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Kill This Thread LVII - Big Vi?
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Why love the legion?
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Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
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Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/04//2019
Omni #971249 05/18/19 09:32 PM
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It's interesting how a lot of us writing currently have the Daxamites on our minds. Perhaps a cross-over is in order at some point?

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/04//2019
Omni #971488 05/24/19 06:36 PM
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Hi Emily,

thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Sadly with the amount of universe crossing and logistics, it would take to work that out I don't think any of us have that kind of time. We all post on such different time tables. It would be cool if we could coordinate a Daxamites month or something where we'd all post our Daxamites storylines. But I know I go long periods without posting anything.

I hope you continue to read and enjoy what I have coming. A bumpy ride is in store for the team.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/24//2019
Omni #971493 05/24/19 07:47 PM
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A Week After a New Beginning

Anndranna Prime: Entertainment-plex.
Roll Call:
Apparition - Tinya Wazzo Nah –intangibility of Bzgtl of U247
Ultra Boy - Jo Nah- Super-strength, super-speed, flight, invulnerability, flash vision, and "penetra-vision" (all approximately at Kryptonian power levels), only one of which can be used at a time. of Rimbor U247
Representative Winema Wazzo - Tinya Wazzo-Nah's mother. racial power: intangibility
Cub – Son of Tinya Wazzo-Nah and Jo Nah. - intangibility, Ultra powers unknown.

Apparition stood nervously at the spaceport on Anndranna waiting for the arrival of her mother, Ambassador Winema Wazzo and her son Cub. It had been a few months since she was reunited with her son during the Academy graduation. Since then things have been a little hectic and they all agreed it be best for Cub to stay with Winema until the Meta-Human Squad's lives had calmed down a bit. But Tinya knew that those moments would be far and few in between. The squad was much like the Legion and Tinya knew they wouldn't get many moments. But unlike the Legion, the Science Police gave her real time off without interruption. It had been a week since her mission below the surface of Anndranna’s oceans and she had been busy but when her mother informed her that she had business out in this part of the galaxy and was bringing Cub she worked her hardest to get the day off.

“Oooo. I can't wait to see Cub. This is definitely one of the few things I love about the Science Police versus the Legion. I get to have a whole day off and they won't call me in! I can spend a whole day with Cub!” Tinya thought to herself. Standing in a simple white sundress her long black hair pulled back into a ponytail.

“Shuttle 238 from Earth is now arriving at gate 9.” The loudspeakers announced.

Tinya approached gate 9 and waited nervously. The shuttle had a large number of passengers coming down the shuttle ramp. The light from the white dwarf casting its golden purple glow about. The white of the shuttle gleaming in the twilight looking light. Tinya stood waiting and several minutes passed and still no sight of Cub or her mother. But Tinya kept searching the crowd.

“Mommy!” Cub screamed from across the busy spaceport and instantly he ran over to Tinya phasing through everyone at super speed.

Winema in her tight purple and black pants suit walked slowly and deliberately with her security detail surrounding her.

“Cub!” Tinya's blue eyes widened as she saw him speed to her and crashing into her as she bent down to catch him.

“You're speeding around like your daddy.”

“Yeah, mommy and I ran all the way over here. I've been running a lot lately. Grandma even had me tested and I'm super fast! I'm gonna race daddy later.” Cub's blue eyes shined while his smile was wide with several gaps in his smile.

“Did you lose some teeth since the last time I saw you?” Tinya took Cub's face in her hands and smiled at him.

“I did! Grandma had me save them for you!” Cub pulled out a see-through bag from his backpack.

“Well, aren't I lucky. I'll put them someplace safe when we get back to the apartment.” Tinya put them back in his bag turning Cub around for a moment.

“Cub, next time could you please not run off like that. You need to stay with security. Do you understand?” Winema had finally reached them. Bending down she looked Cub in the eyes and he instantly lowered his head.

“Yes, grandma.” Cub stood with his head hung before Winema pulled him in for a small hug and he smiled.

“Tinya.” Winema stood up easily looking at her daughter.

“Hello, mother. You look well.”

“Thank you. You do as well. I like the dress. I half expected you to show up in your uniform.”

“Day off mother.” Tinya said kind of stilted.

“Clearly, we still have some issues to work out. But at least I get to have my mother back. Sort of.” Tinya thought to herself and gave her mother a smile.

“So I thought we could take a tour of Anndraopolis, which is the city your in and we can meet with Jo for lunch. He's helping with some Terraforming and reconstruction work outside the city for the day.” Tinya guided Cub towards the exit with Winema following her security keeping stride.

“Sounds like Ultra Boy's keeping busy. Glad he chose my little nickname for his code name.” Winema gave a thin smile. They quickly made it out of the spaceport and to the black hovercar. The driver waiting for them.

“He did. He thought it was fitting. So Cub says you had him tested?”

“I did. He started showing some of Ultra Boy's powers and I thought it be best to know and be safe. Unlike what happened with you and your father I wanted to be prepared.” Winema lowered her head. She still felt horrible about not knowing her husband was Craggiate, a fact that would both save her daughter but harm her grandson.

“That was a good idea. I thought of doing the same. Once things settled down and Cub came here.” Tinya tested the waters by saying that. She and her mother hadn't talked about Cub's custody since graduation.

Cub stuck his head out the window and watched at the changing city before him with construction going on in every direction.

“Mommy, Grandma, look! Those buildings are being built by giant robots and wow there's a guy growing trees and he's made of ROCKS!” Cub screamed as he kept his head out the window.

“That's amazing Cub.” Winema and Tinya responded at the same time both of them looking at each other and giving a small smile.

“So you want Cub to move here with you?”

“I do Mother. Anndranna is turning into a great place and its very secure and I've done some research. Many of the Science Police and academy personnel who have been stationed here have children. So schools will be starting and Cub could make friends.”

“I don't know Tinya. I don't know if he should be here. Your life is too chaotic. The Cybernetic Invasion is proof enough. Anndranna was taken over. You being one of them. What would happen to Cub if something like that were to happen again?”

“That's the same argument I could have about him staying on Earth with you. Considering if anything were to happen, I and my teammates would most likely be called in to help.” Tinya argued doing her best not to get over emotional.

“Mommy, can we go there!” Cub poked his head back into the car his black hair a wild mess from the wind. Cub huffed and blew his hair out of his face.

“Driver, please pull over.” Tinya called out. Once they stopped both her and Winema looked out and they saw the Entertainment-plex that had been rebuilt. The Entertainment-plex ran the length of the entire block and went back four blocks with 5 stories. High above it a holo-screen broadcast everything that was within the giant complex from holo movies, Virtual reality rooms, anti-gravity rooms, dance clubs, restaurants, and much more still coming.

As Tinya looked at the building she could see they were still working on it and wondered what else they could possibly add.

“I want to do that mommy!” Cub pointed up at the holo-screen directly in front of them.

Tinya watched the holo-screen as it began its ad again showing a bunch of sentient s running around on trampolines, with foam, slime, and ball pits all over the place.

“Mommy look they've got anti-gravity slime pits at Foam Planet!” Cub tugged on the two of them pulling them into the entrance for the entertainment-plex.

Once they were through the door Cub ran with a burst of speed right for the “waterfall” foam pit. Tinya watched as Cub climbed the ladder before jumping into the stream of anti-gravity where thousands of pieces of brightly colored foam fell down into a pit of foam. The stream of anti-gravity picking up the foam from a tube that pulled from the pit and tosses it back up into the stream.

“YAAAAAAAA!” Cub shouted as he went down the anti-gravity foam “waterfall” his smile wide. Quickly climbing out of the pit he ran up the ladder doing it all over again.

Cub began to run from that over to the trampolines pulling both Winema and Tinya with him. The three of them began bouncing and jumping around over the sea of trampolines. Tinya jumped up and down hard a couple of times sending Cub up into the air before landing to the mat with him laughing loudly. Winema bounced lightly trying just to keep her footing when Cub and Tinya bounced together. Tinya signaling Cub to be quiet before they jumped hard.

“Now!” Tinya yelled as she held Cub's hand and the two of them jumped hard sending a wave over towards Winema causing her to go flying up.

“WhooAAAoooo!” Winema squeaked in fear at first before laughing herself as they jumped around her. Cub eventually falling and jumping on top of her.

“Haha. Careful little man.” Winema tickled Cub a little bit.

Tinya watched her mother and Cub and she saw how much her mother loved him. It warmed her heart a lot to see how close they were and that her mother wasn't the same overbearing mother she was with her.

“Beep. Beep.” Tinya's flight ring went off.

“Hey, angel. How's it going with Cub and your mom?” Ultra Boy's holo image floated before her as Tinya raised her flight ring.

“So good so far. We're at the Entertainment-plex. Are you able to join us for lunch?” Tinya looked and saw Cub and her mother run off the trampolines and over towards the slime pits.

“Of course. I'll be there soon, about an hour at the most.” Ultra Boy responded.

“See you soon.” Tinya smiled at him before the holo-image of Ultra Boy cut out and then she went over to Cub and her mother.

“Cub, your father will be here in an hour for lunch. How's the slime mother?” Tinya stifled a laugh as she saw her mother in white overalls covered in green, pink, and purple slime.

“How about you find out!” Winema balled up some pink slime and threw it at Tinya who phased letting it pass through her hitting one of the robotic staff.

“Oh my, I'm so sorry.” Tinya turned to apologize. The robot simply smiled back with a wave. Then Tinya turned around and before she could phase or say anything she was hit with another ball of pink slime.

“Oooo...who did that.?” Tinya's smile was wide as she looked at her mother and son both of whom pointed at the other with guilty grins.

“Now you've done it.” Tinya yelled as she got into a pair of overalls before cannonball jumping into the slime sending a wave up over the two of them. Both burst out laughing as they began throwing slime at each other and Tinya.

After another half hour of slime pits, they finally cleaned up and left Foam Planet and went out into the main connecting hall of the Entertainment-plex that connected Planet Foam with the rest of the Entertainment-plex. Tinya and Cub looked around amazed at a lot of what was inside. So many stores and places to play neither of them could stop their eyes from growing wide with excitement. While Winema watched both of their faces. She couldn't help but smile. Finding their way to Astro-burger on the 5th and final floor, which is a level full of restaurants and a domed glass roof that let in the light. The three of them waited for Ultra Boy in the main corridor of the restaurant level sitting on a group of floating couches.

“Will daddy be here soon? I'm hungry!” Cub asked looking up at his mother while kicking his feet that dangled over the floating couch.

“Yes, he will be. Here see, this red dot right here is us and this blue dot here is daddy and he's traveling towards us right now.” Tinya held up her flight ring gently tapping it on the side willing the location function to appear.

“Yayyy!” Cub smiled brightly before sitting back pulling out his Omnicom from his bag and began playing with it.

“He has his own Omnicom?” Tinya smiled at him and then at her mother.

“What? He needs it for school and besides everyone has one these days.” Winema shrugged.

“Ha. He's four.” Tinya laughed. Mostly because she could remember being his age and begging her mother for one and she never got it. Even though this wasn't her reality's mother or even Cub for that matter, but Tinya couldn't and wouldn't let this opportunity to see them get away from her.

“Oh, you're just jealous I never got you one.” Winema teased.

“True.” Tinya smiled.

Ultra Boy smiled as he looked down on his little family from outside the dome before landing on the balcony of the 5th floor to enter the Entertainment-plex.

“Daddy!” Cub screamed speeding away from his mother and grandmother.

“Wow! Look who's got some super speed going on.” Ultra Boy matched his speed when picking Cub up. But Cub's enthusiasm bowled him over and the two fell over laughing.

“Yeah, daddy! I'm even faster than you! Grandma said so!” Cub's smile was from ear to ear.

“You just might be. But we'll put that to the test later. Now let's get some grub.” Ultra Boy lifted up floating with his flight ring while tickling Cub.

The two of them flew over quickly to Tinya and Winema. All of them quickly going into Astro-burger for lunch. The large restaurant was a dinner throwback to the 2950s with waitress and waiters on anti-gravity skates. A mini holo jukebox at every table and booth. Many of the booths were floating velvety red booths that connected into a semi-circle. But the one Cub chose wasn't a semi-circle but more traditional booth. Ultra Boy and Cub sat on one side of the booth while Tinya and Winema sat on the other.

Ultra Boy sat next to Cub marveled at how big his son had gotten.

“OK Cub, what's your poison?”

“My poison?” Cub looked confused and a little scared.

“Yeah, your favorite thing on the menu. Mine's your mom.” Ultra Boy said with a wink at Tinya.

“Jo.” Tinya blushed while shaking her head.

“Gross daddy!” Cub pushed and giggling at Ultra Boy.

“Mine's....” Cub stopped and thought for a moment looking over the holo menu.

“It's the Blue Bzgtl Blitz.” Cub finally tapping it on the holo menu.

“Mine too.” Tinya smiled tapping it on her menu too and within moments their waiter came over with them.

“Now, that is what I call service.” Winema smiled as she looked over her menu.

“Anndranna has a lot going for it Mother.” Tinya poked at the topic they had left in the car.

“It does and it also has weapons caches and invasions.” Winema's smile faded a little bit.

“Mother. Please think about this. Jo and I really want Cub here with us and I think it's time we were back in his life.”

“How can you say you won't leave again? Or that you won't go on a mission and never come back? I had already lost you and thought you were dead. I can't let you put Cub through that too. He's too young to know... to understand.” Winema's eyes began to tear up a little bit.

Ultra Boy and Cub were playing with the Holo jukebox. Ultra Boy was listening even if it didn't seem like it.

“Winema, I know what it's like to lose her and have her come back. I cherish every moment I get to have her here with me and I'll be honest with you there was a while there that we never thought we'd get to come back and see Cub again. But now we're back and don't want to be without him.” Ultra Boy added his two cents and Winema Wazzo listened. She knew he wouldn't normally have said anything. But they both knew how important this moment was.

“I understand. I do. I...I just don't know if I could feel safe with him here. Even though he'll have both of you it's still too dangerous here. Each of you will be on missions leaving Cub here alone.” Winema turned her attention to her holo menu and picked out her burger and shake.

“Then how about you come with him. Live here on Anndranna. You can holo-com with the U.P. And I'm sure both the Captain and the President would be happy to have an actual ambassador on world.” Tinya blurted out unsure if Captain Allon or President Chu really would be OK with it. But it was the best solution she could come up with.

“What? Are you serious? Move here. I'm still acclimating to being back in my position full time.” Winema gave a smile to the bot that brought over her burger and shake.

“It would allow you to make sure Cub is safe and taken care of. While also allowing the two of us to continue to do our jobs without getting a full-time nanny...and it allows us some time as well.” Tinya's blue eyes watered a little but she gave a big warm smile.

“You really want me to come here?” Winema looked at her daughter skeptically and then at Ultra Boy who nodded and gave a small smile.

Cub looked at Winema and smiled wide and waving before staring at the holo jukebox's image again.

“Fine. Cub and I will move here. But I'll need my own apartment.”

“I second that.” Ultra Boy said as his food arrived.

Winema stifled a laugh as they all began to eat and have their first family dinner of many.

Last edited by Omni; 10/13/19 03:37 PM.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/25/2019
Omni #971528 05/25/19 04:23 PM
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Zerrox: Mordru's throne room:

Dark gray clouds swirled wildly around the skies of Zerrox concentrating above the castle of the dark lord, Mordru. Lightning began to flash rapidly while the seas below the castle began raging and crashing against the cliff bottom reflecting the mood of its lord in his throne room.

Mordru sat on his golden throne its jewels glinted in the torchlight. He stared up at his "chandelier of failure" as it spun high above him. He had added several more of his agents to it's spinning crystals recently. It caused him nothing but displeasure to look at it, but he refused to remove the chandelier from his throne room. Mordru frowned more and with that came a giant crash of thunder.

“My agent's have been stopped over and over again by these “Science Police”. I don't believe this. In the 20 years, we've fought the United Planet's, they have never been this effective at defeating my minions or wrangling planet's from my grasp.” Mordru's eyes flashed red with anger. Another booming roar of thunder shook the castle.

“My lord, they have been training them better and designing new weapons. But we are still formidable and will take the United Planets down.” Mysa stood with her head bowed. The hood to her blue robe pulled up over her head doing her best to guard herself against Mordru's rage and magical detections.

“I guess. But they have stolen not one, not two, but five worlds from my former empire! Five worlds! It is keeping me from gaining what is mine!” Mordru's gruff voice filled deep with malice before he slumped down into his golden throne. The plush royal purple cushions making him shift around until he felt comfortable. However, his anger was not allowing much of that.

“My lord, those planets were not important to your old Empire. They didn't offer you anything then and they still don't. But we've got eyes on several other worlds and our new “Daemon Dogs” from Krolotea have begun a campaign to take three new worlds within the next few weeks.

“I guess. But those new worlds don't have what I want and now I must wait for the Eye's plans to finish before I can make my quest to Skarla. I'd head to Daxam as well if it weren't for that cursed treaty with the United Planets.” Mordru's anger rising.

“I know my lord...My lord, if I may ask what do you need from Skarla? Maybe I can help you secure it.” Mysa's interest was peaked. These were plans the Emerald Eye had not shared with her.

“It is none of your concern. Now, tell me news of the infernal United Planets? Anything from our lovely neighbors?” Mordru righted himself in his throne trying to stifle his anger and be a practical leader, instead of an emotional one.

“They've had an invasion from their own technology. But they have beaten it, my lord.” Mysa found no reason not to share this information with him.

“Ha! They were invaded by their own technology? What sweet justice for those magic-phobes. If only I had known sooner I would have taken that moment of chaos to invade and destroy them forever.” Mordru's eyes lit up with delight at the prospect and instantly they returned to nothing but the anger of the missed opportunity.

“I'm sorry my lord. I was busy with your request to punish the Jirenn of Rojira for their spies failures. But I will make sure to relay anything else of importance like that in the future.” Mysa bowed down before him.

“Fine. Not like I could attack anyway. Their treaty with us is magically enchanted. Thanks to Chu's suggestion that she bind me to my word that I would not attack any United Planet's members.” Mordru sat back and started watching his chandelier of failure continue to spin in his frustration. The light from the torches illuminating the faces of the fallen agents inside the crystals.

“Yes, Chu's magical knowledge was unexpected.” Mysa slowly backed out towards the door knowing it was time to take leave of her father. She knew his movements well and upon seeing his sloping body it was clear he was weary and ready for a nap.

“Yes, it was. Mysa, leave me. I tire of this conversation. Find me more worlds to conquer and more magical items. There are scores of them out there to be uncovered.” Mordru commanded.

“Yes, my lord.” Mysa quickly left the throne room and went to the bowels of the castle to her quarters. Her quick steps echoing throughout the spiraling staircases and halls of the castle.

“Entra passoria” Mysa spoke her enchantment opening the magical wards around her door.

“Locketosa” Mysa quickly stepped inside her room and relocked her wards while also locking four deadbolts each one locking in with a loud thud.

Mysa walked forward into the darkened room when the torches around the room burst to life and her cauldron ignited with a snap of her fingers. Mysa sat in front of her harth in an old worn wooden rocking chair.

“Ahh...a moment of rest before I have to figure out what that damned Emerald Eye is up to. What could be on Skarla that he'd want?” Mysa thought to herself as she rocked gently.

“Beep!Beep!” Mysa's Omnicom began to go off and instinctively her hands glowed a slight blue opening the hiding spot for her Omnicom. It floated over to her with ease.

“Hmmm what is this? United Planet's congressional meeting report. Uggg...I hate that Chu feels the need to send these to me. They never contain anything of use to me.” Mysa thought to herself as she quickly read through the document. Her eyes widened with fear.

“No...No. This can not be. Daxam cannot leave the United Planets.” Mysa became frantic as she tapped away at her Omnicom calling President Chu.

“Mysa, it's so nice of you to take the time to contact me. I take it your dark lord has a new plan to dismantle us?” President Chu's image stared back at Mysa with nothing but annoyance.

“Chu, stop being so petulant. Just because I didn't aid you and kept my father busy while you were at your lowest is no reason to be snippy with me. Now tell me what this is all about and why Daxam is leaving the United Planets.

“That would be a by-product of our recent invasion. They didn't take too kindly to being turned into cybernetic beings against their will. We got lucky we stopped them when we did. If we hadn't the entirety of the United Planet's would have been on your doorstep, attacking and changing every planet in your empire. Adding them to its collective mind with only two directives. Assimilate all and defeat Mordru.” President Chu wanted to make it clear how close everything they had worked for was to falling apart because of this invasion.

“I'm sorry, I didn't help you. Are you happy now?” Mysa was annoyed with Chu's insolence.

“Yes, I am. Don't worry. We'll do our best to mend the relationship if we can and get them back before anything happens.” President Chu assured Mysa.

“Good. We can't have him gain control of Daxam. Especially now that I've learned there is something on Daxam that he's after and the only thing keeping it from him is the magical treaty.” Mysa cautioned.

“Don't worry Mysa. I have to go. I have a meeting. Be well.” President Chu signed off abruptly the screen cutting to black.

“I hope so Chu. I hope so.” Mysa's eyes flashed with yellow light as she increased the fire and her spells of protection. But still, she felt a chill running through her body.

Back inside Mordru's throne room, the Emerald Eye flew in ready to brief its master on what it had found.

“Master, I bid you good tidings.” The Emerald Eye announced itself.

“Ahh, Eye. Welcome back and how was your mission to Skarla?” Mordru stood his body aglow magically changing his kingly robes into his bedtime attire.

“Yes my lord. The Blood Crystals are on Skarla. There are whole caverns full. I also went to Thanotopsia. The Blood Crystals are there just as you said they would be. Your seeding of those crystals a millennia ago is coming to fruition.” The Emerald Eye floated close to Mordru's throne it's green glow bright and bouncing off the golden throne. It talked excitedly knowing the power and the chaos the Blood Crystals could cause allowing The Emerald Eye an opportunity to fulfill its own plans.

“Yes. Those two worlds were perfect hiding places to grow my Blood Crystals. My weapons of hate and destruction.” Mordru smiled wide his long white hair wild about his face.

“And My Lord, they aren't aligned with the United Planets.” The Emerald Eye's glow growing brighter casting it across Mordru's grinning face.

“Then we start to prepare for invasion.” Mordru's eyes were wide with excitement.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/25/2019
Omni #971529 05/25/19 05:06 PM
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On Daxam:

It had been almost three months since their transformation and Daxam's return to somewhat self-exile and in those three months, the planet worked to rebuild their world from the destruction that was brought. The newly built Daxam Administrative bodies headquarters that was now connected to the Palace after the cybernetic invasion had been filled to the brim with Daxam's Senators, called to order to discuss an important matter. The inside of the circular building was lined with rows of seats. Each one filled with Senators from the many city-states of Daxam. Down at the center stood Roxxas ready to testify before his peers.

“Roxxas, the nanites were of foreign origin, and we left their taint on our world. Because of this, they corrupted us. You urged us to keep them and those nannied for your silly program in case of Mordru's attack. But he's come nowhere near us. What do you have to say for yourself?” Prince Pax Grand sat in his bronze throne at the far back center of the wall high above Roxxas and the assembly. His bronze throne taking up the entire wall. The lower half covered in the family crest of Prince Pax Grand and underneath that the planetary state emblem.

“The nanites were meant to be a useful tool to suppress our powers should he show up and change our sun yellow. That is the whole reason the United Planets feared his arrival here and we never imagined them being corrupted. They were made by Brainiac 4 of Colu.”

“Again, we point out alien intervention and that according to the reports from our cybernetic states she was the one who did the corrupting.” Delegate Fri-sx pointed out.

“She's a Brainiac and we should have expected as such. We were short-sighted. But now we can not afford to be and we now have the means to do better. We are still transformed and resisting that disgusting call to return to the “motherland”. I urge us to stay this way. To forge our goals of severing interplanetary cooperation. We must use our transformation to fight the United Planets and tear them down. The only way for us to be safe and stay isolated is for everyone to be isolated.” Roxxas looked up at the assembly his eyes glaring.

“And how do we do that? We've had to do everything in our power to resist that call. We've had to tie up our people in Interon bonds in their homes to keep them here. We've even had to erect force fields around whole cities who couldn't resist its call. If it is that hard to resist, I'm sure we would be susceptible to them taking us over once we left our world.” Prince Pax Grand leaned back.

“I've found a way around that. Please allow me, my great Prince, to introduce you to Inferno.” Roxxas bowed and gestured to his side and in walked Inferno with blazing white-hot flames around her body. None of the assemblies could see anything but a black outline followed by five possessed Cybernetic beings their eyes glowing purple as they slinked in.

“Great Prince Grand, thank you for allowing me on your charming world.” Inferno looked around smiling while dusting herself off from the sandstorm that had started as she had started walking in from the outside entrance.

“Another alien Roxxas? Your reliance on these aliens is becoming irresponsible and goes against everything we stand for. You speak separation and no cooperation. But do nothing but. We think it’s best if you left the council and we will sadly contact the United Planets in order to purge this blight from our systems.” Prince Pax Grand looked down as he cast his judgment his hands folded in front of his face.

“I thought you might say that. Inferno, if you please.” Roxxas began walking out into the hallway leading into the palace while Inferno and her cybernetic thralls went to work.

Inferno's white-hot flames burst outward while her thralls' mouths opened wide blasting out mystical purple energy aiming it at the assembly. Soon they were no longer hearing Virx's call home to Cybernetica.

“Yes! Ahhhh, so much power in all of them and so much darkness and rage. I can't wait to cause so much havoc!” Inferno's flames calmed as she smiled looking out at the Daxamite's high council. All of their eyes glowing purple completely enthralled.

“But maybe these Daxamites aren't the only ones who could benefit from a little awakening.” Inferno thought to herself.

Last edited by Omni; 05/25/19 05:10 PM.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 05/26/2019
Omni #971564 05/26/19 01:19 PM
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The Moon McCauley's Office:

Leland McCauley sat at his new desk in his newly reconstructed office post-Cybernetic/ Mano's invasion and he wasn't happy with how this discussion was going.

“Madam President with all due respect those cadets of yours haven't been able to keep Mano in custody and away from me. I don't trust them with my safety or their ability to come when called. I want a team stationed here at all times.” Leland McCauley sat back in his floating chair seething with anger and fear.

“I told you, Leland, we cannot station a team there.” President Chu said for the fourth time.

“But you have an enormous amount of cadets now! Earth even has a squad. I'm sure you can spare some. Maybe even my son. He's primed for graduation.” Leland pleaded his case.

“Yes, we do. Which, we will be using to defeat Mordru and keep Mano locked away on Anndranna. McCauley, please understand if we station a team there we would have to station teams on every United Planet's world. The only reason, Earth gets a squad is that it is the seat of the U.P. And Mordru is likely to attack here if anywhere.” President Chu did her best not to scream at the rude multi-billionaire in front of her. She wished her Titanet adept would have to cut off so she wouldn't have to keep her emotions under control much longer.

“Then I'm forming a force here. Using my own operatives as the laws against supers have changed and they can work freely for whoever and in whatever capacity. They won't be held to your restrictions outside those that are required by the law of course. I've already got one member who was able to save me from Mano.” Leland McCauley gestured to the silent young man behind in the orange uniform with a black belt and pants.

“I see. Well as you said laws have changed and you're free to do so. Be sure to have all of your operatives fill out the necessary paperwork. They must be recognized as security detail, that their powers and abilities are registered with the Meta-Human Squad/ Nannite Reform Commission, as well as the Meta-Human Affairs division, and they have active nannite bracelets. They are not to be nannite infused. Control of sentients through such means is outlawed.” President Chu made sure McCauley knew the other aspects of the law as she didn't trust him to make his own security force.

“Of course Madam President. Now if you'll excuse me I've got some candidates to find.”

“Of course Leland. Good luck.” with that President Chu's image quickly faded as Leland McCauley removed the Titanet temple adapters. They allowed him to access the Titanet without having to have an actual Titan on his premises.

“Ugg. So glad to have that psychic intrusion over with.” McCauley dropped the temple adapters on his desk.

“Karate Kid, did those applicants I requested you to contact make lunar side yet?” As he swiped his hands across the holo-screen pulling up the files and images of his new protectors. Six profiles floated before him.

“They have. They are being vetted and tested by your security teams and doctors as we speak.” Karate Kid stood stoically. He had done his part by joining this reality's McCauley but since arriving he couldn't help but feel contaminated like his own spiritual path and growth had been blocked. But he knew he needed to stay after a message from Dreamer arrived telling him the WorkForce needed to rise again.

“Aside from Evolvo and Repulse, this is definitely a different WorkForce.” Karate Kid thought to himself looking over McCauley's shoulder at the holo images and profiles.

“Good. Now leave me. I've got a conference call.” McCauley shewed Karate Kid away who quickly left the room to greet the new WorkForce members.

McCauley was left alone in his office. He watched the Earth below slowly spinning while waiting for the call and it wasn't one he was looking forward to.

“Leland.” Ra's al Ghul's holo image shimmered into view his voice deep and calm.

“Ah!” Leland McCauley jumped back a little bit.

“Were you not expecting me, Leland?” Ra's al Ghul's hologram moved about the spacious office as if he were there. He ran his fingers across the desk before rubbing them together.

“I was. You just startled me that's all. So things with the United Planets have changed. The nanites are outlawed. Meaning all those meta-humans we're developing won't be able to be controlled through the nanites.”

“Yes, after that invasion I feared as much. But these changes don't have to be the end of our plans. Angtu is still mutating nicely...and the other plans we've got are starting to take shape. The seeds of distrust of the powered are already there. Someone will come up with a way to control meta-humans. Allowing our slave plans to continue. Until then, we exploit both that hatred and the new and ever-changing laws. It will be fine. Trust me, Leland. Besides, we have plenty of time. We are waiting for two things after all.” Ra's al Ghul looked Leland McCauley square in the eyes, his own dead black eyes looking at McCauley.

“Yes, I know. They are working on the Mordru problem every day. Hopefully, they will take the battle to him sooner rather than later. I'm working on finding a new mode of inter-spacial travel. My sources say that the Tromium supply the Slipstreams need to run is running extremely low. They also have no way to resupply it thus ending Brande Industries.” McCauley smiled smugly while stroking his lapel.

“That's good news. However, we're still lacking a new system. If we don't get it then we will all be stranded and this would have been all for not. Get to work, McCauley.” Ra's al Ghul ended the transmission with that.

McCauley stood his eyes wide as he gulped and turning toward a spinning Earth below again.

“Once, I get this new mode of transport the first thing I'm going to do is send him on a shuttle to the sun.” McCauley thought to himself as he regained his composure while his teeth remained gritted.

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Re: Post Zero Hour Fan Fiction
Omni #971596 05/27/19 09:57 AM
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Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
Re: Post Zero Hour Fan Fiction
Omni #971617 05/27/19 02:41 PM
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Thank you for the bump Klar Ken T5477. I hope you're enjoying the story thus far. More coming soon.

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Re: Post Zero Hour Fan Fiction
Omni #971647 05/28/19 07:54 AM
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All caught up! Monstress is, as ever, delightful! laugh

I really liked the family focus/contrast with Brainy and Tinya's respective situations...Brainiac 8 was Indigo, right? I don't remember Brainiac 6 though! I also thought that line about Lyle convincing Brainy to lie about why he wanted the top floor was cute laugh

Liking the idea of having Winema and Cub around more; Cub in the comics was really a half-baked idea that never got any decent development so I'm glad you're doing a better job with him...I liked your description of the entertainment-plex and generally the family dynamic they (and Jo) all have!

Some good foreboding stuff with the various bad guys too...I'm curious to see how the Workforce pans out this time around, especially with Karate Kid being in a much different place as a character this time around!

Oh and I nearly forgot to mention...I'm also really intrigued by where you're going with this subplot of Garth and the transmutation powers!

Re: Post Zero Hour Fan Fiction
Omni #971821 06/01/19 09:36 AM
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Hi Raz,
I'm glad you're all caught up. But I don't know how long that will last for. laugh

Monstress is really is a delight

Yes, Brainiac 8 is Indigo. Brainiac 6 was mentioned on her wiki page. So I threw him in for good measure.
I'm glad you liked Lyle's ability to convince Brainy to lie when needed. lol, It just made sense to put them there. But I couldn't resist getting a Brainy-ism in there of blowing stuff up.

I hadn't even thought about the contrasting of the two family dynamics. I was just tying up plotlines. So thank you!

Yeah, I remember reading that DnA had plans for Cub but since their run was cut short they didn't get to finish them. True, as the first child of Legionnaires there should have been a bit more of a focus on him. Especially, since he kind of looks like Superboy but able to phase.

The workforce has got some work to do and I've got some work to do on where I want to go with them. KK is going to be interesting to write with them and his current mental state.

oh, Garth...he wasn't very lucky in the Reboots original universe. But who knows. I guess you'll just have to keep reading. tongue

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/01/2019
Omni #971827 06/01/19 04:35 PM
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An Unknown location:

Ra’s al Ghul stood in a black velvet cloak looking out his giant window down at the planet below. It spun slowly, while its pink-hued clouds quickly passed by. Ra’s al Ghul looked down on the planet below with delight at the prospects it could bring.

“Master, your council is here.” A small secretary bot with two thin arms and a dome full of exposed circuitry flew into the dimly lit office quickly. Disturbing it's master's peace.

“I guess I should meet with them.” Ra’s al Ghul gave a small but stiff smile before snapping his gloved fingers. Quickly the bot brought him a black stocking cap. Slowly, he pulled the stocking cap over his face revealing a dark purple circle for the face.

Ra’s al Ghul slowly strode into the conference room ready to greet his guests. This wasn’t the first time he had hidden his identity from the world and it wouldn’t be the last in his long life. A small round table sat in the middle of a small darkened room lined with strips of red lights along the walls leaving the room barely lit.

“Welcome all.” From beneath his mask, Ra’s al Ghul said using a voice modulator making his voice gruff and electronic sounding.

“Thank you Dark Circle Master.” They replied in unison from around the small black table. The same purple circle as the Dark Circle Master's mask was on its surface. Four seats sat around the table. Each one occupied by the holograms of the members of the Dark Circle. Each of them wearing black hooded cloaks.

“Our plans are coming together with some slight changes. The United Planet's has outlawed nanites and the use of them to control the meta-human populations. But we will find new ways to enslave them. Until then we will delay some of our plans. The U.P. is still working on defeating Mordru. But if they can't take care of it we may be forced to and we may need some of our own meta-humans to fight him.” The Dark Circle leader stood before them waiting for their response.

“We will work with our ssscientist to find a way to control the metassss. Thossse we've made from ssscratchhh ssso far are controllable. But thossse we've had to turn not ssssoo muchhh. They’ve brokkken free from our control sssuch asss that failed experiment Command Kid.” said the glaring unknown yellow Dominator from under his hood. Spit leaking from its mouth full of sharp teeth. While its green eyes flashed with curiosity.

“Good. Keep me posted Master Dominator. Master Khund you're secret rounding up of slaves is going well?” Dark Circle Master took the empty seat at the head of the table. Lacing his fingers in front of him.

“Yes. We've got several worlds that we've been slowly stealing sentients from. We are going to Silvan in the coming months.” The light orange Khundian with thin scars across his face said. His right eye covered by a black patch.

“Good. Keep them in the pens for now. Also, remember to keep an eye out for teleporters. They could be useful.” Dark Circle Master gently tapped at the table's surface.

“Master Dark Circle, we agreed to join your endeavors to destroy the United Planets. Why are we not any closer?” The red muscular Tyrazzian said pounding his robotic fist on the table.

“We are Master Tyrazzian. But we are doing it slowly. We're taking their meta-human hatred and using it against them to force them to destroy themselves. We have operatives who are working to destroy the unity they possess as we speak." Dark Circle Master tried to reassure Master Tyrazzian but it didn't seem to be working. He continued to elaborate on their plans.

"We've been in contact with an organization whose looking to spread the word of separation of the worlds known as the White Triangle. They've been defunct for a while but with our help, I'm sure we can further their plans. Their goals don't match ours exactly but there's no reason why we can't help their brand of chaos usher in the destruction of the United Planets. I've funneled credits into an account for them. It should help them spread their words of hate."

"More Druuzzi's* don't make for a great plan. We should attack!" Master Tyrazzian slammed his fist on the table again growing angrier. His robotic eye glowing red.

"We can not just attack and these, "Druuzzi's" as you call them will do much of the damage we need to be done. They will start wars and spark debates that will bring down the rule of law within the United Planets destroying it from with it." Dark Circle Master was becoming annoyed with Master Tyrazzian but he needs to keep his people aligned with him.

"Combined with The White Triangle's separatist motives, the populace's fears of the Meta-Humans and their needing control to be restored, and finally along with the United Planets inability to keep control of the Meta-Humans, it will destroy the United Planets from within. We will then come along with a way to control Meta-Humans and "save" the day and the planets of the United Planets will flock to our side.

"Oh and we can not forget that their transportation is going to fail soon taking the United Planets back to the light-speed era causing collapse almost immediately!" Dark Circle Master's electronic voice filled with delight.

"Once we have a new mode of transport we will outclass them instantly.” Dark Circle Master informed them ending his speech his voice not breaking or showing the amount of annoyance he had for Master Tyrazzian who still didn't look convinced.

<Yes, we should begin the next phase. We need to make a new planetary alliance. A rival to the United Planets. But it should be one that will save them from the xenophobes and meta-phobes leaving the United Planets with world populations with little to no meta-humans and only those who wish to keep to themselves for the most part. Then we can begin to control all the powered populations of every world secretly.> The slippery telepathy of Master Gil'Daan entered their minds the black cloth draped over his globe.

“No, we can't do that until Mordru is stopped. He would do nothing but attack us. We don't have an agreement with him. The Dominion, Tyrazzian, and even the Khundian empire face his forces daily.” Master Khundian objected.

“Master Khundian has a point. We can't do that just yet. We must keep our alliance secret and keep our allies members of the United Planets. But, I want each of you to continue to think of ways to cause some havoc within the United Planets.” The Dark Circle leader said keeping his fingers firmly laced in front of him.

“Fine. I'll keep quiet but the Tyrazzian Empire will not hold out forever.” The Tyrazzian Master growled.

“I'm sure things will be turning around soon enough.” the Dark Circle Leader assured them all.

“Master Dark Circle, you have a call from the Coluian Representative Orin Fex.” the flying secretary bot toned flying into the room.

“Patch his channel through the table.” The Dark Leader said his curiosity growing.

“Dark Leader, I am Orin Fex of Colu. Its recently chosen United Planets Representative.”

“How did you find me or our channel for that matter?” Dark Circle Master asked patiently. He was intrigued that anyone found them.

“Your feeds aren’t encrypted well against location detection. For a Coluian, finding a "conspiracy group theory" isn’t that hard since we analyze all the feeds that come through the United Planets. I simply decoded your feeds and then followed the signal to its origin point. Allowing me to open a holo-com channel directly to you. Your various feeds for spreading misinformation were your weakest points of entry. I fixed them for you. They are completely untraceable now.” Orin Fex’s grin grew wide with pride.

“Rep. Fex I appreciate you coming to us and thank you for your help. But I don't do business with just anyone. Now if you'll excuse us.” Dark Circle Leader was about to end the communication. The opportunity to snub a Coluian was rare and Dark Circle Master relished the chance.

“Wait! I think we can help each other with our mutual problem.” Orin Fex's hologram with his long plump bored face looking out at all of them began to show a slight panic in his eyes.

“I said good day Representative Fex.” Dark Circle Leader
moved to end the transmission.

“I have a weapon that can be used against the United Planets and I think you'd be interested in it.” Orin Fex cried out quickly pulling up a hologram of the still unconscious form of Sharn Nux.

“Hmmm...alright Rep. Fex let us chat. The floor is yours.” Dark Circle Leader smiled under his mask looking at the enhanced woman floating in the tube.

*Druuzzi's = stooges, flunkies.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/02/2019
Omni #971875 06/02/19 12:13 PM
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Three Weeks After a New Beginning.

Visit Xanthu post-invasion.
Roll Call:
Kid Quantum II - Jazmin Cullen –quantum fields capable of slowing/freezing time. energy blast capable of causing decay. Of Xanthu of U247
Star Boy -Thom Kallor of Xanthu U247- interstellar mass control.
Atom'x -Randall Burroughs of Xanthu of U247/248 formerly Wildfire - kinetic control over atomic energy and the atoms that compose them. concussive, searing blasts. Flight, Phasing/Ghost, Radiation.
Dreamer – Nura Nal of Naltor U247 – precognition
Monstress- Candi Pyponte-Le Parc III of Xanthu- super-strength, endurance, and a fair measure of invulnerability.
Blind Spot- Bogdan Tarka of Doopa –speedster. Capable of traveling so fast no one sees him(secretly creates fissures in space/time that allow him to freeze those around you.)
Impulse - Kent Shakespeare of Earth - Limited invulnerability, super speed, and Super Strength. Medical knowledge. Greater physical stamina. But requires sleep after.

It had been a long three-week journey to Xanthu even with the use of the Slipstream network. The MHS squad members had arrived exhausted but they were excited to get off their shuttle. They were greeted by a chauffeur at the spaceport who brought them to the Uncanny Amazers Headquarters. The driver explained that Prefect Zandoz sent his apologies that he couldn’t meet them at the spaceport.

They had reached the Uncanny Amzers newly reconstructed headquarters. The main building had been rebuilt after the invasion. It was shaped like a giant hexagon. The front entrance was a giant wall of windows spread across its upper portion. Below the windows were doors surrounded by golden brown paneling that sparkled in the sunlight. Long white steps led up into the main lobby area.

"Come along darlings!" Monstress toned beaming with happiness leading the team up the steps and into the headquarters. She quickly took them through the lobby. All of them marveled at the number of beings and merchandise stands they passed.

Monstress pushed through the crowd with ease bringing them to the back of the room to a jump tube leading to a part of the old headquarters. It was another slightly smaller hexagon-shaped building where the suites for the Uncanny Amazers were located. She dropped each of them off at their respective rooms before finally tugging at Kid Quantum to follow her to their room. Kid Quantum looked around confused.

“This way, silly.” Monstress pulled Kid Quantum II along into their room. The servant bots carried all of her luggage into the suite. They dropped the luggage promptly into the bedroom before running out of the suite. Their memory cores having pulled up their file on Monstress. Kid Quantum laughed to herself while she watched them scurry away.

“Ooo. It's so nice to be home!” Monstress strode into their shared bedroom. She stood by her bed unpacking her bags and looking around at the room. The room they shared in the old section of the headquarters happened to be the same room they shared during their days as members of the Uncanny Amazers.

“ sure is.” Kid Quantum II looked around “their” room. She had no memory of this room or sharing it with Monstress. But she had to find a way to fake it. In all honesty that's how this whole trip felt to her. It was all about faking it. The bedroom was small but the common areas were much larger and she hoped it would be enough space to retreat away from all of this faking she was having to do.

“It's one thing to fake it at the academy. There's only the present with the past far off in the background. But Xanthu is my “past”. This place is our shared “past” and that is going to be a lot harder to fake...” Kid Quantum II thought to herself as she stood in front of her closet putting away some of her clothes.

“Dear, we've got a meeting with the old squad before we head over with Kent to the rehabilitation center for the de-cybernetics.” Monstress bellowed from the bathroom putting away her moisturizers.

“I know. I'm a bit nervous. James is there recuperating. After he was changed back from his cybernetic state his powers began malfunctioning. He's been there working on regaining control of his powers. But even his belt hasn't been helping.” Jazmin added folding some of her clothes before checking her uniform in the mirror.

“Oh, the poor dear. I know it must be incredibly hard. A few of the cadets have been going through the same thing. I've been visiting them during my downtime. Helping them with their retraining.” Monstress' giant green frame entered back into the room twirling around in a variation of her MHS uniform. This particular uniform had a metallic purple stripe on the outside while the inner stripe was shiny silver.

“What are you doing Candi?” Jazmin looked at her as she twirled.

“Showing off my away mission outfit of course. What do you think? See how this one is different? My standard uniform has a purple stripe on the outside. But it has a light golden yellow with glitter mixed in on the inside.” Monstress twirled one more time before blowing a kiss at Jazmin.

“You have different uniforms for different missions? Wait, never mind. Of course, you do. I can't believe I even asked.” Jazmin shook her head with a wide smile on her face.

“Just the two. This one's a little closer to my Amazers uniform from back in the day. You know the one with those awful purple pants and armored silver shirts.” Monstress stood behind Jazmin and fixed her emerald green hair in the mirror. Monstress towered over Jazmin.

“I see. We'll let's get going.” Jazmin began to leave and walk down the hall.

"Sweetie, its this way. You've got some serious slip-lag*." Monstress smiled and grabbed Kid Quantum II by the shoulders turning her around towards the jump tubes.

Monstress and Kid Quantum II made their way down into the new lobby. Kid Quantum II was amazed by how big the lobby was now that she had gotten a real moment to look at it. The large hexagonal shaped room's walls were made of a strong and durable imitation honeycomb that glistened in the sunlight. The ceiling was a giant pain of glass letting in the sun and starlight. Small floating white and black tables were littered around the room. Each table was filled with sentients selling all kinds of merchandise from dolls to pennants and food like ice cream bars and cereal. The vendor's and their tables floated around the numerous Holo figures, holo history feed projectors showcasing the Uncanny Amazers exploits, and the various types of trophies captured by the Uncanny Amazers from their adventures.

“Oooo look at that holo. I remember that day. I didn't know they put this one up yet!” Monstress bounded over to the holo showcasing her punching a meteor that had fallen to Xanthu.

“Ooo my outfit that day was perfect for punching that big old meteor. Hey look there you are too dear!” Monstress pulled Kid Quantum II over to her interrupting her walk towards the jump tubes and the lower levels.

Kid Quantum II's amber eyes widened as she looked at the holo of a moment from this reality that she had no memory of. But there she was slowing down and deteriorating chunks of the meteor. Her black fro bouncing around while she dodged what she wasn't able to catch.

“I used to love your old hair dear. But this buzzed down look is just so much” Monstress looked back and forth comparing Kid Quantum II's looks.

“Thanks, Candi. Now let's get going. We don't want to be late.” Kid Quantum turned to go and instantly bumped into Ponna, champion of the moon, Pon and one of the newest members of the Uncanny Amazers.

“Oh sorry darlin'.” Standing just a foot taller than Kid Quantum II in a blue and white one-piece semi-armored leotard. Looking down at her he gave a big smile. His smile was big just like his muscles.

“Sorry. My fault I didn't see you.” Kid Quantum II looked up and went to offer her hand when suddenly shouts from the crowd erupted.



A group of sentients ran over to Ponna and surrounded him separating Kid Quantum II and pushing her out of the way.

“The star treatment. Boy, do I remember those days. But we serve the greater good now.” Monstress sighed and patted Kid Quantum II on the shoulder gently before they continued on through the crowds.

Star Boy and Dreamer had arrived early to the meeting room and sat next to each other waiting for Prefect Lamar Zandoz to arrive. Star Boy's eyes darted around taking everything in. Trying his best to find a way to make it seem like he'd been there a million times. But there was nothing that could make him feel like this was his home. Dreamer squeezed his hand seeing how anxious he was.

“You seem unwell Star Boy. It's been a while since I've touched your head. Maybe while you are here you'd like me to do a chart for you and help you with your stress. From your body language, I'm reading that you are experiencing some discomfort.” Phrenologax Lad sat across from Star Boy and Dreamer watching them intently.

“Is this really Star Boy returned from the dead? I must get my hands on his head.” Phrenologax Lad thought to himself not trusting what he was seeing before him.

“Thanks, Phrenologax Lad. But I think a few rounds in a hot pool and I'll be fine.”

“Always so cocky. Some things never change do they Mister Kallor.” Prefect Lamar Zandoz strode into the room and quickly to the front. This conversation is one he'd heard and responded to a thousand times. But then he stopped and looked at Star Boy with a puzzled look.

“Prefect Zandoz.” Star Boy waved with a smile. He didn't know why but he could see that Prefect Zandoz wasn't his biggest fan.

Slowly the rest of the attendee's entered the room. Ponna being the last to arrive. Ponna, finally pulling himself away from his fans. Star Boy, Dreamer, Monstress, Blind Spot, Kid Quantum II, Cadet Kent Shakespeare, and Atom'x sat on one side of the room with the Uncanny Amazers on the other. Prefect Zandoz's gaze finally moved from Star Boy and out over the assembled groups and once he caught sight of Atom'x and Kid Quantum II his face went white as a ghost.

Insect Queen looked at Perfect Zandoz for a moment before following his gaze. She hadn't paid much attention to the newcomers. She knew this was just a Holo opportunity for them to do damage control on their images after the invasion. But when she finally looked, she saw him.

“Randall? Randall, is that really you?” Insect Queen ran forward to the center of the room practically climbing over the table to Atom'x. She placed her hands all over his face. Rubbing his chiseled cheeks and tugging at his stylized brown hair and uniform.

“Lonna, stop that!” Atom'x batted away her hands before he phased himself out of his seat and moved away.

“What is wrong with you?” Atom'x asked looking at the Uncanny Amazers and Prefect Zandoz. All but Ponna stared at him in some disbelief.

“You're dead. You died! I watched you die!” Insect Queen's hands ran through her orange-hued hair.

“Yeah...about that. I guess it didn't take.” Atom'x shrugged not knowing what to say or think. He hadn't looked himself up beyond the fact that he died. He never knew that his teammates had watched it happen.

“Yeah, he's not the only one. Thom and Jazmin were both declared dead and now here they are with no explanation.” Knok's floating head moved throughout the room quickly looking at her former teammate's anger and fear filled her brown eyes.

“Everyone please be calm.” Monstress tried to defuse things but she understood how her former teammates felt. She had felt the same when she first saw Jazmin at the academy.

“Candi, why didn't you send us a message warning us?” Insect Queen's yelled out in between sobs.

“I...I...” Monstress couldn't respond. She honestly hadn't thought about it. She was just happy that they all were getting the chance to come home.

“Stop this right now! We didn't say anything because we've been a little busy as you all know. Also, Thom and I found Randall on a mission after his “death”. His powers saved him and he's been wandering the universe trying to find a way to communicate. So just be happy he's home. As for Star Boy and myself, we went on a secret mission and got lost and found our way back thanks to some friends.” Kid Quantum II stepped up. She wasn't going to let anyone talk to her friends like that. Regardless of the reason.

Kid Quantum II had gotten better at perfecting the lies the Legionnaires needed to tell to keep their secret. But this blended lies with the truth of their lives from their home reality.

“She's right. We should be happy you’re home. All of you.” Prefect Zandoz looked around the room sending a clear signal that this outburst was over. He regained his composure from the surprise.

Insect Queen walked over to Kid Quantum II her eyes red with tears still streaming down. Kid Quantum II prepared herself to be slugged. Instead, Insect Queen hugged her and hugged her tight before letting go smiling and repeating it with Atom'x and Star Boy. Monstress stood waiting but Insect Queen looked at her and shook her head gently and whispered “not yet” and then gave a small smile and took her seat. Monstress understood and took her seat as well. She fought back her own tears. Monstress knew it would take time for Inset Queen and the other to forgive her. But now all she could do was wish that she had done something to make this less awkward and hurtful for everyone.

“Welcome, everyone to Xanthu and the Uncanny Amazers Headquarters in Xan City. Today is a new day for Xanthu. We have visitors from the Meta-Human Squad of the Meta-Human Affairs Division of the Science Police. We will be working with them on several projects around Xanthu to help with the rehabilitation of our world after the Cybernetic Invasion. We invite you all to come along for our day as we help rebuild and strengthen the bond between Xanthu and the United Planets.” Prefect Zandoz spoke into the floating camera he had turned on once everyone had quieted down. His smile was warm and inviting and his eyes bright with hope. A complete departure from the man who had walked into the room moments ago.

"Today, Kid Quantum, Insect Queen, Atom'x, and Ponna will be heading to the Pon Moon Observatories to fix the Hexl telescopes. Setting them back into place. The machinery used to do this normally is broken due to the recent attacks from the Cybernetic Invasion. While Star Boy, Knok, Monstress, The Breakdown, and Blind Spot will patrol Xan City as part of The Uncanny Amazers regular routine. Lastly, Dreamer, Cadet Shakespeare, and Phernologax Lad will travel to hospitals. They will be visiting with those who are in rehabilitation from the Cybernetic Invasion. Please remember that if you see them out wave to them and let them be on their way. But no autographs. They are working to keep you safe." Prefect Zandoz smiled warmly into the camera.

The meeting ended and for a moment the cameras stopped while the teams regrouped and went to the hanger for their shuttles.
*Slip-lag = jet-lag.

Last edited by Omni; 10/13/19 03:35 PM.

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Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/02/2019
Omni #972077 06/07/19 03:05 AM
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The opening with Ra's was very cinematic - I could see him getting dressed to meet the others (and I like the different species that make up his council too)

I love Monstress having an away outfit laugh the Amazers' response to seeing their 'dead' friends back again was well done too, I feel sorry for Jazmin & the others having to roll with it.

I am curious to see Phrenologax Lad show off his powers, he sounds fun!

Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/02/2019
Omni #972108 06/07/19 07:37 PM
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Thank you. Monstress is one of the more fun ones to write. I love the energy she brings to every scene.
The Amazer's reaction was something I really thought about and what each of them would feel. I love getting to create a new but mixed reality of the Reboot Legion and U248. Monstress had a pretty strong reaction, so add five other people and you've got some good drama.

I feel sorry for them too. But obviously not too sorry as I keep putting them through it. laugh

You know I honestly hadn't had anything planned for Phrenologax Lad. But maybe I'll have to work on something. I know how you love those underdogs. tongue

Thank you on Ra's. I always envision him as very regal when I write him. Like a bored king.
the species in the Dark Circle are those from the Reboot's Dark Circle Rising. I've got some interesting stuff coming from them as well.
I've got a lot coming and as you read I hope you can see the logical progression and expansion of these stories. I've done my best to find ways to interlock a lot of elements and story beats.

More coming soon.

Last edited by Omni; 06/07/19 07:42 PM.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/07/2019
Omni #972109 06/07/19 08:30 PM
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Pon Moon Observatories.
Roll Call:

Atom'x -Randall Burroughs of Xanthu of U247/248 formerly Wildfire - kinetic control over atomic energy and the atoms that compose them. concussive, searing blasts. Flight, Phasing/Ghost, Radiation.
Kid Quantum II - Jazmin Cullen –quantum fields capable of slowing/freezing time. energy blast capable of causing decay. Of Xanthu of U247

Uncanny Amazers:
Ponna - Bert Pullur - the chosen Moon Champion of Pon essence of the moon. - super strength, flight, Moon staff and dust capable of driving people crazy. *lunatics dust. last for a few hours and in Ponna's mental control. His Power's only work on Xanthu under Pon's guidance.
Insect Queen -Lonna Leing -Transformation: Insect Queen can transform part of her body into any insect form, thereby gaining that insect's abilities.

The Pon Moon Observatories were the largest in Xan City. Its campus spanned three blocks, the largest of all the observatories was placed at its center. Three smaller five-story buildings surrounded the main observatory. Each of them standing at 150 clicks away. It Left enough room for the Observatories smaller telescopes to be mounted on the top level of each building and still catch their own interstellar views.

"The levels below those two buildings are research labs and offices. While the third is a dormitory for the scientists and students to live in while they are working here." Insect Queen informed them. They flew through the clear atmosphere revealing the stars twinkled around the sun in the sky.

The MHS and The Uncanny Amazers landed at Pon Observatories near the main observatory.

Kid Quantum II walked towards the second of the smaller buildings just behind her teammates. Looking up at the sky she couldn't help but be marveled by it.

“It's been so long since I've been under this sky.” Kid Quantum II thought to herself.

The door to the building slides opens quickly letting the team in. Making their way through the small empty pristine white lobby.

"Not many people visit here. But because of that only one Artifical Intelligence Hologram is usually active. It serves as a greeter for the lobby. But with the damages, nothing beyond emergency lights and reserve power is working." Insect Queen quickly explained to the team. They quickly made their way to the jump tubes which weren't functional. Luckily each of them was able to fly up the jump tube. Each of them making their way up quickly.

“Hello, scientist! We have come to fix your telescopes!” Ponna bellowed into the room his pearly white smile gleaming in the light with his arms opened wide he exited the jump tube flying into the room.

“Is he always like this?” Atom'x whispered to Insect Queen trying to break the ice. He and Insect Queen being the next ones to exit the jump tube. Followed by Kid Quantum II.

“Sadly, yes.” Insect Queen adjusted her eye mask activating the lens to hid her eyes. She was still trying not to cry at the sight of Randall.

“Listen, Lonna, I just want to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude back there.” Atom'x flashed a small smile.

“It's fine. I just... I need a moment to process. So while we're here can we please just focus on work?” Insect Queen hated being so harsh. But she had watched him die unable to reach him and she had felt responsible for his death for so long.

“Not a problem.” Atom'x backed away hands in the air. He turned his attention to the job at hand.

Ponna had already started lifting the telescopes' base. While Kid Quantum II held the telescopes themselves in a stasis field slowly lifting them up. Atom'x flew in his hand glowing bright green using his radioactive powers. He gently blasted open the hole the telescopes had sank into. He made sure to tapper his blast to not hit the machinery underneath. Then he focused his powers. Refining them to rounding out and smoothing the edges of the hole.

“Alright, the hole's smooth. Insect Queen you ready to get in there and grab the machinery out?”

“That I am.” Insect Queen walked up slowly. Her lower body morphed into a Xanthuian caterpillar with its 17 legs while her upper body stayed unchanged. She lowered herself down into the hole.

“Hmmm...Alright and there's the power source...Uhmmm guys the power source is damaged and flashing...”

“What's happening?” a tall slender but muscular man in a white lab coat and white bodysuit ran forward. He jumped into the hole without a thought to his own safety or Insect Queen's.

“What are you doing...?” Insect Queen looked at him. He had practicality jumped on her caterpillar body. If she wasn't the large size she was he would have squashed her.

“The power source was flashing. I came to take a look. That shouldn't be happening.” He quickly pulled out an Omnicom and began running tests before remotely disabling it.

“There we go. You should be able to lift it out now.” He said smiling at her.

Suddenly there was a loud boom that erupted from the floor below. Its blast burning through the floor and shooting straight up incinerating the machiery. Insect Queen grabbed the scientist growing a pair of hornets wings. In mid-flight, she morphed her caterpillar legs down into the smaller form of a bumblebee thorax.

“What just happened?” Insect Queen screamed at the scientist.

“I have no idea. I'm not in charge of the lab downstairs.” The scientist shrugged. Insect Queen gently dropped him before she shifted back to her base form. She stomped away annoyed by his answer.

“Let's get down there people.” Atom'x called out jumping into the hole after the energy blast had died down. He quickly landed into a burnt out laboratory.

“Arhhhhhh! Help me!” A teenage boy no more than 15 sat kneeling on the ground. Energy poured out of him. The largest concentration of energy coming from his hands and his eyes. His armpits, specific parts of his underarms and the outer parts of his pecs having disappeared.

“Atom'x?!” Standing behind a force field near a wall of holo computers stood a scientist in the same white lab coat and body suite. His eyes were wide with shock.

“Yeah! Now watch out!” Atom'x called out while sending a wave of radiation out. He created a wall blocking stray energy blasts coming from the boy on the floor.

“How are you here? You’re dead?” The scientist called out.

“We'll talk about that after we get this guy under control.” Atom'x blocked another energy blast when Kid Quantum II descended into the lab. She cast a quantum stasis field around the young man immobilizing him.

“That should hold him for a bit. Now let's get some answers. Starting with who are you?” Kid Quantum II's voice was commanding as she took the lead.

“I'm Dr. Tusqu. I work for the Xanthunian government. We've been renting out this space to experiment create a new Atom'x.” Dr. Tusqu twiddled his fingers as he looked back and forth at them scared.

“What?” Atom'x and Kid Quantum II said in unison.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 06/23/2019
Omni #972982 06/23/19 02:19 PM
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Roll Call:

Blind Spot: Bogdan Tarka of Doopa –creates fissures in space/time that allows him to freeze those around you. (formerly: speedster. Capable of traveling so fast no one sees him
Monstress- Candi Pyponte-Le Parc III of Xanthu- super-strength, endurance, and a fair measure of invulnerability.
Star Boy -Thom Kallor of Xanthu U247- interstellar mass control.

Uncanny Amazers:
Konk - detached floating head. two-hour separation limit.
The Breakdown - Alden Bishen- able to breakdown energy attacks and absorb it for super stamina and speed.

High above Xan city:

Monstress sat in the back of the cruiser composed of a small mixed team of Uncanny Amazers and MHS members as they flew over the capital city of Xanthu. The sun shining down on them and the stars twinkling beyond. Normally, Monstress would be loving a ride through the sky of her home. She used to enjoy searching the city for trouble more than anyone. But right now all she wanted to do was crawl into a corner and cry.

“I hadn't meant to hurt them or anyone...” Monstress thought to herself.

“Xanthu to Monstress. You with us?” The Breakdown called from the driver’s seat. While Konk sat next to him checking scanners and local Science Police communication networks. Her head floated inches above her body inside her sphere ready to take off for action at a moments notice.

Star Boy sat on the other side of the back seat sulking as well. But it was because he was wishing he could be with Dreamer right now.

“This view would be perfect. Not that I recognize any of it.” Star Boy thought to himself. He hadn't wanted to focus on the fact that this wasn't his Xanthu. He wanted to try to focus on the positive things he saw on this Xanthu but was finding it hard.

Blind Spot sat in the middle of Monstress and Star Boy slightly squashed and ready to get to work.

“Sorry, deary. I'm with you. What can I do for you?” Monstress finally checked in. The wind flowing through her green mane of hair.

“We've got a bank robbery in progress. Seems it's your old friends the Brute Crew.” The Breakdown looked back and smiled at her wide. He had a couple of his teeth missing from a recent fight. The wind matting his brown hair to his forehead.

“Those sajqaws are still kickin' around?” Monstress started smiling and punching her fist together knowing she was about to get the chance to work out some of her frustrations.

The Science Police surrounded the outside of the bank, a two-story square building that was surrounded by a parking lot and a small park with a fountain in front of the main entrance which was lined with shrubs along the walkway to the door.

“Yo! Sci pig get leave the area or we will take out the hostages.” Called the gruff voice of Halt Walt the leader of the Brute Crew. Halt Walt's large muscular frame poked out from under his semi-open purple vest and black "retro" jeans. He stood next to the door holding one of the hostages around the neck while his other hand with white glowing fingers pointed at the hostage's head.

“Let the hostages go and we can work this out.”Science Police Hostage negotiator Sasha Flunn called over her megaphone.

“Do what I say.” Halt Walt said simply as he threw the hostage out the door releasing him only to blast him with a beam of energy that froze him in his tracks and stopped every bodily function within him. Then the hostage fell to the ground.

Halt Walt sneered with delight from behind his black holo-shades and closed the door.

“Now they know we're serious.” Halt Walt strode back inside to his crew.

“Boss, that wasn't smart. They won't let us go now.” Murah the Roller called out from behind the teller's desk hacking the computers and taking the credits from five different teller's consoles. Her long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail running down her back. Her tight gold and black bodysuit glinting in the holo-light.

“Yeah, they don't like when we kill them. Even though I do.” The masked villain known as Killjoy jumped on top of the counter shooting out a blast of acid from his hands. He scorched everything around him. Standing there in his black leather pants with no shirt on. Instead, he wore two studded black straps crisscrossing his slim alabaster chest. His arms covered in white bandages that ran up to his elbows. While black wild hair bounced around his white mask that covered his entire face. Only large eye holes in his mask revealed his black eyes.

“You know Killjoy, I really hate when you get all acid bathy.” Konk flew in fast circling around each of the different members of the Brute Crew and the hostages. The hostages were tied up with holo-cuffs that had been magnetized together.

“Konk!” Killjoy yelled out spraying her as she flew back towards him. A force field erected around her head bubble bouncing the acid off. Konk changed directions and flew back to the hostages lowing her force field to drop off any extra acid before she reached them. She quickly began herding them toward the far corners of the bank near the entrance.

"MOVE!" Knok screamed at the hostages.

Monstress, Star Boy, and The Breakdown jumped down through the skylight sending glass shattering down over the Brute Crew and the hostages. While Knok erected her force field over the hostages. She extended it out to its maximum to protect the hostages. but she wasn't sure if that would be enough.

Blind Spot jumped out from his quantum fissure behind Killjoy before knocking him over the head with a joint fist slam to the back of Killjoy's head. Blind Spot's bodies natural durability and increased center of gravity on this world gave him a sense of superhuman strength making it easy to take out Killjoy with one hit. Killjoy fell forward landing on an acid puddle.

“Ahhahhh. Hahaha!” Killjoy screamed out in both joy and pain as the acid burned his alabaster skin.

“Get them!” Halt Walt screamed at Murah the Roller and the behemoth guarding the back door known as Engix to start fighting.

Murah the Roller's body glowed gently a golden hue before she jumped up over the bank's counter and ran straight for Monstress. Murah the Roller slugged Monstress hard in the jaw. The small blonde woman's punch sending Monstress down into the floor. The impact of the punch against Monstress created a crater.

“Is that all you've got deary?” Monstress looked up at her with a smile before throwing her own punch at Murah the Roller who had been straddled above Monstress to deliver another blow.

Murah the Roller went flying backward. Instinctively, her body began to glow its light exploded outward creating a golden ball around her. Instantly, she dropped back down to the ground and began rolling toward Monstress who rolled out of the way in the nick of time.

Engix's giant hands glowed with a red light. He fired out wildly hitting The Breakdown square in the chest of his simple stipped black and orange uniform. The blasts just barely grazed Star Boy and Blind Spot who jumped both of them into a quantum fissure to avoid the blasts.

“AHHH. Just what I needed.” The Breakdown's gapped smile grew big. He rushed at Engix who continued to fire on him, only increasing The Breakdown's stamina and speed. Following through with 20 rapid punches to Engix's midsection and then a leg sweep which landed Engix on his back who began firing even more not realizing that his firing blasts on The Breakdown were what allowed The Breakdown to beat him to a pulp.

The golden ball that was Murah the Roller started moving around the room. Chasing after Star Boy and Blind Spot who slipped out of a quantum fissure at the worst possible moment. Star Boy's hands glowed purple grabbing the golden ball with his powers. He began increasing its mass making it heavier and heavier until it started to dent into the floor. Murah the Roller continued to try and push forward rolling after them slowing down with each roll until finally she was stopped in her tracks the ball creating a crater where it stopped.

Monstress looked at Halt Walt who stood in front of the force field. The hostages were behind frightened. While his smile was unfading.

“You really think you can stop me before I halt all of these hostages?” Halt Walt adjusted his black holo-sunglasses. Towering over the hostages Halt Walt's hands glowed white ready to strike.

Knok didn’t dare lower the field to give him a chance to grab any of them. But she knew his power could be used at long range distances. Blind Spot stepped back into his quantum fissure freezing everyone around him. The grayscaled world standing before him.

“Hmm...OK, so I can try and move the hostages out before anything happens. But I don't know if he needs to see the hostages in order to activate his powers on them. Hmm...wait Monstress!” Blind Spot ran over and gently touched Monstress bringing her into the quantum fissure.

“What? Where am I?” Monstress looked around confused.

“Candi, it's my quantum fissure. Remember I stop time in here and can affect the world around me.” Blind Spot smiled as he slowly walked Monstress over to Halt Walt holding her hand.

“Oh right sorry dear. Your power change. So this is what it’s like...its so...drab.” Monstress smiled and Blind Spot gave a small laugh.

“Ooo is that Halt Walt in front of us?” Monstress' eyes still adjusting to the gray scale of the world around them.

“Yup. So now you just need to punch him here and he will be out before anyone knew what hit him. Just don't let go of my hand.” Blind Spot smiled up at Monstress as he held up their clasped hands.

“I'll do my best.” Monstress smiled graciously as she began smacking Halt Walt with her free hand. Slapping him hard she expected something more than his head to move ever so slightly. She began hitting him more.

“OK, Candi. I think we're good. I'm gonna bring us back in.” Blind Spot concentrated and opened up the fissure placing them a few feet away from Halt Walt. When they stepped back into the regular time they watched amused. Halt Walt was powering up ready to “halt” the hostages. When suddenly his face was smacked hard by an invisible force to left.

“What the sprock!” Halt Walt stood shocked before his face was smacked back and forth over and over again. His head shifting from side to side until he was finally punched in the jaw. Halt Walt went flying up over the hostages into the wall behind them.

“Ha! That felt good and was so entertaining to watch.” Monstress smiled and clapped Blind Spot on the back hitting his turtle shell.

“It really is.” Blind Spot said as he stumbled forward a little from the pat on the shell.

The golden ball that was Murah the Roller fizzled away revealing Murah the Roller with two large plasma blasters in her hands firing wildly around the room.

“You won't take me!” Murah the Roller screamed releasing wave after wave of plasma blasts.

Monstress jumped in front of Blind Spot blocking him from the blasts with her invulnerable body barely feeling it as it mildly scorched her green skin.

“Ooo I just had a massage and body scrub done to get myself all smooth! Your gonna pay for that Murah!” Monstress began jogging forward allowing the blast to hit her burning up parts of her specialized uniform.

The Breakdown began running over as well after making sure Engix was tied up tight. While Star Boy's hands glowed purple he targeted the plasma guns making them too heavy for Murah the Roller to keep hold of them.

“Argg!” Murah the Roller powered her golden ball up one more time. Her body lifting off into its center. Murah the Roller rushed straight for Monstress, who was more than ready for the attack. She grabbed the ball her fingers and dug deep into the ball creating small cracks in the surface. Monstress picked up the ball and she pounded it hard into the ground over and over until finally, it shattered. Murah the Roller fell out unconscious.

“Now, that was a good work out.” Monstress smiled. She wiped her brow and fixed her green hair making it less disheveled.

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 08/18/2019
Omni #975642 08/18/19 07:33 PM
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Meta-Human Rehabilitation Center of Xan City. 

Cadet Kent Shakespeare, Dreamer, and Phernologax Lad walked into the busy lobby of the Meta-Human Rehabilitation Center of Xan City. A place for Meta-Human's who had issues adjusting to learning their powers and helping those who had damage caused to them by their Meta-Human Gene activation. But after the Cybernetic Invasion, many who had never had an issue or former patients returned to get help with their powers. The five-story building was large and spread out. The campus was like a mini town of its own. Each of the buildings had a similar hexagonal shape as the Uncanny Amazers base with the walls made of the same honeycomb material. Each building was a different color to signifying the medical unit the building belonged to. 

“Hexagons are very harmonic.” Dreamer said as they walked into the lobby of the Rehabilitation Center.

“Yes, not only is it pleasing to the eye. It also circulates the energies of the mind and the body to promote positive feelings. It’s why you'll find it all over Xanthu.” Phernologax Lad said walking next to Dreamer. He watched her platinum hair bouncing trying to study the shape of her head from a distance. Much of her body language left her a mystery to him and he knew if he could touch her skull he'd find out all he needed.

“Welcome, Uncanny Amazers and Meta-Human Squad. Thank you so much for coming in today. I'm Dr. Ragnu and we've got several patients for you to visit and then we thought a training session or match game would be fun for all!” A woman of average height with long brown hair with purple streaks down to her waist stood before them. She wore a pair of thick-rimmed black glasses and a white lab coat. She greeted them making sure to look into the cameras that followed the team. Her smile big and toothy.

“Thank you, Dr. Ragnu. We look forward to helping today. I've done a lot of research and work on both integrating and taking away the cybernetics of sentients. I’ve even been getting tutorials from Virx himself on the technology.” Cadet Kent Shakespeare stepped forward and adjusted his rimless purple glasses. His confident smile that could melt anyone's heart beaming at Dr. Ragnu.

“How wonderful! We've had a little trouble with a few sentients and we didn't want to move them. But we were able to contact Cybernetica to get them to cancel the call home.” Dr. Ragnu said still cheerful shaking Cadet Shakespeare's hand.

The team was about to head to the jump tubes when a team of Uncanny Amazers and MHS members from the mission to the observatory came rushing in. Ponna flew in carrying a small quantum ball that was fluctuating with waves of amber and purple energy. Each one surging while whatever was inside was lashing out with strong energy against the barrier.

“Arggg. We need a dampening field! Now!” Ponna screamed. He dropped to his knees holding the ball tightly until it safely landed on the ground.

“What's the emergency?” Dr. Ragnu ran forward touching the ball without thinking and she got shocked by a blast from the energy within. She removed her hands from the quantum bubble instantly and fell to the ground.

“Dr. Ragnu!” Dreamer ran over and helped Dr. Ragnu. She pulled Dr. Ragnu to safety as an alarm sounded within the hospital.

“There's a kid in there with some power that I don't get. But boy does it hurt.” Ponna fell over from exhaustion from the flight and the attacks his body took to get the quantum ball here.

Kid Quantum II, Atom'x, Insect Queen, and one of the doctors whom they found next to the lab with the young man flew in next.

“The boy's name is Mark Russen and I'm Dr. Dradun the man who created him.” The scientist said. Insect Queen released him to the ground. Dr. Dradun's disheveled blond and gray hair fell into his eyes. He tried brushing it away but he just made it worse.

“What have you done to this poor boy?” Dr. Ragnu tried to move towards the bubble again. But a power dampening emergency team came rushing into the lobby before she could.

They were wearing Interon laced scrubs and gloves with smart technology that automatically dampen the powers of anyone they touch.

“Break out the dampening field. We can't even get close.” One emergency response nurse said holding up his Omnicom taking readings.

Three other emergency response nurses opened up three cases filled with three-foot-tall tripod dampening field generators. They placed them in a triangle around the quantum ball that Kid Quantum II was sustaining. But she was starting to sweat and strain at the energy output from the kid inside.

Once the tripods were set up, the nurses gently placed glowing blue orbs on top of the tripods. Each orb grew brighter until they formed a beam of blue light. The beam was aimed directly at the quantum ball and began to form a field around it. Kid Quantum II slowly dropped her quantum field. The beam had begun shorting out her powers.

“Once you've got him powered down, take him to the Intensive Care Unit. Dr. Dradun what are his powers?” Dr. Ragnu asked righting herself and taking out her Omnicom.

“Well, they are a little undefined at the moment. We were trying to recreate the experiment that led to Atom'x's transformation. However, we miscalculated. Then with the power outages and destruction from the attacks, Mark was overexposed to cosmic storm radiation energy. But from the readings, I've been taking while he's been in transits my guess would be he's casting off nuclear fire bolts. I’ve registered them at 500 degrees Celsius, also a lot of those blasts that have been registering against the quantum barrier are Mark hitting the walls with his fist. The nuclear energy within him is being rechanneled into creating a form of super strength.” Dr. Dradun looked at his Omnicom astonished at the levels he was reaching in this uncontrolled state.

The dampening field surrounded Mark Russen. It closed in on him until it was wrapped around his body like a second skin shutting down his powers. The field gently glowed blue. Mark Russen fell to his knees exhausted. His powers finally turned off.

“Is it over?” Mark looked around at them the field around his body still glowing until the nurses came in with a power dampening blanket. They placed it around him before they moved him into a hoverchair.

The nurses rushed over to Ponna and Dr. Rangu and forced them to get into hoverchairs as well even though both were standing now.

Star Boy and Dreamer followed the nurses back to the ICU. Atom'x, Phrenologax Lad, and Cadet Shakespeare followed a little bit behind them. While Kid Quantum II stood still looking a little lost.

“Jazmin, are you alright?” Insect Queen asked having stayed behind noticing that Jazmin hadn't started following the others.

“I'm fine. But I was thinking I would go see James. He's here somewhere. But I don't know. I might be needed to help tamper that poor kid.” Kid Quantum II held herself.

“Go see James. We've got this and we'll call you if we need anything.” Insect Queen smiled warmly and hugged Kid Quantum II.

“Thank you.” Kid Quantum II smiled and hugged her back before heading to the information desk to find out where James was.

Insect Queen followed after the others who went to help with Mark Russen.

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Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 08/18/2019
Omni #975814 08/24/19 04:20 AM
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Hey Omni, I think you have even more characters in your fan-fic than I do in ine - it's difficult to keep them all in order sometimes, isn't it?

I really like your take on Gim Allon, he's firm but fair. Surprisingly, your Wilema makes a great character - getting Cub to save his mik teeth for Tinya was rather sweet. She's still a schemer though as I'm sure being asked to stay on the new legion World was exactly what she wanted.

Another character I'm enjoying you writing is Mordru - he's a really tough character to nail down as he's so much more than a one dimensional monster that it would be too easy to write him as and your slow build up of his plots and plans is delicious! I'm really looking forward to seeing where you take this storyline. Mysa is also fun as she tris to do the right thing, though I do worry that without knowing it she's a pawn here.

Ra's as head of the Drak Circle makes pefect sense and his plans are equally sneaky and awful, which is about right for both him and that organisation. orin fex offering the female in the container... hmmm, could this be B4's return?

You have a lot of scheming back ground characters and plots that really help keep things going. well done for taking the time to plan it all out.

Interesting reactions from the Amazers, you caught it very well. Looking forward to seeing where you take the Xanthu team, and it's always great to see Kent in action so I'm keen to see what you have in store for him.

Yay, you've created Atmos - though hopefully you won't make him as annoying as in canon smile

I totally loved your Brute Crew - Candi's eagerness to get them was sweet. The Breakdown is a new character, isn't he? Nice team work and fun had as the bad guys and girls got their just desserts.

Good to see the earlier mission dovetail un the Kent and Dreamers trip to the Rehab centre. Phrenology Lad wanting to get his hands on Nura's head was funny. I hope Jazmin's meeting with James goes well. And Kent can turn that smile on me any time...

Great stuff Omni, you're clearly having fun as you explore this new universe and it's fun to see the similarities and differences through the Legionnaire's eyes.

You have such a huge scope with all your various storylines and also neatly deal with the smaller eprsonal moments, that's a great balancing act.

Looking forward to everything you have coming next, so please don't make us wait too long for more, more, more!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 08/18/2019
Omni #975865 08/25/19 02:24 PM
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Thank you so much for the kind words Harbinger!
Lol I wouldn't say that I have more. But I haven't taken a real headcount recently. So maybe. It can be. But thankfully I've got a checklist upon checklist. laugh

Winema can be a bit scheming. But, Idk if that was her goal this time around. I'll have to ruminate on it a bit.
Thank you on Mordru. You are so right how easy it is to try and write him as a simple monster. Glad, I haven't given into that. lol.
Mysa may seem like she's being played but hopefully, that won't happen. wink

No, sorry but the woman in the tank is not B4. its Sharn Nux, whose been captured and experimented on by Brainy before the cybernetic invasion and was found by Fex.
B4 is on "planet Hell".
I think that was of the few things about the Reboot that I didn't like. Things would just kind of happen or come up. But we wouldn't get much of the how some of these events would come about. So I liked to showcase that more and really explore it.
Yup the Breakdown and the Brute crew are all new OCs. it was a fun mission to write.

Thank you. So much. I'm trying to balance it and its definitely a hard but fun job.
I'll do my best. I've got lots of stuff planned coming soon!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 08/25/2019
Omni #975866 08/25/19 03:24 PM
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Roll Call:
M'Onel -Lar Gand (Valor) of Daxam U247 - flight, invulnerability, solar absorption, and healing. X-ray vision, heat vision, super breath, freeze breath, superhuman speed, reflexes, endurance and sense (vision, smell, hearing, touch.)
Crystal Kid - Bobb Kohan of Earth - creates crystal structures by force of will.
Tharok of unknown – hacker genius. Capable of making any type of weapon from any part.
Twine of Rimbor – Energy-Enhanced Strike, Siphon Lifeforce, Weapons Master 

Encyclopedia Galactica: Planet Nitorna: M-Class planet on the outskirts of the  Orion Arm near the borders of the Dominators territory. That was settled by an Earth Colony in 2357 by a group of travelers and explorers who won a raffle to be the first to colonize this new world through the Nitorna Corporation before it was dismantled in 2525 which almost brought the colonies to their knees before finding out about their chief exports the Julga Hides; a large sheep-like creature that grows a wool-like fabric in large quantities of up to 2 tons, Dorna seeds, and Interon mines. Nitorna was subjected to a Gene Bomb from the Dominators many years after their colonization promoting them to join the United Planets in 2740. 

“I can’t believe you guys lost her!” Twine screamed over the comlink. She rode her hover disc fast through the skies of Nitorna on the outskirts of Vinora City, a major metropolis of Nitorna. The sun was setting behind her causing the green sky to become purple the golden sun filtering in through the semi-cloudy sky. 

‘She’s a former cadet. She knows a lot about our inner workings, Twine. The fact that we caught on to her activities at all surprises me.” Crystal Kid called back flying not far behind her. The sun glinting against his crystalized white hair.

“Stop with the blame game Twine. Caress isn’t like most of the other cadets she’s also a former thief.” Tharok avoided three low hanging branches in a row. The team left the edges of the small city of Ditora and flew into the surrounding forest. Tharok read Caress' file from his information monocle that covered his left eye. 

“It doesn’t matter. That little twit shouldn’t have gotten past any of you. We were sent to take her out and you let her go! Unacceptable.” Twine continued speeding along with her white eyes narrowing. She breathed hard through her black face mask. Her pink ponytail flowing in the wind. She gripped the control pedestal of her hover disc, pushing herself faster. 

“We were sent to arrest her. Not take her out. Officer Twine.” M’Onel chimed in reminding Twine of her position and that she wasn’t a bounty hunter.   

“Whatever boy scout. Do you have eyes on her yet?” Twine called back. The comlink starting to fritz out a bit.

“’s….fizzz….” M’Onel called back over the comlink. 

“What the sprock?” Twine yelled out in frustration. 

“There’s some sort of interference in the air. It is cutting out communications and...depleting energy from all technology. My hover disc just lowered in power by 50% and we should be losing power in…” Without another word from Tharok, all three of them began to fall from the sky. The pedestals to their hover discs folded and closed up into small round discs. 

Crystal Kid reached out with his powers creating a crystal slide for himself and Tharok. While Twine who had flown farther ahead continued to fall until M’Onel swooped down and rescued her. 

“You’re welcome.” M’Onel said it for her. He knew Twine in any reality would never say thank you for a helping hand. 

“Just land me over there. There’s a clearing.” Twine barked. 

M’Onel and Twine landed easily with Tharok and Crystal Kid coming out from behind some bushes.

“Tharok, do we still have that interference?” M’Onel asked while he scanned the trees and bushes around them with his x-ray and telescopic vision looking for Caress. 

“That would be a yes. All my tech is down. I can’t even get this laser pen to function.” Tharok pushed the top of his laser pen over and over. Not once did it turn on.

“Do you see anything in the trees flyboy?” Twine asked her whip starting to crackle with pink energy. Twine struck a tree, breaking its bark down several layers. Its shards flying outward. the smell of burnt wood filling the air.

“Nothing yet.” M’Onel said when suddenly something caught the corner of his eye. Spinning around and using his super-speed he slammed someone in a hooded cloak against a tree. 

“Who are you and why are you following us?” M’Onel held his strength back keeping himself from slamming this sentient through the trees. 

“You came to our world intruder and the reunited Gene Squad’s just protecting what’s ours.” The hood fell revealing an old man whose eyes glowed bright blue. Small lines of circuitry ran from his forehead and extended back over his scalp and down his back. 

“Who?” M’Onel questioned slowly pulling back when they were attacked by a sea of white-feathered birds with four legs and large wings. Each leg having three sharp talons on them. The birds were known as the Dovval. 

“Attack my children!” Standing on a branch high above them the Dovval Queen called out. Her long white hair twisted into loose braids. A white and light blue cloak draped over her body. White puffy feathers surrounded her shoulders. She stood rigidly on the branch watching the Dovval’s attack. 

“I hate birds!” Tharok screamed mashing button after button on his Omnicom trying to erect a force field around himself. 

“Get a hold of yourself!” Twine yelled. She snapped her whip at the birds over and over again the small strikes sapping away their energy causing them to fall to the ground even though her whip wasn’t at full power their small bodies didn't take much energy to disable.  

M’Onel stood his ground holding the old man against the tree while the Dovval’s pecked at him. He barely felt a thing. While Crystal Kid began forming crystal cages trapping the birds inside. 

“My babies!” the Dovval Queen screamed jumping down from her perch and into the battle. Her cloak flowing behind her revealing her hands to be talons and her light thin muscular body in a light blue bodysuit. Large circles were cut into the bodysuit at the thighs, elbows, knees, and stomach. Landing perfectly she rushed over to Crystal Kid and began scratching at him with her talons distracting him causing his cages to slowly disappear.     

“Call off your friend. We mean no harm.” M’Onel didn’t feel the birds pecking at him but he couldn’t help but swat at them as their annoyance grew.

“That’s what you all say invader trash!” The old man yelled his eyes glowing brighter. M’Onel’s flight ring glowing with the power of the old man. 

M’Onel realized the old man was the one shutting down their technology and punched him knocking him out. Tharok’s personal force field activated instantly and the Dovval’s began slamming into it. 

“Haha. Take that, birds!” Tharok smiled wide as he fixed his greasy brown hair watching the birds slam into the force field still attacking at their queen's request. 

Twine’s whip crackled to life returning to full power. The pink glow growing brighter. She began targeting the birds more and more. All of them falling to the ground. 

“ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! My babies!” The Dovval Queen screamed out slashing away harder and faster at Crystal Kid who had created a crystal shield on his forearm. Her talons were stronger than he realized, she tore chunks of crystal from its surface.

"Why don't you join them." Twine cracked her whip before it connected and wrapped around the Dovval Queen's body sapping her energy until she was unconscious.

“Who are these saqujaw’s?” Tharok asked his blaster fixed on Dovval Queen and the Old man. M’Onel laid the old man next to her. 

“The old man called them the Gene Squad. Do we have any records of Meta-Humans besides Caress on this world?” M’Onel asked. 

“Nothing recent. This world once had a group of Meta’s but they disappeared some time ago.” Tharok answered reviewing Nitorna's history logs on his monocle.

“That we did. But now we’re back and we look after Nitorna not the likes of you.” Floating above them was a muscular man whose frame was larger than M’Onel’s. He was wearing a tattered yellow jumpsuit. His orange boots going up as high as his knees. 

“And who the sprock are you?” Twine called out cracking her whip. 

“The Gene Squad.” Caress flew forward on her flight blet that she never returned from her days in the academy. She was followed by two others. Each of them in a tattered outfit. The first was a middle-aged woman in a red and black tight jumpsuit with the pant legs and sleeves ripped off. Her short black spiky hair barely moved in the wind while she continued to float near Caress and the man in yellow. The other one lowered himself down to the ground. He wore a green jumpsuit with the zipper broken leaving his chest bare and exposed. The sleeves cut off just above the elbow. His sunken blue and gold eyes stared at them from underneath his long reddish-brown hair that covered his face.  

“Again who the sprock is that?!” Tharok screamed his pulse gun charging up inside his side pocket as it grew larger.     

“The Gene Squad. Creation of the Dominators. Protectors of Nitorna.” The muscular man in yellow said lowering himself next to the one in the green jumpsuit. 

“Dominators? No wonder these guys are so whacked out. We should call in Command Kid.” Tharok said without thinking. 

“You will not Command Us to do anything!” the middle-aged woman in the black and red jumpsuit said reaching out with her powers. Her body glowing red. The veins thickened in her neck and arms while a red glow surrounded Tharok whose body began to twitch. 

   “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHh!” Tharok screamed out in pain doubling over. 

“Leave him be!” Twine called out. Her whip made contact with the woman’s wrist and instantly she began sapping the woman's energy causing her to fall out of the sky. With her concentration broken she released Tharok from her power. 

Tharok laid on the ground his body shivering in pain. Crystal Kid moved quickly to check and see if he could help. M’Onel flew up towards Caress and the man in the tattered yellow jumpsuit. The man in the green jumpsuit's body melted into the ground forming a green puddle. Without warning, vines and roots burst up from the ground and began to ensnare all of them. The roots wrapping around M’Onel’s body while he tried to fly. Other vines, roots, leaves, and grass began to grab at Twine, Crystal Kid, and Tharok on the ground.

“No!” M’Onel screamed. He flashed his heat vision burning the roots building around him and then those creeping up on the others. 

“ARHGGGG!” a scream rang out around them. The ground beginning to rumble as three trees began to pull themselves from the ground.

M’Onel flew around at super-speed grabbing his teammates and moving them away from the Gene Squad and the three trees that now stood behind the Gene Squad. The Dovval Queen and the Old Man had woken up but were still weak. Both of them leaning on Caress while they tried to stand. The man in the yellow tattered jumpsuit stood silently his muscular frame ready for a fight with both his fists held up. His eyes glowing bright white his body began to get bigger and buffer.

The Dovval Queen reached out and called for more Dovvals to assist them. The old man’s eyes glowed but he wasn’t able to affect any of their technology. He was still too weak. A small band of Dovvals flew at them. Crystal Kid crafted cages to hold the birds while Twine cracked her whip. Its pink cord striking the birds, roots, and the vines rapidly. M’Onel fired his heat vision at the three trees. They had started to advance on the MHS lighting them on fire. 

“How’s Tharok doing?” M’Onel called out in between blast of freeze breath and heat vision keeping the vines and roots at bay.   

“I think she targeted his nervous system.” Crystal Kid checked Tharok’s pulse. It finally began to steady. 

A blast of sharpened tree branches flew at them. M’Onel casting his heat vision wide incinerating them. The three trees moved forward and the Yellow tattered jumpsuit man rushed forward at Crystal Kid, who instinctively created a giant crystal avatar separating the groups before they could come to any more blows.      

“Enough! Caress, you know why we’re here. Give yourself up. We didn’t come here to fight you and your friends or to take anything away from you.” Crystal Kid's avatar voice boomed around them.

“You’re taking me in?! And for what?” Caress hissed. 

“You’re wanted for theft of a hyperdrive ship. You broke into a government facility here on Nitorna stealing valuable equipment and raided a credit bank in Vinora City.” Crystal Kid’s voice spoke through the giant avatar booming as its crystal mouth crunched together causing smaller crystals to fall around it.

“I stole the credits to help feed my friends and get them medical supplies. The Hypership wasn’t stolen. I had already returned it by the time you were on to me. Lastly, those “valuable pieces of equipment” I stole were my friends. The Nitornaian government captured my friends and imprisoned them because they didn’t want to deal with a "Meta problem".” Caress barked with tears beginning to form at the corners of her brown eyes.

“What are you talking about?”M’Onel lowered his defenses and began listening.

“We are the Gene Squad. We were created back in 2730 by a gene bomb sent by the Dominators who sought to unlock our meta potential when they found out we were a colony from Earth. Shortly after it happened the United Planets came and added us to their number. For a time things were great. We were heroes here. Then we got sent on a mission to a strange energy signature in the pools of Bintora. Its an island cove not far from here on the coast. When we arrived we found the plant and fauna changed.” Caress explained.

“Changed how?” Twine interrupted her whip still crackling. 

“They ran the gamete of evolution for this area of Nitorna’s ecosystem. At first, we thought it was evolution caused by a dormant gene bomb but it turned out to be a temporal portal that had opened up somehow and none of us knew why it opened. It was bringing things from the past and the future to our present. While scientists worked on shutting it down from our base in Vitora City. We did our best to stop the beasts and wild flora. But when that failed, I used my tech dampening power. I reached out to try and find some kind of technology within the portal. I had hoped to slow it down or stop it somehow but instead, I ended up as the old man before you. However, whatever I did, it caused a vortex to open and pulled all of us and everything it brought with it back in.” the Old Man looked at them with his blue eyes still glowing.  

“’re saying you are all from over 200 years in the past? Crystal Kid asked now speaking from himself instead of the giant crystal avatar. 

“Yes, I was the first to get thrown into this time. When I arrived I was picked up by the Science Police and they tried to arrest me. I tried to tell them who I was. But that didn’t matter. I violated meta-laws because I refused to be registered. I ended up fleeing Nitorna and with my talents, I became a thief. Once I learned what the universe had turned into I started to find ways to survive. I got picked up again and I was sent to the academy.”      

“We arrived months later and were also picked up. But after the battle they had with Caress, the Nitornaian government didn’t want to take any chances with us. They locked us away in stasis.” The old man responded.

“Nitorna had become Meta-Human free in the time since our disappearance. Combined with the United Planets' laws at the time they wanted to keep it that way. It’s almost like this place has a fear of Meta-Humans now. Did they give you the warmest of welcomes?” Caress asked staring M’Onel in the eyes knowing he’s the boy scout of the group and would answer truthfully. 

“Not exactly. But laws have only been changed recently and this is a rim world so not a lot of traffic and interaction with other species. Especially those with racial abilities are severely limited. It makes some sense that they fear us. But that’s still no reason to have busted your friends out. You could have come to us with this. The Meta-Human Squad would have come and helped either integrate you all into Nitorna or help you relocate.” M’Onel responded. It surprised him how well it all flowed from his lips for a moment. But then he realized the only words that were different were the “Meta-Human Squad”. He knew it would be easy to replace it with “The Legion of Super-Heroes.” 

“We don’t belong here. In this time. We need to find a way home.” The man in the yellow jumpsuit said. His gruff voice commanding. But it was becoming clear to Twine that he didn’t speak much at all. 

“Hmmm, so the Dominator’s sprocked him up and took his mind and gave him all that muscle. That’s why he hung back until he felt threatened.” Twine thought to herself studying her opponents waiting for a moment to strike. 

“That may be true. But time travel doesn’t exist even in this era. What happened to you seems to be a random universal anomaly.” Crystal Kid informed them looking at Caress who had spent time among their ranks and knew he told the truth. 

“Frank, he’s right.” Caress placed her white-gloved hand on his face. She made him look at her before he looked away from her. His head hung in despair.

“We can’t let any of you go. We have to take you back. But we will fight for you to be freed. Even if that means we have to station some of us here.” M’Onel looked at each of them in the face to show his sincerity.  

“And I hate to point this out but Caress does have to be arrested for her crimes. Because regardless of her reasons they are still crimes.” Twine spat out stepping forward a little bit her whip crackling with pink energy. 

“Fine. I’ll go to Takron-Galtos. But my friends get to go anywhere they want.” Caress stepped forward holding her gloved hands ready to remove them if Twine made a move. But her voice was soft and even.  She was submitting to them but on her terms. 

“Are you sure? We could probably take you back into the academy.” M'Onel offered.

“I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a sonic screwdriver.” Caress smiled widely. She hadn’t made any friends or connections in her time at the academy. She had spent it working on this mission to free her friends and with her being from 260 years in the past she had an entire universe of culture and technology to learn. 

“Alright. Have it your way.” M’Onel tapped his belt opening a small capsule-like bump in his belt revealing a pair of power dampening cuffs that had been shrunken down to micro size. The cuffs slowly enlarged to normal size and he placed them on Caress' wrist. 

M’Onel picked up The Old Man, The Dovval Queen, and Caress. Crystal Kid created a basket for Tharok,  Frank, the woman in the red and black jumpsuit, and the green jumpsuited young man who had de-possessed the trees and reformed his body before opening his hover disc and taking off. 

“Grrr…”Twine lashed out with her whip hitting a tree.

“BOOM!”  Twine’s whip cracking and scorching it's brak leaving a giant hole. Twine opened her hover disc and took off into the sky after her teammates.         

Vinora City: United Planets Science Police Headquarters and Embassy.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” M’Onel asked standing in front of Nitorna’s United Planets Representative Simma Tsen and Captain Darll Dran of the Science Police. 

“The Meta’s are the property of the Nitornaian government. The “Gene Squad” as you’ve called them worked for the government according to our records before they disappeared and when we signed them into service they signed their lives over to the Nitornaian government.” Representative Tsen said smugly her green eyes flashing in triumph as she pointed out the clauses on the yellow holo screen before them. 

“And what do you plan to do with them? M’Onel stood his ground crossing his arms and staring her down. 

“I believe that is our business and confidential.” Representative Tsen smug smile growing. 

“And I believe under the revised United Planets' Law Meta-Human’s are not to be forced into servitude or imprisoned against their will for having Meta-Human abilities or refusing to use them by any governmental entities. But if that isn’t enough of a reason to comply with our request all contracts on Nitorna expire after 50 years automatically with no revision done to said contract to show that each party understands all terms, conditions, and continues to agree upon said terms. All parties are to convene annually to continue the contract. Also, I’m pretty sure your contract with them ended with their deaths and according to your document of their contract, they were declared dead thus freeing them from your service forever. Now can we please go home? My body is killing me and I need to spend a day in the regeneration tanks.” Tharok put his Omnicom into his pouch on his chest as he walked out and tied his long brown greasy hair back revealing his bulging veins beneath his pale skin. The holo screen highlighted everything Tharok had said with three more screens popping up with images of Tharok pointing down while shouting “Look the sprock here!” 

M’Onel stood with a smirk on his face as he watched Representative Tsen’s smug smile faded. She began to grumble while she began the paperwork to transfer. the free members of the Gene Squad.  Captain Drall Dran did his best to stifle a laugh while standing at attention.   

Last edited by Omni; 08/25/19 05:37 PM.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 08/25/2019
Omni #975875 08/25/19 05:35 PM
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Xanthu mission.

Kid Quantum got off the jump tube on the top floor of the Meta-Human Rehabilitation Center. The hall from the jump tubes led straight to the nurse's station at the end of the hall. Three more halls led away from the central nursing station which sat at the center of the four hallways.  The honeycomb walls made her feel more relaxed than she was. The halls were filled with patients who walked to and from their rooms. The nursing staff helped some of them while others worked at the central nursing station's floating desk. Kid Quantum II quickly checked in with the nurses to see if her brother was receiving guests and thankfully he was. Her heart was both happy and scared.

Jazmin had almost hoped the nurse would have said he was resting and couldn’t see anyone until later. Maybe by then, she would know what to say to him.

James Cullen sat next to the window in a hoverchair looking out at the stars in the sky. 

“I should be out there flying.” James said to no one in particular. 

 “You should be. Maybe we can go for a flight later in the week. I am going to be here for a couple of days.” Jazmin Cullen walked into his room. She stood near the door. She gave him a small smile.

“Jazmin? What are you doing here?” James shifted his hoverchair to face her. The hoverchair gently humming.

“The MHS sent a squad to help out after the invasion. I had a free moment and wanted to come by and see you. I know you might not want to see me…” 

“No, Jaz your wrong. I’m glad you came. I’ve been meaning to write or call but...” James interrupted Jazmin but couldn’t finish the thought.

 “Really?” Jazmin’s amber eyes widened with delight. She tentatively walked further into the room. 

“Yeah, I owe you an apology. You earned your spot on the squad and I was just jealous. It was petty. It’s just we've always competed and I can’t believe I’m saying this but...and please don’t take this the wrong way. But when you were gone dead, missing, or whatever I was happy. I wasn’t just part of the quantum duo. I was THE Kid Quantum. I felt special and no one could do what I could do. But then you showed up again and with your powers enhanced. It just kind of drove me crazy.” James’s deep brown eyes looked at her with nothing but regret and remorse. 

“I understand. I know once upon a time I was angry with you too and even hated you so much that I couldn’t...celebrate your winning anything when we were younger.” Jazmin had to remind herself to not say anything more and risk revealing that she was from another reality where her James had died.  

“Gosh, this is so hard. I let go of my anger over his death so long ago. But having him back has been even harder than I thought it would be." Jazmin thought to herself.  

“Jaz, I know...but this was different. I was almost happy you were gone. I got to be me. The one in the spotlight and I didn’t know how to deal with you once you were back. I know we were getting along at the academy. But we never spent any time together and that’s why.” James lowered his head in shame. 

“I thought it was my doing why we never spent any time together.” Jazmin thought to herself. Without any more words, she reached out and hugged her brother. 

James hugged her back. Both of them with tears running down their cheeks hugged each other tightly.

Last edited by Omni; 08/25/19 05:36 PM.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 09/01/2019
Omni #976215 09/01/19 06:55 PM
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Anndranna: Anndranna Prime “the wastelands”.
Roll Call: 
Andromeda- Laurel Gand of Daxam U247- flight, invulnerability, solar absorption, and healing. X-ray vision, microscopic /telescopic vision, penetra- vision, heat vision, super breath, freeze breath, superhuman speed, reflexes, endurance and sense (vision, smell, hearing, touch.) Her time in the space anomaly once gave her unspecified light or energy powers. She appeared to move like lightning and affected objects at some distance.
Sun Boy - Dirk Morgna of Scylla -Light and heat generation, heat vision, flame generation, transform his body into pure light or flame. The Avatar of the elemental Phy'r. Posses Dirk's memories/ personality but is Phy'r the Elemental While the real Dirk is back on Scylla.

“Let the light inside you slowly grow. Radiating out into the cosmos. Feel it enter every nook, cranny, and craves of your body and soul. Feel the light building.” Sun Boy aka Phy’r the Elemental instructed. He walked back and forth in front of the class of cadets and MHS officers/staff. His own body glowed brightly while he walked. Waves of fire crisscrossing his body in its pure light form. 

The meditation class, Sun Boy was leading wasn’t the average mediation class. Each member of the class had a form of light, energy, or fire-based power. Due to the destructive nature of some of their powers Sun Boy had asked them all to meet him outside of Anndranna Prime, in what has been referred to as the wastelands. The wastelands were far from Anndranna Prime and its burgeoning cityscape. The light of the White Dwarf Star high above them slowly began to set casting its white light over them. The night sky began to appear and twinkling beside it.

Sun Boy had waited until dusk to lead the class so that they could burn and shine bright in the darkness away from the ambient lights of the city. 

The class all worked on their breathing as their light cast outward growing brighter and brighter filling the area around them creating a beacon and for five full minutes, the sky was alive with their light until slowly it died down.

“Remember, to breath deep and hold. 5...4...3...2...1 and release.” Sun Boy’s voice was light and soothing while he walked back the other way. He looked over the class. Each of them glowing.

Several of the class members had been regular attendees for a few weeks and Sun Boy had gotten to know them. But today the class was larger than usual. More of those who had some form of light-based powers had joined them. One of the new he saw among the group was the newest recruit to the MHS Laurel Gand aka Andromeda. She stood meditating but her face seemed more contorted than relaxed.

The class all worked on their breathing. Their light cast outward growing brighter and brighter filling the area around them. Their light created a beacon that lasted for five full minutes. The sky was alive with their light until it slowly died down.

“Good job class. Now take one more deep breath and 5...4...3...2…1. Open your eyes and shake out your body.” Sun Boy smiled at all of them. He enjoyed seeing them have a silly moment at the end of class.    

“That’s all for today class. Be a shining light in the darkness of the universe and may the light lead your way.” Sun Boy’s glowing body bowed and transformed back into his humanoid form. 

The class began to clear out but Andromeda stayed. Closing her eyes again and beginning the meditation process over again. 

“Andromeda...does something trouble you?” Sun Boy approached her. His hands touching each other at the fingertips forming a triangle. 

“No, Not really. I’m just trying to become more attuned with my returned light-based powers.” Andromeda looked down at her hands. They glowed a golden light that gently pulsed as the light subtlely grew around her body. 

“So, you haven’t always had these powers?” Sun Boy gestured for her to take a seat next to him on the ground. The ground around them had been charred a long time ago from attacks but after 600 years small patches of bluish colored grass had started to grow. They sat down gently.

“No, I’m from Daxam and originally had all the same powers as M’Onel. But after a space anomaly changed me. I was in the form you see now. Instead of the statuesque Daxamite, I had always known myself to be. It gave me these powers. Light-based powers that can affect the technology around me to a degree. It also makes me super fast. But it’s not the same as old my super speed. It's almost like I'm traveling at the speed of light. Like I am light.” Andromeda’s eyes were cast down the entire time she talked. She wasn’t happy with being returned to this form or these powers.

“You are ashamed of these new powers?” Sun Boy tried to read her body language. But he wasn’t sure if what he was reading was correct. 

“No, not at all. I’ve had this form once before and I grew to be alright with it. I figured it was the Eternal Cosmos guiding me to my path. But, now I’m not so sure what my path is anymore now that I’ve been returned to this form. See, I’m presented with many choices that I’m not sure I want to take. I guess I’m more conflicted than I thought. ” Andromeda thought about what Lyle had told her about the Fix it/Fit it, squad, that she was going to be apart of it according to Dreamer and she didn’t want to play that role. Deciding the fate of her friends. 

“Well, the path is often dark. But even in the darkest reaches of the cosmos, there is a spec of light.” Sun Boy smiled broadly at her knowing how dark the cosmos can be. 

“Thank you, Sun Boy.”  Andromeda smiled a bit but she was still unsure. 

“Please call me Phy’r.  If you’d like I can leave you to meditate some more or I can lead you in another technique to help you strengthen your connection to your light powers.” Sun Boy held out his hand it glowing with a bright yellow light.

“Thank you Phy’r. I’d like that.” Andromeda smiled and took his hand. 

The two of them began chanting. Their bodies glowed together in harmony. Their light extending out over their bodies. Each of them began to levitate while closing their eyes.  Each of them grew brighter by the second. Their beacon becoming almost as bright as when the whole class was sending out their light. 

“Wow...This feeling. I’ve never felt the power within me like this.” Andromeda’s eyes fluttered open. 

“Yes, it is a great moment when you connect to the light within like this. This technique is more than just letting the light grow inside of you but also consciously thinking about its flow and each wave that washes over you and out into the cosmos.” Sun Boy smiled widely opening his eyes as well.

“Phy’ you think we could do sessions like this weekly? I’m starting to feel a slight sense of relief.” Andromeda and Sun Boy’s body slowly stopped glowing. They landed back on the bluish grass. 

“Of course Andromeda.” 

“Please, call me Laurel.” Andromeda smiled brightly again. Her body starting to glow.

“Of course. Laurel.” Sun Boy bowed his head of golden flames at Andromeda who returned the bow before they began another round of chanting.  

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Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 09/012019
Omni #976217 09/01/19 08:25 PM
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“Are you sprocking kidding me!?” Atom’x shouted out at Prefect Zandoz. His hands flaring up with radioactive energy.

“What? We needed a powerhouse on the team. You, Star Boy, and Jazmin were dead as far as we knew. Then Kid Quantum and Montress ran off to be part of the Meta-Human Squad. We needed members. We needed protectors!” Prefect Zandoz responded losing his composer shouting his mop of brown hair flopped about before he fixed it and regained his composure.

“I shouldn’t have lost my temper I’m sorry.” Prefect Zandoz fixed his coat.

“Whatever. I don’t care about your temper or your reasons. You put that kid through hell to try and create a new me. That’s...just unconscionable. Knowing what I went through learning to control my powers.” Atom’x crossed his arms staring down Prefect Zandoz hard.

“That may be true. But Young Mark volunteered. Just as you did. He knew the risks. He wanted to be a hero for Xanthu. We should have taken more precautions, I agree. But this isn’t some evil conspiracy. It’s a mutually beneficial contract between two consenting parties. Before you even think of contacting them, his family agreed to everything. Everything is legal and in line with current United Planets Laws.” Prefect Zandoz answered calmly.

“We’ll be talking to the U.P. about this Prefect Zandoz. It is our duty as he’s now an emerging Meta-Human. The Meta-Human Affairs Division will be sending officers to look into all of the regulations of the experiment, the contracts, and the treatment of the young man from here on out.” Star Boy stepped forward trying to prevent Atom’x from going off. Atom'x' whole body started to glow orange and lime green with his radioactive energy.

“That’s fine. We look forward to their arrival. In the meantime, I suggest we get back to working on your goodwill mission.” Prefect Zandoz quickly turned on his heels and left the hospital wing where the Uncanny Amazers and the MHS had gathered after they brought the young man, Mark Russen after his powers went wild.

“This is outrageous. I should fry him.” Atom’x's body burned up with radiation.

“That’s not an option. We’ve got to play nice until the trip is over and the MHSAD will be coming to figure it all out. Now power down.” Star Boy cautioned.

“I know. But doesn’t mean I don’t feel like doing it.” Atom’X lifted off his body still glowing its orangish glow until he flew off through the wall phasing his body.

“This is going to be a long trip.” Star Boy said out loud to no one in particular.

Dreamer stood nearby listening to the exchange.

“Oh, Thom...You have no idea.” Dreamer’s eyes dazzled with stars as her mind swirled with a vision of Star Boy, Kid Quantum II, and Monstress inside one of Jazmin’s quantum bubbles as explosions raged around them.*

*Legion of Super-Heroes vol. 4 # 102.

Last edited by Omni; 09/01/19 08:32 PM.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 09/10/2019
Omni #976662 09/10/19 06:23 PM
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Deep Space near the Khundian border into United Planets space. 1.2 light-years from Xanthu

Captain Takk sat in his office aboard the Khundian armada’s battleship, The Brigade. A small modest ship that had been outfitted with the latest spy and cloaking technology the Khudian Empire had to offer. With only a crew of 5,000, this ship was by far one of the smallest ships amongst the fleet.

Captain Takk’s huge muscular frame sat behind a cast iron desk with a holo-screen glowing green in front of him. He looked at the screen at the image of the second moon of Xanthu known as Pon on long-range scanners. Over to the side of that holo-screen was another with the image of a member of the race of the Gil’Daan, who was looking at the same images of Pon, the second moon of Xanthu.

“Captain Takk, that moon would be a great place to start. It is a perfect place for a blackout station and to further our plans.” The Gli’Daan’s mechanical voice came through the screen.

“Gulp’Da, I agree. But you heard Dark Circle Master. We can't start that phase yet and create a new planetary alliance. Too many variables are not in place yet.” Captain Takk sat back tossing up a blade into the air. He was becoming bored with this conversation.

“But the Gil’Daan have the Natra Dellons in our thrall and they could attack within days. We bring them there and set up the communications jam, then they attack, and then you swoop in offering protection to Xanthu." Gulp'Da's voice box chocked out.

“Gulp’Da, again it's against orders.” Captain Takk’s irritation growing.

“But, we have an insider who's willing to help.” Gulp’Da’s voice box crocked out. When a picture popped up on the holo-screen and there before the two of them was a picture of Prefect Zandoz.

“Who’s the squeeb?” Captain Takk sneered catching his blade perfectly.

“Prefect Zandoz. He’s the advisor to the local hero team known as the Uncanny Amazers. He’s not fond of the United Planets and hasn’t been for some time. With their lack of aid and stealing of their local Meta-Humans, he’s looking to make a name for himself while elevating Xanthu. Thus freeing it and himself from the constraints of the U.P.

"I understand Dark Circle Master’s hesitation with Mordru still running rampant. But we need to strike before it's too late. What if Mordru destroys the United Planets before we can do anything and in the process destroys us when we could have done something to stop him. Also, Xanthu boasts a growing Meta-Human population which would make for a great army and/or slaves. And you did say you needed more for your pens, didn’t you?” Gulp’Da’s mechanical voice had no emotion to it but Captain Takk could feel Gulp'Da trying to influence him and goad him into agreeing with its plans.

“Give me some time and I’ll think it over. The Dark Circle Master may need to concede on this and let us move forward even if he doesn’t think we’re ready.” Captain Takk cut off the transmission and stood looking out into space, the stars twinkling bright while pink nebula clouds passed by.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Tales of the Legion: In Universe 248 Update 09/29/2019
Omni #977440 09/29/19 02:45 PM
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Anndranna: Anndranna Prime: United Planets Embassy and Science Police Headquarters.
-Mission Monitor Room.

XS sat at the main mission’s holo-board looking for a mission. She had been itching to go on a mission that wasn’t cleaning up Anndranna or returning cadets and sentients to their homes. She had wanted to fight some bad guys and punch through some of her anger and fear about what happened during the Cybernetic Invasion. She had been one of the first infected and had sped around infecting others. Xs’s brown eyes scanned at light speed over and over again looking at any mission. But nothing was what she was looking for.

The majority of the team was off on various missions already, while others were dealing with clean up and building duty around Anndranna, relocation missions for the injured as well the cadets leaving and any other Meta-Humans from the various Underground Cells and Takron-Galtos or they had the day off.

“Spock! Why is this the one day that the Galaxy decides to be peaceful.” XS stamped her foot as she crossed her arms.

“Yo, speedy don’t jink us!” Called Reflex from the holo-console for the missions dealing with a fraction of the relocations. Reflex was leaning back in his floating white chair his long monkey-like tail wiggling at XS.

“Oh, hush Reflex!” XS stuck her tongue out at him.

“Come on Jenni, relax. Take a day off. I’m sure you could get cleared for it. There’s no reason why you should stay here and stare at the feeds. Besides your making me anxious and I never get anxious. I just let it all bounce off of me.” Reflex winked at her and pushed his stylized main of brown fur back.

“HaHa. Good one.” XS rolled her brown eyes before turning them back to the feeds.

“Beep! Beep!” The mission feeds lit up the green holo-screens turning red with reports coming in from a far-out sector in space.

“What’s this?” XS rushed across the room to the deep space holo-console almost pushing Cadet Quill out of the way making him send out a quill or two before righting himself and moving her out of the way politely.

“It’s from star sector 247-A. It’s a trade route...but it seems we’ve got several missing ships.” Cadet Quill’s fingers swiped across the holo-screen cross-referencing how many ships had gone missing.

“Oh, my this has been going on for a while. I’m sending this to Captain Allon.” Cadet Quill said. He tapped away at his holo-consol keys alerting Captain Allon, whose image popped up instantly.

“Hi Cadet Quill, thank you for alerting me. XS come to mission briefing room A.” Captain Allon said looking over Quill’s shoulder seeing her there.

“Yes, sir.” XS smiled lighting buzzing around her body and in a step was in her seat bouncing up and down waiting for everyone else to arrive.

An Omnicom and a cup of hot steaming something came floating into the room soon after. Invisible Kid faded into view holding his Omnicom studying it carefully while sipping his drink. He nodded to XS who waved back excitedly.

Saturn Girl, Density, Umbra, Gossamer, Dune, and Quicksand all quickly followed taking their seats in mission briefing room A. The floating round table auto-adjusting to fit all of them.

“Welcome team. Today we’ve got a mission involving missing Science Police patrols, freighters, transport ships, and Science convoys over the last few months. With the invasion, they slipped through the cracks. Many of these ships were thought lost in the invasion. But that doesn’t seem to be the case and now we need to get back on top of this.” Captain Allon’s hologram paced back and forth in front of the floating table while the holo-globe of star sector 247-A rotated above all of them at the center of the table. The yellow and blue glow cast across their faces.

Captain Allon sadly couldn’t leave Anndranna and his office due to meetings. But he could spare enough time to do a holo briefing.

“The trail along this trade route leads towards Xanthu’s part of the galaxy and we will let the team out that way know to keep an eye out. But we’re going to check out a portion of it for ourselves and this area here has the highest disappearance rates.” Captain Allon pointed to the holo-screen.

“Captain, shouldn’t we bring a few more with us? I mean this is a pretty good group. But we don't know what we’re facing.” Density pointed out looking around at the group.

“Sadly Density, everyone’s out on a mission or is on their scheduled time off from the main squad and this isn’t a big enough emergency to call them in yet.” Captain Allon gave a small smile. He understood where Density was coming from. It was true. But they were a strong team and he was confident they could do it.

“What about some of the alpha cadets? From what I was told before I joined the squad, The Alpha cadets went on missions and this kind of mission with the unknowns it could be good to have the backup.” Invisible Kid spoke up while flashing a look at Saturn Girl.

<Do you recognize that sector?> Invisible Kid thought out to her alone the Legion's telepathic earplug communications network while continuing to make his case.

<Should I?> Saturn Girl thought hard searching her memory.

<Imra, that’s where we lost Kid Quantum, James.> Invisible Kid reminded her both of them unsure what this meant. Could they lose one of their own or is this just the beginning before James Cullen the first Kid Quantum was destined to meet his demise in this reality marking a crucial moment in their history about to be repeated.*

“True Captain. But it’s been a while since the Alpha’s have been on missions. They’ve all mostly been helping with the rebuilding efforts. This kind of mission could be good for them.” Saturn Girl chimed in backing Invisible Kid up. He was still new and some of the other cadets and MHS squad didn’t take too kindly to all of the new people who had surpassed them the moment they stepped foot on Anndranna.

Saturn Girl could feel the annoyed thoughts of her fellow teammates at Invisible Kid’s suggestion of cadets coming. They had all worked hard to get here and wanted to prove their worth. But they felt he hadn’t and it didn’t matter how good of a suggestion or whether he was right or not. They simply didn’t want to agree with him.

“Alright, you’ve convinced me. A few of the Alpha’s can go along. Saturn Girl and Invisible Kid take point and choose four cadets to bring. Sadly, the team I would have recommended is out on mission already. Head out within the hour. Good luck team and report back anything you find. Captain Allon smiled and gave a small salute before his hologram cut out fizzling away the pixels digitizing downward in a falling motion.

“Everyone, I would like your input as well in choosing the four cadets.” Saturn Girl asked looking around the room trying to smooth things over.

“I suggest Cadet Night Girl. She and I have been sparring and working with our powers in tandem. Her strength is only increased by my or any shadows.” Umbra suggested leaning back in her floating chair.

“On the other end how about Fireball?” Invisible Kid asked looking up from his Omnicom looking through the list of cadets.

“A little firepower is always a good idea. Besides, we only have two casters and if Umbra is helping with Night Girl’s powers she could get distracted easier.” Density pointed.

“I don’t get distracted Purple Boy.”Umbra hissed.

Density jumped back a little bit.

“Cadet Slipstream would be good for recon with me.” XS suggest wanting to move this along as fast as possible and get out into space.

“I Pr-omo-te C-ade-t Am-ber. Her sa-p would ma-ke good tr-aps.” Dune’s gravelly voice choked out the thousands of sentient sand grains moving to make the sound as they each thought about the motions they needed to make to make the words. They understood humanoid speech well even if they couldn’t communicate in the same way but sometimes forming the words was hard and ever since the invasion certain grains have been having trouble coordinating due to the stress of the job of holding them together, expanding out, disassembling, and reforming their chosen form, merging and taking in foreign soils to accomplish this all while learning the ways of the galaxy and its various life forms that were so different from their world, and not being able to sift through those around them and commune with their world many of them had started to feel lost in their purpose causing them to get lost when performing their motions. Dune’s body slumped for a moment in various places. Many of the grains losing their will to hold themselves up in their tightly held position before they were picked back up again by reactivating their electromagnetic pellets within themselves.

“Sounds like we have our cadets. Let’s head out team.” Invisible Kid said tapping away at his Omnicom alerting the cadets to the mission. He walked out of the room the rest of them following him out.

<Lyle, why did you want the alpha’s for this if it is Tangled Web?> Saturn Girl thought out to Invisible Kid while they walked to the spaceport.

<Bodies. We need to do the best we can to take him on and get any advantage. Maybe even stop him the first time around this time.> Invisible Kid thought back

<Wait, you want to change our history and stop Tangled Web from killing James?> Saturn Girl couldn’t believe it. Lyle had been on board with the fix-it/ fit-it squad for a while now.

<I don’t know maybe. I’ve been talking with Brainy and we don’t have all of the information to be doing the Time Trapper’s bidding without thinking about the alternatives. And have you gotten a vision or Dreamer for that matter that James has to die? If this is the one thing we can possibly avoid, then why not?” Invisible pleaded his case.

Saturn Girl thought for a moment.

<Fine we take chances where we can. But we can’t ignore the fact that we are stabilizing this reality and ourselves by repeating these events.”

<Key note Imra, we may be “repeating events” but your instructions said the same outcome or ramifications. It doesn’t mean the events themselves have to go down the same way. We have some wiggle room. So we should take advantage and find any loophole we can and this one might be one.> Invisible Kid responded and that was the end of the discussion. They both knew they would just go round and round trying to find ways to make justifications. But right now they had a mission and it was time to focus on that.

*LSH 62 vol 4. - KId Quantum I was killed in action due to his quantum belt malfunctioning and his own arrogance.

Last edited by Omni; 09/29/19 02:51 PM.

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