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razsolo #963499 11/23/18 02:00 AM
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Real Name:
Danielle Foccart
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Danielle Foccart was still only a child when she first encountered the Legion of Superheroes. Stricken with an apparently incurable illness, she would have surely died if her older brother Jacques hadn’t brought her to Brainiac 5 for treatment. Brainiac 5 did cure Danielle, but in using the same technology which had once created the villainous Computo he inadvertantly brought Computo back to life in the young girl’s body.

Computo hijacked the Legion’s headquarters and came close to killing many of the team, but with Jacques Foccart’s help (and Lyle Norg’s invisibility serum) the artificially intelligent monster was defeated. Jacques became the second Invisible Kid and joined the Legion, and Danielle went back home safe and sound.

As she grew into her teens, it became apparent to Danielle that her experience with Computo and the Legion had changed her as it had her brother. She had inherited Computo’s ability to control technology, and once she was confident that she had mastered her cyberempathy she tried out for Legion membership. She chose the codename Kid Computo as a way of challenging her own terror of the monster who’d once possessed her, and while this was initially a bone of contention for some Legionnaires (especially Duplicate Damsel, who disliked Danielle intensely until the two talked out their issues) she has since proven to be a great asset to the team.

Kid Computo’s cyberempathy allows her to effortlessly communicate with and control technology within an undisclosed radius. She once used boosters designed by Brainiac 5 to extend her power’s range to planetary orbit, but she has never faced any issues using her power within any practical boundaries during a mission. It’s possible to hide technology from her using a cloaking device, but she has shown on multiple occasions that if she knows to look for the cloaking technology itself she can control that as easily as she does anything else.

Danielle doesn’t have any particularly advanced technical knowledge or skills aside from the shortcut her power provides, and highly advanced tech requires greater focus from her to comprehend. On one occasion she was stranded over a thousand years in the past, and a Coluan-designed starship from that era was enough of a challenge that she could only affect individual ship systems at a time. In general, Danielle can control multiple forms of technology at once but the difficulty increases the more her attention is divided. She has also shown a propensity to become overawed by truly sapient technology; she had to be reminded to stay on task when she first came across the Robotican species, and she was distracted enough by the discovery that Karth Arn is a sapient being that she wasn't able to react in time to prevent him escaping Legion custody.

Kid Computo has learned basic unarmed combat skills in the event that she needs to face an opponent without technology, but she’d be the first to admit that she needs a lot of work in this area.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:34 AM.
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Past Members:
Antennae Lad, Bouncing Boy, Chlorophyll Kid, Color Kid, Comet Queen, Cosmic Boy, Crystal Kid, Double-Header (deceased), Dream Girl, Duo Damsel (now known as Una), Fire Lad (now known as Firecrest), Infectious Lass, Karate Kid II (deceased), Night Girl, Polar Boy, Polecat, Porcupine Pete, Rainbow Girl, Star Boy, Stone Boy

Current Members: Antennae Lad, Bouncing Boy, Polecat, Porcupine Pete, Rainbow Girl, Una

When Polar Boy, Night Girl, Fire Lad, Chlorophyll Kid and Stone Boy were unsuccessful in their efforts to join the Legion of Superheroes, they banded together to form a team who would act secretly when the Legion of Superheroes were unavailable; a Legion of Substitute Heroes. They didn't stay secret for long, and they soon became accepted as occasional but welcome allies to the more popular Legion. Color Kid was their next recruit, and the roster of the Legion of Substitute Heroes (or "Subs", as they were affectionately called) was based around that core membership for quite some time.

There was a period of time when the Subs were treated as a second-rate joke of a team, and this eventually resulted in their temporary dissolution. A second team of Substitute Heroes formed during this time with Cosmic Boy, Night Girl, Bouncing Boy, Duplicate Damsel, Karate Kid II and Comet Queen, but this team was very short-lived.

When Earth-Man and his Justice League turned Earth against the Legion of Superheroes, many of the original Subs reformed the team along with new recruit Rainbow Girl. Their aid was invaluable to the LSH, and the Subs remained active after Earth-Man and his cronies were defeated. When all of the founding members of the Subs finally realised their dream of being admitted to the Legion of Superheroes, the bond between the two teams grew stronger than ever. Despite their good relationship though, it had become clear that the Subs no longer really saw their role as to be substitutes when the Legion of Superheroes were unavailable.

When the supervillain Myriad abducted Rainbow Girl in an effort to steal her powers, Bouncing Boy and Una teamed up with the Subs to bring him down; at the end of that adventure both heroes were granted membership to the Subs, but it was agreed by all that they probably needed a name that reflected them more accurately and the Cavalry was born.The Cavalry now work (and in some cases, live) out of the United Planets Museum of the Superhero which has been built on the site of the Legion of Superheroes' old headquarters in Metropolis.

Real Name:
Khfeurb Chee Bez
Homeworld: Grxyor
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: grey
Hair: none

Antennae Lad initially became an auxilliary member of the Legon of Substitute Heroes after he was rejected by the Legion of Superheroes, and over time he earned his way to full membership in the Subs.

Antennae Lad was born with the unique ability to pick up radio transmissions from the past, present and future and play them through his ears. While he still tends to lose control of this odd power in times of stress, he has much better control than he exhibited when he tried out for the Legion of Superheroes years ago. Antennae Lad's power is obviously more useful for gathering information than combat, but he has become quite proficient at blasting feedback at high volumes as a distracting tactic during battle.

Real Name:
Charles Foster Taine
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 227 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: black

Most of Bouncing Boy's history is a matter of public record. When his wife's duplication power was recently stolen by the supervillain Myriad, Bouncing Boy and Una teamed up with the Legion of Substitute Heroes to stop Myriad from doing the same to Rainbow Girl. At the end of that adventure Bouncing Boy, Una and the Subs decided to stay together on a more permanent basis as the Cavalry.

Bouncing Boy possesses the ability to inflate himself like a balloon into a large rounded shape. He's essentially a living rubber ball in this form, practically impervious to physical harm as well as electrocution. He can also bounce like a ball (thus his name), and is surprisingly effective at putting this to good use. With enough momentum, Bouncing Boy is like a human cannonball. He also has an excellent grasp of spatial geography and is faster and more agile than his size would suggest. Aside from his physical capabilities, Bouncing Boy has also become quite an adept tactical thinker and he's very perceptive when it comes to recognising the hidden strengths of those around him.

Real Name:
Dafe Meron
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 6"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Dafe Meron was born with two horns on his forehead which can generate a variety of foul-smelling odours. He couldn't control this ability for most of his life and was shunned by most people. After being rejected by the Legion of Superheroes, he took a job at an isolated Antarctic research station where he could work at mastering his powers away from others, and eventually he joined the Subs. He is remarkably optimistic and cheery for someone who has spent so much time being avoided by other people. Along with Antennae Lad, Porcupine Pete and Rainbow Girl he agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Polecat can emit odours which range in intensity from merely unpleasant to debilitatingly noxious. Polecat himself is immune to his own power and to other olfactory irritants. As a side effect of his immunity, Polecat has very poorly developed sense of smell and taste.

Real Name:
Peter Dursin
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

Like most of the rest of his team, Porcupine Pete joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes after he was rejected by the Legion of Superheroes. He and his teammate Infectious Lass struck up a close friendship which may have become something deeper, but then Infectious Lass joined the Legion of Superheroes and was almost immediately jettisoned into the timestream by Earth-Man. Not realising her predicament, Pete simply assumed she'd become too preoccupied with her Legion duties to keep in touch with him. He resolved to finally join the LSH himself, and to this end he left Earth to try and find some way to gain greater control of his power.

Pete eventually found himself on the planet Steeple, and the monks there taught him techniques that gave him much more fine control of his power than he'd had previously. After a long time away from Earth he finally returned to court Infectious Lass, but sadly for him she had started a relationship with Invisible Kid while Pete had been gone. Pete was miserable at first, but he has since realised how happy Infectious Lass and Invisible Kid are and he made steps to strengthen his platonic friendship with Drura again. Once the founding Subs all joined the Legion of Superheroes, Pete also found himself in the strange but welcome position of being the most senior member of the team. Until the team's dissolution, he was generally seen as a kind of unofficial leader/mentor by the others when needed. Along with Antennae Lad, Polecat and Rainbow Girl he agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Porcupine Pete is covered from head to toe in razor-sharp quills instead of body hair. He can detach these quills from himself painlessly at will, and they grow back with great speed (usually within about half an hour). Pete generally regenerates about 25% faster from injuries than a regular Earth man, which is presumably related to his ability to regrow quills so quickly.

Originally he could only shoot all of his quills off in an omnidirectional explosive barrage, but after training with the monks on Steeple he has since learned to shoot off only a select portion of quills in a particular direction. Part of his training on Steeple also involved physical discipline, meditation techniques and martial arts. While he's far from a master at any of these, he's noticeably more skilled than the average person.

Real Name:
Doritheea "Dori" Aandraison
Homeworld: Xolnar
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 128 lbs
Eyes: purple
Hair: black

Rainbow Girl's transition from Legion of Superheroes reject to becoming a member of the Legion of Substitute Heroes was not as straightforward as with many of the other Subs. She actively avoided joining the Subs for some time as she felt that their social status was not elevated enough to be of benefit in her quest for fame. It was only when Earth-Man and his cronies took over the Earth and made it impossible for aliens to live peacefully there that Dori realised there were some things more important than fame and she joined the Subs to fight against his evil. She matured greatly after joining the Subs, especially once the founding members all joined the Legion of Superheroes and she found herself in the position of enabling many of her team's activities through her great wealth.

Dori was recently abducted by the supervillain Myriad, who had planned on stealing her metahuman abilities; it was only through this experience that she learned the true nature of her power and she has committed herself to learning to fully control it. Along with Antennae Lad, Polecat and Porcupine Pete, Dori agreed to change the team's name to the Cavalry when they took on Bouncing Boy and Una as members.

Rainbow Girl possesses the strange ability to temporarily overwrite her own personal reality with that of one of her multiversal counterparts in a very specific way; in practical terms this means she is constantly displaying different rainbow-themed abilities borrowed from different dimensions. Among other abilities, she has displayed pheremone emission, powers linked to the Emotional Spectrum, the ability to transform solid objects into light, concussive force beams, weather control, self-duplication and the ability to control anything which is the same color as her aura. She has only very recently learned the true nature of her power, and for most of her career her mind (and the minds of those around her) have successfully suppressed any conscious realisation of how often her power changes as a subconscious method of defending their own sanity against her constant alterations of reality. Now that the truth has come out, it's unknown whether this will lead to any negative psychological effects but Rainbow Girl has committed to learning a greater control of her currently quite random abilities.

Real Name:
Luornu Durgo Taine
Homeworld: Cargg
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: purple and amber
Hair: brown

Luornu Durgo Taine has had more superhero identities in her life than any of her peers. Originally calling herself Triplicate Girl, she joined the Legion of Superheroes with Phantom Girl as one of the team's first two post-founding recruits. She served as a Legionnaire under the names Duo Damsel and Duplicate Damsel, and despite her low power level she was always one of the most respected members of the team. Her last stint with the Legion of Superheroes ended under very stressful circumstances, and Luornu and her husband decided to take on reserve status and leave the team. For several months she and Bouncing Boy lived on Titan, where a Dr Jadzi Dax launched an intense investigation into the nature of Duplicate Damsel's quantum duplication abilities. Little did Luornu know that Dax's research was solely geared toward being able to steal her powers for himself. He did so, and calling himself Myriad he also attempted to do the same to Rainbow Girl.

Despite being powerless, Luornu refused to let Myriad win; she donned the forcefield belt that Brainiac 5 had once given her and renamed herself Una. Una and Bouncing Boy worked together with Rainbow Girl's teammates in the Legion of Substitute Heroes to rescue her, and all of them agreed to work together on a more permanent basis moving forward as the Cavalry.

As Triplicate Girl, Luornu possessed the same triplication ability of any Carggite. Computo destroyed one of her bodies (an event which would normally be fatal for Carggites) and Luornu continued her membership in the Legion of Superheroes with her remaining two bodies using the new name Duo Damsel. The Time Trapper eventually murdered her second body, and for quite some time Luornu was altogether powerless. Due to convoluted circumstances she eventually gained an ability to create duplicates of herself which was for all intents and purposes unlimited, but this too was taken from her recently by the supervillain Myriad.

As Una, the only innate power that Luornu possesses is an ability to detect which of Myriad's bodies is his prime form when she's in the same vicinity as him. She is however a highly skilled martial artist, an accomplished tactician, and she has well-developed espionage skills thanks to her time in the Legion of Superheroes' Espionage Squad. She also wears a replica of Brainiac 5's forcefield belt which has been attuned to her unique genetic structure and modified with psiware so that she can control it mentally. With this she can project (and to a limited extent, shape) a transparent forcefield which is for all intents and purposes indestructible.

Last edited by razsolo; 10/05/21 05:48 AM.
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I love your use of some of my D-list favorites; Crystal Kid and Rainbow Girl (and her palette of ever-changing powers)!

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There's a whole 'wtf is the story with Rainbow Girl' epic waiting to happen one day, but until then it's pretty fun coming up with new powers for her whenever she shows her face smile

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Originally Posted by razsolo
There's a whole 'wtf is the story with Rainbow Girl' epic waiting to happen one day, but until then it's pretty fun coming up with new powers for her whenever she shows her face smile


My seven versions of Rainbow Girl (who is quantum-entangled with six other multiversal versions of herself, and wakes up with different powers each morning);

Stuff we've seen.
1) emotion control with colored auras (red makes people angry, yellow fills viewers with fear, etc.)
2) red aura for heat radiating out from her position, yellow for blinding light, green for (kryptonite!) radiation, blue for cold (might also gain new powers with an orange aura that radiates electricity, an indigo aura that darkens the area and a violet aura that causes advanced corrosion and decay around her)
3) emotional spectrum lantern energy constructs

Stuff we haven't.
4) creates an energy 'rain-bow' of multi-colored light that shoots red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet arrows that create lightning, ice blasts, strong winds, a driving downpour, pea-soup fog, clear skies (dispelling any other effects) or an explosive clap of thunder. My favorite!
5) distant descendant of Iris, messenger of the (Greek) gods, with superhuman strength and tougness (and longevity/health) and able to ride a flying rainbow around (and use it as a platform that others can ride, both on Earth and across dimensions to Olympus, which has been mostly inhabited by creatures like dryads and centaurs these days, as it has been mostly abandoned by the Greek gods, who have moved on in the 30th century). She controls whether it is solid enough to block attacks, slam into people or carry passengers, or ephemeral and 'un-grabbable,' often at the same time! Another favorite.
6) an Aurakle, with the same colored rays as the 20th century Outsider Halo. Boring, but I'm a sucker for DC precedent.
7) turns into seven colored light-figures, each a single color of the rainbow, but immaterial and only able to dazzle others, unless all seven hit simultaneously (making her much better than Lazon at scouting, since she can be in seven places at once!). Just because I loved that scene in Crisis on Infinite Earths where Harbinger split into a bunch of Harbingers and went flying off in a bunch of directions at the same time!

I wanted a version that created rainbow colored walls and slides and stuff of a crystalline 'hard light,' but that's pretty much the same power as the [color] Lantern option (and / or Crystal Kid), and I didn't want to repeat myself.

Last edited by Set; 01/03/19 11:53 AM.

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I like all of those - I really liked Halo from the Outsiders when I was a kid, it was only after I grew up I kinda realised how arbitrary her powers were lol

Iris' descendant is cool too, especially as we don't really see a lot of myth-related stuff by the Legion's time....and the rain-bow would be a sweet visual laugh

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Originally Posted by Set

My seven versions of Rainbow Girl (who is quantum-entangled with six other multiversal versions of herself, and wakes up with different powers each morning);

7) turns into seven colored light-figures, each a single color of the rainbow, but immaterial and only able to dazzle others, unless all seven hit simultaneously (making her much better than Lazon at scouting, since she can be in seven places at once!). Just because I loved that scene in Crisis on Infinite Earths where Harbinger split into a bunch of Harbingers and went flying off in a bunch of directions at the same time!

That's a lot like Invisible Brainiac's power, except for the default immateriality smile

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(8) There ought to be some sort of Invisible Rainbow Girl, with a Mysterious Connection to the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. Maybe Dori, maybe some sort of Anti-Dori.

I haven’t really been following Justice League, but I know it has something to do with Ultra-Violet Light, and “hidden negative emotions”, repressed feelings like Shame and Hatred and Lust and Teen-Aged Angst.

(9) There ought to be another Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. Maybe even have the ability to summon them. *shudder*

(10) And the Care Bears. A Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to the Care Bears.

“And after it rains there's a rainbow / And all of the colors are black / It's not that the colors aren't there / It's just imagination they lack”

My Little Town / Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel

Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 01/05/19 09:23 AM.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
(8) There ought to be some sort of Invisible Rainbow Girl, with a Mysterious Connection to the Invisible Emotional Spectrum. Maybe Dori, maybe some sort of Anti-Dori.

I haven’t really been following Justice League, but I know it has something to do with Ultra-Violet Light, and “hidden negative emotions”, repressed feelings like Shame and Hatred and Lust and Teen-Aged Angst.

(9) There ought to be another Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to Rainbow Brite and the Color Kids. Maybe even have the ability to summon them. *shudder*

(10) And the Care Bears. A Rainbow Girl with a Mysterious Connection to the Care Bears.

“And after it rains there's a rainbow / And all of the colors are black / It's not that the colors aren't there / It's just imagination they lack”

My Little Town / Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel

*taking notes furiously* laugh

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Base of Operations:
Current Members: Amp, Brittle, Duplicate Boy II, Evolvo Lad (leader), Key Kid, Life Lass, Rain Girl
Past Members: Beast Boy (deceased), Duplicate Boy I (deceased), Gas Girl

The planet Lallor has a recent history of global nuclear devastation as a result of escalating world wars. The Lalloran people barely survived their last nuclear war, but against all odds found peace and even nurtured a thriving society.

A couple of decades ago or thereabouts, five mutant children were born on Lallor as a result of the planet’s increased radiation levels. As soon as these children were identified as being powered individuals, they were taken into government custody and raised by Lallorgov to become the planet’s official protectors: the Heroes of Lallor. Evolvo Lad, Life Lass, Duplicate Boy I, Gas Girl and Beast Boy became celebrities primarily on their own world, but also among the rest of the United Planets as one of the few officially recognised superhero groups outside of the Legion of Superheroes. They crossed paths with the Legion of Superheroes occasionally, and Duplicate Boy I and Shrinking Violet even had a long-distance relationship for several years.

When Beast Boy broke bad then gave his life to redeem himself on the planet Vorn, the Legion were there; the Legion were also there when the Dominion abducted Evolvo Lad and Duplicate Boy I and created the hyperadaptive menace named BION from their DNA. Duplicate Boy I sacrificed his life to destroy both BION and the Dominion homeworld, and a grieving Gas Girl left the team after her friend’s violent death. She embarked on a path which would see her joining the Legion of Superheroes, leaving only Evolvo Lad and Life Lass as the official Heroes of Lallor for quite some time.

After spending months with the Legion of Superheroes Gas Girl decided she was ready to return home and rejoin her old team. She returned to Lallor for the reading of Duplicate Boy I’s will accompanied by Shrinking Violet and Calorie Queen, and the three of them assisted when Evolvo Lad and Life Lass were attacked by a quintet of individuals (Brittle, Amp, Duplicate Boy II, Rain Girl and Key Kid) who claimed to be Lalloran mutants themselves. The new mutants accused the Heroes of Lallor of keeping them literally underground where they lived for years in a bunker until they finally escaped, until the fight was broken up by nameless representatives of Lallorgov who revealed that they’d been operating under bad information and that the Heroes of Lallor were actually blameless. Further, Lallorgov advised the Heroes of Lallor that they were to immediately consider the new mutants members of their team, and that Gas Girl was hereby exiled from Lallor as a consequence of her having joined the Legion of Superheroes. Gas Girl, Shrinking Violet and Calorie Queen had no choice but to leave Lallor.

While Evolvo Lad and Life Lass eventually came to terms with their new recruits and even had their successful first team mission with them recently, Gas Girl’s suspicions have not been so easily allayed. She’s working covertly with the Legion Espionage Squad to find out everything she can about these newcomers, and about the factions in Lallorgov responsible for the current situation.

Real Name:
Ming Sul
Height: 5’ 5”
Homeworld: Lallor
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: black

Amp was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Amp tends to see the Heroes of Lallor as her surrogate family, especially those she was raised with. She particularly has a ‘big sister’ relationship with Key Kid.

Amp can amplify any one characteristic in a target; to date she has only been seen to increase metahuman powers, but there’s no reason to believe she wouldn’t be able to apply her power to standard characteristics such as strength or agility.

Amplifying a subject’s powers can present the target with control issues, and doesn’t necessarily give them the stamina to wield the greater output effectively. When she first met the Heroes of Lallor, Amp used her power to force Evolvo Lad to devolve to an almost mindless amphibian creature, and she threatened to amplify Gas Girl’s power to make her dissipate completely.

Real Name:
Bo Marcu
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 138 lbs
Eyes: black
Hair: bald

Brittle was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity.

Unlike the rest of the Lalloran mutants, Brittle is obviously metahuman. His hairless skin is chalk-white, and he’s covered from head to toe in fine interlocking seams. His unusual appearance may go some way to explaining why his personality is more abrasive than most of his teammates.

Brittle possesses the unusual ability to separate into smaller versions of himself when he’s struck with physical force. Generally, the same mass and strength is apportioned equally among his duplicates but he can choose to share his mass disproportionately (for example, creating a duplicate an inch in height and losing only a miniscule amount of mass from his larger body).

The process of breaking into smaller bodies is fuelled by the kinetic energy which caused it, so his power also functions as an effective defence. While his individual bodies clearly have some level of independence, the limits of this have yet to be seen. It’s also at this stage unclear if there’s a minimum threshold beyond which he would no longer be able to split his mass into separate bodies.

Real Name:
Stev Cohn
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 6’
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: brown

The second hero to call himself Duplicate Boy was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Duplicate Boy has tended to function as the unofficial authority in his band of mutants, but he defers to Evolvo Lad as the team’s leader without an issue and (possibly due to the nature of his power) is a great team player.

Duplicate Boy II can mimic the superhuman powers of any one person within a twenty foot range. He instinctively knows how to control the powers he’s taken on, and any associated defences (or vulnerabilities for that matter) are included in the package. A side effect of his power allows him to recognise when he’s in the presence of a metahuman, and to know what their powers are. Duplicate Boy has shown some talent for strategy and tactical planning.

Real Name:
Sev Tcheru
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 11” in base form
Weight: 180 lbs in base form
Eyes: blue in base form
Hair: brown in base form

Evolvo Lad’s history has been previously documented.

Evolvo Lad can “move” himself forward or backwards along his species’ path of evolution at will. He primarily uses this power to take on two distinct forms, as detailed below:

Evolvo Lad’s standard devolved form is a prehistoric Lalloran man. In this form he has strength that would be considered to be slightly more than peak human today, and he has greater (though not superhuman) stamina, agility and resistance to pain. The downside of this form is that his intellect is substantially decreased, and he is far more ruled by his emotions than rational thought. He has at times flown into a berserker rage while devolved, needing to be restrained until he calms down enough to regain control.

His hyperevolved form appears as a taller and more gaunt hairless version of himself with an enormously enlarged cranium. In this form he has claimed to exceed even Brainiac 5’s 12th level intelligence and has shown (by modern day standards) superhuman deductive and analytical skills, even deciphering alien languages with only a couple of minutes’ exposure. The majority of technology used by the Heroes of Lallor was designed by Evolvo Lad’s evolved form. It’s worth noting however that he doesn’t have the advantage of Brainiac 5’s lifetime of accruing knowledge; in this form he can learn any new field of study in almost no time, but he still has to actually learn it. In his hyperevolved form, he has an eidetic memory for the duration the form is held, and he also has a far greater control of his own physiology. He can switch off his pain receptors, slow down and speed up chemical reactions within his own body, and presumably do other things yet to be documented. He has the ability to communicate telepathically, and he can control much less developed minds (such as found in most animals). He also has rudimentary telekinesis, though he generally only uses this to levitate.

These aren’t the only forms that Evolvo Lad can take on, but they’re the two which have proven most useful; there’s a danger in devolving much further that he’d not have the intellect to be able to come back, and in evolving too far forward that he might lose touch with his humanity as he becomes more a creature of pure intellect.

Real Name:
Miqui Ver
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 3”
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: hazel
Hair: red

Key Kid was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Key Kid is the kid brother of the team; he particularly looks up to Duplicate Boy and Amp, but he has an enthusiasm for life and eagerness to please which everyone finds either endearing or annoying (or some combination thereof).

Key Kid has the power to bypass any man-made lock or security system; this extends to being able to identify entry points even if they’re hidden from view. The mechanics of this power are as yet unknown.

Real Name:
Somi Gan
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: brown
Hair: black

Life Lass’s history has been previously documented.

Life Lass can telekinetically manipulate inorganic matter. She can affect multiple objects simultaneously and while under her power’s effect objects seem to move as if of their own volition. She can also manipulate an object in ways its structural integrity normally wouldn’t allow; for example, having a metal handrail snake around someone to ensnare them or making a chair run across the room on its legs. While her upper limits haven’t been documented, she needed Amp’s help to have any hope of utilising her power against a Khundish Stalker (a humanoid Khund starship) and even then she couldn’t do more than hold it in place.

Real Name:
Jes Teev
Homeworld: Lallor
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: red

Rain Girl was one of five mutants raised in secret in an underground bunker on the planet Lallor. The quintet escaped captivity months ago and were led to believe that the Heroes of Lallor were responsible for their dilemma, but soon discovered that this wasn’t the case and joined the team. At this point they remain unaware of the true power behind their captivity. Rain Girl tends to be more acerbic than most of her teammates.

As her name suggests, Rain Girl has the power to make it rain. At its bare minimum, this might be a light shower covering a single person but on the other end of the scale, without much effort she summoned a monsoon-like downpour inside a ship’s engineering room which was so heavy it caused physical damage to the ship.

Rain Girl hasn’t shown that she can control the weather in any other capacity, nor has she exhibited any other form of hydrokinesis. The mechanics of her power are as yet unknown.

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Raz, hi, i totally love the thought and care you put into your characters and how you include their history and personality into your descriptions. Your new Heroes of Lallor are tremendous fun, as is Tranquility - as others have said she's a hero that we could use today.

Wish i had more time to give you better feedback, hopefully soon.

More, more, more!


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Originally Posted by razsolo
These aren’t the only forms that Evolvo Lad can take on, but they’re the two which have proven most useful; there’s a danger in devolving much further that he’d not have the intellect to be able to come back, and in evolving too far forward that he might lose touch with his humanity as he becomes more a creature of pure intellect.

This part is particularly neat. Superhero RPGs that have any sort of 'evolution control' power, based on Evolvo Lad or the Marvel character Manikin, usually add a protoplasmic pre-humanoid form, and sometimes (more rarely, since Manikin doesn't even go this far, IIRC), a 'being of pure thought' form that has evolved past physicality entirely. I like the notion that he's not sure he could find his way back if he devolved too far, or would *want* to come back, if he evolved too far ahead...

Brittle is my favorite, after Amp. I love 'homonculous' powers, or any sort of power that lets you be in multiple places or send minions out or whatever, which he can kind of do, by splitting into many smaller components. He's like a version of Arms-Falls-Off Boy that's actually useful! smile

Last edited by Set; 01/21/19 10:25 AM.

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Thanks y'all - Brittle is unexpectedly becoming my favourite to write out of the new Heroes of Lallor, let's hope nothing extremely awful happens to him any time soon! wink

razsolo #967812 02/26/19 05:41 AM
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Real Name:
inapplicable (Mantodeans use a unique electrochemical signifier in place of a name; Strut’s official United Planets designation however is John Johnsonson)
Homeworld: Mantodea
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Height: 7’ 1”
Weight: 161 lbs
Eyes: black, multi-faceted
Hair: None

On Mantodea, traditional gender roles evolved around the physical differences between the males and females of the insectoid species who dominate that world. Mantodean women tend to be built like tanks; strong, sturdy and with great endurance. Their armoured shells are generally very drab colors and are sometimes adorned with horns, a stark reminder of less civilised times. The women of Mantodea generally hold the balance of power in their households and in their overall society. Mantodean men on the other hand tend to be much more delicate in appearance and they come in a much brighter range of colours. Where Mantodean women tend to be pragmatic and assertive to the point of aggression, the men are much more flighty, flamboyant and concerned primarily with finding a mate and raising children.

The young man who would eventually take the name Strut fulfills the stereotype in many ways; he’s fun-loving and gregarious with camp mannerisms that can be over the top at times but he’s unusual amongst his peers in that he’s always had an independent streak. Refusing to just be some woman’s trophy partner, Strut made the controversial choice to learn self-defence at a young age so he could stand up for himself. This led to an interest in martial arts, for which surprisingly he found he had a natural talent. Inevitably, Strut’s ambitions outgrew his rigid society and when Mantodea joined the United Planets he was enamored of the galaxy of options that awaited him away from his homeworld. As soon as he felt he was ready, he left his world behind and took on the codename Strut to symbolise his brassy entrance into a more fulfilling future. He had intended on trying out for the Legion of Superheroes for the adventure, but before he even made it that far he was forced to help when Ivy Arcane’s out of control power threatened Marsopolis. The Legion were so impressed with Strut’s performance that they skipped the tryout stage altogether and voted to induct him into the Legion along with King Canary, Crystal Kid and Gravity Kid (all of whom had been a vital part of stopping Ivy’s uncontrolled rampage).

Strut's electrochemical perception has proven uniquely useful to the Legion on multiple occasions, but he's also a highly skilled hand to hand combatant which is often overlooked in a team that contains roughly half a dozen Daxamite-level fighters.

Strut shares the same evolutionary adaptations as all Mantodean men. He is far more agile than a typical humanoid, with six limbs. All of his joints can be rotated independently on almost any plane of motion, and his huge multi-faceted eyes allow him close to 360° vision. As with all Mantodeans, sight is not even considered a primary sense, and he can operate almost unhindered in the dark as long as his electrochemical perception is functioning normally. A combination of micro-barbs and discrete mucus secretions allow him to cling to most surfaces, and though his black and fuschia armoured exoskeleton provides him with impressive defence against injury he weighs surprisingly little.

Mantodeans communicate via electrochemical emission (like Tellus, he uses a customised translation device to verbalise speech). This gives Strut a wide array of sensory perceptions unique among the Legion. He can identify and track people or objects via their olfactory emissions, and he’s capable of recognising and distinguishing minute traces of chemical and electromagnetic energy residue in his area. His electrochemical perception in fact is so highly tuned that he can interpret the emotional state of people around him due to the different chemical reactions their bodies undergo, and he’s trained himself to even be able to tell if somebody is lying. He can perceive neurological aberrations, but in most cases doesn’t really have the medical expertise for a detailed diagnosis.

Some notable examples of Strut's electrochemical perceptions include locating a hologram transmitter by its energy output, sensing not only that Mordecai of the Fatal Five was infatuated with Lightning Lass but also that he was suffering from deep depression (which not even Tellus's telepathy picked up on), and identifying that Gravity Kid is a transgender man by sensing the chemical emission of promasc in his perspiration.

Strut is an amazing hand-to-hand combatant, using a variety of fighting techniques specifically designed to take advantage of his six limbs and his impressive range of motion and agility. Paired with his enhanced senses, he can fight multiple opponents simultaneously with negligible handicap. He was effortlessly able to defeat one of Mantodea's most respected warriors in single combat.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/31/24 04:06 AM.
razsolo #967813 02/26/19 05:43 AM
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Real Name:
K'rk T'wiiu III
Homeworld: Aeres
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes
Length: 5” from head to tip of tail
Weight: 1.5 oz
Eyes: black
Feathers: Yellow with black-tipped wings, tail and facial markings

The planet Aeres is inhabited by intelligent animal life, the most dominant species being birds. Aeres exists in the same planetary system as H’lven, and when the H’lvenite supervillain Doctor Ub’x conquered a number of worlds in the 21st century the peaceful inhabitants of Aeres were completely unprepared for him. Aeres was eventually freed thanks to the Green Lantern of their sector, but the experience taught Aerean governments the importance of being able to defend themselves and an arms race was born which inevitably escalated into multiple globe-spanning conflicts.

Aeres has been at peace now for over 600 years, under the benevolent rule of the T'wiiu Monarchy. Very similar in appearance to Earth canaries, the T'wiiu bloodline was modified during their planet’s second world war to carry a metagene allowing them to manipulate sonics. K'rk is the most powerful meta to appear in his family tree for several generations, to the extent that he needed to have a special apparatus surgically implanted to help protect his own body from the harshest effects of his power.

K'rk is next in line for the throne on his world and he could easily choose to live a life of luxury back home while he waits for his birthright but his love of adventure won’t allow it. K'rk also feels a responsibility to use his powers for the greater good, and he has realised that in order to make the most of his world’s relationship with the UP and to eventually be the best leader to his people that he can be, he is going to need a range of experiences not available on his placid little homeworld. To this end, he left Aeres to join the Legion of Superheroes and was inducted along with Strut, Crystal Kid and Chemical Kid. While K'rk's mother understands and reluctantly condones his reasons for leaving Aeres, his departure (and the young prince’s cheeky codename) has caused a great deal of friction with his father and his younger brother Ty’nn.

When necessary, King Canary can expertly act the role of a traditional prince who is well versed in diplomacy. He much prefers not to have to do this though, and in his day to day life he very much adopts an affectation of being a regular and somewhat rough around the edges fighter.

King Canary can generate a sonic cry for various effects including but not limited to disorienting opponents or making them nauseous, disintegrating objects and causing concussive damage, echolocation, mimicry, and simply creating deafeningly loud noise. While he has some natural immunity to his power, he requires a surgical implant to protect him from the dangerous vibrations generated at his most extreme output; this implant resembles a crown with rotating tines and can’t be removed without additional cranial surgery. King Canary has impressive control of his power; he can target individuals or groups at will, and he has implied that he’s mastered several other stunts. Part of his body’s adaptation means that he can’t be deafened by loud noise, and he can hear infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies beyond the range of other birds.

Aside from his sonic abilities, King Canary is an accomplished flyer with great aerial maneuverability. Like most birds, he also has excellent eyesight (within normal avian parameters).

Last edited by razsolo; 01/31/24 04:10 AM.
razsolo #967820 02/26/19 08:29 AM
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King Canary is great, but what about his arch-enemy, S'Lv'st'r?

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
King Canary is great, but what about his arch-enemy, S'Lv'st'r?

I'm so mad at myself right now laugh

razsolo #967829 02/26/19 12:03 PM
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Interesting new Legionnaires!

So with King Canary here, looks like Tyroc won't be around for a good long while?

Strut is interesting. The whole electromagnetic and chemical sensing is very subtle, but I like that he has the physical powers too.

They both have nice personalities too. Love the campiness of strut, I could just picture him swishing along...

I do notice that all four newbies are male. But many of your recent joiners are female (Zoe, Laurel, Tal, Iris...) and I haven't actually counted smile It's just more noticeable when you have 4 joining together smile

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/26/19 09:00 PM.
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I think I'm the only person in the world who actually liked Tyroc's original reality warp scream powers so theoretically he and King Canary could be on the team together without too much of anyone stealing someone else's thunder laugh

It's funny you mention about the four newbies being all male...when I noticed that, I felt obliged to include one or two ladies but I didn't want to have too many new recruits all at once (so nobody gets lost in the shuffle); and these four specifically are the ones that felt right to include for the moment. I grew up reading Chris Claremont's X-Men anyway so I feel like I have a tendency to put women at the forefront of a lot of my stories, it's actually kind of a nice challenge giving four dudes the spotlight smile

razsolo #967903 02/28/19 02:51 AM
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Real Name:
Karth Arn
Homeworld: Zuun
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as being 5’11”
Weight: 2-3 grams
Eyes: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as having black eyes
Hair: Karth Arn’s holographic form presents himself as having black hair

Karth Arn started his artificial life as an android created by Dr Marr Londo to serve as his assistant. Dr Londo treated the android with an enormous amount of professional respect, and Karth Arn came to think of himself as Dr Londo’s son. The android also nursed a jealous hatred of Dr Londo’s actual son Brin, and this hatred eventually led Arn to trick Brin into thinking their positions were reversed; that Brin Londo was the android, and Karth Arn was Dr Londo’s biological offspring. With the Legion of Superheroes’ help, this deception was unveiled and Brin Londo eventually became the Legionnaire known as Timber Wolf.

Karth Arn wasn’t heard from again for years, but he’d kept himself busy during that time. He upgraded his android form to a cloud of nanobots and used Dr Londo’s lab to duplicate the experiments that had given Timber Wolf his powers on a young woman named April Dumaka, transforming her into the animalistic Catspaw.

When Catspaw went on a murder spree on Zuun, Timber Wolf investigated the crimes alongside Lightning Lass and Light Lad. Catspaw gravely wounded Lightning Lass, and revealed to Timber Wolf that Karth Arn was responsible for her powers. She escaped the Legionnaires before she could be interrogated any further, ensuring that Timber Wolf would later return to Zuun alone to find answers. It was on this visit that Timber Wolf met up with Karth Arn himself for the first time in years, and discovered that Arn and Catspaw had allied themselves with Mano, Mordecai and the third Karate Kid as a new Fatal Five. Karth Arn revealed that he still despised Brin for squandering the life he thought belonged to himself, and the new Fatal Five very nearly killed Timber Wolf in a savage beating. Timber Wolf was barely resuscitated and spent some time recovering, but a short time later Kath Arn (along with the rest of his Fatal Five) was taken by surprise, defeated and taken into custody on the planet Cadmu.

The next time Karth Arn appeared along with the rest of his Fatal Five was the last place anyone had expected; the Fatal Five had discovered a sentient race of artificial life forms called the Roboticans and destroyed one of their worlds in a display of power. Taking over the Robotican species, the Fatal Five declared war on the Roboticans' ancient foes the Khund Empire, and planned on taking on the United Planets once they were done with the Khunds. The Legion of Superheroes became involved in a massive battle involving the Fatal Five, the Roboticans and the Khundish warriors known as the Demon's Claw. Kid Computo prevented Karth Arn from murdering Timber Wolf with her cyberempathy, but when Timber Wolf demanded that she completely shut him down she refused on the basis that although he was artificially constructed he's still a living being.

Karth Arn took advantage of Timber Wolf and Kid Computo's argument to flee the scene; while the rest of the Fatal Five were taken into custody at the end of that battle, Karth Arn has yet to reappear.

As an artificial lifeform, Karth Arn has no need of food, water or air to survive. He can interface with electronic systems, and showed the ability to remotely control computer-controlled systems at least in Dr Londo’s home/laboratory. Whether this is something he could extend to other systems has not been revealed. Programmed by Dr Londo to serve as his laboratory assistant, Karth Arn is a genius in the fields of genetics, medicine, metahuman physiology, radiology and computer sciences.

Currently, Karth Arn exists as a cloud of nanobots which project a holographic illusion of his old android body. Other than the fact that he casts no shadow, this image is a perfect representation of his old form. His unique state of being renders him practically invulnerable to physical force, as attacks simply pass through him as though he were intangible. Timber Wolf was able to temporarily disrupt his holomatrix by exposing it to Mano’s destructive power, so presumably Karth Arn is still vulnerable to some other types of energy attack as well. He can also increase the intensity of his holomatrix’s energy output so as to release a near-lethal discharge of electricty upon contact. It is not known if Karth Arn’s holographic form possesses any other offensive or defensive capabilities, but he certainly has the technical skill to make improvements as necessary.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:25 AM.
razsolo #967904 02/28/19 02:53 AM
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Real Name:
April Dumaka
Homeworld: Zuun
Group Affiliation: Fatal Five
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: yellow eyes with vertically slitted pupils (no irises)
Hair: dark brown with a lighter brown middle streak

Nothing is known of April Dumaka's history prior to the experimentation which led her to becoming Karth Arn's vicious lackey Catspaw. Karth Arn gave her the same treatments that gave Timber Wolf his power, though Catspaw has claimed that she was exposed to greater levels of zuunium. She considers Timber Wolf to be her 'brother' in the sense that they have the same origins, though this hasn't stopped her from aggressively flirting with him.

Catspaw first came across the Legion of Superheroes when she committed a series of murders on Zuun to attract the Legion's attention. Timber Wolf, Lightning Lass and Light Lad came to investigate the crimes, and Catspaw savagely wounded Lightning Lass. After revealing to Timber Wolf that Karth Arn was responsible for her powers she ran away, leaving Brin Londo with more questions than answers.

She next encountered Timber Wolf on his own when he came back to Zuun to follow up on Catspaw's mention of Karth Arn. As part of a new Fatal Five which included herself, Arn, Mano, Mordecai and the third Karate Kid she very nearly killed Timber Wolf. Along with the rest of her Fatal Five team Catspaw was taken by surprise and defeated on the planet Cadmu shortly after, though presumably thanks to Karth Arn's mastery of computer systems they managed to avoid capture and fled United Planets space.

In their most recent appearance, the Fatal Five destroyed one of the worlds in the Robotican system and enslaved the remaining Robotican race. They launched an offensive against the Khunds, and eventually this conflict involved the Legion of Superheroes. The Robotican people were liberated and left their system behind for unexplored space, the Khund Empire took over their solar system, and Catspaw was taken into custody along with Mano, Mordecai and Karate Kid III. With Karth Arn still on the loose though, it's unclear how long they're going to remain in custody this time around either.

Catspaw's agility, reflexes, speed and strength have been enhanced to superhuman levels using the same process that turned Brin Londo into Timber Wolf. While she’s not as strong as him, Catspaw seems to be faster and at least as agile.

Presumably due to her greater levels of exposure to the mutagenic substance zuunium, Catspaw also has razor-sharp claws on her hands and feet as well as cat-like enhanced senses. Her sense of smell and night vision are particularly developed. Her regenerative capabilities seem to have also been enhanced, as she recovered extremely quickly from electrocution at the hands of Lightning Lass but the extent of her recuperative abilities has yet to be seen.

Last edited by razsolo; 05/06/21 09:51 PM.
razsolo #967905 02/28/19 03:01 AM
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Real Name:
Bobb Kohan
Homeworld: Earth
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 153 lbs
Eyes: blue
Hair: white

When Crystal Kid wasn't offered membership in the Legion of Superheroes after graduating Legion Academy, he reluctantly joined the Legion of Substitute Heroes at Bouncing Boy's suggestion. Initially he saw this very much as an inferior consolation prize, but he soon realised that the Subs gave him an opportunity to help people and to gain experience which would help him the next time he tried out for the more famous Legion. During his time with the Subs his assistance was invaluable to the LSH facing menaces such as Red Son and Cythonna, and this helped restore the confidence he lost when he had to watch his old classmates Nightwind and Comet Queen join the LSH while he was passed over.

Crystal Kid was finally admitted to the Legion of Superheroes recently along with Strut, King Canary and Gravity Kid when the quartet helped limit the effects of Ivy Arcane's chlorokinetic rampage at the Legion of Superheroes' most recent tryout. He and Gravity Kid were very briefly dating, and had a slightly acrimonious break-up. Since they broke up they haven't really been on the friendliest terms, though they still try to work together for the sake of the team.

Crystal Kid possesses the ability to transmute any matter into a dense crystalline substance. His crystal is surprisingly durable, and has withstood low-level blasts from Wildfire. Originally the transformation only lasted as long as he maintained his concentration, but training at the Legion Academy taught him to make the change permanent if he desires. Crystal Kid has the ability to shape his crystal to a very limited extent; for example he can make domes, walls and support struts among other basic objects but he doesn't have any real ability to generate complex shapes or structures.

While he generally prefers to create crystal out of free-floating gaseous elements (thus giving the illusion of generating crystal out of nowhere), it's just as easy for him to transmute people or objects when necessary. He avoids doing this normally because of the risk of killing someone or permanently destroying an object if it's shattered while in crystal form but he once protected Invisible Queen from the vacuum of space by changing her to crystal, and on another occasion used his power on Shvaughn Erin to save her from bleeding out from a lethal wound.

Last edited by razsolo; 01/16/24 05:00 AM.
razsolo #967914 02/28/19 04:41 AM
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I liked April Dumaka a lot, for what little time she was around, mostly because I like any character with undeveloped potential. I always imagined that she and Timber Wolf would fight like cats and dogs (literally).

But romantic tension is OK, too.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Originally Posted by Klar Ken T5477
I liked April Dumaka a lot, for what little time she was around, mostly because I like any character with undeveloped potential. I always imagined that she and Timber Wolf would fight like cats and dogs (literally).

But romantic tension is OK, too.

I really liked Catspaw for the brief time she was around in the comics...I dunno if I'd call it romantic tension between her and Timber Wolf in my series so much as her being really '1980s obsessed stalker movie' with him and him not really knowing how to deal with it though....Brin just needs to work on his genre-savviness laugh

razsolo #968028 03/03/19 02:33 AM
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Real Name:
Tel Vole
Homeworld: Earth
Group Affiliation: Legion of Superheroes, formerly the Legion Academy
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 158 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Brown

Gravity Kid was one of the Legion Academy’s most recent students. A couple of years older than the rest of his classmates and more serious in his dedication to joining the Legion, he easily took on an unofficial leadership role among his classmates. For a time he was dating his fellow classmate Lullabye Lad, but Gravity Kid broke up with Lullabye Lad recently as he felt a relationship was just distracting him from becoming a Legionnaire. While the Legion Academy generally are not assigned the dangerous missions that the Legion of Superheroes face every day, Gravity Kid and his fellow students did nonetheless occasionally become involved in Legion affairs and even fought powerful foes such as the Judgement League and Satan Girl.

When Laurel Kent was prematurely graduated from the Legion Academy to join the Legion as the new Supergirl, Gravity Kid occupied the now vacant position of Legion intern that Laurel had previously filled. This wasn’t enough for the ambitious young man though, and Tel came up with a way to try out for Legion membership without being seen as a student reaching too high. Inspired by Star Boy and Dream Girl’s one-time identities of Sir Prize and Miss Terious, Tel designed a costume that disguised his features and asked Star Boy and Dream Girl to sponsor him at the next tryout using the codename Mr E.

His tryout started off quite well, and clever use of his powers hid the fact that he was controlling gravity. He was interrupted however when Ivy Arcane lost control of her powers and threatened Husband Hill with rampaging plants. Though Mr E was instructed to go to a more secure area within Legion headquarters, Tel felt that he could do more good helping fight Ivy’s plants and he snuck out to do exactly that. It wasn’t long before he realised it’d be easier for the Legion to accept his help if they knew who he really was, so he gave up his Mr E persona and at the end of the day his initiative and efficiency were rewarded when along with Crystal Kid, Strut and King Canary he joined the Legion of Superheroes.

Gravity Kid has proven himself time and again as a competent Legionnaire, and he is always pushing himself to be better. His single-mindedness can be a little alienating though, and just as it led to him leaving Lullabye Lad it also broke up a nascent relationship with Crystal Kid before it ever really got off the ground.

It was recently revealed that Gravity Kid is on promasc, a gender expression drug which allows him to present as male though he was assigned a female gender identity at birth. This isn't a secret, but it's not something that Tel is overly comfortable talking about either. Nothing is really known about Tel's life before he became Gravity Kid, but he has alluded to it having been quite difficult and having experienced discrimination perhaps due to his gender identity.

Gravity Kid possesses the ability to manipulate gravity fields for various effects. The most common applications of his power are flight and simulated telekinesis, but he has also used his power to simulate superstrength and superhuman leaping, and he once caused a droid to implode in on itself by intensifying gravity’s effect upon it.

The scope of Gravity Kid’s power is far wider than anything that Star Boy or Light Lad are individually capable of, but he can affect far less mass than either of them. Gravity Kid has remarked that levitating a chunk of rock with ten people standing on it was a strain on his power. Whether this aspect of his power will improve with time and experience remains to be seen. Gravity Kid works with Star Boy and Light Lad regularly to gain more fine control and versatility with his power.

Last edited by razsolo; 03/19/23 04:31 AM.
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