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Re: Legion Worlds Six
Harbinger #973561 07/07/19 10:45 AM
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I stumbled upon the section with Retro and it was fun to read your characterization. You do a good job balancing dialogue and action.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: Legion Worlds Six
Harbinger #973567 07/07/19 03:12 PM
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That was a cool little adventure! Tel & Jed being horndogs was cute, and I like that Ayla was the one to figure out they were makes sense for her to put it together. I like the description of the Comets flying around the train too, that was a great visual (actually the space train would have looked cool too now I'm thinking about it!)

Re: Legion Worlds Six
Harbinger #973572 07/07/19 03:59 PM
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great mission, Harbi. You have a great talent for writing short segments like this that are jam-packed full of characterization and interesting concepts (like Imskians using their powers to simulate magic or teleportation or whatnot). I liked all the character moments that raz cited, and I loved seeing Ayla get a chance to shine as mission leader!

As usual, more, more, more!

Re: Legion Worlds Six
Harbinger #973640 07/08/19 04:02 PM
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Thanks all, once again I'm very grateful for your taking the time to read and reply to this. There'll be more soon when we catch up on Zoe and Jaz, meet a couple of the new tutors and students on Home Base Academy, and Tharok finds what he's been searching for. After that we've got Mon El's nightmare mission and catch up with the Wanderers before things get serious for the team as an ancient secret gets revealed.

Thanks again you lovely people,


Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973664 07/09/19 06:36 AM
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Home Base, Sol System

Colossal Boy and Chameleon Girl had invited their fellow tutors to their apartment for a meal.

They were both expecting an evening of chatting about their diverse backgrounds and aspirations with perhaps a little bit of gossip about their previous workmates and the students thrown in. They were hoping for a few laughs and to build some bonds between the ex-Legionnaires and their recently arrived Science Police colleagues. Neither of them expected an outburst in the middle of serving cool Praxxian Champagne and delicious Pacifica nibbles.

"Tues El! What sort of an imbecilic nickname is Tues El?"

Science Police Training Officer Vae Loct of Daxam vented. Stood around him several of his colleagues tried not so successfully to hide their laughter.

"Pain-In-The-Ass Lad was seen as too long, so it was the obvious second choice." Wildfire grumbled, well aware that the Daxamite would be able to hear him.

The anti-energy former Legionnaire and the Daxamite officer had not gotten off to a great start when they had met. Officer Loct had fifteen years experience training staff at the Daxamite Science Police academy and was rather strict in his outlook of how to deal with their young trainees. As he had rather bombastically explained this to the other staff on his first day on Home Base Drake Burroughs had blown raspberry's throughout. The formal Daxamite had continued to speak, raising his voice slightly after every burst. The resulting conversation got louder and more antagonist

"Enough!" Lornuo had spoke softly but they all had listened, "Officer Loct, stop yelling please. Your credentials are fine, I personally checked them, though your methods are somewhat antiquated compared to ours so be prepared to start learning as well as teaching. Drake, grow up or get back on the big team... You don't treat colleagues like that again around me."

After that Wildfire had taken to call the stuffy Daxamite 'Tues El' which the majority of the students echoed. Meanwhile, Officer Loct had referred to the former Legionnaire as a bag of hot wind. Most students tended to like Wildfire's more personable and spontaneous teaching style so the Daxamite found he had very few on his side that followed his lead in insulting Drake Burroughs.

And here they were, three and a half weeks later, at Gim and Yera's dinner party sniping at each other like spoilt children.

It was Gim that diplomatically answered the Daxamites sullen question.

“Lar was given the name Mon El by Superboy as when they first met Clark thought he was looking at his long lost brother... Lar was suffering from amnesia at that time so they took the name of the day he arrived on Earth and added Superboy's family name. No-one ever said it was clever Officer Loct but there you have it. Calling you Tues El is a compliment, 'cause if you think about it we're saying your part of that family's heritage. As associations go it’s fair to say you could have been stuck with something which doesn't have such a grand legacy... don’t you think? Wildfire could help if you would prefer we found you another name?” The last part was said with a cheeky grin.

The stuffy Daxamite harrumphed but didn't argue.

"So, if that won't do then we can agree that Pain-In-The-Ass Lad it is?" Wildfire said loudly enough for everyone to hear, which was followed by teasing laughter from several of the guests.

"Don't know what he's complaining about," Ella Drottmi of Titan, another of the new tutors at the Home Base academy, said as she turned to Yera and Gim. Rolling her eyes in mock horror, the new tutor lowered her voice as if imitating some ghoulish creature from a horror-holo "... they call me the Brain Girl."

It was all Chameleon Girl could do to not spit out her mouthful of Vandanian Chardonnay as she started to laugh.

Ella gave Yera a small cheeky smile before turning back to the main group in the centre of the room as they discussed the Daxamite tutors training practices.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973665 07/09/19 06:37 AM
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Tales from the Home Base Academy 1:

Jorn Golmorton of Naltor sat quietly in his room.

His classmates had chosen his new name, his Legion Name, when he'd asked them to think of something for him. Of course he'd foreseen what it would be but then being from Naltor that was his whole schtit... So when the awful girl from Mars they called Tesseract had suggested a name he had gratefully agreed. She had meant it as a dig but he loved it, it made him sound far more cool and even more dangerous than he really was.

Yup, Jorn with his grade 'A' precognition... He could tell you what would happen before you experienced it for yourself... thought it would be really cool to take the name of The Spoiler!

He hadn't told anyone but he had a vision that had pulled him here to the Legion Academy Home Base, one where he was wearing a flight ring and Sun Boy was shouting at him to flank to the right. There were strands of darkness in the sky around them and the taste of bitter ashes in the air. He had no idea what it would mean but understood at least he would be a Legionnaire flying into battle at some point in the next year.

Now, as the Spoiler, he just had to work hard and earn his place... he didn't need precognition to know that.

Tales from the Home Base Academy 2:

Shessan Monasdotta from the distant colony world of Frentoni Six was rather fond of her new nickname, Granite Girl, as it accurately described her metmorphic ability and was several jumps improved of her old school nickname of "Hardass"... But then, at the Academy as far as she could see the only person worthy of her old nicknane would probably be Lournu Durgo-Taine. All the students seemed at least marginally terrified of her.

Shessan had only been here on Home Base for seven days but already felt right at home - other than the temperature being way, way too high and the technology being about 3 centuries ahead of her home world's... But those were minor matters when she could spend her days hanging out with the most fantastical bunch of people she could ever have imagined.

Certainly there had been nothing and no one like the beings here in the frozen domes and caves back home, even sneaking into the Ancestor Pits to interact with the Memory Holos on a Long Night when there wasn't any moonlight hadn't been this much fun.

One of her classmates had invited her along to an additional class for those students from worlds with different technological levels and last night, the first class she had attended, out of the blue both the Spear of Artemis and Karate Kid had turned up! Real honest to goodness Legionaries in her class!

Her family were never going to believe this.

And, if she was honest, neither did she.

Shessan felt so privileged and happy to be allowed to be part of this, and all because of some gene-mod her Zwennite grandmother had taken after she left her homeworld that her mother and now she had inherited (but neither of her brothers had, which made it even better!) which meant Shessan could change into a super dense rock-like form and retain her full mobility.

Ha, this one genetic fluke she had never really cared for had got invited to the hottest party in the galaxy. Shessan felt blessed. She knew there was no guarantee that she would make it as a full Legionnaire but she would never stop appreciating every minute she had here.

Tales from the Home Base Academy 3:

Officer Rish'ha Nor of Lallor knew that many of his fellow students thought he had been a dick to challenge Lournu Durgo-Taine on his first day here but he had no regrets about doing it.

He had learned more about the Legion's true beliefs and ethos in that one conversation than he had from all the holo-files he'd seen in his 18 years.

Perhaps they weren't the arrogant attention seekers he had always assumed them to be. Maybe, despite what his father always said, they really did do some good. Maybe, just maybe, if he stuck around he could get closer to the team to see if they really did make as much of a difference as their hype suggested and, if they did and if he was very lucky, perhaps he could one day join them.

He only hoped Duplicate Girl hadn't marked his cards as a trouble maker after he tried to call her out.

He would keep his head down, work hard and start seriously practicing using the ability he had been in denial of for the last few years... If only he could think of a suitable name to use as a Legionnaire...

Tales from the Home Base Academy 4:

Elthur Mundo wasn't the only Cargggite here at the Academy but he was the only one that firstly wasn't just an SP officer hoping for tales to dine out on once they had gotten reassigned back to the beat and, secondly, had other abilities that had nothing to do with the native Cargggite triplicating.

Ever since he'd seen Duo Damsel in action while at junior school Elthur had known he wanted to be a Legionnaire. He studied hard at law enforcement techniques, practiced his tri-jitsui until his fists and feet and elbows and knees all ached, and made sure he had an unblemished record both academically and socially.

And he had researched the gene-mod technology and capabilities to help him reach his dream.

After he left the school system with a star report he straight away got into the second part of his plan. In total it had taken him under a standard year to get what he needed - a bio-synthetic light absorbing eye that could project blasts of energy, a micro sub-derma cybernetic armour field that increased his physical strength and durability tenfold and some bio-cybernetic enhancements that greatly increased his speed and reflexes. When he split each of his selves had one of the abilities which meant effectively he was like three meta-beings in one, how could the Legion ever refuse?

The Triple Nova, as Elthur preferred to be called, had every plan on becoming the next greatest hero from Carggg.

Tales from the Home Base Academy 5:

Amongst the people that the student called Ecliptoid 8 came from it was considered the height of rudeness to even guess at the gender of another.

Here on the small planetoid the Legion Academy were based upon though it appeared that not only were the vast majority showing off their gender characteristics with flagrant disregard for how they were perceived but they were quite keen to share their bodies around as well. And some then delighted in swapping tales of these experiences with their fellow students.

Ecliptoid 8 found it increasingly hysterical when the class met for their breakfast and the hot topic of conversation would be who had slept in which bed the night before... Two of the Naltori's appeared to be competing on how many of their fellow students beds they could have encounters in. Ecliptoid 8 listened to their bragging tales with a mixture of shock, amusement and genuine interest.

Using shadowskin veils to hide the childlike grin on their face from the other student's gazes, the young student from the Shtamitanocci Colonies on the edge of the Histraan Nebulae realised that the education they were receiving here went way beyond anything they would have possibly imagined. It was expected that they learn more about how they could move the Dark to their bidden, yet even in the few days they had settled into this satellite facility the information gleaned here had been far more subtle and interesting... Useful.

This was why the Silent Councillor had request they attended this far off place. The knowledge they would return home with would prove invaluable as their once lost colony world slowly integrated its way into the United Planets.

Tales from the Home Base Academy 6:

Marmud Illic could hear the thoughts of his fellow students like fizz bubbles in cheap champagne even when he was in his quarters with the TP-Shields up.

He enjoyed the concept of being at the Academy but the reality was often underwhelming. He still hadn't got used to being called the Mindbender by his fellow students but then non-TPs often didn't fully understand what true telepathic abilities actually were.

For the most part he wished that the psi-training had taken place during the first week of the semester but he noted from their timetable that it would be at least a month before this was on the agenda for tutorials to the rank and file of the student body. He had another five weeks until the majority of his fellow students even understood how their thoughts might be overheard let alone began to protect themselves.

The other telepathic students shared his frustration.

Marmud approached Gim Allon to talk about it but the former Legionnaire had smiled sadly and said, almost dismissively, that he hadn't created the timetable so couldn't comment. Even though Marmud knew he shouldn't it was relatively easy to read his tutor's thoughts... the thought bubbled under the surface of the former Legionnaire's mind that the psi-training was intentionally late into the semester so any telepathic students could be gauged on how they reacted when in places with heightened emotions.

"Has that answered all your questions?" the former Legionnaire asked, his face was unreadable but Marmud knew the tutor understood that the student had just read his thoughts.

"Thank you sir, uhh, I appreciate your candour. I'll bring this matter up with Ms Durgo-Taine at our next tutorial as it may be a consideration for next semester."

"You do that son, you do that." Gim said while he thought loudly enough that Marmud would have had to have been dead not to hear, "though if you read her mind as clumsily as you did mine she'll have your guts for garters." ...and with that thought a well practiced shield sprung up around the former Colossal Boy's thoughts blocking their immediate access off and the former Legionnaire walked on down the corridor whistling tunelessly.

Marmud Illic waited until Gim Allon was out of sight before breathing out with an explosive burst. The student leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He knew the training here wasn't going to be a predictable walk in the park before starting but had not realised just how hard it could be, and he hoped he hadn't just blown it!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973666 07/09/19 06:39 AM
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Two weeks prior, the Wanderers alongside the Legionnaires that had come to find them had left the Controller's immense planet and journeyed back to their own reality.

The Controller had joined them. In his surprisingly gentle voice the ancient being announced that he would transport the team wherever they wanted though he would no longer be a part of their adventures afyer that as he needed to spend time with his own race. But, he added, if they ever needed him again they could call his name and he would give them whatever help he could muster, this was to be his final gift.

Dartalon had agreed to join the Voice to her home world to meet her parents and extended family. Psyche had cried when they left even as she smiled at the obvious depth of love that had grown between the two. The Controller had smiled as they announced their plan and the two young lovers vanished inside a pale pink mist, transported back to the collective that the Voice had left two years before.

Immediately after they had taken their leave Aviax announced that it was time for him to find his original flock, the one he had been running from all those years ago when Celebrand had found him. They were all shocked by this but the winged man reassured them that he had been thinking of returning to his people for quite a while as it was time for him to assume fatherhood. Quantum Queen hugged him fiercely almost resisting letting go. Once again their teammates watched one of their own vanish in a cloud of pink.

Quantum Queen, Psyche, Ardren and Laurel Kent, Timber Wolf and M'Windaji all considered their options.

The empath announced that she needed to find a retreat as she had come to understand that her ability worked best when given space and peace. Gahaji and Laurel said they wanted to return to the Legion and some excitement but Brin had argued that the team would be fine without them for a little while longer so why not enjoy their break while they could. It was fairly obvious that he wanted to have a week or two more with Laurel before their lives would be interrupted by missions and tasks and disasters and battles and whatever else their time with the team could throw at them. Laurel smiled at her hirsute partner and shoved her shoulder under one of his muscular arms and wrapped one of her slender arms around his waist. They had a quick kiss before she announced that on this occassion Brin was right, not that he should get used to the concept... In the last two and a half weeks since he had found her they had been virtually inseparable as they rekindled their romantic partnership.

Quantum Queen and Laurel's father Ardren Kent had rolled their eyes in unison, both were quietly hoping for a bit of adventure after their time relaxing on the Controller's world as well.

The Controller had watched silently as the remaining Wanderers and Legionnaires discussed their options. There was not a clear consensus.

"Perhaps I could choose for you? There is a place were you may find retreat and solace," he nodded towards Psyche, "...and perhaps some adventure as well. The U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements could have much to offer you all."

It took all of thirty seconds for them all to agree to this idea and with a final hug from Quantum Queen to the great ancient being that had rescued them a year before in a dark dimension where they had lost a couple of their members, and more tears from Psyche, the assembled heroes vanished into a cloud of pink.

Their wandering would continue.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973667 07/09/19 06:39 AM
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Encyclopedia Galactica: The U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements were originally established as a religious refuge for those fleeing persecution during the 27th century. Settlements were created along a string of large asteroids and small planetoids within the galactic north of the Great White Asteroid Field as the 'Didactic Purge' under Prime Officer Hirohasi of the nascent United Planets took charge. In her three years in command it is estimated that Hirohasi exterminated close to five billion sentients under increasingly draconian legislation that controlled so much of the everyday citizen's lives. Due to Hirohasi ordering the destruction of all Intellect Hubs on Earth in the final days of her reign there is no definitive way to establish exactly how many citizens were murdered in her name. The aftermath saw a surge in support for pro-freedom politics that still hold great sway in the 31st century. The settlement was established to cater for all faiths and outlooks and for a while in the 28th century was referred to as a wild frontier that attracted many, many thousand of visitors looking for a truly alternative lifestyle. These days the U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements is often seen as truly anarchistic with hundreds of thousands of virtually independent small holdings within the greater geschtalt coexisting without any cohesive governing body or singular law enforcement body. S0mewhat surprisingly, it is rightly renowned as one of the places within the UP where a sentient being would be least likely to be the victim of a criminal act.

Current day:

As Kid quantum and Kinetix Legionnaire shuttle spun slowly towards the landing platform they both stared at the scanners with their mouths open. Neither had ever witnessed anything like what was outside their small craft.

Ahead of them, a station with about 60 or so landing pads spun gracefully, appearing to be connected by a spiderweb-like arrangement of anti-grav tubes from their lower and upper decks to floating rocks, each the size of Mount Everest. The monumental rocks each then had forest of similar tubes - which the Legionnaires guessed were for transport- erupted from their respective ends. These tubes spun out towards the wider settlement... and from what the scanners were showing, the settlement was a crazy mixture of satellites and minor planetoids created, crafted or carved into styles of construction from throughout galactic history with no two being at all similar.

"Zoe...." Jazmin whispered, "I think we oughta wear our distorters. I've got a strange feeling about all this... this place, there's something very, very weird going on."

"I just need to find him... I don't care about the rest."

Jazmin Cullen took her eyes of the holo-screen to look at her friend. The desperation and longing in Zoe Saugin's face went beyond simple love sickness, there was definitely something weird going on and the young woman from Xanthu realized that it may well be stood right beside her. Zoe's obsession with finding Gahaji was turning pathological!

"Okay honey, I promise we'll get you to Gahaji but activate your distorter first please, just to be safe..."

Several minutes later and their small craft was docked and they were ready to begin their search in earnest for their friends.

As they stood on the travelator walkway moving away from their ship towards a grav-chute Jazmin looked around her. Several klicks to her right - in space beyond the atmosphere bubble that surrounded the landing pads - the mighty river she had seen as they approached looped past this station and upon it she saw a range of what looked like old fashioned wind blown sailing ships. Zoe appeared not to even notice this.

As the two young women got to the end of the moving walkway Jaz could see a security screen - it looked like they would need to present identification... damn it! She hoped they would be able to casually get access to the grav-chute and make their way towards wherever it was that their teammates were. Kid Quantum couldn't say why but she knew that there was something weird going on and they needed to be extra careful; stealthy if at all possible.

As they approached the flickering barrier Jazmin took hold of Zoe's arm and extended a quantum bubble around them. She brazenly marched them through the security screen and once they were clear dropped the stasis sphere and looked around. No-one had seen what they did as the gate had been fully automated. The AI must have been fooled and they had managed to get through security without questions... right, now it was time to get to work - they needed to find their colleagues and Jazmin Cullen knew she needed to figure out why Zoe had gone nuts!

As this thought went through her mind a klaxon sounded nearby.

"Security Breach! Security Breach!"

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973668 07/09/19 06:44 AM
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Interlude four:

Tharok had been monitoring Grev Mallor's movements for at least a month since he had found him in the city state of Asharabattaw.

The almost-Shadow Champion and his tricky fiancé travelled across their world with a retinue of hangers on and boot licking toadies. Certainly the security that the two employed was less than useless as Tharok was able to walk into their camp one night and plant a simple tracker before strolling casually back out. The Talokean security men looked impressive in their Forge made armour but had not glanced at him twice as the simple distorter he wore showed him to be the same down on his heels middle aged native he had pretended to be those weeks back in the market place.

By now Tharok had figured out exactly what he needed Grev Mallor for - he needed to keep the Shadow Champions cousin alive so he could find the source of the Talokean brat's power. Their abilities to cast fields of darkness were legendary, though Tharok thought not especially useful or powerful against anyone but the most basic adversary. Yet something within the mechanism that had given these abilities to the Mallor clan's chosen champions for three millennia must be the source of the strange power reading that had caught his attention all those years ago.

And, two days ago, after almost five weeks of following his quarry, Tharok got what he wanted. Grev mallor finally led an opponent that he did not even know he had straight to the source of the darkness that empowered the heroes of his people... The Cave of Shadows.

After the Talokeans had left the cave of their revered ancestors Tharok carefully monitored its entranceway for a further twelve hours. the energy was identical to that which he had picked up on his first visit here all those years ago. The cyborg carefully double checked that he had all the tools and weapons he estimated he needed before, just as the evening began to sink darkness into the coarse land around him, he left his holo-hidden vantage point and strode towards the opening.

Even as he entered the voices began.

Initially, Tharok thought he must have overlooked some security service staff left behind to protect the cave but soon he realised that it was the shadows themselves that were speaking to him. They were inviting him further into the pitch darkness.

This time, Tharok knew, he would get exactly what he wanted. This time the power he craved would finally be his!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973681 07/09/19 01:07 PM
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Great stuff Harbi!

I love how you have the student population be so large. And it makes sense there would be multiple students of those species with powers. Multiple Carggites, multiple telepaths... I love how you weave that in, having sub-cliques and sub-cultures be formed.

LOL at Naltorians all being vampy like Nura! I love how that's kind of a personality trait. I wonder if their precognition helps them with their flirting and conquests?

Some interesting new students here!

Ah, Zoe and her obsessions...

And Tharok with shadow powers, eek!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973713 07/10/19 05:11 AM
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I concur about the students...they all seem really fleshed out from their first appearance too, good job! I really liked Gim's trick with Marmud; we never really see that kind of thing in the comics enough, but I can't believe the Legion WOULDN'T be trained to resist telepathy to an extent.

Tharok's story is heating up! I was worried about Grev for a sec so I'm glad he's okay (for now anyway lol)...something tells me Tharok might have bitten off more than he could chew this time though!

Love that description of the U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements smile Very curious to see what awaits our various heroes there!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973730 07/10/19 09:23 AM
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ooh yeah, I wanted to comment on Gim's telepathy trick, and how cool it was that the Legionnaires KNOW when their minds are being read. Telepaths have so often been depicted as super powerful, that it makes sense there would be many less-skilled ones than Saturn Girl or Universo who would alert their "victims" of their tricks!

Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #973814 07/12/19 06:27 PM
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I love these school stories; they are a lot of fun and your approach to education is very thought out. I admire your ability to think of codenames, as that is a personal struggle of mine. In my stories, I am trying to channel the tone of Grant Morrison's X-Men run, is there any particular influence for your school?

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 9 July 19
Harbinger #974975 08/06/19 06:07 PM
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Finally getting a moment to review your segments and I must say I'm super interested in where this all will go.
I'll be typing as I read. So I may get my questions answered.

Of course, Tharok wouldn't want to go back and lose all of his advancements.
You point out an interesting point about the Fatal Five and how together they make bigger targets. But it is interesting that he feels they didn't get as much done. I wonder if this is how many villans feel and that's why they don't do the team thing as much? Although, I'm sure it also depends on their circumstances.

I love that we're calling full circle to the start of your Legion Worlds series and going back to Talok VIII. He's going after the shadow powers? hmmm, I can't wait to see what he experiences as it will give us some more insight into the source of power.

Wait... this takes place during Rokk and Lydda's wedding?

So how has Tharok never registered this energy in Shadow Lass? If it led him to Grav it should have also led him to Tasmia. Unless there's something special about his powers vs Shadow Lass' from the shadow caves.

I love the idea of Space trains. But all I can think about when I'm reading this is having a murder mystery party on the train. laugh
The trains being expensive and only for corporate parties out at the outer edges makes sense. But a 13-hour party is a long one.

I love that Backlash is following Ayla everywhere and being her protector and I like that she's going with a bigger team and the reasonings make sense.
Of course, an action star thinks he can take someone down. lol

I liked Polar Girl's gusto and taking on the lead to get the guards in line.
Power Boy makes a good point. you gotta get the guard down. But I like Gravity Kid and his tough stance as well.
The Comet's make such a good pair.
Alya sniffing the air was cute.
Love the detective work you've shown them doing. Noticing that perfume. Imskian rebels!
I love that Grava's reaction to the tiny ship is can we keep it. haha. laugh

Excited for the new academy!

Wildfire and Officer Loct maybe going rounds soon.
I find it interesting how these officers are reacting to the Legion and vice versa. So far there seem to be some issues that hopefully can be worked out.
GO Lu! take charge! Although she should have said that he shouldn't have that attitude period and not just around her.

Gim's diplomacy and explanation were a great history lesson and glad it worked, even if it didn't make him feel better.

Spoiler sounds really confident and I can't wait to find out about those black tendrils and ash taste are. I like that he took back the name.

I love Granite Girl. She's a sweetie.
I also love seeing characters from worlds that aren't as advanced as some of the other Legionnaires. It's easy to forget that not everyone has the same levels.
Officer Nor, glad he's going to try and work hard and that he did learn something.

I gotta ask how popular is the gen-mod thing? there seems to be a lot of the students who do it in the last class too. Is it just for powers or do people use it for everything?

Triple Nova. I like that name.

Ecliptoid 8 - interesting character. A world where gender is seemingly obsolete is very interesting. I wonder how that came about on that world. was it founded by those who felt that way or was it a cultural shift? so curious and they manipulate shadows?? Hmm could there be a bigger story brewing with the shadow casters? I also want to know how they became lost.
Poor Mindbender. Hopefully, he can get through this.

I love reading your academy stories and can't wait for more. You create some really great characters.

The U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements sounds like an amazing place. I like that its seen as this wild west place but for religion exploration. I can only imagine what Brin, Laurel, and Gahaji are getting up to there.
and that it subverts the expectations of the lawless west.

Why is Zoe so obsessed? is the ruby of life calling to her? I'm glad Jaz went with her. I think Zoe could get herself killed if she doesn't watch out.
Quick thinking Jaz. But please don't let them get caught so early!

I'm glad Tharok didn't hurt Grav but I don't know if he's going to make it out of those caves unscathed.

MOre more more!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975133 08/10/19 06:23 AM
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The U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements, galactic north of the Great White Asteroid Field, Raptor Nebula

Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu, creation of temporal quantum bubbles, flight
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation

Currently in an unknown location and assumed to be with the Wanderers:

Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth, physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic

The Wanderers:

Quantum Queen - Queen Helanna Regina-Winzzor of the Eternal Empire of the Nomadic Sunkind, enhanced strength, flight, can assume the form of and manipulate ambient electro-magnetic spectrum energy
Psyche - Meena Estelli of the Firgrove settlements of Homestar 3, empathic emotional reading and manipulation
Blockbuster - Ardren Kent of Earth, super strong and invulnerable

Zoe and Jazmin had slipped into an anti grav tube hoping to be whisked up and away from the security 'bots that were starting to congregate around the gate. It refused to move.

Kid Quantum swore as she dragged her friend out of the tube.

"This is bonkers!" Jaz exclaimed as she slung an arm around her teammate and used her flight ring to pull them both upwards.

"You could try telling them you're legionnaires... they really won't mind, or just do this..." The voice appeared to come from a ray of light that danced around the two levitating Legionnaires.

Before either woman could react the beam shifted form to reveal the Wanderer known as the Quantum Queen. The Wanderer stretched out a hand and bolts of light flew from her fingertips. As the beams hit the security drones they sparked and crashed to the ground. She smiled as she floated in the air beside them and signaled the two Legionnaires to land beside a lumbering robotic security drone that had been following their trail.

The lumbering robot stretched out a metallic limb and scanned the two women. Immediately afterwards it turned away and hovered back to the main security gate.

"What was that about?"Jazmin Cullen asked, "I thought this place was supposed to be anarchistic and free... that security is tighter than a Titanian's butt!"

"Oh, they are far less caring of rules and rulers than most places, they like to know who's here though... anyway, hello Legionnaire, I've met your colleague before. I'm Helanna Regina-Winzzor, though mostly known as the Quantum Queen." The statuesque blond woman held out her hand to the Legionnaire.

"Uh, yeah, hi... hello, I'm Jazmin Cullen, ah... known as Kid Quantum." The Legionnaire felt awkward as the tall woman from the Wanderers smiled at the similarity at names. Jazmin had read the files on the Wanderers so knew how insanely powerful the tall woman in front of her was. It felt like a joke sharing a part of her codename with someone who could blow up planetoids with a wave of their hands.

"What's wrong with Zoe?" Quantum Queen asked as Kinetix ignored her and looked around the walkway and out into the strange environment they had arrived at.

"Where is he?" The redhead muttered.

"Zoe.... ah... I'm not sure, it's weird but she says she has to find Gahaji and has been getting in a right state over it."

"Gahaji? He left with Psyche about a week ago, said they were heading to the Esse Statum Stroid Retreat. It's run by the Magi healer." Quantum Queen smiled, though she clearly was concerned as her gaze fell back upon Zoe.

"Well, I reckon something's up, though before we go looking ... do you know where Brin and Laurel are as well?" Jazmin asked, feeling certain that if M'Windaji was in danger then the larger the team that went looking for him the better.

"Of course. They're with Ardren... Come on, they're not far away. You could call them if you like. Your rings have that functionality don't they? That's how I knew you were her, Laure's ring told her." As Quantum Queen said this Jazmin realized that they had not tried to call their friends since leaving Sol. It was a basic oversight that she could only put down to her concern over Zoe's increasingly erratic behavior.

Ten minutes later Brin, Laurel and her father, Ardren, had joined the two Legionnaires and Quantum Queen in a diner on a nearby satellite reached through the vast tube system that stretched out from the stations landing bays. There were hugs and cheers and a lot of smiles, mostly from Laurel Kent as her two closest friends from her time with the Legionnaires had tracked her down, though Brin looked genuinely pleased as well to see the two young women. Zoe appeared even more agitated as the group settled into a semi-private nook. The group started to share tales of what they had been through since they had last been together when Laurel's father, who had been watching Zoe intently, spoke up.

"There's clearly something wrong with your friend Laurel, they way she's asking about the lad, so why don't we all follow your Legion rings tracker app and see what's causing her to behave like this?" Ardren Kent was obviously as directly spoken as his daughter. Jazmin could immediately see the similarity in character between the two and also understand why Timber Wolf got on so well with the father as well. As the group rushed out of the diner following the bleeping from the locator app Ardren Kent left a large tip for their waiters on the table behind them.

"There's about 7,000 asteroids, settlements, businesses and communal planetoids linked by the tube system, but Gahaji and Psyche left to visit a retreat that's over three and a half million klicks out from the last stop on the tube... your shuttle will be the only way out there unless you want to do what they were planning and wait for the Black Ferry? It should only take a day or two..." Quantum Queen smiled as she asked though her tone made it very clear what her preferred choice would be.

While the blond Wanderer had been speaking Jazmin realized that they hadn't simply tried to communicate with Gahaji through their flight rings. She quickly explained that she needed to try something first and concentrated on M'Windaji, willing the telepathic communication function to link their two minds before she whispered into her golden ring "Gahaji, are you there matey? If so let me know please, we need to find you."

She stared at her flight ring for twenty silent seconds before looking back towards the Quantum Queen.

Jazmin Cullen had no idea what the Black Ferry was that the Wanderer had been talking about but reckoned that with the Legionnaire's shuttle being so much quicker they could get to the heart of whatever it was that was causing Zoe to act so strangely with a lot less trouble.

Within five minutes of having left the diner they were all aboard the shuttle and ready to go.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975134 08/10/19 06:23 AM
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With the Flight Ring tracker app pointing the way the Nav-AI in the Legionnaire's shuttle plotted a course to take them to M'Windaji and, they hoped, Psyche.

As they flew through the settlement Jazmin's jaw dropped. The great river she had seen appeared more like an ocean that had been channeled through an invisible tube as it meandered through the larger satellites and planetoids towards the outer settlements, branching and forking to surge off towards distant parts unknown. Upon this vast flow of water small boats cruised, some had sails and flags like ancient vessels that traversed old Earth.

The satellites and settlements all appeared to be unique: one was a silvered chapel, at least as big as her home city on Xanthu, with filigreed buttresses and carved minarets and towers of exquisite beauty. The next appeared to be a relatively flat disc, perhaps two hundred moopball courts wide and three times as long, with small patches of farmed land in amongst copse of what looked like ancient trees. These in turn housed flocks of exotic birds that took to the air above the fields in a shimmering murmuration of colour and excitement. After that there was one that had been sculpted to look something like a large multi-eyed insect. Another was a perfectly blue ball without any apparent port or docking facilities that Ardren said was an experimental Dyson Sphere running advanced evolutionary experiments. The next appeared to be a dozen small planetoids circling each other with their innermost points directing beams of light at each other - Jazmin had no idea what was going on there but desperately hoped they would have time to explore once they found Gahaji. All the while the great river ran through these disparate satellites like the thread through an exotic maze. By the twenty fifth settlement they had passed Laurel Kent walked over to Jazmin and put an arm over her shoulder.

"It is pretty special, isn't it? We spent our first three days here just jumping the tubes to see the next place... There was one that's a hi-G jungle with retro-clones of extinct plants from Khund space, Brin wanted to explore that more but I got hungry so we left. My dad loved the astronomers platforms that track the nebula. My favourite was like a big church, so beautiful Jaz, that's made entirely from paper thin sheets of Aurokian silver. Oh it was exquisite... We were talking of jumping on the Black Ferry all the way across the River Axis to visit a few more places. It's not all sight seeing though, there're quite a few planetoids and estates that are shielded so you can only imagine what goes on in them."

"We gotta explore this place Laurel, it's... wow! It's just amazing!" Jazmin smiled as she spoke, her voice soft in awe of what she had been watching. Laurel Kent started to laugh as she drew her friend in towards her for a hug.

Forty minutes and a lot of pointing at various exotic and unexpected sights later, Jazmin noticed the proximity alert had flashed that they were within 1,000 klicks of the location of M'Windaji's flight ring. For the first time since starting this journey she realized that they didn't know for sure if he would be wearing it. With this worrying thought pushed aside, she told the rest of the group to get ready as they would be at the Esse Statum Stroid Retreat in a couple of minutes.

Kinetix sat staring at the screen before her with tears running down her cheeks. Behind her Brin Londo and Ardren Kent exchanged a look that said both men understood clearly that there was definitely something causing a serious problem for their young redheaded friend. And that they would do everything they could to fix it for her.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975135 08/10/19 06:24 AM
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The Esse Statum Stroid Retreat was about the same size as Legion World Home Base in Sol...A moderately small sized planetoid.

Its outer surfaces looked organic, as if covered in silver fur, but as they got closer Jazmin could see it had been covered in some sort of a crystal then meticulously carved with sweeping shapes all bent over and twisted to look like something undulating or writhing against the darkness of space. It was a little disconcerting Jazmin thought but not even close to the strangest thing she had seen out here.

"Welcome travelers. The Esse Statum retreat welcomes all weary travellers to it's healing fields. Our port is to your galactic south. We will prepare a party to welcome you." As the announcement came over the comm system the shuttles AI extended it's landing pods as it manouvred around to the awaiting docking port.

"Hey Kid, you and Laurel take Zoe in there, say she's in need of spiritual doo dah hickory or whatever they do here. That'll give Ardren and Queenie and me a chance to sneak around. Just in case... Wotcha say?" Brin presented his idea casually without any concern if the team where going to follow it or not, but at that moment Jazmin wanted to kiss him as she realized that while she had been sightseeing getting the shuttle out here she had not thought out any real plan of action for when they got here. Although she wouldn't admit it, right at that moment the young Xanthuan Legionnaire was feeling out of her depth what with her concern about Zoe's increasingly odd behavior and this incredible settlement amongst the distant asteroid field and the Wanderers being here...

"That sounds like a good idea, thanks Brin." She shot her teammate a quick, very grateful grin which he mirrored before turning to Laurel. She looked up into the Zuunian's eyes and gave a cheeky grin.

"You be careful out there furball. I don't want to have to come rescue you." She said just loud enough for everyone else to hear before stepping onto her tip toes and gently kissing the tip of his nose.

"Where’s Zoe?" Ardren Kent said, breaking the atmosphere.

"C'mon Laurel, we gotta catch her up." Jazmin Cullen gave a quick salute to the rest of the group before racing out the door.

The three young women all stumbled out of the shuttle together and were met by half a dozen beings in deep orange monk-like robes.

Brin watched on the screen as they were led away by the monks. Quantum Queen got up from the seat where she had been nonchalantly lounging and stretched.

"A little bit of ultra-violet will do I think, perfect to go exploring. Let's see what Psyche and Gahaji have gotten us into." She winked at Ardren Kent broadly and gave a small laugh before her form shimmered and vanished.

Timber Wolf glanced at Laurel's father and gave a small grin, "You could do a lot worse... you know she likes you, don't you? " the Legionnaire said nodding towards the space where the Quantum Queen had been stood seconds before.

"Uh huh, and it's none of your beeswax either young man." Ardren gave the Legionnaire a quick smile before adding, "If you want to go out and explore as well I can monitor you all from in here. I'll let you know if the girls run into any trouble, okay?" Ardren said to the Legionnaire.

"Perfect." Timber Wolf gave a feral grin as he acknowledged the offer before flying down the shuttle's length and sneaking out of a rear panel of the craft and into the docking bay of this distant spiritual retreat.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975136 08/10/19 06:24 AM
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Zoe was anxious.

Jasmin and Laurel walked either side of her, each with an arm around their red headed friend. The monks had offered to guide them to a waiting area where they could be processed to find out which of the many therapies would best suit their needs.

“Will he be there?” Zoe asked.

“She means the Magi...” Laurel said quickly, “She’s wanted to meet him since we first heard of this place as he’s supposed to be ...ah ...really inspiring.”

The monks all gave a small laugh and carried on towards a large dark door. Politely they ushered the three young women into a round room with seating running all the way around the edge. The central space had a small firepit with a strange green glow. The décor was all neutral and the lighting subdued with small holos set into recesses at regular points around the room. The monks asked if the ladies wanted for anything, Laurel asked for a glass of water while Zoe and Jazmin just shook their heads. Two monks left though three remained, they stood silently with heads bowed by the door.

<He's close by, Gahaji is near> Zoe sent the thought through the shared telepathic grid the Legionnaires flight ring generated. Both Jazmin and Laurel were startled but smiled.

<Okay girls, let's see what we have here. Let's all take a look at the decor like real tourists and see if we can figure out what's going on> Jazmin sent. Laurel laughed as she heard this, just like Jaz to take charge, she thought to herself careful not to broadcast it accidentally.

"These holo's are interesting, do they show the life of the Magi?" Jazmin said over her soulder to the monks as she examined the nearest one which showed a man in loose robes setting foot onto a barren asteroid and with a wave of his hand it transformed into a forest. As she expected there was no reply.

<Gals, according to this holo the Magi can bring life to dead planets with a wave of his hand. Would save a fortune on terraforming...> She sent to her teammates.

<This one shows him ... weird for a man of peace but he seems to be fighting off pirates> Laurel sent from across the room as she stood gazing into another of the holo-nooks.

<This one shows him healing the sick... I need to see Gahaji, he's in trouble, I know it!> Zoe sent vehemently.

<Cool your jets hon, we'll get him soon, I promise you> Jazmin's exasperation showed as she replied, her tone was harder than she had meant it to be.

<Any other clues gals? I noticed at least two small spyholes. Not sure if we're being watched by someone or through a camera but if you check out the cornicing there're a few small dark discs...>

<Yup, spotted them... this holo shows the Magi with dozens of children sat around his feet, it's really creepy> sent Laurel. The three women continued to wander around the circular room gazing at the holo's and bland décor. They all suddenly became aware how quiet it had become and looked around to find the monks that had been at the door had gone. In their place stood a middle aged man with silvering hair wearing a bright sky blue robe.

"Ladies, welcome to my home."

"The Magi! Oh wow! We never thought we'd ever meet you. It's such a surprise to see you standing there..." Laurel stepped forward as if she were an enthusiastic follower.

"Yes," he replied drolly, "I share the sentiment about you too... particularly as I've transformed all the oxygen in this room into hydrogen several minutes ago and you should be unconscious by now." As he said this both Laurel and Zoe gave an involuntary glance at their flight rings - the eco-protect function had obviously saved them. Two monks stepped through the door carrying weapons. "I believe you young ladies are not really travelers seeking enlightenment." The Magi sparkled as he spoke and the three Legionnaires took a step back - they had seen that energy signature before from one of their colleagues and they knew how incredible powerful that meant the man before them could be. Their colleague believed he was the only survivor of his race but it appeared that he wasn't...

<Oh hell! The Magi’s from Trom!>

Even as Jazmin sent that thought the air around the three Legionnaires transformed into crystal, freezing them in place.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975137 08/10/19 07:04 AM
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Hey all, thanks again for your kind feedback.

To answer a few questions - I think of telepathy as a kind of mental pick pocketing and if you know to be careful you'll be aware at a clumsy attempt to get at your valuables, but if a thief has enough practice you'll be lucky to be left with much. Marmud was perhaps a bit cocky so Gim taught him a vital lesson.

Tharok probably didn't look for the energy source while with the rest of the F5 as the Empress and the Persuader probably would have tried to take it from him.

The influence for the Academy are all from my own wxperiences working in education.

Next up the start of a mission for Mon El that doen't go as well as he would hope, Kara gets Querl out of the labratory, Otaki has a headache and the engineers are hard at work.

Thanks again


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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975138 08/10/19 08:25 AM
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Voligaxxian System

Mon El – Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamaran iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
Sister Eclipse - of Rhoohanisett iii, durability, heightened senses, physical possession of any living being.

Newly promoted from Home Base Academy (Mentor in brackets):

Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user (Mon El)

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Second Base:

Changer - Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal of Durla, shape changer

Encyclopedia Galactica: The Voligaxxic Host are a race of bi-pedal beings whose home star system spends approximately a tenth of the Voligoxxic year skimming the edges of a trans-dimensional warp that runs an elliptical orbit around their planet's parent star. The native flora and fauna have evolved to absorb the radiance of this anomaly to aid in their physical growth and strength. Due to their reliance on the trans-dimensional warp's intra-spatial radiation within their star system to give them sustenance the Host rarely leave their home system for long. This is often seen as a blessing for the rest of the galaxy as the Host are known to be generally belligerent and troublesome. Standing on average at 3 foot tall the Host bare a slight passing resemblance to dwarven blue green lions as they each have a large mane of hair around their broad necks and are covered in a down that resembles body hair. It is virtually impossible to tell the Host apart from each other to Terran senses though they claim to have a distinctive aura that distinguishes them from each other.

The team had been asked by the United Planets to witness the Emperor of the Third Chamata Dynasty address the Voligoxxic Host of the Void in his annual speech to his eighty six billion subjects.

Mon El had visited this system once before, over a decade ago and hadn't stuck around. He found the locals to be insufferable!

They were loud and demanding with an aggressive temperament and a social set up that meant there were several dozen beings at the 'top' of the pile who had access to almost unlimited resources while the many billion more below struggled to cover their basic needs. Still, the AI algorithmic ambassador from the United Planets had requested someone visit this far away world and represent the United Planets as it was a Voligoxxic half century since the current emperor had assumed the throne. As a planetary monarch of some standing within the United Planets Affiliated Worlds - mostly due to the incredible rich jewels his people traded for technology - the Science Police had requested the Legion's assistance. As most emperors lasted around a decade the current rulers record breaking length in the top spot was seen as both a huge achievement and a terrible risk.

The Emperor's Third Vizier's chamberlain's junior assistant's security manager's second office manager's deputy personal assistant met the Legionnaires as they stepped out of their cruiser. The young Voligaxxiccan wore a spectacular headdress with neon glowing strips and ornate antlers that required two staff to carry its weight as the Host moved. There were several hundred of the Host stood around the space port bay where the cruiser currently sat, none of which appeared to be working, instead they chattered and grumbled and stomped their emotions. Hundreds of small buglike robots scurried around, avoiding kicks from the indigenous race, apparently doing the real work.

<Be careful team please. The briefing didn't do justice to how tricky the Host can be> Mon El sent silently across the flight ring created telepathic grid.

Sister Eclipse walked alongside the Daxamite, occasionally bowing her head in a considered solemnity towards members of the Host who bothered to look at the Legionnaires. Mon El noted that the small beings nodded in response.

<, if you make eye contact with the l'il buggers give a nod in their direction. Sister Eclipse, you appear to have an understanding of this culture, is there anything you can add?>

<My sisters have met these being before> Sister Eclipse sent in reply <They found the Host to be somewhat tiresome if you do not show what they believe is the proper respect at all time>

<Sounds delightful Sister, any other tips?> Urill Yagthal , the Science Police Officer from Durla, asked.

<Unfortunately not. The Host appear to be rather belligerent so there are no hard or fast rules when dealing with them I'm afraid to say> The reply.

<Thought so, the SP's report said much the same> The Durlan Science Police Officer's reply had a humorous tone in it. They had all read the SP report and it had been abundantly clear that the officers that had written it had found the Host to be thoroughly obnoxious and at one point even referring to them as "extremely odious creature without an iota of social grace!".

Babbage and the Durlan Science Police Officer were walking behind Mon El and Sister Eclipse while Lexikon and Southern Lights flew overhead.

<Their body language suggests they don't care if we are here or not. They are truly indifferent> Lexikon sent to her colleagues.

"Giants of the Outer Worlds, ugly non-Host in garish disrespectful garb though you are, with your heads uncovered revealing your true lowly status amongst the enlightened, the quarters assigned to you are this way." One of the small beings holding up the ridiculously oversized head dress intoned, before turning and stomping slowly off. As they followed their guide each of the Legionnaires became aware of transparent blue swirls that looked somewhat like dust devils that appeared to pop up and disappear randomly. They knew from the reports they had each read en route that these were caused by the nearness to the trans-dimensional spatial anomaly that this small world skirted. Babbage had run a full diagnostic scan and was still none the wiser. The small swirling warps were routinely ignored by the natives so, Mon El decided, they should follow suit and focus on the job at hand instead.

It took almost an hour of trudging at a frustratingly slow pace before they finally reached their assigned quarters. Thankfully their quarters were much larger than Mon El had feared, though there were only five rooms offered despite the team having clearly stating they were a party of six.

Lar Gand mused to himself that only sixteen hours previous he had been almost on his way to Talok viii where he could have been enjoying Venusian Root juice with Tasmia Mallor. Not for the first or last time on this mission Mon El wondered if he had annoyed Tyroc somehow and that was why he had been asked to lead a team out here

Babbage and Sister Eclipse chose to share a room. The large Robotican Legionnaire stood in a corner and reached out with its hyper awareness to connect into the local mecha-infrastructure. Sister Eclipse knelt in the middle of the floor and quietly prayed to her deity for a peaceful resolution to their mission.

Mon El asked Southern Lights if the young mystic could gather some information as they would be trying to protect the Hosts emperor in challenging conditions from an unknown threat - any information could prove vital. After the mystic from Starhaven had left for his own quarters to begin his meditation the Daxamite began using his X-ray vision to search for any clues.

Lexikon and Officer Yagthall of Durla didn’t enter their rooms, instead they decided to investigate their surroundings and the locals. The Tamaranean Princess strode confidently into a large refectory where the staff of the space port congregated. Her shape changing colleague assumed the form of a local and followed behind. While Princess Daheenisha was generally ignored, the Durlan SPO drew an angry crowd that hissed and spat at him. He quickly resumed his natural form and tried to make a joke of it but the mob that had grown around him did not share the joke, instead they cursed and gesticulated before grumbling and moving away. Even the buglike robot workers avoided the Legionnaires.

<Well, that was a bust,> he sent through to Lexikon, <my abilities don’t fool them>

<The report said they recognise each other’s auras, perhaps yours doesn’t change with your body?>

<It’ll make any intelligence gathering more difficult> he replied.

Lexikon was not having much luck either. Each time she tried to casually speak with several members of the Host they would, at best ignore her or if she tried to push the attempted conversation they hissed and spat at the Tamaranean.

They were returning to their assigned quarters discussing how the natives all wore head gear of varioys sizes, though none as large as their guide had, when Mon El contacted them.

<Team, we're needed right now... someone's just taken a shot at the Emperor!>

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975139 08/10/19 08:25 AM
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Mon El was the first to arrive in the Emperors' chamber.

The Daxamite quickly scanned the cathedral like vault with his x-ray vision in the hope of spotting someone with a weapon. The only things moving were the small buglike robots that apparently did the hard work in this place. Before he had finished Southern Lights flew through the enormous doors behind his mentor and started to spin in the air; the mystics' fingers traced eldritch lines around him which pulsed and peaked.

<Spotted something, stay here> Mon El vanished in a blur of super speed even as he sent the message.

Southern Lights continued to write lines of mystical power upon the air, asking them to point towards those with an evil intent towards any within the room.

Babbage charged through the doors with Sister Eclipse closely behind and within seconds Lexikon and an emerald hawk that changed into Officer Yagthall of Durla had flown through the large doors behind them. Southern Lights called out to them, explaining what he was doing and where Mon El currently was. Babbage stood by the doors as his internal scanners took full stock of their surroundings, Lexikon flew up to the ceiling and tried to locate any hiding places amongst the rafters. Officer Yagthall assumed the form of a Venusian Bloodwolf and sniffed around the doorway. Sister Eclipse stood her ground, not far from Southern Lights and watched the huge doors as if waiting for their solution to arrive through them.

It would have been easy to overlook the Emperor, clothed as he was in a most extraordinary headdress that almost reached the top of the room 30 metres above and puffed out over ten metres all round him. Inside what appeared to be a swirling Monkey Puzzle-like mass of multicoloured tubes, struts and supports with small bobbing figurines attached to the ends of each tendril and random pops of the trans-dimensional energy that permeated this world, the Most August Ruler calmly watched as the Legionnaires set about tracking whomever was responsible for attacking him.

Sister Eclipse had been sniffing at the air before turning around to face the huge tangle of tubes that took up a third of the cathedral-like room. Her reptilian face smiled as she made her way over to it. As she approached she took to her knees and bowed her head.

"Sister, what you doing?" Officer Yagthall asked.

She didn't reply as she made her way towards the huge twisting mass. By the time she was twenty feet away from the outermost layer of the extended head dress the emperor wore, Sister Eclipse was literally squirming across the floor on her belly.

"Oh most supreme and wise being, leader of the most divine race to ever tread the stardust, we humbly ask your forgiveness for taking air from your presence and making noise within your silence." Her teammates had stopped to watch as she slowly slid herself across the floor.

<The Emperor is within that... creation. I believe she is attempting to elicit a response, though have we not be told that we must not interact directly with him?> Babbage sent to his colleagues telepathically.

<She's a clever lady, let's watch and see what she does> The Durlan Science Police Officer replied.

<Well, my spell hasn't located anyone nearby that means him harm so if she can find out anything...> Southern Lights sent to the team.

<No-one at all means any harm to him?> Officer Yagthall asked.

<No-one nearby... within quarter of a klick or so, that's as far as I can push the spell with any accuracy> the mystic responded.

<With these beings surly nature and palace politics being what they usually are I find that very strange...> Lexikon added.

"Ugly though thou art and offensive to my own nose, yet your piety is clear and manners are almost acceptable... for an obscene outsider." The emperor's voice was squeaky like a child breathing helium yet within it they could hear a tone of command. "Thou knowest thine presence is the most base of offences yet thou art equally brave and foolish to converse with those that are above and beyond your kind like that stars are to mud."

<That wasn't terribly kind> Southern Lights sent to his team.

<Standard royal justification for their use of immense resources while their subject's do without> Officer Yagthall replied.

"Your garish and ill-clad companions were summoned here to fulfill what your own technology advises are my needs. Ze believe that my life is under threat by some assassin... perhaps. Hah! Ze knows not what zey speak of."

"That's not true your emperorship, the burns on the floor there are a clear sign of a pulse rifle discharge... Only, my spells can find no inclination of harm directed towards you from outside these walls. any ill intent came from within..." Southern Lights had replied before considering his actions. The Starhavenite had gently landed beside his prostrate teammate. The young mystic did not join her on the floor though at least remembered to bend a knee and bow his head.

"An idiot, and ugly too with thine hideous oversized back flaps and uncovered head... disgusting thou art! Truly hideous! What manner of spectacularly unattractive eyesore are thou?" There was no warmth in the emperor's tone now, only anger and scorn.

There was a whoosh of air as Mon El returned to the chamber. The Daxamite dumped the crushed remains of a remote controlled weapon onto the floor.

"Sir, he is a Legionnaire and willing to risk his life for yours. We would all appreciate if you could be a little bit more respectful. We are not of your people but are here to do a job that they apparently can't do. So, please don't make it more difficult for us. We are all volunteers after all..." The Daxamite landed beside Southern Lights and kept his chin up, the challenge was unmistakable. "Anyway, I just found that..." He pointed to the automated blaster rifle he'd thrown onto the floor, "So it looks like we won't be wasting our time if we hang around." Before the emperor could reply Mon El turned away from him to address his team.

"Sister, you stay here with the Emperor. The rest of you are with me, we need to check this place out. It's like the worst maze you've ever seen and there could be an assassin hiding out anywhere." He took to the air with a salute towards this planets ruler and flew back out of the huge room.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975140 08/10/19 08:27 AM
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Mon El led the way.

The Daxamite used his incredible senses to scan their surroundings, watching and listening for any more weapons set to harm the emperor. Around the tops of the buildings spun more of the small blue vortexes of the trans dimensional warp energy. Lar Gand found he could not see through these to identify the energy they were composed of, but as they appeared to randomly pop into and out of existence and no local seemed to care about them he ignored them after the initial frustrated attempts to scan them. Behind him Southern Lights used the residual energy from the spell he had cast to try to lead them towards any threat. So far the eldritch lines undulated but did not give any clear pointers other than in towards the Emperor himself. The two Legionnaires had taken to investigating the upper reaches of the palace complex, darting amongst its ornate spires and domes where great fan-like blades of solar cells swept around as if they were the windmills of the very gods.

Babbage and Lexikon had gone out into the wider complex. The two used their skills to investigate areas where a potential assassin or a trap might be hidden. The Robotican's scanning matrix discovered a wide range of cubby holes and deserted corridors apparently blocked off from the general walk ways, plazas and business areas. They diligently investigated each of these for signs of recent activity. While doing this Lexikon watched and listened to the palace staff hoping to pick up clues which might lead them to finding whomever was responsible for the attempt on the emperor's life. there appeared to be no buzz about this though, almost as if the locals were in the dark that a shot had been fired at their most august ruler.

Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal had reassumed his wolven form and sniffed around close to the cathedral-like vault were the emperor resided. The Durlan chided himself as he did - this was what he had trained to do for the last six years, to investigate and find clues to solve ongoing cases, yet currently he felt like so much deadweight to the team - He wouldn't let them down, if there was a trace of evidence to be found he would discover it... What natives he encountered backed away when they saw the form he was in, with its shaggy coat, long teeth and red eyes it looked like a savage beast. Urill Yagthal was glad they kept out of his way, he had found the natives to be mildly amusing initially but now realized that this species inherent xenophobia was worse that even human stock within the United Planets and he had dealt with more than enough of that to find it anywhere near funny anymore.

Sister Eclipse meanwhile had resumed her position lying face down before the emperor.

"Most dreadful and awesome of the mighty emperors of this sacred system, this far flung daughter of an unworthy race begs for an iota of thine bountiful intelligence to answer an impertinence...."

"You may speak ugly one, though softly, thine voice is grating in its unnatural pitch." From within the overly ornate and incredibly constructed head dress the emperors squeaky voice.

Sister Eclipse wriggled forward before raising herself onto her elbows to look towards the small being within the overly ornate structure. "This one had spent many years working amongst the hopeless and desperate on far off worlds and spaces..."

"Are not all the large ugly species from outwards this system hopeless and desperate?"

"No, not at all, your most majestic and kind ruler, they are not... each holds within them the spark of life and the promises of what will be given to them tomorrow. Within the Sisterhood in which I gratefully served I was privileged to witness the fullness of spirit that inhabits our puny forms. I saw the simple and beautiful gratitude when given a beaker of clean water transform a haggard face back into that of a playful youth, I saw the soul-felt comfort that a hug can bring and the tears of relief when one so damaged by the fates around them finally opened their eyes to look once more at their loved ones."

"Sounds dreary... why waste your life on such wretches?"

"Are we not all wretches? Have we not all struggled to find our place within the tapestry of our lives?"

"No, no, no, your peoples are stupid and ugly. Your auras are dull and your words unimportant." The emperor replied huffily.

"Perhaps, I couldn't say as your species have senses that go far beyond this mere vessels attempt to understand."

"My death would release the God-Spark back to the Void Which Birthed Us.. . it is a role that no other could comprehend but I knew it was my path. The Void chose this one to be its speaker upon this plane and will choose another when my time has run out."

"Your aura comes from the warp?"

"You are as stupid as you are blind. We all come from the Warp, we all return when it summons us back. It makes no difference what we wish, the Warp is our parent and guide. The Warp is our... the word your kind use is God. Do you understand that child?" The emperor almost sounded gentle as he spoke.

There was a pause for several minutes in which neither spoke though eventually the Legionnaire resumed her story.

"Some... those that have carried too great a weight or feel that their time is finally run, see only the next day as the day after their last. I have seen those that take their own lives and I feel that from you, in your resignation of fate and unwillingness to engage in what must we believed as a most dreadful attempted coup of your... your Voids' given place here...while the truth is you wish to be no more. I believe you may be the probable assassin yourself here. None of your people have been found to wish you harm. If that is so, the Legionnaires cannot help you with that decision or any actions that would bring this harm upon you but I at least will respect your wishes and stay by your side while you take leave of the physical plane, if that is what you truly desire."

There was a silence that seemed to stretch for several minutes before the emperor began to laugh heartily.

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 10 Aug 19
Harbinger #975545 08/17/19 09:34 PM
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I gotta say I love your world building as always and wish I had your skills with the planets you create.

It makes sense that the settlements are very secure considering how they came about. Even in lawlessness, there has to be some rule and knowing who's coming and going seems pretty easy of a rule.

I laughed a bit when Jazmin said
"I thought this place was supposed to be anarchistic and free... that security is tighter than a Titanian's butt!"

Jaz being awestruck by Quantum Queen was nice. I wonder if Jazmin will learn any tricks from her.
Zoe's behavior's getting worse...
Wow, that place is huge! Maybe you should do an encyclopedia Galactica on this place. it could be its own thread!
The silver Chapple sounds amazingly beautiful.

Zoe's in tears over this? its gotta be the ruby or some kind of magic rocking her like this.
Sounds like we've got some interesting missions starting on Esse Santorum.

the Magi, another survivor from Trom? That's awesome! But why does it seem like Jan's the only nice one? What is he hiding?

3 feet tall blue-green lines who are jerks? lol yeah, I'd be happy they stayed on their planet too.
Sister Eclipse is still a favorite. I wish I had her patience. Heck, even Mon-el can't do it and he's practically a saint.
they do sound exhausting. lol. They are a very rude species. but glad Sister Eclipse and Babbage don't mind sharing.

Changer sounds like he has a decent attitude. its nice to see other Durlarians in the galaxy besides Cham and Yera and that's not a villain. lol. \

Dang, an assassination attempt already? they just got there.

I like that spell Southern Light's did for finding ill intent. I wonder what would happen if the Legion ever went on the proactive side and used that spell to find those who wanted to take the Legion down.

That is one massive crown!

Nice work team and Sister Eclipse is doing some good work. but gosh is he insulting. I have all I can do not to rip the Emperor on through the screen.
The warp is their god...ok makes sense. But I'm not liking the laughter from him. If he's not trying to take himself out then what's going on?

Can't wait for more!!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 18 Aug 19
Harbinger #975592 08/18/19 08:02 AM
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The U-Vabbishte Toktrec Settlements, galactic north of the Great White Asteroid Field, Raptor Nebula

Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu, creation of temporal quantum bubbles, flight
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth, physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic

The Wanderers:

Quantum Queen - Queen Helanna Regina-Winzzor of the Eternal Empire of the Nomadic Sunkind, enhanced strength, flight, can assume the form of and generate or manipulate electro-magnetic spectrum energy
Psyche - Meena Szusann Dar Estelli of the Firgrove settlements of Homestar 3, empathic emotional reading and manipulation
Blockbuster - Ardren Kent of Earth, super strong and invulnerable

The Quantum Queen drifted through the strata of rock on this distant satellite.

As the Wanderer didn't have a flight ring she was unaware of the alarm that had just been raised. She was though very aware that this retreat, while definitely catering for some that wished peace and tranquility with spas and meditation suites and three rather delicious looking pools designed to look as if the swimmer was outside under the clearest of skies on a paradise island and several dozen richly decorated rooms for therapy and at least two gyms ... it seemed to have an awful lot of bunk rooms that reminded her of army barracks that the Wanderer just didn't believe were for paying guests.

The interior of the satellite was heavily guarded. It was obviously constructed to keep people out though in her electromagnetic form she passed through the walls and invisibly sidled by the monks that stood watch. The Quantum Queen floated through walls and rooms where groups of men trained in martial arts, a large hydroponics area, and then through large storage spaces crammed with foods and tools and weapons and the bric-a-brac that seemed to accumulate wherever people lived.

Eventually she passed through a wall and found what she could only imagine was a living area for those in a privileged position. As her memory had returned during their time on the Controllers world she had recalled growing up amongst her nomadic people on their large deep space bubble arcs. The royal families each kept quarters according to their customs and she recalled one distant great uncle had a harem that, he claimed, was the custom amongst their royal family going back for millennia. There was something about this place that made her think that she had stumbled across something similar here.

Inside the walls there were private rooms, decorated in pastel shades with fresh flowers and art works on display in each. These large bedrooms led out onto a wide circular banister that overlooked an enormous central courtyard, filled with small patches of garden with fruit trees and arbors and small tinkling water features that shimmered in the artificial lighting and crystal monoliths that reminded the Wanderer of the monuments she had seen on a distant dead world. Quantum Queen saw at least thirty women, all relatively young and healthy looking, with them were half a dozen small children and all seemed relaxed and enjoying their time in this place. Several monks walked amongst them carrying trays with delightful snacks and drinks. It was all rather odd after the almost military areas she had passed earlier.

The Wanderer knew that she needed to find her colleagues and share her news. With that thought she looked up and willed herself to mover at a greater velocity but instead of zooming through the ceiling and away she felt herself regain her human form and settle slowly onto the ground below. Two of the women she had been spying upon and a monk came over to her. One of the women patted the strangely subdued Quantum Queen lightly on the cheek and smiled warmly before she spoke.

"Don't worry, we've already found your friends. You've nothing to worry about though, the Magi is going to like you."

The other woman smiled as she spoke, "You'll soon grow to love being here, as we all do..."

Timber Wolf had easily avoided several groups of monks.

After he had left their shuttle Brin had quickly ducked down a service chute and into the engineering underbelly of the docking bay where automatons monitored and repaired vessels on the decks above. From here he had made his way through a couple of dimly lit corridors and found several areas that he believed would be for guests. They were empty. There were two spas next to each other with auto-masseuse 'bots hanging quietly. He had encountered one monk that had almost spotted him but a quick leap into a shadowy spot above the man's head had been enough to hide the Legionnaire.

His flight ring buzzed, sending an alert telling him that his colleagues had been immobilized. There was no-one nearby to hear his growl. He knew that Laurel would be fine - Kryptonian class invulnerability was handy like that - but Jazmin and Zoe weren't so lucky in that area, so he hoped the three women were alright. With the tracker app on his ring and his own enhanced senses he had no doubts that he would find them and if needs be he could rescue them. And they would find Gahaji and Psyche too. The Zuunian Legionnaire continued to prowl along the dimly lit corridors.

As he made his way past the obvious retreat area the style of décor became far more neutral and uniform - gray walls, plain tiled floors, blank doors. There also appeared to be more monks, often in groups of four or six. He noted that they had all marched together, much like members of an army unit might. Between that and the apparent lack of any guests visiting this retreat he was fairly certain that things were not want they were supposed to be here... thankful, between his natural agility and stealth and the distorter function on his belt buckle that generated a holo around him that blended into his immediate environment they all managed to miss him as he made his way towards the centre of the satellite where his instincts told him they would find the solution to their missing colleagues problem.

<We knew you or one of your friends in the Legion would find us eventually Brin Londo, it's a shame really as we've not caused any harm all the way out here> The telepathic voice sounded almost sad but that didn't fool the Legionnaire. He quickly sent an alert through the flight ring so, if any of the other Legionnaires on this satellite were free, they'd know that there was a rogue telepath on board.

<Oh, don't worry there pet, we've caught the rest of your group already... even the muscly one you left on the shuttle. There's only you that's still free and that's only 'cause we were playing with you>

Brin dropped to the floor and quickly took stock of his surroundings: He was in a high ceilinged corridor that was five metres wide, door spaced every twenty feet along the walls... if an attack came from either direction and he would be ready for it.

<Go to sleep mister Londo, just close your eyes and drift off... there's a good boy now> the urge to sleep was overwhelming though the feral Legionnaire did try to resist.

Despite his best effort to resist, Timber Wolf collapsed unconscious on the floor.

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Re: Legion Worlds Six - updated 18 Aug 19
Harbinger #975593 08/18/19 08:03 AM
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Jazmin Cullen had reacted instinctively.

Her quantum field had slowed the crystal growth around her and her colleagues though not enough that they weren't completely surrounded by it. As she concentrated on maintaining the field she realized that because she wasn't in physical contact with either Zoe or Laurel they would be frozen by her quantum bubble.

Jazmin Cullen could reach Laurel quite easily and so she reached across and gently held her friends wrist.

"What the... Gods, that's unpleasant!" The invulnerable girl gasped for breath as the stasis field's effects receded.

<Ssssh! Laurel, listen to me, they think they've caught us. I can keep us mobile here but I need Zoe to telekinetically bust us out. Until she does we need to not let them know we're not trapped>

<Yeah, okay. Though I am definitely going to slap someone once we're out of here>

<Right behind you on that one, believe me!>

With a stretch and a bit of a wriggle Jazmin managed to grab Zoe's fingertips, just enough that the stasis field subsided.

<Zoe! Honey, we need to stay quiet... they think they've caught us but we are okay for now. You're the only one that can get us out though so do you think... he's created tsarin crystals around us, like Jan did on Trom for the fallen there...>

The redheaded young woman had flinched when she had been released from the quantum bubble and remained silent while her friend spoke to her through their flight ring generated telepathic link. She nodded once before concentrating on the wall of crystal that had been created around them.

<Okay Jaz, though once we're out I'm going to get Gahaji...> With that thought the crystal started to crack and fracture until with a crash it simply collapsed onto the floor in front of them.

The three women jumped out from the crystal cocoon that had been spun around them into the darkened room. The Magi and his monks had left them alone, obviously thinking that they would not escape. Their flight rings are pinging alarms informing them that Brin had sent an alert warning them of potential psychic problems before being caught and also that their shuttle had been compromised. Jazmin knew that their flight rings and distorters could between them create an artificial telepathic blur that would help camouflage them to any psychic probes, not enough to stop a full on assault but definitely enough to help hide them from anyone who wasn't expecting them. She made sure both Zoe and Laurel had activated these functions - Laurel was amazed as she hadn't know that this was possible - before suggesting that they go find their friends and then kick some monks butt. Laurel suggested they do both together which made Jazmin smile. Her friend may spent the last few months with the wanderers but she hadn't changed much at all.

Their tracker app led them down into the heart of the planetoid, and other than a few groups of monks that Kid Quantum managed to freeze in quantum bubbles so they could slip by unnoticed, they didn't have any trouble. After Kinetix had telekinetically unlocked a door at the end of a wide corridor they had snuck along they found themselves in a large apartment dominated by a huge four poster bed.

<Eww, this is creepy... do you reckon this is the Magi's apartment?> Laurel walked across to the bed and gently patted the covers.

<Gahaji is close by> Kinetix walked over to a side door and telekinetically pulled it from the wall.

<Zoe, try to be quiet! We can’t do stealth if you’re crashing everything...> but even before Kid Quantum’s warning was finished her colleague had stepped through the doorway.

“C’mon Laurel, we gotta get her before she gets into more trouble.” Jasmin flew after her friend with Laurel Kent close behind.

The doorway led down a winding corridor where yet another door had been ripped off its hinges. Inside was a circular room with shining walls. Kinetix was stood by a group of three large crystal blocks, stroking one.

“He’s in here.” Was all she said. Around the crystals stood an array of cabinets and shelf’s displaying a range of items, weapons and what appeared to be random bric-à-brac. It was obviously a trophy room of sorts though Jazmin could only guess why some of the objects would want to be displayed like they were. As her friends caught up with her Zoe stretched out her hand and a small wooden box flew off a shelf and landed in her palm.

“I knew it was you that told me he was in danger...” Zoe said to it as she opened the box. There on a silken cushion sat the Ruby of Life. The redhead turned to her friends and spoke, “Gahaji told me once the Ruby was linked to me, it thought that I was to be his protector.”

“Whoah. That’s a weird girl meets boy scenario... though, I'm fairly sure I saw it on a Hallmarkium holo once.” Laurel quipped with a sly grin.

“So can you get him out like you did us?” Jasmin stood at her friend's shoulder.

“If his flight ring is working he'll be alive... yes, the Ruby wouldn’t have brought us if there wasn’t a chance.” Once again Zoe set her mind to cracking the crystal sheath in front of her, this time she peeled the layers off carefully. It took slow minutes before the three Legionnaires could see their colleague. M’Windaji had a hand up over his face as if trying to protect himself. As the final skin of crystal fell away Zoe levitated the magical Ruby out of the box and into his hand.

The tracked stumbled and gasped as he tried to take a step. The Ruby glowed in his fist and the three young women could all see it' was energizing and replenishing him after being stuck in that crystal construct.

“What are you doing here? The Magi...”

“He’s from Trom, we know.” Jasmin said confidently. As she did Zoe moved to beside Gahaji and put one of his arms across her shoulders so he could lean on her as he got his bearings.

“Uh huh... it’s not just that Jaz, he’s got an army and some of his wives are metas too.”

"We'd best be careful then, eh? Are Brin and any of the Wanderers here as well?" Kid Quantum signaled towards the other tsarin crystals.

"Hmmm.....” Gahaji closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “Brin is there and Ardren is in that one," He had pointed to the two closest crystal monoliths to his. "Psyche and Quantum Queen are... they're close but not here, perhaps three klicks."

"Okay, so you and Zoe free the guys and Laurel and I will keep watch, let's do this!"

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