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Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952490 06/26/18 03:05 AM
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A holo sprung into life above the team showing a binary star system with eighteen planets and two defined asteroid fields in orbit. The sixth world out was highlighted in red and a read out appeared giving the known statistics of the indigenous species.

"Sixty hours ago Henry warped some of Gear's nannites across into what we believed was their central engine room. I have to tell you that the schematics we have received for the other planetoids show that the tribes of Forge Chosen have raided different worlds and so each of their planetoids have dramatically different lay-outs and technology available to them. We cannot assume that we can just storm in there and take their bases away from them without a serious fight... we were lucky with this planetoid but I don't want to risk being cocky and failing."

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952491 06/26/18 03:05 AM
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The holo zoomed in to an image of a satellite perhaps a fifth the size of the planet it orbited that the majority of the team had thought was a moon. It became apparent that instead it was the attacking Tyrrazian's battle world.

"Through the Quark Relay we've had some information sent back by Gear's nannites that are now over there but due to the stealth element of their mission very little could be transmitted. What we do know is Gear has corrupted the majority of their central engines. We now have some control of the life support, weapons controls and AI's mainframe. Effectively, we have sabotaged the control of their world..." There were a few cheers at this.

"So, as of 2100 standard hours - in about ten hours time, Sun Boy and Tyroc will lead strike teams to the planet's surface to battle the Tyrazzians that are there. These teams will consist of Dirk leading Jazmin, Doug, Gazelle, Amynta, Karate Kid, Dann and our new Ultra Girl, Li-Fahn. We believe this team will be going into the primary incursion site which is where we expect they have established their command centre, and while that's going on Troy will take Ayla, Mrruaw, Babbage, Kent..." she nodded towards the doctor, not usually included in such missions, "...Jenni, Tel and Southern Lights to secondary sites to be established as we approach the planet. Your job will be to stop the massacre that we project is taking place and save civilian lives. Any Tyrazzians you happen to whup in the process is an added bonus." She smiled at the team as she added the last comment.

"While these teams are down on the planet surface Thunder will lead Mon El, Captain Shir, Dawnstar, Dkyun, and Atomsmasher in an open attack against the Tyrrazian planetoid. Their job is to do whatever damage they can to any defensive ships that surround it while distracting the inhabitants enough that the rest of us can warp over there and take control from the inside. Any questions?"

There were quite a few, though afterwards the one that stuck in her mind had been asked by the Robitican combat-droid Babbage; "It appears you are planning on using the mission to increase the number of Legion Worlds for our team to be based upon. Is this the start of a major galactic expansion for the Legion organisation?"

Tinya had answered truthfully, with a wide grin "Oh.... why yes Babbage, yes I believe that about sums it up perfectly."

In another room within the planetoid the holo-man the team called Henry smiled to himself. Tinya Wazzo was away to lead the Legionnaires out into the wider universe in a move that would ultimately lead to the organisation currently known as the Legion of Super Heroes having many planetoid bases scattered throughout the vast reaches of this galaxy. To Henry's eyes, after the risk that ECHO had posed and the dangerous wrinkles in the timeline afterwards, the Legion's future was now proceeding as it was supposed to.

And what a future it was going to be; the holo-man from the 75th century that the team had taken to call Henry knew their future would be truly legendary!

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952493 06/26/18 03:11 AM
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So, I've been sitting on a lot of these posts for quite a while - originally Rokk and Lydda were to be married at the end of LW3 but for some reason I held of, which I think worked out for the best, and I wrote the try out scene (more or less) 18 months ago when I had worked on the Academy series.

Anyway, I'm relieved to finally finish the Psyche/traitor storyline so used the opportunity to post everything else that was written up to the end of the arc.

LW6 will have this as a team set-up when it starts:

Legion World TWO

Phantom Girl – Team leader, Tinya Wazzo of Bgtzl Dimension, intangibility
Thunder - Deputy leader - Cecelia Becks of 21st Century Earth, immense strength, speed, indestructibility, space flight, wisdom
Sun Boy – Senior Team member, Dirk Morgna of Earth, generation of intense light and heat
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Brainiac 5 – Senior Team member, Professor Querl Dox of Colu, 12th level intelligence
Lightning Lass - Senior Team member, Ayla Ranzz of Winath, electrical generation and manipulation
Tellus - Ganglios of Hykraius, telepathy and telekinesis
XS - Jenni Ognats of an alternate dimension Aarok, phenomenal speed
Kid Quantum - Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu, creation of temporal quantum bubbles, flight
Chemical Kid - Hadru Jamik of Phlon, catalyzes chemical reactions
Comet Queen - Grava of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
Ferro - Douglas Nolan of Earth, can assume invulnerable iron isotope form
Dragonmage - Xao Jin of Earth, manipulation of magical energies using dragon forms
+ Backlash - Mrruaw M’Nau of Simballi, enhanced strength, speed, senses, absorbs kinetic energy to boost own size and mass
Andromeda - Kara Zor-El of Krypton, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
+ Comet King - Drinchnar Lamment of Extal colony, spaceflight, comet gas extrusion
+ Atom Girl - Sylva Nrilsan of Imsk, can shrink herself to microscopic size
Retro - Deen Toro of Ventura, limited reversal of personal timeline

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):

* Ultra Girl - Li-Fahn Qiong of Xanthu - incredible strength, speed, indestructibility, spaceflight, and projection of force blasts, effectively limited to one at a time (Thunder)
* Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis (Lightning Lass)
* Friction - Jadee Whittakka of Xanthu - manipulation of friction (Sun Boy)
* Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, project explosive blasts (Duplicate Girl)

Seconded members currently based on Legion World Two:
Gazelle - J’izl Dtutuu from the Khundian Battle Brigade, of Khundia Prime, enhanced strength, speed, agility and metabolic control
+ Cosmic Kid - Po Miman, Justice Legionnaire of alternate dimension Mars, energy manipulation and flight

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Two:
> Captain Tuk Shir of the Science Police from Daxam, Senior Team liaison, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
> Replicator - Science Police Officer Tarev Jusool of Talok viii, can mimic meta-abilities for limited periods of time
Gravity Kid - Science Police Officer Tel Vole of Earth, manipulation of personal or nearby gravity
Power Boy - Science Police Officer Jedidiah Rikane of Earth, personal density control

Support Staff on LW Two:
Dr Richard Kent Shakespeare -Impulse – Chief medical officer - enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina
I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Danielle Foccart –Kid Computo – Technical support - technopathic communication and control over advanced technology
Drura Sehpt - Infectious Lass – medical officer - containment and control over bacteria and viruses
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
Ming Sul - Amp Girl - investigative officer, hyper-enhancement of her own sensory capacities
* Silver Shaman - Shardwurd Gandussen of the Ten Peaks from Avalon - biokinetic healing
> Science Police Psychiatrist - Doctor Anje Falkner, alpha-level telepath

Legion World THREE

Tyroc – Deputy leader - Troy Stewart of Marzal city pocket dimension, sonic control
Duplicate Girl - Senior Team member, Luornu Durgo of Carggg, creation of multiple identical duplicates of herself
Mon El – Senior Team member, Lar Gand of Daxam, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
Dawnstar of Starhaven - space flight, incredible speed, tracking
Dragonwing - Marya Pai of Earth, breathes dragon fire and acid
Glorith of Zerox, manipulation of magical energies
Monica Sade of Rimbor, strength, reflexes, line of sight teleportation
+ Lexikon - Princess Daheenisha of Tamaran iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
Kinetix - Zoe Saugin of Aleph, telekinetic animation
Otaki - Bina Nawoti of Earth, mindsense
+ The Spear of Artemis - Amynta of Nostos ii, incredible strength, speed, invulnerability, space flight, carries magical weapons
+ Karate Kid – Mithindrivithis Ngandraffa of Lythyl, strength, reflexes, mimetic motor learning giving incredible combat skills
+ Thirteen – Dann Hortra of Naltor, line of sight probability manipulation
Babbage- I-45ENG/Nth Series, of the Robotica Confederated Worlds, strength and durability, internalised weapons, hyper awareness and analytical skills.
+ Sister Eclipse - of Rhoohanisett iii, durability, heightened senses, physical possession of any living being.
+ Starkling – telepathic swarm-being composed of indestructible ball bearing sized components

Newly promoted from Academy student to full membership (Mentor in brackets):
* Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field (Tyroc)
* Southern Lights of Starhaven - spaceflight, magic user (Mon El)
* Atomsmasher - Ergus Wraithcat of Betelgeuse - spaceflight, invulnerability, hyper senses, telepathy, radiation manipulation (Dawnstar)

Seconded members currently based on Legion World Three:
+ Green Lantern - Dkyun Mu of Xudar, wearer of a Green Lantern power ring

Science Police meta-squad seconded to Legion World Three
+ Officer Nel Duwi of the Science Police from Daxam, Senior Team liaison, incredible strength, speed, stamina, senses, laser vision, space flight, invulnerability
> Captain Phantom - Science Police Captain Gryal Vrizza of Bgztl Dimension, intangibility
> Magno - Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields
> Changer - Science Police Investigative Officer Urill Yagthal of Durla, shape changer

Support Staff on LW Three:
I.Z.O.R. - Gear iii – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
+ Hethuk Bran Drommsi - Smith from the Green Rift Forge of Talok viii, weapon maker and engineer
> Dr Shoodixi Singh - Science police medical officer, empathic

Legionnaire on secondment to the Khund Battle Brigade:
Gates, Ti’Julk Mr’Asz of an alternate dimension Vyrga, creation of spatial warps

Academy Student currently within the Khundian Empire:
Inferno, Sandy Anderson of Earth, fire generation and manipulation

Academy staff based on Legion World ONE in Sol space:

Triplicate Girl - Luornu Durgo of Carggg, able to split into three identical duplicates (part of Duplicate Girl)
Colossal Boy - Gim Allon of Earth, increase personal size and mass at will
Wildfire - Drake Burroughs of Earth, composed of sapient anti-energy, extreme strength, speed, durability, space flight, anti-energy blasts
Invisible Kid - Jacques Foccart of Earth, invisibility
Chameleon Girl - Yera Allon of Durla, shape changer
> Jumping Jack - Science Police Officer Jaxi Delgrado-Hynd of Earth, hyper awareness and agility
> Ms Big - Science Police Officer Erikka Chowdrey of Venus, increase her own muscle mass at will
> 'Brain Girl' - Science Police Officer Ella Drottmi of Titan, telepathy and telekinesis
+ Dream Boy - Naltorian Pre-Commando Rol Purtha of Naltor, precognition

Support Staff on LW One (Academy):
I.Z.O.R. - Gear ii – infrastructure manager - nannite collective being, technomorph
Henry – Anti Lad – Spatial warp controller
'Numbers Guy' - M’Rissey of Earth, super efficient business management skills
> Dr Boom - United Planets envoy, Danii Schwartz-Geltt of Myar, physician and alchemist

On long term leave:
Star Boy (Parental leave), Thomas Kallor of Xanthu, induce mass
Dream Girl (Parental leave), Nura Nal of Naltor, precognition
Matter-Eater Lad (Medical leave), Senator Tenzil Kem of Bismoll, mega-omnivorous consumption
Shadow Lass (Personal leave), Tasmia Mallor of Talok viii, summons and manipulates the Darkfield, access to ancestral knowledge
Polar Boy (Personal leave), Brek Banin of Tharr, cold control
Element Lad (Medical leave), Jan Arrah of Trom, elemental transmutation
Harmonia (Personal leave), Professor Harmonia Li of Earth, manipulation of the natural environment
+ Titan (Medical leave), Nasir N’Cube of Titan, alpha-level telepathy
+ Loutrahim Mango (Personal leave), ‘Death Boy’ - Professor Li’s laboratory assistant, exemplary bio-chemist, sweat activated neuro-toxic palm secretions

On honeymoon:
Cosmic Boy – Rokk Krinn of Braal, manipulation of magnetic fields
Night Girl - Lydda Jath of Kathoon, incredible strength and durability out of direct sunlight

Weber’s World affiliated team:
Quislet, . of Teall dimension, able to animate inorganic matter though this then causes the matter's destruction
Gear i, Chief Maitre D', nannite collective being, technomorph
+ Oodoo Shanair of Lallor, empath
+ Sentinel of the Khund Battle Brigade, strength, durability, manipulation of magnetic fields
+ Princess Shooradel of Tamaran iv, enhanced speed, strength, durability, flight, omni-linguist
+ Proty iii, shape changer, telepath

Unknown location, assumed to be with the Wanderers:
Timber Wolf - Brin Londo of Zuun, enhanced strength, speed, agility, reflexes and senses
Shield - Laurel Kent of Earth, physical invulnerability, tactile psychometry
M’Windaji - Gahaji of Kiringyaga, super tracker, carries the Ruby of Life allowing tactile transformative magic

Officially missing (Espionage Squad mission)
Chameleon Boy – Espionage Squad leader, Reep Daggle of Durla, shape changer
Dr Noah Kabbo - Spy – Heightened awareness and limited telepathy
* Prescience - Gord Eno of Naltor - precognition, specialising in short range visions for combat situations

The League of Super Heroes

* Kid Dynamo - Ja Vlo of Dryad - incredible strength and invulnerability
* Ballistix - Crishtrakrek 714 of Zuun - synthezoid with great strength, speed, durability, stamina and spaceflight
* Magno Lass - Josi Rista of Braal - Magnokinesis
* Kid Nimbus - Kendall Mekensy-Wolff the Fifth of Dryad - assume gaseous form
* Flipside - Drannananna Otticolli of Grathvarth V - fast, agile, manipulate personal gravity orientation
* Slingshot - Prince Alfon Gundrix Maunheesta of the Grindlaw Colonies of System Mondarsh - hyper-charge kinetic potential of objects by touch

'+' = Original character introduced in previous arcs
'*' = Original character - new within Legion Worlds 5 and Academy stories
'>' = cameo in LW5 or entirely new - still to be fully introduced

Legion Worlds NINE - wait, there's even more ongoing amazing adventures? Yup, and you'll only find them in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952501 06/26/18 05:42 AM
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Harbi, what a lovely surprise to wake up to - the ending to your LW 5 epic!

Strike and Shield protocol! Once more, I love the thought you put into how your team operates, which has inspired me to do the same for mine. I love how succinctly you describe this, with it fitting perfectly into the flow of the action.

Getting into the mind of Mordecai is awesome! It is in fact quite intelligent and peaceful. I like it! Future Legionnaire-in-training perhaps?

The limitation on Magnus' power is interesting, being only able to cast illusions of things he has himself perceived. If he has seen them in a holo, would that count? I do like it, as it gives room to grow! And I like how he can "replay" his journey at speed. Wow! Illusions in fast-forward, a very clever application!

Sister Eclipse and Jacques for the win! Love how Jacques' interference helped the Sister take control! “fear turns to hope, anger becomes acceptance, hate can be love...”, I am loving Sister more and more, she is one of my favorites among your many wonderful original characters. And I especially love how her religious and spiritual beliefs are inclined to acceptance and love, we see so many "religious" bigots today.

Thunder seeing through Magnus' illusion was an inspired application of her powers.

I love how swift you are at wrapping things up while keeping up the momentum! With such a powerful squad, of course Brainy and company would be freed easily.

Oh my, Aven... An understandable though stll sad consequence.

Jan out of action, oh dear... the psychic damage to him must have been a lot.

Eligibility for leader: I like it. At least a year's experience, it's not easy running a team. And having been a reluctant leader myself before, I strongly agree with Lu - they need a leader who wants the job.

Interesting how many didn't want to vote for Lu and Brainy!

Laughing at Dirk. Yes, his ego makes him want to be voted, even though he knows he doesn't want the responsibility. He just wants the esteem of his colleagues. We all know people like that...

I find it cool that staff get a vote to. Of course! In reality they are reporting to the leader.

Gazelle manipulating the voting odds was so funny! So that's why Dirk's odds went up...

You perfectly captured the emotion of this bittersweet time. The Legion did score a victory, but the distrust and manipulation sharpened already existent emotions and discord. You dealt with it quite well in the aftermath!

Gear refused to vote, interesting.

Tinya, Troy and Cece! What a lovely combination of leaders! Very interesting and well-deserved.

Shakes brought a smile to my face wink Reality being folded into fiction.

I find it interesting that Querl was included among Rokk and Lydda's core guests. Not even Brek (whom Lydda worked closely with as a Sub), or the senior Legionnaires who joined around the time Querl did.

The Garth/Rokk banter was amazingly realistic. Real-life male best friends can certainly get away with all that! Same with Imra and Lydda I imagine. I love how Lydda has clearly been accepted into the circle of the three founders, though of course they still have something special just on their own.

Ayla finally coming to terms with Vi's death was lovely.

Desperate shopping trips in one hour, I can just imagine. I'm sure Zoe had lots of "customers" that day for some psychokinetic adjustments!

Loved the invitation list, very thoughtful indeed.

I lik ehow you described Xao's non-confrontational and respectful body language. It comes at the right time, as I myself was just rejected from a post for being TOO non-confrontational. Ah well, there's a place for me and there's a place for Xao despite that.

Ah, Talokian culture. I love how you show the cultural differences so well, as even today it is quite an important consideration!

Interesting takes that Grev and Lady Memory have on Tasmia and Lar...

Zoe's quest to find the perfect outfit was funny and so in character! I loved how Jazmin got more and more frustrated, until she finally put her foot down! Silly Zoe... if she had used simply used her powers to conjure up her own outfit though, she would probably NEVER have finished. Loved Retro scampering away too.

Dirk and the two Lallorians. Dirk really is quite clever and self-aware, despite his ego and the facade he puts up. I laughed at the bet between Somi and Tal!

Once more you show your versatility, both the action scenes and the quieter wedding scenes shone!

Poor Bobb, but happy he is getting the help he needs from a therapist!

Hadru showed a lot of maturity dealing with Brek, and declining to help further his alcoholism. Ah, poor Brek... Hope he gets the help HE needs!

XS and Gates! Nice nod to them coming from the same reality.

Tel and Jed not liking each other at first was cute! Ah Paris, what a nice touch there smile

MONSTRESS!! Oh my goodness, Monstress! That was such a nice touch, and especially her budding friendship with Zoe! I have a soft spot for Candi, so I'm really happy to see her.

Ah, Querl carried out the service! Is that why he was one of those told early on?

So lovely that your Kara and Querl are enjoying their hard-earned happy ending!

Another nice moment with Tinya and Sodam. Like with Ayla, you showed the grieving process very realistically.

The students plotting? Hmm...

Zoe was all class with Mwindaji, how lovely. And Monstress is now part of her friend group, and that makes a nice tie in with Jazmin too!

Tyroc in a Zoot suit, hahahaha! I love it!

Lots of promising new relationships budding, though I'm sure some won't turn out to be serious.

Thirteen is interesting, many physically attractive people would jump at the chance to bed someone. But Dann has shown quite a bit of discipline, and I find that extremely interesting and admirable. Ethical code perhaps, as he feels that these people aren't seeing the real him?

As someone who is into Human Resources, including Talent Acquisition, I love what you have done with the Academy and training. Opening links to Law Enforcement and Armed Forces is BRILLIANT!

Aw, Jed and Tel are leaving... I almost forgot they were both still SPs.

BRIN AND LAUREL getting a second chance? Well, why not? I like how Ord's rambling helped Brin make up his mind! You know, you really got me there, I thought at first Brin was going to pursue AYLA! Excellent job! And Mwindaji is going along... an interesting subplot set up!

A very realistic tryout there. Polar Girl is one to watch,she certainly showed her smarts in battle though I look forward to see where you go with her attitude. Bouncing Boy is so sweet, clapping without realizing he had been called! Silver Shaman gives you a potent healer, and I agree being on the medical crew makes more sense than being full out in battle! Southern Lights, Atomsmasher, Friction, Ultra Girl all sound like great choices too!

The students HAVE been plotting! Oh my! What a surprise... Slingshot is leaving? Not surprised about many of the others, as you characterized them quite well beforehand.

I like how Brainy showed such class in modifying their flight rings!

Ugh, Kid Dynamo. I hope his ego dies down...

Oooh, Prescience! I like how Reep was so forthcoming. A very exciting place for him, and if he makes it through I won't be surprised if he gets full membership as well!

Kid Pulsar and full membership? He did well, but I';m sure some of the team will oppose him as not being quite ready. Should be interesting.

Oh, Jed and Tel get to stay! So wonderful! You had me worried for a moment there. and Officer Magz! Dyrk Magz??? I love Magno, happy you're using him!

Gasp! Capturing battle worlds! What an AMAZING new mission, I love it! Plenty of opportunities for everyone to shine!

Major galactic expansion for the Legion! smile

Thank you for the roll call, I love these things.

Oh, Ayla's been bumped up to Senior Team status!

I notice you do a lot of members with strength, invulnerability and some kind of energy casting. Not a criticism as this is a useful power set, and I look forward to you differentiating them more in personality - you are so good at that. Same for the telepaths, but again, a useful power set.

Lu is on both bases! A useful application of her power.

Good mix of species/races you've chosen for the Science Police officers seconded.

I forgot what caused Tenzil to go on medical leave. Could you remind me?

Again, am loving your work, and looking forward to MORE, MORE, MORE!

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 06/27/18 02:36 AM.
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952515 06/26/18 09:01 AM
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ooh and one more thought that came to mind: were any of the 7 successful students also among those who planned for the League of Super-Heroes? Would be interesting if so!

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #952573 06/26/18 08:59 PM
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WOW Harbi, that ending was way happier than I thought it would be and I feel like you've really upped the ante for the rest of us now with the Legion expanding to take on a whole bunch of marauding warworlds! What an awesome development!!

Loved Rokk and Lydda's wedding, and all of the various reactions it brought out in people...I too thought Brin was gonna go after Ayla, I am glad you threw us a swerve ball there! I think the two of them aren't really great for each other long term. Speaking of Ayla, I'm glad she's made peace with Vi passing and she's ready to actively pursue being happy again. Starkling asking about Gim and Yera's own wedding was a good chuckle too smile

I'm glad Tinya's getting to lead, and pairing her up with Sodam Yat is an interesting choice...I only know him as a massive whiner with very little in the way of redeeming qualities so I will be interested to see where you go with those two! I am also gonna quietly hope that Mon and Shady are inching their way together again as I really like those two as a couple!

The cut scenes with Zoe shopping while Jasmin got more and more frustrated were perfect - I could see that working in a comic so easily...and I was stoked to see Candi and Zoe interact laugh

Really good character work in those last sections, and I am super looking forward to seeing where your Legion goes from here!

Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #953164 07/07/18 04:29 PM
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Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203 what a great ride that was to the end and I agree with Raz that this ending is much happier than I ever expected. I totally thought we were going to lose half the team and those left were going to have a lot of rebuilding to do. But you went the opposite and expanded this team to what so many of us have talked out in the forums. That this team's name is the LEGION of Super-Heroes. They should be a legion and not limited to 25 members. You really have upped the ante here. My review's going to be an as I read so might change as I go and may be all over the place. Sorry in advance.

- a strike and shield tactic. I like it. Never really thought about it as how they did that. I know your a fan of the DNA area and I remember them doing that during Legion Lost vol.1 with always having a natural flyer.

-Cos and Thunder's team is great and I'm happy they were able to free those Psyche couldn't turn or had issues with. it was also nice to see that there more of them than I thought. ( Minus Kara of course.)

-Glad to hear a bit more about the Green Lantern. I'm not a huge GL reader but since we haven't spent much time with her I'm looking forward to seeing more and how she gets along with this team as compared to the Justice Legion she spent a year with.

-Mordecai !Mordecai! Mordecai! Loved this and was great to see him help protect their home.

-Oh no Sister Eclipse is discovered! Kara Stop!! I never thought of the possession ability as being totally resistant to other forms of telepathy, although her's is a physical possession so it makes sense it would have different rules maybe.. and they way you described it was done well with the telepath's shrinking back from the task.

-Magnu's limitations is really creative and differentiates him from many other illusion casters. Trapping them in a loop was funny but got scary quick with the pressure he put on the illusion. i like it. take these guys down and using them as a barrier was a really good idea.

-OK, so i have a question. Did Sister Eclipse posses Psyche before Jaquces tackled her into Ferro or was it once he tackled Psyche and she touched Ferro that Sister Eclipse jumped bodies?
-This was a good moment of seeing her reach out with the power and its so interesting how Sister Eclipse can see so clearly what Psyche has done. She does so well at wielding Psyche's powers to undo the damage and it makes sense that you can't bring out what isn't already there. All she did was amplify and twist/distort it.

-YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! laugh

-you broke my heart with Aven. I'm so sad to see him go and even thought those feels of distrust were there I'm sure everyone would have seen him as being manipulated as well and would have forgiven him. But i guess ones own guilt about the part they play can weigh a lot on someone.

Ahhh and so the rebuilding begins.

_Lu makes a great point and I'm glad that she talked M'Onel out running. IDK how I feel he'd do as leader right now.

-PG for the Win!

-I like the refectory scene and Gazzell taking bets. Dirk's the fun guy I agree. it was nice while it lasted thought. R.I.P. Responsible Dirk.
-its funny how Lu and Brainy always seen like obvious choices but no ones down for it this time around.

-I agree Thunder is a good choice and she's demonstrated herself well and make a good point that she is one of the new guard.

-Gazzell and Doug's relationship is fun and I'm glad that the Khudian Empire is letting her stay. She is so much fun and rouwdy. I'd imagine their quarters have many holes in the wall.

-Harmonia and Mrruh's moment was really sweet and touching. Its easy to forget how some of the more alien teammates may deal with being in this team environment. He is so gentle. Harminia's advice is so true that all they can do is learn and grow (which they have. lol)

Yah! Phantom Girl! Tyroc! and Thunder! they all i think will make fine leaders and i can't wait to see the challenges you have for them.

And so beings the wedding that has been in the wings for way to long. Congratulations Rokk and Lydda! There was so much fun and joy in these passages Habinger and you gave us so many good character moments.
-Showing the Garth/Rokk and Imra/Lydda conversations were well done. You showed their long history well through how they talk to and relate to each other.
Agreed I think Rokk could be a great dad.
Loving the sprinking in of Lydda's history with her father.
that's right ladies keep them waiting lol.

Aww. Auntie time!
Not only great for a weeding it sounds great just for a vacation.
Ayla poor Ayla. i hope she can find the right way to move on. it seems like she might be on the right path and with the later segment of her dancing so hard and then crying on her warp home its clear how hard that day was for her. But I'm glad she made it through.
beautiful toast to herself and i like that just one final joke.

So the crazy begins. the Zoe and Jazmin shopping scenes were perfect and the fact that it litterally went down to the minuet was hilarious and so Zoe. Jazmin is way more patient than i am.
Wow, everyone is coming to this weeding and i mean everyone!

i like Glorith and Dannielle's frienship its really cute and adding Dragonmage makes sense. I'm with them bring on the deserts!
Comet Queen and King are adorable throughout this whole wedding! i agree and could be the next ones! lets get them hitched!
Lol Dirk thinks everyones flirting with him.
loving all the fashion choices for the atteneddes. they show so much of these characters personalities
Lythl sounds horrible.
Tinya and Sodam Yat?? hmmm idk but lets see where that goes.

I like that Wildfire is explaining to the students why its important to support each other not just on the battle field. and after everthing that has happened this is more important than ever it seems.
Lady Memory ...what do you know?maybe its time to explore some of the things M'Onel saw while he was trapped.
Lol Life Las and Gas Girl fishing for membership was funny. love to see what they could do on this team. i loved watching them tease Dirk and runnaway from him. but of course he's able to charm them.
Lexicon and her sister was really interesting. Tammerans are so...less emotional than us and they are ever the ambassadors. I love how open they are with wanting to learn more from everyone around them.
Dead Brain and Brainy together the only word that comes to mind is frightening.
Awww that was super cute of Alya to get Murra to let the twins ride him.
Now if only Berk would get help. So glad Hardu didn't help him. I'm glad Crystal Kid is getting help to work on his confidence.
Gates and XS i want to see the two of them together again!
Cosmic Kid stuffing his face lol of course.
loved seeing Jed and Tel's wedding story. of course they fought when they met! lol.
Kent's a good bf and so is Doug. loved his trying to stand up for Gazzell even if that wasn't the moment. I like that she told him to get over it but that it didn't cause a huge issue.
I didn't realize Thunder was the youngest of the Sisters.
Zoe and Candi together at last!

Those vows. Lydda's omg.
I'm with ya Candi! here's a tissue!
So much happens and so many hookups. story beats and relationships to deleve into i can't wait to see where all of them go.
Dawnstar may have found a friend.

The New Legion!
Tinya having Brainy and Lexicon was a good idea aand i loved Lexicon's point about Psyche could have been at this for years had it not been for the Legion.

The Legion training all meta's in the Science Police and Star fleet is a good way to create relationships. something that's always been an issue.
Wow Brainy Wow.
So we get a small team of SP's on top of Jed and Tel or they just included in that?
Glad the senior team will all be connected and to top ranking officals.

Idk about the media part though. freedom of the press and all and being a lot to critzie the Legion aren't bad things as it may help make them better. idk it's just a little to authoritarian for me.
Damn right Tinya. get the best of the best.
Only one semester of training with the Legion? how long gion? how long is a semester for the academy?
I'm with Drik good in theory but we will see.

ooo lets see who makes it.
Glad Silver Shawman is with Ken and Durha in the med staff.
Harmonia and Death boy leaving is sad but understandable and he does need to heal. I'm glad she's going to help him.
Jaques s a teacher works.
Aww Jed and Tel frown
glad that Brin won't be going alone to find Laurel. and that Gahaji is going couldn't have anything to do with Zoe could it?
Friction, Atomsmasher, Southern lights!all ones i like and I'm glad we got Polar girl and ultra girl too!!
Lots of members from Xanthu huh? they are the new Earth i guess.
Bouncing Boy II i'm so happy he made it.

I don't know how i feel about the group of cadets going out on their own. But I'm glad the team supports them and upgradded their rings to help them. although i'd say get a logo of your own. lol.
They've got a pretty powerful team though and of course Ballstix left. she thought she would make the team day one.
aww Slingshot!

I'm glad Prescience was admitted for a top secret mission with Cham and Dr. Kaboo. i totally understand being upset. at first especially if you have a vision of wearing the real thing. can't wait to see this team and how they work.
Yeah Jed and Tel! But that way moe SP's than i thought would be there.

OOO more Legion Worlds to come!
Ilove how you use Gear.
what an amazing ride. can't wait for more.!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Re: Legion Worlds 5 (completed 26 June 2018)
Harbinger #956315 08/19/18 12:13 PM
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Thanks for your very kind words everyone, they are really appreciated. I've been away for a few weeks so just catching up with everything here so will review other pieces in the next few days.

A couple of notes - I made a mistake with the Psyche storyline as initially I had planned for Aven to have swapped her consciousness out of her body and into one of his medipaths. That struck me as too extreme so dropped the idea but by then I'd posted a part where it said she was still getting used to her new body. Any confusion was due to me forgetting what was already posted. Sorry, that was entirely my mistake.

Also, I have a part from the wedding in my drafts folder where Rokks dad speaks to him on his wedding day and also Projecta declines an invite saying she'll watch it from Orando. I don't know why I didn't post it, sorry that was another mistake on my behalf.

A few comments on your comments guys - strike and shield protocol was introduced properly in LW2 when the team went to rescue Mysa under the mountain. I'd mentioned it in the Dream Boy series as well in passing. I don't think I've ever seen it written explicitly before anywhere else though may have forgotten if I had.

We will be seeing more of Candi and her new girl friends in LW6. There's a fun little outing for four of them that's going to end in tears, though not what you think.

Glad I fooled you with the Brin and Ord conversation, I wasn't sure if it would work. We'll get onto his adventures soon enough and find out more about the Wanderers in this version of reality.

Cham and Prescience will feature too as we'll find out what mischievous they've been up to.

Also coming, an introduction to Tharok and a mystery on Talk VIII will shake things up when an ancient secret gets unearthed.

Thanks again, more more more for you coming soon

Last edited by Harbinger; 08/19/18 12:30 PM.

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