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5 Worst movies ever!
by Klar Ken T5477 - 03/13/25 01:22 PM
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by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/13/25 05:56 AM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/13/25 05:55 AM
Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/13/25 02:10 AM
FL revisits The Transformers' post-animated-movie episodes
by Ann Hebistand - 03/12/25 06:55 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/11/25 06:07 PM
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Oh, Gods, you mean the Madonna movie with the "edgy hot-wax scene?" I actually saw that in the theaters. But then, I was in my "Madonna-be" phase.

Kinda explains how I ended up hating her, don't it? BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA! lol

Jeez Louise, watching that celluloid travesty rivaled "Hercules Against the Moon Men" for...


Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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I made a point of never watching it, though I suppose if The Heirs Of Hodgson end up taking a whack at it, I'll have to. The sacrifices I make for my fandoms, I tell ya'... tongue

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I've checked out the first three episodes on Netflix now. As a fan, I'm definitely getting some giggles in, but kind of waiting to see if the cast really jells more as the series goes on.

I've heard complaints that the guys playing Crow and Servo sound too similar, and sometimes it IS hard for me to keep track of who's talking in the theater. Oh, and Servo can fly in the theater, which improves their ability to do visual gags.

Gypsy's expanded role is great. They redesigned her so she can appear now and then in the theater while hauling stuff around the ship. BouncingBoy

There's now a musical group called "The Skeleton Crew" which provides interludes during the breaks, consisting of songs from the original show. I'm kind of embarrassed that I can't always pick out what the songs are. I'm maybe batting .500 at this point. shocked

Nostalgic Me loves that they've returned to doing Invention Exchanges, like in the old days.

The 1st three new movies prove conclusively that it'll be a long time before the world runs out of bad movies to mock.

Really nice job on the new set designs, Gizmonics, etc. (Too bad Dev Em ain't still with us. His old idol Erin Gray appeared in the first episode, as future-prisoner Jonah Heston's boss.)

Finally, if you're watching Episode Three, you can see my name at the end of the credits among the LONG list of Kickstarter backers. Well, it's my Space Mutiny name:


Last edited by cleome50; 04/17/17 08:19 AM.

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"What I wouldn't give for a charbroiled hambegger sammich and some French-fried pah-tay-tahs."

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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Who could ever forget the sublime genius of actor/filmmaker Coleman Francis, of "Red Zone Cuba" infamy? Mike Nelson and the robots certainly didn't:

"The Red Zone is for Cuba and Un-Cuba only."

"That's Castro, you know."

" 'Note to self: Get real beard.' "

"I am Cuban. And this is my Cuban infant. We are looking for Cuban shelter. Here in Cuba."

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Who knew Cuba would look so much like South Dakota in the summertime? poke

By the way, I really only bother with tumblr for their MST3K fan-art and so on. I made it into the MST3K Confessions tumblr, and I couldn't be prouder.



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Congratulations, Cle!

Another Christmas, another viewing of "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians," another excuse to go caroling and shock upstanding citizens with a rousing rendition of "Let's Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas This Year."

Ahhh, holiday cheer...

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If you're a fan, and you like podcasts, The MST3K Revival League on YouTube is well worth a listen. It's been around almost two years, and I'm just wading in now. They do recaps and reviews of the episodes. They also interview the cast of the episodes and the movies as well. Oh, and they like to do taste tests of swanky regional sodas. "Minnesoda." Get it? [ahem]

I normally get irritated with the amount of pauses and padding which seems a big part of these DIY projects, but never mind. I've decided to just go with it, since the gems in there are worth a little waiting. For instance, Eddie Deezen ("Froggy" from Laserblast) turns out to be an interesting and thoughtful guy. Who knew?

Last edited by cleome51; 03/25/18 12:12 PM.

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Sounds awesome!

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THE SCENE: From the movie "Pod People," the little furry alien uses telekinesis to animate the annoying little boy's toys. The special effects are...primitive.

CROW T. ROBOT: "Suddenly, we're watching a Peter Gabriel video."

TOM SERVO: "Someone ought to hit this movie with a...SLEDGE-HAMMER!"

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On a related note, we just watched the Rifftrax version of Cool As Ice yesterday.

Owie owie owie owie owie!!


mr_xeno has proclaimed it to be worse than either The Creeping Terror OR Hobgoblins. Make of that what you will. shrug

Speaking of that first one, we watched The Creep Behind The Camera last month. It's a dramatization-documentary about the guy who made that stinky bucket of tripe. (He was also the "hero" of the film.) Good Gravy, but I now have a new understanding of the phrase "The price of knowledge is pain." Don't get me wrong. It's very well done, but seriously the titular dude was one of THE most loathsome people who ever lived, even by the usual Hollywood standards. (Maybe Phil Spector beats him out by a hair. MAYBE.) If you watch this, you'll be cheering on his sordid demise without even a shred of guilt. I know I did.

Last edited by cleome51; 03/31/18 01:48 PM.

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Heads up, Fans! Joel Hodgson has just announced that there'll be another live MST3K tour, if you're interested:

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Tom Servo, as a character onscreen opens a book to the first page:

"Stately, plump Mulligan..."

Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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Tom Servo: "So stop the world, I want to get off..."

Joel Robinson: "I told you, no Anthony Newley!"

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"Bop a dop ba-da-da
Bop a dop ba-da-da
Bop a dop ba-da-da-da-da"

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"It's not supposed to be COMMERCIAL, Maaaan. It's JAAAAZZ!!"

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"Toy boat. Toy boat. Toy boat."

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There's a local dude who does live big-screen showings of MST3K. I was in absolute heaven a few weeks ago, because the movie shown was Secret Agent Super-Dragon.

I've also been trying to do some movie-riffing with friends at their apartment. Last month, we watched Logan's Run, a double treat for me because I've always adored Michael York... even in painfully dated, overlong cheese like this.

Last edited by cleome52; 05/19/19 02:13 AM.

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Secret Agent Super Dragon was a good 'un. Or, a good bad one.

In a good way. grin

If that guy ever does a double-feature of the two Fugitive Alien movies, I'm getting me a ticket to Oregon. nod

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Alas, he had to retire due to job pressures. I keep hoping someone else will pick up the mantle... eventually.

Also, I got myself a ticket for The MST3K Great Cheesy Movie Circus Tour, which is happening in about a week and a half. It wasn't cheap and I had to settle for side seating, but whatever. shrug

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"If chauffeurs ruled the world
It's something I'd like to see
'Cause everyone in the world
Would take a back seat to me

I wouldn't have to drive
I wouldn't have to steer
'Cause everyone would bow down before me
In total abject fear

All the gorgeous dames
Would set themselves at my feet
I could have any one of them I want
Even Meryl Streep

I'd have complete respect
Of everyone on the planet
Including in-te-llect-uals
Even David Mamet"

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TV's Frank: "Now I can Schottische while watering my plants! In my Lederhosen-Hose-n. La la la la la...*boo hoo, sob, choke* I know it's a stupid idea, okay? I just wanted to be Bavarian for one brief, stinking minute. Is that so wrong?"

Dr. Forrester. "Oh, Frankie-poo...yes, yes it is wrong. It's deeply f*ck*d up. But you've been under *a lot of stress* lately!"

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Since I have Netflix, I've decided to re-watch The Christmas That Almost Wasn't later this evening. Perhaps with some hot chocolate and freshly-popped corn as accompaniments.

I hear abundant nay-saying regarding the Netflix seasons, but I think every fan should give this episode a try or two. As with some other classics, the sheer weirdness may overwhelm, at first. But ultimately I gave in to the absolute... peculiarity of the whole thing. It's SO strange that the riffs (though decent enough) are nearly besides the point.

(Watch for our dear Mr. Hodgson's cameo as Santa Claus, too.)

Happy Holidays!


"It's bad for you, but buy it."
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We've been talking a lot of MST3K in the current Kill This Thread game.

"It looks like the Maypo wants THEM!"

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I've been listening to multiple volumes of the Canadian MST3K podcast It's Just A Show. I highly recommend it.

They focus on a different episode of the show for each podcast, though they're doing them out of order.

(And for those of you who also like horror movies, one of the hosts also does a podcast about those --specifically the home-grown kind-- called A Part Of Our Scare-I-Tage.) PolarBoy

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