In a twist, Sun Boy is actually the disguised Martian!
and the flames are shapeshifted appendages!
^ I have a feeling you are right and that Monster Boy is at least part White Martian. It would explain the shift-shaping ability.
I love how my silliest ideas sometimes actually make sense!
Maybe the the purple Halo girl is not Tinya.... (thing I hope) .
Can be Veilmist or a female humanoid Gates... With the genius Bendis all is posible....
I would be happy with either Veilmist or Gates, though I prefer insectoid Gates.
Me too! IMO, someone who represents A) more non-humanoid aliens and B) more non-traditional government types, is more interesting than another pink humanoid girl.
Although teleportation is one of those oddball powers, that almost makes sense for half a dozen Legionnaires, in one way or another. Shadow Lass stepping through shadows. Tinya phasing out of normal space and reappearing at a distant locale. Star Boy using gravitational distortions to create a localized wormhole. Dawnstar using her tracking powers to locate and take advantage of temporary weak points in the space-time continuum. Shrinking Violet shrinking to a sub-quantum level where distance no longer has meaning and all points are equidistant, and then re-growing somewhere far 'distant' in 3D space. Mysa casts a spell (which she's already done, even across interstellar ranges!). Brainy creates a portal network. Wildfire or Tellus or Invisible Kid 2 take advantage of already seen extradimensional applications of their powers. Etc. Etc.
But then... that would make the green skeleton Legionnaire the likely candidate to be Tinya!
I could dig it. Particularly if green skeleton 'Tinya' is still dating Ultra Boy.

A little voice of dissent in the Legion would be cool!
Shikari once found her "way around" out of Abyss' alternate dimension - also a form of teleportation. Then there are the DNA-era Thresholds...
Why not? Earlier versions of Jo always had all sorts of females throwing themselves at him (Preboot, Reboot, Threeboot...) Would be a nice change to see this Jo date a non-traditionally-attractive Legionnaire!