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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
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by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 08:44 AM
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Harbinger's excellent Legion Worlds fanfic author's notes thread got me inspired to do something similar for my own series. I wasn't really sure how I wanted to progress with it though, as I don't really follow the same process for my own characters so I don't know if I'd have much to note.

Then I had an epiphany; my series has been going for long enough now that there are characters who pop up sometimes after a gap of a few years. I have been writing editor's notes when I remember to give a bit of background where necessary, but I'm pretty bad at remembering to be honest tongue

So I am going to use this thread as a Who's Who, based kind of loosely on the format DC used in the 80s. I'll only include homemade characters or canon characters who have experienced a significant development in my series (ie: Blok will get an entry at some stage because I gave him a power-up). Profiles will be updated whenever a character makes another appearance, and if a character's part of a team I'll just do one team entry instead of individual posts for everyone (in most cases).

I'm also going to use this post as an index, with links to each character's profile. The idea is if you are reading my series and someone appears you don't quite remember you should eventually be able to find their profile here in this thread.

Feedback is welcome! smile

89 (see Oversight Watch)
Abyss (see the Workforce)
Alek Arcane
Antennae Lad (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry)
Bioluminescent Lass (see the Workforce)
Black Dagger
Black Dancer
Bouncing Betty
Bouncing Boy (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry
Brainmass (see Forgotten Four)
Brittle (see Oversight Watch)
Cavalry (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry
Crystal Kid
Dev-Em (see Oversight Watch)
Diamond Damsel
Elastic Lad
Emerald Emperor
Enigma Lass
Evolvo Lad
Eyeful Ethel
Fire Lass (deceased)
Forgotten Four
Gear (see the Workforce)
Giant Turtle Boy (see the Neocaste)
Gravity Kid
Invisible Queen (see Forgotten Four)
Ion (see the Workforce)
Karate Kid III
Karth Arn
Key Kid
Kid Chemo
Kid Computo
King Canary
Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry
Life Lass
Light Lad
Lightning Lady
Lullabye Lad
Magno (see the Workforce)
Mandalla (see Oversight Watch)
Makkia Vei (see Oversight Watch)
Nimbus (see Sisterhood of Sin)
Oversight Watch
Polecat (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry)
Porcupine Pete (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry)
Post-Atomic Knights
Power Boy
Quill King (see the Neocaste)
Rainbow Girl (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry)
Rain Girl
Red Crow
Red Son (see Forgotten Four)
Scorn (see Sisterhood of Sin)
Sisterhood of Sin
Skorpiorr (see Forgotten Four)
Star-Bear (see Sisterhood of Sin)
Supergirl II
Transposition Lad
Triplicate Boy (see the Workforce)
Truth Girl
Twine (see the Workforce)
Una (see Legion of Substitute Heroes / Cavalry
Veilmist (see Sisterhood of Sin)
Vista (see Sisterhood of Sin)
White Bat (see Sisterhood of Sin)
White Lightning
Wish Girl (see the Neocaste)

Last edited by razsolo; 07/09/24 01:17 AM.
razsolo #956365 08/20/18 06:47 AM
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Real Name:
Uma Garan
Homeworld: Trom
Group Affiliation: Unnamed band of pirates
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Honey blonde with white streaks

When the Infinite Man’s power sent six Legionnaires back in time and space to the planet Trom on the day its population was fated to be wiped out, they initially had no idea where or when they’d been displaced. They only discovered the truth after a chance encounter led them to save a young girl named Uma Garan from falling to her death in Trom’s wilderness.

While one of Duplicate Damsel’s bodies returned Uma safely to her parents, another Duplicate Damsel took part in a heated discussion with the rest of her team about the ethics of their predicament. Shrinking Violet in particular was adamant that they should use this opportunity to stop the genocide of the Trommite people and when Duplicate Damsel used her authority as the Legion’s deputy leader to forbid any interference with history, Vi rebelled and struck out on her own.

By the time Lightning Lass and Colossal Boy found Shrinking Violet, she’d already told Uma’s family what the day was going to bring. Before the warning could be spread to the rest of the population though, Roxxas and his pirates’ planetary destruction began; in an additional sick twist of fate, it transpired that the only reason Roxxas had even decided to nuke Trom was that he’d panicked after discovering the Legion of Superheroes’ presence. The Legion stole a shuttle from Roxxas’ men to escape, but with nuclear annihilation imminent they didn’t have time to bring anyone with them other than the Garan family and the pirates whose shuttle they’d stolen. As chance would have it the Legionnaires were plucked back to their correct time and place before they had left Trom’s atmosphere, and as far as any of them knew everybody else on the stolen shuttle died alongside the rest of the populace.

In actuality, the shuttle crash-landed in Trom’s wilderness. Its occupants had travelled far enough to avoid the nuclear attack, but they knew that the naturally high radiation levels here would eventually kill them all. Uma’s father died on impact and Uma’s mother died of exhaustion using her powers to repair the shuttle. The pirates saw the value in Uma’s power and took advantage of their presumed death to leave Roxxas’ crew with the young girl.

So it was that Uma Garan grew up in the harsh world of an interstellar pirate, at some point naming herself the Alchemist and obtaining her own pirate crew. When she learned that Jan Arrah had also survived the destruction of Trom and joined the Legion of Superheroes as Element Lad, the Alchemist was enraged. She came to believe that the Legion had orchestrated the death of her people purely so Element Lad could find fame and prestige in their ranks. She nursed a burning hatred of the Legion (particularly those she’d met as a young girl, and Element Lad more than any of them), and when a squad of Legionnaires happened upon her crew many years later she almost killed some of the heroes. She avoided capture, but the encounter forced Shrinking Violet, Lightning Lass and Light Lad to tell Element Lad about their presence on Trom during Roxxas’ attack. Element Lad was furious at his teammates but also felt that Uma Garan had betrayed Trom’s memory; he led a mission to bring her to justice, and she has been a prisoner on Takron-Galtos ever since.

The Alchemist has been a spacefaring pirate since her early teens; as an adult she has become a formidable captain.

The Alchemist has the same abilities to transmute elements as Element Lad, with none of the morals. She tends not to carry a personal weapon, as her own power is generally more than capable of ending an enemy’s life.

Last edited by razsolo; 08/20/18 06:48 AM.
razsolo #956373 08/20/18 07:31 AM
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cool beans, raz, thanks! I think among all of us active fanfic writers, I am the one with the LEAST number of original characters. So I've only ever had to worry about summarizing the developments in my series, rather than Who's Who or talking about why I created a certain character smile that's why it's such a treat for me to read about your thoughts on your original characters!

The Alchemist is a really good villain. Does Jan feel any conflict about her being a chance to repopulate Trom? How does he now feel towards his teammates - especially towards Violet, whose interference was directly responsible for the annihilation of Trom? Is there any hope for the Alchemist still, considering that she wasn't brainwashed? What does the UP intend to do with her?

razsolo #956400 08/20/18 11:58 AM
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This is really cool Raz, the Alchemist was a real nasty bit of work so of course I would love to see her return soon smile

Very nicely written out too, wish I'd thought to be this organised when I was writing out the author notes.

Looking forward to more, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
razsolo #956450 08/21/18 12:21 AM
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Thanks y'all! Not sure how often I'll update this thread but I'll try and add new characters as often as I can anyway. I was much more of a Marvel zombie when I was a kid, and I used to love all the detail they put into their handbooks so it's fun for me to sit down and do it for my own characters (even though it ends up being a pretty dry read in the end) smile

Does Jan feel any conflict about her being a chance to repopulate Trom? How does he now feel towards his teammates - especially towards Violet, whose interference was directly responsible for the annihilation of Trom? Is there any hope for the Alchemist still, considering that she wasn't brainwashed? What does the UP intend to do with her?

I haven't really explored much of this stuff overtly since the last time the Alchemist appeared, but it's safe to say that Jan was angry enough with the whole situation when he found out about Uma that he didn't really think through the implications of there now being a surviving Trommite male and female couple in the is something that will no doubt come up at some point though. As for Vi and the others, his trust in their judgement has definitely taken a hit. I see Jan as being fairly introverted so it's not like he's the type to go badmouthing them to everyone else around base, but let's just say he's not likely to vote for them in any leadership elections anytime soon tongue

I'll leave the other questions unanswered for now because that sounds like something that should lead into a story instead of being answered up front... wink

razsolo #956850 08/22/18 09:53 PM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: None known
Height: 6’7” in default form
Weight: 345lbs in default form
Eyes: White with no pupils in default form
Hair: None in default form

Little is known about the particulars of the Amazoid’s origins. It was created on Earth in the 22nd Century and based on the far superior Amazo android. At some point in the intervening centuries, the Amazoid came into the possession of Elastic Lad’s homeworld Cadmu. The Amazoid was kept inert but intact, as its technology had never been replicated in all that time.

When Tharok’s army of Validii attacked the Legion of Superheroes on Cadmu, the Amazoid was accidentally reactivated during the battle. Mon-El, Supergirl, Superboy and Elastic Lad worked with two of Cadmu’s own superheroes Giant Turtle Boy and Quill King to stop the android’s rampage, and Elastic Lad eventually shut the Amazoid down by accessing a hidden killswitch hidden inside its ear. The Amazoid has been safely in custody on Cadmu since then.

Similarly to its predecessor Amazo, the Amazoid has the ability to replicate metahuman powers within its vicinity. Unlike Amazo however, the Amazoid can only manifest three separate powersets at any time. When its three slots are full, it can choose to selectively delete one or more at any time to replace with more strategically valuable powers. For example when fighting the Legion on Cadmu, the Amazoid gave up Quill King’s powers to use those of Giant Turtle Boy, Supergirl and Mon-El.

The Amazoid seems to possess a far more limited range of intellect than Amazo as well, although it’s not known whether this is a limitation of its original programming or a safety measure instituted by Cadmu scientists. When it had been reactivated, it didn’t seem to possess any personality beyond copying the most effective powers and causing mass destruction.

The Amazoid was built with a killswitch inside its ear which can be activated manually or via remote (the remote was destroyed in its battle on Cadmu, but presumably has been rebuilt since then). Once activated, the android reverts immediately to its default state and will remain inert until rebooted by an outside source.

Last edited by razsolo; 08/22/18 09:55 PM.
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Mercury
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy student
Height: 5’11” (approximately 6’4” when her scalp is aflame)
Weight: 102 lbs
Eyes: White, no pupils
Hair: None, though her scalp and brows are generally aflame

The artificial woman who would come to be known first as Arqiia then later as Fire Lass started her life in a United Planets research facility on the planet Mercury which had been taken over by the cosmically powered villains called the Heavensent. She was to be the first of a race of beings genetically engineered to thrive on the planet Mercury, that race’s purpose to worship the Heavensent as gods. Eventually, the Heavensent planned to populate every world in the Sol system with their own completely subservient races but the Legion of Superheroes stopped their experiment while Arqiia (as yet unnamed) was still its sole subject. The Legion took her back to their base in the sens-tank she’d yet to emerge from, their curiosity aroused by her uncanny resemblance to Fire Lad. More disturbingly, Fire Lad found himself drawn to the artificial woman with an intensity bordering on obsession. It was this attraction which led Fire Lad to christen her Arqiia, a word which in his native Shwarrian was similar in meaning to soulmate.

The Heavensent saw their creation as a failed experiment when she failed to escape from the Legion of Superheroes, and they invaded the Legion’s base to kill her. As a result of the Heavensent’s programming, a confused Arqiia found herself strangely devoted to the very people trying to kill her and she initially fought the Legion. Arqiia was attracted to Fire Lad as intensely as he was her however, and that combined with the Legion’s altruism helped her see the heroes were on her side.

During the battle, the heroes also learned that the Heavensent had created Arqiia using the DNA of a micro-organism they’d found gestating inside meteorite ore in deep space. The micro-organism in its natural state converted its host into a lifeform capable of surviving in the extreme environment of outer space and a shocked Fire Lad realised that it was this same micro-organism which had long ago given him his own powers, which had slowly been transforming him physically over the years, and which was responsible for the attraction he and Arqiia shared. The fight ended when Fire Lad and Arqiia accidentally destroyed a storage tesseract where she’d been trying to escape the Heavensent member called Void. When the smoke cleared, neither Void or Arqiia were to be seen. Neither Dawnstar nor Mwindaji’s tracking powers could find a trace of them and the Legionnaires busied themselves with other things.

Brainiac 5 and Element Lad were attempting to resequence Fire Lad’s genetic structure to restore him to his natural state (minus the micro-organism which had empowered him) when Quislet revealed that Arqiia and Void had simply been dimensionally displaced and that his ship possessed the capability to bring them back. Before anyone could stop him Quislet teleported Void, Arqiia and Celestine (whom Void had accidentally consumed in the prior battle) into Brainiac 5’s multilab where it became apparent that almost no time had passed at all wherever they’d been. Tachyon soon joined his Heavensent teammates and Fire Lad’s resequencing machine was damaged in the fight. It was this damage which altered Fire Lad’s powers and led to him eventually changing his codename to Firecrest, but more importantly it greatly reduced the bond between himself and Arqiia.

The Legion defeated the Heavensent once more, this time saving Arqiia unequivocally. For the first time in her brief existence Arqiia was given the chance to live a life of her own choosing, and in a bid to give that life purpose she took the codename Fire Lass and joined the Legion Academy.

Fire Lass struggled with her purpose in life, but found in the end that her path lay in heroism after the villain Black Osiris partnered with Nightstone and Otaki to free Mordru from imprisonment within the Legion's headquarters. Black Osiris's rampage through the heroes' home was brutal, but Fire Lass distracted Black Osiris at a crucial moment and allowed Saturn Girl to conquer his mind. Unfortunately their victory against him was short-lived, and Black Osiris killed Fire Lass in retaliation.

After her demise, the Legion rebuilt the Legion Academy on Mars as a separate facility from their own headquarters to ensure their students would never again become collateral damage in a fight between the Legion and their enemies. They renamed the new school site the Arqiia Memorial Campus in honor of its fallen student, and an enormous golden statue of Fire Lass now welcomes visitors to the campus grounds.

Arqiia was created to thrive on the planet Mercury. She was tougher and stronger than her gaunt appearance would indicate, and her system absorbed stellar radiation rather than needing food or water to survive. She had been seen to survive in the vacuum of space in an inert state, though it was unclear whether she could actually function normally without air. She had an amazingly high tolerance for temperature and radiation extremes, though this was never quantified before her death. Aside from her environmental adaptations, Arqiia shared the same fire-breathing ability as Firecrest. Her scalp and brows were aflame at all times when she was conscious, though she never showed any ability to generate flame through any other part of her body.

Arqiia was implanted with full knowledge of Interlac and a level of intellect and reasoning equal to the average UP sentient. Her lack of life experience was at times a severe disadvantage however, and she occasionally had issues with comprehending nuance or complex situations.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/24/23 09:31 PM.
razsolo #957365 08/27/18 02:38 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: 21st Century Earth
Group Affiliation: None known
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Little is known of Aspect’s background; a group of Legionnaires including Nightwind encountered her when the Infinite Man sent those Legionnaires back in time to the year 2038. The Legion met the Justice League of that era in hopes that they could help them return to their home time, and while the two teams were together at the Justice League’s island base, Aspect attacked.

Aspect called herself the daughter of the night tide, revealing that centuries ago a spell had been cast which empowered the women of her bloodline with power over water. Aspect had hunted down and killed the women in her era who possessed power over stone and fire, stealing their power for her own. When she searched magically for the air elemental of her time, her power brought her to Nightwind. It was in the course of this encounter that Nightwind discovered she wasn’t a mutant as she’d always assumed; rather, her own power came from the same spell which had empowered Aspect.

The Justice League revealed that they’d faced Aspect before, and when she was defeated she was returned to their custody.

Aspect possesses the innate ability to manipulate water; it’s been said that without artificial enhancement she has a power level similar to that of Nightwind’s control over air. Aspect also has some level of mastery over sorcery, and used this to steal the powers of the daughters of the night flame and the night stone (which gives her equal control over fire and earth).

When she faced the Justice League of 2038 and the time-displaced Legion of Superheroes, she also wore mystical artifacts called the Amulets of Gaea. These artifacts significantly increased her power, to the point where she merged with the ocean itself and faced the assembled heroes as a 100 foot tall woman made of water and mud who was strong enough to sink the Justice League’s island base. When these amulets were removed, Aspect immediately resumed human form.

razsolo #957484 08/27/18 11:00 PM
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The Forgotten Four were originally thought to be four adventurers from the planet Talok III who volunteered for a mission to explore interdimensional space and who had been mutated by undocumented energies. When they re-entered normal space they’d all been physically changed and gained great powers. They assaulted the ruling council of Talok III, and even killed two security officers before Mon-El and Shadow Lass stopped their rampage.

Later on Invisible Queen escaped from captivity and informed Shadow Lass of their true origins; four gods from Talok III's ancient past had been exiled to another dimension centuries before, and when the four modern day interdimensional explorers entered their realm these gods inhabited the innocent sentients to slowly transform into their own avatars so that they could make their escape back into normal space and continue their eternal war against one another. The gods who constituted the Forgotten Four took over the personalities of their Talokkian hosts and their bodies continued to transform, then the god named Talok (aka Red Son) escaped imprisonment to slay his teammates Skorpiorr and Brainmass. Red Son then enlarged the sun to consume the entire Talokkian solar system, turning the star red in the process and apparently killing every sentient in the system including the reserve Legionnaire Shadow Lass.

Invisible Queen turned to the Legion for help, revealing to them the same truth about who they were that she'd earlier told Shadow Lass. When Red Son came after Invisible Queen, she only survived thanks to Crystal Kid changing her to crystal. A delegation of heroes from both the Legion of Superheroes and the Legion of Substitute Heroes fought Talok the Red Son, but he wasn't ultimately defeated until Shadow Lad made contact with Shadow Lass (who was still aware inside the sun) and they used their combined power with the help of their ancestors to return their solar system to normal and restore life to the system.

Talok was taken to Takron-Galtos, and the crystalline form of Invisible Queen was placed in a classified storage facility on Talok III where many of the world's other dangerous weapons and artifacts were kept. Invisible Queen was briefly freed from her captivity by a cult of loyal followers who blinded themselves in a ritual to undo her crystalline transformation, and she in turn bonded them with the techno-organic lifeform known as the Luqiti to serve as her Invisible Destroyers; huge armoured behemoths completely invisible to detection. With the Luqiti under her control, Invisible Queen took over Talok III and rendered the entire planet invisible. It took the combined power of the Legion of Superheroes and the Oversight Watch to restore normalcy to the world and to take Invisible Queen and her Invisible Destroyers into custody.


Real Name:
Yehoya the Thinker (Talokkian host: Raed Ricahh)
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 186 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: None

Brainmass was a humanoid mass of cerebral tissue with powerful psionic abilities. When he first appeared, he exhibited only telekinesis (though this one ability was strong enough to face Mon-El directly for a brief time). Later on, he also showed a degree of telepathy. Presumably, his powers would have continued to grow if he hadn't been killed by Talok the Red Son.


Real Name:
Malias the Invisible Queen (Talokkian host: Su Ricahh)
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyes: White
Hair: White

Invisible Queen has exhibited two powers; the first is her namesake invisibility. In her first appearance, she seemed to only be able to become invisible to the naked eye. Since then, her power has increased to the extent that she can effortlessly create a field large enough to cover a spacefaring vehicle. Additionally, her power now extends to all forms of detection (even Dawnstar's tracking ability won't register her presence while she's invisible). When working with another source of invisibilty powers, both Invisible Queen and that additional source have their powers magnified greatly. She was able to hide an entire world from detection when she dominated the techno-organic lifeform known as the Luqiti.

To compliment to her invisibility, Invisible Queen also has what she calls 'radar eyes'. She doesn't actually use the visible light spectrum to see at all, but uses a power similar to radar to interpret her surroundings. There's no indication that this is any more limiting than normal eyesight would be, and her eyes cause physical discomfort to anyone else who gazes upon them directly.

In addition to her invisibility powers, Invisible Queen is served by four cultists she has bonded with the Luqiti; she calls these men her Invisible Destroyers. They are silent and obey her every command, and each of them is almost as strong and durable as a Kryptonian while also possessing the same ability to become invisible like their mistress.


Real Name:
Talok the Red Son (Talokkian host: Jhon Stomm)
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 185 lbs
Eyes: Yellow flame
Hair: None

In his first appearance, Talok the Red Son generated a flaming sheath of red solar energy about himself which allowed him to fly, acted as defence and allowed him to shoot fire blasts (it's worth noting that as with a real red sun, his power also nullifies Daxamite and Kryptonian abilities). Since then his power has increased to the point where he can destroy the strongest crystal used in Talok III's maximum security jails.

Talok is the sun god of the Talokkian people (their sun is named after him as an act of defiance) and can both survive and use his powers normally in the vacuum of space without difficulty. He was also able to use his power to force the sun to consume the Talokkian system without actually destroying it; whether this is a unique relationship he has with that star or something he could duplicate with other stars has yet to be seen.


Real Name:
Skorpiorr (Talokkian host: Behnjae Grimm)
Height: 7"
Weight: 270 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: None

Skorpiorr was a humanoid creature similar in appearance to a much smaller Talokkian desert creature of the same name; covered in sharp spikes, he also had a prehensile tail ending in a piercing barb. He clearly possessed superhuman strength and durability, though this was nowhere near a match for Mon-El who knocked him out with one strike. Presumably, Skorpiorr’s physical abilities would have continued to grow if he hadn't been killed by Red Son first.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/21 09:33 PM.
razsolo #959725 09/21/18 04:04 AM
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Real Name:
Amoris Riccioli
Homeworld: Luna
Group Affiliation: None
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 128 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black

Amoris Riccioli has never hidden her true origins from anybody, but centuries of existence have meant that most people are unaware anyway. She was the first child born to Earth’s lunar colony, and she was still very young when her family and friends realised that she was a special child for reasons beyond that. She was always a very placid child, and made friends easily with everyone she met. As Amoris grew older, it became apparent that she had some empathic talent; every sentient she came within a couple of feet of instantly took a liking to her. Amoris developed this power to the extent that she found she could make people trust her, and she could break down others’ emotional barriers or open them up to emotions they’d not allowed themselves to consider.

She never used this power for personal gain, only ever to help those in need. Amoris also found that her ageing slowed incredibly; even now she appears to be in her late teens or early 20s. The compassionate Woman in White eventually became something of an urban myth on Luna, as she found purpose over her unexplained centuries of life in helping anybody and everybody that she could.

When the Legion of Superheroes made a name for themselves in recent years, Amoris was inspired to take on a superheroic identity for herself. She named herself Tranquility after her birthplace Tranquility Bay, though few people associate the relatively new heroine Tranquility with the old myth of the Woman in White. Tranquility recently met some of the Legion of Superheroes for the first time, as she called them in to help her deal with the metahuman Fundament drumming up xenophobia in the lunar colony. Chameleon Boy invited her to apply for Legion membership, but Tranquility politely turned him down as she has no desire at all to leave the small satellite which has been her home for her whole life.

Amoris ages incredibly slowly, and may in fact be immortal. She also heals quickly from any injuries sustained, and hasn’t been sick for as long as she can remember. Her main power however is her empathic gift. She naturally projects an aura of trustworthiness and calm, and unless people are predisposed not to like her she generally makes friends instantly with everyone she comes across. She can focus her power to instill feelings of strong friendship and dedication in those around her, and she can open the minds of those around her to feel positive sensations they’d normally keep repressed or be unaware of otherwise. It’s entirely possible that Tranquility can also generate and amplify negative emotions as she does positive, but she has never felt the need to make the attempt. The only real drawback her power has is that its area of effect is limited to only a couple of feet around her.

razsolo #959726 09/21/18 04:06 AM
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Real Name:
Michael Unterrsen
Homeworld: Earth, late 22nd Century
Group Affiliation: Judgement League (disbanded)
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

Michael Unterrsen was born and raised in the late 21st Century in what had once been the country known as Canada, now called the Quebec Territories in the wake of the War of the Americas. His life was not an easy one, but his deep Catholic faith kept him going through the worst conditions with hope for the future and he even became a priest as soon as he was able to be ordained.

Father Michael’s life changed in the year 2198 when, unknown to him, Superman’s descendant Lara Kent discovered a secret Dominator base in Earth orbit and tore it to pieces. A large part of the damaged satellite destroyed Father Michael’s church when it made Earthfall, and the satellite’s gravitic drive activated Father Michael’s metagene. At first the priest considered his miraculous control over gravity to be a gift from God, but after he’d saved everyone else in his church his stamina waned and injuries sustained in the satellite’s crash threatened to kill him. For the first time, Michael Unterrsen lost faith that his God had anything resembling a benevolent plan for him as he waited to die in agonising pain.

Father Michael Unterrsen actually was fated to die that day; luckily for him though, in the 31st Century the Legion of Superheroes’ enemy Earth-Man had embarked on an ambitious plot to recruit a team of cronies from the annals of history; Earth-Man had absorbed the powers of the Infinite Man, and this gave him the ability to find metahumans througout the past, present and future who were meant to have died without making an impact on the pages of history. Reasoning that he’d cause little to no damage to the timestream recruiting his team in this way, Earth-Man brought Father Michael to 31st Century Metropolis and healed his injuries. When the priest found out that aliens had been responsible for his near death experience, he was only too happy to join Earth-Man in his xenophobic campaign to rid Earth of non-Terrans and Father Michael took the codename Fundament (a play on both his control of one of reality’s fundamental forces and his ultra-conservative religious beliefs).

When the Legion of Superheroes defeated Earth-Man and the Judgement League, Fundament spent a little while acclimatizing to 31st Century Earth and then felt that his calling was to go preach his message of xenophobia on the Earth’s lunar colony. He drummed up a little trouble on Luna, but the moon’s local heroine Tranquility quickly called the Legion of Superheroes in for backup and he was taken into custody before he could gain too much support for his dangerous beliefs.

Fundament was finally defeated on Luna when Tranquility used her empathic talents to open his mind to the feelings of the sentients he’d hated and victimised. Fundament fell apart when he realised the truth of his crusade, and it remains to be seen how this experience will change him moving forward.

Fundament possesses enormous power over the forces of gravity. He can fly by manipulating gravitic forces, and can manipulate hundreds of tons of weight as though he had telekinesis. He can maintain several different effects at once; for example, levitating himself while pinning Wildfire to the ground and preventing Colossal Boy from being able to close on him. He has used his gravitic powers to tear objects to shreds, and to keep the Legion of Superheroes immobile while leaving his own teammates in the same room unaffected; in this instance he modulated his power to affect opponents of different strength levels equally, and was even able to make Comet Queen’s gas trail heavier than air to avoid accidentally inhaling it. His limits have yet to be really practically explored, but he is without a doubt one of the Legion of Superheroes’ most individually powerful mortal foes.

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Base of Operations:
Weber's World
Current Members: 89 (leader), Brittle, Dev-Em, Makkia Vei, Mandalla
Past Members: Power Boy, Ron-Karr

The Oversight Watch was formed under the guidance of the group's leader 89 and Science Police Chief Kimball Zendak to handle the type of trouble which was too difficult for the Science Police or Interstellar Counter-Intelligence Corps, or too morally compromising or politically delicate for the Legion of Superheroes to be called in. The Oversight Watch operates out of a secret base on Weber's World, with almost complete anonymity throughout the United Planets. 89 has been the Oversight Watch's leader since its inception, and she is its primary liaison with United Planets government officials; she generally gives Makkia Vei responsibility for managing interpersonal conflict within the team and acting as an ad hoc human resources officer (though admittedly under a very tight rein). While it's possible that Makkia Vei may be aware of 89's true identity, it's almost completely certain that nobody else on the team does.

The Oversight Watch first came to the Legion of Superheroes' attention thanks to two particular missions; the first was when they secretly prevented the Dominion from creating a Daxamite army on the planet Panoptes. When the Legion investigated in the Oversight Watch's aftermath, Tellus found clear psionic evidence of Mandalla's power effect. The second mission was when they attempted to stop Vrykos and his vampiric hordes on the planet Kathoon before news of the vampiric infestation travelled off-world. The Oversight Watch failed to stop Vrykos, but they secretly sent a distress signal out knowing that the Legion of Superheroes would be able to come in and do the job for them. The Oversight Watch's presence there at all would have remained a secret, but when Vrykos later made a remark to Night Girl about having faced another team prior to the Legion of Superheroes' arrival it made Night Girl curious enough to investigate. Kid Computo and Chameleon Boy uncovered a visual recording of Power Boy fighting vampires on Kathoon prior to the Legion's arrival; as the Legion had already been curious about Power Boy and Mandalla both dropping off the radar as soon as they'd graduated the Legion Academy, these two sightings were enough for them to launch an active investigation into their ex-students' whereabouts.

With Kid Computo's powers, finding out about the Oversight Watch was simply a matter of time. Eventually she caught their electronic trail and the Legion sent a delegation to confront the team in the Oversight Watch's own base. A fight ensued between the two teams over their differences in approach, one which ended with the Oversight Watch's victory. Mandalla wiped the minds of the Legionnaires and sent them on their way.

Through a convoluted series of events, the mindwipe was eventually reversed, and for a while Duplicate Damsel blackmailed Mandalla into secretly keeping her (and through her, the Legion) appraised of the Oversight Watch's activities. The two teams' next open meeting however was when they both came face to face on the planet Khundia after the Khunds had conquered Xanthu. The two teams grudgingly worked together, and in the wake of this mission Ultra Boy struck a deal with 89 that the Legion wouldn't actively monitor the Oversight Watch's activities as long as they exhibited more of a respect for their enemies' lives where possible. The Oversight Watch and the Legion of Superheroes have since existed in a state of uneasy detente.

Power Boy was the first member of the Oversight Watch to resign, as he found himself uncomfortable with 89's disregard for them as human beings and also in a more general sense their general modus operandi. Ron-Karr was forcibly removed from the team not long after due to extracurricular criminal activities undertaken by himself. Both men underwent psychic redaction, a process in which any memories or their time with the team and any classified information they'd been privy to during that time was blurred or altogether wiped from their minds. In Power Boy's case this was a voluntary procedure, as it was a condition of his resignation. It's unlikely that Ron-Karr went along with the process as willingly.

The former Hero of Lallor named Brittle joined the Oversight Watch soon after Ron-Karr was taken off the team, and Makkia Vei has expressed confidence that Brittle's former teammate in the Heroes of Lallor Revenant will probably join the Watch soon as well.

Real Name:
Homeworld: Cadmu
Height: 5’ 7” (89’s boots are specially constructed to give her the illusion of being 5’ 10”)
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: violet
Hair: black

The woman known as 89 has a history which spreads back through 87 separate lifetimes. She is from the planet Cadmu, where the native inhabitants reproduce via cloning as opposed to sexual means. Cadmians regularly back up their memories to an external drive, and when they die their bodies are cloned and their most recent memory backup is implanted into the cloned body. They are raised in a virtual environment until adulthood, and when they emerge into the real world they are treated as a separate entity to their predecessor though they share the same memories and skills. All Cadmians follow the same naming convention; a single name which identifies their lineage followed by a numeric identifier which indicates the amount of lives they’ve lived. Therefore, Leeta-87 was the 87th woman to have been cloned from the original Leeta.

The 87th incarnation of the Leeta lineage was a heroine celebrated throughout the entire galaxy. In 87 lifetimes she’d learned enough combat, tactical and scientific skills to be a truly intimidating opponent for most enemies even though she possessed no metahuman powers. As far as the general public is concerned Leeta-87 had several thrilling adventures before she died in a tragically absurd accident slipping on a banyo fruit peel, and that’s where her story ends. Tens of thousands of sentients visit her memorial site on Shanghalla annually to pay their respects and post holos of themselves on social media at her resting place.

The truth is something far stranger.

Several years before the Legion of Superheroes had formed, Kimball Zendak brought together six metahumans to form a superhero team called the Intergalactic Law Patrol, starting with his lover Leeta-87. Batman and his younger brother Hawkboy possessed no powers, but were the descendants of the original Batman of Earth and they’d already been operating as vigilantes anyway. Titan Girl was a beloved heroine on Titan, and saw the ILP as her chance to help innocents on a larger scale. Minuteman was a Rimborian hero recruited to the cause (Surreally, his experience with the ILP would influence him to help the Legion of Superheroes in their own activities much later in his real identity of Marla Latham). Red Devil was part of the Neocaste on Cadmu, and specifically designed to be a superhero. When his fellow Cadmian Leeta-87 asked him to be in the ILP he was only too happy to agree. On their first mission, they were called to save Cadmu from Darkeseid’s rampaging servant Brimstone. They teamed up with some time-displaced members of the Legion of Superheroes, and through teamwork Brimstone was defeated though it cost Hawkboy, Batman, Titan Girl and Red Devil their lives. The horrific encounter was enough to make Minuteman give up being a hero altogether, but it sent Leeta-87 down a much darker path.

When she discovered Brimstone’s origins, Leeta-87 obsessively researched everything she could about his master Darkseid. She realised she was going to have to go to some uncomfortable places, so she changed her name to 88 as a symbol that she was no longer the same person she had been and faked the famous death of “Leeta-87”. Her next actions are not entirely known, but she has said that she discovered something called the Anti-Death Equation, and has implied that this discovery had dark and cosmically significant consequences.

At some point, her obsession came to an extremely dangerous head and she was forced to give up her search for knowledge to save countless lives. Realising how close she’d come to destroying the whole universe (and having already destroyed any vestige of her romance with Zendak) she worked with Zendak to wipe out all trace of her prior life which might lead anyone else down the same path, including the very existence of the ILP and the relationship she and Zendak had occurred. Her relationship with Kimball Zendak is purely professional now, and she has renamed herself once again to 89 for similar reasons as she’d done earlier. She sees herself now as a different person than she has been previously, and she has lethal technology implanted to kill herself if necessary so nobody else ever connects her to any of her prior incarnations.

To date, the only people whom it can be confirmed know 89's true story are Ultra Boy, Gas Girl, Kid Computo and Kimball Zendak. Given Makkia Vei's skill at psychological manipulation and her almost superhuman psychological perceptions, it's also probably fair to say that she has some awareness of 89's identity as well if not necessarily her secret history. Aside from these individuals, 89 is known only to be an enigmatic and ruthless woman who seems to be skilled at everything she puts her mind to. She wears a full bodysuit at all times to disguise any distinguishing physical characteristics, uses a voice modulator to disguise her voiceprint, and uses psi-tech so her identity remains a secret to anyone with psionic talent equal to the average Titanian.

89 has no metahuman powers, but she is arguably one of the best hand to hand fighters alive. She has had lifetimes of experience to learn the martial arts of various worlds, and she also has an expert level of skill using countless types of melee and ranged weapons. She has exhibited particular expertise in tactics and espionage, but she also has a genius-level understanding of most sciences. To put it bluntly, she can generally be relied upon to have an encyclopedic knowledge of just about any subject which has been relevant in the past few centuries.

89 carries various weapons and tools as necessary; from previous comments she's made to Ultra Boy, she seems to have made preparations to be able to fight all of the Legion of Superheroes one on one if necessary (she has in fact defeated Ultra Boy and Kid Computo in personal combat, and even an artificial simulation based on Leeta-87 gave Ultra Boy, Elastic Lad and Phantom Girl a good fight). Her bodysuit has the same environmental protections as a transuit, as well as protecting her from sensory attack. Her voice modulator disguises her voice at all times, and her suit is armoured strongly enough to protect her from the kind of blunt or piercing impact sustained in any normal fight with a non-powered person who has access to generally available weapons. She has special lenses and auditory equipment built into her outfit to allow her greater than human visual and auditory senses.


Real Name:
Unknown, used the alias Bo Marcu
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 138 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: bald

Brittle was one of five Lalloran youths kidnapped, mindwiped and experimented upon by a Dominator in an effort to create an army of B.I.O.N. (Biological Integrated Organic Network) units. The Dominator considered most of the subject group's powers to be useless and allowed them to join the Heroes of Lallor as potential sleeper agents to be activated at some point down the track, with the exception of the boy who would come to be known as Duplicate Boy II. He went so far as to give them the names of actual missing Lallorans for added legitimacy, and as far as any of the five were concerned they were simply Lalloran mutants who'd lived in a bunker their whole lives until circumstances led to their escape and their recruitment into the Heroes of Lallor.

With his chalk-white skin covered in interlocking seams, Brittle's mutation was glaringly obvious. On a world like Lallor which had never been particularly kind to outsiders, this gave him a bitter and resentful edge. He did have extreme loyalty to his fellow test subjects however, as his memories told him they'd all grown up in a bunker together with nobody else but themselves to rely on.

When the Dominator activated Duplicate Boy II's B.I.O.N. programming, Duplicate Boy II fought both the Heroes of Lallor and the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad. Rain Girl was Duplicate Boy II's first victim, and as she was Brittle's closest friend in the group he took her death particularly hard. He tried to murder Duplicate Boy II in vengeance, but was hopelessly outmatched and was initially presumed to have been killed as a result of that altercation.

Fortunately for Brittle, the Oversight Watch had been assigned to investigate the new batch of mutants appearing on Lallor. They found him barely alive after his fight with Duplicate Boy, his power having rendered him so tiny that even Dawnstar couldn't find him. The Oversight Watch nurtured Brittle back to health and he agreed to join their team on the basis that they help him find and kill Duplicate Boy in revenge for Rain Girl's murder. When the Oversight Watch finally came across Duplicate Boy however (now calling himself Revenant), Brittle realised that his old teammate had been as much a victim of the Dominators as any of his friends and his hatred became pity. Finding it too painful to be around his old teammates in the Heroes of Lallor, Brittle has elected to stay with the Oversight Watch.

Brittle possesses the unusual ability to separate into smaller versions of himself when struck with physical force. Generally, he apportions his strength and mass equally among his duplicates but he can also choose to share his mass disproportionately (for example, creating a duplicate an inch in height and losing only a miniscule amount of mass from his larger body).

The process of breaking into smaller bodies is fuelled by the kinetic energy which caused it, so his power also functions as an effective defence. While his individual bodies clearly have some level of independence, they're all essentially just extensions of himself. It seemed that Brittle had met his power's limit when Duplicate Boy II crushed him into dust, but as he managed to survive that it's possible that he may have simply been reduced to duplicates so small as to resemble dust particles.

Real Name:
Homeworld: Krypton
Height: 6’
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

Dev-Em’s history up until the time he was enlisted into the Oversight Watch has been previously recorded. Dev-Em was romantically involved with his teammate Power Boy for a while, but this relationship was forced to end when Power Boy left the team and underwent voluntary psychic redaction to forget any explicit details of his time with the Watch.

As a Kryptonian, Dev-Em has super-strength, invulnerability, super-speed, enhanced senses and the ability to fly when not under a red sun. He also possesses the standard Kryptonian vulnerabilities, namely kryptonite and magic.

Real Name:
Makkia Vei
Homeworld: Colu
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Green (like all Coluans, Makkia Vei’s sclera are yellow)
Hair: Blonde

Nothing is known of Makkia Vei's personal history prior to her first interaction with the Legion of Superheroes; she first came across the heroes as a member of the Persuader's version of the Fatal Five which also included Gorgon Girl, Atta and Ghost-6. The Persuader's Fatal Five easily defeated the Legion when they first fought, in large part thanks to Makkia Vei's psychological profiling and manipulations. In their next encounter the Persuader's team was easily overpowered by Sensor Girl backed by the two Emerald Eyes of Ekron, and Makkia Vei went to jail along with the rest of the villains.

Takron-Galtos was no obstacle to Makkia Vei as it simply put her in a position to make sure she could reach the right people with her talents; she was soon deemed by UP authorities too useful to be rotting in a prison cell, and she was Chief Zendak and 89's first recruit to the Oversight Watch. Though she is poorly lacking in combat skills compared to her teammates, Makkia Vei makes up for that with her intellect and her mastery of psychology. With the notable exception of Dev-Em who was recruited straight from the ICIC, she has been primarily responsible for convincing the rest of the team to join and give their best efforts to its success.

Makkia Vei has no innate powers, and while she is highly intelligent she hasn't ever given any indication that her intellect exceeds the Coluan average in any dramatic sense. She has an understanding of psychology which is so advanced however that it almost constitutes a power in certain circumstances. Even when facing foes aware of her talents, Makkia Vei can expertly manipulate them into acting exactly the way she wants them to. She can predict another's actions or reactions with a precision that borders on precognition, and she has even been known to utilise her psychological profiling abilities to bypass security measures set by opponents objectively more intelligent than herself such as Tharok or Brainiac 5 by being able to deduce passwords and the like (with enough data on a target, she can even acurately guess seemingly random codes or combinations someone's subconscious has led them to create). She occasionally carries a handgun and 89 has insisted on her learning basic self-defence skills, but physically she's no real threat; her true threat is in her ability to command those around her with frighteningly little effort.

Real Name:
Tari Wahlmunn
Homeworld: Takron-Galtos
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: white (no visible pupils)
Hair: brown

Mandalla's history up until she was recruited to the Oversight Watch has already been recorded. On the day Mandalla graduated the Legion Academy, Makkia Vei convinced her she'd do more good with the Oversight Watch than she ever would trying fruitlessly to get into the Legion of Superheroes when they already had Saturn Girl and Tellus in their ranks (and had previously rejected Mentalla who objectively had more fine control of her psionic powers than Mandalla herself). At some point Mandalla realised that she'd been manipulated into joining the team (though she'd never admit it), but she's since come to truly believe that this is the best place for her to be able to use her powers to make a difference in the UP.

Mandalla has the ability to create psionic 'thoughtspheres'. These are invisible to the naked eye, but anybody with the appropriate psionic abilities can sense them as a three-dimensional mandala, thus her (deliberately misspelled for aesthetics) codename. Originally her thoughtspheres were quite limited in effect, solely immersing an individual target within a confusing hallucinatory effect. She has since learned to modify this somewhat so that she can now wipe a target's mind of recent memories and/or leave them susceptible to verbal commands.

One particularly unique quality of Mandalla's power is that the larger a thoughtsphere she projects, the more powerful the effect. Tellus for example is a more powerful and more versatile psi than herself, but Mandalla was able to mindwipe him by immersing him within a thoughtsphere large enough to cover an extremely large radius. The only drawback to this effect is that she can't pick and choose her targets; anybody within that radius will be impacted equally, so it's not something she can rely upon as a general combat advantage.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/07/22 04:31 AM.
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Your Oversight Watch is gold, raz.

- Taking Leeta-87 and building such a complex character
- Makkia Vei (a play on Machiavellian, I love it) is formidable, and having a background in psychology I can appreciate the possibilities. Pairing her with Mandalla is genius, as Mandalla can soften up targets for Makkia
- Mandalla's thought-sphere's inability to select targets is a flaw, the same one I used to prevent her from earning Legion membership in my own stories. I like how you used her relative poorer control over her powers to have her be manipulated
- Ditto with Jed. Did he ever learn that he was going to be offered membership? I myself hesitated to let him use his powers to phase, as it duplicates Tinya too well (I mean, with phasing you either can or can't, though of course skill factors into how well they use it in combat).
- love the upgrades re Ron-Karr, and especially love that it's a result of smarter use of his abilities rather than scientific upgrades!

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Real Name:
Iris Jacobs
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes (former minion of the Lord of Time)
Height: 5' 4" (formerly 7')
Weight: 515 lbs (formerly 650 lbs)
Eyes: made of diamond
Hair: made of diamond

Iris Jacobs met and became infatuated with the first Karate Kid during the time he lived in the early 21st century. For a brief period Iris became a villain made of diamond appropriately called Diamondeth, but she was soon returned to her normal human form. After Karate Kid returned to the 31st century to marry Princess Projectra and live the rest of his life, Iris Jacobs's unrequited affection for him turned to bitter resentment for which she had no way of finding closure.

At some point, the Legionnaire called Infectious Lass also found herself sent back to Iris Jacobs's home era by Earth-Man and his cronies. While she was in the 21st century, Infectious Lass became embroiled in one of the Lord of Time's plots which involved him once again transforming Iris Jacobs into Diamondeth to act as his servant, and also involved several time-travelling members of the Legion of Supervillains including Esper Lass among others. In this timeline, Diamondeth killed Infectious Lass and the LSV members and helped the Lord of Time bring about a world where he ruled for a millenium. The Legion of Superheroes formed in this timeline much as it had originally, but with the Lord of Time as an inspiration rather than RJ Brande the members of this Legion were cruel and capricious. When Blok sustained grievous wounds in the wake of a battle with the Lord of Time's enemy Mordru the Merciless and the White Witch became the Black Witch, Blok left the Legion of Superheroes to seek solitude on the so-called Puppet Planetoid.

It was on the Puppet Planetoid that Blok found an even more embittered Diamondeth who'd been cast aside by the Lord of Time centuries ago when she ceased being useful to him and had been living a solitary self-pitying existence ever since. Blok and Diamondeth initially fought, but when Blok identified himself as a member of the Legion of Superheroes it triggered a mental command that Esper Lass had planted within Diamondeth before the telepathic villain's murder; Diamondeth was driven to ask the Legion of Superheroes for help, and she told Blok the truth about the Lord of TIme whom he and the rest of the Legion had been manipulated into seeing as an altruistic authority figure. Blok took Diamondeth back to the Legion, and this eventually led to a confrontation with the Lord of Time himself where Saturn Girl, Blok and Diamondeth stole a time bubble to try and reverse how he'd changed history. Diamondeth wound up being vital to the success of this mission and in the aftermath she gave up her regrets and embraced a new path of optimism joining the Legion of Superheroes and changing her name to Diamond Damsel.

Diamond Damsel has become a stalwart member of the Legion since she joined, her relationship with Blok gradually becoming more romantic as well. She has gone through several adjustments to her physical form during this time; at one point she gained an ability to transform at will from a 7' tall diamond woman to her original 5'4" human form, before being trapped in her diamond form once more. After a recent encounter with Mordru she was transformed into numerous actual diamonds, and when she was put back together again by the Zoe Saugin of Earth-247 she was given a form that looks like Iris Jacobs but is made of diamond. The reduction in her strength is barely noticeable and she has expressed that she likes this form more than either her original diamond form or her flesh and blood body. After centuries of having to learn to just come to terms with her physical appearance, Diamond Damsel has finally reached a place where she is actually happy with how she looks. How this will affect her moving forward remains to be seen.

As her name suggests, Diamond Damsel is made of diamond. She is invulnerable to conventional injury, having only suffered injury in the past due to Kryptonian strength backed by a Red Lantern ring or highly exotic technologies or magic. She no longer needs to eat, sleep or breathe in diamond form and she has super-strength almost equal to a Daxamite. Diamond Damsel's fingernails are sharp enough to cut through reinforced steel though she rarely uses this as a form of attack, preferring brute strength instead. Diamond Damsel once had the ability to transform back and forth from diamond to human form at will. It is unknown whether she still possesses this ability.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/07/22 04:18 AM.
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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Your Oversight Watch is gold, raz.

Thanks! If I ever get sick of writing the Legion, I think my next choice would be either these guys or the Academy kids laugh

- Taking Leeta-87 and building such a complex character

I went back and re-read 89's appearances while I was writing her bio and I'm pretty happy with them...I tend not to do drawn out mysteries because I don't think it's one of my strengths as a writer, but I'm really happy with how 89's story played out smile
- Makkia Vei (a play on Machiavellian, I love it) is formidable, and having a background in psychology I can appreciate the possibilities. Pairing her with Mandalla is genius, as Mandalla can soften up targets for Makkia
It's funny, Set said the same thing a while ago re Makkia Vei's name being a play on Machiavellian and I am gonna come clean - that was 100% an accident hahaha....maybe my subconscious is more of a fan of puns than my conscious brain is; the similarity never even occurred to me till you guys pointed it out laugh
- Ditto with Jed. Did he ever learn that he was going to be offered membership? I myself hesitated to let him use his powers to phase, as it duplicates Tinya too well (I mean, with phasing you either can or can't, though of course skill factors into how well they use it in combat).
Poor Jed never did learn he was gonna be offered membership frown I totally get what you mean about his phasing; it's one thing having sixteen people with super-strength on a team, but you don't really wanna dilute the more exotic powers. It's the main reason I gave my Mwindaji healing abilities to be honest, I wanted to make sure he and Dawny both have stuff beyond tracking to contribute to the team
- love the upgrades re Ron-Karr, and especially love that it's a result of smarter use of his abilities rather than scientific upgrades!
Thanks! 2D characters and speedsters are both really undervalued in comics!

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Originally Posted by razsolo
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Ditto with Jed. Did he ever learn that he was going to be offered membership? I myself hesitated to let him use his powers to phase, as it duplicates Tinya too well (I mean, with phasing you either can or can't, though of course skill factors into how well they use it in combat).
Poor Jed never did learn he was gonna be offered membership frown I totally get what you mean about his phasing; it's one thing having sixteen people with super-strength on a team, but you don't really wanna dilute the more exotic powers. It's the main reason I gave my Mwindaji healing abilities to be honest, I wanted to make sure he and Dawny both have stuff beyond tracking to contribute to the team

My struggle with Jed now though is figuring out how to use his density-decreasing abilities! I've been reading up on it, but the only applications I can figure out without outright phasing are: making himself lighter especially in water (I have this image in my mind of him surfing my Lamprey's waves, but it's so situational!) and him being able to alter his shape a bit (kind of like your Elastic Lad; but then I'm not sure it's a power I would want in my Legion). You're right that having tons of people with super-strength is common, but I would want to distinguish Jed in some way too. Sigh, poor Jed.

You've done wonders with Diamond Damsel, too. Including having a great way for her to be present in the Legion's time, and exploring her emotions re Karate Kid and her Diamondeth phase!

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Thanks re Diamond Damsel! I only ever introduced her as a one-off villain then she kinda grabbed me and I didn't wanna lose her and now I'm very attached so I'm glad you guys like her smile

Power Boy's density conundrum: maybe becoming slightly less dense could keep him tangible but more protected from certain attacks? It needs someone better at physics than me to figure it out but I'm sure object density must affect electrical conduction and absorbtion of vibrations and stuff like maybe he could use his density decrease to actively combat freezing attacks by making his body's molecules drift too far apart to freeze together? I have a very 80s comic book understanding of science so this may be wildly inaccurate but I'm sure there's something you can handwave smile

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Re Power Boy's power applications, thanks! It's a good thought. I'll have to think some more on what unique way he could use his power, that doesn't duplicate Apparition and is different from just plain invulnerability! smile

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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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Love what you've done with Leeta! My own take on her had the numbers be '8-7,' instead of 87 (7th clone from the 8th generation'), because I wanted her homeworld to be an Earth colony, which made 87 generations a bit much. (Since, over 1000 years, assuming the colony had been founded in 2000-ish, would still only be 40 generations.) But the notion of someone having 87 lives worth of experience is awesome.

Jed's an odd one. He was originally said to have only super-strength, from his increased density, and no particular toughness, making him sort of the opposite of Laurel Kent. (Even if it would logically work the other way, and he'd be more likely to gain increased toughness from increased density than increased strength...) The addition of reduced density (and increased toughness!) was a logical outgrowth, as long as he remains worse at phasing tricks than Phantom Girl. (Just as Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet remain relevant, even though Chameleon Boy can replicate their respective schticks, although I'm less of a fan of the idea that any Durlan can duplicate their powers...)

Last edited by Set; 09/25/18 05:00 PM.

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Thanks Set! I like the 8-7 idea as well...I think I kinda see Durlans the same way as you mentioned; with training they can do some awesome things but the further they get from mimicking something with the same mass or general form the more difficult it is; and presumably even Cham has limits to how big he can get as we never really see him punching starships with Gim. I would assume too that they're limited by what their antennae can I doubt Cham would be able to go sub-atomic like Vi has occasionally because he can't actually perceive anything that small without help.

razsolo #961004 10/08/18 04:56 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Calish-Aetia
Group Affiliation: formerly the Persuader’s Fatal Five and the Alchemist’s pirate crew, none currently
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 193 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blue

Atta’s history prior to her first encounter with the Legion of Superheroes is as yet unrevealed. She was recruited by the Persuader for his Fatal Five, and despite her lack of superpowers helped defeat a contingent of the Legion of Superheroes in their first battle.

That version of the Fatal Five ultimately met defeat at the hands of Sensor Girl with two emerald eyes backing her, but since then Atta has encountered the Legion and their allies on a few other occasions. She successfully evaded a group of Legion Academy students and Quill King on the planet Cadmu (though she was later taken into custody by Wildfire and Dawnstar) and at one point she also served as a member of the Alchemist’s pirate crew, almost torturing a captured Star Boy and Light Lad until she was once again defeated.

As a Khund, Atta has managed to avoid long-term imprisonment by UP authorities due to political concerns. Each time she is brought into custody, all the Science Police can do with her is hand her over to Khundish authorities whom her violent tendencies are more than capable of helping her with.

As a Khund, Atta’s bone and muscle density are greater than that of a Terran woman of the equivalent body type. While not technically superhumanly strong, she is easily capable of matching a peak human in a test of strength or stamina.

Atta has no metahuman powers, but she has perfected the art of knife combat so well that it might as well qualify as a power. Even when unable to see her opponent (for example, when she has faced Shadow Lass or Invisible Kid), her lethal skill is barely affected. She is equally comfortable with ranged or melee combat, and she has a wide variety of bladed weapons on her body at all times.

razsolo #963301 11/18/18 07:21 AM
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Base of Operations:
Current Members: Abyss, Bioluminescent Lass, Gear, Ion, Magno (leader), Triplicate Boy, Twine
Past Members: Sizzle

Before his peculiar death, the staggeringly wealthy Leland McCauley IV had entered a contract with the United Planets to fund the development and maintenance of a team of superheroes named the Workforce on the prison planet Takron-Galtos. Never a particularly altruistic man, McCauley no doubt intended on having a heavy hand in their operations but he died before the team was fully recruited and trained. His estate continued to pay for the Workforce as per the terms of his contract, but they are overseen now directly by the warden and governing authority of Takron-Galtos moreso than any corporate interests.

For their home base, the Workforce have co-opted an island on the artificial planet which was previously used as a dumping ground for the prison’s redundant technologies and vehicles. The island has been modified for mobility, and it is brimming with defence and detection systems. The artificial sea surrounding the Workforce’s island is composed of highly toxic chemicals, and inhabited only by aquatically adapted security enforcement automatons.

Real Name:
Danning Tolagson
Height: 5’ 8”
Homeworld: Earth
Weight: 145 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: grey

Almost nothing is known of Abyss’s history prior to being employed in the Workforce. He has alluded to having worked for the UP in a more covert capacity than the Science Police, and it’s assumed this is where he came across his unique tool named the void-ring. He’d initially called himself Void when the team formed, but after learning of another Void based in the villain team the Heavensent he changed his name to Abyss.

Abyss is definitely one of the more cruel Workforce members, and legitimately enjoys using his void-ring to terrorise and incapacitate his enemies. In the Workforce’s first official training session against a contingent of the Legion of Superheroes, he’d eagerly anticipated humiliating Shadow Lass but instead found himself easily defeated by her even in his own pocket dimension. Of all the Workforce, he only really spends time with Twine outside of combat situations as she alone shares his cynicism and his mean streak.

Abyss has no metahuman powers, but he wears a mysterious device called a void-ring on the middle finger of his left hand. It can provide him access to a pocket dimension of pure darkness which he calls Voidspace, and he can also take passengers along with him or send and retrieve targets at will while he stays in his home dimension. The ring protects him from the effects of Voidspace (and to a lesser extent it can protect people who travel with him if he wills it so) but unprotected targets find it an enormously taxing experience both physically and emotionally. While it causes no actual physical damage, victims report feeling icy cold in the lightless realm with no awareness of space or time. They are also consumed by fear and dread, and are often catatonic with distress when Abyss brings them back home. Shadow Lass found herself unaffected by her exposure to Voidspace, which presumably relates to her status as the Shadow Champion of Talok VIII and her related powers.

Real Name:
Jana Sartro
Homeworld: Lupra
Height: 6’ 1”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: pale yellow
Hair: blonde

Dr Jana Sartro was a scientist who wanted to replicate the accident which had given her fellow Lupran Color Kid the power to change the color of any object. Jana believed that the extra-dimensional light which had empowered Color Kid had the potential to do much more, and she believed that she could exploit that potential to become a superhero herself. She did successfully give herself powers, but her powers were at least as limited as Color Kid’s. Realising she’d be highly unlikely to earn membership in the Legion of Superheroes she decided to find some other way to help people while simultaneously earning enough to be able to continue her research; she found that in the Workforce. While she’s far from the most powerful member of the team and her tendency toward pacifism makes her an unusual choice for a superpowered prison warden, her keen intellect, bravery and compassion for those whom some of her teammates might not give a second thought have more than earned her a place on the team.

As her name suggests, Bioluminescent Lass possesses the ability to radiate light. At its most basic level, this is useful for providing illumination in lightless areas but she can easily intensify her output so as to be blinding even through closed eyes. Through experimentation, she has learned to adjust the frequency of her light output; at this stage she can’t noticeably change the color of her glow but she can shift wavelengths enough to make polarised lenses useless or in one memorable incident to combat Color Kid’s own power as he was forced to constantly reinforce his power over hers to keep her from blinding his teammates.

Bioluminescent Lass is constantly working on ways to refine her ability and to use it to its fullest extent. While she can control the intensity of her light output to an amazingly fine degree, she can only project light omnidirectionally. Her teammate Gear has come up with smart contact lenses for the rest of the team to wear which protect them from being blinded when she uses her power in their presence.

Perhaps more useful than her novel power is her scientific expertise. Dr Sartro has a particular mastery of extra-dimensional physics and superhuman physiology, but she’s well-versed in hard and soft sciences generally as well.

Real Name:
Homeworld: Linsnar
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: white in their default state, but variable
Hair: black

Gear is a Linsnarian, a techno-organic race famed across the United Planets as living tools. His history prior to joining the Workforce is largely unknown, but he’s easily settled in as their resident tech guy. Gear genuinely enjoys his life in the Workforce and the adventures which ensue, and he sees any obstacle as a fun opportunity to test his capabilities.

Composed entirely of organic circuitry, Gear generally appears quite unremarkable in appearance. He can easily modify parts of his body for different functions however, producing gadgets and tools from his own body mass as necessary. When he uses his power, his epidermis generally forms into segmented plates and reveals densely packed circuitry and electronics just beneath his surface. This can give him the appearance of being a robot with a false human veneer, but he is genuinely as much organic as he is composed of technology. He can compose any type of weapon or tool he has the technical know-how to create, but he can’t separate substantial portions of his body from one another or radically alter his basic shape without suffering injury (Gear created specially polarised contact lenses for his teammates out of his own body, but in terms of mass that was the equivalent of an average person’s nail clippings; he wouldn’t be able to lose much more material than this without wounding himself). Gear can also interface with technology quite easily by creating from himself the right equipment.

As is common with Linsnarians, Gear is far more technologically inclined than the average UP citizen. This is a product of his unique physiology more than advanced intellect or education however, and so he’s much more at home with practical fields like mechanics and electronics than he is with the theory behind them.

Real Name:
Jeri Jimel
Homeworld: Imsk
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 139 lbs
Eyes: brown (no visible pupils)
Hair: black

Little is known of Ion’s history prior to her membership in the Workforce. She presents herself with military professionalism at all times, probably due to her stint in the Imskian defence forces prior to leaving her homeworld. She is quite stoic, and has appeared unfazed in situations where even her own teammates have faltered. She tends not to stand out among the rest of her team, standing by ready to take orders without really expressing herself one way or the other outside of mission parameters.

Ion possesses the ability to shrink to subatomic size just as all Imskians do. She has military training and is a skilled fighter both in ranged and melee combat, though Shrinking Violet defeated her decisively in hand-to-hand combat.

Real Name:
Dyrk Magz
Homeworld: Braal
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond

Dyrk Magz’s greatest dream was once to join the Legion of Superheroes, but his older brother Omar eventually convinced him that it was a foolish aspiration as the Legion would never take him when they already had Cosmic Boy. Refusing to allow his disappointment to lead to defeatism, Dyrk instead changed his focus to joining the Science Police in Omar’s footsteps and to this end he practiced using his magnokinesis almost obsessively to become the best officer he could. This didn’t go unnoticed by Dyrk’s superiors, and when the call went out for someone to lead a Takron-Galtos based superhero team he was nominated straight out of the training academy.

Though he’s the youngest member of the Workforce, Magno has taken to the role of leader surprisingly well. His power level and skill are comparable to Cosmic Boy already and his optimism, enthusiasm and idealism make up for his lack of practical experience.

Like all Braalians, Magno possesses the power of magnokinesis. He has trained himself to a degree matched by few other Braalians however, and was able to stalemate Cosmic Boy for several minutes when the two paired off against one another in a training exercise.

Real Name:
Dru Lorgo
Homeworld: Cargg
Height: 6’ 2”
Weight: 225 lbs
Eyes: amber/violet
Hair: brown

Growing up on Cargg, Dru Lorgo was a natural athlete. He excelled in several fields including tri-jitsu, boxing, gymnastics, and relay track and swimming races among others. His natural charisma and attractiveness meant it wasn’t long before he became equally famous on his homeworld as a model and if he’d wanted to he could easily have had any number of careers in the sports or entertainment spheres of the wider United Planets.

Fame and wealth weren’t enough for Dru though; like his hero Duplicate Damsel he wanted to actively help people. He joined the Science Police’s training program but found its rigidity and regulations too restrictive. When he heard about Leland McCauley’s Workforce program, he saw this as his way to get some practical training as a superhero and hopefully get his foot in the door with a team like the Legion of Superheroes. He took the name Triplicate Boy and a costume heavily influenced by Triplicate Girl’s original outfit, but he has yet to actually meet his heroic inspiration.

Triplicate Boy possesses the same ability to split into three identical bodies as anybody else from the planet Cargg. He is one of his world’s athletic elite however, and has a specific mastery of tri-jitsu matched by few others.

Real Name:
Homeworld: unknown
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: white (no visible pupils/irises)
Hair: magenta

Nothing has been revealed of Twine’s personal history prior to the formation of the Workforce. She was recruited from Rimbor, though it’s unclear whether she is actually a native Rimborian. She wears a mask covering her lower face at all times and didn’t speak when training with the Legion of Superheroes, but again it’s not clear whether she is physically unable to communicate verbally or if she just chooses not to talk. She takes a sadistic pleasure in her abilities, and aside from her friendship with Abyss (who has been known to speak on her behalf) she doesn’t really interact with any of her teammates outside of work.

Twine can generate prehensile tendrils of bright pink energy from her forearms which painfully drain strength and vitality from any opponent they touch. Her energy whips are powerful enough to have even hurt the Shazam-empowered Blok, though when her physical connection with the whips was severed the psionic feedback knocked her out.

Last edited by razsolo; 07/09/23 03:41 AM.
razsolo #963355 11/19/18 08:14 AM
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re: Bioluminescent Lass (Jana Sartro of Lupra)

I believe you may misunderestimate the power of light. (E=hv)
Of course, this may be extradimensional light, where Planck's Constant is less constant.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
razsolo #963369 11/19/18 01:46 PM
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While I agree that light has a ton of potential for power, I kind of like that Bioluminescent Lass has the same initial powers as Sun Boy or Dazzler, before they left blinding/dazzling people behind for throwing fire or lasers at people. As a hero, a nonlethal 'dazzling' attack or blinding glare effect could be more useful than lasers, against living targets (particularly if your hero team or relationship with law enforcement discourages burning holes in people...). smile

Plus it's cheeky if she manages to be an effective hero with a power that others moved beyond as being 'too weak.' In a setting that gave us characters like Matter-Eater Lad, Bouncing Boy, Duo Damsel, the Subs, etc. it's kind of cool to see someone making do with not-quite-ready-for-prime-time powers.

Anywho, I definitely want to know more about Twine and Abyss, in particular. They, and Dune, were some of the blink-and-you-missed-them characters that the comics never really gave us much information (or characterization) to go on.

Last edited by Set; 11/19/18 01:48 PM.

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razsolo #963498 11/23/18 01:58 AM
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There's definitely way more potential with light-based powers than Bioluminescent Lass exhibits (and I do plan on having her develop some tricks somewhere along the line) but originally I created her in the Heroes from Other Worlds thread as a homage to Aurora from Marvel's Alpha Flight so she was only really conceived with basic illumination as her core concept. When I decided to use her in my Workforce I thought it might be an interesting experiment to see how someone with such limited combat applications would work as a prison warden (that, and heroes who manage to be effective with weak or just plain kooky powers are my jam smile )

razsolo #963499 11/23/18 02:00 AM
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Real Name:
Danielle Foccart
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Danielle Foccart was still only a child when she first encountered the Legion of Superheroes. Stricken with an apparently incurable illness, she would have surely died if her older brother Jacques hadn’t brought her to Brainiac 5 for treatment. Brainiac 5 did cure Danielle, but in using the same technology which had once created the villainous Computo he inadvertantly brought Computo back to life in the young girl’s body.

Computo hijacked the Legion’s headquarters and came close to killing many of the team, but with Jacques Foccart’s help (and Lyle Norg’s invisibility serum) the artificially intelligent monster was defeated. Jacques became the second Invisible Kid and joined the Legion, and Danielle went back home safe and sound.

As she grew into her teens, it became apparent to Danielle that her experience with Computo and the Legion had changed her as it had her brother. She had inherited Computo’s ability to control technology, and once she was confident that she had mastered her cyberempathy she tried out for Legion membership. She chose the codename Kid Computo as a way of challenging her own terror of the monster who’d once possessed her, and while this was initially a bone of contention for some Legionnaires (especially Duplicate Damsel, who disliked Danielle intensely until the two talked out their issues) she has since proven to be a great asset to the team.

Kid Computo’s cyberempathy allows her to effortlessly communicate with and control technology within an undisclosed radius. She once used boosters designed by Brainiac 5 to extend her power’s range to planetary orbit, but she has never faced any issues using her power within any practical boundaries during a mission. It’s possible to hide technology from her using a cloaking device, but she has shown on multiple occasions that if she knows to look for the cloaking technology itself she can control that as easily as she does anything else.

Danielle doesn’t have any particularly advanced technical knowledge or skills aside from the shortcut her power provides, and highly advanced tech requires greater focus from her to comprehend. On one occasion she was stranded over a thousand years in the past, and a Coluan-designed starship from that era was enough of a challenge that she could only affect individual ship systems at a time. In general, Danielle can control multiple forms of technology at once but the difficulty increases the more her attention is divided. She has also shown a propensity to become overawed by truly sapient technology; she had to be reminded to stay on task when she first came across the Robotican species, and she was distracted enough by the discovery that Karth Arn is a sapient being that she wasn't able to react in time to prevent him escaping Legion custody.

Kid Computo has learned basic unarmed combat skills in the event that she needs to face an opponent without technology, but she’d be the first to admit that she needs a lot of work in this area.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:34 AM.
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Past Members:
Antennae Lad, Bouncing Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, Color Kid, Comet Queen, Cosmic Boy, Crystal Kid, Double-Header (deceased), Dream Girl, Duo Damsel (now known as Una), Fire Lad (now known as Firecrest), Infectious Lass, Karate Kid II (deceased), Night Girl, Polar Boy, Polecat, Porcupine Pete, Rainbow Girl, Star Boy, Stone Boy

Current Members: Antennae Lad, Bouncing Boy, Polecat, Porcupine Pete, Rainbow Girl, Una

When Polar Boy, Night Girl, Fire Lad, Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy were unsuccessful in their efforts to join the Legion of Superheroes, they banded together to form a team who would act secretly when the Legion of Superheroes were unavailable; a Legion of Substitute Heroes. They didn't stay secret for long, and they soon became accepted as occasional but welcome allies to the more popular Legion. Color Kid was their next recruit, and the roster of the Legion of Substitute Heroes (or "Subs", as they were affectionately called) was based around that core membership for quite some time.

There was a period of time when the Subs were treated as a second-rate joke of a team, and this eventually resulted in their temporary dissolution. A second team of Substitute Heroes formed during this time with Cosmic Boy, Night Girl, Bouncing Boy, Duplicate Damsel, Karate Kid II and Comet Queen, but this team was very short-lived.

When Earth-Man and his Justice League turned Earth against the Legion of Superheroes, many of the original Subs reformed the team along with new recruit Rainbow Girl. Their aid was invaluable to the LSH, and the Subs remained active after Earth-Man and his cronies were defeated. When all of the founding members of the Subs finally realised their dream of being admitted to the Legion of Superheroes, the bond between the two teams grew stronger than ever. Despite their good relationship though, it had become clear that the Subs no longer really saw their role as to be substitutes when the Legion of Superheroes were unavailable.

When the supervillain Myriad abducted Rainbow Girl in an effort to steal her powers, Bouncing Boy and Una teamed up with the Subs to bring him down; at the end of that adventure both heroes were granted membership to the Subs, but it was agreed by all that they probably needed a name that reflected them more accurately and the Cavalry was born.The Cavalry now work (and in some cases, live) out of the United Planets Museum of the Superhero which has been built on the site of the Legion of Superheroes' old headquarters in Metropolis.

Real Name:
Khfeurb Chee Bez
Homeworld: Grxyor
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: grey
Hair: none

Antennae Lad initially became an auxilliary member of the Legon of Substitute Heroes after he was rejected by the Legion of Superheroes, and over time he earned his way to full membership in the Subs.

Antennae Lad was born with the unique ability to pick up radio transmissions from the past, present and future and play them through his ears. While he still tends to lose control of this odd power in times of stress, he has much better control than he exhibited when he tried out for the Legion of Superheroes years ago. Antennae Lad's power is obviously more useful for gathering information than combat, but he has become quite proficient at blasting feedback at high volumes as a distracting tactic during battle.

Real Name:
Charles Foster Taine
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 227 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: black

Most of Bouncing Boy's history is a matter of public record. When his wife's duplication power was recently stolen by the supervillain Myriad, Bouncing Boy and Una teamed up with the Legion of Substitute Heroes to stop Myriad from doing the same to Rainbow Girl. At the end of that adventure Bouncing Boy, Una and the Subs decided to stay together on a more permanent basis as the Cavalry.

Bouncing Boy possesses the ability to inflate himself like a balloon into a large rounded shape. He's essentially a living rubber ball in this form, practically impervious to physical harm as well as electrocution. He can also bounce like a ball (thus his name), and is surprisingly effective at putting this to good use. With enough momentum, Bouncing Boy is like a human cannonball. He also has an excellent grasp of spatial geography and is faster and more agile than his size would suggest. Aside from his physical capabilities, Bouncing Boy has also become quite an adept tactical thinker and he's very perceptive when it comes to recognising the hidden strengths of those around him.

Real Name:
Dafe Meron
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 6"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Dafe Meron was born with two horns on his forehead which can generate a variety of foul-smelling odours. He couldn't control this ability for most of his life and was shunned by most people. After being rejected by the Legion of Superheroes, he took a job at an isolated Antarctic research station where he could work at mastering his powers away from others, and eventually he joined the Subs. He is remarkably optimistic and cheery for someone who has spent so much time being avoided by other people. Along with Antennae Lad, Porcupine Pete and Rainbow Girl he agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Polecat can emit odours which range in intensity from merely unpleasant to debilitatingly noxious. Polecat himself is immune to his own power and to other olfactory irritants. As a side effect of his immunity, Polecat has very poorly developed sense of smell and taste.

Real Name:
Peter Dursin
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

Like most of the rest of his team, Porcupine Pete joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes after he was rejected by the Legion of Superheroes. He and his teammate Infectious Lass struck up a close friendship which may have become something deeper, but then Infectious Lass joined the Legion of Superheroes and was almost immediately jettisoned into the timestream by Earth-Man. Not realising her predicament, Pete simply assumed she'd become too preoccupied with her Legion duties to keep in touch with him. He resolved to finally join the LSH himself, and to this end he left Earth to try and find some way to gain greater control of his power.

Pete eventually found himself on the planet Steeple, and the monks there taught him techniques that gave him much more fine control of his power than he'd had previously. After a long time away from Earth he finally returned to court Infectious Lass, but sadly for him she had started a relationship with Invisible Kid while Pete had been gone. Pete was miserable at first, but he has since realised how happy Infectious Lass and Invisible Kid are and he made steps to strengthen his platonic friendship with Drura again. Once the founding Subs all joined the Legion of Superheroes, Pete also found himself in the strange but welcome position of being the most senior member of the team. Until the team's dissolution, he was generally seen as a kind of unofficial leader/mentor by the others when needed. Along with Antennae Lad, Polecat and Rainbow Girl he agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Porcupine Pete is covered from head to toe in razor-sharp quills instead of body hair. He can detach these quills from himself painlessly at will, and they grow back with great speed (usually within about half an hour). Pete generally regenerates about 25% faster from injuries than a regular Earth man, which is presumably related to his ability to regrow quills so quickly.

Originally he could only shoot all of his quills off in an omnidirectional explosive barrage, but after training with the monks on Steeple he has since learned to shoot off only a select portion of quills in a particular direction. Part of his training on Steeple also involved physical discipline, meditation techniques and martial arts. While he's far from a master at any of these, he's noticeably more skilled than the average person.

Real Name:
Doritheea "Dori" Aandraison
Homeworld: Xolnar
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 128 lbs
Eyes: purple
Hair: black

Rainbow Girl's transition from Legion of Superheroes reject to becoming a member of the Legion of Substitute Heroes was not as straightforward as with many of the other Subs. She actively avoided joining the Subs for some time as she felt that their social status was not elevated enough to be of benefit in her quest for fame. It was only when Earth-Man and his cronies took over the Earth and made it impossible for aliens to live peacefully there that Dori realised there were some things more important than fame and she joined the Subs to fight against his evil. She matured greatly after joining the Subs, especially once the founding members all joined the Legion of Superheroes and she found herself in the position of enabling many of her team's activities through her great wealth.

Dori was recently abducted by the supervillain Myriad, who had planned on stealing her metahuman abilities; it was only through this experience that she learned the true nature of her power and she has committed herself to learning to fully control it. Along with Antennae Lad, Polecat and Porcupine Pete, Dori agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Rainbow Girl possesses the strange ability to temporarily overwrite her own personal reality with that of one of her multiversal counterparts in a very specific way; in practical terms this means she is constantly displaying different rainbow-themed abilities borrowed from different dimensions. Among other abilities, she has displayed pheremone emission, powers linked to the Emotional Spectrum, the ability to transform solid objects into light, concussive force beams, weather control, self-duplication and the ability to control anything which is the same color as her aura. She has only very recently learned the true nature of her power, and for most of her career her mind (and the minds of those around her) have successfully suppressed any conscious realisation of how often her power changes as a subconscious method of defending their own sanity against her constant alterations of reality. Now that the truth has come out, it's unknown whether this will lead to any negative psychological effects but Rainbow Girl has committed to learning a greater control of her currently quite random abilities.

Real Name:
Luornu Durgo Taine
Homeworld: Cargg
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: purple and amber
Hair: brown

Luornu Durgo Taine has had more superhero identities in her life than any of her peers. Originally calling herself Triplicate Girl, she joined the Legion of Superheroes with Phantom Girl as one of the team's first two post-founding recruits. She served as a Legionnaire under the names Duo Damsel and Duplicate Damsel, and despite her low power level she was always one of the most respected members of the team. Her last stint with the Legion of Superheroes ended under very stressful circumstances, and Luornu and her husband decided to take on reserve status and leave the team. For several months she and Bouncing Boy lived on Titan, where a Dr Jadzi Dax launched an intense investigation into the nature of Duplicate Damsel's quantum duplication abilities. Little did Luornu know that Dax's research was solely geared toward being able to steal her powers for himself. He did so, and calling himself Myriad he also attempted to do the same to Rainbow Girl.

Despite being powerless, Luornu refused to let Myriad win; she donned the forcefield belt that Brainiac 5 had once given her and renamed herself Una. Una and Bouncing Boy worked together with Rainbow Girl's teammates in the Legion of Substitute Heroes to rescue her, and all of them agreed to work together on a more permanent basis moving forward as the Cavalry.

As Triplicate Girl, Luornu possessed the same triplication ability of any Carggite. Computo destroyed one of her bodies (an event which would normally be fatal for Carggites) and Luornu continued her membership in the Legion of Superheroes with her remaining two bodies using the new name Duo Damsel. The Time Trapper eventually murdered her second body, and for quite some time Luornu was altogether powerless. Due to convoluted circumstances she eventually gained an ability to create duplicates of herself which was for all intents and purposes unlimited, but this too was taken from her recently by the supervillain Myriad.

As Una, the only innate power that Luornu possesses is an ability to detect which of Myriad's bodies is his prime form when she's in the same vicinity as him. She is however a highly skilled martial artist, an accomplished tactician, and she has well-developed espionage skills thanks to her time in the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad. She also wears a replica of Brainiac 5's forcefield belt which has been attuned to her unique genetic structure and modified with psiware so that she can control it mentally. With this she can project (and to a limited extent, shape) a transparent forcefield which is for all intents and purposes indestructible.

Last edited by razsolo; 10/05/21 05:48 AM.
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I love your use of some of my D-list favorites; Crystal Kid and Rainbow Girl (and her palette of ever-changing powers)!

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There's a whole 'wtf is the story with Rainbow Girl' epic waiting to happen one day, but until then it's pretty fun coming up with new powers for her whenever she shows her face smile

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Originally Posted by razsolo
There's a whole 'wtf is the story with Rainbow Girl' epic waiting to happen one day, but until then it's pretty fun coming up with new powers for her whenever she shows her face smile


My seven versions of Rainbow Girl (who is quantum-entangled with six other multiversal versions of herself, and wakes up with different powers each morning);

Stuff we've seen.
1) emotion control with colored auras (red makes people angry, yellow fills viewers with fear, etc.)
2) red aura for heat radiating out from her position, yellow for blinding light, green for (kryptonite!) radiation, blue for cold (might also gain new powers with an orange aura that radiates electricity, an indigo aura that darkens the area and a violet aura that causes advanced corrosion and decay around her)
3) emotional spectrum lantern energy constructs

Stuff we haven't.
4) creates an energy 'rain-bow' of multi-colored light that shoots red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet arrows that create lightning, ice blasts, strong winds, a driving downpour, pea-soup fog, clear skies (dispelling any other effects) or an explosive clap of thunder. My favorite!
5) distant descendant of Iris, messenger of the (Greek) gods, with superhuman strength and tougness (and longevity/health) and able to ride a flying rainbow around (and use it as a platform that others can ride, both on Earth and across dimensions to Olympus, which has been mostly inhabited by creatures like dryads and centaurs these days, as it has been mostly abandoned by the Greek gods, who have moved on in the 30th century). She controls whether it is solid enough to block attacks, slam into people or carry passengers, or ephemeral and 'un-grabbable,' often at the same time! Another favorite.
6) an Aurakle, with the same colored rays as the 20th century Outsider Halo. Boring, but I'm a sucker for DC precedent.
7) turns into seven colored light-figures, each a single color of the rainbow, but immaterial and only able to dazzle others, unless all seven hit simultaneously (making her much better than Lazon at scouting, since she can be in seven places at once!). Just because I loved that scene in Crisis on Infinite Earths where Harbinger split into a bunch of Harbingers and went flying off in a bunch of directions at the same time!

I wanted a version that created rainbow colored walls and slides and stuff of a crystalline 'hard light,' but that's pretty much the same power as the [color] Lantern option (and / or Crystal Kid), and I didn't want to repeat myself.

Last edited by Set; 01/03/19 11:53 AM.

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I like all of those - I really liked Halo from the Outsiders when I was a kid, it was only after I grew up I kinda realised how arbitrary her powers were lol

Iris' descendant is cool too, especially as we don't really see a lot of myth-related stuff by the Legion's time....and the rain-bow would be a sweet visual laugh

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Originally Posted by Set

My seven versions of Rainbow Girl (who is quantum-entangled with six other multiversal versions of herself, and wakes up with different powers each morning);

7) turns into seven colored light-figures, each a single color of the rainbow, but immaterial and only able to dazzle others, unless all seven hit simultaneously (making her much better than Lazon at scouting, since she can be in seven places at once!). Just because I loved that scene in Crisis on Infinite Earths where Harbinger split into a bunch of Harbingers and went flying off in a bunch of directions at the same time!

That's a lot like Invisible Brainiac's power, except for the default immateriality smile

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(8) There ought to be some sort of Invisible Rainbow Girl, with a Mysterious Connection to the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. Maybe Dori, maybe some sort of Anti-Dori.

I haven’t really been following Justice League, but I know it has something to do with Ultra-Violet Light, and “hidden negative emotions”, repressed feelings like Shame and Hatred and Lust and Teen-Aged Angst.

(9) There ought to be another Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. Maybe even have the ability to summon them. *shudder*

(10) And the Care Bears. A Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to the Care Bears.

“And after it rains there's a rainbow / And all of the colors are black / It's not that the colors aren't there / It's just imagination they lack”

My Little Town / Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel

Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 01/05/19 09:23 AM.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
(8) There ought to be some sort of Invisible Rainbow Girl, with a Mysterious Connection to the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. Maybe Dori, maybe some sort of Anti-Dori.

I haven’t really been following Justice League, but I know it has something to do with Ultra-Violet Light, and “hidden negative emotions”, repressed feelings like Shame and Hatred and Lust and Teen-Aged Angst.

(9) There ought to be another Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. Maybe even have the ability to summon them. *shudder*

(10) And the Care Bears. A Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to the Care Bears.

“And after it rains there's a rainbow / And all of the colors are black / It's not that the colors aren't there / It's just imagination they lack”

My Little Town / Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel

*taking notes furiously* laugh

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Base of Operations:
Current Members: Amp, Brittle, Duplicate Boy II, Evolvo Lad (leader), Key Kid, Life Lass, Rain Girl
Past Members: Beast Boy (deceased), Duplicate Boy I (deceased), Gas Girl

The planet Lallor has a recent history of global nuclear devastation as a result of escalating world wars. The Lalloran people barely survived their last nuclear war, but against all odds found peace and even nurtured a thriving society.

A couple of decades ago or thereabouts, five mutant children were born on Lallor as a result of the planet’s increased radiation levels. As soon as these children were identified as being powered individuals, they were taken into government custody and raised by Lallorgov to become the planet’s official protectors: the Heroes of Lallor. Evolvo Lad, Life Lass, Duplicate Boy I, Gas Girl and Beast Boy became celebrities primarily on their own world, but also among the rest of the United Planets as one of the few officially recognised superhero groups outside of the Legion of Superheroes. They crossed paths with the Legion of Superheroes occasionally, and Duplicate Boy I and Shrinking Violet even had a long-distance relationship for several years.

When Beast Boy broke bad then gave his life to redeem himself on the planet Vorn, the Legion were there; the Legion were also there when the Dominion abducted Evolvo Lad and Duplicate Boy I and created the hyperadaptive menace named BION from their DNA. Duplicate Boy I sacrificed his life to destroy both BION and the Dominion homeworld, and a grieving Gas Girl left the team after her friend’s violent death. She embarked on a path which would see her joining the Legion of Superheroes, leaving only Evolvo Lad and Life Lass as the official Heroes of Lallor for quite some time.

After spending months with the Legion of Superheroes Gas Girl decided she was ready to return home and rejoin her old team. She returned to Lallor for the reading of Duplicate Boy I’s will accompanied by Shrinking Violet and Calorie Queen, and the three of them assisted when Evolvo Lad and Life Lass were attacked by a quintet of individuals (Brittle, Amp, Duplicate Boy II, Rain Girl and Key Kid) who claimed to be Lalloran mutants themselves. The new mutants accused the Heroes of Lallor of keeping them literally underground where they lived for years in a bunker until they finally escaped, until the fight was broken up by nameless representatives of Lallorgov who revealed that they’d been operating under bad information and that the Heroes of Lallor were actually blameless. Further, Lallorgov advised the Heroes of Lallor that they were to immediately consider the new mutants members of their team, and that Gas Girl was hereby exiled from Lallor as a consequence of her having joined the Legion of Superheroes. Gas Girl, Shrinking Violet and Calorie Queen had no choice but to leave Lallor.

While Evolvo Lad and Life Lass eventually came to terms with their new recruits and even had their successful first team mission with them recently, Gas Girl’s suspicions have not been so easily allayed. She’s working covertly with the Legion Espionage Squad to find out everything she can about these newcomers, and about the factions in Lallorgov responsible for the current situation.

Real Name:
Ming Sul
Height: 5’ 5”
Homeworld: Lallor
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: black

Amp was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Amp tends to see the Heroes of Lallor as her surrogate family, especially those she was raised with. She particularly has a ‘big sister’ relationship with Key Kid.

Amp can amplify any one characteristic in a target; to date she has only been seen to increase metahuman powers, but there’s no reason to believe she wouldn’t be able to apply her power to standard characteristics such as strength or agility.

Amplifying a subject’s powers can present the target with control issues, and doesn’t necessarily give them the stamina to wield the greater output effectively. When she first met the Heroes of Lallor, Amp used her power to force Evolvo Lad to devolve to an almost mindless amphibian creature, and she threatened to amplify Gas Girl’s power to make her dissipate completely.

Real Name:
Bo Marcu
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 138 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: bald

Brittle was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity.

Unlike the rest of the Lalloran mutants, Brittle is obviously metahuman. His hairless skin is chalk-white, and he’s covered from head to toe in fine interlocking seams. His unusual appearance may go some way to explaining why his personality is more abrasive than most of his teammates.

Brittle possesses the unusual ability to separate into smaller versions of himself when he’s struck with physical force. Generally, the same mass and strength is apportioned equally among his duplicates but he can choose to share his mass disproportionately (for example, creating a duplicate an inch in height and losing only a miniscule amount of mass from his larger body).

The process of breaking into smaller bodies is fuelled by the kinetic energy which caused it, so his power also functions as an effective defence. While his individual bodies clearly have some level of independence, the limits of this have yet to be seen. It’s also at this stage unclear if there’s a minimum threshold beyond which he would no longer be able to split his mass into separate bodies.

Real Name:
Stev Cohn
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 6’
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

The second hero to call himself Duplicate Boy was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Duplicate Boy has tended to function as the unofficial authority in his band of mutants, but he defers to Evolvo Lad as the team’s leader without an issue and (possibly due to the nature of his power) is a great team player.

Duplicate Boy II can mimic the superhuman powers of any one person within a twenty foot range. He instinctively knows how to control the powers he’s taken on, and any associated defences (or vulnerabilities for that matter) are included in the package. A side effect of his power allows him to recognise when he’s in the presence of a metahuman, and to know what their powers are. Duplicate Boy has shown some talent for strategy and tactical planning.

Real Name:
Sev Tcheru
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 11” in base form
Weight: 180 lbs in base form
Eyes: blue in base form
Hair: brown in base form

Evolvo Lad’s history has been previously documented.

Evolvo Lad can “move” himself forward or backwards along his species’ path of evolution at will. He primarily uses this power to take on two distinct forms, as detailed below:

Evolvo Lad’s standard devolved form is a prehistoric Lalloran man. In this form he has strength that would be considered to be slightly more than peak human today, and he has greater (though not superhuman) stamina, agility and resistance to pain. The downside of this form is that his intellect is substantially decreased, and he is far more ruled by his emotions than rational thought. He has at times flown into a berserker rage while devolved, needing to be restrained until he calms down enough to regain control.

His hyperevolved form appears as a taller and more gaunt hairless version of himself with an enormously enlarged cranium. In this form he has claimed to exceed even Brainiac 5’s 12th level intelligence and has shown (by modern day standards) superhuman deductive and analytical skills, even deciphering alien languages with only a couple of minutes’ exposure. The majority of technology used by the Heroes of Lallor was designed by Evolvo Lad’s evolved form. It’s worth noting however that he doesn’t have the advantage of Brainiac 5’s lifetime of accruing knowledge; in this form he can learn any new field of study in almost no time, but he still has to actually learn it. In his hyperevolved form, he has an eidetic memory for the duration the form is held, and he also has a far greater control of his own physiology. He can switch off his pain receptors, slow down and speed up chemical reactions within his own body, and presumably do other things yet to be documented. He has the ability to communicate telepathically, and he can control much less developed minds (such as found in most animals). He also has rudimentary telekinesis, though he generally only uses this to levitate.

These aren’t the only forms that Evolvo Lad can take on, but they’re the two which have proven most useful; there’s a danger in devolving much further that he’d not have the intellect to be able to come back, and in evolving too far forward that he might lose touch with his humanity as he becomes more a creature of pure intellect.

Real Name:
Miqui Ver
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: hazel
Hair: red

Key Kid was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Key Kid is the kid brother of the team; he particularly looks up to Duplicate Boy and Amp, but he has an enthusiasm for life and eagerness to please which everyone finds either endearing or annoying (or some combination thereof).

Key Kid has the power to bypass any man-made lock or security system; this extends to being able to identify entry points even if they’re hidden from view. The mechanics of this power are as yet unknown.

Real Name:
Somi Gan
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Life Lass’s history has been previously documented.

Life Lass can telekinetically manipulate inorganic matter. She can affect multiple objects simultaneously and while under her power’s effect objects seem to move as if of their own volition. She can also manipulate an object in ways its structural integrity normally wouldn’t allow; for example, having a metal handrail snake around someone to ensnare them or making a chair run across the room on its legs. While her upper limits haven’t been documented, she needed Amp’s help to have any hope of utilising her power against a Khundish Stalker (a humanoid Khund starship) and even then she couldn’t do more than hold it in place.

Real Name:
Jes Teev
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: red

Rain Girl was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Rain Girl tends to be more acerbic than most of her teammates.

As her name suggests, Rain Girl has the power to make it rain. At its bare minimum, this might be a light shower covering a single person but on the other end of the scale, without much effort she summoned a monsoon-like downpour inside a ship’s engineering room which was so heavy it caused physical damage to the ship.

Rain Girl hasn’t shown that she can control the weather in any other capacity, nor has she exhibited any other form of hydrokinesis. The mechanics of her power are as yet unknown.

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Raz, hi, i totally love the thought and care you put into your characters and how you include their history and personality into your descriptions. Your new Heroes of Lallor are tremendous fun, as is Tranquility - as others have said she's a hero that we could use today.

Wish i had more time to give you better feedback, hopefully soon.

More, more, more!


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Originally Posted by razsolo
These aren’t the only forms that Evolvo Lad can take on, but they’re the two which have proven most useful; there’s a danger in devolving much further that he’d not have the intellect to be able to come back, and in evolving too far forward that he might lose touch with his humanity as he becomes more a creature of pure intellect.

This part is particularly neat. Superhero RPGs that have any sort of 'evolution control' power, based on Evolvo Lad or the Marvel character Manikin, usually add a protoplasmic pre-humanoid form, and sometimes (more rarely, since Manikin doesn't even go this far, IIRC), a 'being of pure thought' form that has evolved past physicality entirely. I like the notion that he's not sure he could find his way back if he devolved too far, or would *want* to come back, if he evolved too far ahead...

Brittle is my favorite, after Amp. I love 'homonculous' powers, or any sort of power that lets you be in multiple places or send minions out or whatever, which he can kind of do, by splitting into many smaller components. He's like a version of Arms-Falls-Off Boy that's actually useful! smile

Last edited by Set; 01/21/19 10:25 AM.

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Thanks y'all - Brittle is unexpectedly becoming my favourite to write out of the new Heroes of Lallor, let's hope nothing extremely awful happens to him any time soon! wink

razsolo #967812 02/26/19 05:41 AM
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Real Name:
inapplicable (Mantodeans use a unique electrochemical signifier in place of a name; Strut’s official United Planets designation however is John Johnsonson)
Homeworld: Mantodea
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 7’ 1”
Weight: 161 lbs
Eyes: black, multi-faceted
Hair: None

On Mantodea, traditional gender roles evolved around the physical differences between the males and females of the insectoid species who dominate that world. Mantodean women tend to be built like tanks; strong, sturdy and with great endurance. Their armoured shells are generally very drab colors and are sometimes adorned with horns, a stark reminder of less civilised times. The women of Mantodea generally hold the balance of power in their households and in their overall society. Mantodean men on the other hand tend to be much more delicate in appearance and they come in a much brighter range of colours. Where Mantodean women tend to be pragmatic and assertive to the point of aggression, the men are much more flighty, flamboyant and concerned primarily with finding a mate and raising children.

The young man who would eventually take the name Strut fulfills the stereotype in many ways; he’s fun-loving and gregarious with camp mannerisms that can be over the top at times but he’s unusual amongst his peers in that he’s always had an independent streak. Refusing to just be some woman’s trophy partner, Strut made the controversial choice to learn self-defence at a young age so he could stand up for himself. This led to an interest in martial arts, for which surprisingly he found he had a natural talent. Inevitably, Strut’s ambitions outgrew his rigid society and when Mantodea joined the United Planets he was enamored of the galaxy of options that awaited him away from his homeworld. As soon as he felt he was ready, he left his world behind and took on the codename Strut to symbolise his brassy entrance into a more fulfilling future. He had intended on trying out for the Legion of Superheroes for the adventure, but before he even made it that far he was forced to help when Ivy Arcane’s out of control power threatened Marsopolis. The Legion were so impressed with Strut’s performance that they skipped the tryout stage altogether and voted to induct him into the Legion along with King Canary, Crystal Kid and Gravity Kid (all of whom had been a vital part of stopping Ivy’s uncontrolled rampage).

Strut's electrochemical perception has proven uniquely useful to the Legion on multiple occasions, but he's also a highly skilled hand to hand combatant which is often overlooked in a team that contains roughly half a dozen Daxamite-level fighters.

Strut shares the same evolutionary adaptations as all Mantodean men. He is far more agile than a typical humanoid, with six limbs. All of his joints can be rotated independently on almost any plane of motion, and his huge multi-faceted eyes allow him close to 360° vision. As with all Mantodeans, sight is not even considered a primary sense, and he can operate almost unhindered in the dark as long as his electrochemical perception is functioning normally. A combination of micro-barbs and discrete mucus secretions allow him to cling to most surfaces, and though his black and fuschia armoured exoskeleton provides him with impressive defence against injury he weighs surprisingly little.

Mantodeans communicate via electrochemical emission (like Tellus, he uses a customised translation device to verbalise speech). This gives Strut a wide array of sensory perceptions unique among the Legion. He can identify and track people or objects via their olfactory emissions, and he’s capable of recognising and distinguishing minute traces of chemical and electromagnetic energy residue in his area. His electrochemical perception in fact is so highly tuned that he can interpret the emotional state of people around him due to the different chemical reactions their bodies undergo, and he’s trained himself to even be able to tell if somebody is lying. He can perceive neurological aberrations, but in most cases doesn’t really have the medical expertise for a detailed diagnosis.

Some notable examples of Strut's electrochemical perceptions include locating a hologram transmitter by its energy output, sensing not only that Mordecai of the Fatal Five was infatuated with Lightning Lass but also that he was suffering from deep depression (which not even Tellus's telepathy picked up on), and identifying that Gravity Kid is a transgender man by sensing the chemical emission of promasc in his perspiration.

Strut is an amazing hand-to-hand combatant, using a variety of fighting techniques specifically designed to take advantage of his six limbs and his impressive range of motion and agility. Paired with his enhanced senses, he can fight multiple opponents simultaneously with negligible handicap. He was effortlessly able to defeat one of Mantodea's most respected warriors in single combat.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/31/24 04:06 AM.
razsolo #967813 02/26/19 05:43 AM
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Real Name:
K'rk T'wiiu III
Homeworld: Aeres
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Length: 5” from head to tip of tail
Weight: 1.5 oz
Eyes: black
Feathers: Yellow with black-tipped wings, tail and facial markings

The planet Aeres is inhabited by intelligent animal life, the most dominant species being birds. Aeres exists in the same planetary system as H’lven, and when the H’lvenite supervillain Doctor Ub’x conquered a number of worlds in the 21st century the peaceful inhabitants of Aeres were completely unprepared for him. Aeres was eventually freed thanks to the Green Lantern of their sector, but the experience taught Aerean governments the importance of being able to defend themselves and an arms race was born which inevitably escalated into multiple globe-spanning conflicts.

Aeres has been at peace now for over 600 years, under the benevolent rule of the T'wiiu Monarchy. Very similar in appearance to Earth canaries, the T'wiiu bloodline was modified during their planet’s second world war to carry a metagene allowing them to manipulate sonics. K'rk is the most powerful meta to appear in his family tree for several generations, to the extent that he needed to have a special apparatus surgically implanted to help protect his own body from the harshest effects of his power.

K'rk is next in line for the throne on his world and he could easily choose to live a life of luxury back home while he waits for his birthright but his love of adventure won’t allow it. K'rk also feels a responsibility to use his powers for the greater good, and he has realised that in order to make the most of his world’s relationship with the UP and to eventually be the best leader to his people that he can be, he is going to need a range of experiences not available on his placid little homeworld. To this end, he left Aeres to join the Legion of Superheroes and was inducted along with Strut, Crystal Kid and Chemical Kid. While K'rk's mother understands and reluctantly condones his reasons for leaving Aeres, his departure (and the young prince’s cheeky codename) has caused a great deal of friction with his father and his younger brother Ty’nn.

When necessary, King Canary can expertly act the role of a traditional prince who is well versed in diplomacy. He much prefers not to have to do this though, and in his day to day life he very much adopts an affectation of being a regular and somewhat rough around the edges fighter.

King Canary can generate a sonic cry for various effects including but not limited to disorienting opponents or making them nauseous, disintegrating objects and causing concussive damage, echolocation, mimicry, and simply creating deafeningly loud noise. While he has some natural immunity to his power, he requires a surgical implant to protect him from the dangerous vibrations generated at his most extreme output; this implant resembles a crown with rotating tines and can’t be removed without additional cranial surgery. King Canary has impressive control of his power; he can target individuals or groups at will, and he has implied that he’s mastered several other stunts. Part of his body’s adaptation means that he can’t be deafened by loud noise, and he can hear infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies beyond the range of other birds.

Aside from his sonic abilities, King Canary is an accomplished flyer with great aerial maneuverability. Like most birds, he also has excellent eyesight (within normal avian parameters).

Last edited by razsolo; 01/31/24 04:10 AM.
razsolo #967820 02/26/19 08:29 AM
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King Canary is great, but what about his arch-enemy, S'Lv'st'r?

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
King Canary is great, but what about his arch-enemy, S'Lv'st'r?

I'm so mad at myself right now laugh

razsolo #967829 02/26/19 12:03 PM
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Interesting new Legionnaires!

So with King Canary here, looks like Tyroc won't be around for a good long while?

Strut is interesting. The whole electromagnetic and chemical sensing is very subtle, but I like that he has the physical powers too.

They both have nice personalities too. Love the campiness of strut, I could just picture him swishing along...

I do notice that all four newbies are male. But many of your recent joiners are female (Zoe, Laurel, Tal, Iris...) and I haven't actually counted smile It's just more noticeable when you have 4 joining together smile

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/26/19 09:00 PM.
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I think I'm the only person in the world who actually liked Tyroc's original reality warp scream powers so theoretically he and King Canary could be on the team together without too much of anyone stealing someone else's thunder laugh

It's funny you mention about the four newbies being all male...when I noticed that, I felt obliged to include one or two ladies but I didn't want to have too many new recruits all at once (so nobody gets lost in the shuffle); and these four specifically are the ones that felt right to include for the moment. I grew up reading Chris Claremont's X-Men anyway so I feel like I have a tendency to put women at the forefront of a lot of my stories, it's actually kind of a nice challenge giving four dudes the spotlight smile

razsolo #967903 02/28/19 02:51 AM
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Real Name:
Karth Arn
Homeworld: Zuun
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as being 5’11”
Weight: 2-3 grams
Eyes: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as having black eyes
Hair: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as having black hair

Karth Arn started his artificial life as an android created by Dr Marr Londo to serve as his assistant. Dr Londo treated the android with an enormous amount of professional respect, and Karth Arn came to think of himself as Dr Londo’s son. The android also nursed a jealous hatred of Dr Londo’s actual son Brin, and this hatred eventually led Arn to trick Brin into thinking their positions were reversed; that Brin Londo was the android, and Karth Arn was Dr Londo’s biological offspring. With the Legion of Superheroes’ help, this deception was unveiled and Brin Londo eventually became the Legionnaire known as Timber Wolf.

Karth Arn wasn’t heard from again for years, but he’d kept himself busy during that time. He upgraded his android form to a cloud of nanobots and used Dr Londo’s lab to duplicate the experiments that had given Timber Wolf his powers on a young woman named April Dumaka, transforming her into the animalistic Catspaw.

When Catspaw went on a murder spree on Zuun, Timber Wolf investigated the crimes alongside Lightning Lass and Light Lad. Catspaw gravely wounded Lightning Lass, and revealed to Timber Wolf that Karth Arn was responsible for her powers. She escaped the Legionnaires before she could be interrogated any further, ensuring that Timber Wolf would later return to Zuun alone to find answers. It was on this visit that Timber Wolf met up with Karth Arn himself for the first time in years, and discovered that Arn and Catspaw had allied themselves with Mano, Mordecai and the third Karate Kid as a new Fatal Five. Karth Arn revealed that he still despised Brin for squandering the life he thought belonged to himself, and the new Fatal Five very nearly killed Timber Wolf in a savage beating. Timber Wolf was barely resuscitated and spent some time recovering, but a short time later Kath Arn (along with the rest of his Fatal Five) was taken by surprise, defeated and taken into custody on the planet Cadmu.

The next time Karth Arn appeared along with the rest of his Fatal Five was the last place anyone had expected; the Fatal Five had discovered a sentient race of artificial life forms called the Roboticans and destroyed one of their worlds in a display of power. Taking over the Robotican species, the Fatal Five declared war on the Roboticans' ancient foes the Khund Empire, and planned on taking on the United Planets once they were done with the Khunds. The Legion of Superheroes became involved in a massive battle involving the Fatal Five, the Roboticans and the Khundish warriors known as the Demon's Claw. Kid Computo prevented Karth Arn from murdering Timber Wolf with her cyberempathy, but when Timber Wolf demanded that she completely shut him down she refused on the basis that although he was artificially constructed he's still a living being.

Karth Arn took advantage of Timber Wolf and Kid Computo's argument to flee the scene; while the rest of the Fatal Five were taken into custody at the end of that battle, Karth Arn has yet to reappear.

As an artificial lifeform, Karth Arn has no need of food, water or air to survive. He can interface with electronic systems, and showed the ability to remotely control computer-controlled systems at least in Dr Londo’s home/laboratory. Whether this is something he could extend to other systems has not been revealed. Programmed by Dr Londo to serve as his laboratory assistant, Karth Arn is a genius in the fields of genetics, medicine, metahuman physiology, radiology and computer sciences.

Currently, Karth Arn exists as a cloud of nanobots which project a holographic illusion of his old android body. Other than the fact that he casts no shadow, this image is a perfect representation of his old form. His unique state of being renders him practically invulnerable to physical force, as attacks simply pass through him as though he were intangible. Timber Wolf was able to temporarily disrupt his holomatrix by exposing it to Mano’s destructive power, so presumably Karth Arn is still vulnerable to some other types of energy attack as well. He can also increase the intensity of his holomatrix’s energy output so as to release a near-lethal discharge of electricty upon contact. It is not known if Karth Arn’s holographic form possesses any other offensive or defensive capabilities, but he certainly has the technical skill to make improvements as necessary.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:25 AM.
razsolo #967904 02/28/19 02:53 AM
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Real Name:
April Dumaka
Homeworld: Zuun
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: yellow eyes with vertically slitted pupils (no irises)
Hair: dark brown with a lighter brown middle streak

Nothing is known of April Dumaka's history prior to the experimentation which led her to becoming Karth Arn's vicious lackey Catspaw. Karth Arn gave her the same treatments that gave Timber Wolf his power, though Catspaw has claimed that she was exposed to greater levels of zuunium. She considers Timber Wolf to be her 'brother' in the sense that they have the same origins, though this hasn't stopped her from aggressively flirting with him.

Catspaw first came across the Legion of Superheroes when she committed a series of murders on Zuun to attract the Legion's attention. Timber Wolf, Lightning Lass and Light Lad came to investigate the crimes, and Catspaw savagely wounded Lightning Lass. After revealing to Timber Wolf that Karth Arn was responsible for her powers she ran away, leaving Brin Londo with more questions than answers.

She next encountered Timber Wolf on his own when he came back to Zuun to follow up on Catspaw's mention of Karth Arn. As part of a new Fatal Five which included herself, Arn, Mano, Mordecai and the third Karate Kid she very nearly killed Timber Wolf. Along with the rest of her Fatal Five team Catspaw was taken by surprise and defeated on the planet Cadmu shortly after, though presumably thanks to Karth Arn's mastery of computer systems they managed to avoid capture and fled United Planets space.

In their most recent appearance, the Fatal Five destroyed one of the worlds in the Robotican system and enslaved the remaining Robotican race. They launched an offensive against the Khunds, and eventually this conflict involved the Legion of Superheroes. The Robotican people were liberated and left their system behind for unexplored space, the Khund Empire took over their solar system, and Catspaw was taken into custody along with Mano, Mordecai and Karate Kid III. With Karth Arn still on the loose though, it's unclear how long they're going to remain in custody this time around either.

Catspaw's agility, reflexes, speed and strength have been enhanced to superhuman levels using the same process that turned Brin Londo into Timber Wolf. While she’s not as strong as him, Catspaw seems to be faster and at least as agile.

Presumably due to her greater levels of exposure to the mutagenic substance zuunium, Catspaw also has razor-sharp claws on her hands and feet as well as cat-like enhanced senses. Her sense of smell and night vision are particularly developed. Her regenerative capabilities seem to have also been enhanced, as she recovered extremely quickly from electrocution at the hands of Lightning Lass but the extent of her recuperative abilities has yet to be seen.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/21 09:51 PM.
razsolo #967905 02/28/19 03:01 AM
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Real Name:
Bobb Kohan
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 153 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: white

When Crystal Kid wasn't offered membership in the Legion of Superheroes after graduating Legion Academy, he reluctantly joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes at Bouncing Boy's suggestion. Initially he saw this very much as an inferior consolation prize, but he soon realised that the Subs gave him an opportunity to help people and to gain experience which would help him the next time he tried out for the more famous Legion. During his time with the Subs his assistance was invaluable to the LSH facing menaces such as Red Son and Cythonna, and this helped restore the confidence he lost when he had to watch his old classmates Nightwind and Comet Queen join the LSH while he was passed over.

Crystal Kid was finally admitted to the Legion of Superheroes recently along with Strut, King Canary and Gravity Kid when the quartet helped limit the effects of Ivy Arcane's chlorokinetic rampage at the Legion of Superheroes' most recent tryout. He and Gravity Kid were very briefly dating, and had a slightly acrimonious break-up. Since they broke up they haven't really been on the friendliest terms, though they still try to work together for the sake of the team.

Crystal Kid possesses the ability to transmute any matter into a dense crystalline substance. His crystal is surprisingly durable, and has withstood low-level blasts from Wildfire. Originally the transformation only lasted as long as he maintained his concentration, but training at the Legion Academy taught him to make the change permanent if he desires. Crystal Kid has the ability to shape his crystal to a very limited extent; for example he can make domes, walls and support struts among other basic objects but he doesn't have any real ability to generate complex shapes or structures.

While he generally prefers to create crystal out of free-floating gaseous elements (thus giving the illusion of generating crystal out of nowhere), it's just as easy for him to transmute people or objects when necessary. He avoids doing this normally because of the risk of killing someone or permanently destroying an object if it's shattered while in crystal form but he once protected Invisible Queen from the vacuum of space by changing her to crystal, and on another occasion used his power on Shvaughn Erin to save her from bleeding out from a lethal wound.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:00 AM.
razsolo #967914 02/28/19 04:41 AM
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I liked April Dumaka a lot, for what little time she was around, mostly because I like any character with undeveloped potential. I always imagined that she and Timber Wolf would fight like cats and dogs (literally).

But romantic tension is OK, too.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
I liked April Dumaka a lot, for what little time she was around, mostly because I like any character with undeveloped potential. I always imagined that she and Timber Wolf would fight like cats and dogs (literally).

But romantic tension is OK, too.

I really liked Catspaw for the brief time she was around in the comics...I dunno if I'd call it romantic tension between her and Timber Wolf in my series so much as her being really '1980s obsessed stalker movie' with him and him not really knowing how to deal with it though....Brin just needs to work on his genre-savviness laugh

razsolo #968028 03/03/19 02:33 AM
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Real Name:
Tel Vole
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes, formerly the Legion Academy
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 158 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown

Gravity Kid was one of the Legion Academy’s most recent students. A couple of years older than the rest of his classmates and more serious in his dedication to joining the Legion, he easily took on an unofficial leadership role among his classmates. For a time he was dating his fellow classmate Lullabye Lad, but Gravity Kid broke up with Lullabye Lad recently as he felt a relationship was just distracting him from becoming a Legionnaire. While the Legion Academy generally are not assigned the dangerous missions that the Legion of Superheroes face every day, Gravity Kid and his fellow students did nonetheless occasionally become involved in Legion affairs and even fought powerful foes such as the Judgement League and Satan Girl.

When Laurel Kent was prematurely graduated from the Legion Academy to join the Legion as the new Supergirl, Gravity Kid occupied the now vacant position of Legion intern that Laurel had previously filled. This wasn’t enough for the ambitious young man though, and Tel came up with a way to try out for Legion membership without being seen as a student reaching too high. Inspired by Star Boy and Dream Girl’s one-time identities of Sir Prize and Miss Terious, Tel designed a costume that disguised his features and asked Star Boy and Dream Girl to sponsor him at the next tryout using the codename Mr E.

His tryout started off quite well, and clever use of his powers hid the fact that he was controlling gravity. He was interrupted however when Ivy Arcane lost control of her powers and threatened Husband Hill with rampaging plants. Though Mr E was instructed to go to a more secure area within Legion headquarters, Tel felt that he could do more good helping fight Ivy’s plants and he snuck out to do exactly that. It wasn’t long before he realised it’d be easier for the Legion to accept his help if they knew who he really was, so he gave up his Mr E persona and at the end of the day his initiative and efficiency were rewarded when along with Crystal Kid, Strut and King Canary he joined the Legion of Superheroes.

Gravity Kid has proven himself time and again as a competent Legionnaire, and he is always pushing himself to be better. His single-mindedness can be a little alienating though, and just as it led to him leaving Lullabye Lad it also broke up a nascent relationship with Crystal Kid before it ever really got off the ground.

It was recently revealed that Gravity Kid is on promasc, a gender expression drug which allows him to present as male though he was assigned a female gender identity at birth. This isn't a secret, but it's not something that Tel is overly comfortable talking about either. Nothing is really known about Tel's life before he became Gravity Kid, but he has alluded to it having been quite difficult and having experienced discrimination perhaps due to his gender identity.

Gravity Kid possesses the ability to manipulate gravity fields for various effects. The most common applications of his power are flight and simulated telekinesis, but he has also used his power to simulate superstrength and superhuman leaping, and he once caused a droid to implode in on itself by intensifying gravity’s effect upon it.

The scope of Gravity Kid’s power is far wider than anything that Star Boy or Light Lad are individually capable of, but he can affect far less mass than either of them. Gravity Kid has remarked that levitating a chunk of rock with ten people standing on it was a strain on his power. Whether this aspect of his power will improve with time and experience remains to be seen. Gravity Kid works with Star Boy and Light Lad regularly to gain more fine control and versatility with his power.

Last edited by razsolo; 03/19/23 04:31 AM.
razsolo #968029 03/03/19 02:35 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: unknown
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 140 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: shaved bald

After the second Karate Kid was murdered by Radiation Roy, Cosmic Boy (leader of the Legion of Superheroes at the time) learned that on the planet Lythyl a third young man had taken the name Karate Kid for himself along with his predecessor’s former position in Lythyl’s ruling council. Cosmic Boy unsuccessfully attempted to recruit this new Karate Kid, and in a last-ditch effort he sent Sensor Girl and Timber Wolf to Lythyl to approach him in person.

Unfortunately Mano had gotten there first with his new crony Mordecai and had killed the two other members of the ruling council, leaving Karate Kid as the planet’s sole authority. By the time Timber Wolf and Sensor Girl arrived, Karate Kid had already agreed to join Mano in reforming the Fatal Five. Conflict inevitably broke out between the two groups, and the Legionnaires were lucky to escape with their lives while the villains had to abandon any claim to Lythyl to buy their escape.

It wasn’t long before Timber Wolf encountered Karate Kid again; the Legionnaire was following up on a recent encounter with the young woman named Catspaw, only to find that Catspaw and his old enemy Karth Arn had now joined Mano, Mordecai and Karate Kid in completing the new Fatal Five. The villains very nearly lived up to their name, savagely beating Timber Wolf nearly to death.

Karate Kid and his new teammates have only been seen once since then, when they were transported to Cadmu and summarily rendered unconscious by Sensor Girl weilding the power of the two Emerald Eyes of Ekron.

Karate Kid has no known metahuman powers, but he has dedicated himself to the task of becoming a perfect living weapon and his fighting skills may be unparalleled by anyone alive.

He has also mastered more subtle applications of various martial arts, specifically as relating to sensing and manipulating the flow of chi in living beings. His discipline in this area has allowed him to sense the nature of Sensor Girl’s illusions, and to disregard her illusions long enough to strike her.

razsolo #968030 03/03/19 02:37 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: unknown
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: 12’ 2”
Weight: 560 lbs
Eyes: glowing yellow
Hair: none

Mordecai’s past is a mystery. At some point he was discovered by the supervillain Mano, and Mano recruited him to replace Validus in his own version of the Fatal Five. Mordecai is lumbering and inarticulate, but seems to have no problems understanding or following orders.

Mordecai was part of the Fatal Five team who nearly killed Timber Wolf on Zuun once, and who later took over the intergalactic robot species known as the Roboticans. Mordecai was taken into UP custody following the Robotican incident along with Catspaw, Karate Kid III and Mano, but their final member Karth Arn remains free and will likely free the rest of his team when the time is right.

During the Robotican incident, Mordecai was observed by both Strut and Tellus to have formed an instant infatuation with Lightning Lass (although predictably, Lightning Lass wasn't too happy with this). Strut also sensed that Mordecai harbours a great depression, but Strut also assumed that he must have made an error in interpreting Mordecai's biochemistry as the monstrous villain's actions don't seem to reflect this trait.

Mordecai is immensely superstrong and resistant to injury. Mano has claimed that he’s almost as strong as Validus, though whether this is just hyperbole or not remains to be seen.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 06:11 AM.
razsolo #969492 04/08/19 01:30 AM
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Real Name:
Jams-Ols 5
Homeworld: Cadmu
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes, Neocaste
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

Jams-Ols 5 comes from the so-called ‘Science World’ of technologically advanced Cadmu, where every one of its native inhabitants is a cloned body of their predecessor. Cadmians are artificially socialised in an immersive virtual environment at the point of their conception so that when they emerge into the real world they have access to all of their predecessors’ memories (at least up to their predecessor’s last personality backup), but possess a unique personality based on their individual virtual life experience. Each Cadmian therefore considers themself to be a separate and distinct individual from every one of their genetic predecessors. The general naming convention for Cadmians is a single name followed by a numeral which indicates how far along they are in their own lineage (eg: one of Cadmu’s most famous inhabitants Leeta-87 was the 87th person in the Leeta geneline).

Jams-Ols 5 differs from the majority of his people in that he’s also a member of the elite Neocaste. The Neocaste were created to serve as Cadmu’s protectors, and they are the product of two distinct genelines whose metagene has been activated to provide them with individually distinct superpowers. Jams-Ols 5 is therefore the 5th result of the blending of the Jams and Ols genelines. Two of Elastic Lad’s predecessors are known, the gender-switching Ladyjams and the fire-breathing hero Red Devil.

Elastic Lad is the first of the Neocaste to pursue a life off-world, having left Cadmu to successfully try out for the Legion of Superheroes. More often than not his constant state of unflappable exuberance, his complete inability to ever be succinct and his habit of drifting between half a dozen topics of conversation drives his teammates crazy, but their affection for his youthful optimism generally overrides their annoyance. At any rate, his powers and scientific background have come in handy on more than one occasion. He was central in the Legion’s efforts to stop Tharok when the villain took over Elastic Lad’s homeworld, and he once stopped a rampaging android that was a match for Mon-El, Superboy and Supergirl. In one memorable adventure, Elastic Lad travelled into the past and even briefly met his own ancestor Red Devil.

Elastic Lad possesses the ability to elongate any part of his body dozens of times beyond normal humanoid limits. He loses very little dexterity or strength while elongated, and for all intents and purposes his rubbery body makes him immune to conventional physical injury.

His persona of excessively cheerful naivete tends to underscore his intellect, but Elastic Lad is also quite proficient in several scientific disciplines. He received a large number of scientific awards and trophies prior to joining the Legion, and he has had the benefit of five lifetimes worth of training in various fields including but not limited to physics, robotics, sociology, chemistry and metahuman physiology.

razsolo #969526 04/08/19 01:16 PM
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I love that Elastic Lad includes sociology among his areas of study (and it's a bit funny how he is a bit obtuse about his inability to be succinct - though he does have enough awareness to know that it's not ideal smile )

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
I love that Elastic Lad includes sociology among his areas of study (and it's a bit funny how he is a bit obtuse about his inability to be succinct - though he does have enough awareness to know that it's not ideal smile )

Haha I did second guess myself on that one actually cuz he's clearly TERRIBLE at reading the room but I figure it could still apply in an academic sense laugh laugh

razsolo #969636 04/11/19 01:32 AM
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some of the most brilliant minds can be so very obtuse even in their areas of study wink

razsolo #969637 04/11/19 01:33 AM
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plus, sociology is not exactly the same as psychology ... Elastic Lad could be brilliant at analyzing group dynamics, or even better, the dynamics of societies the Legion encounters. while being completely oblivious to his effect on his teammates

razsolo #969647 04/11/19 03:04 AM
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This is're giving me ideas now actually IB... laugh

razsolo #969648 04/11/19 03:18 AM
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it’s the writer in me struggling to get out, after being shut away for a year wink

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
plus, sociology is not exactly the same as psychology ... Elastic Lad could be brilliant at analyzing group dynamics, or even better, the dynamics of societies the Legion encounters. while being completely oblivious to his effect on his teammates

This actually seems pretty on the nose, for him, the way he's been written to blather on. He seems very much like a 'big picture' sort of guy who might be a fount of information about the forest, and be utterly blind to the individual tree. It also could be a symptom of social awkwardness, that he pushes everything far back and talks about it from a grand overarcing perspective (one that may not include him at all), rather than deal with stuff that's right there in his face at the moment in time, and by abstracting everything and obsessing on the 'big picture' he sidesteps his own nervousness about dealing with smaller, more personal, interactions. As long as he can exposit, and it doesn't get 'too close' and personal, he's got confidence to spare.

Once it gets real, he might display a stutter that plagued him in childhood (and utterly shock people who have met him more recently, and can't imagine that he EVER had a problem talking!). smile

Wrapped Around Your Finger now complete in BITS!
Set #969693 04/12/19 02:44 AM
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It also could be a symptom of social awkwardness, that he pushes everything far back and talks about it from a grand overarcing perspective (one that may not include him at all), rather than deal with stuff that's right there in his face at the moment in time, and by abstracting everything and obsessing on the 'big picture' he sidesteps his own nervousness about dealing with smaller, more personal, interactions.

Oh my god I turned 13 year old me into a superhero, no wonder he's so fkn annoying laugh laugh

razsolo #969741 04/12/19 08:33 PM
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Real Name:
Xao Jin
Homeworld: Terran Shanghai Colonies, Sol Asteroid Belt
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 107 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Very little detail has been revealed about the life of Xao Jin before he journeyed to Earth to try out for the Legion of Superheroes. He has spoken about studying magic under his mentor Madame Chu, but this in itself is a puzzle as the Terran colonies of the Sol system's asteroid belt are not particularly well known for their involvement in the world of sorcery.

Dragonmage made an excellent impression on the Legion before he ever even had a chance to try out, when his quick thinking saved the life of Blok who had succumbed after some time to a mystical assault by Mordru the Merciless. While Xao's quiet studious nature is no match for many of his more boisterous comrades and he has a tendency to underestimate himself, his versatility and magical knowledge has saved the day on many occasions and made him a valued member of the Legion; in at least one possible future, a far more experienced and confident Dragonmage is considered the mystical expert in a Legion of Superheroes which numbers well over 100 individuals.

Dragonmage is an accomplished scholar of dragon magic; he can wield magical force in any way his imagination and willpower allow so long as he can envision what he wants in dragon form. He needs to physically weave his dragonforms, meaning his power can be limited or even suppressed altogether if his hand gestures are obstructed. He also needs to be able to focus, and more exotic applications of his magic require more concentration and time.

Dragonmage's most commonly used dragonform is a protection spell, where he creates a translucent emerald dragon around himself (and a small group of others if necessary) so that the dragon protects them from hostile environments and/or targeted attacks. This has proven sufficient to withstand the crushing pressures near a planet's core and the force of an exploding starship. For offence he will generally rely on dragonforms with flame or frost breath, or create a whole group of smaller dragonforms to entwine themselves around an opponent. His dragonforms can vary in size from large enough to threaten whole troops of soldiers to a small enough size to be able to covertly track targets. His versatility is really only limited by whatever he can imagine within the constraints of a dragonform, and he's even created a Speed Force dragon on one occasion to assist the Legion in travelling through time.

Dragonmage has also shown an ability to recognise the presence of magic such as when he made Nightwind aware of the true mystical nature of her powers, and he can commune to a very limited extent with nature elementals; he summoned earth dragons to heal the injuries of Blok and Stone Boy, and on one occasion even tamed a dragon imbued with the essence of death itself.

Aside from his abilities, he also obviously is well studied in the occult generally and is always working to improve his knowledge.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/21 10:07 PM.
razsolo #994095 11/06/20 08:11 AM
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Real Name:
Rufus Remulus
Homeworld: Dalma
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Golden energy
Fur: Pale yellow with more vibrant golden patches (as Dogstar is always surrounded by a golden aura of light, it is unknown if his eyes and fur are naturally shades of gold or if it's an illusion caused by his power effect)

Dogstar is Dalma's greatest superhero, but he has only recently come into contact with the United Planets. His first encounter with the UP was when his enemy Dr Cerberus mind-controlled him to fight both representatives of the Legion of Superheroes and his fellow Dalman heroes the Post-Atomic Knights. Dr Cerberus had intended on damaging Dogstar's reputation while simultaneously obtaining ancient Dalman knives for his own occult use, but the Legionnaires managed to foil his plans and free Dogstar when Matter-Eater Lad ate the choker which was keeping Dogstar under Dr Cerberus's control.

The Legion of Superheroes then assigned a squad to team up with Dogstar, confront Dr Cerberus in his own lair, and bring the villain to justice. The mission went off without a hitch, with both Dogstar and the Legion declaring that they would be happy to work with one another again in the future.

This declaration led to a more concrete relationship perhaps sooner than either party had expected. Dogstar has recently joined the Legion of Superheroes at the behest of his home planet Dalma, to act as a kind of goodwill ambassador and at the same time learn more about the United Planets that Dalma is in the process of joining. He has only been on the team a short time, but has already more than proven himself.

Dogstar is skilled in both hand-to-hand and ranged combat, but he has not yet exhibited any particular talents outside of the battlefield.

Dogstar is open about the fact that his powers have been bestowed upon him by the Dalman deity Solas, but the specific details of his origin have not yet been revealed. While his power levels haven't been formally categorised, it's generally accepted that he has roughly Daxamite-level flight, strength, speed, durability, stamina and his own equivalent of heat vision (thin golden eyebeams he refers to as his 'solar vision'). Dogstar has admitted that he doesn't have the same kind of visual senses as a Daxamite, but his sense of hearing seems at the very least comparable, and his sense of smell is so enhanced that he has been able to easily track scents on the ground while flying miles up in the atmosphere.

Dogstar is constantly surrounded by a soft golden nimbus of light. He has some ability to intensify his natural glow, but hasn't displayed any real applications outside of illuminating his immediate area. In every other respect it functions like ordinary light, but because it's an expression of divine power it also causes mild discomfort to creatures borne of evil magic.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/02/23 01:21 AM.
razsolo #994224 11/09/20 11:40 PM
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Base of Operations:
usually Dalma
Current Members: none of the six group members have been individually named
Past Members: None known

The Legion of Superheroes first encountered the Post-Atomic Knights when the latter group came to Mars to try and recover a collection of ancient knives which had been taken from their world by United Planets Cultural Researchers. They fought Fire Lass and a small group of Legionnaires, and while they acquitted themselves well in battle they were ultimately not a match for the Legionnaires. At that time, it was revealed that two of the Knights are brother and sister but none of the Knights have yet been individually named.

The Post-Atomic Knights also showed an aggressive distrust of the United Planets during that encounter and a very casual attitude toward the safety of innocents endangered by their mission, but this may be more of a cultural misunderstanding than anything else. In their next encounter with the Legion, they had no trouble working alongside the heroes and in fact provided vital information to assist in their struggle against the mind-controlled Dalman hero Dogstar. It may be that Element Lad's efforts to restore their cultural artifacts to Dalma earned the Post-Atomic Knights' good will.

Each of the Post-Atomic Knights wear an identical suit of chrome armour which gives them some measure of protection from physical and energy attacks - the armour has protected them from Firecrest and Fire Lass's flame breath, but was able to be pierced by Firecrest's claws. Their armour covers them from head to toe, and the helmet even obscures their canine features. They also have hardlight emitters incorporated into their gauntlets which are capable of producing a pre-programmed array of melee weapons. In keeping with their theme, they generally use weapons associated with medieval knights such as swords, shields and lances but they've also been seen to use a hardlight net to ensnare opponents. The Post-Atomic Knights are all extremely capable in melee combat.

Finally, they all ride gravbikes which are capable of flying at high speeds. The gravbikes are greatly maneuverable, but offer less defence to attacks than their armour.

razsolo #994857 11/25/20 10:12 PM
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Real Name:
Roban Rosito
Homeworld: Zwen
Group Affiliation: last seen allied with Sharpshot Kid, former member of the Judgement League, former student of TARIK's Academy of Evil
Height: (human form) 5'4", (as Kid Chemo) 6'2"
Weight: (human form) 109 lbs, (as Kid Chemo) 279 lbs
Eyes: (human form) Brown, (Kid Chemo) no eyes
Hair: (human form) Black, (Kid Chemo) none

Roban Rosito in the present day of the 31st Century is a normal (though presumably with higher than average intellect) 14 year old native of Zwen. When Stone Boy stopped Sharpshot Kid and Kid Chemo from murdering Roban, Sharpshot Kid revealed that at some unspecified point in the near future Roban is destined to become a chemical engineer and suffer an accident that will destroy his human form and leave him a sentient mass of toxic chemicals that can't interact normally with others outside of a humanoid containment vessel.

Embittered, Rosito will name himself Kid Chemo and join TARIK's Academy of Evil alongside Sharpshot Kid and a new Light Lass. Not long after their entry into the Academy, the three will find themselves plucked out of the timestream to join Earth-Man's Judgement League in their past; the 31st century era just prior to Roban's fateful accident. While Light Lass declined to help Kid Chemo kill his past self as she was concerned about damage to the timestream, Sharpshot Kid was only too happy to assist his best friend and thus ensure he wouldn't have to live an eternal life devoid of his humanity.

Stone Boy (with some help from Lullabye Lad) saved Roban's life, but it's doubtful that Kid Chemo will let this go so easily...

Kid Chemo is a mass of bright green toxic sludge capable of dissolving just about any substance. His containment vessel is a humanoid shape and composed of some kind of transparent plastic immune to his acidity. It also incorporates a radiotelepathic transmitter, as his liquid form possesses no other way of communication. Even so, nobody has ever heard Kid Chemo speak so it's entirely possible that he may have a special link set up with Sharpshot Kid (who has referred to Kid Chemo as his best friend). Ports in the fingertips of the suit give Kid Chemo the ability to shoot out a stream of acidic chemicals potent enough to turn a Science Police droid into slag in a second, and the suit itself gives him a mild degree of super-strength and extreme durability to outside attacks.

Kid Chemo's acid is presumably regenerative as he never shows any concern about depleting himself in combat. Due to his unique form, he also no longer needs to eat, breathe or sleep to survive and is for all intents and purposes immortal.

Last edited by razsolo; 11/25/20 10:17 PM.
razsolo #997147 01/17/21 10:36 PM
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Real Name:
Darvan Locke
Homeworld: Winath
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: strawberry blond

Darvan Locke was working as an orderly at the Singleton Wellness Institute on Winath when Saturn Girl and Lightning Lass enlisted his help in their search for the missing Lightning Lad.

Lightning Lad had earlier come to the Institute to find the woman that his villainous brother Mekt (aka Lightning Lord) claimed to be his twin sister; Darvan's sister Davana. The Locke siblings were both born without a twin, an unusual happening on Winath. Davana had at some point become fixated on Lightning Lord, Winath's most infamous single birth, and her obsession with Mekt Ranzz had led to her institutionalisation. She believed that if only she could imbue herself with the same electrical powers the the Ranzz siblings all possessed, she could take her rightful place as Lightning Lord's twin sister.

Darvan and Davana's great-grandfather had invented the ultrasonic nets widely used by Winathian farmers to keep pests from their crops, so the Locke family had never wanted for money. This gave Davana Locke the resources she needed to create a machine capable of transferring powers from one of the Ranzzes to herself, and when Mekt sent Garth looking for her she finally had the subject she needed. Having gathered a cult of singleton followers around herself called the Fraterne Electre, Davana Locke herself took the name Lightning Lady and she very nearly succeeded in her mission to steal Garth Ranzz's powers for herself and her followers. Darvan stopped his sister's plot and destroyed her power transference machine, but in the process Davana somehow gained electrical powers anyway and Darvan found himself with the ability to negate gravity.

Calling himself Light Lad and wearing a costume similar to the one Ayla had once worn as Light Lass, Darvan received a warm welcome into the Legion of Superheroes. He and Ayla were friends with benefits for a while, and Ayla remains Light Lad's closest friend in the Legion (though Darvan is now dating Dr Kent Shakespeare). There was a significant amount of friction between Timber Wolf and Light Lad when Darvan first joined the team due to his closeness with Ayla, but the two men have long since resolved their issues.

Light Lad recently confronted his sister for the first time since the adventure in which the Locke siblings gained their powers. He tried his best to mend their relationship, but sadly discovered that Davana has now fully submerged herself in the identity of the murderous villain Lightning Lady. While Lightning Lady is locked safely away in Takron-Galtos for now, her cult the Fraterne Electre are still out there somewhere and there is no doubt their machinations will force Light Lad to stand against his sister again sooner or later...

Light Lad possesses the ability to negate gravity and even reverse it, the precise limits of which have never sufficiently been explored. He has easily levitated entire skyscrapers however, and on one occasion sent multiple clones of Validus into orbit.

On the other end of that scale, Darvan has also learned to be able to use his power to a lesser extent in the vacuum of space by manipulating microgravity emitted by any mass in his area. Potentially he could hone his manipulation of gravitic fields to the point that it mimics telekinesis, but he has not really developed his power to anywhere near that level of fine control.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:58 AM.
razsolo #997156 01/18/21 04:24 AM
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Real Name:
Davana Locke
Homeworld: Winath
Group Affiliation: Fraterne Electre
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 141 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: auburn

Davana Locke was born without a twin, a rare and controversial event on Winath. Her younger brother Darvan was also a single birth, but the Locke parents had learned much raising their daughter and as a result Darvan was a lot better emotionally, psychologically and socially adjusted than his sister.

At some point Davana Locke became obsessed with Winath's most famous singleton, the villainous Lightning Lord. She convinced herself that she could become his twin if only she could steal the power of one of Mekt Ranzz's siblings in the Legion of Superheroes, and she began keeping in touch with Mekt while he served time on the prison planet Takron-Galtos. She also formed a cult around her named the Fraterne Electre, composed of other Winathian siblings. Though Davana was institutionalized at the Winathian Singleton Wellness Institute, her cult helped break her out and subdue Lightning Lad, who had come to meet Davana after Mekt claimed that she was in fact his secret twin.

In an effort to help rehabilitate his sister, Darvan Locke meanwhile had taken a job at the same institute as a medical orderly. When Saturn Girl and Lightning Lass came looking for the missing Lightning Lad, it was Darvan who told them of his sister's obsession with Lightning Lord and led them to Davana.

When Darvan, Lightning Lass and Saturn Girl found the newly rechristened Lightning Lady, she'd already used a device of her own making to duplicate Garth Ranzz's powers in herself and she was preparing to similarly empower the rest of the Fraterne Electre. Darvan stopped his sister's plot and destroyed her machine, but Davana kept the powers she'd given herself anyway and Darvan found himself with the ability to negate gravity.

Darvan and the Legionnaires thought that Lightning Lady had died when she was accidentally thrown from the clifftop laboratory into the treacherous sea below, but they found out several months later that she had in fact survived when she came after Lightning Lad a second time. This time around it was Lightning Lad and Bouncing Boy who defeated Lightning Lady, and ever since then she has been incarcerated in Takron-Galtos.

Lightning Lady's cult the Fraterne Electre recently murdered Storm Boy for his weather-control technology and mounted a suicide attack on Takron-Galtos to free their leader along with Lightning Lord. Light Lad and Lightning Lass prevented their siblings from escaping with some help from the Workforce, but it's only a matter of time until the Fraterne Electre make another attempt to free their beloved leader and the villain she has named as her twin.

Lightning Lady possesses the same power to generate and manipulate electricity as Lightning Lad. As she is a brilliant scientist, she has mastered her power more quickly than any of the Ranzz siblings did and she has at least one trick up her sleeve that none of them have exhibited - she can galvanize her own muscular system to give herself mildly superhuman strength and resistance.

Lightning Lady has claimed that she has the ability to track Lightning Lad as a result of the power duplication process, though it's unknown if this is true or if her delusions have simply convinced her this is the case.

Lightning Lady's cult, the Fraterne Electre, have not been individually identified as yet. They are Winathian singletons who have followed Lightning Lady for the promise of receiving the same kind of electrical powers that she has as they believe that this will bond them in a more meaningful way than the blood ties they have with their biological families. At last count, there were eleven other cult members besides Lightning Lady herself (though several of these sacrificed their lives in an attempt to free Lightning Lady and Lightning Lord from Takron-Galtos).

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 06:03 AM.
razsolo #997176 01/18/21 01:24 PM
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Man, Light Lad is TALL! Is it a Winathian thing? Reboot Garth was also quite tall, taller than all the other male Legionnaires save M'Onel.

Light Lad is pretty powerful, or at least skilled in using his power. I like how you write him as a realistic bisexual man.

Also: what are the chances of having two singleton births in a row? genetic component maybe?

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Man, Light Lad is TALL! Is it a Winathian thing? Reboot Garth was also quite tall, taller than all the other male Legionnaires save M'Onel.
Must be all that healthy farm livin'! I seem to remember Mekt as always being really physically imposing as well, but that could just be from everyone running around practically naked in the 5YL days tongue

razsolo #1000921 04/15/21 06:06 AM
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The Neocaste are the official superheroes of the so-called "Science Planet" Cadmu. While most Cadmians are genetic duplicates of their predecessor, the Neocaste are the combined product of two separate genelines. Their metagenes are activated during creation so that they each possess a unique superpower, though that power's manifestation is always unpredictable.

The existence of the Neocaste is widely unknown outside of their home planet. Elastic Lad is the exception to this rule as he won a planetary contest of champions to apply for membership in the Legion of Superheroes and he has spent most of his time since then as an active member of the Legion. The full roster of the Neocaste is unknown at this stage, but the following individuals have met the Legion of Superheroes at one point or another.

Real Name:
Jams-Ross 2
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Eyes: White with pin-prick pupils
Hair: Red

Giant Turtle Boy possesses the ability to grow to extreme heights and also has an armor-like coating of green scales covering more than 90% of his body. When he first met the Legion of Superheroes he seemed to exist at a permanent stature of 50 feet, but in a later meeting with Light Lad and Color Kid it was revealed that he could increase his size beyond that. During that encounter he attained a height of approximately 150 feet, but it remains unclear whether he can grow any larger or shrink down to more conventional human size.

Presumably Giant Turtle Boy has some kind of aquatic adaptations; he survived a tidal wave hundreds of feet tall with minimal inconvenience, but the specifics of this are at this time also unclear.

Real Name:
Bart-Ols 3
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 158 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Inapplicable (Quill King is covered in quills rather than hair)

Quill King is covered in razor-sharp quills from head to toe. These provide him with a level of defence against physical assault, but he can also project them offensively with excellent skill.

Real Name:
Lu-Lan 2
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 112 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Wish Girl possesses the ability to alter reality by stating her desire in the form of a wish, but she has very little control over how her power manifests. For example, in wishing for a gigantic stone octopus to be "back in the ocean", she created an enormous tsunami. In wishing for a giant gorilla to be caged to stop its rampage, she accidentally trapped the gorilla's potential victims in the cage with it. Her only other known limitation is that her wishes can't directly affect another living being, so she finds herself needing to wish for environmental changes which will then impact her target. Outside of these limitations, there doesn't seem to be any practical limit to what alterations her wishes can make.

Seemingly unrelated to her reality alteration, Wish Girl also possesses the ability to fly under her own power.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/15/21 06:07 AM.
razsolo #1000922 04/15/21 06:14 AM
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Just clicked in my mind that Lu-Lan is obviously a homage to Lucy Lane!

razsolo #1001880 05/03/21 03:38 AM
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Real Name:
Jedediah Rikane
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: orange
Hair: orange

Upon graduating the Legion Academy, Power Boy was recruited by Makkia Vei into the shadowy special ops team named the Oversight Watch. He served faithfully with the Watch for some time and even started a relationship with fellow member Dev-Em.

Though he kept it to himself, Jed was beginning to find himself with some of the team's shadier actions...on one particular mission when his team leader 89 faked her death and put the rest of her team at risk for the sake of the mission, that was the final straw for Power Boy. He underwent voluntary psychic redaction to purge his mind of team secrets and decided to find his own way to be a hero. The circumstances of his break-up with Dev-Em are unclear; due to the psychic redaction Power Boy no longer even remembers having been in a relationship with him at all.

Since leaving the Oversight Watch, Power Boy seems to have taken up a solo superheroic career on his homeworld Earth.

Power Boy can alter his density; at one extreme, he can become harder than diamond with strength to match, at the other extreme he can become completely intangible. He can set his density anywhere between these extremes, though hasn't found much use for this outside of giving himself a more malleable form to fit into confined spaces. Power Boy's purple skin darkens as he increases his density, and lightens as he becomes less dense.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 06:23 AM.
razsolo #1001952 05/04/21 06:19 AM
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Real Name:
Unknown, uses the alias Ming Sul
Height: 5' 5"
Homeworld: Lallor
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: black

Amp's history as she knows it is a lie. Her memories tell her that she was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor who then escaped captivity and joined the Heroes of Lallor. In reality, those five 'mutants' were ordinary Lalloran youths abducted and mindwiped by a Dominator for experimentation toward the creation of an army of B.I.O.N. (Biological Integrated Organic Network) units. The Dominator considered most of the subject group's powers to be useless and allowed them to join the Heroes of Lallor as potential sleeper agents to be activated at some point down the track, with the exception of the boy who would come to be known as Duplicate Boy II. He went so far as to give them the names of actual missing Lallorans for added legitimacy.

The Dominator implanted the B.I.O.N. imperative into Duplicate Boy's mind covertly over a course of months, a timetable which was sped up when Gas Girl asked the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad to investigate these new members who'd joined her old team. When the Legionnaires and the Heroes of Lallor teamed up to confront the Dominator, Duplicate Boy's B.I.O.N. programming was made dominant and he came close to killing everyone present.

Tired of dealing with the fallout of rogue metahumans (and no doubt trying to save face for their unspecified support of the Dominator's work), Lallorgov consequently outlawed metahumans from the planet. With nowhere else to go and feeling both betrayed and guilty for her unwilling role in the Heroes of Lallor's downfall, Amp relocated to Mars and joined the Legion Academy with Key Kid (the only other confirmed survivor of her batch of experiment subjects).

Amp can amplify any one characteristic in a target, be it a natural trait or a metahuman power. Amplifying a subject's powers can present the target with control issues, and doesn't necessarily give them the stamina to wield the greater output effectively. When she first met the Heroes of Lallor, Amp used her power to force Evolvo Lad to devolve to an almost mindless amphibian creature, and she threatened to amplify Gas Girl's power to make her dissipate completely. She can however also modify the intensity of her power to present less risk to the subject while still amplifying a chosen trait.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/04/21 06:21 AM.
razsolo #1001954 05/04/21 06:41 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Neptune
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 131 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: black

When Ron-Karr tried to join the Legion of Superheroes and failed, he embarked on a long and unremarkable career of villainy. When the covert UP group now known as the Oversight Watch were recruiting founding members, they found Ron-Karr in jail and offered him membership as an alternative to serving his sentence. For quite a while he served with the Oversight Watch and he even teamed up with the Legion of Superheroes on a couple of occasions. He learned to use his powers in more offensive ways while with the Watch, and his life was generally on an uphill trajectory.

Ron-Karr ruined all of this progress when he perfected his ability to beome two-dimensional and found that he could access a 2D world named Flatland. With the advantage of his 3D presence in a 2D world, he terrorised the Flatlanders for weeks. In desperation, a coven of Flatland mystics eventually summoned the people who'd most often defeated Ron-Karr in the past to deal with him; the Legion of Superheroes. Chameleon Boy almost single-handedly defeated Ron-Karr and told the Oversight Watch's leader 89 what he'd been up to. Ron-Karr's membership in the Oversight Watch was revoked, and he was immediately sent back to jail to continue serving the jail sentence they'd originally liberated him from.

Ron-Karr has the ability to flatten his body to an almost two-dimensional state. While he was with the Oversight Watch, 89 trained him to be able to use the flat edge of his body as a sharper than razor cutting instrument. His ability to appear almost invisible side-on combined with his hypersharp cutting edge made him a surprisingly dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand combat, and eventually he even learned to hone his power enough to enter a truly two-dimensional realm known as Flatland.

The training he underwent with 89 was redacted from his memory when he was removed from the Oversight Watch, so presumably he is once again limited to more pedestrian uses of flattening himself such as being able to hide more easily or gaining access to places that others can't.

Last edited by razsolo; 10/05/21 04:14 AM.
razsolo #1001955 05/04/21 07:04 AM
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Real Name:
Unknown, used the alias Stev Cohn
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 6' 10"
Weight: 258 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: bald

Once upon a time, the Lalloran named Duplicate Boy II was one of five Lalloran youths kidnapped, mindwiped and experimented upon by a Dominator in an effort to create an army of B.I.O.N. (Biological Integrated Organic Network) units. The Dominator considered most of the subject group's powers to be useless and allowed them to join the Heroes of Lallor as potential sleeper agents to be activated at some point down the track, with the exception of Duplicate Boy II. He went so far as to give them the names of actual missing Lallorans for added legitimacy, and as far as any of the five were concerned they were simply Lalloran mutants who'd lived in a bunker their whole lives until circumstances led to their escape and their recruitment into the Heroes of Lallor.

Gas Girl asked the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad to investigate the Heroes of Lallor's newest recruits, and this led to a team-up between the two groups. They confronted the Dominator behind everything, and he activated Duplicate Boy II's B.I.O.N. programming to protect himself. As B.I.O.N., Duplicate Boy II came very close to killing both teams. With only Evolvo Lad and Amp left in any condition to face Duplicate Boy II on a powerless aircraft plummeting out of control to their doom, Evolvo Lad telepathically activated Amp's power against Duplicate Boy II in a desperate attempt to overwhelm him. Evolvo Lad and Amp both blacked out as soon as that happened, and it took them a long time to learn what happened while they were unconscious.

Amp's power pushed Duplicate Boy II to evolve himself to a point where he had complete control of his psyche, and also his body on an atomic level. He easily freed himself of the B.I.O.N. brainwashing, dropped his unconscious friends off at their home, and then using an evolved version of Dawnstar's speed he fled halfway across the known universe in mere seconds. Duplicate Boy II realised that his powers were too dangerous to remain unchecked. He removed his ability to mimic other powers, while keeping upgraded versions of the powers he'd already copied from Evolvo Lad, Life Lass, Key Kid, Brittle, Chameleon Boy, Shrinking Violet and Dawnstar. He drastically changed his appearance so nobody would be able to recognise him; with Brittle's chalk-white skin, Dawnstar's wings, Evolvo Lad's hyperextended cranium and Chameleon Boy's antennae he also removed his mouth and nose to complete the transformation. Renaming himself Revenant, the former Duplicate Boy launched himself on a new mission to exterminate every Dominator in existence.

On this self-appointed mission, he came across Star Boy and the Uncanny Amazers and easily dealt with the lot of them after killing some Dominators. Star Boy later led a team of Legionnaires in pursuit and came across Revenant fighting the Oversight Watch on board another Dominator vessel. The truth came out about Revenant's true nature thanks to Makkia Vei, and working together the Legion of Superheroes and the Oversight Watch were able to stop him before he murdered the last living Dominator on board.

When last seen, Revanant was in the custody of the Oversight Watch awaiting therapy to deal with his monumental trauma.

Originally, Duplicate Boy II had the power to mimic the superhuman powers of any one person within a twenty foot range. He instinctively knew how to control the powers he'd taken on, and any associated defences (or vulnerabilities for that matter) were included in the package. A side effect of his power allowed him to recognise when in the presence of a metahuman, and to know what their powers were (which once helped him identify Gas Girl spying on him even though she was an odorless colourless gas). Duplicate Boy showed some talent for strategy and tactical planning.

Once his B.I.O.N. programming was activated, Duplicate Boy II showed the ability to master several targets' powers simultaneously and even to mix them in custom ways (for example, combining Dawnstar's speed with Brittle's ability to break apart into smaller bodies to essentially become a sentient hail of bullets). It wasn't entirely clear whether this was an innate power the Dominator unlocked or if it was the effect of him using Amp's power to boost his own.

As Revenant, he no longer possesses his ability to mimic powers. He does however now permanently possess enhanced versions of the powers of Evolvo Lad, Life Lass, Key Kid, Brittle, Chameleon Boy, Shrinking Violet and Dawnstar and like when was B.I.O.N. he is able to combine these abilities for various purposes. As Revenant no longer possesses a mouth, he communicates solely via telepathy.

Last edited by razsolo; 07/26/22 06:21 AM.
razsolo #1001956 05/04/21 07:28 AM
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Real Name:
Sev Tcheru
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5' 11"? in base form
Weight: 180 lbs in base form
Eyes: blue in base form
Hair: blond in base form

Evolvo Lad was the leader of the Heroes of Lallor until recent events led to the dissolution of that team when Lallorgov prohibited metahumans from the planet. With nowhere else to go, Evolvo Lad and Life Lass were invited to join their old friend and ex-teammate Gas Girl in the Legion of Superheroes.

Evolvo Lad has fit into the Legion remarkably well in a relatively short time. In large part this is because while his devolved and hyperevolved forms are quite distant from 31st Century norms, his default form is just a normal Lalloran. Sev can still relate to his peers on their own level, and in fact possesses some degree of humility knowing that he's just a normal man who assumes powered forms as opposed to everyone else in the Legion who live with their powers all the time. He has also shown some interest in roleplaying games, which has become an easy entry point for him to make friends with other Legionnaire gamers.

Recently Evolvo Lad has developed an attraction to one of the newer Legion recruits, Sheranee Shah. Despite his Lalloran teammates' best efforts though, he has refrained from following up on this at all; although he was leader of the Heroes of Lallor for that team's entire existence, Sev has had a more sheltered life than a lot of other Legionnaires and this is reflected in his confidence when it comes to dating.

Evolvo Lad can shift himself forward or backwards along his species' path of evolution at will. He primarily uses this power to take on two distinct forms, as detailed below:

Evolvo Lad's standard devolved form is a prehistoric Lalloran man. In this form he has strength that would be considered to be slightly more than peak human today, and he has greater (though not superhuman) stamina, agility and resistance to pain. The downside of this form is that his intellect is substantially decreased, and he is far more ruled by his emotions than rational thought. He has at times flown into a berserker rage while devolved, needing to be restrained until he calms down enough to regain control.

His hyperevolved form appears as a taller and more gaunt hairless version of himself with an enormously enlarged cranium. In this form he has claimed to exceed even Brainiac 5's 12th level intelligence and has shown (by modern day standards) superhuman deductive and analytical skills, even deciphering alien languages with only a couple of minutes' exposure. The majority of technology used by the Heroes of Lallor was designed by Evolvo Lad's evolved form. It's worth noting however that he doesn't have the advantage of Brainiac 5's lifetime of acquired knowledge; in this form Sev can learn any new field of study in almost no time, but he still has to actually learn it. In his hyperevolved form, he has an eidetic memory for the duration the form is held, and he also has a far greater control of his own physiology. He can switch off his pain receptors, slow down and speed up chemical reactions within his own body, and presumably do other things yet to be documented. He has the ability to communicate telepathically, and he can control much less developed minds (such as found in most animals). He can also influence other intelligent beings to perform simple functions upon body contact, though this is taxing for him. Evolvo Lad has rudimentary telekinesis, though he generally only uses this to levitate or for very low-scale manipulations (as though he were just using another pair of hands).

These aren't the only forms that Evolvo Lad can take on, but they're the two which have proven most useful; there's a danger in devolving much further that he'd not have the intellect to be able to come back, and in evolving too far forward that he might lose touch with his humanity as he becomes more a creature of pure intellect.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:14 AM.
razsolo #1001957 05/04/21 07:38 AM
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Real Name:
Unknown, uses the alias Miqui Ver
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: hazel
Hair: red

Key Kid was one of five Lalloran youths kidnapped, mindwiped and experimented upon by a Dominator in an effort to create an army of B.I.O.N. (Biological Integrated Organic Network) units. The Dominator considered most of the subject group's powers to be useless and allowed them to join the Heroes of Lallor as potential sleeper agents to be activated at some point down the track, with the exception of the boy who would come to be known as Duplicate Boy II. He went so far as to give them the names of actual missing Lallorans for added legitimacy, and as far as any of the five were concerned they were simply Lalloran mutants who'd lived in a bunker their whole lives until circumstances led to their escape and their recruitment into the Heroes of Lallor.

The Dominator implanted the B.I.O.N. imperative into Duplicate Boy's mind covertly over a course of months, a timetable which was sped up when Gas Girl asked the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad to investigate these new members who'd joined her old team. When the Legionnaires and the Heroes of Lallor teamed up to confront the Dominator, Duplicate Boy's B.I.O.N. programming was made dominant and he came close to killing everyone present.

Tired of dealing with the fallout of rogue metahumans (and no doubt trying to save face for their unspecified support of the Dominator's work), Lallorgov consequently outlawed metahumans from the planet. With nowhere else to go, Key Kid relocated to Mars and joined the Legion Academy with Amp (the only other confirmed survivor of their batch of experiment subjects). Despite the horrors he's been subjected to in his young life, Key Kid retains an optimistic outlook and is genuinely happy for any opportunity he gets to help others and to be out in the world.

Key Kid was the only Legion Academy student who couldn't forgive their newest classmate Enigma Lass when she revealed that she was a young Dominator. Key Kid has fallen out with the rest of his classmates over his very vocal distrust of Enigma Lass, especially Amp who he felt would be more on his side given their shared experiences with the Dominion back on Lallor.

Key Kid has the power to bypass any man-made lock or security system; this extends to being able to identify entry points even if they're hidden from view. He has even used this ability to unlock Dominion biotechnology, though this was described as pushing the boundaries of what he's capable of. The mechanics of this very specific power are as yet unknown, but it is strong enough to overpower at least some power-dampening technology (as shown when he escaped power-dampening manacles used on him by Orion the Hunter once).

Last edited by razsolo; 07/21/24 04:42 AM.
razsolo #1001958 05/04/21 07:44 AM
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Real Name:
Somi Gan
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Life Lass was a member of the Heroes of Lallor until that team was forced to dissolve when Lallorgov prohibited metahumans from the planet. With nowhere else to go, Evolvo Lad and Life Lass were invited to join their old friend and ex-teammate Gas Girl in the Legion of Superheroes.

Life Lass is much more shy than the typical idea of a superhero would suggest, and she actively dislikes that the galaxy she lives in forces her all too often to use her abilities in combat with evil villains. She also strongly feels that her power comes with a responsibility to use it for a greater good, and her detractors are often surprised to find out that this seemingly timid pushover is in reality a strong-willed and highly capable adult who just isn't very extroverted. Though she hasn't really formed any relationships among the wider Legion of Superheroes yet, Life Lass considers Gas Girl and Evolvo Lad her family in all but DNA and she is generally much more comfortable coming out of her shell with them. To a lesser extent, she also feels this way toward her fellow Lallorans Amp and Key Kid.

Life Lass can telekinetically manipulate inorganic matter. She can affect multiple objects simultaneously and while under her power's effect objects seem to move as if of their own volition. She can also manipulate an object in ways its structural integrity normally wouldn't allow; for example, having a metal handrail snake around someone to ensnare them or making a chair run across the room on its legs. While her upper limits haven't been documented, she needed Amp's help to have any hope of utilising her power against a Khundish Stalker (a humanoid Khund starship) and even then she couldn't do more than hold it in place.

When she was much younger, Life Lass had a tendency to treat objects animated by her power almost like imaginary friends and assign something resembling a personality to them. This was an effect of her shyness which she has since outgrown, but she has still been known to occasionally express herself through her power rather than her own actions; for example, having the arms of a chair hug a distraught Key Kid on her behalf. This isn't something she's always consciously aware that she's even doing unless it's pointed out; while her fellow Lalloran heroes are accustomed to it, it can seem a little odd to strangers.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:52 AM.
razsolo #1001959 05/04/21 07:56 AM
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Real Name:
Unknown, used the alias Jes Teev
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5' 8"?
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: red

Rain Girl was one of five Lalloran youths kidnapped, mindwiped and experimented upon by a Dominator in an effort to create an army of B.I.O.N. (Biological Integrated Organic Network) units. The Dominator considered most of the subject group's powers to be useless and allowed them to join the Heroes of Lallor as potential sleeper agents to be activated at some point down the track, with the exception of the boy who would come to be known as Duplicate Boy II. He went so far as to give them the names of actual missing Lallorans for added legitimacy, and as far as any of the five were concerned they were simply Lalloran mutants who'd lived in a bunker their whole lives until circumstances led to their escape and their recruitment into the Heroes of Lallor. Rain Girl was more acerbic than most of her group, but she was close friends with Brittle and she did genuinely care for her family of misfits.

When the Dominator activated Duplicate Boy II's B.I.O.N. programming, Duplicate Boy II fought both the Heroes of Lallor and the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad. Rain Girl unfortunately was Duplicate Boy II's first victim in a battle that came very close to claiming both teams' lives.

As her name suggests, Rain Girl had the power to make it rain. In her first appearance she could only summon a shower capable of inconveniencing a normal person, but perhaps aware of the limitations of her power she worked harder than anyone else on her team to expand its strength and versatility. At the time of her death, Rain Girl was capable of manifesting and directing monsoon-style downpours which could cause internal damage within a starship and serve as an effective weapon on the battlefield.

razsolo #1007978 10/06/21 01:21 AM
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Real Name:
Jadzi Dax
Homeworld: Cargg
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: hazel
Hair: white

Dr Jadzi Dax has long been a respected scientist specialising in multidimensional physics, so well regarded in his field that he's even held a professional relationship with Brainiac 5 for years. What secretly drove Dax for all these years though was more than scientific curiosity; he dreamed of some day finding a way to access his multidimensional counterparts and to benefit from their knowledge and resources. When Luornu Durgo Taine became Duplicate Damsel, Dax theorised that she might be accessing her own counterparts to create her duplicates and he launched into a long-term study of her abilities. He eventually learned that Luornu's duplication abilities were something else entirely, but through conversations with Brainiac 5, Dax learned that the power he was looking for might be contained in Rainbow Girl of the Legion of Substitute Heroes.

Having put so much time and effort into studying Duplicate Damsel, Dax didn't want to waste that even if Luornu couldn't help him in the way that he wanted. He reasoned that he'd be able to achieve his goals easier if he could summon his own army of duplicates, and feigning scientific curiosity as his motive he spent months studying Luornu more closely so that he could build a device to transfer her powers to himself.

Calling himself Myriad, Dax successfully stole Luornu's duplication abilities and came very close to doing the same to Rainbow Girl. The group of heroes who would become the Cavalry stopped him though, and Myriad is no longer an active threat...for now.

Myriad has the same ability as any Carggite to triplicate himself. Each of these bodies is a vital part of him, and if one were to die the other two would very likely follow suit. Aside from this, Myriad has the ability to summon a potentially limitless number of quantum duplicates. While these bodies are for all intents and purposes identical to the prime Myriad and they can each act with their own independence, they are not truly alive but rather a quantum simulacrum. When the bodies merge, they share memories of anything that transpired while they were operating independently.

Myriad isn't a particularly skilled fighter but his intelligence and his ability to throw a virtual army at opponents makes him a threat nonetheless.

razsolo #1007987 10/06/21 03:10 AM
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Loving these bios - also like that Myriad isn't particularly physically large or imposing. More realistic than having everyone look like they're underwear models or wrestlers wink

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Loving these bios - also like that Myriad isn't particularly physically large or imposing. More realistic than having everyone look like they're underwear models or wrestlers wink
It is one of the things I liked about the 5YL Legion...a lot of them seemed to be drawn with more realistic bodies - like Jo was pretty buff, but even before getting his powers I think he would have looked like that. People like Loomis and Kono and Devlin who had no reason to be super hot weren't drawn that way just by default though, which was nice smile

razsolo #1008103 10/09/21 01:33 AM
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totally agree smile and Nura becoming heavier, but still being all flirty and fun, was amazing!

razsolo #1008106 10/09/21 02:14 AM
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Raz, I'm reading this again and I'm even more fascinated by Makkia Vei in particular. You're really good at creating characters. Would you mind linking me to some of her combat appearances, such as the one with the Persuader's Fatal Five? And also one where she's deduced passwords and codes? I'm really curious and eager to see how you wrote that!

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Thanks IB! Makkia has become one of my favourites to write I must admit, she's really fun laugh

Sometimes I take my lead from DC's Who Who and invent/reveal some background stuff for the characters that hasn't actually appeared in a story yet (ie: I think I threw in a bit about her carrying a handgun occasionally but that's never really actually come up in any of her appearances) and she generally handles her poor combat skill by not being in combat in the first place, but I did find a few examples that might fit - bear in mind she only appears in some of these really briefly but here we go!

From the War of the Fatal Fives where she first appeared - these all link to my Livejournal, they were before I started my main fic thread:

This is her first appearance. It shows how she works in a team that is otherwise all pretty physically violent (also, I realise now that I thought Akka's name has been Atta this whole time but eh what can ya do)

She mentions getting past Tharok's cybersecurity here but it's just a throwaway line to be honest.

Another brief mention but it shows how she uses manipulation to avoid physical combat.

Most of her other appearances have been non-combat, but there's a couple notable bits from when the Legion and the Oversight Watch teamed up to face the Invisible Queen and her goons. These are pretty much either brief mentions or just throwaway lines as well (I guess it's difficult to give someone a heap of focus when there are usually a dozen or more characters accompanying her in any story)

Makkia tells Brainy she was playing possum once she realised Brainy wanted the good guys to lose anyway.

Makkia agrees with Brainy that Ron-Karr is a better combatant than herself.

Even with Zoe making power armour for her, she's still one of the first to fall in combat with the Invisible Destroyers.

Every now and then I think maybe I'm being a bit pedantic using my livejournal to keep these stories as well as here, but I gotta say it makes it sooo easy finding stuff when you can just look through all the same tag on one page! smile

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thanks for the links, raz! smile

the Brainy-Makkia scene is gold, I remembered it the first time, but I loved seeing how you made them so smart. Brainy's deductions, and flailing helplessly to lull the guards into thinking he was panicking... and Brainy also crediting Makkia with being smart enough to follow him. And also developing Makkia's niche, where she's smart enough to figure Brainy's intentions, if not smart enough to crack his code . And how Makkia figured Brainy's plan out was awesome (and logical!)

Whoo, love that scene with Makkia pretending to cry and fooling the Legionnaires...! And her causing Diamond Damsel to turn tail AND convincing the Persuader she was right... whoo!

yeah, I think it's cool that you add these little bits that don't necessarily yet appear in the stories - these bits all make sense, and it can be tough to slip them in naturally. I also like your Bioluminescent Lass (being generally altruistic and working for the Workforce to fund her research), Sizzle (her religious background having changed as she got exposed to others) and Rainbow Girl (Earth-Man's reign making her re-evaluate her life priorities), for example

I agree, the Livejournal tags help. I manage here with my recap thread, which summarizes and links to every single post, but it also does require me making detailed-enough summaries AND using the search function to find a character's name!

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I just love that you named a scheming Coluan after Machiavelli. smile

I think Akka was introduced in the same year as the TV show Rome, which had a prominent character (Caeser's wife?) named Atta, so it made me go, 'wait, what's Caesar's wife doing here, and why does she have a knife? Is she about to go all Ides of March on someone?" smile

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Originally Posted by Set
I just love that you named a scheming Coluan after Machiavelli. smile
That was an accident but I'll take credit for it laugh

Now that you've unearthed my secret Atta time travel epic I'll have to go write her a new husband to stab in the back though lol

razsolo #1009115 11/03/21 06:38 AM
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Real Name:
Laurel Kent
Height: 5' 9"
Homeworld: Earth
Weight: 154 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: black

Laurel Kent is a descendant of the legendary superhero Superman, and she inherited his power of invulnerability. She joined the Legion Academy but never had a chance to graduate after an ancient Manhunter android took her place and then was destroyed in battle with the Legion of Superheroes. For a long time, it was believed that "Laurel Kent" had been a fake identity invented by the Manhunter to get close to the Legion but in reality she was being kept in suspended animation the whole time. Laurel's captivity was exposed purely by accident when collateral damage from an attack by Lightning Lady freed the indestructible girl from her hidden prison at the Academy's old Montauk Base campus.

With the rest of her classmates having graduated or left the Academy, Laurel had to join a class of newer recruits. She had some trouble fitting in with the new class, but nonetheless worked hard to earn an internship with the Legion of Superheroes. Throughout all this time Laurel had never taken on a codename, but then Universo came along and turned the original Supergirl into the villainous Satan Girl. Satan Girl caused a huge amount of grief to the Legion of Superheroes and the Academy students before she was freed from Universo's control and then she was immediately sent back to her own time. Laurel felt that it wasn't fair that Kara Zor-El's legacy should thus be tarnished, and so Laurel took on the name Supergirl to honour her. It was a controversial decision, but one which ultimately helped convince the Legion of Superheroes that she had matured enough to earn a full place on their team.

In the future from which the Infinite Boy travelled, Laurel uses the codename Superwoman as a Legionnaire. Whether that future still exists after the Infinite Boy's relocation to the past is unknown.

Like Superman, Laurel Kent is for all intents and purposes invulnerable. She shares his vulnerabilities to kryptonite and magic, but hasn't inherited any of his other powers. She is a relatively skilled hand to hand fighter though, and has been trained to use her invulnerability in clever ways for more than purely defensive purposes (for example, using her body itself as a projectile or jamming weapons or machinery with no risk to herself). Like all Kryptonians, Laurel loses her abilities under a red sun; recently she has discovered that she also has access to the full range of Kryptonian abilities under a blue sun, so it stands to reason that other colors would affect her in similar ways that they would any other Kryptonian as well.

razsolo #1009129 11/04/21 12:24 AM
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Real Name:
Samantha Guterres
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5'11" (in armour)
Weight: 253 lbs (in armour)
Eyes: unknown
Hair: unknown

Black Dancer was one of many people Earth-Man plucked from the timestream to join the group which would come to be called the Judgement League. Originally a soldier in 22nd Century South America's Armeo de Ameriko, Samantha had designed a suit of armour she named the Black Dancer. She was going to use the armour to lead her people to victory over the USA, but fate had different plans...Black Dancer was destined to die along with everyone else in a fifty mile radius when enemy forces detonated a highly potent Chemo-bomb.

Earth-Man saved her from that fate, and Black Dancer proved a reliable if not particularly noteworthy member of the Judgement League. She was trusted on missions without Earth-Man's direct supervision, and though she doesn't share Earth-Man's more extreme xenophobic views she had no problem going along with them either.

Like many of her teammates, Black Dancer fell out of the public eye after the dissolution of the Judgement League. She has only recently resurfaced, employed by McCauleyCorp to protect their Martian interests. In this role, Black Dancer has fought the young girl named Nightstone, the Legion of Superheroes and the criminal known as Vibrex.

All of Black Dancer's enhancements stem from her powered armour. Her strength is increased to a slightly superhuman level, and she has shown enough durability to resist chunks of falling ferrocrete without a problem as well as some resistance to radiation. Her helmet contains comms circuitry and enhanced visual sensors enabling her to see in at least the infrared range. Her gauntlets contain lasers capable of burning through steel, and she can fire mini-missiles which explode upon impact with enough force to put a hole in a factory wall large enough for a person to step through. Black Dancer's boot-jets enable her to fly at unspecified speeds, but more uniquely they can also generate a thick chemical smokescreen which obscures sight without causing any obvious respiratory issues (and they also contain hidden exhaust fans to dispel her signature smokescreen as needed). It's possible that Black Dancer's armour may contain further abilities which have not yet been documented, especially given the length of time she's now been in the 31st century to be able to make upgrades.

Black Dancer is a fairly skilled hand to hand fighter, and she has a familiarity with firearms and other military weapons. She is also an extremely talented engineer herself, having designed and built her own armour.

Last edited by razsolo; 07/09/24 01:16 AM.
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Real Name:
Giavana "Gia" Markova
Homeworld: Mars
Group Affiliation: none
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Until recently, nothing is known of Nightstone's history. She was one of many homeless teenagers living in an abandoned titanium mill in the Martian city of Argentea, using her geokinetic powers to protect them from outside threats such as the local Science Police and the mercenary known as Black Dancer.

Nightstone attended a Legion of Superheroes tryout, and though she managed to save several fellow attendees from one of the infant Ivy Arcane's periodic outbursts of power she never even got to meet any of the Legion except for Gravity Kid (who, at the time, was also there to try out for the team).

The Legion of Superheroes next encountered Nightstone when Nightwind discovered that Nightstone might be one of her fellow mystically descended Daughters of the Night and journeyed to Argentea to raise the issue with her. The Legion wound up fighting her and evicting her from the commercially owned property that Gia and her friends were squatting in. Gia would have gone to a juvenile detention facility, but she was rescued by the young woman Otaki who was unknowingly working on behalf of Mordru the Merciless. Nightstone's powers were crucial to liberating Mordru from his prison in the Legion of Superheroes' headquarters, and she was forced to watch him torture the Legion.

Though Nightstone had no particular love for the Legion of Superheroes, she couldn't just sit back and watch them die either. She and Otaki mounted a defence which ended up with Otaki being killed by Mordru, but also gave the Legion of Superheroes what they needed to win the battle. After this, Nightstone's spirit was broken and she'd resigned herself to just passing through the juvenile detention system until adulthood, but the Legion of Superheroes offered her a way out with a job at the newly created Bina Nawoti Foundation.

The Bina Nawoti Foundation, named after Otaki, was created in recognition that the Legion of Superheroes have often failed unsuccessful applicants to the Legion; Nightstone knows what it feels like to be rejected by the Legion and have no other options, and she now spends her days contacting previous Legion applicants to work with them to find a productive use of their time and abilities whether that might be working with the Science Police or heroes on other worlds, being given a fresh assessment by the Legion Academy or the Legion of Superheroes themselves, or finding a more niche career that can make use of their sometimes uniquely useful abilities.

Through her work with the Bina Nawoti Foundation, Nightstone is primarily responsible for Transposition Lad and Truth Girl getting a second chance to join the Legion of Superheroes after they had already been rejected, She is also currently working closely with Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl to expand the operations of the Legion Academy beyond the very small student body it currently has.

Nightstone has the power of geokinesis. She has shown the ability to levitate large rocks bearing extra weight, create tunnels in the earth and form pillars of earth which erupt out of the ground with explosive force, among other stunts.

Nightwind has commented that Nightstone's power has followed the same pattern of increasing intensity as her own, so it is likely that Nightstone will become more powerful and more versatile with that power as she grows older.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 06:22 AM.
razsolo #1017933 08/24/22 05:34 AM
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Base of Operations:
Current Members: Nimbus, Star-Bear, Veilmist, White Bat
Past Members: Scorn (deceased), Vista (deceased)

When Earth-Man formed his Judgement League, he recruited supervillains from all across the timestream just before they were destined to die. Three of those supervillains were the women named Vista, Nimbus and White Bat, and the trio remained together and renamed themselves the Sisterhood of Sin when the Judgement League disbanded.

The Sisterhood next recruited Veilmist and Scorn, and with their starting roster complete they launched upon their first mission; finding the Khund sorceror Harlack for an unknown purpose. The Sisterhood traced Harlack to the Sorceror’s World Xerox, and while searching for him they came across Mysa Marvel and Dragonmage.

After a brief battle, the Sisterhood found out they were too late; Harlack had died weeks ago, and Mysa and Dragonmage had come here to pay their respects. Strangely shocked, the Sisterhood of Sin used Veilmist’s power to flee the scene.

The reason that the Sisterhood had tried to target Harlack was bizarrely related to Vista, Nimbus and White Bat's future origins. It was revealed to the present day Scorn and Veilmist that in the future from which their other three team members hailed, a much older Scorn and Veilmist (now romantically involved) had recruited Vista, Nimbus and White Bat to serve as backup in the future Scorn's Sisterhood of Sin while the future Scorn completed a quest she'd dedicated 30 years of her life to; her search for the little known Khundish mythological figure named the Demon Father. The future Sisterhood of Sin had barely begun their quest when Harlack (now one of the galaxy's most powerful sorcerors) found out who they were looking for and confronted them. The only reason Vista, Nimbus and White Bat weren't killed by Harlack in this battle is because Earth-Man chose that exact moment to pluck the three women from the timestream to join his Judgement League in his home era.

The three women from the future had felt obligated to work with Earth-Man in gratitude for him saving their lives, but the instant the Judgement League was dismantled they decided to pursue their own agenda. Vista reasoned that if they killed Harlack now when he was a relatively helpless teenager, they would eliminate the risk of him killing them once he became more powerful. When they found that Harlack was already murdered, it came with the shocking realisation that Vista, Nimbs and White Bat's future must not exist! They'd been aware that they might cause that by killing Harlack themselves anyway, but that abstract idea was a far cry from being faced with the reality.

With their only tangible obstacle to finding the Demon Father eliminated, the future members of the Sisterhood shared what insights they'd gleaned from the future Scorn so that the present Scorn would not have to spend so much time conducting the same research. It seemed that the biggest breakthrough future Scorn had made on her quest was something she'd stolen from Earth's Museum of Mystic Arts just before she'd recruited Vista, Nimbus and White Bat. As they didn't know exactly what they'd need from the Museum and many of the museum's artifacts were written in the Old Terran languages, it was Vista's idea that they recruit one more member to the team. The former Judgement Leaguer named Star-Bear thus became the sixth member of the Sisterhood of Sin; she came from the era that many of the Museum's artifacts were written, and in her cosmic bear form she gave the team some much needed physical power.

The Sisterhood of Sin's raid on the Museum of the Mystic Arts gave them the clue they needed for their next location; the cursed Khund world H'crides. On H'crides, the Sisterhood of Sin fond one ancient man, the final member of an old blood cult that had once thrived on the now lifeless world. The cultist revealed the truth, that the Demon Father was Scorn's literal parent and that the blood cult had anticipated Scorn's return to this world for many years. When Scorn summoned the Demon Father with a blood ritual, he stood revealed as Trigon the Terrible and he transformed Scorn into a four-eyed form more similar to his own. The Demon's Claw and several heroes associated with the Legion of Superheroes had both been drawn to the same world by separate threads, and a horrific battle ensued in which Wildfire killed Scorn, Trigon killed Wildfire, and then when Vista attempted to trap Trigon in her mindscape Flederweb killed Vista to destroy her mindscape before Trigon could escape it.

Veilmist escaped as soon as he was able, but the Demon's Claw took Nimbus, White Bat and Star-Bear into custody.

While the Sisterhood of Sin have suffered some great blows, there's no telling how these resourceful women might pull something together to ensure the Sisterhood lives on in some form, if they choose to do so...

Real Name:
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Homeworld: Earth
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde

Nimbus’s past prior to joining the Judgement League is pretty much unknown. It is clear that she, Vista and White Bat had worked together before but Nimbus is only 17 years old it’s doubtful that she really even had time to build much of a history before being brought back in time by Earth-Man. Nimbus is the youngest member of the Sisterhood of Sin.

After Vista's death, Nimbus expressed a greater than usual attachment to White Bat as the only remaining connection to her home era. Nimbus chose to surrender to the Demon's Claw without a fight purely to protect the injured White Bat. Presumably, Nimbus, White Bat and Star-Bear are all on their way currently to a Khundish Challenge Court.

Nimbus possesses internal technological implants which allow her to generate a blue forcefield around herself. The forcefield is highly resistant to injury, and allows her to fly. She can also manipulate it to an extent, creating a kind of primitive exoskeleton about herself or pushing it outwards as a low range force blast.

Different implants allow Nimbus to receive radiotelepathy communication from White Bat, though she herself can’t transmit anything beyond a simple confirmation signal.

Of the Sisterhood, Nimbus is the most technologically savvy and she has adjusted to the comparatively primitive technology of the Legion’s time quite quickly.

[Linked Image from]

Real Name:
Height: 6’
Weight: 190 lbs
Homeworld: Unrevealed planet in the Khund Empire
Eyes: Black
Hair: Auburn

Scorn originally appeared as part of the Khund team called the Demon’s Claw. The team’s only woman, this wasn’t the only thing that made her stand out from her colleagues. Scorn is a rare example of a Khund sorceress, and her outfit reflects this. When the Demon’s Claw and the Legion of Superheroes came to blows over Veilmist, Scorn was happy to face Shadow Lass due to the Legionnaire’s status as the Shadow Champion of Talok VIII. She would have defeated Shadow Lass in their first encounter if Mon-El hadn’t come to his partner’s rescue, but Tasmia Mallor got the upper hand in their second encounter.

Scorn was only with the Demon’s Claw to fulfill an unrevealed obligation. At some point, she did that and relocated to the Khund border world Calish-Aetia, and it was here that the Sisterhood of Sin recruited her.

In her short time with the Sisterhood of Sin, Scorn discovered that her distinctive red skin and her affinity for magic are the result of her being the daughter of Trigon the Terrible. When she summoned Trigon to this realm with a blood sacrifice, he easily corrupted Scorn to his side and gave her four eyes like his own.

Scorn is presumed to have been disintegrated in battle by an intense anti-energy blast from Wildfire.

As a Khund, Scorn was naturally stronger and had more stamina than a human woman of her build, and she also had excellent night vision. She trained to become an accomplished knife fighter, and carried an enchanted dagger with her at all times which was capable of cutting Mon-El (though this is much more likely due to his vulnerability to magic than any inherent quality of the blade itself, given that Shadow Lass’s bracer was able to block it).

Scorn was also one of the very few contemporary Khund blood sorcerors. The extent of her power was largely unknown, but as already mentioned she was able to enchant her blade to cut Mon-El. She was also able to track him for as long as his wound remained unhealed even across interstellar space.

Another of Scorn’s spells allowed her a kind of “blood vision” where she saw blood more vividly than visible light. She used this to overcome an illusion cast by Dragonmage to hide himself.

When Trigon corrupted Scorn into her final form, she became far more powerful than she could ever have hoped to achieve using her own resources. She was able to take on Wildfire and Mysa Marvel in physical combat, boil even the indestructible Mysa Marvel's blood to torture her, and create an army of seemingly endlessly regenerating "Blood Wraiths" - flying demonic figrures with a degree of superhuman strength and resistance multiplied from the blood of anyone else Scorn chose to use.

Unrelated to these abilities, she also had some version of Trigon's death stare; a blinding flash of light from all four of her eyes that could destroy most matter in its path.


Real Name:
Ursula Yenova
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Sisterhood of Sin, (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’ 9” (human form), 8’ (base Star-Bear form),
Weight: 242 lbs (human form, variable in Star-Bear form)
Eyes: brown (human form), starbursts of light (Star-Bear form)
Hair: brown (human form), n/a (Star-Bear form)

Ursula Yenova grew up in the late 21st Century, in a Russia teetering on total collapse.

When what she assumed to be a meteorite struck the snowy wastelands near her small village, the always bold Ursula was the first to investigate. She found that her meteorite was in fact some kind of alien vessel, and immediately went inside to investigate. It’s unknown exactly what happened to Ursula Yenova on board that vessel, but it was an 8’ tall bear seemingly made of the stuff of the cosmos itself rather than a human woman who emerged.

Calling herself Star-Bear, Ursula intended on making her way to the USA where the majority of Earth’s metahumans were situated in order to test her new power against them. She never even made it twenty feet past the crashed ship before a squadron of robotic Rocket Red capekillers confronted and murdered her after a short battle.

…At least that’s what history says happened, before those records were lost in the apocalyptic global war that had been looming for decades.

In reality, the time-travelling Earth-Man snatched Star-Bear from her home era a second before the neural assault that would have left her brain-dead. Earth-Man enlisted Star-Bear for his Judgement League; while she didn’t share Earth-Man’s xenophobic beliefs, Star-Bear saw the whole thing as the ultimate adventure and happily went along.

When the Judgement League disbanded, Star-Bear made a home for herself in 31st Century Europe and got into bar fights and brawls often enough that the Science Police had to take action. Her status as a temporal refugee who’d served on an Earthgov sanctioned superhero team made it difficult for Earthgov’s legal system to deal with her, but eventually she was placed under house arrest with a power dampener to stop her from causing too much chaos.

When Vista approached Star-Bear to join the Sisterhood of Sin, Ursula was only too eager to join as an escape from the boredom of her new existence. Presumably, Star-Bear is now on her way to a Challenge Court somewhere with Nimbus and White Bat (though it's probably a fate the violence-loving Star-Bear is happier about than her comrades).

Even without her powers, Ursula is an accomplished hand to hand fighter. While she doesn’t really possess any formal training, experience has made her a formidable brawler. Having grown up in an era before Interlac was the default language, she is also fluent in what by 31st Century standards is classified as ancient Russian and English.

Ursula Yenova is an ordinary (albeit tough as nails) woman normally, but she possesses the ability to transform into a form which she refers to as the Star-Bear. As the name would imply, she resembles a bear made up of the stuff of the cosmos itself. Her base Star-Bear form is 8’ tall but she can increase in size to an unknown maximum height.

In her Star-Bear form, Ursula doesn’t need to breathe, eat or sleep. She is immune to toxins and disease, and doesn’t actually seem to have normal human biological processes in this form at all. As a side-effect of her unusual form, Dawnstar has stated that she has a unique bio-energy signature which makes her extremely easy to track.

Star-Bear has a level of superhuman strength and durability which hasn’t been measured precisely, but has allowed her to tear through ferrocrete walls or crash through buildings without harm. She can increase her size at will to approximately 14’ using her innate power, which expands her strength and durability in the same way that it would Colossal Boy. She also has claws capable of rending metal even at her base size of 8’ tall.

Star-Bear is for all intents and purposes immune to energy attacks, and she can absorb a wide range of energy to fuel her strength, stamina, recovery time or growth powers beyond their normal limits as necessary.

Star-Bear was recently surprised to learn that she can convert anti-energy into a roar of sonic force. Unlike when she generally uses her energy conversion abilities, this was painful to her and she has only done it once.

Star-Bear likely has other abilities which have gone undiscovered, because at the end of the day she really only uses her powered form for brawling.

Real Name:
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Homeworld: Khundia-Prime
Eyes: Magenta
Hair: Magenta

While little is known of Veilmist’s earlier history, it’s a fact that traditional Khund society is generally quite oppressive toward its women. Veilmist was the former wife of the Khund warrior Firefist, and he treated her more like a prized possession than a partner. Judging from the comments of other Khunds who’ve known either of them, this is actually the best that a lot of Khund women can hope for.

When the Fatal Five took over Robotica and declared war against the Khunds, Veilmist knew that continued conflict would just lead to countless Khund deaths. Openly defying her husband for the first time, Veilmist hired a mercenary to transport her close enough to the Legion of Superheroes that her own teleportation power could take her the rest of the way. Veilmist reasoned that as the Legion of Superheroes alone had defeated the Fatal Five before, it made sense that she should turn to them for help now.

Unfortunately for Veilmist, at the same time she approached the Legion for help her husband decided to retrieve his errant wife. She wound up in the middle of a four way struggle between the Legion of Superheroes, the Fatal Five, Robotica and the Khunds. When the dust settled, Veilmist was impressed by the independent nature of the Legion’s women and inspired by a talk with Night Girl to seek her own destiny. She left her husband and the Khunds behind and embarked on a life of opportunistic hedonism, taking advantage of men wherever she went to get what she wanted.

She was living this lifestyle when Vista, Nimbus and White Bat recruited her for the Sisterhood of Sin. They reasoned with Veilmist that her husband was bound to find her eventually, and that she’d be safer allied with them. Veilmist chose to remain with the Sisterhood of Sin, even convincing Vista to go back for the other members of their team when the corrupted Scorn began torturing them. In another uncharacteristic move, Veilmist even teleported more members of the Legion of Superheroes to H'crides to assist in defeating Trigon and Scorn.

When the battle against Trigon and Scorn was over, Veilmist teleported herself and only herself as far away as she could.

Though she had begun to display some more noble qualities before leaving her teammates behind to face Khund justice, Veilmist has also acted purely for self-preservation for most of her life. It will be interesting to see which way she develops from this point forward...

Veilmist can teleport, leaving a lavender scented mist in her wake. While she needed a vessel to travel from Khund space to Mars, she does seem to have interplanetary range at least.

Veilmist can teleport others either on their own or along with her, and has easily teleported herself and five others from the Legion of Superheroes’ Martian base to a shuttle in orbit around the planet. She doesn’t need to have any familiarity with the place she’s teleporting to and the action itself doesn’t seem at all strenuous.

Real Name:
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 160 lbs
Homeworld: Earth
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown

Vista’s past prior to joining the Judgement League was pretty much unknown. It was clear that she, Vista and White Bat had worked together before, and that Vista was the eldest of the three. She appeared to be a woman in her early 30s.

Vista very reluctantly participated in the final battle with Trigon and Scorn, even though it was the Sisterhood's fault that Trigon had appeared and corrupted his daugher. Unbeknownst to anyone else present, the time-displaced Teen Titan had to use her own telepathic powers to prompt Vista to do the right thing a couple of tmes.

In the end, Vista saved the day but at the cost of her own life. She attempted to imprison Trigon the Terrible within her mindscape but in mere seconds he was beginning to break free, literally tearing his own features into Vista's face as he began to exit her mindscape. Flederweb killed Vista with a point blank range shot to the head with his energy weapon; while Vista was killed instantly, her mindscape and everything in it (including Trigon) was destroyed as well.

Vista had the innate power to create a fully realised pocket astral dimension inside her mind. This usually appeared as an infinite landscape of gently rolling hills and valleys under a pleasantly warm sky, but with great concentration she could manipulate any element of what she called her ‘mindscape’ to any degree she could imagine.

Vista also possessed a technological “Third Eye” implant in her forehead which allowed her to physically transport up to 3 people at a time into her mindscape. Her targets were transformed from physical matter to psionic energy in the process, and as a result they could live inside her mind without the need for food, air or water. Flederweb quite graphically showed that when Vista died, so did her mindscape and anyone in it.

There never seemed to be a practical limit to how many people her mindscape could contain, and Vista was able to eject people back into the real world as easily as transporting them into her mind in the first place.

The only people known to exit Vista’s mindscape under their own power before are Blok (who called upon a psychic echo of the magic lightning of Shazam to damage the mindscape), Dragonmage (who summoned a mystical dragonform to carry him free) and the cosmically powerful demon Trigon the Terrible.

[Linked Image from]

Real Name:
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Homeworld: Earth
Eyes: Pink
Hair: None

The albino White Bat was given surgeries and combat training since childhood to become a living weapon. She has been mute since childhood thanks to the radiotelepathy apparatus which replaced her vocal cords, and she has never been socialised normally to do anything other than track and kill targets on command. She is loyal to Nimbus, as she was to Vista before Vista's death, but White Bat has no particular compassion for anybody else.

She was badly injured before being taken into Khund custody; Khund medical technology is famously underdeveloped, but their cybernetics are cutting edge. It's entirely likely that White Bat, who was already quite lethal, may become even more dangerous by the time the Khunds are finished with her!

White Bat has a wide range of technological enhancements, the full extent of which is probably still unrevealed.

Most obviously, she has a foot-long razor sharp metal talon emerging from each forearm and she can generate hardlight wings with a similarly sharp edge that connect at her wrists and ankles like those of a sugar glider. She is a highly skilled aerial combatant, and she can use her wings to shield herself from injury.

White Bat is mute, but her radiotelepathy apparatus allows her to communicate on a wavelength that can’t be picked up by conventional radio receivers or most telepaths. In the future from which she comes, this was not an entirely uncommon method of communications, but in the Legion’s era Nimbus is the only person with the necessary implants to be able to pick up White Bat’s signal.

White Bat’s costume is made of a futuristic material which is light and skintight, but provides extremely effective insulation against weather extremes.

Finally (for now), she has telescopic implants in her eyeballs capable of homing in on a target to provide a clear view from a mile away.

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Last edited by razsolo; 01/18/24 04:25 AM.
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Cool beans! also seems like Vista's main weakness is magic (though again, who ISN'T weak to magic? tongue )

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Vista could make an interesting hero. "We need to get all these civilians to safety, but there isn't time! This place is coming apart!" <Yoink! Yoink! Yoink!> "Okay, they're all safe in my mindscape for now. Just get *me* out of here safely!"

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A hero for hire tongue I like it, though she's already killed a bunch of people in her mindscape so could be a hard sell tongue

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haha yeah I don't know if she'd be into that career path, but she is good for moving large amounts of people around sneakily!

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Originally Posted by razsolo
haha yeah I don't know if she'd be into that career path, but she is good for moving large amounts of people around sneakily!

Ooh, now that would be properly villainous, to have an army of henchmen, or even some super-villain allies 'on her mind' as she sneaks into a place.

"Oh, it's just one person.... Hands up lady!"
"Surrender now."
"Ha, you and what army?"
<Fwoosh! Points to her army of friends that have just appeared from her mindscape.>
"This army." (wicked grin)

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Set: tactical consultant smile

razsolo #1024049 03/18/23 09:05 PM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Unknown, exists in another dimension
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy student
Height: approximately 4' (main body), approximately 10' (including tentacles)
Weight: 230 lbs
Eyes: none (Sojurn's body is covered in blue diamond-shaped markings which function in the place of eyes)
Hair: none

S'jn is a young Ceph'ii, a race native to an extra-dimensional plane. The Ceph'ii are genderless, and S'jn resembles an eyeless gold-pigmented octopus with blue diamond-shaped markings all over their body.

The Ceph'ii periodically abduct lifeforms from other dimensions to exhibit them in their zoos, and this is how S'jn first met natives from the Earth-1 universe. Chlorophyll Kid, Comet Queen, their baby Ivy Arcane, Lamprey and Turtle had been abducted for the interdimensional zoo and when Lamprey realised that the Ceph'ii were communicating via some kind of bioelectric pulse she got S'jn's attention with her own bioelectric power and convinced S'jn that the "animals" on show were actually intelligent beings. S'jn was appalled to realise what their people had been doing. S'jn teleported them all back to Turtle's homeworld Vavalla, and revealed that the Ceph'ii had exiled S'jn to this dimension for freeing the others.

Lamprey arranged for S'jn to join the Legion Academy in order to encourage their altruistic traits and encourage them to socialise with other young sentients. S'jn took the codename Sojurn, and though they are so alien here they find it very difficult to really acclimatise, they have been content to remain in the Legion Academy ever since.

Sojurn has eight tentacles, and is quite adept at using them all independently. They also seem quite easily able to adapt to different environments physically; in their own home dimension, the Ceph'ii exist in a liquid medium and Sojurn has no trouble operating in air or under the ocean in the Legion's universe.

The Ceph'ii communicate amongst themselves with a kind of psioelectrical telepathy, and this ability translates to more conventional telepathy and mild empathy among natives of Earth-1's dimension. Sojurn doesn't have the kind of range or versatility as Saturn Girl or Tellus, and generally only uses their telepathy for communication purposes over the same kind of range a human being might use verbal communication. Sojurn did exhibit an ability to calm down an upset Ivy Arcane when they first met but it was implied that Sojurn could only do this because Ivy was an infant, and even then physical contact was required.

Sojurn also has a degree of telekinesis, though again this doesn't seem to be anywhere near what Tellus is capable of. Sojurn uses their telekinesis primarily to levitate themselves so they don't have to use their tentacles for movement. Outside of this, their range seems to be not much further than what they could reach with their tentacles anyway and they haven't exhibited any particular stunts or telekinetic strength worth noting.

While their telepathy and telekinesis may or may not improve with training, Sojurn's primary power is teleportation. Sojurn can teleport interstellar distances, and until they were exiled to Earth-1's dimension they could teleport from their home dimension to the Legion's at will. They can take as many passengers as they can make physical contact with, though the process takes a couple of seconds and is always accompanied by an intensely bright orange light which can blind anybody in the immediate area momentarily (other than Sojurn themselves who is of course immune to the effect). Sojurn's maximum range is unknown, as is whether they have the ability to travel to any other dimensions. Perhaps the most unique aspect of Sojurn's teleportation is that they can home in on and teleport to any target as long as Sojurn is familiar with them no matter how far away they might be; this isn't strictly a tracking power in the sense that Dawnstar possesses, it's more a semi-subconscious sense that Sojurn possesses. They won't know where their target is until they arrive there to greet them, but they don't need to know their location to teleport to them.

This sense has a downside; if Sojurn's teleportation is interrupted substantially, they can misfire as the calibration required is specific to the distance, locii and passengers involved. In one instance, Sojurn attempted to teleport themselves, several of their classmates, and Graym and Garridan Ranzz from Mars to Lamprey's side on Vavalla. Dragonwing broke away from Sojurn mid-teleportation and everybody else ended up separated in the depths of Vavalla's oceans.

Sojurn's biology is something completely alien, and they may well have other attributes or abilities which just haven't come to light yet.

Recently, Sojurn was gifted with a headband-like device which translates their telepathy into verbal speech. Without this device, Sojurn has no way to verbalise out loud.

Last edited by razsolo; 03/18/23 09:34 PM.
razsolo #1024053 03/19/23 03:49 AM
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Real Name:
Teela Spuunvll
Homeworld: Abaddonus
Group Affiliations: (formerly) Legion of Substitute Villains, Workforce, (currently) Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 118 lbs
Eyes: red
Hair: blue

The dominant religion on the world Abaddonus is Asmotheism, whose adherents believe that the universe has already been claimed by an all-powerful demon named Asmothe. Asmotheists believe that there is no reward beyond this life, and this has a tendency to impact their ethical and morality systems. Therefore, when Sizzle decided that she wanted to use her powers for fame and prestige it never really occurred to her that joining a group called the Legion of Substitute Villains might not be the most acceptable way to do that in the eyes of the rest of the United Planets.

The longer she spent away from her homeworld the more Sizzle was exposed to other belief systems and behaviours, and she realised at some point that she didn’t want to achieve her dreams of fame by hurting other people. When the Legion of Substitute Villains was inevitably taken into Science Police custody and she was imprisoned in Takron-Galtos, she saw the path that a life of supervillainy led to for so many others and she decided to change the direction she’d embarked on before it was too late. With the help of sympathetic prison counsellors (and taking into consideration the very little actual crime she’d taken part in so far), Sizzle was approved for membership on the Workforce where she worked off her sentence and honed her skills.

Recently, she left the Workforce on good terms to join the Legion of Superheroes.

Sizzle's time on the Workforce has given her better than average hand to hand combat skills and a very basic familiarity with the kind of weapons issued to prison guards such as stun batons and guns. She also obviously is familiar with the inner workings of a prison and has slightly more famliarity with UP law than the average citizen might possess.

Sizzle possesses the power to harmlessly absorb and convert any form of energy to any other form of energy. She used this ability for example to transform Sun Boy and Inferno’s flames into an electrical assault. This power is not native to her world, and its origins as yet are unknown. At this stage she’s not able to store energy for any period of time; any energy she absorbs must immediately be released in a different form or she’ll suffer the attack as per normal. Also, she is only able to affect one type of energy at any given time so she can still be defeated by multiple opponents wielding different energy attacks simultaneously. The upper limit of her ability to absorb and convert energy has not yet been seen.

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Last edited by razsolo; 04/02/23 01:29 AM.
razsolo #1024054 03/19/23 04:18 AM
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Real Name:
Jackie Norrin
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliations: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 118 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: blonde

Sometime in the 21st Century, the woman who would become Sprint built a suit to combat the heroic Australian speedster named Pacesetter. History says that Sprint fell victim to an accidental gas explosion during the course of their first battle, but the truth is much weirder.

Sprint was plucked out of the timestream at the moment before her death by Earth-Man to join his Judgement League a thousand years in the future. Earth-Man and several of his teammates were driven by xenophobia to combat the Legion, but Sprint really just wanted to take advantage of her unlikely survival to explore this exciting new future she’d been dropped in. Her vendetta against a minor Australian superhero who died nearly a millenium ago didn’t seem so important anymore, so she just decided to go with the flow.

Unlike most of the Judgement League, Sprint has always been more self-serving than evil. She’s not adverse to hurting people to get what she wants, but she isn’t particularly sadistic or malevolent and seems to particularly have a soft spot when it comes to making sure innocent children aren’t endangered while she’s out adventuring. She started a relationship with her teammate Golden Boy which has survived beyond the dissolution of the Judgement League and she seems to have been able to bring him back from some of the more sociopathic tendencies that Earth-Man and his cronies had encouraged.

While Sprint and Golden Boy are occasionally a pain for the Science Police or local Earth heroes to deal with, both of them received full pardons from Earthgov for any previous crimes and Sprint in particular isn’t viewed particularly as a public menace. There’s sentiment in some quarters that she might even actually be a better influence for Golden Boy than prison would be.

Sprint has no natural powers, but she is an exceptionally talented engineer and was the recipient of a Lexcorp scholarship during her teen years which led to her working for the company as soon as she finished her studies.

Her speedsuit allows her to run at superspeed for short periods of time while protecting her from any adverse effects such as friction, impact damage, etc. The suit may also increase her strength slightly as she has carried multiple children with her on different occasions, but this is conjecture.

The upper limits and duration of Sprint’s superspeed are unknown, and it is similarly unknown whether she has incorporated 31st Century tech into her speedsuit as some of her former technologically enhanced teammates have done.

Last edited by razsolo; 03/19/23 04:18 AM.
razsolo #1024056 03/19/23 05:46 AM
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I love these bios, raz! Also like how you define the power limits here.

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
I love these bios, raz! Also like how you define the power limits here.
Thanks! I loved the Official Handbooks that Marvel did in the 80s and I find writing little profiles is kind of useful as a series bible for characters who don't appear very often or for the odd occasion when I need to refer to their height or something to make sure it stays consistent smile

razsolo #1024067 03/19/23 11:08 AM
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Love that Sojourn has telepathy and telekinesis, but both of them are more or less within the same 'range' as human physical abilities of communication / locomotion, and not really 'super-powers.' That's neat.

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Set #1024103 03/20/23 05:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Set
Love that Sojourn has telepathy and telekinesis, but both of them are more or less within the same 'range' as human physical abilities of communication / locomotion, and not really 'super-powers.' That's neat.

I feel like I have left ther whole deal vague enough that I can go Dark Phoenix with them one day if I'm ever so inclined (we all know it'll be Hadru's fault), but currently Sojurn's versatility is pretty well balanced by how limited they are in a lot of respects, so they can still fit into the student class power-wise!

razsolo #1024107 03/20/23 06:20 AM
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it will totally be Hadru's fault, and I imagine Marya will give him a smacking and a talkinh-to lol

razsolo #1024442 04/02/23 01:41 AM
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Real Name:
Kappa Snarrk
Homeworld: Zafarus*
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 6’ 7”
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: green

Transposition Lad initially tried to join the Legion of Superheroes in their earliest days, but at that time he hadn’t quite refined control of his powers and he was summarily rejected.

His optimistic nature was unaffected by this setback and he headed back to his homeworld and became a local hero instead. He would have been happy living the rest of his days this way, but when the Legion asked the Bina Nawoti Foundation to find them some success stories from their past applicants for another tryout, Kappa was more than happy to throw his metaphorical hat in the ring again.

He is now one of the Legion’s newest recruits, though one of their more experienced ones thanks to his adventures on his homeworld. Transposition Lad and Slug were in the same intake of new recruits, and with their similar interest in superhero culture, the two have become fast friends (though one would be hard pressed to find two individuals who are visually more different from one another).

Transposition Lad is a big fan of superhero culture, and is probably as familiar with the history of the Legion (as well as superheroes in general!) as many long-term Legionnaires.

Transposition Lad possesses the power to exchange the positions of any two targets within his line of sight. He can affect anything up to roughly his own size, with the only caveat being that both targets must be approximately the same size. Transposition Lad can’t use this power on himself, and he can’t simply teleport one target from one place to another - he has to exchange two targets.

*I actually stole homaged Transposition Lad’s look and home planet from this post from Klar Ken T5477's Young Legion fic! The image in Klar’s post is from the Secret Origins Fortress Lad story if memory serves!

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Last edited by razsolo; 04/02/23 01:44 AM.
razsolo #1024443 04/02/23 01:55 AM
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Real Name:
Kes Mtsto
Homeworld: Pseudatania
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Length: 7’ 4” (disregarding his eyestalks, Slug is approximately 3’ 6” tall)
Weight: 840 lbs
Eyes: n/a (Pseudatanians possess retractable eyestalks with only the pupils visible when they’re extended)
Hair: n/a

Pseudatania is a world where giant hermaphroditic sentient slugs are the dominant lifeform. Though they have no actual limbs, they can control their bodies with enough fine control to grip and utilise tools. A quirk of Pseudatanian society is that they don’t use pronouns; the only way they have of referring to one another is by name or more descriptive terms.

Kes left Pseudatania to work in a metallurgical lab to support family back home. Kes secretly harboured dreams of being an adventurer like Kes’s hero Cosmic Boy, but had long since had to accept that wasn’t likely to be in the cards for a non-humanoid species such as Kes’s own.

One of the projects Kes was assigned to was shaping inertron casings for Science Police, work that involved delicate molecular rearrangement technology due to inertron’s legendary durability. The machine malfunctioned one day, and Kes was somehow fused with inertron. Rather than killing Kes, it changed Kes into a virtually indestructible and super-strong inertron being and also changed some of Kes’s biological processes so that Kes can now grow retractable spikes or pods and even shoot them off like bullets.

Finally able to bring Kes’s dreams to reality, Kes recently joined the Legion of Superheroes using the name Slug and has become fast friends with fellow recruit Transposition Lad though the two visually at least are quite the odd couple.

Slug is a big fan of superhero culture, and is probably as familiar with the history of the Legion (as well as superheroes in general!) as many long-term Legionnaires.

Slug also has a working knowledge of metallurgical processes due to Kes’s work experience prior to joining the Legion of Superheroes.

Slug is composed of a kind of organic inertron. For all intents and purposes, Slug is now indestructible, though has lost nothing in the way of flexibility or mobility. Slug is faster than Slug would seem, capable of matching most humanoid species in terms of reflex and movement.

Slug can extend small spikes or rounded pods all over Slug’s body, and at will can fire these off with varying force. At maximum velocity, they’re essentially inertron bullets and highly destructive.

razsolo #1024444 04/02/23 02:31 AM
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Real Name:
Ivy Arcane
Homeworld: Mardru
Group Affiliation: Avatar of the Green, (formerly) ally of Glorith I
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: n/a (Verdant’s scalp is covered in small green leaves resembling an afro rather than actual hair)

Ivy Arcane’s bloodline has long been associated with both the Green and the Rot in one form or another. Though the circumstances are unknown, Ivy’s necromancer grandfather Alek Arcane arranged for his daughter Antonine to fall pregnant with Ivy knowing that Ivy would be the Avatar of the Green. Alek’s plan was always to use Ivy and her connection with the Green to further his own ends.

When Antonine gave birth to Ivy, she fled to isolated Moorte Island on her homeworld Mardru to escape the evil of Alek Arcane. The Green responded to Ivy being in danger in the worst possible way, and killed nearly everybody on the island including Antonine herself. Mardru being Chlorophyll Kid’s homeworld, an old acquaintance of his summoned him to help when the plants started attacking. By the time Chlorophyll Kid, Comet Queen and Phantom Girl arrived however, only one nurse was left alive with the infant Ivy. They could all tell there was something special about Ivy as she had one small leaf growing from her scalp, but everybody initially was under the assumption that the animated plant life on the island was trying to kill the infant.

When Chlorophyll Kid learned that the Green were only trying to protect their baby avatar, he made a deal with them that he would serve as Ivy’s protector if the plants stopped trying to kill everyone around her. Because he already had the power to artificially enhance plant growth, the Green agreed and they altered his powers to better serve as her protector. For a while, Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen raised Ivy Arcane, very quickly coming to love her as a daughter. They defended her successfully when Alek Arcane came after her, and kept her safe from various threats they came across in their life as superheroes along with beginning to teach her how to manage her vast power as Avatar of the Green.

All of that changed one day when some Legionnaires were put in the position of having to ask the evil sorceress Glorith I for assistance fighting Mordru. Glorith sensed Ivy’s power and kidnapped the baby, taking her to a post-apocalyptic era where she raised her to believe that Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen had abandoned her into the timestream because they were scared of her power, and that Glorith was the only person she could trust.

Glorith brought a full-grown Ivy Arcane back only moments after they’d left, and Chlorophyll Kid was horrified to learn that his beloved daughter now hated him with every fiber of her being. Calling herself Verdant now, she willingly worked with Glorith and even tried to kill her father once by plunging a spear of wood through his heart.

As Verdant, she opposed the Legion a couple more times, culminating in a plot where she forcibly brought the Green to dominance across five worlds and attempted to do the same with Earth to help Glorith’s convoluted scheme to rule over a millennium. It was during the climax of this adventure that Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen (with Truth Girl’s help) finally convinced Ivy that Glorith had stolen her from them as a baby, and that they would never have abandoned her. Ivy turned on her former mistress Glorith, and returned to the 31st Century with the Legion of Superheroes when the battle ended with Glorith fleeing into the timestream.

Where Verdant goes from here is yet to be seen…

Presumably Verdant has some level of survival skill having grown up in what she refers to as a post-apocalyptic wasteland, but she has never really shown any concrete evidence of this.

As the Avatar of the Green, Ivy Arcane is linked with the lifeforce and consciousness of all plants in the universe. This allows her to control plant growth and to animate plant life to serve her will. She can also sense a plant’s surroundings remotely at will.

Ivy Arcane may be the most powerful Avatar of the Green who has ever lived, as she even possesses the ability to create plant life at will. Her power has been shown on multiple occasions to dwarf that of Chlorophyll Kid, she was easily able to trap him in his own wooden armour and use it to try and murder him.

As Verdant, Ivy enhanced plant life to a devastating degree across the surface of entire worlds. It’s unclear however if this is a level of power she has access to normally, or if Glorith was enhancing her somehow.

Ivy herself is a plant-human hybrid, as evidenced by the leaves that grow from her head. What this actually means in practical terms hasn’t fully been explored however. She also has an awareness of Chlorophyll Kid’s whereabouts any time he is actively using his own power to track her whereabouts.

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Last edited by razsolo; 04/02/23 06:42 AM.
razsolo #1024448 04/02/23 03:03 AM
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cool bios, Raz!

I love how you paid homage to Klar's work with T-Lad. also love how he applied way way way back, and eventually got a second chance because of the Foundation!

And I can understand why Slug thought someone of his species would have a tougher time making it as a hero!

Ivy's visuals are striking, too! I like the whole leaf on her head thing.

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
cool bios, Raz!

I love how you paid homage to Klar's work with T-Lad. also love how he applied way way way back, and eventually got a second chance because of the Foundation!

And I can understand why Slug thought someone of his species would have a tougher time making it as a hero!

Ivy's visuals are striking, too! I like the whole leaf on her head thing.

Thanks IB! I might draw Ivy next actually, I have got a really clear idea in my head of how she looks as a grown-up!

It's funny how characters change from conception to when you've actually written them in a couple stories...I originally wrote all the new recruit profiles before I introduced them and had T-Lad being besties with Elastic Lad and Comet Queen laugh

Having actually written them in a few stories now, it just kinda feels more natural for T-Lad and Slug to gravitate toward each other on account of them both being compatible in their superhero nerdiness smile

razsolo #1024452 04/02/23 04:34 AM
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yeah, a lot of character relationships and details change once the writing starts eh? some things just feel more natural than others tongue

razsolo #1024467 04/02/23 02:07 PM
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Ha, a slug that throws slugs! (Slug being slang for a bullet.)

I love the idea of a metal being that can propel tiny bits of itself as an attack, being sort of a living firearm, and the idea of making them so alien is extra cool.

(The power itself is vaguely reminiscent of the 80s Captain Atom reboot, where he and Major Force were merged with alien metal and it both protected them, and in Major Force's case, allowed him to generate more alien matter offensively.)

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Set #1024478 04/02/23 04:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Set
Ha, a slug that throws slugs! (Slug being slang for a bullet.)

Yes! I actually nicked the idea for Slug from the last Dial H for Hero series, they had a gung-ho guy with big guns in a snail shell called Iron Slug and I thought it was way too good a pun to just let it be a one-off character so I rejigged it a bit laugh

razsolo #1024571 04/04/23 04:07 AM
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Real Name:
Oliv Hollowai
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: golden
Hair: dark brown

When Femnaz returned Wonder Woman’s golden lasso to Earth, archeology student Oliv Hollowai was given access to it to help with a paper she was writing on the ancient Themiscyrans.

When the villainous Scavenger tried to steal several artifacts from the museum (including the lasso), he held Oliv’s girlfriend Bobbi hostage for it. Paranoid and irrational, the Scavenger assumed that the girls were working for some secret enemy against him. While clutching the rope, Oliv wished that she had the power to help her girlfriend and make the Scavenger see the truth, and suddenly found herself imbued with the fighting prowess of Wonder Woman herself. With Wonder Woman’s combat skills and lasso, she easily subdued the ancient villain.

The Science Police took him into custody, and Oliv decided to use her new power for good by trying out for the Legion of Superheroes. Initially they passed her over as it seemed her power was solely derived from the Golden Perfect, and with no hard feelings Oliv embarked on a solo career as a hero anyway.

When the Bina Nawoti Foundation was formed and Nightstone looked into Truth Girl’s solo escapades, she let Oliv know that the Legion were recruiting again. This time around with the knowledge that some of her abilities are in fact inherent and not reliant on her holding the Golden Perfect, Truth Girl was more successful. She is now one of the newest members of the Legion of Superheroes.

Truth Girl is an avid student of history and is studying toward her archeology degree.

She has also been imparted with Wonder Woman’s combat prowess. While she doesn’t have the benefit of superhuman strength or speed, her excellent fighting skill more than makes up for that. Presumably, she would lose her incredible fighting skills if her powers were to be suppressed or removed.

Somehow, Truth Girl has been mystically imbued with the ability to perceive the truth in all situations. Traditionally this power has been a quality of the Golden Perfect itself, but this is the first time in known history that its user has themselves been imbued with the power. Truth Girl retains this ability regardless of whether she’s in possession of the lasso or not; like her newfound combat skills, it is something that seems to have been gifted to her as an innate characteristic now.

Truth Girl’s ability to sense the truth most commonly can be used to discern if someone is lying to her obviously, but it also alerted her when the Legion of Superheroes placed her into a virtual simulation that fooled even Dogstar’s senses and it can generally be relied upon to let her know if her surroundings are illusory or real.

The Golden Perfect itself is for all intents and purposes indestructible, it can elongate as needed (in the past, Wonder Woman has even used it to encircle planetary bodies), and it retains its legendary ability to force anyone ensnared to tell the truth.

Truth Girl’s lightweight armour is made of an Amazonium alloy. While it is not as indestructible as Wonder Woman’s famous bracelets, it does give her a high resistance to injury while still allowing her free range of movement.

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Last edited by razsolo; 04/04/23 04:12 AM.
razsolo #1024574 04/04/23 05:39 AM
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has Truth Girl appeared in canon before? I might have missed her tryout! great origin, and I hope we see Bobbi "in person" soon too!

I also dig that her power lets her know if illusions are illusions, but she can still perceive the illusion. She just knows that it's not real. That's cool, and also potentially more effective - at least, she knows what her teammates are perceiving, and can guide them accordingly (it could be a bit more awkward if she simply didn't perceive what they are perceiving tongue )

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
has Truth Girl appeared in canon before? I might have missed her tryout! great origin, and I hope we see Bobbi "in person" soon too!

Truth Girl has not appeared in canon! I just thought it would be fun to try and give the newbies some more fleshed out background prior to joining the Legion....I was debating whether I should do a flashback origin story showing how she got the lasso, but I don't think it's really fleshed out enough yet in my head to get a whole adventure out of it so I just added it to her bio for now smile

And we will see Bobbi in the very next instalment actually!

I also dig that her power lets her know if illusions are illusions, but she can still perceive the illusion. She just knows that it's not real. That's cool, and also potentially more effective - at least, she knows what her teammates are perceiving, and can guide them accordingly (it could be a bit more awkward if she simply didn't perceive what they are perceiving tongue )

Also yes, that was my thought as well hahahaha....everyone else sitting in the Tryout Machine having their virtual fight and Truth Girl's just sitting there with the VR headset on like "umm guys is this thing on?" laugh laugh

razsolo #1024640 04/07/23 05:33 AM
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d'oh sorry! my question should have been: have Truth Girl and Bobbi appeared in your story before! I was thinking if maybe you'd written something with Scavenger in it smile silly me!

and yay!looking forward to seeing Bobbi!!!

lol or Truth Girl going like, "Why is that illusionist guy screaming like a baby, why does everyone look like they want to slap Quiz Queen, and why is Cosmic Boy lying on the floor pretending to be dead but keeping one eye open?"

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
why does everyone look like they want to slap Quiz Queen?

I mean the answer to this one could just be that it's a day ending in Y laugh

razsolo #1024666 04/08/23 03:05 AM
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lol Maybe that's Quiz Queen's real super power... being so entitled everyone wants to smack her!

razsolo #1025312 05/02/23 06:59 AM
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Real Name:
Sheranee Shah
Homeworld: Earth / New Tamaran
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: bright orange (no visible pupils or irises)
Hair: rusty orange

Sheranee Shah’s mother is a UP Ambassador from the planet Earth who had embarked on many adventures herself prior to Sheranee’s birth. When Tamaran was on the verge of leaving the UP due to political reasons, Aadarshini Shah was assigned to find a way to restore harmony. She did so admirably, and in doing so she met the low level Tamaranean Prince T’argon and they fell in love. Aadarshini became pregnant and when their daughter was born they named her Sheranee, which means tigress in Aadarshini’s ancestral language Hindi. Aadarshini and T’argon eventually parted on good terms when they recognised that he didn’t want to leave New Tamaran and she didn’t want to be tied down to one location, and they shared custody of Sheranee. Sheranee has an excellent relationship with both of her parents, along with her father’s new Tamaranean family.

Sheranee was born with several complimentary mutations, and many of these were apparent from an early age. Her enhanced physical characteristics and vision are likely a throwback to the Tamaraneans’ original feline origins, and her ability to store solar energy and discharge it is believed to be due to her likely genetic connection to the ancient Tamarenean heroine Starfire or her villainous sister Blackfire. This isn’t a particularly far-fetched connection to draw; Tamarenean royal families have a history of inbreeding and the population itself is small enough that just about everyone at some point or another probably has royal genes in their bloodline somewhere.

Sheranee inherited her sense of adventure from her mother, and as soon as she felt ready she applied for and was granted membership to the Legion of Superheroes. When Sheranee joined the team she brought her Shwarrian Fire Kitten Nyabby along with her, though he generally remains confined to her quarters and nobody has met him yet. Sheranee has shown herself to be a competent Legionnaire with a cheery disposition that sees her getting along with everyone effortlessly.

Sheranee generally is faster, more agile, stronger and more durable than a regular Tamaranean. This classifies her as a metahuman by Earth standards. While she is significantly beyond peak human ability, she’s nowhere near the level of Timber Wolf or a speedster when it comes to strength, agility or speed. She also has superhumanly good night vision, though exotic forms of darkness like Shadow Lass’s power are still impenetrable to her. Like all Tamaraneans, Sheranee possesses the ability to absorb language through skin contact. Unlike most Tamaraneans, Sheranee doesn't possess the ability to fly under her own power, which may be her Terran side coming through.

Sheranee also possesses the ability to absorb solar energy through her skin. This is a passive ability which is always on, and it reduces the amount of food, water and oxygen she needs to function at optimum levels. More importantly, it fuels her starbolts; concussive bolts of energy which can smash their way through reinforced steel like it was balsa wood and shatter dense rocks some 40-60 feet in diameter into rubble.

Finally, Sheranee possesses a higher form of empathy with animals. While this falls short of complex communication, she is generally able to broadly sense how an animal is feeling and put them at ease around her. This quality is particularly notable with felines.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/18/24 06:43 AM.
razsolo #1025316 05/02/23 08:14 AM
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nicee bio, Raz! I especially like the Hindi heritage, the amicable parting of Sheranee's parents, and the good relationship she has with both until now! refreshing to see that.

also nice bit re the inbreeding, meaning most if not all Tamaraneans probably have some royal genes.I like that bit, and it makes sense for a smaller population

a Fire Kitten! of course it's from Schwar! I wanna see the Fire Kitten, I want! also, any reason why nobody else has met Nyabby? will it be a major plot point? smile

great description of her powerset, you are really good at defining and limiting your characters' powers - like, it's clear enough that if I wanted to play one as a character I'd know their limits. well done!

also nice bit that the animal empathy works best with felines tongue possible throwback to the Tamaranean genes?

razsolo #1025317 05/02/23 08:27 AM
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also loving the Sisterhood of Sin drawings - Nimbus actually looks real friendly (but I'd have to remember not to let my guard down lol)

White Bat looks really sleek!

Love the history of Star-Bear. heh at the fate of late 21st C Russia. that squadron of Rocket Reds is scary!

lol at how being a time-refugee made it difficult legally! and very realistic too, I can just imagine some fancy lawyer arguing that the UP court has no jurisdiction for some reason or other

Star-Bear seems really formidable, also buoyed up by her experience in brawling lol! I imagine she's the no-holds barred type!

razsolo #1025352 05/03/23 01:53 AM
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Sheranee's fire kitten is going to be very cute! I have been meaning to introduce pets to the Legion, but I keep forgetting about it - there is no real dramatic reason for Nyabby not to have been seen yet, I just haven't really had room to fit him in....soon though!

Sheranee's empathy being better with cats is a throwback to the Tamaranean stuff actually! I didn't wanna come out and specify it, but I'm glad it makes sense!

razsolo #1025355 05/03/23 05:38 AM
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yay! and also yay! it's also nice not to have to spell everything out, hee hee smile

razsolo #1025357 05/03/23 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by razsolo

Can she fly like most Tamaraneans? Starbolts were a Starfire/Blackfire thing, originally (although certainly could have been passed down genetically, or just become more common over the centuries as the original Psion experiments become a more common procedure / easily understood science), but almost everyone could use the stored solar energy for flight. (Blackfire being one of the rare Tamaraneans who couldn't.)

I like the concept that this half-Tamaranean / human hybrid is actually a bit stronger than the base Tamaranean, suggestive of the old 'hybrid vigor' theory.

Last edited by Set; 05/03/23 07:26 AM.

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razsolo #1025375 05/03/23 04:36 PM
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Oh dang you're right, flying IS a normal Tamaranean thing! Somehow I got it in my head only Kory could do it!

Sheranee can't fly under her own power, she's more likely to swing off things and jump about where it's applicable than fly around. I didn't want her to be too similar to Starfire power-wise, I will just update her bio to say she never got the flight genes. smile

razsolo #1025396 05/04/23 05:44 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Apiaton
Group Affiliation: Legion of Supervillains
Length: approximately 3”
Weight: less than 1 gram
Eyes: multi-faceted, no pupils or irises
Hair: n/a

Terrus is one of the weirder villains in the Legion of Superheroes’ rogue gallery. He is one of the Wiantern race, the dominant lifeform on the planet Apiaton. The Wiantern are insectoid and the vast majority of them have no desire to leave their planet, happy to live at peace with nature just as their less evolved insect cousins do on other worlds. Apiaton itself has a special protected status in the United Planets. To safeguard the planet and its fragile people, humanoid visitors are only allowed planetside under very exceptional circumstances. Even most scientific surveys are conducted by droids or remote controlled machines.

It is not known how Kzzkt gained the ability to mind-control all insectoid life within a few feet, but one day he used this power to sneak off-world with a swarm of his fellow Wiantern. Once off-world, he obtained a humanoid costume that could be manipulated from inside by his mind-controlled swarm and embarked on a career as the terrorist known as Terrus.

Most people assume that Terrus is just an oddly dressed criminal maniac, and Kzzkt plays that role to the hilt with a cheesy accent that makes him sound like a villain from a Wild West holofilm. He has generally contented himself with hare-brained schemes against the Westerner in the frontier colonies, but he was also recruited a couple of times to serve in the Legion of Supervillains. In his last outing with the LSV, Blok accidentally tore a hole through his costume and revealed Terrus’s true nature as a swarm of insects pretending to be a humanoid man.

Since then he has come up against the Legion a couple of times, and has been returned to Apiaton to be placed in custody each time. While his homeworld doesn’t really have the resources to hold Kzzkt without assistance from their nearby Science Police outpost, his status as a protected lifeform in the UP has meant that he can’t be sent to Takron-Galtos either.

Terrus is a very minor thorn in the Legion’s side, but he is a thorn that is likely to prick them again in the future.

Terrus’s greatest love in life is destruction. Even when he extorts money from his victims or commits robberies, he only does so to fund his obsession for booby traps and explosives. How an insect from a world without technology learned to become an expert in demolitions is a mystery, but his skill in this area is frighteningly advanced. In Terrus’s very first interaction with the Legion of Superheroes he rigged an asteroid field to rain down upon their shuttle with just the press of a button on a small hand-held device.

He is an expert at creating lethal booby traps both on a planet or in space, and without leaving a trace of his work visible to the casual observer until it’s too late.

Kzzkt is literally an insect, and has all the advantages of that form such as flight under his own power, clinging to walls, and stealth thanks to his diminutive size. As Terrus, he gives up these advantages in his humanoid outfit however.

Kzzkt has the ability to mentally enslave all insects within a few feet of himself. This seems to take minimal to no effort, as he routinely spends extended periods of time in his Terrus suit without any apparent exertion. Presumably his area of effect doesn’t extend any further than what he can comfortably fit inside his Terrus suit, as he would likely give himself a more intimidating “body” if he had the ability to do so.

Terrus doesn’t seem to carry any personal weapons, though it’s safe to assume that he always has remote controls for any number of traps and bombs hidden in his suit. While his suit is normally resistant enough to damage that it allows him to carry off the illusion of a humanoid body being inside it, he can release a chemical into the fibers to weaken them greatly so that the slightest impact will tear the suit apart and allow the swarm inside the suit to effect a quick escape.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/04/23 06:02 AM.
razsolo #1025398 05/04/23 08:02 AM
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haha I love how you just came out and said: Terrus is one of the weirder villains! also like Apiaton's protected status

so is it correct, that Kzzkt is mind-controlling others of his own species? wow that's... nasty actually. also interesting that cause he's a protected life form, he can't go to Takron-Galtos. are the others sentient too? or maybe they're less sentient? would be interesting if he ever tried to mind-control other species. can he control Insect Queen for example? tongue

razsolo #1025454 05/06/23 04:50 AM
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I am so far operating under the assumption that all of Terrus's fellow Wiantern bugs are just as sapient as he is, but I haven't really explored that in the series much tbh.

Terrus would actually be terrifying if he was a human bad guy with the same power range, I think it's just lucky that a small swarm of bugs wouldn't really be that big a deal for even well-equipped Science Police to deal with let alone superheroes so his love of blowing things up is looked at as the bigger threat.

As to whether he could control Insect Queen....I will keep my opinion to myself about that one, but I have thought about something similar when coming up with story ideas for him let's just say... wink

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/23 04:51 AM.
razsolo #1033356 02/03/24 08:41 AM
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Real Name:
Alek Arcane
Homeworld: Unknown, likely Earth
Group Affiliation: n/a
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black, with white streaks at temples

Alek Arcane is a descendant of the 21st Century villain Anton Arcane, and shares his interest with the esoteric forces of the universe. Very little is known about his life before he manipulated his daughter Antonine into becoming pregnant with the Avatar of the Green. Antonine fled Alek when she found out he was planning on using her daughter to create a sinister union between the elemental forces of the Green and the Rot, and her escape took her to isolated Moorte Island on Chlorophyll Kid's homeworld Mardru.

Antonine's infant daughter Ivy was born into her power as the Avatar of the Green immediately and the Green killed almost everyone on Moorte Island in a panicked effort to keep Ivy safe, presumably including Antonine herself. Alek Arcane knew that he wasn't ready to confront the Green directly and remained hidden, and when Chlorophyll Kid, Comet Queen and Phantom Girl faced the Green and took Ivy under their own protection they had no idea that Alek Arcane even existed, let alone that he maintained a sorcerous link with Ivy.

Over the following months, Alek's link with Ivy caused her a great deal of distress and occasionally caused another violent outburst from the Green as the infant tried to defend herself as best she could. Eventually Alek Arcane revealed himself to the Legion when he crashed Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen's wedding to try and take Ivy from them. Chlorophyll Kid defeated Alek Arcane (ironically with help from Ivy's power), and Alek has been imprisoned on Takron-Galtos ever since in a custom cell on Skepticism Isle under the administration of Subwarden Thirteen.

Alek Arcane is an expert necromancer and a brilliant schemer; he spent years manipulating events so that Ivy Arcane would be born the most powerful Avatar of the Green ever. He was also extremely methodical in his plot to confront the Legion directly, separating the team into smaller groups and isolating and distracting the Legionnaires he was most concerned about ruining his plans. Even imprisoned on Skepticism Isle without access to his magic, he was able to shatter Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen's spirits and showed utter confidence that he would one day escape the prison planet to murder the Legion of Superheroes and claim his granddaughter for her power.

His general sorcerous skill is enough for him to have maintained a low-level link with the infant Ivy Arcane, and to exploit that link when Otaki made mental contact with Ivy at a Legion tryout so that he could force the Green to attack everyone gathered at the tryout. While his link with Ivy was generally quite passive, he could strengthen it by casting a scrying ritual that gave him a more explicit sense of both her and her surroundings. It should be noted that while Saturn Girl could pick up on Ivy's terror of an unknown psychic force, Imra never detected the actual link that Alek had with his granddaughter.

Necromancy is Alek Arcane's specialty, and he has reanimated even long dead corpses to act as his servants. He has also been seen with undead animal attendants and has shown the ability to summon hordes of flies and maggots.

Alek Arcane has a death touch which is passively active, though it's not clear if this can be switched off. Any skin to skin contact will cause a victim to rot painfully to death within seconds; Elastic Lad is the only one who has avoided this fate, by temporarily stretching his arm fast enough to outrace the decay effect until Polar Boy gave him a more permanent fix by removing his arm altogether. Alek Arcane's death touch was equally effective against plant life when he fought Chlorophyll Kid, and he seemed quite confident that it would kill Phantom Girl even in her intangible state if she passed through him. In fact, his death touch even seems to work to a lesser degree psychically; when Otaki made mental contact with him using Ivy as a conduit, he aged her rapidly and caused her immense pain. Tellus also needed to be hospitalised from the pain and shock of sudden ageing when he made direct telepathic contact with Alek; it doesn't seem that this has caused Tellus any long-term physical effects, though it may just be that Hykraians age at a slower rate than humans.

razsolo #1033369 02/03/24 03:04 PM
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I like that Arcane is kinda skinny for his height. tired of everyone being musclebound heroic build types!

poor Antonine...

also cool that you've given Arcane his own sorcerous specialty. good way to differentiate magic users

razsolo #1033372 02/03/24 04:10 PM
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Thanks! I imagine him having a big imposing frame but underneath his fancy clothes he's all just skin and bones...and leaning into the necromancy makes it not just like fighting Mordru 2.0 when he pops up again eek

razsolo #1035015 03/28/24 05:50 AM
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Real Name:
n/a (clone of Nyeun Chun Ti)
Homeworld: one of Tharok's laboratories
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: bald

The man who would come to be known as the Emerald Emperor began life in one of Tharok's labs as a clone of Tharok's old teammate the Persuader. When the Persuader found out that Tharok had cloned him without consent, he formed his own Fatal Five consisting of himself, the Sklarian knife fighter Akka, the Coluan Makkia Vei, the Bgtzlr Ghost-6 and the Zwennite Gorgon Girl to murder his clone and eventually to kill Tharok himself as punishment for having cloned him. While they never really came close to their goal of killing Tharok, they very nearly murdered the Persuader's clone on Rimbor.

Under unknown circumstances, a second Emerald Eye of Ekron kept the Persuader's clone alive and also stopped the cellular degeneration that all of Tharok's other clones eventually suffered. Calling himself the Emerald Emperor, the clone ambushed Ultra Boy, Infectious Lass and Invisible Kid when they came to investigate what they thought would be his corpse. He fared well against the three Legionnaires, only being driven away in the end because Infectious Lass managed to make him too sick to continue fighting.

The Emerald Emperor next gathered his own version of the Fatal Five around him to seek vengeance on the Persuader, consisting of four other villains who had their own reasons to want the Persuader dead; Caress, Flare, Sub-Zero and Razorwire. The Emerald Emperor's Fatal Five tracked the Persuader's Fatal Five to the science planet Cadmu, and after a brief battle, the Emerald Emperor was turned to stone by Gorgon Girl's power and both Eyes of Ekron continued to be manipulated by other heroes and villains in the aftermath of the so-called War of the Fatal Fives.

For all anybody knew, the Emerald Emperor's transformation to stone was a permanent change but the Science Police took him into custody just in case he ever recovered from his petrification.

Recently, the Emerald Emperor vanished from his Science Police storage tesseract in a flash of emerald light, something which surely doesn't bode well for the future...

Like the Persuader, the Emerald Emperor has a degree of superhuman strength and stamina. He also possesses the Persuader's skill in fighting and particularly fighting with an axe.

When he possessed his own Eye of Ekron, the Emerald Emperor used it to create hardlight armour and an axe for himself as opposed to the way Sarya of Venegar tended to use her own Eye of Ekron to act on her behalf in combat while she remained relatively uninvolved in combat personally. There's no reaon to believe that the Emerald Emperor couldn't use the Eye of Ekron for energy blasts, force fields or any of the other uses that Sarya had for her own Eye; we have already seen that he used the Eye for teleportation for example.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/01/24 03:05 AM.
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war of the Fatal Fives! intriguing!

eager to see where you take this, raz!

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
war of the Fatal Fives! intriguing!

eager to see where you take this, raz!

Thanks IB! My spellchecker kept changing Ekron to Erkron, I thought I caught them all before going online the other night but one snuck through laugh

The Emerald Emperor was only around for about 5 minutes twelve years(!) ago, so I thought I better write up a quick bio for him before I start using him again smile

razsolo #1035132 04/01/24 04:43 AM
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Real Name:
Bii Liang
Homeworld: Tharr
Group Affiliation: Emerald Emperor’s Fatal Five (defunct); frequently allied with Razorwire
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: black

Bii Liang is actually the second man to call himself Sub-Zero; the original was his brother Tobi, who had a short-lived career as a mercenary until he crossed paths with the Persuader. The Persuader killed Tobi Liang, and his younger brother Bii decided then and there that one day he would slay the Persuader in revenge.

Tharr is not a planet well-known for its martial arts, but like all worlds it does have different schools on the subject. Bii Liang studied obsessively until he felt that he’d developed the skills to avenge his brother, and then he left his homeworld to find and kill the Persuader. Along the way, he has turned to criminal means to support himself and at some point he met his romantic and often professional partner Razorwire; the two men have been together ever since, even joining the Emerald Emperor’s short-lived Fatal Five together.

Sub-Zero did face the Persuader once; not only did he fail to kill him, but he was incensed when he realised the Persuader barely even remembered the original Sub-Zero among the many people he’s murdered in his life.

Following his team’s defeat on the science world Cadmu, Sub-Zero was briefly incarcerated before he and Razorwire escaped only to be defeated once more in a fight with Sun Boy and a Laurel Kent who was still a Legion Academy student at the time. The two criminals were taken into Science Police custody again and haven’t been heard from since.

Like all Tharrians, Sub-Zero possesses the ability to radiate a field of coldness to survive his homeworld’s intense heat. Unlike most Tharrians, Sub-Zero has honed his ability to create his own ice weapons such as shuriken or katana blades. While he has never really showed the range of versatility of someone like Polar Boy, his power suffices to give him a never-ending supply of whichever simple weapon he needs at the time.

In addition to this, he is a highly skilled martial artist. He was able to hold his own against the indestructible Laurel Kent even after being temporarily blinded by Sun Boy’s power.

razsolo #1035146 04/01/24 12:47 PM
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Now I'm eager to see more of both Sub-Zero and Razorwire, too!

razsolo #1035163 04/02/24 02:18 AM
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Real Name:
Monn Petti
Homeworld: Dominion Biovessel D-A272022
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy
Height: 4’ 6”
Weight: 70 lbs
Eyes: black, no pupils or irises
Hair: n/a

The girl who would come to take the name Enigma Lass (and later Monn Petti) started life with no name at all; she was simply Subject 58, cultivated from a birthing chamber on board a Dominion Science Research Biovessel. She was one of many attempts at creating metasoldiers for the Dominion, and for over twelve years her whole world was the ship upon which she was born.

Enigma Lass was one of the scientists’ success stories; they had managed to grow and activate metagenes in many of their subjects, but most of those subjects died when they burned themselves out or failed to develop immunity to their own powers. The activation of Enigma Lass’s power was so much a shock to her system that it killed her before anyone even found out what her power was, but when she recovered in perfect health ten minutes later the scientists on board realised that her power was in fact auto-resurrection.

Enigma Lass’s life for the following months was a horrifyingly traumatic experience of watching her fellow subjects die around her while she herself was tortured and killed so many times that she became numb to the experience. She learned to envy those around her who stayed dead and though she’d never known even the concept of justice in her life, something inside her nonetheless yearned for it.

Then the Dominator-slayer Revenant found the vessel and killed everyone on board, though of course that was only a temporary inconvenience to Enigma Lass. The combined forces of the Legion of Superheroes and the Oversight Watch rescued the young child, not realising at the time that she even had powers and assuming it was just their fortunate arrival that had saved her life.

The Oversight Watch took responsibility for the child. Makkia Vei fast-tracked her socialisation into United Planets society and was surprised to discover that the girl had a genius-level intellect. With her keen mind and her inability to die, the question was raised as to whether she should be inducted into the Oversight Watch herself.

Enigma Lass herself expressed a desire to join the Watch as she wanted to make something good out of everything she’d gone through, but it was decided that a covert ops team was no place for a young child. Makkia Vei instead suggested she join the Legion Academy and try to develop more normal relationships with her peers (a more cynical mind might suggest that Makkia saw the value in getting the Legion Academy to train her up and save the Oversight Watch the trouble of doing it themselves, perhaps eventually leading the unkillable girl gratefully back to the team who’d shown her kindness in the first place).

The nameless girl took the codename Enigma Lass, and deeply ashamed of her origins she created an outfit which covered her from head to toe and included a voice modulator to disguise her distinctive Dominator rasp. She begged Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl not to reveal her secret, and the two agreed only under the condition that she attend counselling sessions with Jrey Leven to work on her self-esteem and learn to come to terms with her identity and her past.

Enigma Lass aroused her fellow students’ curiosity from the moment she joined the team. The shy girl’s secret was revealed when she was crushed to death by a falling building on an adventure, her costume sustaining so much damage that her facial features became visible. Enigma Lass told her fellow students her story, fully expecting that they would react in disgust and kick her out of the school. Instead, she was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did most of the students welcome her with open arms but Variable Lad actually found her attractive. Of all the Academy students, only Key Kid has shunned her due to his own experiences with Dominators but the others have all rallied around their new friend and made it clear to Key Kid that he needs to be more accepting.

When Variable Lad later asked for Enigma Lass’s real name, she told him sadly that Dominators don’t have names. Oaa assured her she doesn’t have to live by the rules of the Dominion anymore, and right there on the spot Enigma Lass asked him to call her Monn Petti; a bastardisation of the first kind words any sentient ever said to her, when Invisible Kid (who wasn’t aware of her gender at the time) referred to her as mon petit on board the bioship from which she was rescued.

Enigma Lass still has a long way to go in dealing with the horror she’s been subjected to her whole life…she still hides her true features underneath full body outfits whenever she can, and though she no longer uses her voice modulator she tries as hard as she can to avoid using any words with a hard R sound as Dominators have a highly distinctive way of drawing this sound out.

She is happy for the first time in her life though, and making progress every day toward being happier.

Enigma Lass is a verified genius, limited only because until she was taken in by the Oversight Watch she’d literally just been treated as a lab experiment and could barely even verbalise. It is a testament to her great intellect that in a matter of months she learned to communicate fluently in Interlac and has shown great potential in the sciences, specifically in biological fields.

Enigma Lass has the power to automatically resurrect to perfect health whenever her life functions cease. When this power initially presented itself, it could take anywhere up to half an hour to regenerate depending on how much damage she’d sustained but now it takes a minute or two at most.

Her power doesn’t allow her to regenerate from non-lethal injury, though she has learned from painful experience that if she sustains a permanent non-lethal injury (eg: losing a limb or having her spine broken) and then dies later on from unrelated causes she will still heal back everything whole and unharmed; her body seems to have a default setting that it snaps back to whenever her life functions cease. What effect if any this has on her aging is as yet unclear. No records could be recovered from the bioship upon which she was born, and she hasn’t been with the Legion Academy long enough yet for anyone to notice how she ages.

For all intents and purposes, Enigma Lass presents as an otherwise normal Dominator child when she’s alive. She does have a much higher than usual resistance to disease however, and certain exotic senses (such as the Legionnaire Strut’s electrochemical senses) can identify that there is something radically different about her biology.

Enigma Lass’s power doesn’t insulate her from the physical pain or any psychological impact of dying, but she’s been killed literally hundreds of times in just as many ways while she was being experimented upon, and it has resulted in her having a remarkably casual approach to her own death.

Enigma Lass designed and grew her own biotech costume. It regrows itself when damaged, it protects her from sensory attacks, and it also acts as a kind of buffer to significantly prevent most natural or artificial senses from being able to detect her biology. Enigma Lass’s costume also initially contained a modulator to disguise her voice, but she has since stopped using it.

razsolo #1035164 04/02/24 03:00 AM
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Real Name:
Waiane Wentim
Homeworld: Zwen
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

Lullabye Lad is the younger brother of Legionnaire Stone Boy. On their homeworld Zwen, the Wentim family are descended from planetary founders and are respected anywhere they go. Off-world however, their status means nothing; Zwennites are generally seen with mild amusement, as they spend their world’s six month long “nights” in a petrified state to protect them from an inhospitable cold until the sun rises again and this means they tend to lag behind the rest of the United Planets culturally.

Lullabye Lad is generally more outgoing and fun-loving than his older brother, and he tried out for the Legion of Superheroes before Stone Boy had even become a member himself. While Lullabye Lad fared very well against biological opponents, he could only turn to stone when faced with droids that he couldn’t put to sleep. He didn’t make it into the Legion of Superheroes that day, but the team saw his potential and enrolled him into the Legion Academy.

Waiane has had his share of dramas as a Legion Academy student, from briefly dating and being dumped by Gravity Kid to being abducted by Orion the Hunter to facing undead White Martians, Earth-Man’s forces and even Legionnaires who’d been possessed by the Seven Deadly Sins once.

His biggest hurdle has been his vulnerability when it comes to fighting opponents he can’t just put to sleep, but even with his limited power he has been a consistently successful student and he eagerly looks forward to the day he will graduate to become a proper member of the Legion of Superheroes. Lullabye Lad can also have a tendency to be more emotionally sensitive than his peers, though the more time he spends away from his homeworld where he can develop psychologically and emotionally at a more normal rate compared to other UP worlds, the more emotionally mature he becomes.

Like his brother Stone Boy (and all other Zwennites), Lullabye Lad has the ability to transform into a highly durable stone form in which he enters a kind of suspended animation. He doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe in his stone form, and he doesn’t age. He also is completely immobile and unconscious in this form, which makes it less than ideal for fighting crime.

Fortunately, Lullabye Lad has the secondary power to put other sentients into the same state of unconsciousness that he assumes when he petrifies himself. When he uses this power against fellow Zwennites, they transform into their petrified forms as well. When he uses it against anybody else, they simply fall into a deep sleep from which it is very difficult to wake them. Occasionally he accompanies his power with a sing-song command to sleep (which is how he chose his codename), but he doesn’t need to do this for anything other than the aesthetic.

Lullabye Lad has yet to reveal where he came across his unique power of induced narcolepsy, which isn’t shared by anyone else on Zwen as far as is known.

razsolo #1035170 04/02/24 06:05 AM
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loving the bios, raz. esp. filling the gaps in on Enigma Lass (including the condition Imra/Garth placed for her secret identity), and alluding to Makkia Vei's perhaps-not-so-noble motives tongue

the genius-level intellect is a nice addition to her too! (and a good way to explain how she can speak Interlac etc., despite her origin), as is the "limitation" that her power only kicks in when she dies; but she doesn't heal from non-deadly injuries. also like how she designed her own costume (and that it regenerates too); as well as her now being desensitized to dying, in a way. nice touches, and very well thought-out!

the Wentim family pedigree is another nice touch!

and I like Waiane's continued growth and maturing. curious where he got his power!

razsolo #1035753 04/30/24 04:06 AM
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Real Name:
Bettina Herrmann
Homeworld: World War II era Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 390 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde

The finest scientists of Nazi Germany experimented on Bettina Herrmann to imbue her with the complimentary powers of super-bouncing and the absorption of kinetic energy to fuel contact-triggered explosions. The finest scientists of the 1940s still had a lot to learn however, and the woman codenamed Bouncing Betty’s power would have overwhelmed and destroyed her on her second outing if Earth-Man hadn’t intervened.

Earth-Man sent Spider-Girl to recruit Bouncing Betty from the past, warning Bettina of her upcoming death if she stayed in her home era. Bouncing Betty accompanied Spider-Girl back to the 31st Century, presumably stabilised her destructive powers with science far beyond anything from the 1940s, and was one of the more enthusiastic xenophobes to ally herself to Earth-Man’s cause as one of the Judgement League.

Bouncing Betty has yet to appear since the Judgement League dissolved, but it’s certain that whatever she’s up to is nothing altruistic.

Bouncing Betty has permanently taken on a more rounded form which, while not as perfectly spherical as Bouncing Boy’s, possesses similar bouncing abilities. A side effect of her power is that she is almost fully resistant to physical injury.

Aside from her bouncing ability, Betty can also absorb kinetic energy and release it explosively once she has enough of a charge. Her usual combat method is to bounce indiscriminately into enemy forces and cause chaos both by acting as something of a human-sized cannonball and also blowing something up randomly every two or three bounces.

razsolo #1035762 04/30/24 12:16 PM
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a real Nazi bad guy! no wonder she was one of the more enthusiastic Judgment Leaguers!

razsolo #1035805 05/02/24 06:56 AM
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Real Name:
Rosasharn Steinbeck
Homeworld: Early 21st Century Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 119 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde

The origin of White Lightning’s powers has yet to be revealed, but she would have died in her first foray against the superheroines Thunder and Grace Choi if Earth-Man hadn’t interfered to recruit her for his Judgement League a thousand years in the future.

Already a white supremacist anyway, White Lightning eagerly adapted her beliefs to a general hatred of all non-Terran races when she joined the Judgement League. She was Earth-Man’s most enthusiastic supporter when the Judgement league was active, and it’s likely that the two shared more than a platonic relationship.

White Lightning continued to espouse the same xenophobic beliefs as Earth-Man even after the Judgement League disbanded; she led a violent protest against four Legionnaires at the Superman Museum once, and fought most of the former Legion of Substitute Heroes another time in a bid to free Earth-Man from jail.

The limits of her power have yet to be explored, but White Lightning has the ability to generate powerful electrical blasts. She seemed to be at an impasse with Sun Boy’s fire blasts on one occasion but it was also noted that unlike White Lightning, Sun Boy was holding back so as not to seriously hurt her.

Her power combined with her coincidental physical similarity to Ayla Ranzz has led to her being described as a second-rate Lightning Lass.

Since the Judgement League was disbanded, White Lightning has twice led xenophobic mobs of normal humans; for someone a thousand years away from her home time, this shows an impressive degree of charisma and an ability to lead like-minded people.

razsolo #1035806 05/02/24 06:59 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Earth (from an unspecified point in the past)
Group Affiliation: often partnered with Bow; (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black (Black Dagger has a beard, but shaves his head)

The man known only as Black Dagger was recruited from some unspecified point in Earth’s past along with his partner in crime Bow where they’d both been small scale villains in New Zealand.

Black Dagger more often than not appears alongside Bow, but their personalities are quite different. Black Dagger is the more charismatic and relaxed of the two, and even when hunting a victim down he will generally engage in light banter with them. While he has no issue with killing people, to Black Dagger it’s just his job. He isn’t particularly sadistic or malevolent about it.

Black Dagger’s bond with Bow is fairly unique and quite strong; it’s known that even before they both were brought to this time they had an excellent working relationship. It’s unclear whether that relationship goes beyond being purely professional.

Black Dagger has no superhuman powers, but he is in extremely good physical shape and he is quite skilled at close quarters combat with a particular focus on knife fighting. He also has amazing aim, and his favourite attack is to throw his namesake daggers.

Black Dagger’s daggers are composed of an unidentified black stone which is highly durable and which (through presumably mystic means) can penetrate any organic material regardless of how invulnerable it might be. As his daggers are clearly irreplaceable, Black Dagger tries to collect and reuse them after each fight if possible.

razsolo #1035808 05/02/24 07:01 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Earth (from an unspecified point in the past)
Group Affiliation: often partnered with Black Dagger; (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: bald

The man known only as Bow was recruited from some unspecified point in Earth’s past along with his partner in crime Black Dagger where they’d both been small scale villains in New Zealand.

Bow very much plays his cards close to his chest, and practically nothing is known about him. He and Black Dagger more often than not appear as a unit however, and though Bow is a man of few words he seems to have some kind of bond with Black Dagger be it platonic, romantic or something else.

Although his choice of weapon is remarkably primitive for the 31st Century, Bow’s skill and lack of morals have allowed him to eke out a successful life as a criminal nonetheless.

Bow has no superhuman powers, but he is a highly skilled archer and quite accomplished at close quarters combat as well.

Enhancing his natural skill, he also uses an enchanted bow which causes any arrow fired from it to track its target until it strikes either Bow’s intended target or something else in its way. Bow deliberately keeps this enchantment a secret so his opponents never know the mechanics of how his arrows always hit their victim.

When Bow was first brought forward from the past to join the Judgement League he used primitive arrows made of wood and aluminium. However, he has been in the 31st Century long enough now that he has sourced far more study materials.

razsolo #1035815 05/02/24 11:07 AM
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yay! more Judgment Leaguers and original characters of yours getting some spotlight

so White Lightning is the electric lady! and of course she would take that name... love that she was fighting Thunder and Grace. Not just for the kinda-related power thingie with Thunder, but because of their ethnicity. it fits

re Black Dagger, so glad you have him collecting the daggers he throws. it always made me wonder, how we have so many "throw things" type characters who seem to have an endless supply of things to throw!

huh no wonder Bow does so well even with his "primitive" weapon, nice shtick.

color me intrigued!

razsolo #1035831 05/03/24 06:45 AM
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so White Lightning is the electric lady! and of course she would take that name... love that she was fighting Thunder and Grace. Not just for the kinda-related power thingie with Thunder, but because of their ethnicity. it fits

I was originally gonna have White Lightning fight Black Lightning just for the sake of the names matching, but the idea of a couple of kickass queer ladies of colour beating down a nazi won me over wink

Black Dagger collecting his daggers was a bit of an afterthought to be occurred to me while I was writing his bio that it's not much good having mystical weapons if you keep throwing them away laugh

I am kind of on a roll with the Judgement League now! I will see how many more of em I can get out the way over the next few days; a lot of them are gonna turn up soon in one capacity or another!

razsolo #1035832 05/03/24 06:53 AM
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Real Name:
Red Crow
Homeworld: 27th Century Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 151 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

In his own time, Red Crow was a bounty hunter and mercenary who turned on his own people for profit. He would have died in violent combat with his nemesis Nightflash were it not for the intervention of Earth-Man, who’d been scouring the timestream for recruits for his Judgement League.

Red Crow already felt loyalty to Earth-Man for saving his life anyway, but when he found out that he was the last pure-blooded survivor of the Ojibwe people in the 31st Century, it made him reevaluate the capitalist life he’d led up until that point and he dedicated himself to preserving the purity of the Terran race as a kind of penance for his past actions.

Red Crow has faded from public view since the dissolution of the Judgement League, but given his his background it’s likely that he’s gone off the grid as much as possible to live in what remains of Earth’s natural environment.

Like many inhabitants of Earth’s post-nuclear war society, Red Crow’s powers come from radiation induced mutation. He has a number of natural enhancements that make him an excellent aerial hunter and predator.

Red Crow is generally stronger, faster and has more stamina than an average human. Likewise, his senses are all at the peak level attainable by humans, but his eyesight in particular is extremely well-developed. He has superhuman night vision (though not capable of seeing through artificial darkness such as Tasmia and Grev Mallor’s shadow fields), and telescopic vision that allows him to see targets in detail at ten times the distance as an ordinary human.

Red Crow’s most obvious power is his ability to fly, by virtue of the red feathers that have spanned out from his armpits since he was born. Like his namesake, he can fly at up to 60 miles per hour.

Aside from his powers, Red Crow is a gifted survivalist and hunter. He is quite skilled at picking up and following a trail, and he can easily live in the wild relying on nothing but his own resources and his knowledge of the natural world.

Finally, Red Crow’s fingerless gloves house four small artificial talons on each hand. Each talon is roughly 1.5 inches long, and Red Crow is quite talented at using these in close quarters combat.

razsolo #1035848 05/04/24 02:31 AM
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cool! gonna be awesome seeing so many of your original characters pop up!

I like how Red Crow's near-death experience made him reevaluate things... though he didn't turn over a new leaf...

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/04/24 02:31 AM.
razsolo #1035858 05/04/24 11:08 PM
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Real Name:
Anatolius Aelianus
Homeworld: Ancient Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 127 lbs
Eyes: hazel
Hair: blond

In ancient Rome, the soldier named Anatolius Aelianus was gifted with a gladius made of fire from the god Apollo in order to slay the conquering tyrant Vandal Savage who had offended the Roman gods with his arrogant ambitions. Aelianus was one of the best swordsmen in Rome, but the gods had underestimated Vandal Savage’s own capacity for violence. Savage defeated Aelianus handily even with the soldier’s enchanted weapon, and threw him into a ravine to die with dishonour. Savage would later come to be humbled by the Roman gods themselves when his reach outstripped his grasp, and this would be just one more incident in the immortal man’s long and storied life.

Aelianus was saved from his fate when Earth-Man gathered him to join his Judgement League in the 31st Century. Earth-Man gave him the codename Sunsword, and the time-displaced warrior cast his lot with Earth-Man out of gratitude for saving his life and awe at the feats he could do with his powers and technology from the future.

Sunsword was never a particularly notable member of the Judgement League, and since the team’s dissolution he has taken a break from adventuring to work on familiarising himself with this strange future where he has now found himself.

Sunsword is an extremely skilled swordsman, and since moving to the 31st Century he has replaced his old iron alloy armour with a lightweight plasteel equivalent which is much more durable.

He carries a gladius blessed by the god Apollo so that the blade is composed of divine fire which is as hot as it needs to be, but can also be sheathed safely by Sunsword when not in use. Its godly origin also makes the sword uniquely effective against dark magic and psychic phenomena that would normally be unaffected by a physical attack.

To assist him in wielding his weapon without fear, Apollo gave Sunsword a secondary blessing which renders him immune from even the most intense heat or light-based attacks.

razsolo #1035859 05/05/24 04:12 AM
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Real Name:
Ethel Lyn Niwtyn
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 123 lbs
Eyes: different colors (see Powers & Weapons)
Hair: black (dyed blonde)

Eyeful Ethel’s history prior up to the point she joined the Judgement League has already been documented. Though her powers aren’t useful in combat, her expanded vision powers have been quite useful to Earth-Man’s xenophobic cause. She is also one of Metropolis’s best teachers, which has been arguably even more important in changing the minds of young Terrans to embrace the Judgement League’s prejudices.

Although the Judgement League has officially disbanded, Ethel is still working with at least her husband Tusker, the electrically powered White Lightning, and until recently the destructive Bouncing Betty.

Originally, Eyeful Ethel’s only power was 360 degree vision thanks to a ring of eyes circling her head. As she’s grown older, she has learned to manifest eyeballs anywhere on her body at will…she has also expanded her vision powers, so far showing evidence of x-ray vision and telescopic vision capable of seeing clearly over interplanetary distance.

To maximise her efficiency while she’s working with the Judgement League, Ethel now tends to leave eyes peeking out from anywhere she has exposed skin, though she can still absorb her extra eyes back into her body again whenever she wishes. Her eyes all function independently of one another and come in every color normally seen in Terrans. It’s unclear whether the color of her eyes has any connection to whatever vision power that eyeball might manifest.

A subtle side effect of her power is that Ethel’s brain is capable of processing information at the same rate as a 7th level intellect. While she’s not truly more intelligent than any other Terran, she can absorb and retain visual information far more effectively than her peers. This helped her immensely when she decided to become a teacher, and she is particularly knowledgeable about Earth history.

Last edited by razsolo; 07/09/24 01:18 AM.
razsolo #1035868 05/05/24 01:51 PM
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Great work tying Ethel’s powers into her teaching skill - love the secondary power that lets her process and retain everything she sees with her many eyes! Good way to make her more formidable

Also like the story around Sunsword!

razsolo #1035892 05/06/24 05:22 AM
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Thanks IB! The bit about Ethel I actually cribbed from her old Who's Who entry....they said she was naturally good at studying because she could read a bunch of texts at the same time so I just extrapolated from there smile

razsolo #1035899 05/06/24 06:42 AM
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ah! had no idea, but Who's Who was indeed a goldmine of nice tidbits. but kudos for taking that and expanding it! smile

razsolo #1036446 05/26/24 05:33 AM
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Real Name:
Han Sashi
Homeworld: Rimbor
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Trigger Mob, Emerald Emperor’s Fatal Five (defunct); frequently allied with Sub-Zero
Height: 6’
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: blonde

Han Sashi was a member of a Rimborian gang called the Trigger Mob, and he likely would have spent his life as an unremarkable criminal on a world full of them until a rival gang firebombed the warehouse that Sashi’s gang used as part of a weapons smuggling operation. Sashi was one of the only gang members who survived, but he had extensive burns over 35% of his body and was so severely injured that both his arms had to be amputated.

When the gang’s leader offered to pay for Sashi’s arms to be replaced with weapon-enhanced prosthetics if he would act as the Trigger Mob’s agent of vengeance, he was only too happy to accept. Covered in synthetic flesh with barbed wire tattoos looping down from his shoulders to his wrists, Sashi’s arms appear perfectly normal. Each arm contains tightly spooled barbed wire which he can shoot out at great speed and control, and he took on the codename Razorwire in honor of his unique attack.

It took months of dedicated training and nearly a year of relentlessly hunting down his enemies one by one, but Razorwire eventually killed every member of the rival gang just as he’d said he would. With his obligation to the Trigger Mob’s boss fulfilled, Razorwire left the gang on good terms and launched a broader career killing and maiming for profit throughout the United Planets.

At some point he met his romantic and often professional partner Sub-Zero, and the two men have been together ever since. Razorwire has happily joined Sub-Zero in his own revenge mission against the Persuader (who killed Sub-Zero’s brother), and Razorwire and Sub-Zero even joined the Emerald Emperor’s short-lived Fatal Five together.

Following his team’s defeat on the science world Cadmu, Razorwire was briefly incarcerated before he and Sub-Zero escaped only to be defeated once more in a fight with Sun Boy and a Laurel Kent who was still a Legion Academy student at the time. The two criminals were taken into Science Police custody again and haven’t been heard from since.

Razorwire has no natural powers, but his cybernetic arms give him slightly greater than human strength and are more resistant to injury than his flesh. His signature weapons however are the thin strands of barbed wire from which he takes his name, and that he can shoot out of ports in each wrist at great speed. He has a great degree of control over these whipstrands and can use them to flay an opponent, constrict around someone and even grab items for retrieval or to swing across rooftops. It’s not clear what these wires are made of, but they were capable of resisting Sun Boy’s fiery sheath in battle. Razorwire claimed at the time that Sun Boy could probably have melted through the wires, but he would have had to use such intense heat that it would have destroyed the rooftop they were fighting on.

Even before becoming Razorwire, Sashi was an accomplished street fighter and reasonably skilled with firearms; he has since become a combat expert with his barbed wire weapons, and along the way he’s also picked up some martial arts skill from Sub-Zero.

razsolo #1036468 05/27/24 12:58 AM
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Phew. Part of me wants to like him and Sub-Zero more, as they’re a bad ass gay couple, but..!

They’re probably also the type who’s get all the attention at a club, but they’ll only flirt with guys just as fit as they are tongue

razsolo #1036512 05/29/24 01:32 AM
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Oh yeah they are definitely the narcissistic weirdos that always hook up with someone who looks enough like them to be their clone laugh

razsolo #1036513 05/29/24 02:21 AM
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They’re probably boyfriend twins too tongue

And they freak out if their 8-pack looks like it will downgrade to only a 6-pack

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/29/24 02:21 AM.
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