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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
by Korbal - 03/31/25 11:52 AM
Kill This Thread XVII - Retirement Age
by Ann Hebistand - 03/31/25 11:46 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:45 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:01 AM
DC is Reviving the Legion Soon! Everyone Will Embrace It!
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 08:44 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
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Since writing that bit, I have read an article on why and how birds bond with humans. If it is your chickens and ducks, it is because they think you are their mommy. If it is you parrot, it is because it thinks you are its mate, and will viciously defend itself against any perceived rivals.

I wonder how it is with Ghost Doves?

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“Hello, Ten, I was looking for you,” said Phantom Girl.

“Why was Ffey crying?” asked Ten.

“Because she caught Ffarrah kissing Chameleon,” said Phantom Girl.

“But Ffey kisses Chameleon,” said Ten.

“Yes, but Ffarrah doesn’t really care for Chameleon like Ffey does. With Ffarrah, it’s all about curiosity and… physical sensation. Ffey is really close to falling in love. And, of course, she’s confused about her own feelings. Is Chameleon a friend? Lover? Brother? Sister?”

“I see,” said Ten. “Yet it is apparent that Ffiona, Ffarrah, and Ffey all have compatibilities which align with Chameleon, in no matter what form.”

“Oh?” said Phantom Girl. “Ffiona as well?”

“Durlan intelligence is different in kind than human,” said Ten. “Yet it is clear that Chameleon is extraordinarily intelligent. Nevertheless, it could be argued that either Chameleon or Ffiona is the third-most-intelligent member of our Club.”

“You spend your time ranking the membership by intelligence?” asked Phantom Girl.

“I am merely pointing the obvious,” said Ten.

“So who is the second-most intelligent?” asked Phantom Girl.

“Saturn Girl, of course,” said Ten. “She is not only a mind-reader and thought-caster, but has a Saturnian ‘super-mind’.”

“And where do I fit in?” asked Phantom Girl.

“Myself, Saturn Girl, Chameleon or Ffiona, then Shrinking Violet-- who may be the Legion’s Greatest Detective, by the way-- then Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lass-- although Pol has something of a disadvantage, as Dacey always has access to Dorrit’s super-mind, in extremity-- then yourself, then Ffarrah and Ffey, only slightly above ordinary Terran intelligence levels.”

“You’ve left someone out,” said Phantom Girl.

“As I said, I am only expressing the obvious,” said Ten. “It is no doubt one of the reasons they have gravitated towards one another. According to my research on Terrans, though, these youthful crushes tend not to persist over time. The old Legion and its persistent teen romances was something of an members.”

“You are becoming quite an authority on human social interaction,” said Phantom Girl.

“I believe that was either irony, or sarcasm,” said Ten. “Possibly both. It is an interesting field of study. I hope to improve.”

“Well, if you’re done giving the Members their grades,” said Phantom Girl, “We need to go talk to Shrinking Violet.”

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“I am so sick,” Lightning Lass complained. “Some hot orange juice. Maybe some oatmeal. Then I’m going back to bed.”

“It sounds to me like an ordinary Terran cold virus,” said Shrinking Violet. “Still no cure, after ten thousand years. Although…”

“What?” said Lightning Lass.

“Well, I’m no doctor,” said Shrinking Violet, “But I would assume your microbiome has adapted itself to your lightning powers. This cold, on the other hand, is invasive, and probably hasn’t. Your father, and aunt, and uncle were known to energize themselves into a kind of plasma-enveloped lightning-form. I would imagine that there are few microorganisms would be able to survive that kind of cooking.”

Despite her congested misery, Lightning Lass went outside. She walked through the sand and scrub away from the Clubhouse for several tens of meters. Shrinking Violet waited just at the door.

Dacey drew on her lightning powers. It always seem to start with a roiling in her gut, then spread out as a tingling that reached to her fingertips. She held the lightning in, building up the power. There was a red glow behind her eyelids. She opened her eyes, and found herself gazing through a glowing, crackling golden mist. She felt a sort of pull from above; she saw the sky was heavily overcast. Without any conscious effort, she pulled a bolt of lightning from the clouds. It flashed down into her body, energizing her further. A second bolt answered, flashing back from earth to cloud. She shook her head; the sand underneath her feet had fused into glass. She let out a massive sneeze.

Her sinuses were completely clear.

“Thank you,” Lightning Lass said brightly to Shrinking Violet. “That was incredibly helpful.”

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“What would it take,” asked Phantom Girl, “To build four more custom flight belts? From scratch.”

“Six to eight hundred credits,” said Shrinking Violet.

“And less than a week’s work,” said Ten. “I would need to meet the new wearers first, however. In order to properly customize them.”

“You already know them,” said Phantom Girl. “Tinya Nah wants to know if you could construct four matching belts for her, her husband, and Arna and Ronin. She is willing to pay full retail price at the going rate.”

“Eight thousand credits,” said Shrinking Violet. “A tidy profit. Four standard year’s Stipend for the twelve of us."

“Why would she do this?” asked Ten. “Flight belts are readily available on Earth. They are a common method of transportation. I believe there are three or four major brands to choose from.”

“I think she’s trying to help us out,” said Phantom Girl. “Without being too obvious about it.”

“It would be an interesting proposition,” said Shrinking Violet. “Ten’s Flight Belts, Inc., an auxiliary of The Super Hero Club.”

“That would be untenable,” said Ten. “I am only able to produce flight belts relatively cheaply because I have cannibalized the Clubhouse batteries. As with much technology, powering the flight belts is 90% of the cost. With the resources I still have available, I would be able to produce less than a dozen more belts, before substantially degrading our power grid. And replacing cruiser battery packs would be more expensive than any credits we could earn selling flight belts.”

“But could we make just four belts for the Nahs?” Phantom Girl asked.

“Not without a cash advance,” said Shrinking Violet. “Unless you don’t want to eat next week.”

Phantom Girl frowned. “I’ll see what I can do.”

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The Member’s flight belts had been repaired. The Super Hero Club was sitting on a nice reserve of cash. They seemed ready to make a new start.

Saturn Girl was sleeping soundly, for the first time in weeks.

Shortly after midnight, she was startled awake by the astral ghost of her sister, Lightning Lass, sitting at the foot of her bed.

“We’ve got a call,” said Lightning Lass.

Imra Ardeen, her astral projection looking much more solid than her daughter’s, stood in the room. Her appearance was that of a twenty-year-old, three-and-a-half decades younger than her actual age. Her daughters were used to this. It was the way she always appeared on these occasions. It was how she thought of herself.

“Good evening, Dacey, Dorrit,” said their mother. “Or, should I say, Lightning Lass and Saturn Girl.”

“Hello Mom,” said Dorrit. “It’s pretty early in the morning here.”

“Yes, I know,” said Imra Ardeen. “The two of you are still asleep. I thought you might need your rest. But I’ll make sure you remember our conversation in the morning.”

“How are things on the Farm?” asked Dacey.

“Rokk is very excited,” said her mother. “We managed to get that field of ironflowers and treaclegrass blooming, so we had Kathoon ship the Nhweebees we had on layaway.”

“Kathooni Black Honey!” exclaimed Dacey. “How is it?”

“Well, we only have one small hive, so we’ve each only had a taste up to now. It’s surprisingly mild. More like caramel than molasses, really. Lydda says she has a good recipe for black honey dumplings, when we gather enough.”

“And how was Vondra?” asked Dorrit.

“Your father and I had a great vacation. Very restful,” said Imra Ardeen. “And enlightening. Girls, I am so proud of you. I want you to know I fully support this Legion, or Super Hero Club, or whatever you are calling this group of friends. You have proven yourselves capable of taking care of yourselves, even heroic, and I want to say… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doubting you. I hope you can make a difference.”

“Wow, Mom,” said Dorrit. “This is… this isn’t just a dream, right? I mean…”

“I’ll send you girls a little something in the real world so that you know this was completely real,” said their mother. “But tell me: have you had any other adventures since you fought the Cyclops robot? Whatever happened to it?”

"We had to give it back to the Museum of Forbidden Weapons on Uranias," said Lightning Lass. "But it was fun having a butler for a couple of days, anyway. Otherwise, it's been pretty quiet for the past couple of weeks.”

They talked until morning. Saturn Girl awoke refreshed, and ready to greet a brand new day.

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An interstellar runabout pulled into the parking lot outside the Clubhouse.

“That’s not just any runabout,” said Lightning Lass. “That’s our runabout!”

The young man who climbed out of the driver’s seat was the most interesting person Lightning Lass had seen in some time.

His ears were elfin and pointed, although not so large as Chameleons. His skin was pale golden-yellow, like white gold. His eyes were pale blue, like the sky, and had no sclera or pupils. His hair was silvery-white. Clearly alien, he had only three long fingers on each hand, and two long toed. He had a pleasant smile, and moved with a swan-like grace, nearly balletic.

“Are you Dorrit or Dacey Ranzz?” the boy asked.

“Dacey,” said Lightning Lass. “But you can call me Lightning Lass.”

“Well, Lightning Lass, I’m Arnion, and I’m a Charioteer. That’s a fancy way of saying I drive starships and other conveyances from one destination to another for a living. This particular vehicle was sent to you by your mother. There are papers inside quit-claiming it to you and your sister. Well, my work here is done. Fully paid, no gratuity necessary. Which way to the closest town? I have a pickup tomorrow on the other side of the planet.”

Lightning Lass gestured towards the road to New Metropolis. “Do you need lunch?” she asked.

“Can you recommend a good place to eat in town?” asked Arnion.

“No, not really,” said Lightning Lass. “The restaurants here are pretty pedestrian. You might try one of the hotels. Do you like pizza?”

“Sure, pizza’s great,” said Arnion. “Although, depending what world you’re on, you never know what you’re getting.”

“Well, stay for a bit, and we can order pizza. Then I-- that is, my sister and I-- can take you into town in our new runabout?”

“You’d use a star-runabout to take a trip into town?”

Lightning Lass shrugged. “It’s the only vehicle we have.”

“Well, that’s OK,” he said. “I have my own form of transportation.” He vanished, with a soft, smoky pop, which left behind the scent of camellias. “But I’ll take you up on the offer of pizza,” he said, from behind her.

Lightning Lass spun around. “You have a teleporter?”

“I am a teleporter, among other things,” said Arnion. “Line-of-sight only, but it comes in handy.”

“What other things?” asked Lightning Lass curiously.

Arnion casually doffed his jacket, and turned his back. “I have these completely useless wings,” he said. He did indeed have two wings growing out of his shoulder blades, about the size of a dove’s. “And I can turn invisible, but only in bright sunlight.”

“Why can’t you turn invisible at night?” asked Lightning Lass. “I would think that would be easier.”

Arnion shrugged, seeming a little embarrassed. “I glow in the dark, or deep shadow,” he said. “Like a firefly. I can’t shut it off.”

“Anything else?” asked Lightning Lass.

“Well, I have my own personal gravity,” said Arnion. “So I can walk up walls, or on ceilings. I can even ‘fall upwards’ a little, but mostly I have to be in contact with something solid.”

“Have you ever thought about joining a Super Hero Club?” asked Lightning Lass.

“No, thanks,” said Arnion. “I make good money as a Charioteer, and I get to see the Galaxy.”

Lightning Lass soon discovered that she was not the only one who found Arnion compelling. Everyone else seemed to like him, too, and lingered far after the pizza was gone.

“When you teleport,” said Lightning Lass, “Can you take anyone with you?”

“No,” said Arnion. “Not anything organic. I’ve accidentally taken a fly or two, and some mosquitos. They make it through the teleport, but not… well, not alive.”

After the pizza, they stepped outside.

“It’s been nice to meet you all,” said Arnion. But he was looking at Lightning Lass. “I’ve got a pickup on the other side of the planet, so I’d better be going.” He vanished, reappearing only a few dozen meters away. He waved, then vanished again.
He popped up right next to Lightning Lass. As she startled, he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then vanished again in a cloud of perfume. This time they couldn’t see where he reappeared.

Saturn Girl turned to her sister. “You smell like a florist’s shop.”

“I know,” said Lightning Lass, rubbing her cheek. “Isn’t it great?”

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Daycrawler, neat! laugh

I am glad Imra came around as well!

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Yes, Daycrawler. Glad you picked up on it, Razsolo.

Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 05/13/18 02:24 PM.

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Chameleon showed up the next day in uniform: a blue-and-black chain-mail outfit.

“You look nice dressed,” Fey commented.

“It is the Martian Zo’Ok. We seem to be bonding-- in a parent-and-child way,” Chameleon hastened to add. “Although it must spend evenings in its soil, it appears to enjoy playing my ‘costume’. I based it on the original ‘Chameleon Boy’ outfit Reep Daggle wore.”

“He is a Mish Qengji,” announced Ten, entering the lunchroom.

“Who’s that?” asked Ffarrah.

“Arnion the Charioteer,” said Ten. “Their world was admitted to the United Planets one-point-six Standard years ago.”

“He is certainly a likable fellow,” said Chameleon. “It is clear everyone favored his company. I myself found him charming, and my emotional reactions are not... always... completely... human.”

Ffarrah and Ffey flashed a jealous glance at Chameleon.

“The scientists on Mish Qeng have documented their examination of his powers,” said Ten. “He was not entirely forthcoming regarding his teleportation’s effect on organic matter. They had him teleport with living creatures as large as a qat. The animal did not die-- at least, not right away-- but was completely unresponsive to external stimuli. It continued to breathe, its heart continued to beat, but it remained catatonic. Even its eyes were unresponsive, not tracking point-light stimuli. It did not move, and did not sleep, but also did not eat. The creature eventually died of starvation. The science team hypothesized some permanent neural damage, although an autopsy was unrevealing. They discontinued the line of inquiry.”

“Very creepy,” said Chameleon.

“Well, I don’t think Arnion was hiding anything from us,” said Lightning Lass. “That would have been a pretty long-winded, unnecessary explanation. He wasn’t really being untruthful… those poor things-- bugs and such-- did die, eventually.”

“Well, I’m glad he showed up,” said Saturn Girl. “Bringing us our Runabout shows we finally have my parent’s support-- for a while at least. But my mother was right about one thing. By calling ourselves ‘Super-Heroes’, we have painted a target on our backs. We have scarcely been able to leave Mars, and yet have been inundated by both heroes and villains recently.” Saturn Girl’s eyes unfocused for a moment. “Speaking of which, we had better get outside. It seems we have visitors. Again.”

They recognized the exiled half of the First Coventry of Tharn. They did not look well.

Nagromma, whose appearance always hovered just on the edge of reality, now flickered in and out like a wind-blown candle.

The Manananggal, having no body below the waist, flailed helplessly on her back, unable to hover, and unable to stand.

Lady LeShove, the twenty-foot-tall giantess, found it difficult to support her own weight, even under the low gravity of Mars.

Thane Fitzneron looked worst of all: shriveled and weak, a boy who they did not recognize bent over him.

“Strego Stefano, I presume?” said Cosmic Boy. “The evil Sorcerer’s Apprentice?”

“What have you done to my Master?” cried Stefano, gesturing futilely.

Only Viviane Inwudu and Karannath seemed to be in relative good health. However, the sorceress and sorcerer were also futilely gesturing wildly and muttering spells without any effect.

Frustrated, Karannath launched himself in a physical assault against Polar Lass. “I wouldn’t try that,” said the Tharran. “I have cold hands, and a colder heart.” Karannath retreated, his hands and arms cloaked in ice up to the shoulder.

Viviane Inwude attacked Lightning Lass with the sword she always carried at her waist, but received a nasty shock when it was blasted out of her hand. Cosmic Boy had magnetically grabbed it out of the air, and sent the blade quivering into a distant tree.

“Now, you’re probably wondering what is going on,” said Saturn Girl. “We were warned by the First Coventry that you might seek revenge. Frankly, I can’t understand it. Your loyalty seems misplaced, as Lord Mordru would have overwritten your own existence with the rest of the Universe, had his plans succeeded.”

“The First Coventry,” said Ffiona, “Gifted us certain wards and amulets, which repel-- what’s the word-- mana from around us. Magic doesn’t work anymore here. Period.”

“See those ogres, trolls, and golems... and what are those things?” said Saturn Girl. “Over there, against the trees-- holding those magical restraints? They are just on the other side of the border of the anti-mana field. We suggest you go and make their acquaintance. They will escort you back to the Sorcerer’s World, and the reconstituted First Coventry.”

“We are not entirely helpless,” threatened Karannath.

“Nor are we,” said Saturn Girl. “And you are on our home turf. Now, some of your associates are suffering greatly from the lack of the magic which ordinarily sustains their forms. I believe some of you are half-demon, or faery-folk, who cannot survive long without magic to sustain you? Perhaps you care as little for them as your Lord Mordru did, but if you do care… well, the ogres are probably getting impatient. I don’t imagine they appreciate being summoned from whatever they may have been doing on Sorcerer’s World, even if they volunteered for this duty. I wouldn’t keep them waiting. They may not wait.”

“I wouldn’t…” said Viviane Inwudu. She looked at her companions, writhing on the ground, and the pleading eyes of Stefano beside his master. “Oh, very well,” she said. “This isn’t over.”

“The First Coventry says it is,” said Saturn Girl. “Consider this a warning.”

The seven sorcerers staggered and crawled into the arms of the hideous giants and monsters under the trees. One rock troll delicately plucked Viviane Inwudu’s sword out of the tree with a thumb and forefinger, and the whole pack of Tharnans quickly vanished.

“I now understand,” said Ten, “Why Tharnan Sorcerers are known to so seldom leave their homeworld.”

“I almost feel sorry for them,” said Ffarrah. “Almost, but I don’t.”

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Antenna Girl: Good Morning. I am Thalassa of Andor.

Thank you for being here this morning. And do your antennae have any unusual powers?

Antenna Girl: I didn't come all this way to be insulted! If you are going to speak to me like that, then goodbye to you and your so-called 'Super-Hero Club'!


Samantha: Good morning. I am Samantha Trinayana of Wham, but you can call me The Three-Eyed Girl!

Thank you for being here this morning. Er… I only seem to see two eyes?

Samantha: Oh, the other one is here, right on the back of my head. See? It's why my family keeps our heads shaved. With three eyes, no one can sneak up on me, and I always know everything that's going on around me.

Any unusual vision powers? Ultrascopic vision, clarivoyance, laser vision, and so forth?

Samantha: Does red-green color blindness count? It's kind of a family trait. I understand it's good for detecting camouflage.

Thank you. Very interesting. We'll take this under consideration and get back to you.


Tianna: Hello, I am Tianna Gozo, and this is my brother Dynn. We call ourselves the Color Twins.

Dynn: We are permanently chromatically quantum entangled.

Tianna: Like many Earth creatures, we have the ability to change the colors of our skin. But because of our entanglement, our skin colors are always complementary.

Dynn: For example, if I turn my skin orange, Tianna automatically turns blue. (Demonstrates)

Tianna: And if I turn red and white, Dynn automatically turns green and black. (Demonstrates) Well, turquoise, really.

Dynn: It is excellent for instantaneous, long-distance communication. In fact, we have worked out our own personal intrachromatic language. (Demonstrates-- a flashing, kaledoscopic display)

Thank you. Very interesting. We'll take this under consideration and get back to the two of you.


Sable Incán: I call myself The Indefatigable Girl. I never tire. I never need sleep. I always give 100%, all the time, every hour of every day.

Thank you. Very interesting. We'll take this under consideration and get back to you.


Loris Lad: I have all the powers of a Loris.

Um… and those are?

Loris Lad: I am strictly nocturnal and insectivorous. Notice the large eyes. I can also secrete a mild, allergenic toxin from the interior of his elbows which induces extreme itching. I am somewhat slow-moving, but have an excellent sense of balance.

And may I say those big eyes and your furry face make you look very cute?

(Glowers) Thank you. Very interesting. We'll take this under consideration and get back to you.


Ms. Serious: My ancient ancestors were among the original colonists who came to Mars aboard the UNS Mayflower, back in the 21st century. Hundreds of years later, their descendants were among the members of the first permanent settlement on Mars. I currently reside in the domed Mars City, the largest city on Mars. I have the psychic ability to make anything seem important, and worthy of sober, thoughtful consideration.

Thank you. We are honored to have an applicant from such an eminent and august family here today. I see that you could be a valuable asset to our Super-Hero Club. If it were up to me, I would approve your application right now. However, I will need to discuss this carefully with the other Members first, and we will… Oh, wait, I see what you did there. Very interesting. We will take this under consideration and get back to you.

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On Bellonasday morning, the Club received an unsolicited call.

“I am Kallor Nal of Naltor,” the blonde woman introduced herself. “Please check my site for my resume. I’ll wait.”

“Kallor Nal, the Star-Woman, Planetary Champion of Naltor and New Titan... Strength, speed, gravity powers, enhanced durability, enhanced senses, lightning vision, flame breath… an impressive resume. Is it all true?”

“Check the official NaltorGov site,” said Kallor Nal.

“Very impressive,” said Saturn Girl, speed-reading the site. “You can’t see through copper?”

“Electro-cometary powers,” said Kallor Nal. “Copper appears to block the ‘electro’ part.”

“And what do you want with us?” asked Saturn Girl.

“I have had a vision-- I know people get tired of Naltorans saying that-- that I was assisted by the Super Hero Club in defeating a terrible villain hiding on Earth.”

“Did you see which villain?” asked Saturn Girl.

“It appeared to be the Dark Man,” said Kallor Nal. “Tomorrow afternoon. In an abandoned warehouse in Hyperbad.”

“I have always wondered,” said Ten, entering the room, “What would happen if a Naltoran were to resist these visions? You have gone to a great deal of trouble to contact us. What if you just stayed home tomorrow… and read a book, instead?”

“The visions always come to pass,” said Kallor Nal. “But in resisting them, our prophetic powers weaken, become less specific, and may fade away completely.”

“When can you be here?” asked Saturn Girl.

“My ship is already in orbit around Mars,” said Kallor Nal. “All I need is your permission to land.”

It was less like a planning meeting, and more like a Council of War.

“Carggan, Coluan, Bgzltr, Braalien, Tharran, Orzdean, Durlan, Bismollean, Saturnian, and lightning powers,” said the Star-Woman. “I am familiar with all your native abilities. You might most easily think of me as a Daxamite, without the unfortunate ‘allergy’ to lead.”

“Are you really that powerful?” asked Lightning Lass.

“At least,” said Star-Woman.

“And you are the daughter of the High Seer of Naltor,” said Ten.

“Yes,” said Star-Woman. “My father died in an unfortunate accident before I was born-- shortly before the Legion was disbanded. That makes me, I suppose, a little too old to be an official member of your group…”

“Actually,” said Ten, “We have no such constitutional restrictions.”

“True,” said Saturn Girl. “But with your power set, I expect that we would be more a hindrance than a help.”

“Nevertheless,” said Star-Woman, “My vision was clear. It is together that we will defeat the Dark Man. The only question is how we will get to Earth. I see your runabout is a four-seater, but I can carry only two, and I distinctly saw all twelve of you with me in Hyperbad.”

“Chameleon, Shrinking Violet and I,” said Ten, “Can reduce our size, and ride in… cupholders, if necessary. The Triplicates and Phantom Girl can share a single space, although it might be uncomfortable. That leaves only the Founders, and Matter-Eater Lad Two and Polar Lass to squeeze into the larger runabout. Perhaps the latter two could also share a seat.”

“I think,” said Shrinking Violet, “That we might be able to spring for a star-gate jump from Mars to Earth, and back again. Our treasury is not that depleted.”

“I can cover the cost,” said Star-Woman. “As Planetary Champion, I have an expense account for my official duties. Is there a Gate to Earth in New Metropolis?”

“We'll need to gate to Mars City or Nix Olympia, then on to Hyperbad on Earth,” said Shrinking Violet. “I will make the arrangements. If we leave early tomorrow morning, we should be able to be there by noon tomorrow, Earth-time.”

“I value your help in this,” said Star-Woman. “My thanks.”

“Hey, it’s what we formed the Super Hero Club for,” said Ffey. “Adventure.”

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“This is the right place,” announced Star-Woman. They were outside a large, long-abandoned building.

Ten was examining his Omnicom®. “The Dark Man was assumed destroyed decades ago. There has been no evidence of his return. Are you sure about this?”

“How about this for evidence?” asked Shrinking Violet, pulling a transparent sheet from a wall.

“Fascinating,” said Ten. “An archaic technology. A thin sheet of plasteel, laser-inscribed with Interlac characters.”

Saturn Girl took the sheet. “‘Knowledge is Power, and the Dark Man Knows All…’ He seems to be soliciting meta-humans, with the promise of increasing their powers… and promising to turn ordinary humans into meta… no electronic communication, just these flyers… they would be difficult to trace…”

“Not necessarily,” said Shrinking Violet. “There must be only a few places on Earth with access to this obsolete technology. Such as, for instance, this building.” He pointed to a weathered sign above the door, which read Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd. “An old ‘newspaper’ printing establishment,” she explained.

“Are you ready?” asked Star-Woman.

“You foresaw that you will defeat him, but only with our assistance?” asked Saturn Girl.

“I foresaw that we would face him together,” said Star-Woman.

“Members,” said Saturn Girl. “Get ready to use your powers.”

The Triplicates fused into one.

“I skipped breakfast this morning,” said Matter-Eater Lad Two.

Chameleon assumed the form of an ape-like, multi-armed beast armed with spines, talons, and fangs.

Star-Woman and the Super Hero Club broke down the door.

The near-empty chamber smelled of formaldehyde. Against the rear wall, perhaps two dozen human forms lay motionless, stacked on wire shelves, long tubes attaching them to various machines. Saturn Girl scanned the room.

“I can’t pick up their thoughts,” said Saturn Girl. “Not even dreams. Are they sleeping? Comatose?”

“They’re all dead,” said Star-Woman, scanning the bodies herself. “Some for several days.”

“There’s someone else here,” said Saturn Girl.

The scrawny old bald man, dressed in red and gold, emerged from the shadows.

“Welcome, Young Legion,” he croaked. “I see you have met my army of meta-humans. Please, sit down.”

There were a number of soft, cushioned chairs and couches scattered around. Starwoman and the Members obediently took their seats.

“<Mind control!>” Saturn Girl broadcast to the rest.

“Now, now, no telepathy here,” said the Dark Man. “Please, relax, I have been expecting you. You waited outside for some time. I was getting impatient.”

He paced up and down before the young people. “My army is resting. I had to take their souls to replenish my strength. But soon, we will begin our war of conquest. Earth will be the first to fall, and you will join us!”

“<Can you hear me?>” Lightning Lass asked her sister.

“<Yes,>” said Saturn Girl. “<He does not seem able to detect or affect our bond.>”

“<Can you help me resist?>” asked Lightning Lass.

“<Maybe,>” said Saturn Girl. “<I’m running through some exercises. His mind is open to me. He thinks he’s the Dark Man, but deep down, he knows he isn’t. And he hasn’t really stolen anyone’s soul. That’s just a delusion. He’s simply poisoned them. His ‘army’ are nothing but dead corpses. He knows that too, but he’s playing out some bizarre fantasy. He’s a… puppet of his own delusion..>”

The faux Dark Man approached Shrinking Violet and Phantom Girl, sitting together on a couch. “Now, which first?” he said aloud. “The Bgztlr, or the Orzdean?” He took a small vial out of a pouch in his shirt. “Just one drop… perhaps two… and you too will be mine.”

He filled a small eyedropper with the clear liquid. "This will increase your powers exponentially," he promised. "Then you, too, will be part of my army."

Shrinking Violet and Phantom Girl looked terrified, but were unable to move.

“Open wide,” he commanded. The two girls unwillingly complied.

“<It's a fast-acting poison-- cyanide, some other stuff mixed in,>” Saturn Girl informed her sister. “<I feel so helpless!>”

“<What did Mom tell us about mind control?>” asked Lightning Lass.

“<Don’t think, just act!>” said Saturn Girl. “Don’t think! Just act!” she screamed aloud.

“Don’t think! Don’t plan! Just act!” cried Lightning Lass, her hands blasting out flashes of electricity, which entirely missed their target.

The faux Dark Man paused, startled, off-balance. Star-Woman also loosed bolts of lightning from her eyes, again wide of the mark. Phantom Girl dissolved into intangibility, Shrinking Violet shrunk out of sight. Walking through the baffled old man before her, she whirled, turned solid, and hit him a savage blow on the back of the head with her clenched fist. As his head went down, Shrinking Violet shot up to full size, delivering a nasty uppercut. The old man flew backwards, the vial and eyedropper flying off in two directions.

“Everyone all right?” Saturn Girl and Star-Woman asked together. A chorus of “‘Yes’, ‘OK’, and ‘I think so’ answered them. They turned on the old man, prone on the ground. He was down, but not out. He made a grab for the vial of poison, and retrieved it.

“No!” cried Saturn Girl, as he the drained the vial in one quick gulp. She ran to his side. “Dead!” she announced, looking up. “But he was just... only sick-- he was mentally ill! We could have helped him ... psychological rehabilitation.” She struggled to hold back tears.

“I don’t think this is what any of us signed up for,” said the unified Triplicate Girl, shaking her head. “Somehow, I thought punching super-villains would have been more satisfying.”

* * *

The SP’s responded quickly.

“Kallor Nal, Star-Woman, Planetary Champion of Naltor and New Titan,” she introduced herself. “I am a Registered Adventurer. I was able to save these ten meta-humans from the clutches of... well, he styled himself a new Dark Man.”

Shrinking Violet handed over the plasteel-paper flyer to the officers. “He was luring in people-- metahumans like us-- with this,” she said. “I, um, don’t want to tell you how to do your job, but I think you will find that all these people-- the old man included-- all died from the same toxic compound.”

The SP’s turned to Star-Woman. “It’s a very bad business, whatever went down,” they told her. “Don’t go far. You will be available for questioning?”

“I’m staying on Mars,” said Star-Woman. “At the Grand Marshall Hotel in New Metropolis.”

The SP’s looked at the shell-shocked Super Hero Club.

“You’re lucky this young lady was with you. Pulled your fat out of the fire,” one officer said.

* * *

“I could add the ten of you to my Registered Adventurer’s License,” said Star-Woman. “As, um, ‘side-kicks’.”

They were back on Mars, in the Clubhouse.

“You would be covered by my insurance, and you would be recognized, even in some of the stricter jurisdictions, such as Earth, Winath, and Rimbor. We could also become an independent, licensed organization, but that would be pretty expensive,” she continued.

“Then, you’re staying?” asked Shrinking Violet.

“Has she even been invited?” asked Ten. Phantom Girl kicked him in the knee.

“I’m afraid you need the truth,” said Star-Woman. “What with Naltor being a planet of precognitives, and New Titan being a planet of telepaths, there is not much crime there. Nor, for that matter, natural disasters, either. And my mother, as High Seer, made sure… well, she wanted to keep me 'safe'. So this is the first actual action I’ve seen. It’s been frustrating… I have great powers, but I’ve spent the last half-dozen years attending the openings of orphanages, or appearing at Bat-Ball games, or hosting other charitable activities. I’m not… I’ve trained with my powers a lot, I have great control, but… I’ve never actually put them to real use before this.”

“You know I knew that,” said Saturn Girl.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” asked Cosmic Boy.

“She told me,” said Lightning Lass.

“I think we need to have a formal ballot,” said Saturn Girl. “I’ll give everybody a day to think about it. Should induct Star-Woman into the Super Hero Club?” She turned to the Naltoran. “I want you to make yourself completely available to the other Members for questions. And, complete honesty, please.

Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 05/25/18 07:24 AM.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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When Imra said "I'll make sure you remember our conversation" it sounded a bit ominous. She was being helpful in this case, but I had to wonder what it was like for a kid to misbehave in the Ranzz household and be called to account.

I look up a lot of your names, suspecting some deeper meaning and found Arnion is a lamb in New Testament Greek. There's also an Arnion Martyr's Network.... I'll be watching for his return. Or gruesome death.

Loved the Polar Lass line, "I have cold hands, and a colder heart" and will be seeking opportunities to use it.

Legion applicants at tryouts do suffer from overconfidence. Thalassa could surely be a graduate of the Spiffany Finishing School. Ms. Serious actually had a nifty power. They should employ her for PR.

Good explanation of why Naltorans act on their visions. Everyone else is compelled to submit to fate. Sounds like Star-Woman had multiple fathers with all those powers. All those powers and no criminals or disasters... she's got to have a weakness besides an inability to see through copper. "Registered Adventurers" - I'm going to borrow that for the next APA-LSH topic, Who Should Control Super Groups? - with due credit, of course. Funny that wild west Rimbor would be one of the strict jurisdictions.

No particular comment on Ten, but I find his observations refreshing.

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Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
I had to wonder what it was like for a kid to misbehave in the Ranzz household and be called to account.

Yes, indeed, there surely would be privacy problems in the Ranzz family household. Or, for that matter, in any Saturnian, Naltoran, or Bgztlr household. There are also undoubtedly identity problems which need to be resolved by some sort of social custom among Durlan, Cargggan and Janusite families. And clearly, family life among the eighth, tenth, and twelfth-level ‘logical-mathematical’ intellects on Colu would present its own set of challenges. The Universe is wonderfully diverse.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
I look up a lot of your names, suspecting some deeper meaning and found Arnion is a lamb in New Testament Greek.

Well, yes, you have caught me out. Incidentally, “Kurt Wagner” is a name that literally means “Wolf Waggoner”. (and Arnion is a “Charioteer”.)

Arnion will show up again, I believe around Chapter Eighty-Three.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
Legion applicants at tryouts do suffer from overconfidence. Thalassa could surely be a graduate of the Spiffany Finishing School.

Don’t ask an Andorian about their antennae. Show some cultural sensitivity.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
Ms. Serious actually had a nifty power.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but you seem to have a pretty low bar for ‘nifty’. On the other hand, she is undoubtedly the most powerful of these applicants. Relatively speaking.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
Sounds like Star-Woman had multiple fathers with all those powers.

Kallor Nal merely has all the powers Star Boy and Dream Girl have ever displayed, in any continuity. Not all of them are necessarily fully developed yet. I introduced her because I needed a “Flying Brick”.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
she's got to have a weakness besides an inability to see through copper.


Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
"Registered Adventurers" - I'm going to borrow that for the next APA-LSH topic, Who Should Control Super Groups? - with due credit, of course.

Borrow away.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
Funny that wild west Rimbor would be one of the strict jurisdictions.

If you have ever had any dealings with the police or judicial system in 'freewheeling' Berkeley, CA or Las Vegas, NV, you will understand the underlying authoritarianism on Rimbor. Even if it is administered by mob enforcers rather than the SP.

Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
No particular comment on Ten, but I find his observations refreshing.

I believe I have a tendency to overuse Ten. He is an excellent point-of-view character, as he really does not understand these Humans-- or Bgztlrs or Krill or Durlans. And he is apt to ask uncomfortably direct questions.

I am making no effort to edit or abbreviate this fanfic-- it is terribly self-indulgent-- but every character, Imra and Ten included, do have their own arc. It may not become obvious for months, however. And I am a great believer in the principle of “Chekhov’s Gun”.
(A convention that was very literally broken-- or at least ignored-- in the book-version of Ready Player One. I don’t know if anyone else found that amusing.)


Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 05/31/18 10:16 AM.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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The Members of Justice League Earth - 3019

(1) “Dr. Shakespeare
Richard Kent Shakespeare of Earth
Age: 55
Super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability, flight, laservision.
[Linked Image]

(2) “Princess Xenobia
Age: Somewhere between 150 and 200, but looks 18.
Xenobia of Io, home of the New Themiscryann diaspora
Amazonian-level strength, speed and durability.
Possesses a number of divine Olympian relics:
(a) The Gems of Understanding: earrings which give her the ability to understand and speak any language.
(b) The adamantine Harpe of Perseus
(c) The Talaria of Hermes (spare set)
(d) The Cord of Helios: Crafted by Hephaestos himself out of pure sunlight. Not as powerful as the Lasso of Truth (crafted from pure Truth) but still highly extensible, and difficult to break.
(e) Her gauntlets are an Amazonium alloy, blessed with near-indestructibiliy by Aphrodite.
[Linked Image]

(3) “Green Lantern of Sector 2814
Jordana Gardner of Groombridge-1618
Age: 45 (this is a very old picture)
Before joining Justice League Earth, worked closely with the other Green Lantern of Sector 2814, Gen’Ma of Great Panjandrum. Her former partner is not entirely sanguine about her current association with the League.
[Linked Image]

(4) “The Bat-Woman
Age: Unknown
Mysterious bat-winged, cephalopod-headed woman, originally found living alone in the eldritch ruins of Pluto. Her true name and the extent of her abilities are unknown.
Observed powers and abilities: Martial arts knowledge, enhanced reflexes and agility, prehensile, elongating tentacles, telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation.
Evidently some sort of mutant Terran, she has been vouched for by Dr. Shakespeare as ‘fully human.’ Despite her uncanny appearance, she is the most vocally xenophobic of the Leaguers.
[Linked Image]

(5) “Rush
Mara Williams of Earth
Age: 45
Super-speed, kept under control by technological means. (A stasis bracelet.) By this age, her hair has turned prematurely snow-white.
[Linked Image]

(6) “Devil-Fish
Age: 50
Danava Matsya of Earth (Poseidonis, Atlantis)
Mutant Terran (Atlantean)
Enhanced strength and durability, augmented while underwater. Amphibian breathing abilities. Telepathic control of most sea-creatures.
[Linked Image]

(7) “The Cyborg Manhunter
Age: 35 (human half); Tens of millenia (Manhunter half)
Victoria Jones of Earth
A fusion of an Earth human and Oan Manhunter-robot technology. Also has a mostly-working Manhunter Lantern, although most of the time it is kept hidden in a pocket dimension.
[Linked Image]

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Star-Woman was adding her list of ‘sidekicks’ to her Adventurer’s Registration.

“Chameleon, I’m not sure how to identify you,” she said. “None of your Durlan tribe have proper names, correct?”

“True. But like all United Planets citizens,” said Chameleon, “I have a Universal Alphanumeric Identification Code.”

“Yes, I guess I can do it that way,” said Star-Woman.

“UO373-WV451,” Chameleon recited.

“On Colu,” said Ten, “Our UAIC is in binary format. For ease of transfer.”

“No, I’ve found you easily enough,” said Star-Woman. “Txarlz Luz 4523.”

Ten seemed slightly disgruntled at not being required to recite the fifty-digit code from memory.

“And Ffiona,” said Star-Woman. “You Triplicates are technically only one person, correct? I am having trouble finding you. Which name are you registered under? Ffiona, Ffarrah, or Fey Ffarr?”

“Try Ffiona Carrg,” said Ffiona.

“Carrg?” said Star-Woman. “Of the Karagawa Carrgs? One of the First Families of Carggg?”

“Perhaps you understand now why we can’t go home,” said Ffiona. “Or, at least, what was once home. Our… illness… is considered an embarassment.”

“No, I absolutely do not understand at all,” said Star-Woman. “But I’m sorry.”

“Young Legion!” cried a stentorian voice from outside the Clubhouse. “We need to speak with you!”

It was the vanguard of the Justice League of Earth: Dr. Shakespeare, Princess Xenobia, and the Bat-Woman of Pluto.

“This is what your Super Hero Club has inspired,” said Dr. Shakespeare. “We have just come for Weisinger Plaza, the former location of the clubhouse of the Legion of Super-Heroes. It has been the target of a terrorist attack by a group calling themselves the ‘Super Villain Club’. We think you may know some of them.”

The other four Justice Leaguers were descending from the pink Martian sky. The Devil-Fish of Atlantis, the half-robot Cyborg Manhunter, the speedster Mara Williams, known as Rush, all being transported by Jordana Gardner, the long-time Green Lantern of Sector 2814. She was also bringing with them a number of stasis chambers, used for transporting metahuman prisoners.

In the first chamber was a huge, red-skinned humanoid.

“This is the ringleader, Auberon, son of the assassins Tyr of Tyrazz, and Titania of Korlon,” said Dr. Shakespeare. “With massive strength and durability almost rivaling my own, we were barely able to stop his rampage of destruction.”

Dr. Shakespeare moved on to the second capsule. “This is Menaleas Mallor of Talok VIII, a ‘prince’ of their barbaric royal family, and the self-styled ‘Prince Talok’. Supposedly on Earth to gain an education at Metropolis University, he instead went on a rampage with his fellow aliens.”

“This is the Tharnan known as Bungle Spelling,” Dr. Shakespeare continued. “He calls himself ‘Villian the Sorcerer’, an absurd wordplay on ‘villain’. Another alien Metropolis University ‘student’.”

“I believe you will recognize this one: Ojina Einstein of Mondeaux, who calls herself Lambda Lass. One of your applicants for membership, I think? An angry, dangerous, and powerful psychotic. Your rejected her from your Club, so she founded her own.”

“Here we have a Korlon-Neptunian half-breed, son of the notorious criminals, Ki-Lan and Ron-Karr. He calls himself Razor, but his real name is Atta-Karr.”

“This is another mongrel, the Saturnian-Braalien crossbreed Kimota Grezz. She is also the descendant of super-criminals: perhaps you have heard of Magno Lad and Esper Lass? She refers to herself as ‘The Black Flame’, but her psionic powers were overmatched by our Bat-Woman.”

“Finally, this is Anne Foxmoor, a full-blooded Terran Earthling, but a race-traitor and no credit to her species. She is a mutant, with maledictive powers, operating under the name of ‘Evil-Eye Annie’. But facing the Justice League of Earth, her luck ran out.”

“Clearly, your experiment in combining Terran and Aliens into a team of metabeings is breeding nothing but chaos. It is time to put an end to this foolishness once and for all.” Dr. Shakespeare’s eyes glowed red; twin lasers lanced through the air; a line of molten metal drew along the roof of the clubhouse, revealing a nasty, empty gash.

“No!” cried Star-Woman, rushing the JLE leader. A crack of her fist spun his gaze away from the Clubhouse. Almost faster than the eye could follow, Dr. Shakespeare reacted, but a two-fisted uppercut from Star-Woman sent him flying into the air. The Naltoran followed. The remainder of the JLE were a blur of motion, but Princess Xenobia was in the air first.

“Lantern! Manhunter!” called Princess Xenobia. “Stay here! Guard the prisoners, and these… children!”

Rush touched one of her gauntlets, and sped away, in the direction of the distant thunder echoing through the sky. The powerful blows seemed to echo from all around. Once or twice Rush ran through the camp or Princess Xenobia was spied overhead.

“<Please help us>,” came a voice in Saturn Girl’s mind. An image of Black Flame appeared before her. “<The name ‘Super Villain’s Club’ was meant to be ironic- because we do not support the Xenophobes, Earth-Firsters, and Neo-Niedrighs who have so much power in government right now. And because some of us really are descended from ‘super-villains’. But all our parents have reformed! Mine run a clothing boutique, for Grife’s sake. Villian isn’t even a real magician-- he performs stage magic at parties on campus. He flunked out on The Sorcerer’s World. Annie and Atta are completely harmless, and Menaleas is the sweetest guy you’ve ever met. There was no ‘terror attack’ at Weisinger Mall. We were part of a counter-protest of bunch of Neo-Niedrighs holding a rally there. There was a lot of yelling back and forth, but then Auberon and that Lambda girl showed up They started attacking anyone in the crowd, Neo-Niedrighs and counter-protesters alike. The SPs were supposed to be keeping things under control, but they did nothing. Some of us tried to stop those two nutcases, but then the Justice League showed up…>”

Saturn Girl was receiving images in her mind. They seemed to be actual flashes of memory, not constructs.

<You will immediately cease contact with the prisoner,” came another voice in her mind.

Saturn Girl looked up to see the Bat-Woman of Pluto towering over her. She could see that the woman wore no mask: bat-like ears and feral eyes gave way to squid-like tentacles where her nose and mouth ought to have been. Her webby wings, as well, were not part of her costume, but grew out of her shoulders.

“You’re not exactly human yourself, are you?” asked Saturn Girl.

“Absurd,” said the Bat-Woman. “Dr. Shakespeare has vouched for me.”

“I wonder what you have on him?” pondered Saturn Girl. “You remind me of the Star-Spawn.”

“What Star-Spawn?” inquired the Bat-Woman.

“Don’t get me started,” said Saturn Girl.

There was a tremendous splash in the New Hellespont Sea on the other side of the clubhouse. Rain came down, drenching everything. Too late, Jordana Gardner but up a light-construct of an umbrella. The Cyborg Manhunter pulled out-- from where?-- a large, green, squarish lantern, assuming a defensive posture.

The unconscious body of Dr. Shakespeare came flying out of the Sea, over the top of the clubhouse, followed by the dripping-wet Star-Woman, who was quickly joined by Princess Xenobia and Rush.

“Now just a minute,” said Star-Woman. “We don’t want to fight you, but you can’t just come in here and destroy private property for no reason. I don’t think your Adventurer’s Insurance is going to cover that---” She indicated the gash on the roof of the Clubhouse.

“You cannot continue this mockery,” said the Bat-Woman.

“Oh, you think this is all about you?” asked Star-Woman. “Well, come to think of it, where were you when that crazy old man was murdering people in Hyperbad? Or when Daxamite Pirates were in the Sol System stealing kryptonite? It seems to me that we could use a few more planetary champions, not less. Why don’t you just go on about your business, and let us go on with ours? We had nothing to do with this so-called Super Villain Club. Take your hot-headed leader, and go back to your Hall of Justice, or Watchtower, or Fortress of Solitude, and leave us alone.”

The six conscious Leaguers exchanged glances.

“Very well,” said Princess Xenobia. “We will see how long you survive playing at heroes.”

They ascended back into the sky.

“I can’t believe you beat Dr. Shakespeare,” said Matter-Eater Lad Two.

“He’s not so tough,” said Star-Woman. “I have a wider variety of powers, and even without precognition, he telegraphs his punches. Also, turns out he can’t breathe underwater. Aqua Boy was right, though. There are some really interesting fishy-creatures down there.”

Despite her casual attitude, the Members noticed she was sporting a black eye and a split lip.

“I need to finish adding you guys to my License,” she said. “In the middle of the sky, I had a vision about our next mission.”

“I need to talk to you about that ‘Super Villain Club’,” said Saturn Girl. She explained to Star-Woman about her telepathic conversation with Black Flame.

“Interesting,” said Star-Woman. “Well, this is one thing we can do something about. This kind of Defending the Innocent doesn’t even require getting up from your chair in front of the Wall-Screen. Let’s see if we can get Ten to re-focus his studies from Engineering to Law.”

“A Coluan lawyer,” said Saturn Girl. “Diabolical.”

“I believe I have made myself an arch-nemesis in the person of Dr. Shakespeare,” said Star-Woman. "Let us see what I can do to thwart his plans for our 'Super-Villain' friends."

Last edited by Klar Ken T5477; 06/10/18 06:07 PM.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Naturally, I post my fanfics here almost solely for my own amusement. I am gratified when someone is interested, but I really take no pains to make this stuff readable. This writing is just my way of giving my personal paracosms a little reality. That Legionworld has some people who might be somewhat interested too is ancillary.

Anyway, I am beginning to lose interest in my characters and their stories. I am sure it is just temporary-- I often get a little depressed during the summer, and lose interest in the little things that ordinarily bring me pleasure. So I’m going to ‘go dark’ for awhile.

However, it occurs to me that there is a tiny possibility that there may be one of you who is breathlessly awaiting the next installment. And I am sort of leaving at the beginning of a new part of the story.

If any of you are really desperate to hear the further adventures of Dorrit, Dacey, Pol, Tzarlz, Eluia, Irinia, Hillarie, Kylda, Ffiona, Ffarrah, Ffey, Chameleon, Kallor, Arnion, Annie, Melaneus, Bungle, Kimota, Atta and the rest, let me know, and I will make an effort to continue my once-a-week posting.

(I currently have rough outlines running up to Chapter One Hundred Five - more than a year’s worth of story!)

Otherwise, I am going to take a little break, and perhaps get back to writing & posting when I feel a little better. I would guess a month or so, and certainly by October, when the weather cools off. So be warned.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Hi Klar,

I haven’t been able to keep up with your stories - I’ve read others, but not this one.

I hope you regain interest soon, but if not, hope you enjoy your time away and come back refreshed

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I like reading your stories, Klar. I hope you feel better soon.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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I will chime in, I am really enjoying this as well! Hope you're feeling more into it soon, take care!

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Thanks guys.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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“I can’t believe the Court ordered us to act as your Guardians,” said Lightning Lass.

“They wouldn’t even let you move back in with your parents?” asked Cosmic Boy. “You’re all older than any of us-- except maybe Star-Woman.”

“But you’re on Mars, and not Earth,” said Villian. “That was an important consideration. Your little friend Ten made an impressive argument to the Court. They were rather disconcerted to find out his age.”

“And his planet of origin,” said Razor.

“We are Wards of the State, at least until this case is completed-- which may not be for some time,” said Black Flame. “They did not trust our parents with custody-- they are tainted as former ‘super-villains’, although they have been model citizens for decades since then.”

“And you are half-Braalien, like me?” said Cosmic Boy. He magnetically summoned a serving platter, allowing it to fly and loop around the area outside the clubhouse before landing it at his own feet. “Stainless steel,” he explained. “My magnetic powers are not as strong as Dad’s… but your father was a Magno-Ball Champion, right?”

“I don’t actually have magnetic powers,” said Black Flame. “They manifest as telekinesis, in my case, and my strength and control isn’t very good.” She demonstrated by levitating the platter, which lifted unsteadily, wobbling. “Of course, I can levitate non-metallic and non-magnetic objects, too.”

“But you’re also half-Saturnian, like me?” said Lightning Lass.

“You know, all Saturnians are different,” said Black Flame. “My mother had strong offensive psionic abilities, but was not really able to use them with any subtlety. I can piggy-back on other telepaths: I reflect psionic attacks, or thought-cast to mind-readers, or mind-read thought-casters… you don’t have much telepathic ability, do you?”

“Nope, that’s my sister Dorrit,” said Lightning Lass. “Why the name Black Flame?”

“She was an old enemy of the twentieth-century Supergirl. Super-villain history is kind of a hobby.”

“Do you have any Neptunians or Korlon-Colonials on your team?” asked Razor.

“No, but I met a Uranian recently,” said Lightning Lass. “Aren’t they a lot like Neptunians”

“Now that’s just offensive,” said Shrinking Violet. “Neptune and Uranias are probably as different as Orzde and Imsk.”

“I wouldn’t know,” said Razor. “I was born and raised on Earth, in the Maldives. I’ve never been to Neptune-- or Uranias, for that matter. My only direct off-planet connection is that my parents are the Night Pastors at the Reformed First Church of Neptune. Which is really an Earth denomination, anyway.”

“Your father is Ron-Karr,” said Shrinking Violet. “Do you have his powers?”

“Actually, Violet, my powers are similar to yours,” said Razor. “I am able to shrink myself-- but only in a single dimension. When I do, I become incredibly dense, and seem to transform into some sort of metallic, silvery, super-hard substance.” He held up a hand, and demonstrated.

“Wow, interesting,” said Shrinking Violet. “You can actually transform only one part of your body at a time!”

“Yeah, I can actually shave with one finger,” said Razor. “That’s why I picked the name for our Club.”

“And you call yourself ‘Evil-Eye Annie’,” said Cosmic Boy.

“Thanks, but I prefer Ann. Ann Foxmoor,” she replied. “The ‘Super Villain Club’ thing was just a joke.”

“Well, not exactly a joke,” said Black Flame. “More an ironic social commentary and… I don’t know, performance art, maybe? A centuries-old tradition at institutions of higher education.”

“Maybe for you,” said Ann. “I was mostly there for the free beer.”

“But do you really have ‘malediction’ powers, like Dr. Shakespeare said?” asked Shrinking Violet.

“Yeah, I have this thing I do,” said Ann. “I was studied by quantum biologists for a while when I was a kid. I can wish bad things on people, and they happen… randomly, for a few hours, or even a couple of days. How angry I am… how much I mean it… that determines how bad the jinx is. But it’s pretty random; I don’t like doing it, really… I never know if an ex-boyfriend is going to find his wardrobe suddenly attacked by fire-moths, or fall down a flight of stairs and break both his legs. I’m not saying that either of those things has ever happened.”

“I just want to go back to my studies,” said the boy called Villian the Sorcerer. “Menaleas got it worst of all of us. He got deported back to Talok VIII; we’re just suspended from M.U. until after the hearing. The school will abide by the court’s decision-- if the judge drops the charges, or we’re found ‘not guilty’, we can go back to school, have our loans and grants restored, and pick up where we left off. But Menaleas is persona non grata on Earth now. The JLE won out that much, at least. They wanted to deport us, too...”

“But you’re all Terran,” said Shrinking Violet. “Neptune, Korlon, Braal, and Titan were all colonized by humans. And anyone with Terran has an unalienable right to life on Earth… if they can afford it.”

“Yes, and Bungle and I are full Earthlings, born and raised,” said Ann. “Our crime is not agreeing with the 20% running the Earth these days.”

“Is your name really Bungle Spelling?” asked Cosmic Boy.

“Every sorcerer changes his name and appearance when they begin the study of Magic,” said Villian. “Many use several different names. Bungle Spelling is not the name I was born with, and my appearance… my biometric profile… has been magically altered as well. I’m required to reveal and prove my identity in any legal interaction with the United Planets, but… I still have hopes of returning to the Unseen University on Sorcerer’s World again-- although I flunked out there. But I like to keep the Bungle Spelling identity viable as much as possible. Maybe I’ll be able to go back someday.”

“And since you’ve returned to Earth, you’ve been studying stage magic?” asked Cosmic Boy.

Villian / Bungle pulled out a pack of cards, and handed it to Cosmic Boy. “Break the seal, open the box, then pick a card at random,” he said. “Don’t tell me what it is, but show your friends. Then put it back in the deck, close the pack, and hand it back to me.”

Cosmic Boy followed the directions. Villian held the pack upright, in the palm of his hand. Without touching it further, the top flap opened, and the ace of diamonds slowly rose out of the deck.

“Is this your card?” asked Villian.

“No, sorry,” said Cosmic Boy. “It was the Jack of Clubs.”

“You tricked me,” said Vilian. “You didn’t put it back in the deck. “You stashed it in one of the pockets of your belt.” He pointed to a particular pocket on the flight belt.

“I never…” said Cosmic Boy, but checked the pocket anyway. There was the Jack of Clubs.

“Hey, that’s the pocket I keep my spunow in!” said Cosmic Boy.

“Do you mean this spunow?” asked Villian. He was holding the box of cards in one hand, and a small bag of ‘fun-size’ spunow in the other.”

“You have to admit, he’s good,” said Ann. “And as attested by the Teachers on the Sorcerer’s World, he is completely incapable of working real magic.”

Cosmic Boy took his snack package back sullenly.

“So you guys can choose from any of the open cabins,” said Lightning Lass. “I would suggest you don’t take the ones next to or across from Ten’s lab, but that still leaves you a half-dozen to choose from. Somebody runs to the store once or twice a week, and there’s always a shopping list next to the AutoChef.”

“I’ll sit down with each you, and discuss how much your Stipend would be a reasonable donation to your room and board,” said Shrinking Violet. “We’re pretty easy-going here, but we’ve never had guests before.”

“We hope you enjoy your stay on Mars,” said Cosmic Boy.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Talok is a small, A-type star, invisible from Earth without a telescope, in the constellation Corvus. Talok III was the original home planet of the Talokite race. The surface has been uninhabitable, ravaged by war, for over a millennium.
Talok IV, the first Talokan-exile colony, is a world as small and cold as Mars. Originally the salvation of Talok, it now houses only a few small outposts.
Talok VIII, some thirty times as distant as Talok IV, is a world of tropical oceans and hot, arid deserts. The climate is due to its close orbit of the infrared dwarf star Talok-b, also called ‘Tarn, the Invisible Sun’.
- Encyclopedia Galactica

The Talokan Congress of Twenty-Eight in Lydea was too perfectly balanced to be accidental. Seven green-skinned males, seven blue-skinned males, seven blue-skinned females, and seven green-skinned females. All white-haired, elderly, and solemn-looking.

“We appreciate your offer of assistance,” said one of the green women. “As you may know, technology on Talok is limited by both law and custom. We allow no robots or androids, for example, or other artificial life-forms. Medical technology of all kinds is welcomed, but is under the strict control of the Healer class. We are also opposed to the use of high technology in weapons on our world, although our spacecraft may be so outfitted. There are other restrictions.”

“It is our belief,” said one of the blue men, “That this Factory which has mysteriously appeared in the High Desert is in violation of our laws. Certainly, it is surrounded by an illegal force-shield, and has denied entry to our inspectors. Talok VIII has been the target of alien invasion before. Our eschewing of certain higher technologies is sometimes seen as a weakness or vulnerability.”

A green man spoke. “Our Planetary Champions are serving as Lord and Lady, the heads of our government. It is a delicate arrangement, and we hesitate to send them at the head of our armies into an unknown, dangerous encounter.”

Another green man put in: “As aliens yourselves, you might best be able to determine the purpose and function of any outlawed alien technology in the plant.”

One of the blue women added, “Your greatest assistance to us would be reconnaissance of the area, to bring us intelligence regarding who has illegally claimed our territory, and what they intend. We can then better determine whether to send in our own forces, or to seek assistance from the United Planets.”

“Reconnaissance only. Understood, Members?” asked Saturn Girl. There was a general nodding of heads.

The “Factory” was easily the size of a small city, five thousand hectares, at least. The only way it could have been brought stealthily to Talok VIII was if it was also spaceworthy. It was, indeed, surrounded by a force-shield, which Phantom Girl easily phased through, without setting off any alarms.

“Pretty poor quality force-shield,” Phantom Girl observed.

“If only we could all phase through it,” said Shrinking Violet.

“Why can’t we?” said Saturn Girl, removing her necklace. “If Irinia wears the micro-Clubhouse as a necklace, and if Ten will oblige, she can easily carry us all through.”

It was the work of only a couple of minutes.

“The factory seems fully mechanized,” said Shrinking Violet. “Plenty of robots, in violation of Talokan technological regulations. There do not appear to be any life-forms here.”

“Don’t be too sure,” said Saturn Girl. “I sense that whoever is running this place is growing sentient biological organisms in these tubes. It is difficult to tell if there are full-grown, independent individuals running this place as well.”

“Sentients?” said Ffiona. “Then this is a colony ship of some sort?”

“Or, they are growing an invading army,” said Star-Woman. “I estimate at least a million individuals. I don’t recognize the species, so I can’t tell how close to fully grown they are.”

“These are bio-acceleration tanks,” said Ten. “Whatever they are, it won’t be long until they are fully grown.”

“I think we have enough intelligence to report back to the Congress,” said Saturn Girl. “They will need to act quickly… odd, I cannot seem to contact the outside telepathically. Something else else is blocking me.”

The Members had suddenly walked into a room larger than any they had entered before.

“It seems all roads lead here,” said Ten. “The factory, despite its size, is set up with a central control.” He approached a great panel of controls. “I believe I should be able to put all the chambers in stasis, until we can contact the Congress.”

No you won’t.” A monstrous creature had entered the room. At least twelve feet tall, and nearly as big around, it seemed half-plant and half-beast. Its head was too large for its body, and its body was gigantic. It was almost comical in appearance: great leering eyes, a protruding belly. But its size and vicious, sharp-toothed grin advised caution.

Organus will not let you interfere,” the creature growled. “Organus is being paid very well to keep this facility operating. You will not stop Organus. You will not report back. You will not leave alive.”

A sickening red tongue shot out of Organus’ mouth, deflected harmlessly by Ten’s force field. Lightning Lass rose up with her flight belt, and rained a volley of lightning over the creature. Organus only laughed. His tongue shot out again, catching Lightning Lass in the face. She stiffened, then fell, unconscious.

“It absorbs bio-energy,” said Saturn Girl. “Careful-- it has acquired lightning powers now.” She gripped her temples. “It has absorbed our link as well… it’s mind… so strange... “ Saturn Girl fell unconscious as well.

Ffey was the next to be caught by Organus’ tongue-attack. As she fell unconscious, Ffarrah and Ffiona vanished, and two copies of Organus appeared from nowhere.

“Star-Woman,” said Ten. “You need to leave, now. We can’t allow it to gain your powers as well!” With three members already down, Ten was moving around the room, expanding his field to enclose the others. Matter-Eater Lad Two, Polar Lass, and Shrinking Violet were all safe. Phantom Girl was inaccessible, on the other side of the room. Chameleon had assumed the form of a tiny insect, and was darting rapidly around the room, in a complex, random pattern.

Ten’s force field enclosed Cosmic Boy, just in time to deflect Organus’ tongue attack. Lightning rained on the force-shield, but was unable to penetrate it.

“We need a non-biological attack,” said Shrinking Violet, checking her ultraphone. “The last time the Legion faced Organus, it was defeated by Blok.”

“The Legion faced Organus?” said Polar Lass, incredulous. “Then why is he here?”

Vesta, Ten’s nanny-bot, rushed one of the creatures, only to be the next victim of its tongue-attack. Organus instantly retracted its tongue, cursing and spitting. The other two still pursued the Chameleon-bug, and the intangible Phantom Girl, unable to land a hit.

“Ten,” said Shrinking Violet, “Phantom Girl is still wearing the necklace.”

“Phantom Girl!” shouted Ten. “Whatever you do, don’t let Organus get hold of your necklace!”

Phantom Girl, startled, turned her head. Somehow, she lost control, and the necklace dropped through her intangible body, landing on the floor. The three Organuses rushed towards it greedily. A triple violet ray shot from Ten’s belt, and the three creatures disappeared.

Phantom Girl picked up the necklace, with the micro-Clubhouse attached. “Is there some way of locking this from the outside?” she asked.

“Indeed,” said Ten, retrieving his invention. There was a satisfying ‘click’. “I took the precaution of making the creatures a little smaller than necessary. They are, relatively speaking, about an inch tall, compared to the optimum size within the micro-Clubhouse. I don’t think they would be able to open the door, or even operate the Auto-Chef, at that size.”

Star-Woman reappeared. “How are we going to get out through the force-shield, though?” she asked.

“I believe I can put the entire operation in stasis, and deactivate the shield,” said Ten, eyeing the control panel. “As long as we have no further interruptions.”

Star-Woman surveyed the three unconscious Members. “Do you think they’ll be all right? What can we do for them?”

“Just make them comfortable, I think,” said Shrinking Violet. “Organus not only absorbs bio-energy, he eats it, too, so I’m not sure how long his extra powers will last. And with rest, Lightning Lass, Saturn Girl, and the Triplicates will regenerate their own-- something he can’t do. I expect when they wake up, they’ll be hungry and thirsty, though.”

The Talokan Congress was pleased.

“We bring you the thanks of our rulers, The Shadow Champion and Lady Memory, High Priestess of Maakas. The United Planets is sending a contingent of Science Police specialists to remove the creature’s factory.”

“Tell them,” said Saturn Girl, “That Organus was only an employee, not the mastermind. I shared minds with the vile creature, and one thing I learned is that it was working for some zombie-like entity called Velissa. The creatures being grown were her servants, which she intended to be the first force in the conquest of Talok VIII… and other worlds, besides.”


“How was your visit with Menaleas?” asked Ffey, on the ride back to Mars.

“He’s pretty down,” said Villian. “He would have graduated next year but now… well, he’s had his student visa revoked, and there’s really not much chance of his getting another anytime soon. Just an accusation by the JLE carries a lot of weight.”

“Wasn’t there a resurgence in anti-alien hate crime on Earth a few years ago?” asked Ffey.

“It comes and goes, waxes and wanes,” said Villian. “Anti-alien violence is illegal, strictly speaking, but the rhetoric flares up every once in a while, and some people feel justified.”

“He was majoring in Hyperhydroponic Agriculture,” said Annie. “He was hoping to bring modern farming techniques to the Talokans. He’s already installed some private gardens at his mother’s Estate.”

“And that is one nice place,” said Razor. “Just he and his mother in a vast mansion-- with about a dozen servants each to cater to their every whim.”

“His uncle is Lord Shadow Champion,” said Annie. “Which makes him a Talokan Prince, even if the Shadow Cave rejected him. And technically, it’s an Estate, not a Mansion. All the surrounding grounds belong to his family as well.”

“We’re thinking of registering the Super Villain Club as an official organization,” said Black Flame. “Incorporating it as a non-profit charitable organization. For one thing, it would prevent other groups from coming at you under that name-- and allow us to distance ourselves from crazies like Lambda and Auberon.”

“I would be glad to assist you in the legal aspects of forming such an organization,” said Ten. “Star-Woman has me on a steady diet of legal texts these days.”

“Let me introduce you to our seven-year-old attorney,” said Fey.

“Oh, no, you would need to do all the filings yourselves, in pro se,” said Ten. “I would never be admitted to the Terran Bar at my age. I cannot even legally offer you legal advice. But I can point you in the right direction, tell you what to read, and proofread your filings for you.”

“Well, I think it’s a good idea,” said Razor. “We could control our membership, outline our goals. Put a political platform in writing. We could even put explicitly in our charter that ‘Villain’ is intended to be ironic, for those a little slow on the uptake. Do you know that in old Terran, the word for ‘Villain’ used to just mean ‘common people’?”

“Yes,” said Black Flame, “But I don’t think anyone would be impressed by ‘The Super-Farmer’s Club’.”

[Linked Image]

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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The Prep

“So you’re finally going out with Arnion?” Pol asked.

“He’s picking me up in a few minutes,” Dacey replied. “How do I look?”

“I think you’re asking the wrong person,” said Pol. “Never really been into fashion. But I’m glad you two are finally seeing each other IRL. Maybe this will give you ‘phone a chance to cool off.”

“You are no help,” Dacey scolded. “How do I look?” she asked her sister, almost before she had made it through the doorway.

“You’re beautiful,” said Doritt. “You’re second most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

“Oh, you’re now help either,” Dacey cried.

“Seriously, you look great,” said Doritt. “Have a great time tonight.”

“Do you think,” said Dacey, “We could have some privacy tonight?”

“I don’t know if that’s even possible,” said Doritt. “Our connection isn’t like ordinary telepathy, and I should know. It’s not like I go looking for your thoughts. It’s more like we’re two bodies, sharing a single mind. But I won’t goggle or gawp tonight, if that’s what you mean.”

Dacey considered for a moment. “We’re not really one mind,” she said. “I have a lot of thoughts that you don’t share. Especially recently.” She flushed. “And vice versa. But I know you’re always there, and I know we each always know what the other is thinking, but… no voyeurism tonight, OK?”

“I thought I already promised that,” said Doritt.

“Well… sometimes I think you don’t really approve of Arnion,” said Dacey.

“Oh, Arnion is fine, as far as we know him,” said Doritt. “And we really don’t know him that well, in spite of all the time you two have spent on the ‘phone. It’s your enthusiasm for Arnion I don’t entirely approve of.”

“Well I don’t like him one bit,” said Pol. “He’s charming, charismatic and clever, and he’s going out with the girl I had a crush on for years.” He looked at the two sisters. “Well, most of a year, anyway. Months.”

“Oh, Pol,” said Doritt, ruffling his wavy dark hair. “You know that you will always be the annoying little brother we never had.”

“Well, let me know if you and ‘golden boy’ figure out how to augment one another’s powers the way we do,” Pol told Dacey. “Then I’ll really be jealous.”

“I’ll certainly let you know before Arnion and I try to create magnetic monopoles or high-powered beta-particle beams,” promised Dacey.

The Ride

“Do you mind clearing the window?” Arnion asked. “I being able to see outside. I’m a little claustrophobic.”

“How about just your side?” Dacey asked. “I’m used to navigating from the schematic.” The front and side panels now displayed, on the right, a clear view of the Martian scenery flying past, and on the left, a geometric representation of the same scenery, with place names and distances clearly marked.

“I still can’t believe you’re using an Interstellar-Class Runabout as an ordinary Landspeeder,” said Arnion. “I hope you’re opening her up for a run around the local Stellar System occasionally.”

“I guess we should do that, shouldn’t we?” said Dacey. “Back on Winath, we used to go run loops around Korbal.”

“And you ought to test the FTL drive at least every couple of months,” said Arnion. “Warp Drive engines tend to freeze up without regular use.”

“We have Hyperspace Jump,” Dacey remarked.

“Oh, that’s right,” said Arnion. “Yeah, it’s pretty sweet; a lot smoother than dropping in and out of the Warps, even with automatic transmission. But you still ought to use it occasionally, just to make sure it’s there when you need it.”

“You’re right,” said Dacey. “Wow, there is just nowhere to park.” She ranged over the area on her screens, zooming in and out.

The Date

On a Honosnight, the New Metropolis Moving Picture Theater was a popular destination in town, and there was very little parking, as it was situated in the middle of a block in the downtown shopping district. They found a spot in a Pay-N-Park a few blocks away. Arnion suggested that next time they just contact Space Traffic Control, and park the Runabout in a reserved orbit until they needed it again.

“Or I could have Ten build you a custom flight belt,” said Dacey, as they walked back. “Although I guess you don’t really need personal transportation. It’s funny you got into the vehicle-moving business.”

“Oh, I would love to be able to fly,” said Arnion. “On my homeworld, everybody else has huge, magnificent wings, and the world is really built for flyers—every building is a lot taller than it is wide, and there are no stairs or walkways anywhere. I could get around OK—my teleportation mostly makes up for my disability—but I have to be able to see where I’m going, so it’s hard at night, or in heavy fog. And I can pop between earth and sky, but I can’t really play Wingball, or Sky Tag, or any of the other popular sports.”

“They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games,” said Dacey.

“Something else else like that,” said Arnion. “So when Mish Qeng joined the UP, I left as fast as I could. It’s not bad being unique, but not when everyone expects you to be the same.”

The Theater was showing the new remake of Knodar, the Last Criminal, with Kai Riiv in the title role, and Crimson as the “Black-Eyed Bandit”. The old story had been updated for the 31st century, and the wrap-around special effects were both exciting and impressive. Dacey and Arnion held hands through the show.

“Do you ever think there will be a time when crime really goes extinct?” asked Dacey, as they walked to the restaurant.

“I’ve heard it happens, on some worlds,” said Arnion. “For a while, at least. Then someone like Knodar shows up. It’s too bad I’m not a criminal or a terrorist. With my talents, I’d make a good one.”

“I’d probably make a better assassin,” said Dacey.

Chez Béliers was an almost alarmingly upmarket Frankish restaurant. Dacey was almost surprised that such a place even existed in tiny, out-of-the-way New Metropolis.

Hailing from Lightning Ring Farms, Dacey knew fresh produce, and there was nothing at all here that came from an AutoChef. It was the best meal she had had since… well, since leaving home.

“You know, there’s something that puzzles me,” said Arnion. “About you and your sister.”

“Oh, do we need to talk about Doritt?” asked Dacey.

“Well, you two are genetically identical twins, right? Homozygotic, if I understand the human term correctly?”

“Yes. It happens a lot on Winath. Fraternal twins, too. Is that unusual on Mish Queng?”

“It’s just that the two of you are so different. You spontaneously generate electricity, while she is a powerful telepath. She has a very strong, even overwhelming personality. You seem more… well, meek. You even look different. Her hair is full and wavy, yours is more… what’s the word? Frizzed? Kinky? Her complexion is pale and ivory-smooth, while yours is more… spotted?”

“They’re called ‘freckles’,” said Dacey. “And I get them because I enjoy spending time out-of-doors. And my hair tends to frizz because of my lightning powers. And I only appear meek and mild next to Doritt, who does tend to dominate a room. Are you saying you would rather be dating her?”

“No, not at all,” said Arnion. “I like you the way you are. It’s just an observation. I suppose environment plays a very large role in human development?”

“Is it not the same with your people?” asked Dacey.

“No, everyone on my world is pretty much identical,” said Arnion. “No matter how or where they grew up. That’s why I stood out so much as a kid. Mutant, wingless, luminous Arnion.”

In the candlelight, Dacey really could see that Arnion really did glow faintly in the dark.

“Do you know your sister has greener eyes than you?”

“Yes, I know that,” said Dacey.

The Ride Home

“I hope I locked the Runabout,” said Dacey. “I guess it’s a little late to worry about that. I guess I’m thinking about Knodar.”

“I’ll check it out,” said Arnion, and vanished in a puff of floral scent.

He had been standing right next to her, and Dacey finally noticed something. Just before he teleported, there was a sensation—a non-tingling sense of anticipation, as if she knew—as if her surroundings knew that Arnion was about to teleport. He reappeared in a moment, with another puff of camellia.

“No criminal intrusions,” he said, smiling.

“You didn’t really need to walk all this way with me at all, did you?” said Dacey. “You could have just popped over to the theater, and the restaurant, and waited for me to catch up. You didn’t even really need the Runabout.”

“Sure, I could have,” said Arnion. “But where would have been the fun in that? The whole point of tonight was to spend time with you.”

Arnion was quiet on the trip back. He seemed a little ill-at-ease. Once outside New Metropolis, the clear panels on his side of the Runabout showed nothing but darkness as they sped by the land between the town and the Clubhouse. He took a deep breath of the cool Martian night-air when they arrived, and let it out with a sigh. A little awkwardly, he gave Dacey a long hug. She began to feel that odd, non-tingling sensation again. He stepped away.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, and faintly glowing in the dark, and disappeared, quite literally, into the night.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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“We are needed on Zuun,” Star-Woman announced.

“Have you had another vision?” asked Saturn Girl.

“No, actually, they have contacted us,” said Star-Woman. “They are offering a chartered flight for the whole group, and a place to stay in the Capitol Complex while we are there. It is a mission which they expect may some time.”

“And the nature of the mission?” asked Saturn Girl.

“They will give us specifics when we arrive,” said Star-Woman. “But it involves what they describe as a Thieves’ Rebellion-- criminals which have set up their own illegitimate state on Zuun.”

They traveled first-class through space. The accommodations on Zuun were underground, like all Zuunian architecture, but very luxurious. The Oligopoly seemed in no hurry to meet with them, despite the apparent urgency of their original communication. The Members were fully able to enjoy the pool, exercise courts, and unlimited room service.

“I feel like a hog being fattened up for slaughter,” said Shrinking Violet.

“Don’t be so pessimistic,” said Matter-Eater Lad Two. He had just returned from the pool, and was wearing swimming trunks, plastic sandals, and a t-shirt reading ‘Carpe Cyprinidae’. “Just think of this as an all-expenses-paid vacation.”

“I’ve had enough vacation,” said Shrinking Violet. “I’m ready for some excitement.”

“Well, you had better get changed,” said Saturn Girl. “The Oligopoly finally wants to see us.”

There were far more people at the meeting than the Members had imagined. In fact, it was held in an auditorium, with perhaps five hundred in attendance.

“I am Mr. Zepol,” said the man on stage. “I am serving as spokesman for the Oligopoly this evening.”

What followed was three-and-a-half hours of holo-slides, graphs, and statistics, most of it utterly meaningless to the Members. Nearly all fell asleep at least once during the presentation.

“... the mitochondrial forests have been replaced by chloropylloids throughout 70% of the planet…”

“...overall background ionizing radiation at the surface has decreased 230% in the past eighteen months…”

“...Brande Industries has proven that rebuilding Worlds can be as profitable as…”

“...vacant under-properties have been renovated, and relocation agencies have expressed an interest…”

“...previously unknown deposits have been located. We advise, however, greater caution in quarrying…”

“...we welcome the Super Hero Club of Mars, Sol System. They will be training with our premiere security services in anticipation of the recapture and repair…”

“...atmospheric bi-molecular oxygen levels have increased to 9%, although monoxide compounds and ozone levels remain high…”

There was a common room on the floor where the Members were staying, large enough for all of them to meet in. Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad had picked up three dozen Zuunnan doughnuts on the way back.

“Well, I was completely lost in there,” Polar Lass confessed. “I’m not sure how much of that we were supposed to understand, but I actually slept through most of it.”

“I’m not ashamed to admit I was completely out of my depth, too,” said Matter-Eater Lad Two. “Although I think I heard our names mentioned at least once.”

“I think there was a lot we weren’t supposed to understand,” said Saturn Girl. “And the Oligopoly seems to believe we have already agreed to a course of action I’m not sure we would all support.”

“I agree,” said Ffiona. “From what I heard…”

“I wonder,” said Ten, “If you would allow me to sum up for the rest of the group. I know Coluans are renowned neither for their clarity nor brevity, but I would like to ‘give it a try’.”

“Go ahead,” said Star-Woman. “I’m sure Matter-Eater Lad Two will stop you if you go on too long.”

“Zuun was originally a mining colony,” said Ten. “The work was done quick and cheap, which left the planet a nearly unlivable mess. Only the poorest colonists remained behind, in underground tunnels. There were also a number of androids, which had done much of the work, which remained on the surface.
“The mining concerns which own and control Zuun-- the Oligopoly-- abandoned the world for a number of years. However, with the purchase of a division of Brande Industries, they decided to attempt to re-terraform, revitalize, and recolonize the planet. They have actually made great progress in this regard.
“One of the unresolved problems is the android population on the surface. With the closure of the mines, they have randomly taken up other occupations, and their original programming has lapsed. The Oligopoly has attempted to re-employ them, and has been met with unexpected resistance.
“In addition, new Zuunium deposits have been discovered, so there is a real need to get control of the androids back, in order to open new mines.
“The Oligopoly has requested the Super Hero Club’s assistance in recovering the androids for reprogramming. The androids are far stronger and more durable than ordinary Terrans. They have even been able to hold even the elite security services at a standoff. The Oligopoly feels meta-being assistance may be the solution. They were impressed by our work on Talok VIII.
“Another complication is that the androids are valuable property, and the Oligopoly does not want to see them damaged or destroyed, only reprogrammed and returned to work.”

“Those are the basics of the situation as I understand them,” said Saturn Girl. “Some androids have already been recovered, but it has been a slow process. There is one android in particular they do want to see destroyed-- evidently, they feel its programming has become so corrupted as to render it useless. In addition, it seems to be somehow infecting the other androids to with a computer virus which is degrading their systems, and making them resistant the Oligopoly’s reprogramming.”

“I would like to point out,” said Star-Woman, “That it is not a simple matter of an all-android rebellion. My ultrascopic vision has revealed that Mr. Zepol is, in fact, an android himself.”

The rest of the Members were completely surprised by this revelation.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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