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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Boy Kid Lad - 01/02/25 08:55 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Boy Kid Lad - 01/02/25 08:46 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Korbal - 01/02/25 08:31 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/02/25 07:48 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/02/25 01:43 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/02/25 01:43 AM
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by Invisible Brainiac - 01/02/25 01:42 AM
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Oh Scott what a fabulous delight this wee story is! I hope you are planning on adapting it for a screen play for the Smallville series!

Loved the picture BTW - but have to ask if Imra would need her mental powers to stun opponents unconscious laugh

You set the scene really quickly and clearly, I especially liked Martas trip down memory lane. The LSV were a twist!! I loved how you introduced the three strange teenagers in Clarks class, then Officer Aries and Ling - I had to do a double take at their names. Nicely written! Imras fascination with looking into Clarks eye - a nice character moment - she's incorrigible isn't she laugh {RUN} was another nice part - what a cliffhanger! I do love cliffhangers, am a sucker to them everytime. It's no surprise, but a great character moment when Saturn Girl 'exceeds the mission parameters' - she's always been shameless hasn't she? The different speech patterns you used are well done too - Garth's " 'im"s and " 'em"s are splendid too as was his "You skank!" line. And to cap it Imras passionate kiss - The prosecution rests it's case! The Shameless One's defendants don't have a leg to stand on, do they?

Scott, this is a brilliant short story, it has excitement, fab character moments, suspense and humour - everything (and more) we exect from the Legion, and you delivered with a clear, well paced story.

In case it needs saying - More, more, more!!!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Thank you Harbinger!!! I appreciate your kind words! I will probably be starting an ongoing Legion Fanfic in the near future posted on:


Both are fanfic sites dedicated to an "ultimate" style DCU. If you enjoy Aquaman (or don't as I have learned), you should check out the Aquaman fic I wrote on the legends board!


Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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Scott - great stuff. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks Ghost!!!

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Lantern, this is kewl stuff! I just read some of the opening parts--can't wait to dive into the rest!

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Let me know what you think of the whole project CK!

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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Wow! Great stuff LL! I started reading it, and I couldn't stop until the end! I gotta say, even though you don't like the Smallville show much, I couldn't stop myself from picturing those actors in the parts portrayed.

Nice work! How about submitting this to the WB? smile

"Your plan didn't work, now let's try it my way...brute force!"
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Originally posted by Doc Nimbus:
Wow! Great stuff LL! I started reading it, and I couldn't stop until the end! I gotta say, even though you don't like the Smallville show much, I couldn't stop myself from picturing those actors in the parts portrayed.

Nice work! How about submitting this to the WB? smile
If I knew how I would in a heartbeat... it's actually what I originally imagined it for. I loved the first couple of seasons of Smallville... and I thought it would work within that context.

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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Hey guys! Thanks for all the kind words... Here is the completed cover...

And if anyone does know how to get this into the hands of the WB or DC... let me know!

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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I will have more costume designs from this story up soon... The Legion of Super Villains!

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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As a result of events in this storyline in the DC2 continuity, Chloe Sullivan's life took a interesting turn. Here's a couple of 'who's who' style entries from DC2:

Chloe Sullivan
[Linked Image]

Height: 5’2”
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
First DC2 Appearance: Superboy & the Legion of Superheroes!

Chloe Sullivan grew up in the town of Smallville, Kansas. When she was a toddler, Smallville was hit by a meteor shower that nearly leveled the town. Luckily she and her parents were able to escape relatively unscathed.

Her first day of kindergarten Chloe met the friends she would carry throughout her life, Lana Lang, Pete Ross and the strange, but quiet, Clark Kent. She immediately considered Pete her ‘boyfriend’, and watched through the years as Lana tried, unsuccessfully, to wrangle Clark into the position of ‘boyfriend’.

Chloe developed a not-so-secret obsession with Smallville and it’s strange populace. The meteor rocks that littered the countryside, though mostly collected by an unknown government agency, remained scattered throughout the town. Lakebeds, rivers, corn fields… everywhere you went in Smallville, if you looked hard enough, you’d find the small glowing rocks.

The rocks (see Kryptonite) began to mutate livestock & people. Frequently the newspaper would report strange lights in the sky, oddly mutated cattle or unexplained phenomenon. Chloe also started watching the X-Files which just furthered her desire to find ‘the truth’. She began carrying a camera everywhere she went & writing her own ‘articles’. Upon entering high school she joined the staff of Smallville High’s newspaper, ‘The Torch’, and quickly advanced in the ranks, achieving editor & chief by her Junior year. She hoped to one day join a prestigious newspaper & expose the weirdness of the world.

That changed on the first day of school her senior year.

Three odd teenagers (see the Legion of Superheroes) appeared in school interested in Clark Kent. Chloe thought nothing of it until later on that night when three adults in strange costumes attacked downtown Smallville with Clark’s parents captive. Panic ensued until the three teenagers, also now oddly dressed, and Clark arrived on the scene and saved the day. The female in the group erased the memories of everyone in the town, replacing memories of the event with memories of a tornado. She did not, however, erase the film in Chloe’s camera.

Chloe had discovered the first meta-human since the 1940’s, Clark Kent. She kept his secret to herself, and upon graduation, decided that there was a different calling for her. She left Smallville behind, to attend the University of Metropolis, and upon graduation, was accepted into the FBI.

FBI agent Chloe Sullivan was assigned to the ‘Special Investigations Unit’, the real world equivalent to the X-Files, and was content to remain there, until she was approached by King Faraday.

Director King Faraday was looking for new recruits for an agency known as the DEO (Department of Extranormal Operations), and Chloe was exactly what he had in mind. Someone who thought out of the box, not afraid to believe in the paranormal and was not afraid to get her hands dirty. He immediately recruited her and she became his right hand in the field.

Chloe also brings a more human edge to the DEO & King’s clinical way of thinking, often taking personal interest in cases. Chloe still keeps in close contact with Pete & Lana Ross, but stays clear of Clark Kent for fear of exposing his dual identity as Superman. Most recently, Chloe and King were called to investigate the crash of a UFO in Death Valley, California.

And... this is the entry for her boss...

King Faraday
[Linked Image]

Height: 5’11"
Hair: White, with black stripe
Eyes: Brown
First DC2 Appearance: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps #3

Very little is known about King Faraday prior to his appointment as director of the D.E.O. (Department of Extranormal Affairs) by President Maxwell Lord.

King was born in Chicago Illinois in the early 1940’s as war raged across Europe. His father, Saul, who had a sense of humor unparalleled by anyone, named him King (as in King for a day), something that King would try to live down his entire life. Saul Faraday volunteered for the military as America entered World War 2, and died on the beach in Normandy.

Following in his fathers footsteps, King volunteered for the Air Force during the Korean War, where he earned multiple medals including a purple heart as well as a medal of valor.<


>King Faraday is currently Director of the D.E.O., investigating the apparent crash of an unidentified flying object in Death Valley, California with his field partner, Agent Chloe Sullivan.

Let me know if you like what you've read!

Lantern Lad
In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... Long Live the Legion
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Hi Scott, what a pleasure it was re-reading this!

You can come up with great twists on old stories

You write clear, concise and clever prose

You almost casually throw in excellent cliffhangers

You litter your stories with superbly realised characters which shine through in humourous and entertaining passages

AND you can draw!

Not that I'm jealous or anything, but.. I'm jealous! smile

More, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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