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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
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razsolo #1025357 05/03/23 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by razsolo

Can she fly like most Tamaraneans? Starbolts were a Starfire/Blackfire thing, originally (although certainly could have been passed down genetically, or just become more common over the centuries as the original Psion experiments become a more common procedure / easily understood science), but almost everyone could use the stored solar energy for flight. (Blackfire being one of the rare Tamaraneans who couldn't.)

I like the concept that this half-Tamaranean / human hybrid is actually a bit stronger than the base Tamaranean, suggestive of the old 'hybrid vigor' theory.

Last edited by Set; 05/03/23 07:26 AM.

Wrapped Around Your Finger now complete in BITS!
razsolo #1025375 05/03/23 04:36 PM
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Oh dang you're right, flying IS a normal Tamaranean thing! Somehow I got it in my head only Kory could do it!

Sheranee can't fly under her own power, she's more likely to swing off things and jump about where it's applicable than fly around. I didn't want her to be too similar to Starfire power-wise, I will just update her bio to say she never got the flight genes. smile

razsolo #1025396 05/04/23 05:44 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Apiaton
Group Affiliation: Legion of Supervillains
Length: approximately 3”
Weight: less than 1 gram
Eyes: multi-faceted, no pupils or irises
Hair: n/a

Terrus is one of the weirder villains in the Legion of Superheroes’ rogue gallery. He is one of the Wiantern race, the dominant lifeform on the planet Apiaton. The Wiantern are insectoid and the vast majority of them have no desire to leave their planet, happy to live at peace with nature just as their less evolved insect cousins do on other worlds. Apiaton itself has a special protected status in the United Planets. To safeguard the planet and its fragile people, humanoid visitors are only allowed planetside under very exceptional circumstances. Even most scientific surveys are conducted by droids or remote controlled machines.

It is not known how Kzzkt gained the ability to mind-control all insectoid life within a few feet, but one day he used this power to sneak off-world with a swarm of his fellow Wiantern. Once off-world, he obtained a humanoid costume that could be manipulated from inside by his mind-controlled swarm and embarked on a career as the terrorist known as Terrus.

Most people assume that Terrus is just an oddly dressed criminal maniac, and Kzzkt plays that role to the hilt with a cheesy accent that makes him sound like a villain from a Wild West holofilm. He has generally contented himself with hare-brained schemes against the Westerner in the frontier colonies, but he was also recruited a couple of times to serve in the Legion of Supervillains. In his last outing with the LSV, Blok accidentally tore a hole through his costume and revealed Terrus’s true nature as a swarm of insects pretending to be a humanoid man.

Since then he has come up against the Legion a couple of times, and has been returned to Apiaton to be placed in custody each time. While his homeworld doesn’t really have the resources to hold Kzzkt without assistance from their nearby Science Police outpost, his status as a protected lifeform in the UP has meant that he can’t be sent to Takron-Galtos either.

Terrus is a very minor thorn in the Legion’s side, but he is a thorn that is likely to prick them again in the future.

Terrus’s greatest love in life is destruction. Even when he extorts money from his victims or commits robberies, he only does so to fund his obsession for booby traps and explosives. How an insect from a world without technology learned to become an expert in demolitions is a mystery, but his skill in this area is frighteningly advanced. In Terrus’s very first interaction with the Legion of Superheroes he rigged an asteroid field to rain down upon their shuttle with just the press of a button on a small hand-held device.

He is an expert at creating lethal booby traps both on a planet or in space, and without leaving a trace of his work visible to the casual observer until it’s too late.

Kzzkt is literally an insect, and has all the advantages of that form such as flight under his own power, clinging to walls, and stealth thanks to his diminutive size. As Terrus, he gives up these advantages in his humanoid outfit however.

Kzzkt has the ability to mentally enslave all insects within a few feet of himself. This seems to take minimal to no effort, as he routinely spends extended periods of time in his Terrus suit without any apparent exertion. Presumably his area of effect doesn’t extend any further than what he can comfortably fit inside his Terrus suit, as he would likely give himself a more intimidating “body” if he had the ability to do so.

Terrus doesn’t seem to carry any personal weapons, though it’s safe to assume that he always has remote controls for any number of traps and bombs hidden in his suit. While his suit is normally resistant enough to damage that it allows him to carry off the illusion of a humanoid body being inside it, he can release a chemical into the fibers to weaken them greatly so that the slightest impact will tear the suit apart and allow the swarm inside the suit to effect a quick escape.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/04/23 06:02 AM.
razsolo #1025398 05/04/23 08:02 AM
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haha I love how you just came out and said: Terrus is one of the weirder villains! also like Apiaton's protected status

so is it correct, that Kzzkt is mind-controlling others of his own species? wow that's... nasty actually. also interesting that cause he's a protected life form, he can't go to Takron-Galtos. are the others sentient too? or maybe they're less sentient? would be interesting if he ever tried to mind-control other species. can he control Insect Queen for example? tongue

razsolo #1025454 05/06/23 04:50 AM
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I am so far operating under the assumption that all of Terrus's fellow Wiantern bugs are just as sapient as he is, but I haven't really explored that in the series much tbh.

Terrus would actually be terrifying if he was a human bad guy with the same power range, I think it's just lucky that a small swarm of bugs wouldn't really be that big a deal for even well-equipped Science Police to deal with let alone superheroes so his love of blowing things up is looked at as the bigger threat.

As to whether he could control Insect Queen....I will keep my opinion to myself about that one, but I have thought about something similar when coming up with story ideas for him let's just say... wink

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/23 04:51 AM.
razsolo #1033356 02/03/24 08:41 AM
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Real Name:
Alek Arcane
Homeworld: Unknown, likely Earth
Group Affiliation: n/a
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black, with white streaks at temples

Alek Arcane is a descendant of the 21st Century villain Anton Arcane, and shares his interest with the esoteric forces of the universe. Very little is known about his life before he manipulated his daughter Antonine into becoming pregnant with the Avatar of the Green. Antonine fled Alek when she found out he was planning on using her daughter to create a sinister union between the elemental forces of the Green and the Rot, and her escape took her to isolated Moorte Island on Chlorophyll Kid's homeworld Mardru.

Antonine's infant daughter Ivy was born into her power as the Avatar of the Green immediately and the Green killed almost everyone on Moorte Island in a panicked effort to keep Ivy safe, presumably including Antonine herself. Alek Arcane knew that he wasn't ready to confront the Green directly and remained hidden, and when Chlorophyll Kid, Comet Queen and Phantom Girl faced the Green and took Ivy under their own protection they had no idea that Alek Arcane even existed, let alone that he maintained a sorcerous link with Ivy.

Over the following months, Alek's link with Ivy caused her a great deal of distress and occasionally caused another violent outburst from the Green as the infant tried to defend herself as best she could. Eventually Alek Arcane revealed himself to the Legion when he crashed Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen's wedding to try and take Ivy from them. Chlorophyll Kid defeated Alek Arcane (ironically with help from Ivy's power), and Alek has been imprisoned on Takron-Galtos ever since in a custom cell on Skepticism Isle under the administration of Subwarden Thirteen.

Alek Arcane is an expert necromancer and a brilliant schemer; he spent years manipulating events so that Ivy Arcane would be born the most powerful Avatar of the Green ever. He was also extremely methodical in his plot to confront the Legion directly, separating the team into smaller groups and isolating and distracting the Legionnaires he was most concerned about ruining his plans. Even imprisoned on Skepticism Isle without access to his magic, he was able to shatter Chlorophyll Kid and Comet Queen's spirits and showed utter confidence that he would one day escape the prison planet to murder the Legion of Superheroes and claim his granddaughter for her power.

His general sorcerous skill is enough for him to have maintained a low-level link with the infant Ivy Arcane, and to exploit that link when Otaki made mental contact with Ivy at a Legion tryout so that he could force the Green to attack everyone gathered at the tryout. While his link with Ivy was generally quite passive, he could strengthen it by casting a scrying ritual that gave him a more explicit sense of both her and her surroundings. It should be noted that while Saturn Girl could pick up on Ivy's terror of an unknown psychic force, Imra never detected the actual link that Alek had with his granddaughter.

Necromancy is Alek Arcane's specialty, and he has reanimated even long dead corpses to act as his servants. He has also been seen with undead animal attendants and has shown the ability to summon hordes of flies and maggots.

Alek Arcane has a death touch which is passively active, though it's not clear if this can be switched off. Any skin to skin contact will cause a victim to rot painfully to death within seconds; Elastic Lad is the only one who has avoided this fate, by temporarily stretching his arm fast enough to outrace the decay effect until Polar Boy gave him a more permanent fix by removing his arm altogether. Alek Arcane's death touch was equally effective against plant life when he fought Chlorophyll Kid, and he seemed quite confident that it would kill Phantom Girl even in her intangible state if she passed through him. In fact, his death touch even seems to work to a lesser degree psychically; when Otaki made mental contact with him using Ivy as a conduit, he aged her rapidly and caused her immense pain. Tellus also needed to be hospitalised from the pain and shock of sudden ageing when he made direct telepathic contact with Alek; it doesn't seem that this has caused Tellus any long-term physical effects, though it may just be that Hykraians age at a slower rate than humans.

razsolo #1033369 02/03/24 03:04 PM
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I like that Arcane is kinda skinny for his height. tired of everyone being musclebound heroic build types!

poor Antonine...

also cool that you've given Arcane his own sorcerous specialty. good way to differentiate magic users

razsolo #1033372 02/03/24 04:10 PM
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Thanks! I imagine him having a big imposing frame but underneath his fancy clothes he's all just skin and bones...and leaning into the necromancy makes it not just like fighting Mordru 2.0 when he pops up again eek

razsolo #1035015 03/28/24 05:50 AM
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Real Name:
n/a (clone of Nyeun Chun Ti)
Homeworld: one of Tharok's laboratories
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 240 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: bald

The man who would come to be known as the Emerald Emperor began life in one of Tharok's labs as a clone of Tharok's old teammate the Persuader. When the Persuader found out that Tharok had cloned him without consent, he formed his own Fatal Five consisting of himself, the Sklarian knife fighter Akka, the Coluan Makkia Vei, the Bgtzlr Ghost-6 and the Zwennite Gorgon Girl to murder his clone and eventually to kill Tharok himself as punishment for having cloned him. While they never really came close to their goal of killing Tharok, they very nearly murdered the Persuader's clone on Rimbor.

Under unknown circumstances, a second Emerald Eye of Ekron kept the Persuader's clone alive and also stopped the cellular degeneration that all of Tharok's other clones eventually suffered. Calling himself the Emerald Emperor, the clone ambushed Ultra Boy, Infectious Lass and Invisible Kid when they came to investigate what they thought would be his corpse. He fared well against the three Legionnaires, only being driven away in the end because Infectious Lass managed to make him too sick to continue fighting.

The Emerald Emperor next gathered his own version of the Fatal Five around him to seek vengeance on the Persuader, consisting of four other villains who had their own reasons to want the Persuader dead; Caress, Flare, Sub-Zero and Razorwire. The Emerald Emperor's Fatal Five tracked the Persuader's Fatal Five to the science planet Cadmu, and after a brief battle, the Emerald Emperor was turned to stone by Gorgon Girl's power and both Eyes of Ekron continued to be manipulated by other heroes and villains in the aftermath of the so-called War of the Fatal Fives.

For all anybody knew, the Emerald Emperor's transformation to stone was a permanent change but the Science Police took him into custody just in case he ever recovered from his petrification.

Recently, the Emerald Emperor vanished from his Science Police storage tesseract in a flash of emerald light, something which surely doesn't bode well for the future...

Like the Persuader, the Emerald Emperor has a degree of superhuman strength and stamina. He also possesses the Persuader's skill in fighting and particularly fighting with an axe.

When he possessed his own Eye of Ekron, the Emerald Emperor used it to create hardlight armour and an axe for himself as opposed to the way Sarya of Venegar tended to use her own Eye of Ekron to act on her behalf in combat while she remained relatively uninvolved in combat personally. There's no reaon to believe that the Emerald Emperor couldn't use the Eye of Ekron for energy blasts, force fields or any of the other uses that Sarya had for her own Eye; we have already seen that he used the Eye for teleportation for example.

Last edited by razsolo; 04/01/24 03:05 AM.
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war of the Fatal Fives! intriguing!

eager to see where you take this, raz!

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
war of the Fatal Fives! intriguing!

eager to see where you take this, raz!

Thanks IB! My spellchecker kept changing Ekron to Erkron, I thought I caught them all before going online the other night but one snuck through laugh

The Emerald Emperor was only around for about 5 minutes twelve years(!) ago, so I thought I better write up a quick bio for him before I start using him again smile

razsolo #1035132 04/01/24 04:43 AM
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Real Name:
Bii Liang
Homeworld: Tharr
Group Affiliation: Emerald Emperor’s Fatal Five (defunct); frequently allied with Razorwire
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: black

Bii Liang is actually the second man to call himself Sub-Zero; the original was his brother Tobi, who had a short-lived career as a mercenary until he crossed paths with the Persuader. The Persuader killed Tobi Liang, and his younger brother Bii decided then and there that one day he would slay the Persuader in revenge.

Tharr is not a planet well-known for its martial arts, but like all worlds it does have different schools on the subject. Bii Liang studied obsessively until he felt that he’d developed the skills to avenge his brother, and then he left his homeworld to find and kill the Persuader. Along the way, he has turned to criminal means to support himself and at some point he met his romantic and often professional partner Razorwire; the two men have been together ever since, even joining the Emerald Emperor’s short-lived Fatal Five together.

Sub-Zero did face the Persuader once; not only did he fail to kill him, but he was incensed when he realised the Persuader barely even remembered the original Sub-Zero among the many people he’s murdered in his life.

Following his team’s defeat on the science world Cadmu, Sub-Zero was briefly incarcerated before he and Razorwire escaped only to be defeated once more in a fight with Sun Boy and a Laurel Kent who was still a Legion Academy student at the time. The two criminals were taken into Science Police custody again and haven’t been heard from since.

Like all Tharrians, Sub-Zero possesses the ability to radiate a field of coldness to survive his homeworld’s intense heat. Unlike most Tharrians, Sub-Zero has honed his ability to create his own ice weapons such as shuriken or katana blades. While he has never really showed the range of versatility of someone like Polar Boy, his power suffices to give him a never-ending supply of whichever simple weapon he needs at the time.

In addition to this, he is a highly skilled martial artist. He was able to hold his own against the indestructible Laurel Kent even after being temporarily blinded by Sun Boy’s power.

razsolo #1035146 04/01/24 12:47 PM
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Now I'm eager to see more of both Sub-Zero and Razorwire, too!

razsolo #1035163 04/02/24 02:18 AM
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Real Name:
Monn Petti
Homeworld: Dominion Biovessel D-A272022
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy
Height: 4’ 6”
Weight: 70 lbs
Eyes: black, no pupils or irises
Hair: n/a

The girl who would come to take the name Enigma Lass (and later Monn Petti) started life with no name at all; she was simply Subject 58, cultivated from a birthing chamber on board a Dominion Science Research Biovessel. She was one of many attempts at creating metasoldiers for the Dominion, and for over twelve years her whole world was the ship upon which she was born.

Enigma Lass was one of the scientists’ success stories; they had managed to grow and activate metagenes in many of their subjects, but most of those subjects died when they burned themselves out or failed to develop immunity to their own powers. The activation of Enigma Lass’s power was so much a shock to her system that it killed her before anyone even found out what her power was, but when she recovered in perfect health ten minutes later the scientists on board realised that her power was in fact auto-resurrection.

Enigma Lass’s life for the following months was a horrifyingly traumatic experience of watching her fellow subjects die around her while she herself was tortured and killed so many times that she became numb to the experience. She learned to envy those around her who stayed dead and though she’d never known even the concept of justice in her life, something inside her nonetheless yearned for it.

Then the Dominator-slayer Revenant found the vessel and killed everyone on board, though of course that was only a temporary inconvenience to Enigma Lass. The combined forces of the Legion of Superheroes and the Oversight Watch rescued the young child, not realising at the time that she even had powers and assuming it was just their fortunate arrival that had saved her life.

The Oversight Watch took responsibility for the child. Makkia Vei fast-tracked her socialisation into United Planets society and was surprised to discover that the girl had a genius-level intellect. With her keen mind and her inability to die, the question was raised as to whether she should be inducted into the Oversight Watch herself.

Enigma Lass herself expressed a desire to join the Watch as she wanted to make something good out of everything she’d gone through, but it was decided that a covert ops team was no place for a young child. Makkia Vei instead suggested she join the Legion Academy and try to develop more normal relationships with her peers (a more cynical mind might suggest that Makkia saw the value in getting the Legion Academy to train her up and save the Oversight Watch the trouble of doing it themselves, perhaps eventually leading the unkillable girl gratefully back to the team who’d shown her kindness in the first place).

The nameless girl took the codename Enigma Lass, and deeply ashamed of her origins she created an outfit which covered her from head to toe and included a voice modulator to disguise her distinctive Dominator rasp. She begged Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl not to reveal her secret, and the two agreed only under the condition that she attend counselling sessions with Jrey Leven to work on her self-esteem and learn to come to terms with her identity and her past.

Enigma Lass aroused her fellow students’ curiosity from the moment she joined the team. The shy girl’s secret was revealed when she was crushed to death by a falling building on an adventure, her costume sustaining so much damage that her facial features became visible. Enigma Lass told her fellow students her story, fully expecting that they would react in disgust and kick her out of the school. Instead, she was pleasantly surprised to find that not only did most of the students welcome her with open arms but Variable Lad actually found her attractive. Of all the Academy students, only Key Kid has shunned her due to his own experiences with Dominators but the others have all rallied around their new friend and made it clear to Key Kid that he needs to be more accepting.

When Variable Lad later asked for Enigma Lass’s real name, she told him sadly that Dominators don’t have names. Oaa assured her she doesn’t have to live by the rules of the Dominion anymore, and right there on the spot Enigma Lass asked him to call her Monn Petti; a bastardisation of the first kind words any sentient ever said to her, when Invisible Kid (who wasn’t aware of her gender at the time) referred to her as mon petit on board the bioship from which she was rescued.

Enigma Lass still has a long way to go in dealing with the horror she’s been subjected to her whole life…she still hides her true features underneath full body outfits whenever she can, and though she no longer uses her voice modulator she tries as hard as she can to avoid using any words with a hard R sound as Dominators have a highly distinctive way of drawing this sound out.

She is happy for the first time in her life though, and making progress every day toward being happier.

Enigma Lass is a verified genius, limited only because until she was taken in by the Oversight Watch she’d literally just been treated as a lab experiment and could barely even verbalise. It is a testament to her great intellect that in a matter of months she learned to communicate fluently in Interlac and has shown great potential in the sciences, specifically in biological fields.

Enigma Lass has the power to automatically resurrect to perfect health whenever her life functions cease. When this power initially presented itself, it could take anywhere up to half an hour to regenerate depending on how much damage she’d sustained but now it takes a minute or two at most.

Her power doesn’t allow her to regenerate from non-lethal injury, though she has learned from painful experience that if she sustains a permanent non-lethal injury (eg: losing a limb or having her spine broken) and then dies later on from unrelated causes she will still heal back everything whole and unharmed; her body seems to have a default setting that it snaps back to whenever her life functions cease. What effect if any this has on her aging is as yet unclear. No records could be recovered from the bioship upon which she was born, and she hasn’t been with the Legion Academy long enough yet for anyone to notice how she ages.

For all intents and purposes, Enigma Lass presents as an otherwise normal Dominator child when she’s alive. She does have a much higher than usual resistance to disease however, and certain exotic senses (such as the Legionnaire Strut’s electrochemical senses) can identify that there is something radically different about her biology.

Enigma Lass’s power doesn’t insulate her from the physical pain or any psychological impact of dying, but she’s been killed literally hundreds of times in just as many ways while she was being experimented upon, and it has resulted in her having a remarkably casual approach to her own death.

Enigma Lass designed and grew her own biotech costume. It regrows itself when damaged, it protects her from sensory attacks, and it also acts as a kind of buffer to significantly prevent most natural or artificial senses from being able to detect her biology. Enigma Lass’s costume also initially contained a modulator to disguise her voice, but she has since stopped using it.

razsolo #1035164 04/02/24 03:00 AM
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Real Name:
Waiane Wentim
Homeworld: Zwen
Group Affiliation: Legion Academy
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

Lullabye Lad is the younger brother of Legionnaire Stone Boy. On their homeworld Zwen, the Wentim family are descended from planetary founders and are respected anywhere they go. Off-world however, their status means nothing; Zwennites are generally seen with mild amusement, as they spend their world’s six month long “nights” in a petrified state to protect them from an inhospitable cold until the sun rises again and this means they tend to lag behind the rest of the United Planets culturally.

Lullabye Lad is generally more outgoing and fun-loving than his older brother, and he tried out for the Legion of Superheroes before Stone Boy had even become a member himself. While Lullabye Lad fared very well against biological opponents, he could only turn to stone when faced with droids that he couldn’t put to sleep. He didn’t make it into the Legion of Superheroes that day, but the team saw his potential and enrolled him into the Legion Academy.

Waiane has had his share of dramas as a Legion Academy student, from briefly dating and being dumped by Gravity Kid to being abducted by Orion the Hunter to facing undead White Martians, Earth-Man’s forces and even Legionnaires who’d been possessed by the Seven Deadly Sins once.

His biggest hurdle has been his vulnerability when it comes to fighting opponents he can’t just put to sleep, but even with his limited power he has been a consistently successful student and he eagerly looks forward to the day he will graduate to become a proper member of the Legion of Superheroes. Lullabye Lad can also have a tendency to be more emotionally sensitive than his peers, though the more time he spends away from his homeworld where he can develop psychologically and emotionally at a more normal rate compared to other UP worlds, the more emotionally mature he becomes.

Like his brother Stone Boy (and all other Zwennites), Lullabye Lad has the ability to transform into a highly durable stone form in which he enters a kind of suspended animation. He doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breathe in his stone form, and he doesn’t age. He also is completely immobile and unconscious in this form, which makes it less than ideal for fighting crime.

Fortunately, Lullabye Lad has the secondary power to put other sentients into the same state of unconsciousness that he assumes when he petrifies himself. When he uses this power against fellow Zwennites, they transform into their petrified forms as well. When he uses it against anybody else, they simply fall into a deep sleep from which it is very difficult to wake them. Occasionally he accompanies his power with a sing-song command to sleep (which is how he chose his codename), but he doesn’t need to do this for anything other than the aesthetic.

Lullabye Lad has yet to reveal where he came across his unique power of induced narcolepsy, which isn’t shared by anyone else on Zwen as far as is known.

razsolo #1035170 04/02/24 06:05 AM
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loving the bios, raz. esp. filling the gaps in on Enigma Lass (including the condition Imra/Garth placed for her secret identity), and alluding to Makkia Vei's perhaps-not-so-noble motives tongue

the genius-level intellect is a nice addition to her too! (and a good way to explain how she can speak Interlac etc., despite her origin), as is the "limitation" that her power only kicks in when she dies; but she doesn't heal from non-deadly injuries. also like how she designed her own costume (and that it regenerates too); as well as her now being desensitized to dying, in a way. nice touches, and very well thought-out!

the Wentim family pedigree is another nice touch!

and I like Waiane's continued growth and maturing. curious where he got his power!

razsolo #1035753 04/30/24 04:06 AM
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Real Name:
Bettina Herrmann
Homeworld: World War II era Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 390 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde

The finest scientists of Nazi Germany experimented on Bettina Herrmann to imbue her with the complimentary powers of super-bouncing and the absorption of kinetic energy to fuel contact-triggered explosions. The finest scientists of the 1940s still had a lot to learn however, and the woman codenamed Bouncing Betty’s power would have overwhelmed and destroyed her on her second outing if Earth-Man hadn’t intervened.

Earth-Man sent Spider-Girl to recruit Bouncing Betty from the past, warning Bettina of her upcoming death if she stayed in her home era. Bouncing Betty accompanied Spider-Girl back to the 31st Century, presumably stabilised her destructive powers with science far beyond anything from the 1940s, and was one of the more enthusiastic xenophobes to ally herself to Earth-Man’s cause as one of the Judgement League.

Bouncing Betty has yet to appear since the Judgement League dissolved, but it’s certain that whatever she’s up to is nothing altruistic.

Bouncing Betty has permanently taken on a more rounded form which, while not as perfectly spherical as Bouncing Boy’s, possesses similar bouncing abilities. A side effect of her power is that she is almost fully resistant to physical injury.

Aside from her bouncing ability, Betty can also absorb kinetic energy and release it explosively once she has enough of a charge. Her usual combat method is to bounce indiscriminately into enemy forces and cause chaos both by acting as something of a human-sized cannonball and also blowing something up randomly every two or three bounces.

razsolo #1035762 04/30/24 12:16 PM
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a real Nazi bad guy! no wonder she was one of the more enthusiastic Judgment Leaguers!

razsolo #1035805 05/02/24 06:56 AM
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Real Name:
Rosasharn Steinbeck
Homeworld: Early 21st Century Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 119 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde

The origin of White Lightning’s powers has yet to be revealed, but she would have died in her first foray against the superheroines Thunder and Grace Choi if Earth-Man hadn’t interfered to recruit her for his Judgement League a thousand years in the future.

Already a white supremacist anyway, White Lightning eagerly adapted her beliefs to a general hatred of all non-Terran races when she joined the Judgement League. She was Earth-Man’s most enthusiastic supporter when the Judgement league was active, and it’s likely that the two shared more than a platonic relationship.

White Lightning continued to espouse the same xenophobic beliefs as Earth-Man even after the Judgement League disbanded; she led a violent protest against four Legionnaires at the Superman Museum once, and fought most of the former Legion of Substitute Heroes another time in a bid to free Earth-Man from jail.

The limits of her power have yet to be explored, but White Lightning has the ability to generate powerful electrical blasts. She seemed to be at an impasse with Sun Boy’s fire blasts on one occasion but it was also noted that unlike White Lightning, Sun Boy was holding back so as not to seriously hurt her.

Her power combined with her coincidental physical similarity to Ayla Ranzz has led to her being described as a second-rate Lightning Lass.

Since the Judgement League was disbanded, White Lightning has twice led xenophobic mobs of normal humans; for someone a thousand years away from her home time, this shows an impressive degree of charisma and an ability to lead like-minded people.

razsolo #1035806 05/02/24 06:59 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Earth (from an unspecified point in the past)
Group Affiliation: often partnered with Bow; (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black (Black Dagger has a beard, but shaves his head)

The man known only as Black Dagger was recruited from some unspecified point in Earth’s past along with his partner in crime Bow where they’d both been small scale villains in New Zealand.

Black Dagger more often than not appears alongside Bow, but their personalities are quite different. Black Dagger is the more charismatic and relaxed of the two, and even when hunting a victim down he will generally engage in light banter with them. While he has no issue with killing people, to Black Dagger it’s just his job. He isn’t particularly sadistic or malevolent about it.

Black Dagger’s bond with Bow is fairly unique and quite strong; it’s known that even before they both were brought to this time they had an excellent working relationship. It’s unclear whether that relationship goes beyond being purely professional.

Black Dagger has no superhuman powers, but he is in extremely good physical shape and he is quite skilled at close quarters combat with a particular focus on knife fighting. He also has amazing aim, and his favourite attack is to throw his namesake daggers.

Black Dagger’s daggers are composed of an unidentified black stone which is highly durable and which (through presumably mystic means) can penetrate any organic material regardless of how invulnerable it might be. As his daggers are clearly irreplaceable, Black Dagger tries to collect and reuse them after each fight if possible.

razsolo #1035808 05/02/24 07:01 AM
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Real Name:
Homeworld: Earth (from an unspecified point in the past)
Group Affiliation: often partnered with Black Dagger; (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 180 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: bald

The man known only as Bow was recruited from some unspecified point in Earth’s past along with his partner in crime Black Dagger where they’d both been small scale villains in New Zealand.

Bow very much plays his cards close to his chest, and practically nothing is known about him. He and Black Dagger more often than not appear as a unit however, and though Bow is a man of few words he seems to have some kind of bond with Black Dagger be it platonic, romantic or something else.

Although his choice of weapon is remarkably primitive for the 31st Century, Bow’s skill and lack of morals have allowed him to eke out a successful life as a criminal nonetheless.

Bow has no superhuman powers, but he is a highly skilled archer and quite accomplished at close quarters combat as well.

Enhancing his natural skill, he also uses an enchanted bow which causes any arrow fired from it to track its target until it strikes either Bow’s intended target or something else in its way. Bow deliberately keeps this enchantment a secret so his opponents never know the mechanics of how his arrows always hit their victim.

When Bow was first brought forward from the past to join the Judgement League he used primitive arrows made of wood and aluminium. However, he has been in the 31st Century long enough now that he has sourced far more study materials.

razsolo #1035815 05/02/24 11:07 AM
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yay! more Judgment Leaguers and original characters of yours getting some spotlight

so White Lightning is the electric lady! and of course she would take that name... love that she was fighting Thunder and Grace. Not just for the kinda-related power thingie with Thunder, but because of their ethnicity. it fits

re Black Dagger, so glad you have him collecting the daggers he throws. it always made me wonder, how we have so many "throw things" type characters who seem to have an endless supply of things to throw!

huh no wonder Bow does so well even with his "primitive" weapon, nice shtick.

color me intrigued!

razsolo #1035831 05/03/24 06:45 AM
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so White Lightning is the electric lady! and of course she would take that name... love that she was fighting Thunder and Grace. Not just for the kinda-related power thingie with Thunder, but because of their ethnicity. it fits

I was originally gonna have White Lightning fight Black Lightning just for the sake of the names matching, but the idea of a couple of kickass queer ladies of colour beating down a nazi won me over wink

Black Dagger collecting his daggers was a bit of an afterthought to be occurred to me while I was writing his bio that it's not much good having mystical weapons if you keep throwing them away laugh

I am kind of on a roll with the Judgement League now! I will see how many more of em I can get out the way over the next few days; a lot of them are gonna turn up soon in one capacity or another!

razsolo #1035832 05/03/24 06:53 AM
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Real Name:
Red Crow
Homeworld: 27th Century Earth
Group Affiliation: (formerly) Judgement League
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 151 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

In his own time, Red Crow was a bounty hunter and mercenary who turned on his own people for profit. He would have died in violent combat with his nemesis Nightflash were it not for the intervention of Earth-Man, who’d been scouring the timestream for recruits for his Judgement League.

Red Crow already felt loyalty to Earth-Man for saving his life anyway, but when he found out that he was the last pure-blooded survivor of the Ojibwe people in the 31st Century, it made him reevaluate the capitalist life he’d led up until that point and he dedicated himself to preserving the purity of the Terran race as a kind of penance for his past actions.

Red Crow has faded from public view since the dissolution of the Judgement League, but given his his background it’s likely that he’s gone off the grid as much as possible to live in what remains of Earth’s natural environment.

Like many inhabitants of Earth’s post-nuclear war society, Red Crow’s powers come from radiation induced mutation. He has a number of natural enhancements that make him an excellent aerial hunter and predator.

Red Crow is generally stronger, faster and has more stamina than an average human. Likewise, his senses are all at the peak level attainable by humans, but his eyesight in particular is extremely well-developed. He has superhuman night vision (though not capable of seeing through artificial darkness such as Tasmia and Grev Mallor’s shadow fields), and telescopic vision that allows him to see targets in detail at ten times the distance as an ordinary human.

Red Crow’s most obvious power is his ability to fly, by virtue of the red feathers that have spanned out from his armpits since he was born. Like his namesake, he can fly at up to 60 miles per hour.

Aside from his powers, Red Crow is a gifted survivalist and hunter. He is quite skilled at picking up and following a trail, and he can easily live in the wild relying on nothing but his own resources and his knowledge of the natural world.

Finally, Red Crow’s fingerless gloves house four small artificial talons on each hand. Each talon is roughly 1.5 inches long, and Red Crow is quite talented at using these in close quarters combat.

razsolo #1035848 05/04/24 02:31 AM
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cool! gonna be awesome seeing so many of your original characters pop up!

I like how Red Crow's near-death experience made him reevaluate things... though he didn't turn over a new leaf...

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