Looks good. You don't exactly need the dialogue, but I'm looking forward to reading the chatter. I suppose the rest of the issue will be explaining how Earth got to be that way... this is where a 5YL-style text piece would be appreciated.
Looks good. You don't exactly need the dialogue, but I'm looking forward to reading the chatter. I suppose the rest of the issue will be explaining how Earth got to be that way... this is where a 5YL-style text piece would be appreciated.
Agree,, if Imra is going to telepathically share memories anyway, we can get a lot of the exposition done fast. More room / time then for getting to know the Legionnaires, and showing the implications and nuances of 31st century Earth.
I like that the Mission Monitor Board icons seem to be coming back. I felt it was a shame they barely appeared in the Reboot - I think we only saw them twice or thrice in all. The icons were a nice touch.
And I see Computo AI is what's giving Jon his orientation...
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 10/12/1905:15 PM.
These new pictures look great! Kudos to Mr. Sook for the beautiful artwork.
I maintain though that Garth/Lightning Lad looks silly and very weird with the decided upon dark skin (as does Light Lass). I'm sorry but it's just not a great look for this iconic character, not to mention a founder of this series. IMHO.
Maybe I’m becoming a fuddy duddy in my old (middle) age but I’m just not sold yet on these new looks for the Legionnaires. I have no problem with diversity, or having non-humanoid members, or anything like that. My problem lies with drastically changing the physical appearances (whether it be ethnicity, body type or general color) of characters who have, more or less, looked the same way for 60 years. I really don’t want to have to re-learn how to recognize characters that I have “known” since I was 7 years old. For me, it’s Sneckie all over again.
That being said, I am going to give this a try, and I really am going to try to be open minded about it, because even though I’m not 100% on board with the changes, it’s still the Legion, and I am happy to have them back.
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
LOL I'm having the same reaction to Dream Girl made out of sand ... I'm guessing it's to connect her directly to the Sandman mythos in some way ... but she looks weird to me
Am I the only one whose interest in this title is diminishing with each passing day?
The Lightning Lad/Black Lightning & Bouncing Boy debacle started the ball rolling and then this constant deluge of 21st concepts from Superboy to Robin to Rose & Thorn to Aquaman and so on has just hastened its speed. The total boringness of Millennium was the final push.
I’ve also started to think that Bendis should have reimagined the looks of the entire team, or none of them. This hodgepodge mix is just distracting I think.
I don't know about diminishing, but my expectations have been pretty low from the beginning. Most of what I've seen has reinforced those expectations rather than moving me in a positive direction.
I will simply state that I agree with the negative comments posted above. I do like the cover - the layout and art. While I don't care for the new LSH designs, the "time bubble" and "dark" last page are also nice. Best of all, we haven't seen a real LSH story, yet. It could be fantastic! I suspect my opinion will be negative... I started out very optimistic, but I've slowly agreed with the early pessimists... still, I am prepared to be pleased and proven wrong. I am not into meeting negative expectations - I want the new LSH to be great!
I've finally decided that, no matter how good or bad it turns out to be, I will support it. Because what happened in 2013 with the abrupt cancellation of all things Legion was a very bitter pill to swallow. I will never again make the mistake of taking the very existence of a Legion comic for granted.
I've finally decided that, no matter how good or bad it turns out to be, I will support it. Because what happened in 2013 with the abrupt cancellation of all things Legion was a very bitter pill to swallow. I will never again make the mistake of taking the very existence of a Legion comic for granted.
Seconded. Also, and I know I'm in the minority, I actually like all of the new designs and can't wait to see them in action. The differences to what we've come to expect look like interesting stories that I hope we get to see.
While some feel the need to support this Legion for fear of not having a Legion. I am not one of those. I feel that DC has mishandled the Legion since Crisis and with each reboot I have felt like Blacula. diminishing returns even though I supported each restart.
That said, this time It is up to Bendis to convince me I should support this relaunch. I cant just support this book because its a book I have loved over the decades. I look at HOX/POX and see a similar situation except I haven't picked up a X book since the Original Onslaught story back in the 90's and yet that series has me WAY interested than anything Bendis has put out.
Watching Jessica Jones and Jessica Drew fumble thru time while trying to figure out what their lives mean hasn't been the most engaging read. Hell you could have used Harmoina Li THAT would have made thing a bit more interesting.
Ah well Ill see where this first arc goes, and if it fails then I'll go back to rereading the classics to get my legion fix
I sought truth.. and found friendship and love, which even your lies can never take the memory of from me. (B5 to Time Trapper LSH 50)
I like the ties to the 20th/21st century. As a fan, I have tried to develop timelines and stories that explained what happened to certain species (Korugarians and Tamaranians being the ones I used most recently) in the Legion's time. I also tried putting together a guide to DCU aliens and have found out that there are lots of Green Lantern species that have only been used once or twice. Why not use and develop those instead of creating new ones?
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
I like the ties to the 20th/21st century. As a fan, I have tried to develop timelines and stories that explained what happened to certain species (Korugarians and Tamaranians being the ones I used most recently) in the Legion's time. I also tried putting together a guide to DCU aliens and have found out that there are lots of Green Lantern species that have only been used once or twice. Why not use and develop those instead of creating new ones?
I really did not like DC using the Khunds, Dominators, Durlans and Daxamites in the Invasion! event thingie set in the present day DCU, because it created the appearance that the Khunds and Dominators, in particular, had not changed *one bit* technologically or culturally in *the one thousand years* between the Justice League and Legion eras. (I don't mind the insular Daxamites and deliberately regressive Durlans not developing as much, but it makes *zero* sense for the Khunds and Dominators to be *exactly* the same, ten centuries later!)
If elements from the present day setting are to be used, I would prefer that they be *radically* different, and not at all held hostage to events that happened 1000 years ago (or that stories set 1000 years ago are held hostage to the far-future setting, since it may well be that of an alternate universe / possibility anyway!). So, I want to see a family of Spider-Guild tourists snapping holos and pointing at local scenery. Sure, a thousand years ago they were a man-eating scourge, but they grow their food in synth-vats now, and have been well-adjusted galactic citizens for *centuries* by the Legion's time. I want to see Thanagarian 'War Eagles', ships of Nth metal, each accreted over years over a single Thanagarian, one of the couple hundred current survivors of that race, each 'wearing' a suit of Nth metal armor that slowly grows into a vast ship around them, one which they never leave, their homeworld long abandoned. A 'Lantern' corps that isn't all green, but include Lanterns of all sorts of colors, including some not seen in the 20th century, or even some polychromatic or rainbow rings that change according to whatever emotional energy source is most prevalent / accessible in the current moment. An Atlantean Star Empire that spans the oceans of a dozen worlds, connected by arcane 'tide pools' (magical gateways) and serve as a transportation nexus for goods and services between the worlds that have Atlantean enclaves on them. Peaceful Gordanian monks sowing the seeds of a reborn Karnan race, overseeing and caretaking their rebirth from the genetic material left behind as 'trophies' taken by those who, 1000 years ago, hunted them to extinction.
Mix it up. The more radically different the far future explorations of these 20th/21st century alien cultures are from when we 'last saw them' *1000 years ago*, the better.
I really hate the pattern where the Legion encounter this crazy new race that no one has ever encountered before, then like ten or twenty years later they are showing up all over the place in the present DCU.
There's actually a ton of underused races with Legion lore itself that could be explored more (e.g., the Xennians), plus I'd love to see more callbacks to classic DC sci fi properties ("Hey, here's a random sequel an old Space Ranger story that you didn't know you wanted")!
But while I don't mind an occasional "Let's check out what the Amazons are up to in the 31st century!", it shouldn't really be the main focus of the book. But already we've got a Dr. Fate, a Lantern, Aquaman's trident, a whole world modeled on Gotham City... it's a bit much.
I really hate the pattern where the Legion encounter this crazy new race that no one has ever encountered before, then like ten or twenty years later they are showing up all over the place in the present DCU.
There's actually a ton of underused races with Legion lore itself that could be explored more (e.g., the Xennians), plus I'd love to see more callbacks to classic DC sci fi properties ("Hey, here's a random sequel an old Space Ranger story that you didn't know you wanted")!
But while I don't mind an occasional "Let's check out what the Amazons are up to in the 31st century!", it shouldn't really be the main focus of the book. But already we've got a Dr. Fate, a Lantern, Aquaman's trident, a whole world modeled on Gotham City... it's a bit much.
Also a good point. I'd love to see what the Murrans or Sklarans or other lesser-used Legion races are up to more than the 20th/21st century races like the Tamaranians and Thanagarians.
I think relying too heavily on the past is going to bite us in the butt. Perhaps not in terms of revisiting alien races, but with core characters and locations from present day.
For instance, the Amazons. Say the writers introduce an Amazonian Legionnaire, and then five years from now the Amazons are eradicated from existence in a present day event. Sure, that probably won’t happen, but then we never thought Superboy would be retconned from existence either.
I kind of like having the Legion in their own little pocket of the DCU, safe from the influence of whatever bizarre whims strike the creators of the present day titles.
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs