For those upset with the older Superboy... he can leave the "present" and join the 32nd century LSH. Then, the younger Jon can return from an earlier time period and be the "Super-Son" again.
Per established lore, OMAC should come before Kamandi because Buddy is his grandfather. So I think the list the list is random.
Lor-Zod/Chris Kent is a victim of DC Editorial. They can't seem to make up their minds as to whether or not Kryptonians can have children with humans. Maybe it is better for him to be a decent villain than to languish in limbo? I loved Drax-Zod in the cartoon.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
There are a few interesting faces looking at the crowd behind Superboy.
I think Ultra Boy wears some armour to give some protection when he uses strength, much as the flight ring allows him to fly and use another power.
I wonder if MEL's armour means that he has Calorie Queen's powers, where his nomming turns into super strength.
Good to see Chuck and Gim in there. That might be a version of Jan. The girl in the visor reminds me of Lori Morning. Lots of possibilities suggested with this version of Dream Girl. If Imra hands out the rings, I wonder if she'll be leader for a while.
EDIT: Yup, it's Jan. Thanks for the image Nighty. I didn't see it at first in the scroll through on CBR. I'd have preferred the Interlac E and not the Elastic Lad E though.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
Still not sold on supporting on this, but the Dawnstar redesign? Yeah that, THAT, I would get behind. Not the wing thing which I guess is so Ryan Sook doesn't have to keep drawing them in every panel, but the costume and the fact her boobs aren't likely to fall out anymore. I have NEVER understood why in God's name nearly all her costumes had those ridiculous boob windows because they just never fit her personality. It's why I preferred her Magic Wars era costume. That was still skimpy but at skimpy to an understandable degree.
Also what the hell did he do to Jan and why do I feel like I'm looking at Brother Power the Geek.
I thought Brother Power too Sarky. There seems to be chemical reactions going on in his costume as well. A sort of Brother Power/ Chemo/ Chlorophyll Kid combo.
I was happy to see the end of Dawy's boob window too. I preferred the Magic Wars one over a lot of the others too. I'm not sure on my stereotypes regarding the costume as it is now. It does strike me a bit like that, even now. She's cheering on the cover, so she might have had a personality change too. Or perhaps Wildfire leaves her alone in this version.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
WILDFIRE and Dawny are standing pretty close together, so maybe - maybe not. Maybe they're actually happy??? So far, it looks like the Wildfire design is a lot closer to the traditional than a lot of the others, which makes me wonder what else they changed about him - maybe he's an alien energy life-form? (rather then an angsty human who lost his body)
Matter-Eater Lad's "armor" looks more like bracers to me - like he might need them for some reason. Maybe his form drastically changes depending on how much he eats?
I get how these redesigns can turn off long-time fans, but I do appreciate the greater variety. It's all going to boil down to how they're written for me anyway.
Dreamgirl (now one word) seems almost to evoke Dream (Morphius) of the Endless. Her traditional power might be more akin to Destiny, but we could be in for a re-thinking of her power-set.
I like all the designs I have seen so far. I wonder if Dream Girl is going to be some sort of energy/spiritual being?
Element Lad's face seems a bit off, but I like the choice of costume and skin color (the blue reminds me of his evil phase, which is the best idea I have heard from the Reboot). Trom was always depicted as not human (i.e no concept of marriage) so giving them that extra distinction helps.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Can we just pause for a second to admire that excellent Ryan Sook cover. It must be SO hard to come up with a Legion cover that:
a) works well visually; b) depicts all or most members of the team; and c) is original.
And this one does all three! I love it! It feels instantly iconic and the type of cover that might get imitated in the future.
As for the new look of the team? I love that too! As Nighty said "This is going to be our most alien Legion ever" and I AM HERE FOR IT! This feels like just the potion to grow a fanbase that this book needed.
Dawnstar, Matter-Eater Lad and especially Dream Girl all look excellent (though I can see Dream Girl looking very ugly and boring in the wrong artist's hands) and Blok looks OK. I'm not keen on the surfer-boy Element Lad though. I hope his skin and costume change like elements or something to keep him interesting.
I can't believe no one's made a guess as to who all is on the cover yet so I'm gonna make one myself.
So we've had visual confirmation of the following members so far:
1) Blok 2) Brainiac 5 3) Chameleon Boy 4) Cosmic Boy 5) Dawnstar 6) Dream Girl 7) Element Lad 8) Light Lass 9) Lighning Lad 10) Matter-Eater Lad 11) Mon-El 12) Saturn Girl 13) Shadow Lass 14) Star Boy 15) Sun Boy 16) Superboy 17) Wildfire
... and all of them are visible on this cover. That leaves 12 characters to identify. Let the guessing begin!
1) Asian Male in yellow/black (far left): The costume kinda looks like Invisible Kid II but I'm guessing Karate Kid maybe? 2) Blonde Female in pink/white (center Ring left): No idea. New character maybe? 3) Black Male in white/blue (center Ring left): Definitely Bouncing Boy (and I love this new look!). 4) Black Female in pink/green (center Ring right): No idea but I'm getting a magic vibe so White Witch maybe? 5) Tan-skinned Male in green/green (far right): Invisible Kid or Chemical King? Whoever it is, I'm almost positive this character is going to be LGBT. 6) Yellow-skinned Female(?) (middle far left): No idea. Kono? 7) Purple-skinned Female (middle far left): Triplicate/Duplicate Girl? 8) White-skinned Female (back far left): The crown makes me think Princess Projectra. 9) Brown-haired Male (back middle left): Has to be either Ultra Boy or Timber Wolf. 10) Yellow-skinned Male(?) (far back middle): No idea. 11) White-haired Female (middle back): The tiara thing could point to Princess Projectra but it reminds me more of that thing that Big Barda wears, so a New God maybe? 12) Brown-haired Male (middle back): Obviously Colossal Boy. (Yaaaaayyyyyyyy!)
Matter-Eater Lad's "armor" looks more like bracers to me - like he might need them for some reason. Maybe his form drastically changes depending on how much he eats?
Yeah, I was wondering if maybe he bulks up by eating. We'll see!
I'm enjoying the gradual release of character designs, but I'm definitely ready for confirmation as to whether the team includes any characters introduced later than the 1980s...
Can we just pause for a second to admire that excellent Ryan Sook cover. It must be SO hard to come up with a Legion cover that:
a) works well visually; b) depicts all or most members of the team; and c) is original.
And this one does all three! I love it! It feels instantly iconic and the type of cover that might get imitated in the future.
Absolutely agree. Wonderful cover, love the reflection of Saturn Girl in the ring, and being the second part of Millennium could also help pull in new readers to Legion.
Originally Posted by Blacula
I can't believe no one's made a guess as to who all is on the cover yet so I'm gonna make one myself.
7) Purple-skinned Female (middle far left): Triplicate/Duplicate Girl?
My daughter was looking at the cover and suggesting other legionnaires and mentioned Shrinking Violet. Could Violet be violet?
It does seem strange that no characters introduced later than the '80s have been revealed yet (apparently). Although XS and Gates have both already been confirmed haven't they so we know there are some out there. Personally I really hope Dragonmage and Kinetix make the cut. They haven't been given enough time to shine.
On Gary's list, I think the following characters are definitely correct: 2, 12, 14, 16-23, 25, 28-30, 33 & 34.
I think the following characters are very safe bets: 8, 10, 26 & 27.
For me, the real mysteries are: 1, 3-7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 24, 31 & 32.
Looks great, very upbeat cover. Matter Eater Lad looks like he isn't going to get played for laughs anymore, I like the surfer dude Element Lad (who knows? he may turn out to be the most serious of the group), Dream Girl's strange (like the suggestion that she's one of the Endless) and Dawnstar's spirit wings are distinctive.
It appears to me that there are Heroes of a number of different ages. MEL in particular looks like he might be an Adult Advisor of some kind. Many of the as-yet unidentifieds look quite young.
If this is the Legion Superman belonged to, and to whom he is now sending Jon, it seems reasonable that at least some of them would be his age. Training the youngsters?
Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don't -- Irish proverb
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
Nightcrawler: Updated us to version 8.0 of the software. Everything resets to the default settings. I'll be restoring things back to normal as I have time.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.