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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #977221 09/24/19 11:33 AM
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Atom Girl had shrunk her size and clung onto Hadru's sleeve.

The darkness had overcome them and then a psychic blast had almost knocked her out, and still she clung on.

Large thorny tendrils tore through the ground and wrapped tightly around the Legionnaires before pulling them under the surface. Atom Girl clung on for dear life. Hadru had regained consciousness quickly and started to fight against the tendrils wrapped around him, his hands glowed as his abilities tried to affect the substance of the thorny vine around his torso but to no effect. As he was pulled down a bubble of vile smelling pus-like fluid engulfed both him and Atom Girl. Chemical Kid had fallen unconscious quickly after that though Atom Girl, perhaps due to being microscopic, was unaffected by the anesthetic in the goo that had covered them and remained firmly awake.

Sylva Nrilsan clung on. Maybe, she thought, an opportunity would arise and she would be able to get her teammates out of here.

All she had to do was cling on...

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #977222 09/24/19 11:34 AM
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Private residential satellite, Xanthu System.

"Hey Dreamy, c'mon, Matti is with my folks and we have the place to ourselves for the first time in a month, what's up?"

"I just caught the holonews and it's awful..." she pointed to the newscaster and the headline that floated underneath. "They're saying Talok vii is... It's been overcome and the Legion have lost members there... And I can't see anything relating to it Thom, it's like all probabilities have been closed off."

Even as Nura Nal said this the couple's holo pit chimed and a holographic projection of Beren, the High Seer of Naltor, appeared before the former Legionnaires.

"Nura, daughter of my heart, we need your counsel."

Thom Kallor put an arm protectively around her waist as she replied.

"Beren, of course you can ask but I'm afraid I'm little help. My visions have not shown anything to do with this crisis. All I can see is the mundane... It's as if I'm being blocked from seeing the complete picture somehow."

"Ah, sadly the Council of Seers are all suffering the same malady. The United Planets Council have asked for our advice and we see nothing that we can tell them. A Coluan advisor to the Council believes there may be an entropic force at work. I do fear that this is the start of something far deadlier than merely the loss of Talok viii..."

"Hey now," Thom Kallor interrupted, 'The Legion is there, you know they're gonna win, don't you? No need to be so grim."

Nura gave a small chuckle before saying, "There's proof if ever we needed it Beren that times are grim if Thom is suddenly hopeful." she chuckled as she gave him a small kiss before turning back to the holo.

"Beren, I wish I had more to tell you but all I can offer is that you can tell the Council that Dream Girl has said that they have to keep hope, there is always hope." She smiled and said softly to herself, "...Even if we don't know what we're hoping to do."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #977223 09/24/19 11:35 AM
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First Base:

Brainiac 5 and Andromeda stepped through the warp.

Their romantic break had been curtailed by a request from Thunder stating they should join her on First Base as a matter of urgency. Neither complained, even if they didn't know that she wouldn't interupt them without a very good reason they could see by Cece's demeanor in the holo that they were obviously needed. Both quickly dressed and grabbed their things before darting through the violet and honey warp that Henry had spun for them.

"Cece, what's goin' on?" Kara asked her friend.

"We've got trouble Kara and I need all hands on deck right now." Cece didn't look away from the holo screen as it blurred with data streams. "Talok viii has... well, it's gone dark. Phantom Girl and Tyroc have both led teams that have nearly all been lost..."

"Lost?" Kara echoed, unsure what her friend meant and scared of the answer she might be given.

"We don't know... Only two are registering as still accessing their flight rings, Atom Girl and Atomsmasher... the rest have gone dark. SP satellite live feeds are being obscured as the planetary atmosphere is filling with ash and dust. We need to get in there and find out what's going on, only I'm worried we may lose more members."

While the two women had been talking Brainiac 5 had been examining the holographic data streams.

"There is this outgrowth spouting up amongst the wreckage of the city state..." Cece pointed towards the last SP holo that had shown the planetary surface with any clarity. In it a large seemingly organic structure that somewhat a rotting organ of some enormous creature grew out of the middle of the flattened city. Electricity flashed along its edges as it pumped more dark debris into the atmosphere from the gaping tear at its crown.

"We need to get there. That is where I believe we will find the solution to this problem." Querl Dox tapped his fingers against the hard light screen, magnifying the picture until it blurred into uselessness.

"Will you lead a covert team there Querl? I'll marshal the rest of the group and call in some help too to tackle the appalling damage that going on around it."

Brainiac 5 thought for a moment before replying. "No, I'm sorry Cece but I will remain behind. From here I can access the flight ring data of the teams and calculate options, assist with formulating a plan if needed. Kara should lead the team into that... tower. She has the best chances of getting through this unscathed."

Before Thunder could respond a holo-alert popped up. Atomsmasher had information that would be needed if they hoped to defeat their enemy on Talok.

Querl gave a small frown as he asked for Henry to warp the junior team members back to First Base.

As Brainiac 5 dealt with the Wraithcat as it emerged from the warp Thunder considered her options. The Legion Reserves would be called and the Academy would be put on a high alert, those were her immediate options. after that the mutants from Lallor would be called and, if things got real bad, the Khund Battle Brigade could also be asked to to help.

Cecelia Becks had one more option available to her as well. When her sisters and her had been broken out of the curse their father had laid upon them a large group had chosen to join Soddam Yat into the nascent Green Lantern Corp.

Thunder wondered if it was time for her to re-establish those familial bonds.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #977224 09/24/19 11:41 AM
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Interlude 5:

The being once called Tharok was now truly dead.

This cyborg body, or at least the decaying mass that was left of it, was now host to a spirit that had existed for more millennia than it could remember. The spirit had been flung from a battle in the far, far future and found itself on this pathetic world in the far distant past. At that time Talok viii was home to little more that worms and primitive ferns. The maimed spirit had taken many thousands of years to remember it even had once had a name and even longer to assume a meaningful form. By then the indigenous life had evolved. The apex species were humanoid and barbaric, divided into tribes that had chosen to separate themselves purely on where they had chosen to live.

The spirit of entropy from the far distant future learned quickly that it could not directly control these beings, but that did not mean it was powerless. As the name it had held returned to it so had the purpose it existed for, Atrophos the Blighted One, the Sower of Confusion and Bringer of Eternal Night. It could whisper in the ears of the primitives and urge them on to do its bidding. All it needed was to find one of these savages stupid enough to sacrifice the world for their own glory...

The most primitive were those that chose to stay in their forests. These the spirit found to be distasteful, their lives were entwined with the natural bounty around them, they would never wish to see it returned to its natural chaotic form. Though in touching this group of people it opened their genetic markers to the potential for them to alter their forms.

The people’s of the deserts the spirit touched were similarly useless as they revered their harsh environment and worships totems of the animals they found therein, but in doing so it had unleashed a latent ability to share their memories. Ultimately they too lived too close to their natural environment for the spirit to easily corrupt.

It was amongst the city dwellers that it found an option it could manage. Despite their organised culture and reliance on sets of obscure manners to keep them so close together these people remained warriors at their heart. Their savage ancestors blood still pumped in their veins, for all their finery and pomp. And they segregated themselves against their natural environment without a societal respect for their biosphere as other tribes did. They were the best choice for it to use.

The spirit knew it would take many generations before it could accomplish its goal using such primitive beings but it was patient. As brutally as the hunger tore within it, the spirit whispered into the ears of one particularly odious and stupid man. It promised to share its power within the young Talokean’s dreams and spun a lie to trap him. All young S’Jassan Mallar had to do was venture out of the nascent city state and down into a twisted cave in a nearby valley.

It touched the young warrior with its abilities and then spun more of its whispered lies and promises into a rival clan that lived close to the city state amongst the seemingly barren heat of the desert. When the rival clan, under the influence of the malign spirit, decided to attack the city state where the young warrior S'Jassan Mallar resided, the spirit withdrew its support from the attackers from the desert and in the confusion that followed S’Jassan Mallar single handedly slew his opponents while wielding a sword that he drew from the shadows of his opponents.

The first Shadow Champions victory over the treacherous desert tribes sealed a bargain between his descendants and the spirit from the far, far future.

The spirit knew that it needed to guide this planets peoples, it needed them to advance but not so much that they would learn its true nature. It needed them to fight, to be worthy hounds for when the spirit was renewed enough to regain its proper place in this ugly, offensive, ...organised universe. It whispered into the dreams of weapon makers and warlords and all the while it nurtured the descendants of its first chosen warrior. It twisted their DNA so each generation would have more potential to get closer to the malignant spirits goal. It was a long game to play but with each generation from that initial warriors family presenting themselves before it the spirit grew incrimentally stronger.

Almost eight hundred generations later and Atrophos had finally been offered a host worth of its stature. No longer were scared, naked Talokean children entering the cave were it resided. Instead a warrior with technology beyond even the weapons that the Forges had created had brazenly walked into this hallow chasm.

A mere year ago, a blink in the spirit's view of time, two beings not of Talokean origin had joined the spiritual essences it had kept. These essences were merely there to persuade further generations of the Mallor clan to follow it, that was the only reason the spirit allowed such primitive and stupid beings to exist beyond their mortal term. The current Shadow Champion, a woman called Tasmia Mallor, had allowed a monstrous being she called Ganglios and a human called Jeyra Entinn to enter and experience the psychic cave that the spirit manifested for those it had chosen.

The spirit knew then that it would no longer need to rely on the barbarians from Talok viii any more. They had contacted other species, there were other beings with potential that it would be able to use far more efficiently than the Talokeans that it hated so much. All it needed was for one to actually enter the physical cave on the planets surface were it had grown since it was first thrown there millennia before.

Only one of these off-worlders were needed to come to the spirits place of power...

After millennia regrouping its strength by whispering to the cattle like populace of this distant and primitive world the villain named Tharok gave the spirit of Atrphos the opportunity it had been waiting for.

He had survived for all of seven minutes after entering the cave mouth on Talok viii though by then Tharok had been painfully driven mad by the shadow champions spirit voices and the will of Atrophos. Not that the ancient malignant spirit cared, as in the physical form of the cyborg it knew that it would finally be free. As it seeped into the husk of the body of the thief from Zardon it had tasted the air and felt the breeze for the first time in ten times longer than the species it now inhabited had existed.

From Tharok’s memories it drew detailed information about the galaxy that spun across the dark skies. It learned of the advancements that sapient species had made and of potential threats it could face from this small section of the wider universe. Their were planets full of beings with knowledge and skills that could damage its rise to power.

And it learned of the Legion.

With the rise of space faring sapient beings it needed to stop them from organising, from examining and theorising. It needed to ensure any being that could oppose it were reeling before they fully understood what they faced. They would not have time to gather any advantages that could stop it from fully realising its rightful destiny. These planets need to be stopped before they even fully started...

So, the guiding spirit behind the atrocities happening on Talok viii decided that before it spun its dark web across the galaxy it needed to take the source of the information away from its opponents. The Legion would soon learn of its presence and it had to be ready for thse glorious fools. It would strike at a potentially greater threat to split the Legion forces before they could muster enough force and intelligence to stop Atrophos from achieving his goals.

It knew that if it were to achieve its goals then Colu needed to be destroyed.

End interlude

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #979021 11/24/19 03:45 AM
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Unseen, not unheard
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hi Harbi, i'm sorry as I am criminally behind in my reading. glad to see you've moved things along a lot though!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #979405 12/07/19 07:59 PM
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Harbinger, I've finally gotten a chance to read your latest installments. again my review is as I read.

Magnus is back! I really liked his introduction and its good to see him back. I really like how you showcase how different the cultures are for everyone. It's so easy to forget that tec isn't everywhere. Even here on Earth in the 21st century.
Tesseract is mean but glad Magnus took it in stride and that he got the last laugh so to speak by being the goto person to ask about the Legionnaires.
I still forget how much the team is looked up to by the students at the academy. I think you've given me a story idea to play around with for my own team.
I like that he's taking the time to make friends and that he's taking Retro's advice to heart. Also, good call not having him just try and stick with his squad and even a graduate like Shardwurd Gandussen.
The Odd Couple! ha!

This museum mission was well done.
I like that it wasn't a supervillain they fought trying to steal tec. but a group of people who were fighting against the system and feeling wronged. I wonder if the Legion organization could find a way to help with it expanding so much. Maybe there are jobs that they could find.

Granite Girl, comes from a -8 degree world? wow. Yeah, I would not want to live there. but the image of walking sleeping bags was kind of funny. A world where even a hoodie is too revealing? Hmm that brings up some good questions about her world.
Smart Cloths would be something I could get behind. being able to have body temp control would be great on days when it's super cold.
I like the hoodie look on some heroes but you bring up an interesting point about it blocking peripheral vision when the hood is pulled up.

I love how you create these small little groups of characters and the three of them make a decent team and that Shardwurd Gandussen showed just cause he's a healer doesn't mean he can't fight.
Glad he was able to keep the crowd under control.
Magnus taking out those rioters with that illusion was cool. I wonder can he sense what would disarm them or was that just his own idea?
Ooo he makes a great point and I hope for his sake Wildfire picks up too.

Loved Granite girl's tactic of hiding in plain sight!

OOOo.. Lydda is not happy. She makes a point that they aren't official law enforcement. but so does Granite girl and that more would have been hurt.
To be fair she was at one point she was also a vigilante and wasn't deputized. So I would think she'd understand a little bit. But I know Lydda takes her academy job seriously.

the Voligaxxian System mission:
I really do love these worlds you make. They are pretty well thought out.
These little indignant sentients and how they treat the Legionnaires are so different from anything we've seen of any other culture.
I feel like Southern Lights is going to be confronted with a big moment.
Mon-el is really unhappy with this mission. I think this is the most unhappy I've seen him in your series.

The ceremony of choosing a new emperor is really interesting. A collective call for a new emperor when it's time to pass it on that turns into a battle to the death until a new emperor is chosen is out there. Usually, its kind of one or the other and because there was no indication of a hie mind like collective in the previous post makes it even more surprising.
I like Sister Eclipse's assessment that the Host looks as if they are play fighting each other. I know this scene might seem savage but the image of these tiny creatures pouncing on Mon-el after this revelation gave me a small laugh.

The True Host has taken hold of Southern Lights? oh boy...I wonder if the True Host is a threat that could come for the Legionnaires now that it's been made aware of them.
The True host says it's replicating what our realm does. I wonder how they would rule if it was their realm.
I wonder what the Emperor's crown does for that light? does it help send readings to the True Host? does it scatter the old emperor's energy back to the True Host? so many things to know!

Talok VII mission:
Every time Henery brings them to a mission like this I can't help but get a sense he's manipulating things. I know he doesn't have full access to the future anymore, But idk something just says to not trust him. I wonder if we'll ever get a moment where the team talks about this again.

A world being filled with black soot and smoke and ash...That sounds vaguely familiar....
That decaying tree trunk and crackling pink lightning is making me nervous.
Mon-el just seems so burnt out by all of this. He doesn't even seem shocked at that his teammates have been taken over.
red eyes, organic-like armor...I knew i recognized this and this does not bode well for the team.
Wow Grev!
Tinya's team is definitely a strong one. But all those strengths is not always going to stop the Blight.
it's always interesting to see even minor disagreements from the team leaders. But Tyroc makes a great point!
Grev's taunting of the team like they are nothing to him was a good moment.
the spear of Artemis is a true warrior and she knows that's not Grev. But that moment when he smiled and those tendrils came through the ground. Wow!!
Now BB II and Captain Heavy wait!

I loved Grev's line though "You are quite the little warrior, aren't you? I bet my cousin hated you..." Now I have to see if the two of them have shared a scene or had a mission together. It's a mission I want to see!

Dawnstar almost did it. But magical tracking will not be escaped. I know its bad to think this but the idea of Dawnstar getting spun around on the spear is kind of awesome imagery.
Wraithcat tried. Hopefully, he can get the message back to the team!!

I'm with Kent about Henry!
Is that a glitch or is Henry talking to someone and that time link isn't as broken as we think??
Hang on Atom Girl! I hope she's able to do something.

Nura can't see the future and Thom's hopeful? This is going to get rough for sure.

Thunder's calling everyone is but idk if that's a good idea or a bad one.

I knew Tharok had to be dead. I just knew it.

I love how you've tied the Blight to Talok VIII and Shadow Lass' powers and those of the other tribes. I never realized how close Talok VIII was to our own world and that it was those that were willing to modernize are the ones who let entropy in. Sometimes it be nice to think it was a spirt we could banish like I hope they will be able to.
Changing Atrophos the Blighted One, the Sower of Confusion and Bringer of Eternal Night to being a true force of entropy and not accidental discover is a really cool take.
But now that we know he's from a battle in the far future I can't help but wonder if he's tied to Henry somehow.
A "god" that hates its own creations? how fitting its destroying everything.
So are al the ancestors of the Mallor's still the shadows? in there fighting or have they given in and Tasima never heard her ancestors but just the spirit of Atrophos?

Worlds that can stop it and Colu is next???

Harbinger, this has been a ride and I can't wait for the next installments and how the Blight will take on the team.
More, More, More!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989379 07/08/20 06:21 AM
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From First Base:
Thunder - Deputy leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth, can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusions

From Second Base:
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Karate Kid - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Thirteen - Dann Hortra of Naltor, line of sight probability manipulation

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time (Thunder)
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts (Duplicate Girl)

Science Police meta-squad:

Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth, manipulation of personal or nearby gravity
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth, personal density control
Captain Phantom - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension, intangibility
Power Lass - Science Police Officer Nel Duwi of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:

Gazelle - J?izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime, enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control

Cecelia Becks had watched the holo display with a mounting sense of unease and anger.

In front of her, the shining screen had shown where her colleagues flight rings had went dark. There could be many reasons for this though she was fully aware that it may mean they had been killed. Lu had said that her feeling were they must send assistance, but Cece wasn't entirely certain. Her Solomon gifted wisdom spoke to her of the benefits of caution. She was unused to feeling anything less than certain...

It was only after Dawnstar's flight ring signal had vanished from the grid that she decided that enough was enough. Cece signaled the general alarm. All Legionnaires on First Base that were fit for duty were to meet in Henry's warp room. She quickly contacted Lightning Lass to let her know that the Winathian was to stay behind alongside a skeleton team, though she should remain ready for action, just in case. After Ayla's holo had faded out Cece called through to Home Base and asked the tutors at the Academy to get their students ready. She would like some assistance from some of them to arrange an evacuation and the rest were to be put on a ready status as Earth and the Inner Worlds as it would need some chance at protection if she failed.

As Tyroc had also vanished on Talok viii that only left Thunder as the ranking senior team member between the two planetoid bases so she contacted Second Base and requested a team join her.

Kara would lead her stealth mission moments after Thunder, with her much larger team, had warped into Talok's skies. Including the SP's Cece would be leading 16 other Legionnaires into a battle where their colleagues had apparently already been defeated. They all knew what was at stake and were mentally preparing themselves as best they could before they took the step through Henry's warp. The Academy students chosen by Duplicate Girl to join them would follow three minutes after they arrived.

Cece considered her options and shared her ideas with the assembled team. Thunder would lead her group through the warp. Immediately behind her would be Ultra Girl and Kid Pulsar. Although neither had much experience as Legionnaires they were both as tough as any on the team and were keen to tackle whatever may be waiting for them on the other side.

After they had signaled it was alright to proceed the Comets, Glorith, Magno and Captain Phantom would come through with orders to get as much information as they could. Their role was non-combative for as long as they could possibly help it. Cece, and the rest of the wider galaxy, needed to know exactly what was happening. Once they were safely through the warp Lu would lead Ferro, Karate Kid, Gazelle, Thirteen, Dragonwing, Power Boy, Gravity Kid and Power Lass through to take the rear. She had also asked Dirk to chose the top dozen or so students to follow right behind them.

The initial three groupings of Legionnaires were to keep line of sight of each other at all times and share any information as soon as they found it. They were to locate their teammates and rescue them if at all possible. Ultimately, over and above their other plans, they were going to Talok viii to shut down whatever it was that was causing the strange blackout that had affected the planet... and taken their teammates.

That was her idea anyway. She only hoped that it would be enough.

Cece had explained her plan and given her orders to her fellow legionnaires. None had questioned her rationale and despite the widening of a few eyes when she had explained exactly what she understood the situation to be, they all seemed eager to get started. Before Thunder could give the order to leave Glorith approached each member of the team and wrapped a strand of her hair around their right index finger. The young mystic quickly explained it was a simple protection spell that would blunt any magical attack they faced for the next 24 hours. After she had finished gifting her teammates with this protection Glorith bowed her head an muttered a few words.

Cece watched and smiled, trying desperately to exude a confidence she did not entirely feel.

"Henry," Thunder said, "We need a warp to Talok viii..."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989382 07/08/20 06:27 AM
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From First Base
Andromeda - Kara Zor-El of Krypton, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability

From the Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World First Base:
Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii, can mimic meta-abilities of those nearby for limited periods of time

From Second Base
Monica Sade of Rimbor, strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline

Kara had hand picked the small team of Retro and Replicator then waited for Deen to warp across to join them.

Monica Sade walked through the warp with Retro and before Kara had the chance to say anything the Rimborian teleporter explained that as long as she had a chance of joining a group that could return Tyroc to them then she would be joining it. Kara didn't argue, she could see how determined Sade was so shared a sympathetic smile before quickly explained the mission objectives.

They were to infiltrate the strange construction that appeared to be at the heart of the devastation on Talok viii and if at all possible they were to rescue their colleagues. Thunder would be leading a bigger team towards the tower and hopefully could create enough of a distraction that this much smaller team could get to work under the radar, so to speak.

SPO Jusool appeared calm though Kara could hear how fast the Talokean's heart was beating. She gave him a small smile and patted his arm, unsure if she could find the right words to reassure him that they would be enough to save his home world.

Brainiac 5 stood dispassionately to the side while the group spoke. As the team were away to leave he stepped forward and asked Kara if he could check her distorter - the technology that all Legionnaires wore on their belts that allowed them to hologramatically appear to be something they weren't for short periods of time. In Kara's case Querl had installed a variation of his own force field technology that shielded her from kryptonite.

"I just need to recalibrate this..." there was a flicker of something in his eye that told Kara he was not being fully honest but she kept her thoughts to herself. "There... the shield against kryptonite is fully operational now." he smiled at her quickly before returning to the side of the room. Although his expression appeared neutral Kara wondered what Querl had just done to increase her chances of successfully completing this mission.

A holo alert told them that Thunder had just led her massive team through a warp to Talok viii. They were to wait two minutes before summoning another warp from Henry for themselves.

Kara could see that SPO Jusool and Retro both looked anxious while trying to hide it. She understood perfectly how they felt. In fact it was Monica Sade, the team mate that had crashed this party, that appeared the most relaxed. Kara smiled at her and the Rimborian smiled back, her confidence unshakeable.

"Okay... I think it's time we got into action, you all ready? Set your distorters to max and let's do this." Kara looked at each of them on her small team trying her hardest to exude confidence.

"Henry, warp please." Monica Sade said with a wide grin.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989383 07/08/20 06:27 AM
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Brainiac 5 called for Atomsmasher.

The Wraithcat had returned from Talok viii and had immediately been sent to the medical bay for a check up. Querl Dox had very little worries that Ergus had been hurt in any significant way and, following the team's protocols that he himself had insisted they instigate, would have allowed Atomsmasher to gather its wits before hopefully being able to answer some questions.

The Wraithcat appeared to swim upon the air as undulated into the Coluan's laboratory. Professor Dox signalled for the Wraithcat to join him and slowly examined the new Legionnaire's crystal-like dark skin as he asked it how it felt.

<This one requests to resume mission objective>

Despite himself, Querl smiled. Ergus had been an unusual candidate for the team but with that simple answer had shown it had the mettle and fortitude to be worthy of its flight ring.

"Of course, though before that resumes, can you show this one what transpired above Talok viii?"

One of its tentacles reached over and gently brushed Dox's forehead as the telepathic images were shared. As Atomsmasher reached the part where it had read the mind of Amynta of Nostos ii Professor Dox asked what the Wraithcat had found out from that scan.

<Information from the Spear of Artemis' mind> This short telepathic message was the only warning Brainiac 5 was given before the Wraithcat shared the memories it had stripped from their colleagues psyche before it had escaped from Talok viii.

"Moons of Yod!" Brainiac 5 exclaimed as he realised what was influencing the destruction on Talok viii. Despite his prodigious mental strength and many years of having absolute control over his body he could not stop his heart from racing as the reality of the situation sunk in.

What they faced was worse than he had hypothesized. It was nothing less than total universal entropic death!

"Ergus, I need you to return to Talok viii. It will be vital that we have a Legionnaire there that can relay information. Are you ready for this? I require you stay out of the planet's gravity well so you can monitor and relay what you find out." Querl was unsure if the Wraithcat would be able to sense the fear in his voice but he didn't care, he needed more information if they were to stand a chance.

"Henry, we need a warp."

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989384 07/08/20 06:28 AM
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Sun Boy took a deep breath.

He had been on Home Base taking a class at the Academy when the alert came through. A holo of Thunder appeared before both him and Duplicate Girl. Her expression had been grim.

Both Lu and Dirk knew what Cece was going to say even before she started. The junior deputy leader explained that she would be calling in for help from across the United Planets and then she asked them to assemble the battle ready students for a real mission. There was no apology or flinching as she spoke.

Both Lu and Dirk knew that Cece would not ask for this unless she could not see any other way to progress. Their expressions didn't changed but it scared them both.

"Of course, we'll have as many as you need ready to go as soon as we can... say forty five minutes?" Dirk offered before Lu could reply.

"I'll be leading a large group of Legionnaires across to Talok viii in about ten minutes so can you be ready for then? We'll get as many as possible on evacuation duty to start with. Will that be okay?" Cece offered a small tense smile as she asked.

"Yes, I'll get onto it now. We have ranked the students already so it's a simple enough task to call up the top twenty or so for you." Although Luornu appeared compliant with Cece's request there was something awkward in her answer. The academy headmistress was clearly not fully as ease with the situation though it was wholly obvious that neither was the current Legion acting leader.

They all understood. The potential severity was so terrifying that risking their students had become a necessary reality. Lu and Dirk looked at each other before activating the planetoid-wide holo and punching the emergency transmit call.

Lydda Jath had been explaining to a recently joined group of students how her own abilities had initially been an accident - her father had created the Vita-Ray to give Kathoonian's a greater tolerance to ultra-violet radiation than they normally could expect so they would be safe if they left their own dark skied planet to visit the majority of occupied planets in the UP. While in principal it had worked it had also increased Lydda's strength. So, she told her father it hadn't worked as well as hoped and so managed to get several more doses until he figured out that she had not been entirely honest with him. He eventually got the truth out of her that she had lied. The young girl had hoped it would make her powerful enough to join the Legion. He had switched off his machine and swore to never let anyone use it again after that. The class had all laughed as she told her story and Lydda thought to herself that she had a good feeling about this intake, their collective vibe was open and positive...

The room's lights dimmed.

"All student, tutors and technical staff... please stop what you are doing and listen up." The holo of Luornu Durgo-Taine appeared in the room. "We have an emergency situation that has required the senior Legion team to call in our support. Until further notice all classes are suspended. Students classed as Alpha's are to immediately present themselves at Henry's warp room and be prepared for action. You will be travelling to Talok vii. We will be responsible for evacuating as much of the planetary population as possible. Students with a Beta two rating or above are required to ready themselves for missions. Students with ratings lower than this will be required to continue their studies from their dorms. Please remain calm, we will update you as we find out further information. Thank you."

And with that the holo was gone and the lights brightened again.

There was a moment's stunned silence in the room until one of the newly registered class said "Whoah! Shit just got real!"

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989385 07/08/20 06:29 AM
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"Mysa," Nura Nal's tone of voice betrayed how tired she felt as she called for her sister.

"Sister, I know you can hear me." ...this was the third or fourth time that she had said this in the last half hour, more in the hope it was true than because Nura was certain.

The holo-pit remained silent. Since joining Thom onto this satellite in Xanthu space over a year ago Nura had spoken to her sister at least three dozen times. They contacted each other through this holo-pit, which the former Dream Girl was certain her sister had tampered with somehow so its technological powers would translate into the pictures in the fire where her image appeared before the Black Witch.

It didn't matter how it worked, she thought, but dammit where was Mysa? The Black Witch was the pre-eminent magical being in the United Planets and her help was needed...

For a cold second Nura wondered if perhaps her sister had already involved herself in the battle for Talok viii and had lost.

No.... no, she knew that between hers and Thom's contacts within the higher Science Police and political echelons she would have been told if the Black Witch had been sighted or Zerox had been attacked. Nura Nal knew in her gut that her baby sister, so stubborn and strong and fragile, was still walking this mortal coil. No, Mysa was not there but... the thought seemed to appear fully formed within her mind, as if it had sprung into life on its own... that did not mean that Mysa was not already doing something about the problem.

Yes... Nura took a deep breath and smiled. That finally made some sense to her. Her sister was not ignoring her calls for help, she was already providing it. And without being told anything else Nura was reassured that she knew that somehow, somewhere, the Black Witch had joined in the fight for Talok viii's very soul.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989386 07/08/20 06:29 AM
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Brek Bannin threw up into a small bin that had been strategically left at his bedside.

The Tharrite formerly called Polar Boy had woken up to the news of the planetary incursion on Talok viii. The newscaster had also stated that a dozen Legionnaires had been lost so far as they battled whatever was behind this horrific planetary attack.

It was at that point the severely hungover former Legionnaire had started to vomit.

He had not noticed that the scrawny girl he had returned to this small apartment with last night had long gone, along with the few credits from his wallet. His sheets stank of stale sweat while his floor was covered in random debris and unwashed clothing. Right at that moment he didn't care as his former colleagues... his friends... may be dying while he had been drinking and whoring himself into a hazy bitter oblivion. Something that he had tried to bury within himself underneath a hedonistic glut finally stirred as he continued to listen to the news.

Wiping his hand across his chin Brek stood up, momentarily resisting the dizziness that came as he straightened, and ran to the small apartments bathroom. He may no longer be a Legionnaire but that didn't mean he couldn't do the right thing... be a hero.

After a very quick sonic shower and finding a few clean clothes to pull over his tired and ill-treated frame Brek Bannin touched the call button on his holo-caster, secretly hoping he still had enough credit for an off-world call. He had left his flight ring behind when he had walked out of the Legion so he just hoped that the team would take his call.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989388 07/08/20 06:30 AM
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The fourth moon of Zerox, often called the Watchful Eye or the Caregiver by those on the magical planet below, had spoken to Mysa Nal three nights before asking her to prepare for battle.

This was the second time in her life that the Caregiver had shared a vision with Mysa. The first had led her to meet with her sister, help defeat the ancient mad god Darkseid and ultimately join the Legion. At that time the voice had merely suggested she meet with Nura... a simple suggestion so sweetly offered and easily followed.

When the voice of the fourth moon guided you it was known that your life path would be forever altered.

This time though the Caregiver's vision had been anything but sweet or easy.

"The end of all that is right will come if you do not act quickly, beloved sister" She had whispered into Mysa's ear.

And with those words a prophecy of truly horrific proportions was shared. The Black Witch dreamed of the disintegration of everything! Not just her own tiny blue world or the immediate star systems around it, no... not just the Milky way or the local neighbourhood of spinning galaxies... everything!

The dreams were pushed upon her with such terrifying force that she could not escape back into the relative sanity of her waking world and so was made to watch as reality in all its many fine and outrageous splendours turning to ash and then the ash itself broken apart until there was no light, no thought, no movement, no life, and no magic left.

"The Faye Folk and the Speakers of All Things Alive, the Silent Women from the Heartworlds alongside the Shapers of Tales spun into Truth, the Red Goddesses of Hearth and Home, the Ones with Eyes of Emerald, and the Deep Blue Leviathans with memories of the original homeworld... the Minute Breakers who skip across Aeons and the Lords of must speak to them all Mysa, implore them. Those Souls Unseen Yet Always Felt can give counsel, the Dragons and their gold cladded minions and the Storm King and his Mighty Dogs that Walk in Clouds Bringing Thunder... Make them rise and take them all with you as you lead our exodus from this realm, before it is too late. The Spinners of Tides and Time shall hold you tightly as the Winds of the Final Breath are called forth. Hear me. Hear me Mysa Nal, you must marshal your strength dearest sister as what is coming will test even the prodigious might that you have..."

When she eventually awoke Mysa felt physically sick. Even the spirit Mordru that she had held within her for so long was silent in its shame as it understood, as did she, how truly petty and small their lives were in the face of this ultimate extinction.

"Marshal your strength... you must lead the exodus." the echoes reverberated in the chilly early morning breezes... marshal your strength.

Three days before, as she awoke Mysa had felt scared. Now, today, as she took a final deep breath of cool Zeroxian air before opening a doorway into the heart of the rampant darkness that threatened existence, Mysa Nal knew deep in her gut that were she to consider her own feelings she would be absolutely terrified!

Her Goddess has told her to lead her people away from this danger but instead Mysa Nal was away to attempt to stop it.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989389 07/08/20 06:31 AM
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From First Base:
Thunder - Deputy leader, Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth, can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusions

From Second Base:
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Karate Kid - Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
Thirteen - Dann Hortra of Naltor, line of sight probability manipulation

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time (Thunder)
Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth, incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts (Duplicate Girl)

Science Police meta-squad:

Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth, manipulation of personal or nearby gravity
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth, personal density control
Captain Phantom - Senior Team liaison, Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension, intangibility
Power Lass - Science Police Officer Nel Duwi of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields

Other seconded members currently based on Legion World First Base:

Gazelle - J'izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime, enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control

Thunder flew through the warp into a cloud of ash.

The sky was darkened and the air tasted of destruction. Momentarily Cece felt confused, as if unsure of why she was there but before she could consider this strange feeling Ultra Girl and Kid Pulsar flew through the warp to join her.

<Yuuuch...this will be tough if we can't see each other> Li-Fahn Qiong sent across the artificial telepathic grid.

<We can use the flight ring locator beacons to keep track of each other> Thunder's reply was broadcast to the whole team, including those on the other side of Henry's warp.

The Comets, Glorith, Magno and Captain Phantom flew through one of Henry's honey and lilac warps behind them.

<Comets, having you scout for us in this environment won't work so stay close> Thunder sent to them and both Garva and Drinchnar flew up to be close to their team leader.

Glorith settled onto the ground, twenty feet below her teammates and was thankful for the flight ring's eco-protect function. She may not have understood the technical logic behind its functionality but she definitely appreciated being able to breathe clearly. The young sorceress ran through a quick breathing exercise to help calm her fears and settle her mind before issuing a single word and focusing her will on providing her team with information regarding what had gone on.

Above her, Henry's last warp for this mission spun in the air and Duplicate Girl led the final Legion teammates through. Power Boy and Gravity Kid floated down to stand at either side of their sorcerous teammate, to protect her if need be.

Cece was fully aware that the odds of her large team actually solving this situation were miniscule, she just needed to give Kara and her team an opportunity to get into what appeared to be their opposition's base and resolve things from there.

Cece Becks floated on the air in front of the team appearing to survey their surroundings.

<Thunder, you must be careful. Your flight ring sensors are picking up other beings closeby. You are not alone> Brainiac 5's telepathic message came as no surprise but Cece Becks was grateful that her Coluan colleague was monitoring them from First Base. She knew that they would need all the help they could get.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989390 07/08/20 06:35 AM
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Despite Brainiac 5's warnings Thunder's team were quickly dispatched.

Ultra Girl and Thunder had been taken by surprise when Tasmia Mallor and what appeared to be several dozen tattered refugees approached them almost as soon as they stepped through the warp. Tasmia called for assistance from the Legionnaires. Their instinctive need to support the raggedy group that stumbled forward overwrote the pragmatic need for self preservation. As soon as the Legionnaires got close the trap sprung and Tasmia Mallor struck with surprising speed and savagery.

The Talokeans were their teammates using the distorters on their belts to induced illusionary disguises. As these images fell away the shock of seeing friends attack them added to the confusion the team Thunder had brought with her to this desperate place.Their opponent had already captured and taken control of several of their team mates and the shock of going against their friends and colleagues had tipped the fight against them. Phantom Girl, Tellus, Tyroc and the new Science Police officer, Captain Heavyweight all tore into the group.

After Thunder had fallen the rest of her team scattered and fought increasingly difficult battles in a deepening darkness that seemed to leach the strength out of them.

Ferro was captured almost immediately by a thorned tendril that tore from the ground beneath him. Gazelle dived after him as it ripped its way back into the rubble strewn ground. The Science Police liaison officer from Bgtzl that the team called Captain Phantom followed her. None were seen to return.

Magno and Glorith attempted to create barriers but proved insufficient as the attacks came from under the ground as well as from the Talokeans that had initially approached them. Glorith at least managed to stun Tasmia Mallor with a magical blast before she too was grabbed and taken underground by one of the thorny tendrils.

Thirteen managed to release a tendril from around Kid Pulsar's neck only to be sucked underground himself as his colleague struggled to regain their breath. Despite trying to destroy as many of the giant thorned tentacles as possible, Kid Pulsar was captured quite quickly after that.

Comet King dived at Tasmia Mallor and the two had a brief fist fight amongst a swirling mass of noxious gas and utter darkness until Tasmis wrapped a darkfield noose around his neck and swung the former soldier into the ground with a bone snapping thud. Comet Queen rushed to check on her king and was quickly dispatched.

Power Lass was smashed into the ground by her Daxamite former colleague, Captain Heavyweight as Dragonwing, Power Boy and Gravity Kid were blasted by Tyroc before being telekinetically thrown into an opening maw in the rubble strewn ground beneath them by Tellus.

Karate Kid lasted the longest of the group but she was eventually dispatched as Phantom Girl caught her as the young martial artit tried to escape into a half ruined building.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989391 07/08/20 06:36 AM
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Atom Girl felt awful to be in hiding.

Whatever had happened to Chemical Kid and her teammates had affected her too. The initial wave of darkness had been more than just the absence of light, she had felt herself lose strength of will and hope. She had focused upon herself as the first waves had crashed over her, the young Imskian held onto her role in the team, her legacy to her people and her wish to be half as effective as her home world predecessor Salu Digby. It was this fighting urge to survive and excel that had propelled her to earn her place in the Imskian planetary championships after Shrinking Violet had been murdered. That gut tearing desire to stand up against the inequality that Imskian people often were dealt with when they left their Rim edge planet. The need for justice and for an equal status... the burning fierce pride that motivated her through the last couple of years to earn the respect of the wider galactic neighbourhood in the face of the fury at losing their one hero.

Sylva Nrilsen would prove to anyone that challenged her... to herself... that she was worthy and no-one could take that belief away from her.

At this moment she wished her abilities were more destructive and flamboyant as she was unsure what was happening and doubtful that she would be able to do anything to change it otherwise... Imskian insecurity, she told herself... She knew it was a planetary problem as her size changing people faced other more established peoples amongst their fellow citizens of the United Planets. The Imskian culture was somewhat inward looking, a little belligerent and definitely overly sensitive. She understood that her people could be seen as acting like awkward teenagers in the face of galactic scrutiny, and she accepted that judgement. But damn! There was reasons for the way they pushed back.

Their home world was also resource poor and often overlooked when the Inner Worlds councils dolled out their lavish hand outs. It did not matter to these distant world that their sun attracted swarms of space borne life forms which in turn attracted the fiery mawed dragons. The indigenous life on their world was quick to attack and poisonous to eat, their soils were thin and lacking in many valuable nutrients, their world's crust was lacking in major deposits of necessary ores and metals to produce heavy industry. And still the Imskians would look upon their richer self-serving neighbours and kept their heads high. Their star, the mighty Irulan, burned fiercely a long way from the established major trading routes but they kept themselves relevant with their work. They had an ability that was unique amongst human kind and they used that to their advantage, they would not be laughed at. They created microscopic information engines that powered star ship and cities, so they would not be forgotten. They knew that their technology would keep them within the United Planets Council, so they could look other peoples in the eyes with pride... the Imskian people were not going to bend for another. As a people they were the butt of every joke a person would never wish to hear, and alongside their home worlds situation these two elements crashed against their planetary pride to forge them into survivors.

To forge her into a fighter!

Atom Girl knew, with the fierce pride of many generations of ancestors screaming in her blood, that she could deal with whatever was creating the horror she had witnessed. Right at that moment she was happy to be out of sight and out of mind though Sylva Nrilsen knew she needed to act... now!

She took a deep breath and slowly allowed her form to grow. As she did she took the time to take stock of her surroundings, remembering the words of Lournu Durgo-Taine from a training drill she had attended... Every bit of information you learn on a mission can prove vital so don't miss an opportunity to learn what you can.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989392 07/08/20 06:53 AM
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Great stuff, Harbi!

I was able to jump back in without any sense of confusion or displacement. I think your stories have become far more accessible as you've improved as a writer -- dense yet easy to navigate.

World-building for Imsk, YAY! Long, long overdue! I really like Atom Girl.

I laughed when Brainy exclaimed, "Moons of Yod," instead of "Moons of Colu." A delightful Easter Egg.

But my favorites where the Nura and Mysa scenes, especially Mysa. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it, you write Mysa better than anyone.

Looking forward to future installments.

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #989393 07/08/20 06:58 AM
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Wow! that was fast!

Thanks Raquel, greatly appreciate your kind words.

Mysa will do something very big soon, I wrote part of it out this morning and thought that you would love it, it really does pinpoint her place in the magical pantheon. It'll be a few posts before I get there though as I've a lot of plates spinning.

Thanks again, hope all's going well.


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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990031 07/22/20 04:09 AM
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Jeffari Assarn of Talok viii had tried out to become a Legionnaire several months before as Colossal Girl but had not been successful.

Afterwards she had chosen to return to her people and hoped they might allow her to become the champion they needed. The role of Champion of the Forest People was more important than ever, she felt, given that the last one had been a traitor who had conspired with the Persuader to keep her race from having the technology to leave their world. On returning she expected scorn and indifference but instead all of the chiefs from the seven tribes of the Forest People had welcomed her with open arms. It turned out that just before she left Legion World someone there had leaked the story that it had been her blood that had resisted the Emerald Empresses controlling nannites and so had been the source of the cure that resulted in the Legion's victory that day. As far as all seven of the chief's were concerned her blood saving the Legion warranted a huge party! Tasmia and Grev Mallor, along with his fianc? Kahnya Nahtahnie had attended and brought her gifts from their own Peoples, the City Folk and the Desert Tribes, to welcome the newest Forest Champion to Talok viii. She never did find out who released the newsfeed to her tribes though was eternally grateful that whoever-it-was had.

That had been just over one whole Talokean month, a standard Sol year, ago and still Jefarri felt blessed to be in the position she had found herself in. She woke up this morning feeling positive and full of energy. Her official duties were included visiting a dam that the Horotta tribe were building, perhaps lend a hand for an hour, then speak with th&#8203;e tribe's elders regarding the delicate matter of reported forced marriages happening to their youngsters. Officially Talok viii did not condone such actions though there it had been a tradition for thousands of years so it was not really too much of a surprise if it were to happen. She had witnessed it as a child herself and knew that her school friend Suudri had been forcibly married at a young age went on to take her own life as the circumstances she found herself in had been at best slavery. At her friends funeral several adults had challenged the girls parents asking if the money they received had been worth their child's life. Jeffari had not fully understood at that age though it had remained with her and she would use this terrible example of what happen to Suudri all that time ago to open the conversation she planned to have.

Jeffari never had the chance as one of the young men that her tribe had offered as a personal aide rushed into her quarters. The young man looked agitated as he told her there had been an incident that she needed to know about. The Science Police were in uproar demanding assistance as a poisonous dust cloud appeared to have overcome the city state of Dalalugawushthra and there was a high number of civilian casualties. While this had happened almost 10,000 klicks away on a separate continent in the northern hemisphere Jeffari felt that she needed to offer help. The forest folk were the smallest ethnic minority on Talok vii, making up only 10% of the population and were often seen as primitives by their fellow Talokeans. She had been part of a growing number of planetary officials that had endeavored to built strong bonds with both the City and Desert peoples over the last year so historic racial bias could be overcome.

Her flight ring, given to her as she left the Legion's base a Sol year ago, was still on her middle finger so she raised it to her mouth and concentrated on the person she wanted to talk to.

"Tasmia, are you okay? We've had reports that Dalalugawushthra is in trouble. Can we help?"

There was silence for several seconds before Jeffari spoke again, though this time it was to the aide that had given her the news.

"We need to cancel our meetings today. Let the Tribes know that they need to be alert to anything unusual and to be prepared to get the vulnerable and children to the shelters... I have a bad feeling about this."

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990032 07/22/20 04:09 AM
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Home Base, Sol Space

"Okay everyone, our job is to make sure the locals are safe. What exactly that will involve right now is uncertain so be prepared to adapt... I'm sure everyone of you is ready for this so don't prove me wrong." Lournu Durgo-Taine smiled grimly as she finished.

"And just to clarify... our job here is evacuation support, okay? Don't get into a fight unless you really have to." Lydda Jath bluntly added. "Right, you've been assigned squads and matched with a tutor, yes?" Several students replied though the majority remained quiet, shocked by the suddenness of the situation.

"Dirk, are you ready?" Lu asked in a low tone.

"Yup, am meeting my team here in 3 minutes." Lu nodded as Dirk spoke. Behind them Night Girl barked the students into groups, ready for their Academy tutor to lead them out on a mission.

"Good luck Dirk. If Thunder is down already you know it's not going to be easy out there." Lu sounded solemn, as if she were not sure if they would see each other again.

"Yeah, you know it, but we got to try at least. Catch you on the other side for a drink or three? I may even buy." Dirk smiled his galaxy famous smile as he finished his sentence.

Before Lu could reply one of the Daxamite students, Droo Vri, flew into the room and presented himself before Sun Boy. He was quickly followed by Non, Imp Master and Tectonik of the senior student squad. Within a minute all 7 of the students Dirk had called for had arrived.

"Well, better go check Cece hasn't run into anything she can't handle." Sun Boy gave a jaunty salute to Duplicate Girl as he turned away.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990033 07/22/20 04:10 AM
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Space above Talok viii

Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user
Atomsmasher - Ergus Wraithcat of Betelgeuse, spaceflight, invulnerability, hyper senses, telepathy, radiation manipulation

Support Staff on Legion World First Base:

Brainiac 5 ? Senior Team member, Legion Worlds Operational Manager and chief scientist - Professor Querl Dox of Colu, 12th level intelligence

Atomsmasher had rescued Southern Lights from their Blighted teammates only minutes after Brainiac 5 had requested the Wraithcate return to Talokean space.

Atomsmasher kept one of its whip-like tails wrapped around Southern Light's leg for several minutes after escaping their Blight controlled colleagues while it kept them both invisible, neither certain what they should do next. The contemplative silence was broken when Brainiac 5 sent a message to them asking that they remain where the were to monitor the surface below - the Coluan genius reminded them that he could access their thoughts via the flight ring generated telepathy grid if they allowed him to, as well as any scans that their rings could also transmit.

"Information is never wasted, if utilized appropriately." He had stated.

The two new Legionnaires agreed though neither was entirely comfortable in their assigned roles. Southern Lights traced magical wards around them that would alert them to any of ill-intent that approached while Atomsmasher kept one of it's long whip-like tentacles wrapped around the young mystics ankle.

Below them the dark skies of Talok viii roiled with blossoming storms of ashes and stark flashes of angry pink lightning. These sharp bursts and flashes intendified.

<Increase of patterns discerned within planetary atmospheric disturbance> The Wraithcat announced. To Southern Lights it appeared as if the lightning was just flashing a bit brighter as the dust storms rose higher into the planetary atmosphere.

<Volonoi patterns, well spotted Ergus> Brainiac 5's calm response <Extrapolating scenarios show... there is a tremendous build up of energy though currently I am unable to ascertain exactly how this will be released so be very careful.>

In his laboratory on First Base the Coluan genius considered the possibility that their opponent would somehow attack other planets. Professor Dox knew from the shared memories that Atomsmasher had stolen from the Spear of Artemis that their opponent wanted to achieve total galactic entropy. From this he assumed that if they were to attack somewhere off Talok vii it would cause maximum disruption to connectivity, ensuring chaos. There were several possibilities - Earth, Weber's World, Naltor, the UP Fleet base at Nullport and Colu all seemed the most likely targets. Brainiac 5 reconsidered the list.

Naltor was perhaps not in immediate harms way as both telepathy and precognition were, from what he had extrapolated from Amynta's memories, useless against their opponent. Earth, while the totemic home of the human race and one of the highest densities of population within the United Planets would be too well defended for a quick and decisive victory. That left Nullport, Weber's World and Colu.

Weber's World and Nullport both had obvious strategic defenses and would not immediately affect the galactic population were they to be attacked. Colu, often seen as planet of pacifists, would appear as an easier target that would give highly catastrophic results were any assault prove to be effective. The more he considered it it more Querl realised that the most effective target for their opponent to strike at would be Colu... it was the world that processed the majority of galactic information, so any successful attack may trigger an immediate financial crash, a blackout of communication via Quark Relay, loss of tens of thousands of years worth of galactic history and knowledge... it would lead to chaos!

Professor Dox summoned Henry.

"It's urgent that you send me to the Coluan High Chambers."

Henry gave a nod and a smile as he opened the warp.

Brainiac 5 stepped through the warp onto a clean tiled floor in a large empty room.

"Querl Dox, designated Braniac 5. Why are you here?" the voice sounded like that of a young Coluan female with the slight accent trace of the Great Southern Data Hubs. Querl Dox knew it would be entirely artificial though.

"There will be an attack on Colu soon. It's vital that the planetary protection protocol is immediately instigated." As was traditional when one of the Coluan race approached the High Council there were flickering trails of light as a variety of sensors scanned the Legionnaire. Querl knew he needed to persuade the council as quickly as possible so activated the hard light projector on his flight ring to flash up information on the current situation and the reasoning he had for giving this warning.

There was a moments silence as the data flow from Brainiac 5 was assessed by the Coluan High Council mainframe.

"Planetary defence grid activated."

Querl had not expected any form of a "thank you" for warning the Coluan high council, it was enough to know hat they had taken his warning seriously enough to engage the force field projectors he had designed for them after Darkseid's aborted attempt at galactic control several years before. Whatever was coming from Talok viii would be met with some resistance.

Querl Dox hoped it would be enough.

<Henry, I need to return to First Base now. Warp please>

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990034 07/22/20 04:10 AM
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The purple flame erupted and opened up in space above Talok viii.

Mysa Nal, the Black Witch and ruler of the magical community of Zerox stepped through the warp. Around her the truly powerful and brilliant of her sorcerous world appeared.

<It is as you said, the very world's death will release the bitter spores of this foul being...> sent the Red Goddesses of Hearth and Home into the minds of the assembled Sorcerers.

<We must set wards that will bind it> The Golden Lord of Misrule sent.

<Yes, though bloody sacrifice will be needed if they are to have any effect> the Speakers of All Things Alive sent, it's voice echoed like a chorus.

<I am the sacrifice... it is my role as your ruler to lay down myself for your continued security. I have always known and accepted this fact. Do any of you nay-say me?> Mysa's determination was evident in her tone.

<No, we counsel you Mysa, most glorious daughter of far-seeing Naltor> The God of the Storm's voice was surprisingly gentle. <That does not mean we must agree with you. Sacrifice is all good and fine for those that wish to be remembered as martyrs but we have survived as long as we have by seeing there are always other choices... that is why we have become gods is it not?> There was something like scorn in his tone, but not enough to offend. It almost sounded affectionate.

<The planet itself will burn and sunder, we cannot stop it's fate now. Though perhaps it can be the sacrifice our fellow Lord requires?> The voice was soft, that of the Red Lord of Misrule.

Even as Mysa looked she could see the damage that was being inflicted upon the planet below would not stop, there was a simple chain reaction of catastrophic decay ripping through the firmament of the world that was beyond the abilities of all except the very Creator themself to stop. Within her stomach she could feel the spirit of Mordru awaken, the dark mage's lust for power sensing the force at work below them.

<The dark mage is awoken> She said simply.

<And there is our sacrifice!> The Storm God said before chuckling.

<Perhaps....> The Goddess of Hearth and Home started.

<No!> Mysa said sharply <The balance would be lost if we were to take that path. It will be as the blessed Lord of Misrule has suggested, the world below us will be sacrificed to stop this force from overcoming all>

The Minute Breakers, small bug-like creatures that stepped through the flow of time as if it were no barrier, excitedly chittered in agreement. Around the Black Witch the Higher Voices, Gods and mighty elemental spirits that watched over the magical community of this reality one by one agreed. The planet Talok vii itself would to be their sacrifice to appease the rules of the ancient magicks they followed in a bid to stop the dark power below them from spreading its unholy rot any further into this reality.

<let us begin>

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990035 07/22/20 04:11 AM
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Andromeda - Kara Zor-El of Krypton, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Monica Sade of Rimbor, strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline

Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii, can mimic meta-abilities of those nearby for limited periods of time

Henry's warp had opened up underneath a largely collapsed building.

Andromeda flew through first and swept the area with her super-senses to ensure it was safe before her colleagues joined her. As she had hoped, they were a little more than 100 metres from one of the entrances into the putrid looking tower that had grown out of the destruction of this Talokean City State. She could see several silhouettes within the ash heavy clouds above her but was unable to identify them through the murk that filled the air. She silently hoped that between the dust and dirt in the air and the distorter on her belt creating an illusion of her surroundings that whoever it was overhead wouldn't see her.

Once the small team were together Monica Sade agreed to take point. They whispered among themselves, aware that if their teammates had been compromised then the telepathic grid created by their flight rings would be monitored. The Rimborian teleporter disappeared with a pop and reappeared next to the cave like opening in the tower. Kara had asked Sade to lower the setting on the distorter she wore for a second so they would be able to see her give an all clear signal. For a slit second Monic Sade's outline appeared and waved and arm. Kara picked up Retro and flew at speed across the uneven ground, Tarev Jusool followed having mimicked her speed.

Once the small group had established they were safe Kara used her x-ray vision to examine the structure. She really want to ask Querl what he made of it but knew that using the telepathic grid would be too risky. The inside of the structure appeared organic with twisting and undulating corridors. There were several people... or she thought they were people, wandering around though not enough to give them any real problems avoiding them if the had to. Despite her best efforts Kara could only see about 200 metres inside before her vision became opaque and unclear. She quietly whispered her findings to the team.

"We still doing this?" Sade asked with her usual lack of tact. Kara smiled at her.

"Of course. If you're all ready then let's go."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 24 Sept 19
Harbinger #990106 07/23/20 09:36 AM
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Wow. So Talok VIII is doomed to fall to the Blight, by decree of Mysa and her magical peers? Scary stuff!

Happy to see you've put so much thought into the Talokian forest people's culture and their dealings with the city people. One thing I don't quite understand, though, is how the Grev and Kahinya (sp?) intermarriage scenario fits in.

Glad that Brainy is so proactive, although I'm not ruling out that the Blight will attack Colu anyway. Again, positively flesh-crawling!

Awaiting the next installment excitedly.

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 26 July 20
Harbinger #990280 07/26/20 06:19 AM
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Soddam Yat flew at the front of an arrow shaped formation of Green Lanterns.

The alert from Thunder of the Legion had reached him a little over an hour before and he had immediately realised the desperation and urgency that had forced the young deputy leader to contact him. Well, if they needed his help then Soddam Yat would make sure his Corps did not let the Legion down.

There were twelve of the Lantern Corp flying directly behind Soddam Yat, including seven of Thunder's powerful sisters. Whatever this offense to nature was that had erupted across the face of Talok viii he was certain they could defeat it. His usual grim face had broken into a tight smile as they left Oa and took to the clear darkness above the ancient world. Their collective will spun emerald light into the black that stretched out before them and they breached hyper-velocity realities to warp into the Talok system.

The Daxamite could see that the planet they were here to investigate was wrapped in dark roiling clouds that sparked with bolts of pink lightning crackling through the upper reaches of the atmosphere. The thirteen Green Lanterns tore through the vacuum of space at close to light speed until they were half a light second from the darkened world. There, in what would be the perihelion of the planets orbit, stood Mon El, Dawnstar and four people that Soddam did not know personally but he believed he had seen in Legion holos. All wore violet strips of an armour that looked almost organic slung across their torsos.

Using the flight ring that Phantom Girl had given him over a year before the Daxamite Lantern accessed the telepathic grid.

<Legionnaires, it is good to see you. Thunder asked for our support with this...>

<Your rings are ours... you will become our food stuff> The voice didn't belong to either of the Legionnaires that the ancient Green Lantern recognised but as it ended the Legionnaires sprung into action, launching themselves towards the Lanterns. Even before Soddam or his Corps could react a bolt of pink lightning, the width of a super highway blasted at them from the planet's surface and smashed their emerald shields apart. As the stunned Green Lanterns tried to rally they were picked off with surprising speed and ease as wave after wave of heart freezing darkness engulfed them while they battled the Legionnaires.

The ancient Daxamite had fought with a passion that many would not believe he carried any more as he saw his team being picked off around him. Even the immensely powerful Daughters of Black Adam were taken with shocking ease... Soddam was the last to be swallowed up in the toxic darkness that numbed their minds as well as their bodies.

His last thought before losing consciousness was to try to alert the team that remained upon Oa of this monstrous threat.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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