the Amazon stumbled Mithindrivithis backflipped towards her and jumped up to strike Eunomia half a dozen times in under a second with sharp, precise blows to the head knocking her immediately unconscious.

Eunomia's body slammed into the ground and the crowd were silent for two long seconds before erupting in cheers. As the crowd roared Amynta ran forward to wrap her arms around her fellow Legionnaire's waist and held her up so the crowd could see the victor in this contest.

<I did not want to do that, but it was the only way to stop her without lasting damage> Karate Kid sent to her Legion colleague.

<It would have saved a lot of time had you started with that move...> Amynta's wry response. <Anyways, I thank you my friend! Your prowess today has been worthy of the mightiest of warriors> Amynta sent as the crowd rushed forward to congratulate the Legionnaires.

Five minutes later, Amynta and Mithindrivithis stood on the steps with Glykeria. Eunomia had been taken away by a healer. Alcathoe had retreated into the temple with the two young priestesses immediately after the fight had finished. The High Priestess had announced that the goddess was to decide the fate of those involved and she would return soon with a message from divine Artemis. Alcathhoe had then stamped her way into the temple with the two young priestesses scurrying to catch up before the doors slammed shut.

Glykeria smiled and nodded towards many of the townsfolk as they bustled around. Many of the residents had approached Amynta to say how happy they were at seeing her again while a few had approached Karate Kid to express how well they thought she had fought.

Ione, the younger of the two priestesses, returned to the square proclaiming that the High Priestess had finished consulting with the Diving Goddess so would join them shortly with her announcement. The young priestess kept her head down after making the announcement, the picture of demure respect as she stood at the top of the temple's steps.

The iron bound temple doors opened and Alcathoe stepped out into the twilit square. She remained at the top of the steps and signalled for Amynta and Mithindrivithis to join her.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 15 Oct 20
Harbinger #993342 10/15/20 06:07 AM
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Alcathoe did not meet either Legionnaires eye as they approached her.

Instead, the High Priestess stared at the crowd that gathered at the bottom of the steps awaiting her divine proclamation. She kept her chin up though there was something in her manner that spoke of a frailty that had not been there before.

"Sisters! Today we have watched a mighty battle where one of our own was felled in a contest to claim the honour of being the Spear of our Divine Mother, Artemis!" The High Priestesses voice carried across the whole market place. The crowd cheered. "This contest was ugly and the ending has given us all something to consider. For many centuries we have remained on this world as the Gods and Goddesses bade when fair Thermyscira was destroyed on our true home world of Earth. Our sister ...Amynta, has broken with that tradition to fight alongside warriors from across the many starred sky. Her role as our Spear, as the warrior safekeeper that stands to protects us in our time of need, has been left unfulfilled by these actions."

The crowd started to protest and Amynta turned to the High Priestess, the Legionnaires face was turning red with anger.

"Artemis Agrotera herself has spoken to me and given me her command that we need a Spear in our city to protect her temple." Alcathoe said loudly, cutting across the complaints and jeers. Again, the crowd protested. Glykeria had a tight grip on her granddaughters' arm by now and was whispering urgent commands for the Legionnaire to not do anything she may regret.

"Our Goddess has whispered to me that Amynta should no longer be our Spear..." there were loud jeers and calls that Alcathoe was lying at this point. As the crowd below the temple jeered the High Priestess quickly continued. "Though... we would not wish to lose such a mighty warrior as Amynta from our sisterhood, instead the goddess has dictated that we must use her to our advantage. As she has shown by her choice of humble companion it is evident that Amynta is a clear example of the very best of us." At this the crowd cheered.

Alcathoe took a deep breath.

"From this day forth it will be Amynta's role to promote our virtues, share our kind strength and teach our honourable ways to the many worlds where the far-flung children of Earth now stand. The galaxy knows almost nothing of the dignity and might of the Amazons. Amynta will be sent from this place, not as the Spear of Artemis but instead as an official ambassador for all of us. "

With this the High Priestess finally turned to face the Amazon Legionnaire and unexpectedly knelt before her, bowing her head in contrite respect. The crowd around the temple quickly followed suit and very soon there was silence as the inhabitants of the city knelt before their Legionnaire warrior. After what felt like an eternity to Amynta, though in reality was only perhaps five or six seconds, Alcathoe stood up. It was very clear from the High Priestesses' face that the goddess who ruled this city had said much more to her that perhaps was about her own character that had not been too kind. Alcathoe's eyes held both tears and fear as they met Amynta's.

She glanced away and turned her eyes towards Karate Kid.

"Artemis herself has told me that you must take this... for your dignity in battle was not lost from the goddess." She handed over her dagger; it shone as the elfin martial artist examined it. Karate Kid was unsure what to do with it but bowed her head in acceptance. Alcathoe turned back to Amynta, her posture was one of defeat as she continued.

"...and our goddess insisted that as you must give up her enchanted spear you should take the one thing from the temple that you have missed the most."

"Laipas!" Amynta smiled at the thought of the great hunting dog being by her side again. "...Though who will take my place as Spear of the temple once I leave?"

"It is for Artemis to decide. She... she did not share her choice with me." Alcathoe looked abjectly defeated as she admitted this. As wild and unruly as their goddess could be it was very apparent Artemis had not liked her High Priestess scheming against her chosen Spear of the Temple. That breach of decorum would not go unpunished. They both knew that before long there would be a new High Priestess as well as a new Spear to guard the temple. The High Priestesses' pride and envy had been so great that they had undermined their goddess's choices for her people so there would be retribution. Amynta felt a momentary pang of sadness for Alcathoe but couldn't help but smile broadly at the High Priestess. Alcathoe's eyes flashed with bitter hatred but she lowered her face in a sign of respect.

Ione approached the Legionnaires, Laipas padded softly by her side. The great hound pushed her nose into Amynta's hand, the hunting dog's tail wagging fiercely. The young priestess smiled and put her hand on Amynta's shoulder.

<Amynta, my friend, I think we should leave soon. We did not come here to cause this upset so perhaps the answer to our malady lies back amongst the Legion> Karate Kid sent across the telepathic grid.

<One more evening with my grandmother as she will appreciate that, then we shall return to our comrades>

<She would be grateful I agree. Though what will you be called, as you are no longer to be the Spear?>

<That's true, I shall consider it though think I shall ask to be called be The Huntress, in honour of my goddess> There was a happy pride in Amynta's message.

Mithindrivithis scratched behind Laipas' ears as the great hunting dog nuzzled into her.

<That would be a fitting name. I wonder... do you think our comrades in the Legion like dogs?>

<Do you really believe I will give them any choice?>

The two Legionnaires smiled on the steps to the temple as the crowd in the market place cheered their new ambassador to the greater galaxy and her alien friend.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 15 Oct 20
Harbinger #993343 10/15/20 06:14 AM
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IB, thanks for your kind words again.

There will be some fall-out from the espionage mission as the Legion will learn exactly what Sa Lok has up his sleeve.

Amynta and Mithindrivithis' little adventure if over though, again, there will be consequences further along as a result.

I'm going to finish LW 6 very soon - it's been by far the most difficult stage in my interpretation of the team to get right so I'm hoping a fresh start will help clear my head a bit and get back to fun missions and interpersonal moments. I've written out the last half a dozen posts but need to give them an edit before posting them for you. LW7 will start soon after that with some smaller missions as we get to know the status quo.

More soon,


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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 15 Oct 20
Harbinger #993354 10/15/20 11:39 AM
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A very nice wrap-up, Harbi. Having Eunomia NOT give up - and having KK finish it swiftly - showed so much about KK. And I LOVE how you used KK to also show honor on Amynta - after all, one is judged by the friends one makes, yes?

Also happy to see that horrible High Priestess get what she deserved in the end!

And we have a dog! Yay! Awww, Laipas.

Looking forward to more more more!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993522 10/20/20 01:51 AM
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If Tinya were to be honest, she wouldn't have allowed Brek to re-join the team.

She had never been all that keen on him, not really. The ambition and sense of self-importance the short Tharrite projected was such an obvious cover for his insecurities and selfishness... or at least that's what Phantom Girl had always thought. She remembered Jo had found Brek to be funny, with the added caveat that Jo firmly believed that he would happily push his Gran under a wheat thrasher if he thought it would get him one step further. Tinya had always respected Jo's views even when they disagreed... not that they did when it came to Polar Boy.

The Tharrite had contacted the Legion leader through a reporter at Media Star. He had to, he said, as he must have left his flight ring behind when he taken his sabbatical. He entirely failed to mention he had belligerently stormed off after being on the receiving end of justifiable remedial action by the senior team after some appalling drunken behaviour. Tinya didn't correct him as she knew that situation would become a story that she didn't want to see being broadcast.

The Legion leader smiled and said she would have Henry warp him over shortly. She made a point of thanking the reporter as well for reuniting the team with Polar Boy before signing off and swearing rather broadly to herself.

Tinya made Brek wait over thirty minutes in Henry's warp control room before going to collect him. During this time, she called Troy and Cece to ask for advice.

Tyroc suggested at the very least that Kent gave Brek a full medical and Dr Faulkner had a long psych-session with him, while Thunder added that his flight ring could have a setting coded to his DNA that triggered an alert if alcohol or stims became present in his system to a degree that may affect his capacity to function as a Legionnaire. Tinya thanked them both and finished her caffe-pod before going to talk to Brek.

Polar Boy apologised profusely and accepted all the conditions without any qualms. It was his smile as he thanked her that ultimately prompted Tinya to make more conditions before she would allow him to return to the full team: Brek was to complete a full month's training on Home Base. If the tutors thought he was good enough then he'd be welcome back.

His eyes narrowed and it was very obvious that the short man from the far-off colony world was furious at not being welcomed back with open arms, but his smile never wavered as he grudgingly agreed.

Unfortunately for Brek, Tinya was furious as well.

She knew that she might regret it but his sense of self-entitlement irritated her. He needed to be taught a lesson, and so the Bgztlar told him in no uncertain terms after that there was one final condition. She continued, saying that she had been so disappointed and hurt by his behaviour before he left and the underhand manner he had just used to get her to accept him back - especially as he was a former leader she had greatly admired, she added this to twist the metaphorical knife - that if he failed on Home Base, she would personally see to it that he would never get the chance to re-join while she remained a Legionnaire.

Brek's eye's widened involuntarily as Tinya's resolve became apparent. He once more thanked her before asking in a small voice if it was okay if he get Henry to warp him to the Academy straight away.

"Do what you need to do Brek," Tinya said, "Just please stop fucking it up."

Her angry outburst ended their conversation. Brek left and Tinya returned to her quarters. The Legion leader knew she needed to offload with a trusted colleague before her anger at Brek affected other decisions she would need to make that day.

Tinya knew who she needed to talk to right at that moment....Tasmia.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993523 10/20/20 01:52 AM
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Three days later:

With the full team present, either in the flesh or by holo, Phantom Girl was very happy to announce the changes the Senior Team had recently agreed on implementing.

First though Tinya wanted to officially share news that was likely to be far less controversial:

Element Lad, Chameleon Boy, Timber Wolf, Shadow Lass, Polar Boy, Titan, Kid Quantum, M'Windaji, Shield and Kinetix, along with Dr Noah Kabbo and the former student from Naltor, Gord Eno, had all returned to full active duty. Shadow Lass would be joining the tutors on Home Base, Chameleon Boy, M'Windaji, Kinetix, and Gord Eno would be posted to First Base while the rest were to be part of Tyroc's team on Second Base. Polar Boy would be taking a refresher course at the Academy before they decided where he could go. Quite a few saw her smile as she added the last statement, and many shared her sentiments.

At this point, as previously agreed with Tinya, Gord addressed the group. The former student asked if they would object to him taking on the code-name that Jorn Golmorton, the Naltorian student that had been lost on Talok viii had used - as a Legionnaire Gord wanted to be called the Spoiler in honour of his fallen fellow pre-cog. Many of his new teammates congratulated him there and then, while Gim and Yera, along with both Rokk and Lournu, all sent personal messages later to his quarters saying how very proud they were of him.

Tinya also announced that there would be a couple of minor changes to personnel of the bases with Duplicate Girl focussing on Second Base while Otaki and Chemical Kid were to move back to First Base. This was, she assured the team, to balance out the skill sets available on each base. After the chatter about this announcement had died down Tinya said she was grateful that the team were almost at full capacity again as she wanted to introduce a new mission set-up: as well as there being a team represented on each base at all times to deal with emergencies there would be daily Hit Squads and regular Hope Squad missions.

As Tinya explained the remit of these mission types, she could clearly see on some of her colleagues faces which type of mission they'd prefer to be included in so she made sure to add that all Legionnaires would be audited to ensure parity between their missions' status among them all. Lu would be reporting to the senior team at regular intervals. As certain members of the team started to grumble and discuss the mission statements Phantom Girl raised her voice and carried on.

The important part of today's meeting, she said, was to offer an on-the-job training scheme of sorts to the best of their current crop of Academy students. Three-monthly internships were to be offered to those that the Academy tutors and Senior Team had seen as the cream of their current crop. For some of them, their three month placement from either the Science Police or their planetary militia would soon end and this was an opportunity for these students to build closer ties with the Legion and each other. And, she added with a bit of a mischievous grin, if a place was offered one day the interns might decide they wanted to become full-time Legionnaires instead.

Prior to this meeting Tinya had spoken to all of the Senior Team's original choices for internship and unfortunately a couple had refused, saying they were happy in their careers with the Science Police and UP Militia - much to Tinya's chagrin - but the rest had all happily agreed. They had been sworn to secrecy until they were revealed to the whole team at this meeting. Tinya was fairly sure that quite a few of them had found this to be particularly difficult...

Phantom Girl assured the team that going forward they would all have the chance to feedback their observations from working with those they were inducting today as well as any suggestions for future offers for internships but as the Senior Team really wanted to get the ball rolling without too much delay, she hoped no-one had any strong reservations about the students they had picked.

The first five she called out were not any real surprise as they had all been at the Academy for a while.

Dragon Lass, Solar Gorilla, Strobe, and Tectonik had all grown very comfortable around the team so, as they each walked up to the dais, they had waved and pointed at the cheering Legionnaires, obviously taking the moment to appreciate the applause the received.

Non had flown in and approached the assembled Legionnaires to bow before them. The negative energy being could be unpredictable in its social interactions but had proven to be 100% reliable while on training missions. Tyroc had said he was looking forward to working with it on Second Base.

The next intern drew a few raised eyebrows as her name was called out...

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993524 10/20/20 01:52 AM
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Sar Jerash Mor Toark of Mars, also called Tesseract, had known all along that one day she would become a Legionnaire.

She had abilities that none of her competition had and she was consistently top of her class in several academic areas. The young woman from Mars didn't really think much of her fellow students as, for one thing, most of them were just so dull. She knew, of course, that Legionnaires were a diverse group from throughout the universe but that didn't mean she would lower her standards. She had always been brought up to be a proper lady; to give as much to charity as one's time would allow, to serve and support those around her that were not as well off or lucky, and not tolerate those that were knowingly rude or tried to dominate or take from others. She simply didn't care for the media hype or parties that so many of the other students longed for... surely that should be seen as the downside of being a Legionnaire, not the reason for joining?

As the student called Tesseract, she could access an inter-dimensional space that held a locus synchronistic with her own body in this reality. This allowed her to reach into the strange other realm space and place anything non-organic within for future retrieval. She had an almost subconscious awareness of everything that was within this space and could access it with a whim.

One very noticeable side effect of her abilities was that her dark skin appeared to be full of tiny stars and constellations, small sparks of light circled and danced with each other as if she held within her another entire universe . As the limits of the other dimensional space had not been fully tested, perhaps she did. She thought it looked rather magnificent - unique and yet also classic!

One of her less intelligent fellow students called her a walking talking storeroom on their first day. She would remember that and had she not been so professional could have shown them exactly what she could store - she knew of various weapons, snares, gadgets and the like that were within her Inner-Space already and that she could summon with a thought - she contained a lightning bolt from a storm last summer that she knew was frozen inside her and a forest fire that she had single-handedly extinguished simply by walking amongst the roaring blaze and opening herself up fully to internalise its raging destructive power. It had been that act only five months before that convinced her usually cool and rather disinterested parents that she should be allowed to attend this strange place. They understood then that their child had the potential to become one of the truly, truly great. It would only be a pity though that it may become public, still if the good outweighed the tacky....

As well as suggesting that she join the Academy her mother divulged that there were some unfounded rumours within her side of the family that there was a possibility that they were descended on an illegitimate line from a meta-human adventurer from the late 27th century called Wormhole. This definitely not - but according to some slanderous gossip hounds perhaps - potential ancestor had the ability to open up intra-dimensional warps and it appeared that Sar Jerash had possibly inherited this skill. Of course, that was only if the rumours were true. Which they simply couldn't be, of course! Her mother's family would never openly talk about such things... Such colourful characters were not good for the family's reputation, so her mother had said.

Sar Jerash knew it was unkind as her family had always taught her that their reputation was their prime consideration, but she found these stories to be rather funny.

And so here she was, among the 31st centuries most colourful characters trying to make a name for herself and create a legacy that could inspire a generation. She would not hide away, scared of what the neighbours or distant relatives thought of her, not when there was such amazing work to be done.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993525 10/20/20 01:53 AM
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Next to be called was Jaun Vineo of Titan, a grade 'A' telekinetic that had been given the code name of the Poltergeist.

He could easily juggle air-cars or hold back a flash flood with his thoughts but he had shown far sneakier applications of his abilities. In only his second training session he had quickly defeated three opponents by tangling their bootstraps up and, as they tripped, he spun them into the walls. Lydda had been rather impressed. His abilities didn't reach down to the sub-atomic like Kinetix, but his range and overall power were far greater.

From his first day at the academy Luornu Durgo-Taine had noted how much Jaun used his powers with an easy confidence and a surety that she could have believed verged on arrogant if it weren't for the fact his Psych report prior to being accepted had shown a strong moral fibre along with a wide compassionate and generous streak. As she had gotten to know him Lu was quite certain that the remarkable telekinetic kid with the long dread-locked hair could become a Legionnaire quite quickly. There was far more to him than simply a prodigious mental ability. Ultimately it was his willingness to go beyond just using his potent psychic skills to create solutions that stood him in good stead.

Jaun had quickly learned the often boring and complicated laws and planetary codes that the Legion were legislated to work under. Jaun had also been sociable without being either overbearing or undermining... he was a reliable team player that had sense to watch those around him for social cues when he was less than certain. He had shown a strong work ethic while retaining a rather dry sense of humour that on the whole the tutors appreciated, even if some of his fellow students didn't.

It was the professionalism he showed during the evacuation of Talok viii that impressed his tutors the most. He had risked his own life in the final seconds that they had access to that world ensuring a family and their possessions were taken through one of Henry's warps. After that the tutors agreed it was only a matter of time before the young psychic would be offered a flight ring.

And at that moment Jaun felt a little bit sick, though was trying hard not to show it ...not today. Today was not a day for nerves and Imposter Syndrome! He had worked hard for this and deserved his place on the team. He was sure if he kept saying that to himself, he would believe it eventually...

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993526 10/20/20 01:53 AM
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Science Police Cadet Tw'gg of H'Lven had a mutation that allowed the rodent-like being to track any living being he had been in the presence of previously or had had access to their DNA - for instance from contact with clothing they had worn - and he could also sense any physical weak spots and flaws in anything before him. Alongside his naturally hyper-acute senses, speed and agility he could be, as Wildfire once commented in front of a class full of new students, the trickiest little so-and-so of a student imaginable!

When he initially arrived at the Home Base Academy the young cadet had not been terribly impressed. They had a three-month month placement on this planetoid in Sol space where they were told to expect to learn various techniques that were supposed to improve the use of whatever abilities the students had. The Legion were living legends yet in his first month at Home Base Academy it all seemed to be almost like a soulless production line to him.

He had expected it to be somewhat like a summer camp he had attended as a kit... instead they had been put on rotas to work for 14 to 18 hours every day most of which were either attending lectures or report writing. With his virtually photographic memory he had not really learned enough that was new during this time to justify such a long time in studies, he felt. He was not impressed. In fact, he was looking forward to returning to his home-station the nano that the training was completed.

The second month had included a lot more physical interaction with other students, the tutors and even quite a few actual Legionnaires. Although he was not entirely sold with the idea of being there at that point, he did begin to appreciate his time on Home Base a lot more, particularly as the group he was in were for the most part a decent enough mix of sapiens from across the United Planets.

What stuck with him the most during their training sessions was when they had delved into group dynamics, both within the teams they had been placed and within those that they were set against. Tw'gg learned a lot about himself during those sessions. He also began to come to terms with how he was truly perceived amongst the majority of human-kind. Although it was not easy to accept, it was something that stayed with him until his dying day - Humans would underestimate his worth at virtually every turn which gave him a massive tactical advantage!

When he had mentioned this to Night Girl during a tutorial she had smiled knowingly and raised an eyebrow as if to ask "have you only just figured that out?"

The third month had pulled the various threads from throughout all of the training modules the students had received. This was also when they were expected to take on a code-name. One of his team mentioned "Flying Fox-like Creature" which was quickly booed down before they suggested that as he was actually quite a fierce hunter he should take the name Orion and it had stuck.

As the training came closer to its conclusion, they spent day after day making their way through an increasingly challenging array of scenarios. Finally, Tw'gg had started to really enjoy his time here. He even began to understand the reason why the training program had been arranged the way it was. If asked, he'd have told anyone that he wanted to stay longer than his three-month long secondment. He was a week away from being discharged back to the Science Police when the evacuation of Talok viii had occurred.

As part of Night Girls' team on the small southern continent his natural night vision and strong sense of smell made him especially useful at locating people they had come to rescue. It had been the scariest and most exciting time of his life and he personally saved several hundred of the natives as well as leading support teams to get more through the warps in time. Afterwards, he had eagerly volunteered for the teams that spent 16 hour-long shifts assisting the refugees on their new world. It had been as if something that had been lying dormant within him had started to grow and bloom: Tw'gg finally understood the all-consuming gut-wrenching desire to become a hero!

And now that he had been given the opportunity, Tw'gg was going to give everything he could to being the best possible Legionnaire.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993527 10/20/20 01:54 AM
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Dillon Blackstream kept her back straight as she walked into the hall. She kept thinking to herself that the Legion believed her alchemy given abilities were enough so why was she so worried?

Her family were originally from Earth stock; her father's parents were from a people called the Sioux from the North American continent while her mother's family originated from the Thai confederation on the Asian continent. Until this year though Dillon personally had never left Myar where her grandparents had settled over a century before. They had settled on Myar for two purposes: Her maternal grandparents were looking for a tax haven as their pharmaceutical research company that developed bio-pain killers started to take off, while her paternal grandparents had been looking to enrol in the scholastic life at one of the very highly regarded universities on the Alchemist's World.

Her parents had been successful in their separate fields when they met. They both attended the Grand Apothecary as students. They had met when her mother was in her final year training to be a bio-chemist while her father, in the year below, studied under the Most High Grandmaster, Alkindus Zosimus of the Eastern Barriers working on updating the perpetual motion machines that gave so much energy to their city state. In a strange way they both succeeded in their university researches when they had her.

It wasn't until Dillon was 17, after five years of a twelve-year apprenticeship, that an accident happened that would change her life. She was rushing to finish an experiment and mixed two potent powders and an elixir together without thoroughly checking that they had been correctly measured. It was the sort of basic error that all apprentices would usually have had beaten out of them during their first month of servitude. The explosion tore through the lab and Dillon was blown against a far wall, smashing the contents of shelves unto herself as she crashed through them onto the hard granite bricks behind.

She was left unconscious for four days and it took a further ten days before she was released from the infirmary. In that time, it was noted that although all her hair had fallen out, she appeared to be unscarred from the many cuts and lacerations suffered in the accident. In the following few months Dillon kept a journal of the unusual things that were happening to her and it didn't take long to figure out that the accident in the lab had altered her physiology.

Her strength and speed had dramatically increased and her stamina was suddenly off the charts. In fact, the more she pushed her abilities the stronger and faster and tougher she became. It seemed that somehow, she had become the living embodiment of the perpetual motion machine that her father had worked on all those years before. She also gained an additional sense that alerted her of any motion around her, which initially had alarmed her but as she became used to it, she rather enjoyed the idea that she knew what was happening behind her back without needing to look over her shoulder. Her eyesight and hearing became more accurate and she started to pile on muscle mass so that her once slender, almost boyish figure was increasingly looking like that of a professional body builder.

As her hair had still to return, she was fast becoming unrecognisable even to those that had known her for all of her life.

After several weeks of hushed discussions, her family suggested she got off world before she herself became an experiment in some underground laboratory - Myar was not always a lawful place and there were always those looking to benefit from others lucky accidents without morals or a conscience to guide them. Even with all of her family's connections and money there was a risk that she could be kidnapped if some rogue alchemist decided to reverse engineer her abilities. The market for bio-engineered meta-abilities meant that the unusual like herself were always potentially victims of kidnapping, and worse.

Dillon applied to Home Base Legion Academy and was immediately accepted.

Her studious nature and incredible stamina stood her in good stead as she found the first month to be fairly intense, with lectures, research projects and reports on subjects she had previously known virtually nothing about. Interaction between teams was slowly introduced as they got towards the second month and this definitely helped ease the pressure she had felt. She had been in her third month when the student body were called up to assist with the evacuation of Talok viii. They all knew that this horrific event had been a game changer, though Dilon was unaware of how much it would prove to be in her own case. She didn't care, all she saw were the many thousands of scared, desperate and hungry refugees that needed assistance, and with her stamina and strength she gave them all that she could.

And so, just two and a half months after accepting her place at Home Base Academy here she was, walking onto the central dais to accept an internship with the Legion.

She had chosen the code name of Impact in the hope she could make one on the team.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993528 10/20/20 01:54 AM
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Both Elthur Mundo from Carggg and Marmud Illic of Titan were not unexpected choices by the majority of the team.

As Triple Nova and Mindbender they had both shown exemplary skills and dedication while at the Academy. It was the announcement of the intern after they had walked to the dais that drew the biggest reaction of surprise: Rish'ha Nor of Lallor.

He had not initially been viewed as a potential team member. In fact, on his first full day he had managed to annoy Luornu Durgo-Taine, something that often led to unenviable repercussions. After that, the young mutant from Lallor had questioned everything that was put in front of him. Lydda found him frustrating and Vae Loct had offered to dump him out of an air-lock after one training session had been derailed by the young SPO's constant questioning.

The student from Lallor probably would have been asked to leave as he was beginning to get a reputation as a disruptive element in all classes outside of combat training had it not been for Chameleon Girl seeing something in him that the other tutors had missed. His inquisitiveness was not from doubt or disbelief, Yera realised, it was because he had had an epiphany where he realised the Legion were not the enemy that he had previously believed them to be. His questions weren't meant to annoy or interrupt the work. As Yera saw it, Rish'ha Nor was re-educating himself about everything to do with the Legion and the wider galactic meta-community. He was keen to learn, just lacking in the social skills needed to make this process palatable for the tutors and visiting Legionnaires.

As Yera shared these thoughts with the tutors Luornu and Lydda both understood her point of view immediately and agreed that this may be the case. To test it out they offered the student one-to-one classes in history and galactic meta-politics where they also emphasised team behaviour and the dynamics within large groups alongside social norms regarding respect in working relationships. Rish'ha proved to be a quick learner and within a week his attitude was noted to have greatly improved.

In the final month of his training program he had surprised many of his classmates and several tutors when he showed real leadership potential as he put all of the information he had been given together and into practice.

And now here he was... approaching the dais to accept an internship with the team that up until thirteen weeks ago he had believed had been in part responsible for his uncle's death many years ago. After virtually a lifetime of denying his abilities, fearing the galaxy's biggest team of heroes, and feeling shame for being a meta-mutant he was away to be propelled onto a galactic stage where hopefully his example could do some good.

As far as Rish'ha was concerned, the only problem with the whole situation was that he couldn't think of a decent code-name to use. The suggested name that appeared to be accepted by most of his fellow students had been Mosaic, so, until something better came along, he would use that... it was certainly better than the other suggestion he had been given of Moan-all-the-time Boy.

As Mosaic, Rish'ha hoped to prove to the greater galaxy that Legionnaires really were the heroes they had been told they were.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993529 10/20/20 01:54 AM
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Dr Shakespeare welcomed two members to his medical crew.

Booster and Glory had been at the academy for a while now and both had worked hard on their unique meta-skills. Their abilities didn't lend themselves to the teams' usual combative missions but that didn't mean the Legion didn't want them on board. Booster had been training hard to qualify as a physiotherapist so Dr Shakespeare was especially grateful to have him on his medical staff. Glory's abilities to read auras meant she could see both physical and emotional traumas making her uniquely qualified amongst the support staff. They would be a good fit; Kent was sure of it.

There was one more new member to the support staff that Tinya asked the doctor to supervise:

Flauriandarelle of Zerox had arrived only the day before this meeting.

Flauriandarelle was faery-kind, short and slender with glorious butterfly-like wings and long emerald hair that seemed to rustle as it flowed around her child-like face. She had crawled from Glorith's fireplace and the mystic had immediately taken her to see Tinya. As the winged woman presented herself to Phantom Girl, she offered the Legion leader a long-stemmed rose. As Tinya reached for this gift Mysa's voice clearly said that she would take it as a personal favour if Tinya allowed the Fay girl to assist the Legion and to help keep them healthy. Tinya froze as she heard this, suddenly panicked that Mysa had foresaw an immense disaster approaching.

Before Tinya could question this, Flauriandarelle has asked to see the gardens and orchards upon this strange new world... Tinya smiled as she explained that while one of their former members had tried to cultivate as much plant life and greenery in their open spaces as possible, the bulk of their food was grown in hydroponically set up laboratories. Flauriandarelle smiled cheekily and said that would soon change.

The small butterfly winged lass had only been on First Base for a day and already had been given the name Greensleeves by the team. She fluttered above the dais and announced she was proud to be their gardener. She guaranteed them a bountiful harvest and many feasts to come. Several of the team cheered and within seconds they all applauded. Ever since Harmonia had left the team it was quite noticeable that the gardens, vegetable patches and orchards she had planted had become quite unruly so anyone willing to put in the time and effort to improve them was very welcome on the otherwise quite sterile planetoid bases.

Finally, Tinya introduced Science Police Officer Theena Greglenn of Silgor Marregorraus as their new Communications Officer. Theena stepped up to the dais and smiled before asking that she have the code-name of Network. They had all met the lithe young woman with her hyper-pathic symbiote. In training her positivity and determination had been noted upon and greatly admired by the Legionnaires.

"So, what do you all think of our new interns?" Tinya asked her team mates.

The Legionnaires cheered, whistled, clapped and stamped their feet to show their appreciation.

After the applause had died down Tinya turned to the interns that she had just introduced. Earlier in the day they had practiced what would happen next. Tinya asked:

"And, interns, what do you have to say in return?"

As one they lifted their right arms into the air, fists curled and yelled out in response:


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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993530 10/20/20 01:56 AM
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The Academy's planetoid is situated 2 light minutes galactic north of Saturn's northern pole and is called HOME BASE. They have an average of 300 students at one time, of which 270 or so are meta-staff from the Science Police or UP militia on 3 month secondments.

Former Legionnaires:

Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo of Carggg, able to split into three identical duplicates (part of Duplicate Girl)
Cosmic Boy - Rokk Krinn of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields
Night Girl - Lydda Jath of Kathoon, incredible strength and durability out of direct sunlight
Colossal Boy - Gim Allon of Earth, increase personal size and mass at will
Wildfire - Drake Burroughs of Earth, composed of sapient anti-energy, extreme strength, speed, durability, space flight, anti-energy blasts
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth, invisibility
Chameleon Girl - Yera Allon of Durla, shape changer
Shadow Lass - Tasmia Mallor of Talok viii, summon and manipulate total darkness

Science Police training staff:

Jumping Jack - Science Police Senior Training Officer Jaxi Delgrado-Hynd of Morshesh 5, hyper-awareness, reflexes and agility
Ms Big - Science Police Officer Erikka Chowdrey of Venus, increase her own muscle mass at will, combat specialist
'Brain Girl' - Science Police Officer Ella Drottmi of Titan, telepathy and telekinesis
Dream Boy - Pre-Commando Sergeant Rol Purtha of Naltor, precognition
'Tues El' - Science Police Officer Vae Loct of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability.

Support Staff on LWHB:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear ii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
'Numbers Guy' - M'Rissey of Earth, super-efficient business management skills
Dr Boom - senior physician and United Planets Government envoy - Danii Schwartz-Geltt of Myar, physician and alchemist


Phantom Girl and her junior deputy leader Thunder have taken half of the team out into the United Planets in the former Tyrazzian battle planet they call FIRST BASE.

Their remit is to actively defend the United Planets so this part of the team stays very much within the UP's sphere of influence and generally have high profile missions. As the team suffered badly as a result of the negative media manipulation by Psyche from the Dark Circle ruled alternate reality, they often invite journalists to report on missions from this base.

Legion World First Base (previously LW2):

Phantom Girl - Team Leader, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Thunder - Deputy Leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Chameleon Boy - Espionage Squad leader, Reep Daggle of Durla, shape changer
Sun Boy - Senior Team member, Dirk Morgna of Earth, generation of intense light and heat
Lightning Lass - Senior Team member, Ayla Ranzz of Winath, electrical generation and manipulation
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
XS - Jenni Ognats of an alternate dimension Aarok, phenomenal speed
Otaki - Bina Nawoti of Earth, mindsense
Chemical Kid - Hadru Jamik of Phlon, catalyzes chemical reactions
Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu, creation of temporal quantum bubbles, flight
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth, can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Dragonmage - Xao Jin of Earth, dragon magicks
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation
M'Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic
Backlash - Mrruaw M'Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Atom Girl - Sylva Nrilsan of Imsk, can shrink to microscopic size

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time (Thunder)
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis (Lightning Lass)
Friction - Janee Whittakka of Xanthu - manipulates the force of friction (Sun Boy)
Spoiler ii - Gord Eno of Naltor, precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situations (Chameleon Boy)

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World First Base:

'Captain Heavyweight' - Captain Tuk Shir of the Science Police from Daxam, Senior Team liaison, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii, can mimic meta-abilities of those nearby for limited periods of time
Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth, manipulation of personal or nearby gravity
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth, personal density control

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:

Gazelle - J'izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime, enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control
Cosmic Kid - Po Miman, Justice Legionnaire of alternate dimension Mars, energy manipulation and flight

Support Staff on Legion World First Base:

Dr Richard Kent Shakespeare -Impulse - Chief medical officer - enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina
I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Danielle Foccart - Kid Computo - Technical support - technopathic communication and control over advanced technology
Drura Sehpt - Infectious Lass - medical officer - containment and control over bacteria and viruses
Henry - Anti Lad -Spatial warp controller
Ming Sul - Amp Girl - investigative officer, hyper-enhancement of her own sensory capacities
Silver Shaman - Shardwurd Gandussen of the Ten Peaks from Avalon - biokinetic healing
Science Police Psychiatrist - Doctor Anje Falkner, alpha-level telepath
Flaurianarelle of Zerox - Greensleeves - magical manipulation of plant life
Theena Greglenn of Silgor Marregorraus - Network - Communications officer, hyperpathic communication through symbiote


Tyroc has taken the remaining team members with him onto SECOND BASE, another battle planet won from the Tyrazzian warmongers. Their remit is a bit looser than the team on First Base in that they do not necessarily have such high-profile missions and they are not fixed within the United Planets.

They rarely invite journalists onto their missions.

Legion World Second Base team:

Tyroc - Deputy Leader - Troy Stewart of Marzal city pocket dimension, sonic control
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Mon El - Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Element Lad - Senior Team member, Jan Arrah of Trom, elemental transmutation
Dawnstar of Starhaven - Senior Team member, space flight, incredible speed, tracking
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth, physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
Monica Sade of Rimbor - strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamaran iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Titan - Nasir N'Cube of Titan, alpha-level telepathy
The Huntress - Ambassador Amynta of Nostos ii, incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight
Karate Kid iii - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Thirteen - Dann Hortra of Naltor, line of sight probability manipulation
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Sister Eclipse - of Rhoohanisett iii, durability, heightened senses, physical possession of any living being.
Starkling - telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline
Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo, heightened awareness and limited telepathy

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic, creation of personal spherical force field (Tyroc)
Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user (Mon El)
Atomsmasher - Ergus Wraithcat of Betelgeuse, spaceflight, durability, hyper senses, telepathy, radiation manipulation (Dawnstar)
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts (Duplicate Girl)

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Second Base:

Captain Phantom - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension, intangibility
Power Lass - Science Police Officer Nel Duwi of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields
Changer - Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal of Durla, shape changer

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World Second Base:

Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

Support Staff on LWSB:

I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii - infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry - Anti Lad - Spatial warp controller
Hethuk Bran Drommsi - Smith from the Green Rift Forge of Talok viii, weapon maker and engineer
Dr Shoodixi Singh - Science police medical officer, bio-empathic

Laipas - hunting dog from Nostos ii, enchanted to never lose a trail, exceptionally fast and tough


The most successful students from Home Base are offered an internship that allows them to join the team on selected missions, with potential to join the team as full Legionnaires once their internship is completed. Current interns:

Tectonik - Hardal of Granite Falls from Mondriak iv - geokinesis Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
Dragon Lass - Mari Baertling of Rimbor - enhanced strength, durability, echo-location and flight, has bat-like wings
Strobe - Denal Lort of Dryad - assume electro-magnetic energy form
Non - negative energy being - spaceflight, speed, alter own dimensions and density, explosive touch, limited telepathy
Tesseract - Sar Jerash Mor Toark of Mars, access to intra-dimensional space
Impact - Dillon Blackstream of Myar, incredible strength, speed, durability, stamina, motion sense
Orion - Science Police Officer Tw'gg of H'lven, tracking skills and awareness of flaws and weaknesses
Poltergeist -Jaun Vineo of Titan, alpha-level telekinesis
Mosaic - Science Police Officer Rish'ha Nor of Lallor, tactile mimicry of material properties
Triple Nova - Elthur Mundo of Carggg, split into three separate bodies, each with either strength and durability, speed and reflexes, or laser vision
Mindbender - Marmud Illic of Titan, alpha-level telepath

Booster - Solstin Wang of Earth - medical support - awareness and manipulation of physical properties of those around him
Glory - Gloriana Crestellen of Grighshtall iv - medical support - read and manipulate L- and T-auras


Legionnaire on secondment to the Khund Battle Brigade:

Gates - Ti'Julk Mr'Asz of an alternate dimension Vyrga, creation of spatial warps

Academy Student currently within the Khundian Empire:

Inferno - Sandy Anderson of Earth, fire generation and manipulation

On long term leave:

Brainiac 5 (Personal leave) - Senior Team member, Legion Worlds Operational Manager and chief scientist - Professor Querl Dox of Colu, 12th level intelligence
Star Boy (Parental leave) - Thomas Kallor of Xanthu, induce mass
Dream Girl (Parental leave) - Nura Nal of Naltor, precognition
Matter-Eater Lad (Medical leave) - Senator Tenzil Kem of Bismoll, mega-omnivorous consumption
Harmonia (Personal leave) - Professor Harmonia Li of Earth, manipulation of the natural environment
Loutrahim Mango (Personal leave) - 'Death Boy' - Professor Li's laboratory assistant, exemplary bio-chemist, sweat activated neuro-toxic palm secretions

Other affiliated teams:

Weber's World ambassadorial team:

Quislet, . of Teall dimension - able to animate inorganic matter though this causes the matters destruction
I.Z.O.R. - Gear i, Chief Maitre D', nannite collective being, technomorph
Oodoo Shanair of Lallor - empath
Sentinel of the Khund Battle Brigade - strength, durability, manipulation of magnetic fields
Princess Shooradel of Tamaran iv - enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Proty iii of Antares - shape changer, limited telepathy

The League of Super Heroes (former Academy Students):

Kid Dynamo - Ja Vlo of Dryad - incredible strength and invulnerability
Ballistix - Crishtrakrek 714 of Zuun - synthezoid with great strength, speed, durability, stamina and spaceflight
Magno Lass - Josi Rista of Braal - Magnokinesis
Kid Nimbus - Kendall Mekensy-Wolff the Fifth of Dryad - assume gaseous form
Flipside - Drannananna Otticolli of Grathvarth V - fast, agile, manipulate personal gravity orientation
Slingshot - Prince Alfon Gundrix Maunheesta of the Grindlaw Colonies of System Mondarsh - hyper-charge kinetic potential of objects by touch

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993531 10/20/20 01:57 AM
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Kara Zor-El of Krypton was unsure what had happened.

One second she had been falling unconscious then...

Before her, in the absolute nothingness where distance and speed and time and life itself were empty jokes of a history so long forgotten as to be irrelevant, a pin prick of light appeared. A microscopic moment of pure dazzling blinding existence that rattled through Kara'a senses before it expanded, erupting with a fury of epic proportions.

The eternal cycle began once more and Kara Zor-El - once of a long dead planet called Krypton and given the name of Super Girl before taking the name of the long dead galaxy Andromeda while a member of the Legion of Super Heroes - had witnessed the return of matter, dark matter and anti-matter, energy, dark energy and anti-energy, that heralded the rebirth of the universe... of reality itself.

The truly immeasurable force of this new creation infused the Kryptonian with its light.

The sudden burst of power and strength, born out of the vitality of new born stellar systems - the rush of creation itself - empowered the young Kryptonian as never before. She literally shone like a star herself as her cells absorbed and adapted to the light of this newly born universe.

Time really was immeasurable at this stage of the evolution of the universe. She knew that the sight before her was the birth of a reality... it was as of an immeasurable nebula, though not holding just stars within it but an almost endless stream of new galactic clusters.

The immensity blindsided her ability to process and she closed her eyes.

When she re-opened them, she knew that time, whatever that was in this nascent universe born from the death of the ancient universe she had come from, had somehow passed. The galaxies spun and moved within the greater weave of the universe.

The hypnotic lure of this new reality consumed her. The dance of expanding young galaxies was so alluring, beguiling!

She did not know how long she watched but knew she had closed her eyes several times, maybe actually many times, and when she awoke the clusters before her had moved on. She was unaware how many times she had blinked and found that the universe had moved on without her...

And then, with a certainty she awoke knowing that somewhere out there she would find life, whatever that might be in this new universe. It would be something to learn from, to cherish and help. It was something she could nurture and protect.

With that thought, the stellar being that had once been known as Kara Zor-El of Krypton, Super Girl and Andromeda, dived into the newly reborn universe ready to explore the new possibilities it offered her.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993532 10/20/20 01:59 AM
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And that brings LW6 to an end. There will be more soon!

Thanks to all who have taken the time to read these tales and especially to IB, Omni and Raz for their continued support.


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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993540 10/20/20 06:44 AM
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More great stuff Harbi!

Brek's return - extremely realistic. I'm so used to treating the Legion as a big group of friends, that I sometimes forget - and appreciate - the workplace drama that comes with your writing (and Levitz's, and others). Because we all have those work colleagues who annoy us because they screw up repeatedly. And I am LOVING your Tinya with every scene, she is such a great leader and I am so happy we get to see her shine under your pen

Tinya's announcement, again very well done capturing the reactions (both negative and positive) from the crowd

Tesseract is extremely interesting, and you have outdone yourself. A forest fire? a lightning bolt? And she has early Dawnstar's personality jacked up to the nth degree, so aloof and a smidgen condescending! I especially love how, despite all this, she is actually likeable because she genuinely wants to inspire, help and create a positive legacy - and the last line re "not hiding away despite what the relatives think" resonates so well with me and my culture. Well done, well done.

Another telekinetic in Poltergeist, looking forward to this. Tellus was one, but not that powerful; and Kinetix is a telekinetic in a different way. will be fun to see a more standard telekinetic.

Tw'gg! a tracker in a different sense.... looking forward to how you use him alongside Dawnstar and Mwindaji. and his initial skepticism was so realistic. Orion as a codename, I love it. cute, cuddly, underestimated and fierce. and the nod to Flying Foxlike creature from the Reboot!

Love Dillon's origins drawing from two Earthly cultures, fairly diverse in terms of geography. Well done bringing more of our real world into your own.

And Mosaic. I love how Yera of all tutors saw the potential and got Lydda and Lu on board. And I love his own personal growth arc.

you have so may compelling characters and backstories and evolutions, where your created characters are just as real as the ones we read about in the comic books!

and I love even further how you have characters not quite suited for full membership, that are given a home somewhere (e.g. on the medical team).

and Theena! Theena!!!

You've really evolved your team,what with internships and placements and all that. I love it, it's functioning just as a semi-professional super hero organization should.

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 20 Oct 20
Harbinger #993541 10/20/20 06:48 AM
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And good heavens! I read this too late...


Oh my, oh my, oh my!

That was quite a surprise! well done, well executed, I'm so happy she is still back somehow, and I eagerly look forward to where you are taking her. a retelling of Legion Lost v1 with Kara becoming the Progenitor? Maybe the Time Trapper?!?!?!?!

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