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#93664 08/03/04 02:24 PM
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“I wonder what Stu Rat wants” thought Faraway Lad as he strode through the corridors of the LMBP Out post. “he sounded a little concerned.

As he got to Stu’s office, He found Cobalt Kid waiting at the door. “Far, you’ve been invited to this little soiree too” said a smiling Cobalt, “well lets go in and find out what this is all about”

The office was dark, and silent. Even the footsteps of FL and CK sounded muffled and faraway. Once inside the room Far noticed that things were not as they should be. Tensing he tapped Cobalt’s shoulder, “Do you feel that” he whispered.

“Yeah, I can sense a disturbance in the magnetic flux in here, something is not right”

A figure was standing by a shuttered window he seemed tall, dark, brooding and menacing. He turned as they neared the large desk used by successive LMBP leaders. AS he did so he seemed to shrink and they saw the figure was none other than the Stu Rat. He looked tired and drawn as if he had had no sleep.
“come in my friends, come in” he said and gestured with his hands. Swirling mists took shape and, if you looked closely you thought you could see vague rat shapes in them, and then out of the mist formed two chairs. “please have a seat”

There was a few minutes silence then Stu Rat cleared his throat and started to speak.
“Gentlemen, we or rather I have a problem, no a dilemma let us say. I need your help”

“Come on Stu” replied Faraway “you know we will do what we can, tell us the problem”

“Too true” continued Cobalt, “what is it this time, Vaginimus on the rampage again, The Emerald Ass of Ekron?”

“No, terrible thought those enemies are, we all know the LMBP can take them on and beat them with teamwork” Said Stu, “No I need you two to help me defeat an even more horrible threat to the universe, but if we do this no one, and I mean no one must ever know of the LMBP’s involvement.

Faraway and Cobalt looked at each other, this sounded bad.

Stu had stood up again by this time and was looking pensively at a holo of the LMBP in its first year.
“So young, so innocent, so full of hope” he said almost to himself. “Lets hope they can remain so for many years longer”

Shaking himself and standing upright, Stu turned to face his two companions with a firm determined expression on his face.

Cobalt smiled to himself, he had seen this before, the hesitation, the self doubt as all the options were considered then, once the decision had been made, the action, the firm leadership and things got done. It was why Stu had been such an effective leader.

“OK Stu” Cobalt said quietly, “give us the full brief”

#93665 08/03/04 02:28 PM
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“First of all” started Stu, “this meeting has never taken place. This room is under a code triple a lockdown all security measures are in effect, we cannot be overheard or seen by anyone. In addition I have asked Princess Projectra to provide three illusions which will provide witnesses that we were all elsewhere at this time. Cru does not know why she has been asked to make sure people see Cobie and Space tart getting it together in the rec room, or Faraway in the garden, or even why I want people to be convinced that I have been in the Gym all morning. But she will do it.

“This doesn’t sound good Stu” said Faraway, “it has all the hallmarks of an undercover sting and that’s not the LMBP way”

“Your right” agreed Stu, “it is and its not” he smiled grimly. “but let me show you something and you might understand”

Moving over to a holographic projector Stu started to play images. “This is a recording made some 6 months ago in the trans dimensional world of Nadir. As you can see it makes pretty depressing viewing”

As the holo recording played the audience saw a sadly oft seen story. Nadir seemed to be a medieval society but with a number of advanced technological devices. Yet now it was being destroyed by civil war. Tall battlemented castles withstood sieges by energy weapons or fell. Warriors fought and died in countless skirmishes and battles.

“This is awful Stu, but its not that uncommon so whats it got to do with us and why the ultra secrecy?” asked Faraway

“Keep watching Far, this is by way of historical background”

The recording continued, and it became obvious that neither side could gain an advantage. A major battle was underway with young King Galados just about gaining the upper hand.

“If Galados had won this battle the civil war may well have ended then” commented Stu.

Then a strange spaceship arrived. A young woman came out and entered into the command tent of Black Haldor, the main leader of the rebels. After a few moments the woman came back out and returned to her ship. Then hundreds of small 6 inch long silver missiles appeared from the space ship and attacked the Kings troops. Within minutes the battle was over, as the Kings men fell to the ground in agony. Their bowels opened in an fast and violent way as the Enema missiles did their work. Incapacitated this way they were easy targets for Black Haldors men who butchered them as they lay.

“OW ow ow ow ” grimaced Cobalt, “That’s nasty”

“It is that Cobalt my friend” agreed Faraway, but I am still unsure about why we are involved and why the secrecy”

Stu was pacing the floor again. “Well it seems that we may be asked to become involved Faraway, but I wont order you to do this. Please watch the next Holo. It was smuggled out just last week and it may help you to understand the danger we are in”

The holo dimmed briefly before a face appeared. It was King Galados. “We have lost this war, but at least Black Haldor will never be King, he was killed by that witch last week. Now she controls all his armies. The planets of Noldaor, Nilfrim and Netros have also fallen to her and those damnable missiles. This witch will have her self crowned Empress in two weeks time.

The holo faded again.

#93666 08/17/04 12:27 AM
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Cobie gave out a long low whistle, “wow, guess we’ll have to call her the Enema Empress then” the joke lightened the dark mood, which had settled on the room.

Stu looked at the two. “We now have a problem which involves Earth and the UP, this Empress, this Enema Empress, has become aware of the UP and has taken hold of a device from King Galados which means she can appear any where to launch an attack. And nothing, and I mean nothing can stop it”

“Why do you think she is interested in us, when she has all the planets on that side of the trans dimensional barrier” asked Faraway.

“Because” said a strange voice “I escaped to this side and she will come after me, and because your worlds are richer and more powerful and more advanced that ours. Also the ray gives her an advantage here that she does not have in my home dimension. With that ray she can strike anywhere and no one can stop her, or those missiles or her armies”

Coming into the light Faraway and Cobalt saw it was indeed King Galados.

“So that’s it” said Cobalt, “you’re the reason for the imbalance in the magnetic flux, an extra hidden body in the room.

“I have come here to seek your help” continued King Galados, “my people will accept this witch as their legitimate ruler by right of conquest, and this is as it should be. They will fight and die for her as fiercely as they did for me. Again this is our custom and I would not change it. However I know from some who remain loyal to me that her first act after her coronation will be to invade this planet and this I cannot let happen.

“Very noble” said Faraway, just about hiding the cynicism in his voice. “but why do you care about us?”

“Tis true, if it were just you, then I would let your planet fall, but there is something which I now know which changes everything.” snapped Galados.

Cobalt Kid, let out a slow whistle, “Its Earths magnetic field isn’t it, somehow its poison to people from your dimension.”

“Yes” admitted King Galados, “I am dying, as will everyone she sends to invade your planet, regardless of how the battles go. I can not let her kill all of my people”

Galados sat down heavily in a chair that Stu’s magic rat shapes brought for him.

“I still don’t understand the secrecy here” said Faraway. “Why not just send in a team to take her down”

“Because my friend” said Stu, “the UP AND the AP have both recognised her claim to the throne, she will be the legitimate government of those planets and neither the UP nor the LMBP are in the habit of deposing the ruler of a planet on the grounds of “she MIGHT attack us. And as you have heard she will be the rightful ruler, by the standards of those people. We might not like it but….”

“OKaaaay” said Cobalt Kid slowly, “so the UP cant act nor can the LMBP be seen to act, so we have to wait here for an attack and let thousands of people die, on both sides, before we can do something? That sucks big time”

“I think” said Faraway “that we are now getting to the crux of the matter, Stu has a plan I think?

“I do", said Stu "but it must remain a secret and there must never be any connection to the Government of the UP or to the LMBP. Galados here has given me an idea as to how we can stop her and her plans"
King Galados took a sip of wine from the glass Stu magiked for him then he spoke.

“The empress has, as you know, invited Ambassadors, Kings, Presidents and First Citizens from across all of your galaxy to attend the coronation. I have it on the best authority that none of those present will return to their home worlds. She will, ahem, incapacitate them and then have them killed, claiming that the food was poisoned by troops loyal to me. The resulting confusion will paralyse many worlds’ governments for many days. In this time she will invade Earth, claiming that it was behind the plot to kill everyone and that it is working in concert with me to help me regain my throne. However it is at the coronation that our only chance to stop her will arise. Before the Baronies will accept her as the true monarch, she must put her hand on the gauntlet of truth. This is our most sacred object and legend has it that it will never allow someone who is unworthy to touch it. She cannot be crowned if she can not touch it”

Faraway looked up “so you want us to steal the Gauntlet?”

“No Faraway,” said Stu, “the gauntlet must be seen in a full and very public way to reject this Empress , stealing it will not achieve that result. Your powers however may help, With information King Galados will provide Cobalt with his knowledge of security systems will be able to ensure you get into a position to do what is needed. Now gather around.

#93667 08/17/04 12:29 AM
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Two weeks later, Faraway Lad stood pulling at the collar of his dress uniform as he looked once more in the mirror in his room in the Royal Castle on Nadir. “I’m sure this thing has shrunk” he said to Cobalt Kid who was perched on a window seat overlooking the city below.

Cobalt stretched and jumped down to help Faraway, “your just nervous about the big day” he said as he helped adjust the collar fasting on Faraway’s resplendent uniform. “there, is that better” he grinned in the mirror at Far. Far grinned back, “much, thank you”

Faraway turned , “you know I’m still unsure about this, toppling a legal government is not what I thought the LMBP was all about”

“Well” said Cobalt, “technically she isn’t in Government until she touches that Gauntlet, so we cant topple her. But really you and I both know that if we don’t do this we are dooming, not just the thousands of people of Earth who will die if she invades, but the entire invading army as well. We are going to be saving hundreds of thousands of lives here Far, and all we will do is stop her becoming Empress, its not even as if we are going to arrest her or anything, she will be free to go her own way.” despite his words young Cobalt looked worried.

After a couple of seconds silence Cobalt jumped back and looked quizzically at Faraway with his head on one side.

“Well look at you Mr Ambassador” smiled Cobalt, “you certainly look the part, I’ll never figure out how Stu wangled that invitation for us, nor how he got you to be accredited as Ambassador.”

“Lets not forget the invitation to Head of Security Cobalt” laughed Faraway, “look at us two dressed up like Christmas turkey’s. Mind you, the ladies are going to enjoy the sight of you in that uniform my lad”

Cobalt walked over to a small wooden desk in the corner of the room. On it a specialised Omnicom lay open. “OKaaaay” he said “last check to make sure everything is in place. It was pretty easy to hack into the security system and alter some of the rota’s. Galados’s men will be closest to us and ready to act when I give the signal. I have had to break into the Diplomatic protocols to change the positions of some of the Ambassadors to get you into the correct place. I hope the Ambassador from Jaquaa isn’t too upset by being moved. Now all I need to do…” Cobalt’s fingers flew over the controls of the Omnicom.

From across the room Faraway smiled. Too often people only saw the young wise cracking, beer swilling letch, and they failed to realise just what a brilliant mind Cobalt had, especially in issues of security. As he had said to Faraway when this was brought up one evening, “hey let them all underestimate me. It sure makes my job easier if they think I’m not the sharpest pin in the box”

An alarm sounded from the chronograph on the table.

“Come on Cobie, time to go” said Faraway. And the two left the room and headed downstairs towards the reception room.

#93668 08/17/04 12:32 AM
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A big sweeping stairway led down to an ornate room.

“its always a sweeping staircase” thought Faraway, “Just once it would be nice to have a simple approach, and not all this grandeur”

At the bottom of the stairs the two presented their credentials to the two heavily armed and decidedly un ceremonial looking guards. These two looked closely at the identification and the bearers, assessing the threat level. Then with a grunt they beckoned the pair through the double doors.

“Whew” smiled Cobalt, “She is sure taking no chances, those guys were front line special forces if ever I saw them”

“I know” murmured Faraway, “take a look around the walls, there are more of them. I hope you got your rota’s right because if this goes wrong it could turn into a messy business. Now, lets do the old Ambassadorial bit and mingle” and with that he turned, his face lighting up into a smile as he moved to a group of people. “Ambassador Jerryl, I have not seen you since the meeting of Talok, how are you…”

Cobalt watched Faraway move, apparently effortlessly, into a perfect diplomat. “you know if we ever get out of this alive, I think we could do with someone like Faraway to represent the LMBP to the outer world. He thought to himself. “still better try to live up to the part” and he too moved into the room grabbing a drink from a real live humanoid servant and starting to talk.

Slowly the night progressed, Cobalt always keeping an eye on the position of the various guards. Fifteen minutes before the ascension to the throne Faraway walked casually over to Cobalt. “Well I have been keeping a check and it looks like all our boys are in place, well done”

“Thanks Far” said a slightly impressed Cobalt, for every time he had looked over, it had appeared that Faraway was totally immersed in conversation with some ambassador or dignitary and was paying no attention to things around the room. “we’d better get to our places”

The two followed the crowd in to another large chamber. Ushers were standing directing the guests to various points of the room. They were, Faraway realised, being formed into a semi circle facing a small rock in the middle of the room. Around the rock strange markings on the floor gave a slightly mystical appearance. Two large warriors stood either side of the rock, holding above it a small casket of a dark wood.

A trumpet sounded somewhere in the distance and the guests came to an expectant silence, looking at the doorway at the far end of the room. It slowly swung open and out came a small procession. It was led by a burly solider carrying, as per the tradition, the arms and armour of the last Emperor. He was followed by two priest like figures, who in turn carried large ancient books.

Cobalt groaned “on no not some long winded pusedo religious bit” he whispered to Faraway, I hope it doesn’t go on to long, Hey!” he said as Faraway grasped his arm tightly.

“there she is Cobie” he said.

“Wow” said Cobalt, “it’s a shame she’s on the other side Faraway, could you imagine the possibilities back at Shakes with her”

The Empress was dressed in a stunning pale blue gown, which clung to and accentuated her perfect figure. Her long dark hair was decorated with aquamarine jewels. She was stunningly beautiful, until one looked into her eyes. Cold, dark and utterly evil. She chilled the bones just by looking at you. At that moment Faraway knew that Stu had been right. Give this woman a power base like this and she would be the greatest disaster to hit this sector in millennia. Even though he had faced many LMBP threats in the past without feeling much fear, in the presence of this one person Faraway admitted to himself that he was afraid. He looked around and saw that many others in the room felt the same way. However some, like Cobalt thinking with some other part of their anatomy than the brain, seemed to be held in a trance like state. It always happened, the beauty and attraction of evil can blind even good men.

“Come on Des snap out of it” said Faraway, “we have a job to do, watch and follow my lead”

The ceremony started. The two guards placed the box on the floor and opened it as the priests started a chant listing the names of emperors past. From out of the box the warriors lifted a small chain mail gauntlet and placed it on the rock.

“Is that it” asked an incredulous Cobalt Kid, “Its less than impressive”

And indeed it was not an imposing sight. A single gauntlet, made of chain mail, which was rusting in places. A few holes were obvious with the leather binding showing quiet clearly.

“It is the oldest relic these people have Cobie” said Faraway, “This gauntlet was worn by the very first Emperor. The people here revere it as a religious symbol. They say that the gauntlet will “reject” anyone who is not fit to be Emperor. So the final moment is for the applicant to the throne to lift the gauntlet. If he or she cant then she cannot become Emperor”

“and just how many time has the gauntlet rejected anyone?” asked Cobalt still not taking his eyes of the magnificent figure of the Empress.

“Only once” said a grim faced Faraway, “today”

#93669 10/07/04 09:09 AM
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The Empress had recited the oaths and was coming near to the climax of the whole ceremony.

“By right of battle, by right of war, I now lay claim to the throne of Nadir and all conquered planets.” she intoned. “I have defeated in noble and honourable combat all other claimants. I have deposed and exiled your last King. Now all that is yours is mine. I shall take up the Gauntlet of Truth and then all ye of the Baronies shall bow down before me and swear fealty, yea even unto death”

The Empress moved her hand down towards the rock, the crowd seemed to collectively hold its breath.

Next to Cobalt, Faraway stiffened a little and gave a small gesture with his hand.

And strangely the Empress elect missed the Gauntlet. A look of puzzlement crossed her face as she reached out for it again. Once more Faraway’s hand moved slightly. And once again The Empress’s hand came down just a few inches in front of the Gauntlet. The audience stirred, they sensed that something may be wrong.

“My subjects” said the Empress in a clear voice “Please forgive me My nerves at taking up this great honour seem to be getting the better of me” A few in the crowd laughed. Cobalt noted which ones. “Loyal to the Empress no doubt, I’d better make sure they are taken care of first”

Holding her hands up for silence, the Empress took a step forward. Pointing to the two guards she said, “You two take hold of the gauntlet and bring it to me”

There was a collective gasp at this tremendous breech of protocol.

Next to Cobalt, Faraway swore. “Bloody Nass. That’s going to make the subtle, no one noticing approach a bit more difficult”

Once again the Empress moved her hand to take the gauntlet. Again Faraway moved his hand and once more the gauntlet moved so that it was just faraway enough for the Empress to miss. But this time it had moved visibly. One or two voices were starting to murmur that the gauntlet had rejected the Empress.

“Cobie” said Faraway “I hope your people are ready because the Shit is really going to hit the fan in a moment” and the walls and the ceilings he thought because if she uses her powers in here there are a lot of politicians going to end up in deep shit,…there own.

Suddenly and without warning the Empress made a dive for the gauntlet, caught slightly by the suddenness of the movement Faraway reacted. With a wave of his hand the gauntlet was suddenly faraway from the Empress at the other end of the room. The crowd erupted.

“It moved”

“The Truth rejects her”

For a few moments all was confusion. Then there was a piercing shriek. “You, You did this” shouted the Empress. “I saw you use your powers”

The crowd of Barons and warriors slowly silenced themselves and drew weapons Faraway had assumed (wrongly) were only ceremonial, the visiting dignitaries were caught in various positions looking vulnerable and scared.

“But why would they Empress” said a voice from a balcony at the side of the room. The crowd looked up and saw Galados, “Empress” he continued, the gauntlet of truth has rejected you. You can not become our leader”

“No” screamed the Empress, “I wont have a worthless piece of metal tell me what I earned by conquest I can not keep. Guards Kill all who will not kneel to me”

As she spoke Cobalt shouted “Now, all security officers, go! Protect the UP dignitaries”

The coronation chamber exploded into a mass of confused fighting groups as guards loyal to the Empress fought with guards loyal to Galados.

“You will all be on your knees before me” shouted the Empress, and reaching to a button on a belt hidden under her ceremonial robes “now you shall fall” she smiled.

Suddenly the room was filled with the whoosh of hundreds of small silver missiles.

“Damn it Far” shouted Cobalt “she’s actually insane enough to attack a room full of Ambassadors from the UP”

“Too true Cobie, insane is the word” replied a grim faced Faraway. “now its up to you and me to protect these people as best we can. As the missiles homed in on their rear targets Cobalt reached out with his magnetic powers and smashed them together. Faraway was concentrating hard sending missiles faraway into the atmosphere where they became harmless. But there were too many, despite the best efforts of the LMBP’ers most of Galados guards and some diplomats were laid low by the enema missiles. The resultant mess was making the floor slippery and warriors loyal to the Empress were moving amongst the sick finishing them off. Faraway watched with horror as Ambassador Jerryl was stuck down by an enema missile. A warrior reached down for her, a sword in his hand.

“Cobie” shouted Faraway pointing as the Ambassador.

“Will do Far” replied a grim faced Cobalt Kid. And he quickly used his magnetism to wrench the sword from the warriors hand. Faraway then sent Ambassador Jerryl faraway from danger.

“Far, we are not winning here” said Cobalt panting heavily from the exertion, a thin trickle of blood running down over his face from a cut on the forehead. “in fact we are getting our butts handed to us here, if we don’t stop those sprocking enemas we are going down the pan double quick”

“I can do something Cobalt but it means we cant arrest the Empress” said Faraway.

“Just do it Far and quick, lets sort out the paperwork later”

#93670 10/08/04 11:49 AM
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“OK” said Faraway “I need you do something for me, get those Ambassadors out of here in one piece” and with that Faraway strode forward towards the Empress.

After a few short minutes, Cobalt returned to the coronation room. It was a mess, tables and chairs lay strewn across the room as some of the guards had attempted to erect makeshift barricades against the onslaught of the enema missiles. Seeing Faraway collapsed in a chair near the window, his face deathly white and his breathing laboured, Cobalt ran across to him

“Far, Far are you OK? What happened in here? Where’s the Empress?” he asked.

Faraway looked up and smiled. “She was over there” he said pointing.

Cobalt turned and saw…

Well nothing. At the spot where the end of the coronation hall should have been was open gardens and a glorious view of the Tarsarus mountains. Of the wall, or indeed the Empress there was no sign.

“I sent them all as faraway away as I could Des” said Faraway weakly, “As faraway as I could, she’ll not bother us for a while” and then he passed out.

“I wonder Darden” whispered Cobalt, “I wonder, she didn’t seem the type to forgive and forget”

#93671 10/08/04 11:50 AM
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A few weeks later and the two LMBP’ers had returned through the dimensional gateway and were in a space cruiser heading back to the outpost.

“Code Gold Priority alert, Code Gold Priority alert”

The intercom crackled into life with the familiar voice of Beagle Boy.

“all LMBP ships in vicinity of sector 003-A, we have a Gold Priority alert”

“Gold Priority! that’s an LMB’er in trouble” said Cobalt reaching for the radio as Faraway started to prepare the cruiser for a course change

“Cobalt Kid and Faraway Lad reporting in, we are in sector 003-A can we help?”

#93672 10/08/04 11:52 AM
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A few hours later and Faraway Lad, Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad are once more fighting the silver enema missile’s of the Enema Empress.
On the ground around them lie Varalent, Nightcrawler and Lightening Lad, their bodies going through agony caused by the empresses weapons. Cobalt Kid is using his magnetism to smash the silver rockets together, Faraway is sending them Faraway, whilst Lard Lad using the physical manifestation of the Lard force is smashing them with blasts of Lard.

“You know Far” shouted Lard Lad over the sound of the battle “We are stopping most of these missiles getting anywhere near us but somehow she’s still winning, who is she and why is she attacking us?”

“It’s a long story Lardy” said a grim faced Faraway, “lets get through this and I’ll tell you about it over a glass of Silverale”

Just then, Cobalt Kid is felled from behind, the remaining two LMB’ers are too busy fighting off the seemingly inexhaustible rockets to help him.

In the distance, a shadowy female figure watches the battle.

“There’s no sense to this this Faraway,” shouts Lard Lad, We can keep this up for …..arghhhhh!”

Lard Lad too collapses leaving Faraway to fight on alone, sweat pouring off his brow as rocket after rocket streaks toward him.

“I don’t understand this” he says “its stalemate what is she doing”

Suddenly a voice Faraway recognises speaks softly in his ear from behind him

“She, dear brother is only diverting your attention”

Faraway spins around, realising even as he does so the futility of that action.

“Silly brother” says the voice from behind him, “you of all people should know the effectiveness of my power”

And with that Faraway Lad is knocked unconscious.

#93673 10/09/04 12:02 AM
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As silence settles over the battle field, the shadowy woman slips silently away as the Empress steps forward to stand over the defeated heroes. Speaking triumphantly to no one, she laughs.
“Now these fools shall be my prisoners, they shall watch as I unleash my enema ray on the entire planet Earth. Quick, Behind You Boy, take them to my palace dungeons

“Yes majesty” said a smooth oily and evil voice from behind the Empress.

As Faraway Lad slowly struggled awake, he realised that a soft female voice was calling him.

“hurry, wake up” she said.

Faraway stood, a little unsteadily, and looked out of the bars. In front of him was a young woman, on her arms and legs were small belts into which were placed strange machines and what looked suspiciously like lollypops.

“who are you?” asked Faraway.

“A friend who is going to try to help you get out of here” said the woman, giggling nervously. “You’d better stand back”

As Faraway moved to the back of the cell, he saw two small robotic craft detach themselves from the woman’s arm belts, they flew up to the cell bars and hovered. From a pouch on the belt on her leg, the woman took out a lollypop. A high intensity laser lanced out from the lollypop and cut through the cell bars like a knife through butter. As the bars were cut the robots caught them and gently lowered them to the ground so no noise was made.

“OK, thanks for the help” said Faraway stepping out of the prison, “Now the same question, who are you and a supplementary, why are you helping me?”

“it’s a bit of a long story” said the woman, “maybe we can move on and release your friends whilst I am telling you”

As they moved down the corridor freeing the imprisoned LMB’ers Faraway, and the others heard their rescuers story.

#93674 10/09/04 12:03 AM
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“it happened a long time ago now” she started…….

A young school girl was walking down a corridor in the Universities Lab section. She was a happy young girl, always laughing, in fact her school nickname was giggler. As she walked sucking on a lollypop there was an explosion in the Lab just as she was walking past. A strange radiation engulphed her causing her to glow and many different colours race up and down her body.

As she stood there frightened and unsure of what had happened a number of small robotic craft flew out of the damaged lab. They made straight for the girl and attached themselves to her arms and legs. She screamed in fear more than pain.

A female figure staggered out of the Lab. “Those robots are mine, give them to me now and I may let you live” she said. She grabbed the robot on the girls arm, but it would not come off. “Very Well” said the Enema Empress, “if they have bonded to you we will simply remove your arms and legs to get them off.”

“No you wont” said the girl, and she stuck her lollypop in the Empresses eye. Then she ran, she ran as fast as she could.

“….and then I used my tech books and these thunder bots to create some pretty nifty nano technology to design these Lollypops to help protect me. These thunder bots help me out as much as I need but I don’t have a lot of control over them. They sort of know what I want and just do it. I have tried to help, but the Empress uses her propaganda team to turn everyone against me. She calls me Gigglebot Girl to try to insult me”

#93675 10/10/04 11:48 AM
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As the story finished they turned into a new corridor. The entire LMB had been rescued and Faraway, after discussion with the others, had used his powers to send the team faraway to safety. Only he and Gigglebot remained.

“Oh no, haven’t I captured once today already” said a voice from behind Gigglebot. She reacted instinctively, spinning and leaping, she fired off a salvo of deadly ninja lollypops, two buried themselves deep in the wall next to Faraway’s head.

“missed me” said the mocking voice of Behind You boy, from behind GG.

“GG” shouts Faraway, “stand, very, very still” then using the faraway force he reaches behind GG, latches onto someone he cant see, and sends him far faraway.

“This way” cried GG and ran down the corridor. Following her Faraway and GG arrive at a large control room, it is empty but in the centre is a computer consol with a very prominent countdown on it.

As they entered the room a holographic projection starts to play, it is the Empress.

“You are too late fools, I have locked the controls and no one, not even the LMBP can stop the countdown now. In two minutes my Enema Ray will fire and the cretinous inhabitants of Earth will fall under my thrall. I am now safely on my way, once all of Earths defences have been immobilised my war fleet shall invade, then I shall have my revenge. Farewell Losers” and the recording stopped.

Faraway gave a grim smile, “Just shows how clever she is, Loser wasn’t on this mission” Gigglebot burst out laughing, “that’s not funny Faraway” through giggles.

“Maybe” smiled Faraway “but we need to do something to stop this ray”

“But you heard the Empress Faraway, we cant break the codes to abort the countdown”

“well then” said Faraway, “we’ll just have to do things the hard way. Destroy what you can”

GG smiled, and started to fire off her exploding lollypops into the various consols. At the same time Faraway started to send bits of the machine faraway.

“Lookout” shouted GG as there was a loud crashing noise and then the ceiling gave way.

#93676 10/11/04 02:00 PM
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A few days later and in Medicus One Faraway Lad is sitting in a wheelchair whilst up in a bed, her arm in plaster, was Gigglebot Girl.

“So how is she Doctor Juan?” asked Faraway.

“fine fine, just a few breaks. A couple more days rest and she be up and about”

“Not only that Faraway” added GG, “because of the way I helped I’ve been asked to join the LMB, hope you don’t mind”

“don’t be silly woman” smiled Faraway, “with you here I have a feeling things are going to be a bit more interesting”

StuRat came into the room, “Faraway” he said “glad to see your OK”

“I’m fine, how things on Nadir?”

“that’s a bit of a problem, King Galados has sent this message for you” and StuRat placed a holo projector on the table. As it played, Faraway watched with increasing incredulity.

King Galados sat on an impressive throne room. “My friends” he said, “My personal thanks for your help in securing my throne, however, my council has stated that we must never allow outsiders to interfere with our ceremonies in the future. So Your help can never be made public nor can we ever communicate again. Once again you have my personal Thanks but we are closing the dimensional gateway between your world and ours. Goodbye”

“So that’s all the thanks we get?” said Faraway.

“Not quite” said Stu, King Galados did ask me to offer you a reward and given what he suggested I am happy to do so. Here take this” and he handed Faraway a small scroll.

“What’s this” asked Faraway. Opening the scroll Faraway was surprised to see…

Stu laughed, “Your face is almost as bad as Cobalt’s when I gave him his permanent appointment as head of security for life”

“Is this for real” asked Faraway

StuRat bowed, “it is my friend, I am now pleased to be in the presence of the LMBP’s first Ambassador to Faraway Places. A post which, like Cobalt, I have made permanent and for life”

The End


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