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So happy to see you chime in too, Fanfie! Welcome aboard! ...guy in tank top and a turban (NOT Kid Psycho), what seem to be preteen versions of Sugar and Spike, on the cover there is what seems to be a distinguished older man glancing slyly at the reader (someone from editorial?)! Hazarding a guess...Older Man is Roger Stern. And I have a hunch that the handsome guy with glasses standing next to Sneckie is Jeff Moy. Next up is Nura Nal (who changed her last name from Schnappin... what?) IIRC, many of the Adventure Era Legion stories were lettered by one Milt Shnappin. Thanks for the guesses, Fanfie! I know what Jeff Moy looks like, wish I had made the connection earlier. And I didn't know what Roger Stern looked like before, but after checking I think you are right! Good catch! Thoughts:
I like the Reboots removal of the "no duplicate powers" rule; it didn't make sense for a growing team, and also saves the writers from having to come up with stupid reasons for why Ultra Boy and M'Onel, and Live Wire and Spark, can be on the team together. There is a nice debate internally though, with Garth initially arguing against Magno as a duplicate Braalian while Kinetix and Triad say the team also needs depth. Garth may be biased because Cos is his friend, after all (would he have reacted that way to another Titanian, for example?) Agreed 100 percent. LOL considering that the Titanian already on the team is Saturn Girl, Garth probably would react in that way  I should have used a different example - Carggite, Vyrgan, Coluan... Ah, Jeka/Sensor. Well, we all know th fan outcry over turning Projectra into a snake. It makes sense power-wise, but I'm also of the camp that Projectra should have remained humanoid. I love the idea of a giant snake species in the future, but it could have been a new one... and I read the Reboot before the Preboot, but I empathize with those fans of the humanoid Jeckie who felt slighted. Same here. And wasn't the Sneckie thing Tom Peyer's idea? I seem to recall reading that somewhere in this forum. I've rarely liked anything about his writing, and this is no exception. Oh, I didn't know it was Tom Peyer who proposed this. Sigh. He should have foreseen the outcry from old fans of Projectra's. All in all a good issue, a nice update on the tryouts, and nice handling of controversies and disagreements between the team! And I'm excited to see the three new Legionnaires in action! To which I'll only add that this issue is not only a breezy, light-hearted breath of fresh air after the stomach-turning melodrama of the last several issues leading up to the 20-30 split, but that I think L* benefitted tremendously from said split -- the next 10 or 11 issues of L* are the most consistently good (and, in the case of 48-50, great) of the entire Post-Impeachment-of-Chu/Pre-DnA Postboot. The so-called flagship book didn't fare so well, but we'll get into the whys and wherefores in the next batch of reviews. Indeed, you hit the nail perfectly, Fanfie! I agree that the L* issues shone, and the smaller cast size helped ensure everyone got a bit of development. LSH... yeah, was more of a miss. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on some of the upcoming stories!
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Thank you kindly for the warm welcome and the compliments, Ibby. I'm ready and raring to go on with the next several L* issues (of course, I'll have a few things to say about LSH, too. I'll do my best to be nice. So....um...oh, yeah, how 'bout them Davis/Farmer LSH covers? Gorgeous stuff!)
Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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Those Davis/Farmer covers are indeed gorgeous! I’m so happy to be able to see many of my favorites depicted in their beautiful art
I’m going to be busy in the next couple of weeks with some job interviews, but I hope to have more time to do the rereads after a month or so
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Showcase '96 #10 Straight TimeIssue InformationSummary:Ultra Boy spotlight. He chases after some young gang members who just committed a robbery. The gangsters excuse themselves by saying they are just trying to survive. They accuse Jo of being out of touch with the typical normal person. Jo loses his temper, saying that he was"where they were". The males, Squirrel and Strafe, soon realize that Jo doesn't have all his powers at once and knock him down. Jo of course remembers Tinya, who repeatedly told him to use invulnerability as his default so things like this wouldn't happen... The female, Winter, tries to stop the fighting, saying that violence won't solve anything - besides, they just want money to survive. Cue a two-panel flashback to Jo's gang days., He led one of the best gangs in his city on Rimbor, but they were always on the run. Oh, and for some reason Winter reminds him of Tinya for a bit. A conflicted Jo flies off. Cosmic Boy finds him, and the two apologize for an argument they had earlier. Cos breaks out the old pep talk powers, telling Jo that it isn't always about "good" or "bad". They also have to use their powers with decency and compassion, and that means making hard choices. Jo feels bad for letting the gang go because he couldn't decide what to do. Cos reveals that he caught the two males. Cos ends by saying that the Legion should be a symbol of inspiration. Jo thinks about Tinya, and how she taught him to trust in himself. Jo finds Winter. He asks her what she'll do, and she says she doesn't know. She does say she's sick of running. Both Jo and Winter decide to go home. Thoughts:This bored me a bit, with all the navel-gazing. We get two panels of Jo's time on Rimbor, and a few panels of him cradling Tinya's body. The story tries to explore themes of what would drive people to crime, but it lacks the space to really dig deep. Still, I guess it's fitting that Winter, the sole gang member who tried to resolve things peacefully, made it free. Whether she turns herself in for her crime of robbery is not shown, though personally I wouldn't mind if she didn't. Forgettable, though it does give a decent introduction to the Legion for anyone who isn't familiar with them.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/19/18 04:55 AM.
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This is one I never read. Doesn't sound like I missed much, although Winter might have had possibilities as a character. It seems like this story has been told repeatedly for Jo. We never see anything about Rimbor except gangs, bars and crime (except for one Adventure-era scene in which Jo's father managed a vertical farm, or something).
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Yeah, I almost skipped reviewing this story because we get a glimpse of Jo as a gangster in Legends of the Legion 1, which also shows his origin. As far as I remember, none of the other appearances of Rimbor in the Reboot added much color to it.
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Showcase '96 #11 and 12 Brain in Vain Issue Information RootsIssue InformationSummary:In this thrilling two-parter, the Legion meets the original Brainiac! Brainiac 5 absent-mindedly walks through a STAR Labs north of Metropolis, as he catalogues its contents to look for something that could help the Legion return to the 30th century. His forcefield blocks all security measures. Suddenly, he is snapped out of his Omnicom tinkering by the sight of a brain-dead Brainiac in his cell. Brainy 5 realizes that Brainy 1's mind is active, despite the body being dormant. He finds another room containing equipment from 30th century Colu. Cosmic Boy realizes that Brainiac 5 left on his own, and chastises Gates for not informing him earlier. He callas a Code Green, and everyone scrambles. Apparition begins disappearing at this moment though, so Ultra Boy also fails to respond to the call. (more on that in LSH v4 87!) The Legionnaires find Director Thompson of STAR Labs, who recognizes them from TV. When the Legionnaires realize that Brainy 1 is inside, they scramble to find Brainy 5. 5 says he can use 1 to return home. Cos is aghast, but Imra, Inferno, Shvaughn and Ayla gang up on him. Cos points out that Brainy 1 is dangerous; Ayla counters by reminding Cos that he always talks of the possible damage THEY could cause being stuck in the past. Imra reads Brainy 1's mind with difficulty (to which Brainy complains that she just keeps whining about how taxing telepathy is). Imra figures out that Brainy 1's mind is on information overload. In his last encounter with Superman, Brainy 1 tried to download his excess knowledge into the minds of humans. When Superman defeated him, all that excess knowledge flooded back into Brainy 1, overloading his mind. Brainy 1 wakes up, revealing that Imra's probe helped him order his thoughts. Uh oh. Spark and Inferno try to attack, Brainy 1 counters and knocks Shvaughn out. Before the Legionnaires can do more, Brainy 1 has fixed up his ship and takes off. He traps the Legionnaires, sparing only Brainy 5. Brainy 1 "reads" 5's mind, and learns 5 is from the future; that his mother abandoned him the day he was born; and that 5 considers this his first encounter with an intellectual equal. 1 dismisses 5, saying the assessment is not mutual. However, because 5 is still "uncommonly bright". 5 gave him the idea to return to Colu and use it as his power base; and the 30th century tech (? I think...) to control Colu's systems. 1 causes Colu's military systems to go off, causing widespread destruction. Captain Comet calls in Vril Dox, convicning him to help by saying only Vril is smart enough to stop 1! Issue two begins with L.E.G.I.O.N. officer Taptree coming to fetch Vril. Stealth freaks when she sees Taptree is a sentient plant, as Vril is currently interested in botany. Stealth and Vril have an argument over Vril leaving their son Lyrl alone with Stealth, considering how Lyrl has tried to kill them before. Vril establishes again that Brainiac 1 is his father, that Vril is retired from L.E.G.I.O.N. The next page reestablishes that Brainiac 5 is their descendant. Brainiac 5 tries to stand up to Brainy 1, telling him off. 1 knocks 5 out, saying he plans to use 5 to fuse with the Sleepnet. Before going down, Brainy 5 thinks that 1 must be a time traveler, as the Sleepnet won't be invented for another 700 years. The Legionnaires are stuck in a cell, with Shvaughn the only one unrestrained. She calls out their guard for being a sellout, as he willingly works with Brainiac 1. Taking advantage of the guard's arrogance, Shvaughn pretends to be incredibly stupid and asks for her gun (full script below). The guard inexplicably gives it to her because he thinks she really is stupid, and she frees the team. Vril and Taptree make it to Colu. Vril knows their ship will be shot down, so he tosses plant seeds to grow a shield for them. Imra senses powerful brain waves, which turn out to be Vril being attacked by Coluans angry at the collateral damage from Vril's earlier exploits on Colu. The Legionnaires save Vril and run interference, while Vril and Taptree find the Brainiacs. Taptree begins using its plant matter to disable the machines, but 1 attacks Vril. 5 wakes up, takes a moment to reorient himself, and bludgeons 1 with a tree branch while his back is turned. Vril joins in, and we get treated to Querl and Vril beating up their ancestor. Not that they admit it, they tell everyone it was a battle of wits. The Coluans are grateful, but ask all the Brainiacs to leave for causing so much trouble. The Coluans also ban technical development in favor of pure research. Querl, disappointed, realizes that he is the cause for the 1000 yeas of technological stagnation that Colu will go through (he and Lyle have mentioned this earlier in the Reboot too, how Coluans love oure research but never actually do anything). Querl tells Vril everything, including how Querl himself rarely invents anything unless there is a pressing need. Vril interrupts to mention Neron; it's not revealed here, but we know Vril makes a bargain with Neron for the soul of a descendant (who we will later learn is Brainiac 4!) Issue ends with Vril asking Querl what he will do about Colu.... to my knowledge, this is never picked up. Thoughts:It's all standard and very generic. The story tries to shake things up by having Brainiac and the Coluan guard lose because of overconfidence in their own intelligence and underestimating the intelligence of everyone else. Colu is fleshed out only to the extent of them being cautious and afraid of more development. Most of the Legionnaires get precious little to do, though they do get enough scenes to have their personalities made known. Besides Brainy, Shvaughn is the standout, Gates comes second for sheer snark. And... that's that. Some of my favorite moments: 1) Cos asking Gates for news. "What's the good word, Gates?" "Let's see... how about... STRANDED? BACKWARD? BARBARIC? DOOMED, MAYBE?" Gates; dialogue is so hilarious, that I feel let down when an issue goes by without him snarking off! 2) Code Green. I laughed. Everyone is so afraid of the mischief Brainy 5 could get to unchecked, that they scramble. Glimpses of downtime: Shvaughn watching TV, Imra napping on a couch, Inferno in the bath, Ayla reading the book "Why I hate Saturn" (hah! nice remember that she's still pissed that Imra would drop Garth to pursue Cos). Jo was making coffee. 3) Ayla also gets a couple hits in. I think she and Gates should have a snark fest. "Come ON, Cos. You're always rattling on about the damage WE might cause if we stay in this era!" 4) Taptree freaking out when it sees plant bits on Vril's clothing. On the other hand, this moment seems a bit too incredible. But, I like how they played up Shvaughn's smarts. Shvaughn: So, you're a coward. Is that how you justify selling out your planet to work for Brainiac? Guard: I'd explain dear, but you'd never grasp my reasoning. You only have a standard humanoid brain. I'm Coluan. S: Hmmph. Can I have my gun? G: Ha! And why would I give it to you? S: Oh, that's one of those things, right? G: What things? S: Those things. Like I gotta stay in here. G: Ha! You mean rules! Yes, it's one of those things. S: And I can't have my gun? G: Right. *silence* G: And what would you do if I gave it to you? S: I don't know. I haven't really thought about it. *silence, guard sweats, gives it to Shvaughn. next panel, we see Shvaughn freeing everyone and explain that she felt the guard would convince himself she really was too stupid to use her gun* My main problem is that Shvaughn was speaking rather intelligently with the guard beforehand. This is all on the guard's stupidity though. Shvaughn is great, and remains great. All in all, rather forgettable.
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Unfortunately, I don't own any of the Legion's Showcase appearances, so I can't comment at the moment. Sorry, Ibby.
OTOH, I did look them up to see who the creative teams were -- the Colu story is by Tom Peyer writing solo, with art from Derec Aucoin (two acquired tastes that don't go well together IMHO,) so I'll pass; but the Jo story is written by Tom McCraw solo, which is encouraging, and it sounds like there was potential in the premise and the new character of Winter, plus I've always felt that Postboot Jo is the best of the UBs, so...we shall see if I try to find a cheap copy. Thanks, Ibby and Cramey.
Oh, and wasn't the Legion Worlds issue that introduced Postboot Brin a spotlight on Rimbor? I'll admit I hardly ever re-read it, because even though I like Postboot Brin, the artwork was, as I (reluctantly) recall, stomach-turning in its ugliness.
Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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No worries, Fanfie. We're going to hit some good issues in the "main" books soon, looking forward to hearing your thoughts then. I found Derec Aucoin's art to be OK, not the best, but not the worst either. About as good as Lee Moder's, I guess. Jo was thoughtful and rather open about his issues, which makes him a refreshingly good UB (unlike jerkass frat boy Threeboot UB, or the 5YL UB who became to much of a Gary Sue,I fear). And yes, Brin's introductory issue was set in Rimbor. The art was indeed pretty bad 
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...or the 5YL UB who became to much of a Gary Sue,I fear Yes, indeed. My sentiments exactly! Cheers, my friend.  And yes, Brin's introductory issue was set in Rimbor. The art was indeed pretty bad  
Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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Legion of Super-Heroes 87 She's Not ThereIssue informationSummary:We get a treat guest-starring Deadman! I'm gushing again over the beautiful Alan Davis cover. Deadman looks positively skeletal, while Tinya looks so wispy. Alan Davis draws some pretty faces, and always has great facial expressions. Over to the interiors. We have not one, not two, but THREE artists! Mike Collins takes the first 7 pages. He's easily my favorite of the three. A young woman is visiting a fortune teller called "Gurubhanda", aka Tommy the Swami. The young woman pulls out a gun and introduces herself as Tiffany Cross. Tiffany reminds Tommy about her grandma Bertie. Bertie spent all her money on Tommy instead of paying for her heating bill, and when Final Night came, poor Bertie caught pneumonia and died. Tommy desperately tries using the jewel on his forehead to appease Tiffany by proving he's not a fake. When he touches it, he screams in pain and Tiffany is thrown back. Next page recaps what we already know from the Showcase two-parter. The Legion scrambles to chase Brainiac 5; Apparition vanishes at the last minute and Ultra Boy stays behind to save her. Too bad it took a full page to show this, though Mike Collins' drawing of the Legionnaires makes up for it. Incidentally, this page brings home the fact that the main cast is majority-female, which is quite a treat (5 females, 4 males, though one of the males is Gates. Ferro isn't included yet). We next get another full page shot of Jo screaming for Tinya, which is a bit of a waste of space. Ah well. The art is pretty and it's the credits page, so fine. Jo gives us a recap of how he lost Tinya,then in his rage he punches a hole in the wall and flies off to look for her. Oy. Come on, Jo. As an aside, the Legionnaires are now in a STAR Labs facility. Brainy must be in a separate facility, This ties in with LSH 86, where Dr. Faulkner invites the Legionnaires over to STAR. A kid on a skateboard comes up to Jo, saying he knows where Tinya is. The next panel, its now an elderly nun talking to Jo. It's obviously Deadman, and he passes on Tinya's instructions to go wait in her quarters. Tinya is surprised that Jo can't see and hear her anymore. Lee Moder takes over. I don't normally like his art, but his waif-thin style works for Deadman. He also does a pretty good job portraying the spooky background. Tinya's touchstone is spewing forth energy. She explains that all Bgztlians wear them, and they symbolize the change in states from tangible to intangible. Deadman jumps into the touchstone, pulling Tinya in after him. Tinya apologizes for not telling Deadman earlier that she is an alien; Deadman brushes it off and apologizes for being cranky. He also notes that Jo's invulnerability is what saved Tinya's "spirit", by giving her an anchor. They head for what appears to be an exit. Tommy the Swami has been transformed into a skeletal monster thingie. He uses his jewel - which looks almost identical to Tinya's touchstone - and attacks Tiffany. Suddenly, the touchstone spits out Tinya and Deadman. Somehow, Tiffany can see both of them. Deadman accuses Tommy of drawing on Tinya's essence through the touchstone, and attacks him. But when he punches Tommy, Tommy absorbs part of him. Tommy uses their ghostly energies to become a poltergeist, and starts throwing stuff around. Tiffany volunteers to help them talk to Jo. Tinya, in Tiffany's body, enters her room and kisses a surprised Jo. (To Jo's credit, she did say she was Tinya first). Deadman forcibly pulls Tinya out and lectures her on this unethical exploitation. Tiffany drags Jo off to beat up Tommy/Poltergeist. Paul Pelletier takes over. He's also pretty good at drawing faces. As Jo fights Poltergeist, the power drain keeps costing Tinya and Deadman bits and pieces of their "bodies". We see them floating around with chunks missing from their bodies, not in an icky way. Props to Pelletier for drawing them well. Jo has the bright idea of having Tinya possess and control the machines. If Poltergeist is using her power to do it, why can't she? Everyone is impressed, and so am I - especially as it's usually Tinya who directs Jo in battle. Tinya possesses some machinery and knocks Poltergeist out. Tommy the Swami reverts to normal, but Tinya and Deadman do not. Deadman calls on Rama Kushna. Rama promises to restore Deadman, but she says Tinya should fade, as she doesn't "sense a place for her". A saddened Tinya sobs about dying a thousand years before she is born. This convinces Rama Kushna to preserve Tinya, and her full essence is restored - and now, everyone, not just Jo, can see and hear her. She still can't become tangible, though, and appears somewhat translucent. Epilogue: Phase of L.E.G.I.O.N. cannot find her own "pin" - by her description, it's a touchstone! Strata appears to help her look for it. To catch us up on the rest of the team, the cops arresting Tommy the Swami learn that the other Legionnaires freed the original Brainiac. And Tiffany Cross has taken up Tommy the Swami's place! It seems she's continuing to harness the new abilities she developed in this issue. Thoughts:A great issue! Deadman is a very entertaining guest star, snarky but in a papa bear kind of way as he shepherds poor Tinya along. Despite the three artists and the overuse of splash pages, its a solid story with a lot of happenings and some of the best dialogue in a while. Tommy the Swami is a class act. Love how his speech patterns change when he's in character and when he's being himself. The dialogue in the first few pages is well-written and realistic. Tiffany is an interesting new supporting character (she will appear a few more times) too. I love how she snaps at Deadman and calls him a nag. Transcript below: Some great moments: 1) Deadman's rising perplexity at Tinya's situation. Deadman: "Planet? You're a ghost from another planet, and it didn't dawn on you to tell me?" Deadman again: "You're from the future? It's not enough that you're from another planet? You're from another planet in the future? This is too flippin' heavy!" 2) Tinya using Tiffany to kiss Jo, and Tiffany enjoying it while Deadman is aghast at the exploitation. Best dialogue in the issue: Apparition: Tiffany, I'm sorry, I didn't mean... Tiffany: To use me to kiss him? Just make sure it happens again. Deadman: Ahem! If you're all through playing spin-the-flipping bottle, we have a job to... Tiffany: We know! Will you quit nagging everybody every single minute? I liked you at first, but I'm starting to be glad you died! (ouch. This last part is a bit too much!) Deadman: (quietly, to Tinya) Do I nag?
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/26/18 10:58 AM.
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Superman v2 119 SunburnedIssue informationSummary:The Legion helps Superman try to regain his powers. As with Final Night, I'll skip over the parts that don't concern the Legion directly. Note: this takes place before the original Brainiac is freed. Superman tries to absorb as much sunlight as possible to jumpstart his powers. He is forced to make excuses when colleagues at the Daily Planet catch him. Lex Luthor gets a call that intruders are in Lexcorp. We see the entire Legion (minus Apparition - guess the writers here didn't get the memo that she would be visible now!; Ferro hasn't joined up yet either) looking for tech that can help them get home. Dialogue makes it clear that it's Brainiac 5's idea. The others have misgivings, but they still go through with it, anyway. The Legionnaires defend themselves against Lexcorp guards, which in one page we are introduced to their powers. Luthor shows up to threaten them; Brainy directs Spark to direct his control pad. Cos and Imra try to talk Luthor into helping them. Superman then shows up, saying he tripped the alarm. This explains Brainy's earlier confusion as he was sure he had masked their presence successfully. Superman invents a story of needing to borrow Luthor's spacecraft run tests on the sun. Luthor can tell Superman is lying, and offers to accompany Superman. Superman deflects by saying the Legionnaires have agreed to help him; Imra telepathically warns everyone that she detects Superman's desperation and they should play along. Luthor knows something is up but does not dare call their bluff. In space, Superman asks the Legion for help. Brainy directs the team in building a machine that will absorb and direct sunlight directly into Superman. Cos, Ayla, Jo and Inferno are asked to fire at the machine to trigger it to collect energy from the sun. Superman's suit begins to rupture. The Legionnaires tell Brainy it's not working, but he refuses to believe he miscalculated. Jo thinks quickly, using invulnerability and his flight ring to shove Superman out of the machine. Thankfully, Superman's suit blocked the worst of things. They return to Earth safely, but with Superman still depowered. Thoughts:Generic issue that gives the Legion some screen time, but does little to further their journey home. As far as I know, the potential collaboration between Brainiac 5 and Luthor never happens. Nor does Luthor offer anything that can help the team get home. Fave moments: 1) As Superman and the Legionnaires depart on Luthor's spacecraft, Brainy notes an unfinished anti-matter converter. He says he can fix it in one or two days; Luthor is aghast as he has been working on it for 13 years! 2) Superman telling Brainy off: Superman: "And please: moaning about our backward technology won't help!" Brainy: "I suppose you might be of some small assistance." Superman: "I see you've inherited the original Brainiac's humility." Brainy: "Humility? History never recorded that he possessed... oh, that was sarcasm, wasn't it?"
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/26/18 10:57 AM.
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Legionnaires 44 Taking a LickingIssue InformationSummary:New Legionnaires Magno, Sensor and Umbra on their first solo mission! We begin with Lori Morning following Proty into a darkened room... which turns out to be Umbra's darkfield. Tasmia clears it up to reveal a surprise birthday party! Lori, instead of being grateful, rages at the cake showing 11 candles instead of 21. But, we are reminded that Lori is mentally an 11 year old in a 21 year old body. Proty is revealed to be Chameleon, who apologized for tricking Lori. Rond asks Lori to hold an apparatus he has. Once she does, it physuially deages her to her 11-year old self. Because her clothes no longer fit, the Athramites jump in and give her a little girl outfit that has to be seen to be believed. After Lori runs off, Kinetix, Triad, XS, Chameleon and Marla Latham question Rond over his actions. Rond says he needed Lori's chronal energy to retrieve the lost Legionnaires, and he knew that Lori would never willingly give it up. This makes everyone sit up and take notice, and sort of forgive Rond. Meanwhile, Live Wire is briefing Umbra, Sensor and Magno. He decided to give them their first solo mission - investigating a mine cave-in. Umbra angrily protests at the simplicity, sarcastically asking if maybe their next mission is rescuing a three-legged skitterer from a banyo tree. Sensor hushes her with an illusion of a metal plate over her mouth, saying its a big honor to be trusted. Cham grabs Garth and brings him to the VR room, where Rond has used Lori's chronal energy to speak to the Legionnaires in the 20th century - audio AND video! Triad tells Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl that Leviathan really is dead; Cham encourages Garth to flirt with Imra because "it will give me (Cham) the nerve to flirt with your sister!", and Brainy gives Rond instructions on building a time machine. Unfortunately, the transmission cuts off before Rond gets the full specs. XS is sad that Cos seemed too close to Imra, and Garth thinks the same thing. In space, Magno gushes over how fun it is to fly the cruiser. Umbra sarcastically comments on how he seems to be amazed at everything. Umbra calls her out on her constant negativity; Umbra ignores her, prompting Sensor to generate a half-dozen illusions of herself and tell Umbra never to ignore her again. Umbra counters by saying she came THIS close to becoming planetary champion of Talok VIII; Sensor says Umbra's attitude makes it clear why she wasn't. The Legionnaires meet mine boss Commissioner Arolak on the asteroid of Yuen. They reassure her they are full Legionnaires, though the good commissioner sighs that she wishes they had at least sent Legionnaires they had heard of, such as Saturn Girl or Live Wire. We see four figures (Density, Ze Tongue, Phantom Lad, Cherry Bomb) watching them, and funnily they say the same thing (re sending Legionnaires they had heard of, even down to the examples). They reveal their plan: they caused the cave in so Legionnaires would be called in, and they would try to impress them by solving it. But as their audience is three unheard of Legionnaires (Loser Lad, Loser Lass and Loser Snake), they change their plan: murder the Legionnaires so membership slots will open up! Little tidbit: Magno says that on Braal, Braalians still mine as they are more efficient than robots. That doesn't seem to be the case anywhere else. Upon investigating the site of the cave in, Sensor realizes the beam that collapsed was licked in half! Before she can continue, she is knocked out... by Ze Tongue's tongue, much to Umbra's disgust. Magno recognizes Ze Tongue from the tryouts. Ze Tongue (because yes,in French wee must always have ze "ze"!) takes Umbra out with his shapeshifting tongue, and then takes Magno out. Unfortunately, Magno was in the middle of lifting debris... and the floor collapses underneath Magno, Sensor and Ze Tongue. Oops. (or as Ze Tongue said, "Sacre Bleu!" - you know, I haven't heard a single French person utter this yet...) Umbra recovers, snarking that maybe the floor collapsed because Ze Tongue licked it. She decides to get the Commissioner to safety, but poor Commissioner is grabbed by... Density! Who has the pretty cool power of turning her body into almost any substance she can think of. Phantom Lad comes in to press the attack, but he clearly doesn't know what he's doing. He has to remind himself to "keep his fists solid". Umbra easily dodges, cloaks both Density and Phantom Lad in her darkfield, and takes each out with one punch. She goes to get the Commissioner to safety again, but now Umbra is caught in Ze Tongue's Net-tongue! Cherry Bomb shows up and, after a short charging-up period, explodes in a flash of light and sound - turning Umbra deaf and blind. Umbra evens the playing field by casting a wide-ranging shadow to also keep Cherry Bomb and Ze Tongue from seeing. Ze Tongue swings around blindly, almost hitting Cherry Bomb. This lets Tasmia get the drop on Bomb, knocking her out; and she grabs Tongue's tongue and slams it into the ground, making Ze Tongue scream. Oh no, she didn't...? As everyone recovers, we see that Tasmia didn't (despite Commisioner Arolak also thinking so). No, Umbra merely used Tongue's hatchet-tongue to tie him up and stake him into the ground. Umbra says she wished she had cut it off, but she doubted the Legion would have approved. Sensor flies up, and is impressed that Umbra beat all four rejects by herself! Magno calls his teammates down; they found what seems to be a gravestone bearing the word "Mord". Uh oh... Back on Earth, Kinetix and XS enter Lori's room with some cake.XS thanks her, because the chronal energy helped them reach the others. XS also confesses that her wish, granted by the Emerald Eye, was to kiss Cosmic Boy. But it hurt to see Cos and Imra so close. Jenni encourages Lori, by saying that though the truth hurts, accepting it helps one move forward with life - relating it to Lori's own illusion of being grown-up. Lori seems to understand the lesson, and agrees in principle... but asks f she can still hate Rond. Kinetix and XS share a look, and agree. Thoughts:Introducing Ze Tongue alone makes this a gem. And having lived in France for over a year, I can say that almost everyone does indeed have a very strong accent when speaking in English. I chuckled imagining Ze Tongue speaking like some of the people around here. I do wonder how Umbra is familiar with the French accent. Perhaps she has lived on Earth for a while. In addition, the entire issue is a solid read. Great mission, some foreshadowing on Mordru (!), and many subplots being moved along. I like the art as usual, though Moy's pencils seem a bit rougher here at parts (e.g. Magno's face on page 10). Could it be the inker? Some great dialogue AGAIN! This whole issue was gold. The writers and scripters have a gift, and even the non-action scenes have such great dialogue that it's sheer joy for me to read. Likes: Top like is how bad-ass Umbra is in battle. This is a welcome change from much of the Preboot, where Tasmia was just used to provide shadow cover. Here, she does that AND beats up the bad guys, taking out Density and Phantom Lad with one punch each and tying up Cherry Bomb and Ze Tongue. Great skills, which I would definitely expect from a planetary champion. 1) Lori's birthday had so many great moments - a) Lyle gives Lori a present, but she completely ignores him because she likes Rond. b) Lori flirts with Magno to try and make Rond jealous; Magno almost literally melts onto the floor. Lori's got game though, she even playfully licks icing off her finger...! What has she been watching??? c) Tenzil quips about using extra tungsten in the cake. 2) Umbra's intense and misanthropic personality is a stark contrast from almost everyone else. She tells Magno, "why are you so happy? we barely know these people!" Though, she did play along for the surprise. Also, when she's angry she leaks darkfield and shadows. Cool. 3) Magno calling Umbra "Shady" is a nice touch and throwback to the Preboot. 4) The Athramites giving Lori a little girl outfit, and the Legionnaires' shocked reactions. Kinetix: "The Athramites aren't fiends." XS: "They're publicists." Rond: "Good lord." Lori: (running away) I hope you all DIE! Athramite: "Hmph. Everybody critic." And after... Kinetix: "So, Rond, what's your degree in? Child abuse?" Chameleon: "Don't blame college. I bet he hatched that way." Triad: "Who cares how it happened? It's over. He's not leaving here with his head." 5) live Wire consistently complaining about the stress of being leader. He clearly hates the job, and I can empathize. I've been there before. 6) Chameleon telling Live Wire to flirt with Saturn Girl, so it will give Cham the nerve to flirt with Spark. 7) Umbra accusing Ze Tongue of having a phony French accent, and Ze Tongue being all "What ees French? The word is onfamiliare!" 8) Of all the rejects, the most ridiculous (Ze Tongue) was the most effective - taking down Sensor AND Magno single-handedly and lasting the longest in the fight. I love how corny and campy he is, calling each tongue-shape as he attacks. "My net-tongue!" "My bolo-tongue!" "My boomerang-tongue!" 9) Kinetix's power use. She enters Lori's room by telekinetically creating a hole in the door and sealing it shut again. One reason I love Zoe is because her powers are among the most useful in real life! Other thoughts: 1) Is Density female? I mean, Density looks female, but her (?) chest is always just a little bit obscured so it's not 100% clear. It's hard to make assumptions just from the costume and rather large build. 2) Among the rejects, Density has a pretty good power- changing her form into almost any substance. Wow. That's almost as impressive as Element Lad. And Ze Tongue was good in battle, too. We have no evidence that there was any psych/telepathic evaluation like in the Retroboot. Cherry Bomb's rejection I can understand though, as she needs to recharge after every power usage. And Phantom Lad clearly didn't have much control.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/26/18 10:59 AM.
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Impulse 21 A Little KnowledgeIssue InformationSummary:In a homage to Adventure 247, we see three youths (Spark, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl) greet Bart Allen/Impulse in different situations which show they know his secret identity. A terrified Bart barricades himself in his home, thinking Max Mercury will kill him. Gates and Brainiac 5 are also present. Bart encourages Max Mercury to go to the market. Gates teleports in, to be attacked by Bart; once he realizes Gates is a Legionnaire,he goes nuts with joy. max drags everyone inside and scolds them for putting the secret identity in jeopardy. The Legionnaires apologize, and say XS told them about the whole identity thing, hence the disguises. Bart asks where XS is, only to be disappointed she is still in the 30th century. Then he asks if the Legionnaires are here to invite him to join: another no. They ask him to help them find a way back to the 30th century; Bart agrees, if he can borrow a flight ring. Cue Bart zooming through the skies in glee. Impulse takes the Legionnaires to the Flash museum. Before they go in, another Impulse arrives, warns them from entering, and then fades. Bart zooms in anyway, and the Legionnaires follow cautiously as he leads them to the Cosmic Treadmill. They see a shadowed figure touching it; the figure tries to explain, then disappears before Bart can grab it. As Brainiac 5 examines the treadmill, we see another Brainiac 5 and Impulse, in Brainy's forcefield, appear. Bart doesn't notice, and grabs Brainy in an enthusiastic attempt to show how the treadmill works. An annoyed Brainy chastises Bart, saying they shouldn't be attempting time travel without any protection. Bart stops, and we see that he and Brainy have traveled in time - popping up a few seconds earlier. They are the other Brainy/Bart we saw. Bart is thrilled, and begins using the treadmill to make temporal duplicates of himself. Saturn Girl tries to calm him down telepathically, but is overwhelmed by the psychic backlash of three Bart Allens. Brainiac 5 deduces that Bart's super speed frequencies mean he snaps back to his starting time (also explaining why Bart can't simply go to the 30th century himself); that this might not apply to anything he brings with him through time; but that it doesn't matter because so far Bart has only been traveling within a 10 minute window. Headstrong Bart is like, "Oh, I can go further than that!", and grabs all the Legionnaires. They end up in a different time, in a lab with caged monkeys. Bart opens one, and the infamous Koko the white monkey jumps out and latches onto Brainy's face. They disappear through time again, and we see future Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy being all "ah, I wondered when that was going to happen." The Legionnaires chastise Bart, but he still won't listen. He thinks it will work better one at a time, and he grabs a terrified Gates. Bart tells Gates to chill, as he can just teleport himself to safety. Gates freaks, saying he cannot teleport through time! He jumps off, and finds himself alone - we see that Gates was the shadowy figure encountered a few pages earlier. Before Gates gets grabbed, present Impulse picks him up, saying he wound up in the Jurassic era. Unfortunately, Bart brought three dinosaurs with him. Oops. Bart decides to jump back into the past to warn himself from ever going in,closing the third time loop we saw. He snaps back to the present though, where Spark, Cos and Gates battle the dinosaurs. Imra's brain is still fried though, and Brainy can't see a thing because Koko is facehugging him. Bart saves Imra from being dinosaur food, then jumps onto the treadmill to return the dinosaurs to the past. He does... ... but it looks like he left the treadmill in the past too! It just disappeared. Big oops. The Legionnaires leave in annoyance, making sure to reclaim the flight ring Bart has. In a comedic twist, two panels after they leave, the Cosmic Treadmill pops right back where they left it. Triple oops. Thoughts:This was a fun issue! Besides Bart's crazy antics, we have the Legionnaires consistently throwing up their hands in annoyance. Brainiac 5 and Gates provide comedy gold, as usual. Spark and Saturn Girl aren't far behind. Even though nothing really changes here (except the addition of Koko), it's a worthwhile and entertaining read. Art-wise: I think Craig Rousseau's art is ugly, but his cartoon-y style does work for Impulse. So I'll give it a pass here. I do adore his little Bart thought bubbles (like the rat he thinks of when finding out XS isn't here, or the comical caricature of Max Mercury strangling him for blowing their secret identities). Interesting bit: Cosmic Boy is about to greet Max Mercury as though he knew him. Saturn Girl reminds him that they haven't met... yet. I wonder when they did first meet? I've tried checking some chronologies but can't figure it out. Fave moments: 1) The homage to Adv. 247 is spot on. With Ayla greeting Bart by calling him Impulse (like Lightning Boy did to Superboy!), Cos greeting Impulse as Bart Allen (again, like Cosmic Boy did a long time ago), and Imra telling Bart to give her regards to Max Mercury (just like she did once upon a time!) Ayla later explains this as them having fun. 2) The absurdity of Gates' and Brainiac 5's disguises (I do wish someone had pointed out that it was silly they didn't bring Ultra Boy or Shvaughn, who were easier to disguise). Gates is dressed in a skullcap and hoodie; Brainy has looks like a walking pile of clothes, every inch of his green skin covered. Brainiac 5: "Apparently, you were unaware that 87.6% of humanoid body heat is released through the cranial area when you so cleverly thought to disguise me. Perhaps we can draw our target out befire I succumb to heat stroke? Gates: "Gates faces down the teenage commando in the privacy of his own lair... AAAAKK! I knew it! (to his flight ring) Attention! I am under attack by a cyclone with hair! Red alert! Red alert!!!" Impulse: "As for you, you BIRDROACH, you..." 3) The Legionnaires constantly ragging on Bart. Cos: "Remember, XS told us he was headstrong." Ayla: "I prefer crazy." Cos asks Imra to use her telepathy to get into Bart's brain and calm him down. Imra snarks, "assuming I can find it..." Brainy: "Don't let Bart near that treadmill until I turn it into a Phantom Zone Projector!" 4) Imra's thought bubbles after Bart overwhelms her telepathically, including one where she thinks of Max Mercury trussed up and being roasted over a fire. 5) Koko latching onto Brainy's face, and Brainy screaming ALLENNNNN! Reminds me of Dennis the Menace. 6) Gates raging at the cosmic treadmill when he was lost alone. "This is your fault, you wretched contraption! Stupid treadmill! Stupid, stupid, stupid...!" I know the feeling, sometimes I say that when my phone hangs.
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Legion of Super-Heroes 88 Fast TimesIssue informationSummary:Impulse continues hanging out with the Legion, causing all sorts of trouble. We see a familiar scene from Legionnaires 44: Rond Vidar used chronal energy to project sound and light from the 20th century to the 30th, allowing Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and Spark to speak briefly with Rond Vidar, Kinetix, Triad and XS. Chameleon and Live Wire show up too, but don't get to speak. The conversation lasts long enough for the briefly reunited heroes to tell each other that everyone else is alive, except for Leviathan; that Violet is still missing and possessed by the Eye; and for Brainiac 5 to give Rond partial instructions to the time machine. Unfortunately, they run out of time, leaving Brainiac 5 frustrated that he wasn't able to tell Rond everything. Cos also missed saying that Apparition is still alive. Dr. Kitty Falkner shows up with Rep. Carl Mellor and Senator Dottie Money, on an inspection tour of STAR Labs. Saturn Girl offers to accompany them, and Dr. Falkner telepathically thanks Imra for helping impress the lawmakers. Cos and Spark tag along, and the good Senator seems thrilled at being able to talk to genuine super-heroes. We see a second familiar scene, this time from Impulse 21: Impulse bringing Cos, Imra, Spark and Brainy through time, and Koko latching onto Brainy's face. Dr. Falkner tries to brush it off for now, but sees the Congressman walking into Brainy's lab. The congressman is pulled into some sort of device, and he flails around while parts of his body disappear. Cos asks Brainy to shut it off, and gets ignored; so Cos destroys the device. Ayla tries to make light of the situation by saying it wasn't a crisis by Brainy standards, as no labs have blown up. Everyone takes it seriously; even though Dr. Falkner asks Brainy nicely not to destroy anything (as the explosions are part of Brainy's standard methodology), the rank and file are afraid, and the highers-up tell Dr. Falkner to restrict his access. Dr. Falkner leads a team to restrict Brainy's computer and hardware access. It is at this precise moment that Impulse chooses to dash in, bringing (in Brainy's words) that extra dose of ruination. Bart's super speed wake causes some STAR Labs staff to drop a piece of equipment. Max Mercury walks in. Cos greets him, then stops in shame. Narration shows Cos wanted to be more convincing, but Bart's annoying nature strains even his people skills. Shvaughn tells Cos to go talk to Max; as the resident Science Police officer, Shvaughn is in the best position to monitor Brainy. Impulse also stays, wanting to help. Brainy fumes at first, then realizes that his super-fast companion can make a good ally. He types instructions for Bart to grab Shvaughn's telepathic earplugs and Brainy's flight ring at super speed. Now that Bart has the plugs, Brainy can relay instructions non-verbally. Brainy asks Bart to get a certain component. Bart sees a similar thing and grabs it - which sets off alarms. Oops. Brainy describes it as a "complete crash of several fundamental regulatory systems", and chews out Bart for not getting the exact thing he asked for. Dr. Falkner and Shvaughn realize what happened and confront Brainy,too. Brainy asks Bart to do a super speed assessment, and boy, is everyone in big trouble. The Legionnaires fan out. Gates imitates a bug warning sound to steer some bugs in the opposite direction; he teleports there and catches them in a transuit. Apparition tracks a leaking solvent, finding it dripping over the main generator. She calls for Ultra Boy, who uses his invulnerable hands to catch the solvent. Impulse gets to the main isotope lab, which has a helpful timer showing how long it will take before it blows up the entire labs AND Metropolis. Brainy gives Impulse the code to his forcefield belt, which is an overwhelmingly long 35436354015574849 something something, then the plugs conk out. Bart runs off and comes back with Brainy, telling him to operate it himself. There's not enough time for Brainy to punch in the code, so Bart grabs his hand and slams it onto the forcefield belt keypad.... and somehow they manage to encase the isotope in a forcefield, saving STAR Labs and Metropolis. But Dr. Falkner sees it differently... The Legionnaires are in a diner, and have voted 6-1 in favor of Impulse NOT becoming a Legionnaire. Cos says he's the frst ever super-hero to be turned down for membership (which, if we define this as already established heroes, is true!). Max apologizes again, then drags Impulse out - but promising they will find the Legion a new home "while he still has a few connections Bart hasn't alienated". As they leave, Brainy makes Bart return his flight ring... then calls Bart back to toss him some telepathic earplugs. "Give me a think sometime". A smiling Bart runs off with an approving Max. Thoughts:The cover is brilliant - another homage to Adventure 247! Though the opening scene mirrors the one in L* 44, we see it from the perspective of those in the 20th century and get a few tidbits - such as the opening bits of conversation we missed (the L*44 one was told from Live Wire's perspective), and Cos lamenting he wasn't able to tell everyone that Apparition is still alive. Lee Moder's art is improving, his figures don't seem quite as anemic now. And the facial expressions are on point. On Impulse's membership vote. Seven were cast - they aren't identified, but I count 7 confirmed Legionnaires: Apparition, Brainiac 5, Cosmic Boy, Gates, Saturn Girl, Spar, Ultra Boy. Shvaughn Erin and Inferno are clearly NOT full Legionnaires, then. I think this should settle the Inferno membership debate once and for all. Fave moments: 1) Everyone's amazement at Rond Vidar's success. Brainy figures out what Rond did, and congratulates him for it. Kinetix: "Cham! Get Garth quick! Not only did Rond's little scheme work... but Brainiac 5 is actually impressed!" 2) Not a fave, but this one was poignant. Poor XS tries several times to get Cos' attention, but he keeps blowing her off while speaking with some of the others. 3) Bart causing STAR labs staff to drop some equipment. Dr. Falkner says it's worth 3.674 million dollars, and that if Bart's the Legion's guest, she'll put it on their tab. Brainy: "I swear, I've never seen this child before in my life." 4) Brainy chewing Bart out, and the Legionnaires chewing him out. Bart: "What do you want me to do next?" Brainy: "If you provoked these alarms, I think the appropriate move would be to drop dead." Bart: "Hey, don't yell at me, I got your square thing!" Brainy: "What? That's not it. Where did you get that?" Bart: "On Level 21." Brainy: "Level 21? I told you to go down to Level 7! Do you have any idea what's on Level 21?!" (cue a panel showing fail-safe systems are failing) Bart: "It was faster!" Brainy: "Faster than what? You going down a few extra flights of stairs at the speed of sprocking light?" Dr. Falkner: "Our automatic regulatory systems crashed. That means substances that have to be maintained at a certain temperature, or kept still, or wet, or dry..." Brainy: "... are no longer being maintained, because none of these geniuses thought to install adequate failsafes." Spark: "No, Brainy, it's because the geniuses failed to anticipate you and Impulse." Ultra Boy: "Right. Poor dumb primitives thought the H-Bomb was as bad as it gets." Gates: "Whatever. We each know our assignment. So zip up your protective transuits and..." Bart: "Let me say it!" Let's go, Legionnaires!" Gates: "Actually, I was going to say let's shut up and get this over with." Apparition: "Nice team spirit, Gates." 5) When the Legionnaires are voting, Brainy is forced to stand outside and watch. He still gets a vote, though. 6) The Brainy-Bart friendship at the end, with Brainy basically saying to keep in touch. Who would have thought Brainy of all people would take a shine to Bart?
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Legionnaires 45 Things ChangeIssue InformationSummary:Some Legionnaires go to Vyrga to help stop a renegade Vyrgan attempting to foment civil war! Sensor reports in to Kinetix, who is manning the Mission Monitor Board. Sensor says they turned the rejects over to the Science Police, and that she recommended double restitution and modest imprisonment as prolonged incarceration would only harden their attitudes. As for the "Mord" artifact, the word means nothing to the mine supervisor and a search of the databanks doesn't turn anything up. Magno thinks it was part of a tomb, but no remains whatsoever were found. Kinetix promises to run a full systems scan... ... and they are interrupted by Lori, who says Proty spoke for the first time since the attack in Legionnaires 35! Lori helpfully explains the attack to Sensor (bunch of Proteans try to destroy HQ, support staff fight them off as the Legion was in space then). Marla then walks in and ushers Lori out, asking her to explain the "egregious" credit charges she has been making. As Sensor pops out, Kinetix's thoughts turn back to poor Violet, her best friend. Turns out that M'Onel is searching for her as he wanders through space. Violet and the Emerald Eye are watching him, and Violet resists the Eye's calls to attack him. Back on Earth, Marla, Live Wire, Triad, XS and Invisible Kid walk in. Marla asks Kinetix to show the results of the elections. A button reveals that Invisible Kid won, much to Garth's relief (despite Marla reassuring him he's done a good job) and Lyle's consternation (my specialty is covert activities! The Legion responds to all kinds of calls!). Before Lyle can absorb things, the Matriach of Vyrga calls, asking for Gates to be sent back to help out with a crisis. Garth says that Gates is on a "secret mission" (the cover story for those trapped in the 20th century), and XS thinks that lying is making things worse. The Matriarch is furious, as Gates is needed to stop a civil war! Lyle quickly takes charge, saying the Legion will help. He asks Garth to assemble an away team, and Zoe to remain at the Monitor Board, continue searching for Violet, and have the three newbies pick up Element Lad on Trom. The Legionnaires tease Lyle for being reluctant to take charge, but for shifting into leader mode easily. In space, Violet has attacked M'Onel. Lar tries to talk sense into her, telling her that her attacks are weaker and slower than she's capable of and encouraging her to keep resisting the Eye. Violet tries, and ends the encounter by teleporting off. But M'Onel is caught in the backwash and falls unconscious. On Vyrga, the Legionnaires arrive to a less-than-warm reception. The Vyrgans, led by Xxyx Kyzzhn, Captain of the Guard, are polite, but their dialogue before the Legion lands makes it clear that Gates and the Vyrgans aren't exactly best friends. They don't hate Gates, but... they seem to feel Gates loves to cause them discomfort. We see the away team includes Invisible Kid, Live Wire, Triad, XS... and Gates?! On Trom, Umbra, Sensor and Magno introduce themselves to Element Lad, who has been away since they joined. Jan explains that he is transmuting the remains of his people into the crystals to honor them. The three newbies condole with him. Back on Vyrga, a Vyrgan remarks that Gates was called back because he thinks like a renegade. Matriarch tells Gates that the problem is being caused by his former admirer Mantis Morlo. She asks if Gates has told the Legionnaires about Morlo. A clearly surprised Gates covers it up by saying he's not a larva-mouth. Matriarch narrates the story of Morlo; he once admired Gates, and exposed himself to mutagens in an attempt to gain powers and be Vyrga's new champion while Gates was with the Legion. The screens show that the mutagens changed not only Morlo's body, but also his mind. The Vyrgans approved at first, believing that another independent thinker would be useful. But Morlo's twisted mind began to regard Gates and the Vyrgans with contempt, and he began to believe that he was the natural leader of Vyrga. He also gained great size and strength. Now, Morlo operates as a terrorist, destroying sveeral buildings from a network of hidden bases. He's demanding unconditional surrender. Lyle questions why the Vyrgans waited so long to ask for help, as Morlo has clearly been operating for a while. Just then, an explosion rocks the wall, and Morlo walks in, laughing at how the Vyrgans have raised procrastination to an art form. Morlo now looks like an oversized, scaly Vyrgan. He claims that his power staff's energies will keep Gates from moving, and he unleashes an army of smaller creatues at the Legion, and begins blasting Gates. Garth begins blasting Morlo's army, and the Legionnaires realize that they are actually Proteans - similar to the ones that attacked Legion HQ in Legionnaires 35! Morlo says these ones are superior, and claims responsibility for the earlier attack. XS' super-speed allows her to stun the Proteans, and Triad uses a clever maneuver - making one Protean grab each of her selves, then reintegrating to slam their heads together. Lyle directs Garth to zap the stunned Proteans, and as they are still shaky, the blasts turn them back into protoplasm. Morlo is surprised, and Gates takes the opportunity to... grow to giant size? He quickly punches Morlo into the ground, revealing Gates to be Chameleon in disguise. As they clean up, the Legionnaires apologize for the deception. Matriarch doesn't care, as she's just happy Morlo was stopped so easily. They once regarded Gates' Legion membership solely as a means to greater visibility, but now Matriarch buys into the message of cooperation. Cham then explains how he took out Mantis Morlo with one punch. "He had pushed the cube-square law too for, especially for an invertebrate!" Apparently, he was big and strong, but no longer tough. The Legionnaires call it a wrap. On the Pacific coast of Arizona (!), Star Boy and Dreamer are enjoying a date. As Thom leans in for a kiss, Nura falls asleep. She wakes up seconds later, describing her vision of a huge guy, a real monster, a terrible god, at an altar. And the planet Biel, the locals' prayers to their shiny crystals are interrupted by said huge guy, who absorbs their energy. The locals run, calling hum the Unholy One. Uh oh... the stranger claims it's a good start, as his eyes glow. Thoughts:It's always nice to learn more about an alien world, and I feel we got a decent introduction to Vyrga. It's interesting that Vyrgans are often described as thinking alike, with the Matriarch saying that Gates and Mantis Morlo are rare independent thinkers. But, there clearly isn't any hive mind here - the dialogue makes it clear. Besides, though the Vyrgans don't love Gates, they recognize his independent thinking can be an asset. I do wish more time had been devoted to Vyrga, though. It feels like we didn't see as much of it, or learn as much of it, as we could have. Too bad, it's such a fascinating world. And the entire battle with Mantis Morlo took about 5 pages only. Ah well, it was still a fun issue though. I have no qualms whatsoever with the name Mantis Morlo being reused for a Vyrgan. If they wanted to reboot Dr. Mantis Morlo as a humanoid scientist, they still could anyway. Ethics-wise: I'm a bit surprised that no Vyrgans expressed discomfort with Chameleon impersonating Gates, and the Legion being so swilling to fool them. Yes, Cham's impersonation was crucial in defeating Morlo, but the Legionnaires seemed too willing to fool the Vyrgans just becayse they insisted on Gates being recalled. Lyle DID apologize on their behalf, though. Marla is a tad cantankerous in this issue, though Kinetix defends him by pointing out that being Adult Supervisor of the Legion isn't easy. His sternness (but kindness) is a good contrast to RJ Brande's never-ending patience. This issue pushes the Emerald Violet and Mordru plots along nicely, while giving quite a sense of menace. Likes: 1) The Mission Monitor Board is a nice touch, showing that the Legionnaires we don't see in this issue are elsewhere. Star Boy and Element Lad are off-duty, M'Onel is on detached duty. 2) The Vyrgans talking about Gates and their reluctance to have "his humanoid teammates" visit. One Vyrgan says that Gates could have teleported from the atmosphere without bringing the Legionnaires on, and that "Gates probably insisted they come. He'll revel in any discomfort they cause us." Lyle: "It is an honor to transport your kinsman back home." "Gates": "Don't lay it on too thick, Norg." Vyrgan: "What did I tell you? Same old Gates." 3) Element Lad apologizing to Sensor for staring. "Sorry, I've never seen a flying snake before." Sensor graciously says it's new to her too. 4) The Legionnaires' reactions to Mantis Morlo's progressing mutation. XS: "He did that to himself out of admiration? Good think he didn't start out hating Gates!" (she gags in disgust, too) Triad: "It could be worse." and when the final mutation is shown - Triad: "Oh nass, it is worse!" 5) Thom's panic at Nura falling asleep. Thom: Don't trance out one me now! (complete with head-shaking as he tries to pull her up) Nura: Oooh! Ooh Thom, you're in for so much trouble! Thom (drops Nura and wrings his hands): What? What did I do?! Finally, we get the results of the first (and I think only!) reader-voted elections for the Reboot. Drumroll: Invisible Kid - 64 Saturn Girl - 42 Triad - 39 Violet - 32 Cosmic Boy - 30 Gates - 28 Brainiac 5 - 25 Live Wire - 22 M'Onel - 19 Chameleon - 16 Star Boy - 14 XS - 14 Ultra Boy - 11 Apparition - 9 Leviathan - 7 Spark - 6 Element Lad - 6 Kinetix - 3 Timber Wolf - 1 (??? did someone get confused and read the wrong version? Or wishful thinking?) Krypto - 1 (???) Tenzil - 1 (ok, definitely wishful thinking for him to become a Legionnaire) Plaid Lad - 1 (now this is just trolling :p) Interesting that Cos, despite being the first leader and, in my opinion, doing a good job, is only 5th. Triad is quite popular, I wonder how much of this is due to her demonstrated admin skills? Violet, who became leader because of the Emerald Eye, comes in 4th. Perhaps her displays of leadership potential before her election helped. I wonder how many of the votes for Gates were just to hear more of his hilarious one-liners? Not surprised Leviathan (Gim) is so low. He hasn't shown much in the way of leadership soft skills or tactics. Looks like Preboot history doesn't factor in much here. Ultra Boy and Element Lad both rank quite low, despite having had multiple terms Preboot. Ah, but this Jo and this Jan are very different from their counterparts... Kinetix is the lowest! Again, I'm not too surprised. She's my favorite BUT I wouldn't vote for her either, she's too snarky and power-hungry to be a good leader. By my count, the only Legionnaire who was "active" at the time of the poll, AND who has no votes, is Andromeda. (I'm not sure exactly when the vote was announced, a note in L* 45 says they only announced it in one issue; and that it was supposed to have been announced also in LSH 84 but the letter column was deleted. So I'm guessing it was announced in L* 40 or L*41). Remember, at the time if the poll Leviathan was dead and Apparition was still intangible, so that's why I noticed Andromeda was missing.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 11/06/18 01:10 PM.
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I've decided to plug along on this thread while I have some free time. Now, I've gone back and checked if I've missed any Legion appearance during this era, or any appearance by some members of the Legion. I've gone back and added a mention of Guy Gardner: Warrior 29, which was concurrent with Legionnaires 29(!). Only appearance here is Brainiac 5, who pops in for 3 panels without dialogue, as he was testing his time machine. So it doesn't get its own review. That's also why I reviewed the Ultra Boy solo story in Showcase, as Jo gets a lot of screen time there. Next comes Sovereign Seven Plus Legion of Super-Heroes #1, starring Saturn Girl. She's the only Legionnaire who gets much screen time, everyone else appears in flashbacks! It's because of this, and because the story is rather difficult to wade into if you're not already a Sovereign Seven reader, that I will make this review extremely brief. (also because I barely understood what was happening, and am not interested enough to try harder!) Sovereign Seven Plus Legion of Super-Heroes #1 History LiesIssue InformationSummary:Saturn Girl decides to track down Network, a telepathic member of Sovereign Seven, as Network is regarded as a terrorist telepath in her time - "the utlimate rogue held up to all students at the Titanian Insititute as an exampleof the damage an unrestrained telepath can do to our society." The Sovereign Seven are a seven alien royals. Luckily for them, all look like earth humans. They are each exiled to Earth, and band together. Imra tracks Network down to the town of Crossroads. Network senses that Imra is looking for her, and passively waits for Imra to reveal herself. As pictures of Network didn't survive into the Legion's time, Imra misidentifies a local police officer as Network. The real Network eventually befriends her in secret. Imra and Network begin talking about their philosophies as telepaths. Imra says Network's actions and philosophy (that any establishment seeking to contro telepaths cages them) helped contribute to the 30th century philosophy that telepaths must exercise strict self-control, and why they wear the Titan badge in the future. Imra sees it as a mark of honor, and that the rigid self-control allows them to walk among society freely. Network sees it as a cage, and believes that telepaths shouldn't be shut up in institutions while learning to control their powers. For some reason Imra has a premonition of disaster. Network picks up on it and the Sovereign Seven decide to keep watch. An armored man with a sword attacks the Seven's friend Mitch. The Seven save Mitch and restrain the bad guy. Despite Network's warning, Imra tries to mind-probe himm triggering a "brainscram module". Imra and several of the Seven are captured in some kind of imaginary reality. Network explains that, as Imra was the one who triggered it, only she can end it. Imra angrily confronts Network for lying to her. At the same time, Imra's guilt over not stopping Shrinking Violet's possession by the Emerald Eye affects her. She appears as the Emerald Empress, and calls up several Emerald Legionnaires to fight the Seven (Ultra Boy, M'Onel, Andromeda, Star Boy, Kinetix, Spark). Network talks Imra down, telling her that she should not be afraid to trust herself and exercise her free will in order to avoid harming others. Artificial rules shouldn't be the only thing stopping telepaths from abusing their powers. Imra and Network eventually reach an understanding, and Imra departs, considering Network as a friend. Thoughts:The good thing about this issue is that it treats Saturn Girl with respect, and holds up her characterization from the Legion books (strong self-control, desire to avoid harming others, almost neurotic fear of slipping). The bad thing is, I found the whole thing so inaccessible. I fear that most of it only makes sense if you were a Sovereign Seven reader first. Imra and the Legion are introduced well, but there is precious little background given on the Seven. It was almost definitely aimed at people buying the Seven book. Because of this, I found the issue extremely boring. Much of the action is in Imra's mindscape and consists of a lot of talking. It was cool seeing various Emerald Legionnaires, especially Andromeda (her only appearance as an Emerald Legionnaire!) Art was good and clear. Unless you are a big fan of Imra's, there's really no need to get this issue.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/22/18 08:30 AM.
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Superman Plus Legion of Super-Heroes 1 Yesterday, Today and TomorrowIssue InformationSummary:The Legionnaires help Superman when a water main bursts in a Metropolis mall. Apparition introduces herself to Supes for the first time, referencing her absence (or inability to be perceived!) in past encounters. Saturn Girl senses that Superman isn't happy to see them. Superman owns up, saying that he vouched for them to the hero community and kept their origins from the 30th century secret, but they recklessly freed Brainiac. Inferno and Brainiac 5 are unapologetic, saying they needed to find a way home and that Superman hasn't even helped them. Superman suggests taking them to his Fortress of Solitude so Brainiac 5 can access advanced technology. Brainiac 5 stays behind to study the tech while the others go on a tour. As they explore the fortress, Apparition dives into the floor and disappears. Ultra Boy panics when he realizes she's gone. The lights go out, and Inferno panics as well; Superman is forced to snuff out her oxygen to render her unconscious. Holograms of Krypton's past come alive and attack the Legionnaires; the Legionnaires can't touch the holograms, but the holograms can touch them! Ultra Boy rampages around looking for Tinya, and Superman is forced to follow him, leaving the others behind. They are soon overwhelmed. Several weird things happen, such as Shvaughn getting wounded, Gates' heart being torn out, and tissue samples being taken from the Legionnaires. Yet, they suddenly recover. Imra explains that the events are happening on some plane, but not on the real plane, so there is still some danger. The holograms explain that they are reenacting the entire history of Krypton, and Superman realizes, as Krypton was destroyed, so will the holograms end with the destruction of Earth! The Legionnaires break free and fight back, the holograms not even bothering to keep intangible as they only need to "run down the clock". Of note is a scene in battle where the Cosmic Boy/Saturn Girl romance is spotlighted. A couple of times through the issue, Imra uses her telepathy to project her confidence in him to Rokk, boosting his reassurance. They continuously thank each other too. A holographic Jor-El appears, and Superman punches him out after he insults Pa Kent. The shock of the punch reveals that the holograms are the work of Black Zero II, a computer program. Apparition reappears; she was trapped by the program, and it has been using her to create the holograms. It was programmed to destroy any survivors of Krypton. Black Zero II's threat is stopped when the power goes out - by a stroke of luck, Brainiac 5 had crashed the systems by overloading the Fortress computers with too much data. Apparition is freed, and Superman and the team destroy the crystals containing the program. As they leave, Superman offers to help if they need it. Cos shushes the team, saying they've imposed enough. Tinya wonders if they will be invited back, to which Superman thinks, "maybe in a thousand years." Thoughts:Well, the Legionnaires in general come off as rather inexperienced. But it's to be expected, most of them are teens. Characterization is mostly spot-on, with Cos being the rock, Imra being totally supportive, the two being all kissy kissy, Spark being snarky, Inferno being snarky AND rude, Gates complaining, Shvaughn being the tough cop, Jo being lovesick and insecure about Tinya being lost again, and Brainy being intelligently arrogant. Tinya is a bit of a disappointment, as in this issue she loses much of her toughness and is the cause of all the trouble. She also doesn't seem to comprehend that her curiosity almost ended up with Earth being destroyed. I skipped over most of the combat scenes in the summary, as there's little new here. Dialogue-wise, this is rather boring, especially compared to dialogue in LSH and Legionnaires. There's precious little banter, and even the snark that is there is generally uninspired and unfunny in comparison. Although,that is what makes the good moments stand out. Fave moments: 1) Brainiac 5's method of fast travel - Ultra Boy uses super-speed to push Brainiac 5's forcefield. 2) Inferno ragging on Tinya for causing all the trouble. "You're welcome, Apparition. I live to clean your messes." 3) Superman ragging on Jo for going nuts. "Tinya, whatever you do, don't ever leave this guy - for all our sakes! I'm lucky he didn't tear down the whole fortress! Right, Jo?" 4) Tinya introducing herself to Superman, and explaining he hasn't seen her yet because she had trouble manifesting from her "death". Superman: "We should compare notes some time." 5) Brainy instructing Inferno on how to repair a hole in the mall. Inferno: "Oh, sure boss, would you like fries with that?" Brainiac 5: "Sarcasm? Oh, I'll be sobbing tonight." 6) Gates saving a woman falling; she keeps screaming even after he teleports her to safety. Gates: "Still screaming? I saved you already - oh, it's because I'm inesctoid, isn't it? I save your life and it means nothing, because the power structure teaches vicious lies about inhumanoid species!"
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Legion of Super-Heroes 89 She's Electric!Issue informationSummary:The Legion's new home is revealed to be... the old Justice League cave in Happy Harbor! Ferro is also now living with them, though Shvaughn narrowly stops Spark from revealing they are from the 30th century. Oracle pops in, she has taught Shvaughn how to use the Internet and has been sharing information on time travelers. Ultra Boy and Apparition report that a lead on Rip Hunter didn't pan out. Ferro gets suspicious and asks why the Legion is reading up on time travel. As the cat is out of the bag anyway, Spark reveals everything to Ferro and tells him to keep it a secret. Shvaughn scolds Spark, saying Cosmic Boy warned them about potential damage to the timestream. Spark walks off in a huff, and goes to visit Brainiac 5. As she exits, Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl confront her. Spark rolls her eyes and prepares to sit it out, but then she sees them holding hands and rips into them. She grabs her things and flies out of the cave. Ferro and Ultra Boy volunteer to go after her; Imra says its her fault and leaves. Cos follows, telling everyone else to stay (and gets a roomful of glares in response). Spark has changed into civilian clothes and begins composing a mental letter to Live Wire. She encounters a fenced-off compound in the middle of the woods, and is disapproving at how it destroys the natural beauty. She tries touching the electrified fence, and is thrown back uninjured. But a guard chases her off. She tries climbing up a cliff, and just as she reaches the top, the guard shoots her in the leg by accident. Spark collapses. Imra and Cos track Spark to a barn. All they see is a pile of rubble. They lift it in panic, only to realize Spark buried her flight ring there to throw them off. Spark recovers, and her bullet wound has cauterized itself. Cos and Imra arrive, having tracked Spark's brainwaves. The guard points a gun at them, saying Spark is being detained for questioning - the compound is a military installation. Cos disarms the guard, and Imra scares him off by reading his mind (saying his name, his wife's name, and warning him to to tell his wife about the videos in his golf bag!) Ayla still yells at Imra and Cos, telling her she won't go and watch them "hug & munch like Garth never existed". Imra chases after Ayla and telepathically blasts her, saying she understands. Ayla isn't just worried about Garth, she's worried about dying in the 20th century. Imra and Garth's romance made Ayla afraid that the two are willing to make a life there and give up on going home. Imra reassures Ayla that isn't the case. Ayla returns to the cave, and finds peace distracting Koko so Brainiac 5 can concentrate on his lab work. An unwanted side effect of Imra's telepathy? She woke up Dr. Psycho, the telepathic super villain, who begins to take an interest in her. The issue ends in a cliffhanger, as Imra's face has disappeared! Thoughts:Great spotlight on Spark. This issue does more to develop her than... well... it's been a while. She cares deeply for Garth. I also find her honesty and friendliness refreshing: she tells Ferro the truth because he was already suspicious anyway, and she encourages and praises Brainy for his smarts. Ayla's body cauterizing her wound is an interesting application of her powers. There is also an interesting take on the Cos-Imra-Garth love triangle. Cos defends himself by saying he loves Garth, but that Garth never asked Imra out. And that the restof them can't stop living while waiting for Garth to start. Imra, on the other hand, never directly addresses Garth's feelings for her or any feelings she may have for Garth. There's a bit of ambiguity here. Seeing Jeff Moy drawing these Legionnaires is a treat! I think this may be the first time we've seen him draw Ferro as well. I also love how Moy makes every single roll call unique, unlike Lee Moder who sees fit to reuse the same headshots every roll call. This is also one of the most striking covers. Simple, but effective - Imra blasting Spark while Cos tries to stop them. Nice little bits: 1) Shvaughn's new patent exclamation "Saints preserve us!" It's so Catholic. and she and Spark arguing as Ayla tries to jumpstart the electricity in their new home: Shvaughn: "Careful! Remember the time you burned out the Legion Monitor Room? It took hours to get back on line." Spark: "I was exhausted! Cos had me doing triple duty! Remember?" 2) Ultra Boy talking about Oracle without realizing she's there: Oracle: Was that data on Rip Hunter any help? Jo: (flying in and not realizing who asked) Not a bit. Hunter hasn't been seen in years... This whole mission was a complete waste of time!" Tinya: "Easy Jo, it wasn't anybody's fault." Jo: "Oh? Well, if these Internet pal's of Shvaughn's don't have any reliable information..." Shvaughn: "Jo, be quie-" Jo: "They should just keep their big mouths sh-" Oracle: "A-hem!" Jo: "Oracle? I'm sorry, I had no idea you were..." Oracle: "Obviously." Ferro: "Is there something the matter with Ultra Boy?" Spark: "Nothing a stiff dose of well-deserved humiliation won't cure." Then when Ultra Boy lets the cat out of the bag, Ferro reacts. Jo: "Maybe I'll just go soak my mouth." 3) Spark's blossoming friendship with Brainiac 5. Also, this gem of a scene: The lab explodes again, with Spark's face blackened. Brainiac 5 managed to throw his force field up in time. Inside said field, Koko is mixing some chemicals. Spark: "Koko! Don't mix those!" Brainy: "Aaah!" (nothing happens) Brainy: "You pestiferous, lice-ridden, repulsive, sewage-breathed.... SHOW-OFF! You just had to outdo me, didn't you?!" Spark: "Grife. And Brainy's our best hope?" 4) Spark calling Cos and Imra "Mom and Dad". Later, how cleverly she decoys them by throwing her flight ring away.
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Legionnaires 46 Questions and AnswersIssue InformationSummary:Kinetix is on an archeological dig with mother Azra and brother Thanot. As she unearths a tomb, an arm comes out and grabs her by the throat... ... and we see it's just a dream, as Dreamer wakes up. She can't figure out what the dream means. Star Boy says good night to her, then dashes off to help a damaged cruiser. He thinks that his endurance and strength have been steadily increasing. In space, M'Onel is floating, delirious from his battle with Emerald Violet last issue. He sees visions of the past, and snaps out of it to see he has been saved by... Andromeda (last seen Legionnaires 37). On mining asteroid Yuen, Legion reject Dragonmage (from L* 43) is examining the tomb discovered (in L* 44). Mysa appears and warns Dragonmage to stop playing with forces beyond his ability. She enlists him in her fight against "the Dark One", and says they must join forces with the Legion. On Earth, Chameleon is entertaining representatives of Durla's Holy Council. They try to convince him to take the mantle of Spiritual Leader, which passed on to Cham when his father died. Cham defends himself, saying his work in the Legion is not frivolous - rather, he is slowly making the galaxy more accepting of Durlans. Lyle makes himself visible to defend Cham; the Durlans accuse him of spying. Lyle apologizes, but presses his point - saying that all Durlans are shape-shifters, and that many sentients regard their entire race with suspicion. The Durlans finally agree to allow Cham to stay for a bit longer (though ominously, one Durlan thinks to itself that it would make a better leader!) After the Durlans leave, Sensor commiserates with Cham. The Orandans also want her to return home to begin training for the monarchy, and her family refuses to allow her to abidcate despite being of age, and despite her brother wanting the throne. Cham and Sensor both reaffirm to Lyle that they will stay, and Lyle grants them a day off. Thom also tells Lyle about Nura's vision, but Lyle is interrupted before he can act on it. Rond Vidar examines Lori Morning for after-effects of her deaging. He apologizes sincerely, and Lori is surprised by his heartfelt apology and how he is speaking to her as an adult. She forgives him, though gets annoyed when Rond reaffirms that she's really 11 years old. She thinks to herself that she won't ever return to the 20th century. Back in the Proxima System, M'Onel catchesup with Andromeda - Sister Andromeda. She is a nun among the Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos now. Most nuns are cloistered, but Andromeda travels around to aid those in need. M'Onel tells her about Violet and the Emerald Eye, and asks her to rejoin the Legion. Andromeda refuses, saying that she will better find atonement (for unwittingly aiding the White Triangle) with the nuns. Sensor and Chameleon are sightseeing around Metropolis. Sensor is happy that most of the people around are tourists, and pay more attention to the city. But they both use their powers to disguise themselves for greater privacy. They go for a meal, and give each other "therapy" by practicing what they would like to say to their respective peoples. Sensor also reveals that she uses her Legion flight band (it's a gigantic ring fitted around her body) to tuck her tail in and hover, so she doesn't have to worry about people tripping over her. They see an explosion and rush to the marina. They help rescue people in the water. It seems that a large yacht hit a smaller boat. Chameleon rescues the pilot of the smaller boat. Sensor checks on the yacht pilot/owner, named Piper. His guests warn her that Piper had been drinking, and they didn't realize how drunk he was until the collision. Piper is about to kill himself in despair, but Sensor tricks him into thinking the collision hasn't happened yet. She grabs his gun to save him, apologizing for tricking him. Science Police officers arrive to help, and they are pleased. The commanding officer even tells Cham to give her a call if he ever wants to enlist. An alien in the crowd reveals itself to be a Durlan, and thinks that Cham's Legion membership may actually be the best thing for Durla. He will report back to the Holy Council. On the ice-world of Binder-7, the same dark lord we saw last issue reclaims some talismans. He thinks that Mysa was the one who hid them from him, and that he has now reclaimed everything he owns, except the Emerald Eye. The figure is still shadowed, but we get some clues - he's a humanoid male with long white hair. Sounds familiar? Thoughts:Great, fun issue that reveals a lot without being boring! We get more insights into Dreamer's powers. In her dream vision, she spoke and acted as Kinetix (knowing how Zoe's powers work, the names of her family, how Zoe feels about them!) She even says she was surprised at how she was really in Kinetix's head, and how mega-powerful Zoe is. Nura's visions are also ambiguous. She has no idea if the scene she saw will really happen, or if it's a metaphor. Her best guess? "Um... maybe be careful what you look for, you might find it?" The dream is so realisitc that Nura grabs herself by the throat too! I've been in many discussions online questioning the utility belts, so I always cite this issue to show their usefulness. We see Cham and Sensor grabbing emergency supplies and an inflatable raft from them This was a great way to learn more about Durla and Orando without even leaving Earth. Sensor and Chameleon reveal much about their homeworlds, most importantly how resistant to change they are. We do know from earlier issues that Durla has a secular leader separate from its religious one, but religion is still very important. And as for Orando, birthright counts a lot; despite Sensor's feelings, her family wants her, as eldest, to take the throne. And finally, the overall plot of the Dark Lord and the Emerald Eye moves forward quite well! Mysa and Dragonmage have been brought in, and a connection between the Dark Lord and the Eye is revealed... Fave moments: 1) The cover shows Kinetix being grabbed by the throat. The blurb goes, "This one will grab ya!" Silly, but I still found it funny. Interestingly, Zoe only appears in this issue as part of Dreamer's dream! 2) Mysa appearing out a candle and grabbing Dragonmage by the ear, telling him to not mess around with dangerous forces. 3) Sensor and Chameleon sightseeing was so much fun. Their dialogue captured the feeling I get whenever I visit a new city; so much wonder. Some of their observations give a good glimpse into their homeworlds too: how on Orando and Durla most buildings are only up to three stories high; marveling at how humanoids have to buy clothing; Sensor ordering two whole chickens for her meal AND swallowing them whole! When the waiter checks in on them, their disguises are off. His look of shock is hilarious!
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Hey, Ibby, great to see that's you're putting the pedal to the metal with the Postboot reviews. I shall do my best to catch up soon, most likely this weekend.
Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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Thanks Fanfie, I look forward to it! I know not everyone can keep up this pace, but I figure other reviewers can catch up. As for me, this is the perfect time as I'm waiting for some job stuff to sort itself out  (plus, we're getting close to the excellent Mordru / Emerald Violet resolution and the reunion of the Legion!)
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Legion of Super-Heroes 90 Face to FaceIssue informationSummary:Spark assist Brainiac 5 in distracting Koko, so Brainy can focus on his research. After his computers crash, Brainy loses his temper and destroys them, and begins designing a new one. Cosmic Boy asks Brainy to help a faceless Saturn Girl. Brainy's diagnosis is that it's psychosomatic (all in her head), and that she's telepathically transmitting the delusion to them. Suddenly, Imra's features change to copy those of her teammates. Brainy theorizes it could mean an inadequate sense of personal identity. Imra regains her features, and reveals that this is the work of Wonder Woman villain Dr. Psycho. They trace Psycho to a psychiatric facility in Boston. Cos gathers to team to run after Psycho. Brainy declines, saying he must focus on building a decent computer to get them home. The Legionnaires work around the absence of Brainy's forcefield; Ultra Boy uses speed to carry them in an ultra-light metal ball that Cos maintains. Psycho intermittently pops up, speaking through either Imra or her teammates, to torment Imra. The team finds all the staff and patients of the facility under the thrall of Psycho. He reveals that Imra's mindblast last issue freed him from his own coma. Psycho diagnoses Imra: she has a lot of stress, her big worry is identity, her mind is too full of other people's thoughts to accommodate her own, and so she seeks identity from external sources. She likes regimentation: her strict education/training at the Titan Institute, joining the Science Police, and the Legion. In the 20th century, she's bereft of all the institutions that gave her identity, so she manipulates Cos into a romance. Imra denies it ("No! It wasn't that way!") , but Cos questions it ("wasn't it?"). Imra: "I don't know, I...) The Legionnaires interrupt and attack. Psycho takes control of them, turning them against each other. Psycho binds Imra's physical form. Cos sends the others to find Psycho's own body, while he stays with Imra. The Legionnaires locate Psycho, who says that even if they destroy his body, his mind can survive. Psycho's body shuts down. In Imra's mind, Psycho encounters a mechanism resembling Dr. Aven, Imra's teacher. The mechanism reveals it was installed by the real Dr. Aven, and its job is to temporarily turn Imra's mind off if it asserts itself too powerfully, like in issue 69. Psycho destroys the mechanism, and we see Cos reeling too. Big mistake; Imra takes charge and drives Psycho from her mind, shutting his own mind down. Imra explains that Psycho preys on women's insecurities, and that freeing her mind from Aven's restraints removed her own. Unfortunately, it's not a happy ending as the Legionnaires discover Cos' catatonic form. Psycho is imprisoned again, and remains in a barely conscious state of constant fear where he perceives everyone around him to be Imra. Thoughts:It was a decent issue, and compared to the recent Sovereign Seven Plus, it does a better job of exploring Imra's identity and issues. We finally get an explanation for why her mind shut down in issue 69, and it's not just because the Composite Durlan had such a strange mind. This also casts Aven's involvement in a bad light. He tried to repair her mind, but ended up leaving her with a childlike mentality for a while (she acted like she was 5 years old). Did he know that his mechanism would be that strong? On the plus side, it's good that Imra seems to move past all her insecurities at the end. Just her pose, tone and words show her to be a bit more confident and sure. A minor detail, but Shvaughn and Inferno can fly unaided here - meaning they wear flight rings. Ferro doesn't, so Cosmic Boy has to lift him magnetically. Psycho's comuppeance is apt. He preyed on women, now he's the prey. Fitting punishment. Fave Moments: 1) Brainy standing up to Cos. Not that I agree with Brainy's position, but I understand it. Especially as Cos was barking at him while he was diagnosing Imra, and Brainy DID drop everything to examine her. And Jo acts as peacemaker - Cos: "Thanks, Jo. At least someone remembers that Legionnaires stand up for each other." Brainy: "Indeed. Particularly for our mates, it seems." Tinya, Gates and Spark all console Imra as well. Ferro does too, in a very empathic way. "But (Brainiac 5) isn't what's bothering you, is it? The feelings this Psycho is digging up, they're making you scared your insane. I want you to know that I think you're the sanest person I ever knew..." 2) The final confrontation with Psycho. Imra brainblasts him, asserting her own identity. The Legionnaires carry Psycho's body out. Like in a horror movie, Psycho wakes up and manifests himself through all the Legionnaires. "Too bad you're still a nobody! A nothing! An empty space! A cipher!" Imra (shutting him down): "And you know what you are, Psycho? Just a filthy pebble in my shoe."
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Legionnaires 47 Lost in TimeIssue InformationSummary:Dragonmage bursts into Legion HQ, spouting incoherent warnings about Mordru (uh oh). Lyle subdues him. Then the alarms sound; Lyle tells all Legionnaires to assemble at the source, the VR room, while sending Star Boy to deal with Dragonmage. In the VR room, an image of Brainiac 5 has appeared, calling for Rond Vidar. Lyle asks Element Lad to call Rond Vidar and recall all Legionnaires. In the meantime, Dragonmage has used magic to cloak him while he flees, and neither technology nor Star Boy's powers can track him. In space, a rogue Science Police officer called Joe has taken over a cruiser. He possesses a glowing green jewel that can fire blasts (eerily like the Emerald Eye), and calls himself Evisceratronic. Um. He's trying to get revenge on the Legion, for delaying him against Mano ( LSH 63); his entire squad was slaughtered. His best friend Joe tells him to get over his obsession. An unhinged Evisceratronic (urgh pain to type) kills Joe. In the 20th century, the Legionnaires hold vigil over an unresponsive Cosmic Boy. Saturn Girl suddenly detects something and tells the team to find Brainiac 5. Querl is in the geriatrics ward. Gates, Apparition and Saturn Girl's astral form pop in and find the patients strapped to a machine; their heads are glowing and wrapped in energy. The Legionnaires try to talk him down. Brainy is worried Imra will telepathically make his head hurt, so he explains: he's tapping on the elders' chronal energy to call the 30th century, like Rond did to them ( L* 44 and LSH 88). In the 30th century, Rond reveals success: Brainiac 5 was able to give him complete instructions to rebuild the time platform. The Legionnaires and support staff all cheer as Rond says he's going to fetch the stranded Legionnaires now. Kinetix and XS tell Lori she can go home if she wants, and Lori doesn't seem too happy about it. Back in the 20th, a SWAT team has come to take Brainy out. Imra stops them by telepathically explaining the situation. In the future, Garth is shocked that only Rond is going. Lyle explains that Rond needs space for the others. Triad tells Rond to bring a medikit to treat Cos. But when Rond turns on the time platform...he stays where he is, and the Legionnaires disappear! In the 20th, the same thing happens... only Cosmic Boy is left behind. In space, Evisceratronic targets Legion HQ... only to find the Legionnaires have vanished! A figure appears behind him, and calls for the lifejewel in his chest, killing him. The figure reveals himself to be... Mordru. Rond figures out the Legionnaires are all in the timestream, and decides to fetch them. Lori appears all mopey with tears in her eyes, and confesses to messing with the time platform. She learned about time machines during her time with Chronos ( LSH 75). She knees Rond in the stomach, saying she won't let him sacrifice himself, and takes the machine into the timestream. The Legionnaires are in two different directions, so Lori "adjusts the flow" and pulls the team to her! The Legionnaires reunite joyfully, until they figure out they're all intangible. Brainiac 5 instructs Lori on what to do, and tells everyone to touch the machine now. But it fails... and Brainy tells everyone to make themselves at home, because they live here now! Thoughts:Again, another nice issue. Trapped in the timestream! I think this is new, as usually the Legionnaires get stranded in a different time, butnot IN time. Lots of action and fun and interactions. I do think this issue started all the Lori Morning hate. Looking back, I know I was annoyed too. How dare she sabotage the time platform! Didn't she consider she would risk everyone's lives? And they weren't even sending her back home. Nope, even Lori's attempts to fix things weren't enough (though she did risk her life; but still, what she did was stupid!) This is the first issue to name Mordru in full - so THAT'S who we're facing. Dun dun! Jeff Moy doing covers AND interiors continues to be a treat. I'm completely digging this two-part cover that L*47 and LSH 91 make. Tidbit: Andromeda appears on the cover. A hint? Artistic license? A tease? I have to say that Moy has reached his heights in this issue. Not only are the art and layouts amazing, but he has many clever bits: 1) I was gushing about Moy's roll calls in earlier issues. He has outdone himself this time! The roll call page has panels set in the monitor room, so the roll call takes the form of a Space Invaders game with the Legionnaires as the invaders! I LOVE it. Also, Spark's sticking her tongue out again - this will become a signature pose. Inferno and Shvaughn, as the "lowest" of the invaders, are charging towards the defending spaceships. And Invisible Kid and Saturn Girl (who were revealed as the top vote-getters in reader polls in L*45) are at the top. Hm, well, with Cos out of it, Imra is definitely taking charge... 2) When Brainy's image appears, he is all fuzeed out and pixelated. Just like the old video game consoles of my youth. And it makes sense, he's using bad tech! Brilliant! In a case of the cover merely being misleading, a version of Andromeda appears in LSH 91 Fave moments: 1) Invisible Kid complaining to himself about how much admin work goes into being Legion leader. "Note: next time you turn invisible, stay that way." And when Dragonmage wrecks a door, Lyle's first reaction is "Grrrrife! Do you know how many forms I have to file just to have that one door replaced????" He continues snarking at Dragonmage the whole time. 2) Jeff Moy's roll call (as I gushed about above). 3) Evisceratronic. I think this over the top name (and costume!) are meant to show just how unhinged he is. And anyway, he didn't last past the issue, so they could be as silly as they wanted with him. 4) When Imra detects Brainy's mischief, Spark is all "looks like a psychic flash. She'll be her old bossy self in a minute." Hah! 5) Team 20 facing down cops. Inferno: "Feh, burn them I say!" Shvaughn: "You do that and I'll burn you!" (of course she'd feel loyalty, she showed the same in LSH 85 when the Legion encountered the Metropolis SCU. 6) Legionnaires rejoicing over returning home. Shvaughn looks forward to magno-ball, Ayla and Jo to the food (Jo mentions banyo chips), and Inferno to silverale. Ferro tears up - in joy? or in sadness that he will be left alone? 7) The Legionnaires' reactions in the timestream. Ultra Boy is surprised by Sensor; Magno cheerfully introduces himself; Kinetix is surprised to see Apparition; Triad gushes as Garth tries to hug Ayla and Imra; Brainy fumes that his time machine is being operated by a child. Several Legionnaires float upside down. And when the time machine fails at the end; Garth slaps his face in resignation, Ayla throws her hands out and sticks her tongue out, and Jenni bites her lip. Other thoughts: 1) When Gates and Apparition try to get Brainy to release the seniors, Brainy headbutts Gates. I wonder if this was intentional? Poor Gates looked really hurt!
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Legion of Super-Heroes 91 No ExitIssue informationSummary:The Legionnaires take stock of their situation. Brainiac 5 says that if they don't make it out, they will cease to exist. The intangibility is an early sign of that. Saturn Girl says they have to get Cosmic Boy. Several Legionnaires question her, saying they should return to the 30th first and then fetch Cos. Apparition begins to agree with Imra, then stops in shock; she tells Imra that she felt mental pressure to agree. Imra apologizes. M'Onel pushes Lyle to take leadership; Lyle yells at everyone, drawing silence, then orders Brainiac 5 to think... and he does. He begins working on something. In the 20th century, the elders in the hospital are still hooked up to Brainiac 5's machines. The doctors can't figure out how to unhook them safely, but they are also rapidly deaging. Brainiac 5 asks Element Lad to transmute some metal shards into tarnium. Jan questions why, as tarnium is only used for making stargates. Brainy insults Jan's intelligence; Jan fights back, saying Brainy "tramples our feelings, and we coddle him." Brainy protests that they are abusing him; Lyle steps in and says Brainy is the one being abusive! Lyle makes peace between Brainy and Jan. Imra questions this, saying Lyle is getting them sidetracked. Garth defends Lyle's leadership. Imra apologizes; Garth says he understands, as everyone is worried about Rokk. Imra most of all... Imra is surprised and can't look Garth in the way. The awkward silence is broken by Brainy summoning Garth. Brainy's plan? To tap M'Onel for chronal energy (as he was trapped in the Phantom Zone for 1000 years). The tarnium will store said energy. Live Wire and Spark are to electrify it to begin the process, while Gates is to generate four teleport disks. The Legionnaires split up: Team 1 to gather more chronal energy, Team 2 to gather materials. Team 3 stays behind. Team 3: Gates and M'Onel (injured), Saturn Girl (numbing their pain receptors), Shvaughn Erin and Lori Morning (as support), Triad Orange (wants to stay with M'On) We move to the Space Museum. It's closing time, but we see a father telling his son about the Hero-Dial and the negative ray. Team 2 (Apparition, Brainiac 5, Chameleon, Ferro, Live Wire, Magno, Spark, Triad Purple,Ultra Boy) appears after everyone leaves. Magno recognizes the place - though the exhibits are different. Triad says duh, they don't even know what time period they are in. Brainiac 5 tells everyone to look for anything related to time travel, and Ferro finds Rip Hunter's time sphere. Alarms are tripped; Apparition destroys them, but feedback seems to activate the negative ray. Brainy is shot, and turns negative, shooting energy wildly. Ferro suggests that he and Ultra Boy shield Brainy so he can drop his forcefield and work on the time sphere. Chameleon stops Live Wire and Spark from destroying the negative ray, saying it's a historical artifact. Cham and Magno manage to stop it. Brainy grabs the flux capacitor from the time sphere, and the Legionnaires pop out. Team 1 is split into three: Team 1A: Sensor, Star Boy and Triad Neutral steal chronal energy from the Flashes: Jay Garrick, Bart Allen and Wally West, as they run through the timestream. Star Boy can't catch them, so Sensor creates an illusion of a brick wall to stop them in their tracks. Team 1B: Chronos, on his way to the 30th century to steal the Legion's time travel tech (as shown in LSH 75). Invisible Kid, Umbra and Inferno blast his time machine, luring him out and stealing his chronal energy. Team 1C: XS steals chronal energy from HERSELF (while she was trapped in Legionnaires Annual 3!) She, Kinetix and Element Lad hear fighting... and it's an elderly Sister Andromeda beating back some demon thingie. Zoe calls to Sister Andy, who says, "Kinetix?! How -- how can YOU be here?" A surprised Zoe goes "Wha- What are you talking about?" But they disappear before Andy can explain. The team reunites. Triad Orange helps Brainy repair the time machine, and they bond (Brainy takes kindly to people praising his intelligence: he has also warmed up to Spark!) Suddenly, a burst of fire lights up, and three portals open: Legion HQ in the 30th, the hospital where Cos is in the 20th, and what seems to be an idyllic farmhouse that would not be out of place in the 20th century. The Legionnaires are pulled back through the portals. Triad panics as her three selves are split up. XS realizes that Cos wil need the medikit; she picks it up and heads to the 20th century, willing to be stranded to save Cos. She slams into an invisible barrier though. Triad Orange catches the medikit, and reintegrates;luckily, Neutral was on the 20th century side. She joins the stranded Team 20. Back in the 30th, the somber Legionnaires report to Rond. Everyone is back, except Lori. Kinetix and XS begin to mourn, when Lori reappears minutes later, clutching something hidden under her baggy shirt. Hmm. Lyle picks up on it, but Lori brushes him off, saying she needs to lie down. And in the 20th, only Apparition, Ferro and Shvaughn Erin appear... and Cosmic Boy has disappeared! Thoughts:The cover is gorgeous, forming a two-parter with the cover to Legionnaires 47. But this one has nicer tidbits: Inferno's hand is on fire while she glares angrily at a lecturing Gates; and Jo smiles wistfully at Tinya while his arm is through her intangible form. Ayla sticks her tongue out at Cham, who is on the other cover. A great resolution, though filled to the brim with pseudo-science I can't understand. But I just lean back and enjoy the ride, cause it's a great one. Pretty much everyone gets something to do, and the mini-missions are a hoot! I especially loved the three Flashes, and XS stealing energy from herself. The dialogue continues to excel, as everyone's personalities are firmed up. Lori continues to be infuriating. She keeps acting up, and Zoe has to keep coaxing her. I'm annoyed that she actually benefited from this excursion; we see her stealing away with loot at the end. Fave moments: 1) The roll call/splash page. Lots of nice bits here: Imra blows up at a terrified Lori, while Zoe tries to calm her down. Apparition: "I will not enjoy the fact that everyone's intangible. I will not enjoy the fact that everyone's intangible. I will not enjoy the fact that everyone's intangible..." Ultra Boy asks why nobody kept an eye on Lori. Sensor has to calm Umbra and Magno down from their violent reactions. M'Onel asks Lyle to do something, as he's the leader. M'On: "After all,you're their leader now. You need to step in." Lyle: "All right, all right. Listen up! We're getting out of this! I need each and every one of you to, like - I don't know. Act hopeful." Gates: "Who made YOU boss?" Star Boy: "Actually, the team did. We elected him." Gates: "Oh." Garth tries to talk to Ayla, but Cham is in the way (and Ayla is receptive to Cham's silent flirtations!) 2) Lyle telling Brainy to think. Lyle: "Now! Think, Brainy, that's an order!" Brainy: (glares, then begins to work) 3) Sensor's brick wall illusion. Jay: "Well, I'll be." Barry: "A wall. In the timestream." Wally: "Who built it?" Barry: "Good question, Wally. Who... and why?" Jay: "I tell you... those durned developers won't leave anything alone nowadays..." Other thoughts: 1) Lori continues to be a brat, though I guess she's 11 years old and can be given a pass. Kinetix continuously has to coax her to follow Brainiac 5's orders. 2) Brainiac 5 announces out loud that M'Onel is really Valor. This SHOULD have been kept secret from everyone except RJ Brande, Andromeda, possibly Marla Latham,and the Legionnaires who were members as of Legionnaires 37. M'Onel was hiding from Shvaughn Erin in L* 32 and from Chuck Taine around that time. So Brainy might just have spilled the beans to Shvaughn, Inferno, Lori, Umbra, Sensor, Magno and Ferro. Oops. (I use this as a plot point in my own fic, with Shvaughn picking up on it but keeping M'On's secret; combined with scenes they have together in the futue, this eventually leads to a romance between them  ) 3) The newness of Apparition's expanded powers (disrupting machinery) is painfully but realistically clear here. She inadvertently activates the negative ray. Hope she learns to control it soon, as she is fast becoming a liability (remember Superman Plus 1, where she accidentally activates a program that tries to destroy Earth?). 4) Some inconsistencies here with the pseudo-scientific teleporting around. Sensor's subteam couldn't be perceived by the Flashes (Sensor even says Brainy said they wouldn't be able to). Yet Andromeda sees Kinetix, and Chronos seems to have heard Invisible Kid speaking. For that matter, the Flashes see Sensor's illusion... but not Sensor, Star Boy or Triad... I'll just handwave this away as Sensor conealing them using her illusions. 5) i'm not happy with elderly Sister Andromeda being surprised at Kinetix's presence. It certainly seems to hint something terrible. Though, Andy was so old-looking (face lined and all) that it could be far off in the future. But still, it leaves a bad feeling... 6) Magno seems less optimistic and puppy-doggy here. Instead, he comes off as a generic guy. I think it's all in the scripting. Sensor and Umbra,though, have personalities and lines very consistent with their Legionnaires portrayals. 7) The two snarkiest and most anti-social characters, Umbra and Inferno, are on the same mini-team but never speak to one another! The writers missed an opportunity here! A big one! One thing that does bug me a bit, is that after this issue, nobody brings up the idea of Rond Vidar simply rebuilding the time platform. After all, he has Brainy's instructions already. A simple "oh, Rond needs this resource or that component so we need to wait a bit" would have worked well...
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/29/18 07:44 AM.
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