"At a time when everyone was claiming for a map of Skartaris, I refused! Refused to put a boundary on the boundless...on the imagination!

"How can there be modern horses co-existing with the eohippus and the unicorn? Dinosaurs and Neanderthals? Science and magic?

"Beats me. They're just there.

"And it works because I created it out of my imagination, and I *SAY* it works! Someone at a large convention once asked where the Warlord keeps his extra bullets. After pondering hastily an answer involving suppositories, I replied, "If you have to know that in order to enjoy the story, then you're taking this whole thing too damn seriously."

"So let your imagination go when you read this. Let it fill in the blanks to suit you. Let it take you places I never knew were there. And maybe someday you'll create a world of your own and invite my imagination to play with your imagination. I'd enjoy that."

- From the Introduction to the 1991 trade "Warlord: The Savage Empire"

Still "Fickles" to my friends.