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Justice League of America.
OK so Batman wants a team that is more down to earth, something regular humans can relate to. And yet the team features an alien strong man, a guy who can shrink, a woman with animal powers, and two people with energy based powers. I actually don't mind Atom & Vixen on the type of team that Batman says he is trying to create. And what is the first menace they new Justice League of America fights? A band of super powered aliens. Sure, ordinary people will think "If a person with cold powers can fight super powered aliens, so can I!"
If I was going for a team of more human like characters that ordinary people can relate to and aspire to be, I go with:
Batman Black Canary Vixen Atom Steel Dr. Mid-Nite Liberty Belle (but with limits on the super-speed)
I'd also keep the stories to involve more human level challenges. Even have stories where the whole team is not involved. That's how I would do it.
I don't see this Justice League lasting based on this first issue and first story arc.
Last edited by Quislet, Esq; 02/28/17 05:56 AM.
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And just for the hell of it, I thought I’d give an overview of where I stand with the current Rebirth series, all of which I am still collecting. Flat out love itSuperman Action Comics Super-Sons – one issue in and I already love it Batman Detective Comics All-Star Batman Nightwing Batgirl Red Hood & the Outlaws Batman Beyond Wonder Woman Trinity Flash Aquaman Green Arrow Cyborg Deathstroke Doom Patrol Cave Carson Also liking and would recommend to othersNew Super-Man Batgirl & Birds of Prey - only issue is art needs to improve Green Lanterns Justice League of America – only one issue in but so far so good Hellblazer Suicide Squad – Romita Jr. art and recent crossover issues have really made it better for me Hawkman & Adam Strange mini Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love mini Not bad: enjoying quite a bit but wouldn’t tell people to spend their hard-earned $$ on…(maybe their money that wasn’t hard-earned) Superwoman Supergirl Blue Beetle – has steadily gotten better Justice League Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps – starting to get better The Fall and Rise of Captain Atom Pretty weak but not cancellable yet:Justice League Titans Teen Titans Haven’t gotten to yet:Batwoman Kamandi Odyssey of the Amazons Not reading:Harley Quinn Shade, the Changing Girl Mother Panic Wildstorm Hanna Barbara titles
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Trinity - I dropped it after one issue. I was really hoping for standalone adventures featuring, for lack of a better word, "iconic" takes on the characters. instead, it was waist deep in dead Supermen and WW's grief and Lois and Clark's new identities and whatnot. Should I give it another try, or will it still be annoying me if that's an issue for me?
Here's my current DC list. Not all are Rebirth titles:
Astro City Batman '66 Batwoman Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye Deathstroke Doom Patrol Future Quest Mother Panic Shade the Changing Girl Super Sons Titans Wonder Woman Wonder Woman '77
The biggest ?'s are over Batwoman, because her rebirth special didn't really give an idea of where the series was going, and Titans, because I'm really rooting for it to pull out of the doldrums and become a good book. By which I mostly mean stop dealing with broken continuity and start moving forward.
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Btw, I also get Astro City but just don't consider it a DC book. It's another long time favorite.
BFOB, for Trinity, it may be hard to say until the first arc is complete. Although Diana and Clark's grief over recent Dcu events haven't really been paramount since #1, the series had continued to be a very introspective look at the 3 characters, specifically their earliest years as children. So it may not be for everyone. What makes me categorize it in the "flat out love" section is the artwork and narrative techniques that Frances Manupal consistently applies--he's gotten better and better over the years, and he's now bringing such a unique and interesting artistic sensibility to this series.
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I may give Trinity another shot. I'm fine with introspective character pieces, and their childhoods are certainly reasonable material to mine in a book like this. I just don't want them to be introspecting on the events in other books I have no interest in reading.
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I've bought a large number of the Vol. 1 Rebirth trades over the last few months. To this point, I've read the Green Arrow, Superman, Batman and Aquaman ones, which were actually the first four TPB releases.
I enjoyed all four to this point, but somewhat to my surprise, the Aquaman trade has been my favorite to this point. I think, in addition to the bright, beautiful artwork, I'm really enjoying the political backdrop to the story as Arthur tries desperately to bring his two worlds to an understanding, but he's being thwarted by various radical factions and the basic fear and distrust of the surface world towards the undersea kingdom. It's not new ground being trodden exactly, but it feels both fresh and topical even as it reuses old chestnuts like Black Manta. I like Arthur and Mera as a couple and enjoy their very couple-like banter. Also, the nods to Aquaman's dubious reputation as a bit of a running joke is welcome and offset by his pretty astonishing power. Very enjoyable overall and made me eager for the next collection.
Batman was the next best. I think writer Tom King has a take on the character that incorporates many depictions of him without falling too much on any one in particular. For instance, there's a bit of Morrison's seemingly unstoppable Bat-God when he manages to save a commercial airplane, but it is tempered by a poignant moment when it appears he is about to make the ultimate sacrifice. The story deals with the arrival of 2 Superman-level defenders of the Dark Knight's city, named Gotham and Gotham Girl. the way King weaves their inspiration by Batman himself into a metaphor for batman and Gotham itself is really quite brilliant. I look forward to more of what King has to say in future stories.
Kind of on an even keel were the Superman and Green Arrow books. Both were enjoyable, but had more flaws than the above 2 books. I spoke more about this GA trade on his own thread, but it essentially comes down to the art and tone being a little off from what I feel is right for the character. What's important was that the character felt right for the first time in too long. With Superman, everything involving the family unit of Clark, Lois and Jon was absolutely spot-on. The art was excellent, too. But the use of the Eradicator here was really one-note and uninteresting, not to mention a little murky in its purpose. It was fun, though, to see Lois get a chance to kick some ass!
So all four were at least good enough to make me want the next stories, but Aquaman and Batman were the best of this bunch.
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I'm loving that you're loving Aquaman! You know, I had a feeling you'd like it because I really feel its a high quality series right now, and for all the reasons you've listed. It's remained that way all the way up through the current issues!
That opening arc on Batman was great, and IMO the series has stayed very good. King definitely has his own style in story-telling and its different that what we've seen before. I like it, and it feels fresh and a good take on Batman. Sometimes you have to trust where he's going to take you, but so far I think it's paid off.
On Superman, I remember the next round of issues, #7-12, is when it emerged as my favorite series being published. The first arc was good, but as you mentioned, the usage of the Eradicator wasn't anything special. It's after that, where the relationships between Clark, Lois and John are explored even further, that I just fell in love with the series.
Green Arrow also improves greatly, but I'll save my comments for that thread.
I think you're in for a treat for the next volume of all four.
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Catching up on books this week
Birds of Prey is rocking it Nightwing took an interesting turn ... Deathwing was NOT what I expected and I appreciated what it was Green Lanterns... the plot thickens Justice League has been flat to me Justice League of America - it has potential. Characters are commenting on Killer Frost and Lobo as members - much like the readers. Vixen and Black Canary shine (for me)
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Soooo the latest crossover - The Button - has been exciting It's well-drawn - and I've enjoyed the dialogue and plotting The only side stop that didn't make sense for me - Saturn Girl
I wasn't expecting much... so this is pleasantly surprising
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I recently read the next four rebirth TPBs. (I've decided to read them in the order of their release, though I don't own every one. There are a number like Harley Quinn, which I don't think I'll ever try, and others like Cyborg, which I'm on the bubble about trying.) The four I'm referring to are Flash, Green Lanterns, Nightwing and Justice league.
Flash Vol. 1: Lightning Strikes Twice is a contender for my favorite of the Rebirth titles I've read so far. It starts with a pretty ambitious arc involving dozens of Central City inhabitants getting empowered with the Speed Force after a mysterious storm strikes them with lightning. We have a combination of new and existing characters, many of whom are interesting and make you want to get to know them better. Barry himself is more interesting than I remember him being in a long time at least in comic book form. And we even get to see new ways of using the Speed Force thru Barry and some of the new characters. It all builds to a fairly compelling new villain named Godspeed, who has an interesting motive that distinguishes him somewhat from Barry's other foes. It's a meaty and rewarding read that does the character justice. And though Cobie was hesitant to recommend the art, I think it's really good and appropriate to a book that features speed. Really good stuff.
Green Lanterns Vol. 1: Rage Planet is one that I was particularly cautious about, having basically been burned out on GL after Geoff Johns' run started to grate. It didn't help that I knew it featured Atrocitus and his Red Lanterns, which was one of Johns' concepts that started to lose me. But I saw Cobie was enjoying it, so I gave it a try. And I'm glad I did because what really drives this book is the characterization of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. It's clear that the Red Lanterns are used as the antagonists to shine a light (so to speak) on the characters, their hang-ups, their insecurities, and, yes, their rage over their pasts and their perceived failures. Having them be neophyte Lanterns forced to work with each other and thru their demons together was a brilliant idea and executed well. Though the Red Lanterns are still not exactly compelling, there was some effort made that had some pay-off with Bleez particularly and an apparent connection I never guessed with a Legionnaire's homeworld. I just hope this level of characterization of the co-stars continues in future volumes and doesn't become cliche-ridden.
Nightwing Vol. 1: Better Than Batman is another one I relied on good word-of-mouth to get me to pick up. I do care about Dick Grayson, but historically, his solo books have never sustained my interest for very long. But this was a pretty good start as Dick embarks on a mission to take down the Parliament of Owls from the inside to close out a dark chapter of his life. His mission is complicated by his having to work with a mercenary named Raptor, whom the Owls force Dick to work with. With Raptor Dick edges into more morally gray territory than he's used to as this new mentor/partner shows him alternatives to Dick's famous other mentor/ partner. (At one point I had a crazy theory about raptor's identity that seemed to fit for a while but ultimately proved wrong--I wonder if we were supposed to think that or if it was my own weird engagement to the story?) We ultimately go on a rewarding journey that helps Dick figure out which mentor was right--or at least more right--and get a bit of a history lesson on Dick's time at the circus in the process. With this quality foundation, I'm optimistic that this may be the run of Nightwing I've been waiting for.
Justice League Vol. 1: The Extinction Machines is one I wasn't going to pick up because the recommendation were less than lukewarm. I went ahead and did because I got a really good deal on eBay. But, meh, this was just the most lifeless thing I've read in Rebirth or almost anything else recently. Brian Hitch clearly is not much of a writer at this point. I mean, I'll give him credit for giving every member of the JL some part in the resolution of his story, but it's a real chore to get through. The threat is kind of nebulous and nonsensical and could have benefited from some kind of mastermind bad guy to fight at some point. Instead, I guess there's more to come later to learn the whole story--if I'm even remembering it correctly. I've honestly read things much worse than this, but it's so generic and uninteresting that it feels even worse than it is. Hard pass on future volumes unless either Hitch steps down or I hear he suddenly gets a lot better.
So my overall rankings of the 8 Rebirth books I've read so far.....
Best of the Best--WANT MORE NOW!!!
Aquaman Flash
Really Good, Will Def Continue!
Green Arrow Superman Green Lanterns Nightwing Where's the Incinerator?
Justice League
So far, there's no "Iffy to Continue or Not", which would be between "Really Good" and "Incinerator". We'll see where the next ones fall.....
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Really glad to see that you enjoyed Flash which I’ve loved from the start. The Godspeed arc was fantastic and IMO, the series has remained consistently good with story after story being chalk full of action, characterization and good sci-fi / crime plots. Also glad you loved the art! I have to say that I might be warming to it slightly, probably just getting used to Di Giandomenico’s pencils over time. I’m much more up to date than you, but I’ll add that even the most recent issues, a Flash / Batman crossover, were awesome as it plays up the connection the two heroes have in their love of solving mysteries / examining evidence, which is such a natural reason for them to team up that is almost never used.
I’m also thrilled you like Green Lanterns which I’ve come to love, even more so than the H&GLC series which has all the GLs that I’ve traditionally liked. And that says a lot, because Simon and Jessica have really emerged as favorites of mine, and that is due to the series maintaining that high degree of characterization from the start. Humphries was a bit of a writer who I dismissed prior to rebirth, but here he has shown he’s one of the best, most consistent writers of good characterization in comics. Definite recommendation for you to continue.
Again, I knew you’d love Nightwing and I really thought Raptor was the breakout “new” character of the Rebirth DCU. I’m eagerly awaiting a follow-up story. Nightwing has continued to be fantastic.
Your commentary on Justice League hits the nail right on the head: not the worst story ever but overall pretty generic and uninteresting. That’s kind of been the problem with JL for most of the run so far, though I have to say I’m about 4 issues behind there and my Dad told me the recent story arc has seen a noticeable improvement. We’ll wait and see. Hitch is a great artist but overall its just felt very bland. He also goes to the well too many times with the ‘end of the world’ problems and villains and the 4+ issue arcs.
I also like your grading system! “Incinerator” shall now be entered into the LMB-wide vocabulary!
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I read the last few issues of Nightwing, and they were pretty good as a sequel to Morrison's "Batman & Robin" run (which also seems to imply that Dick's time behind the cowl is still in cannon). I'm a sucker for the Dick and Damien pairing, and the writer really nailed it.
Last edited by Dave Hackett; 05/23/17 07:28 AM.
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^ Yeah, that's a really good point. IIRC, Lardy is also a sucker for that pairing too, and I think he'd enjoy the issues for that alone. I was the type of reader that took a long time to warm up to Dick & Damien, but I eventually did. And I found this "sequel" highly enjoyable for that reason. They incorporated a lot of other Morrison elements from both B&R and his Bruce-Batman run.
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Justice League. I think the main problem is that the writer(s) feel they have to use all the members in every story. That also might be a directive from the powers that be.
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SUPER SONS is the BEST Rebirth title. Just want to throw that out there.
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Agreed on Super Sons, although deathstroke is neck and neck for me. I'm also enjoying wonder woman, although not as much as I hoped I would. And my love hate relationship with Titans continues. Does Kamandi Challenge count as rebirth? Because it's pretty awesome. I'm not really counting any of the young animal titles in there, because they don't really feel like rebirth, despite the fact that they are in continuity and therefore technically are.
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SUPER SONS is the BEST Rebirth title. Just want to throw that out there. Hard to argue this. It's definitely a contender for best title in comics right now. Also, have to agree on how flat out fantastic Kamandi has been. Absolutely loving every issue so far--it's been a highlight of 2017 and at the top of my reading pile. It's made me pumped for Mr. Miracle which starts in August! In fact, in an era where Marvel has said repeatedly how miniseries can't be done anymore, I'm finding DC is really getting miniseries and maxiseries right again: not only is Kamandi good, but I've enjoyed immensely Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love, Death of Hawkman, Fall & Rise of Captain Atom and Odyssey of the Amazons. It's like the early 90's again, where great miniseries are a staple of their output!
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Well that's good to know about Kamandi ... I'm on the fence when it comes to these experiments
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Bug! had a pretty fantastic first issue Super Sons remains great Cave Carson still holds my attention but the art is starting to drag on me. The more complex demands of the story are outpacing it. Doom Patrol was fun, but hopefully the break will let them get their ducks in a row. Shade is no longer a favourite, but hasn't fallen too far down the list. Superman & Action are both consistently good, breaking through to great month-to-month Nightwing has been really good, mostly through the guest stars. Dick would be great for a monthly team-up book. Trinity looks gorgeous, but the pace is a little slow. Suicide Squad and Batman both go up and down the quality scale from issue to issue. Every time they get me to a point that I'm digging them, they do something that throws me off again. Kamandi Challenge is a lot of fun.
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As promised, here's the next batch of Rebirth TPBs I've recently read.....
Wonder Woman Vol. 1: The Lies features what I feel is possibly career-best work from veteran artist Liam Sharpe. He pulls back some of his more cartoony, horror-angled leanings to produce some of the most gorgeous WW art I've ever seen. Highly detailed in the vein of a Totleben or Bissette yet totally appropriate for Diana, this is some of the best artwork I've encountered in the Rebirth line. Unfortunately, if I begin a review praising the art, it means the story falls considerably short. Greg Rucka's story is terribly decompressed, which has often been one of his faults. Simply put, not a lot happens over the 7 issues printed here. The bulk of it is occupied with Steve Trevor's ops crew undertaking a mission in Africa that ends up involving the Cheetah and the source of her powers. Diana happens to be seeking the Cheetah herself, so she ends up helping them out. Otherwise, there's a lot of teasing over the TPB's titular premise that Diana has false and conflicting memories as to her origins. Not much to indicate why this has happened and not much progression toward the truth by the end of the story. Otherwise there's some intrigue with the DEO-like organization Diana is working with and some romantic tension with Steve and Diana. (As an aside, Steve is so bulked up here, he looks too much like Steve Rogers almost to the point of distraction, btw.) Just not a lot of meat in this sandwich, unfortunately. I suspect this was a lot less noticeable in floppies with every other issue featuring the Year One story with Nicola Scott, but separated in a trade, this is a very unfulfilling story, imo. I would almost not continue if I didn't want to see what Scott did in the other story.
Detective Comics Vol. 1: Rise of the Batmen, on the other hand, really COOKED! Much like the Batman volume that preceded it, this one had lots going for it and was a real page-turner. James Tynion IV uses a Batwoman supporting character who has been present since the current incarnation's inception and finds a new role for him that is both logical and painful. Kate herself heads up a squad of Bat-protoges, including Tim Drake, Spoiler, Orphan and the surprising addition of Clayface. The others take kind of a back seat as Kate and Tim get the bulk of the attention, but the story really justifies it. In fact it's one of the best roles Tim or Kate have ever had, and that's really saying something with all the great stories Tim has had. (My only caveat here with Tim is that he seems almost like DC's Reed Richards. He's always been gifted and clever, but I don't know if he should be quite what he is shown here.) It's a cool concept involving a shady government ops group adapting Batman's methods and equipment to fight terrorism and coming into conflict with the heroes they emulate. Along the way, a seemingly forgotten villain from Tim's long-running title is brought back to very good effect. And it has a powerful ending that would be a fitting send-off for one of these characters, but even as it is under-cut to serve the higher Rebirth backstory, it's still good stuff that shows you that character's worth. Excellent book!
Action Comics Vol. 1: Path of Doom assumes that a great way to launch the Rebirth Action Comics era is to bring back fan-favorite villain Doomsday. WRONG! Doomsday's best story was the one everyone remembers where Superman (spoiler) died. Pretty much every subsequent appearance since has been increasingly anti-climactic in comparison. So we get another multi-issue slugfest that takes space away from things we might be more interested in, like Lois and Jon, Superman's conflict with this version of Lex Luthor, the other version of Clark that's running around--basically, the fight with Doomsday is boring as hell. Yes, I can see what Jurgens was trying to do--show how Superman learns from his mistakes, bring him out into the open in the wake of New 52 Superman's demise, give Lois and Jon some idea of the consequences of their husband and father being back out in the open--but if Tomasi and Gleason made a bit of a misstep bringing back the Eradicator in the Superman book, it's magnified more so using the cliched and even more uncharismatic Doomsday. Jurgens did a lot better in the Lois & Clark series that preceded Rebirth, so I know he has it in him. If not for that and if I hadn't heard this book gets better, I'd be tempted not to continue. It's not the dumpster fire that Justice League was, but using Doomsday was a big misstep.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. Vol 1: Sinestro's Law very quickly comes off as the writers wanking off to Geoff Johns (Ethan Van Sciver's aboard as co-writer and sometimes penciller, so that's not surprising). I know it's impossible to ignore his contributions, but I think Green Lanterns did a better job of overcoming comparisons with some solid characterization even while using his Red Lanterns as antagonists. And there's also the confusing story set-up: most of the GLC has disappeared without explanation, and the Sinestro Corps. has taken its place as galactic law enforcement. It's really unclear if this has occurred in the gap between New 52 and Rebirth or if it was set up at the end of the previous series. I really don't know for sure. But it almost feels like Sinestro Corps. War II in some ways, and that's not a great way to make a fresh start. Sometimes, a Rebirth series's long game can be frustrating. The case in point here is that the missing GLC returns very early in the story severely depleted and with very little hint of where they've been and what was responsible. Presumably, that's for a future arc, but yet again, the GLC has been decimated, and we don't even know why. So a lot of familiar GLC tropes along with Hal playing his usual Hero Among Heroes role and some groan-worthy scenes of Guy Gardner overcoming torture by reciting the Green Lantern oath over and over. But even with all that, it does manage to stick a pretty decent ending. Soranik Natu's role, for example, is pretty interesting as is the revelation that some of the Sinestro Corps actually want to do the right thing. So it's hard to recommend for anyone burned out on Johns-style Green Lantern but perfectly fine if you're not so much. Plus, I hear the book improves later.
So other than 'Tec, this was not a great batch at all. Here's my Rebirth rankings as of their first TPBs.....
Best of the Best--WANT MORE NOW!!!
Aquaman Flash
Batman Detective Comics
Really Good, Will Def Continue!
Green Arrow Superman Green Lanterns Nightwing
meh. May or may not continue
Wonder Woman Action Comics Hal Jordan and the GLC Where's the Incinerator?
Justice League
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I talked about this in this weeks book review s thread, But: I think you'll probably have a lot of the same issues with the second present day wonder woman volume, the truth. And but it pulled off a good ending, and actually left me hopeful for the book going forward.
I was so disappointed by the decision to bring back Barry Allen that I never really even gave his books a chance. But if so many people in this forum are giving it good marks, I may give it a shot. Should I start from rebirth?
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I was so disappointed by the decision to bring back Barry Allen that I never really even gave his books a chance. But if so many people in this forum are giving it good marks, I may give it a shot. Should I start from rebirth? I'd say that it depends. I'm kinda predisposed to like certain books if they nail certain elements and to not like others if I normally wouldn't get them and they don't impress. I'd say that if you've really liked Flash comics in the past, then you are likely to enjoy this and should start back with Rebirth. If Barry Allen is a big hurdle, it might be more iffy for you. But I will say that Barry stands out more as a character here than the traditionally vanilla Barry normally does in comics, even without changing who he is at his core. I suppose my final recommendation is to find a cheap vol. 1 on eBay or even a free copy to check out at the library if in doubt. I talked about this in this weeks book review s thread, But: I think you'll probably have a lot of the same issues with the second present day wonder woman volume, the truth. And but it pulled off a good ending, and actually left me hopeful for the book going forward. How about the "Year One" arc? I'm holding out hope that it's a lot better than "The Lies". Is it?
Last edited by Paladin; 05/25/17 10:54 PM.
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I enjoyed it. It definitely felt more like a story and less like a series of things that happened. And the art was of course beautiful. But in the year that produced wonder woman earth one, the legend of wonder woman, and wonder woman the true Amazon, I can't really do more than damn it with the faint praise of being the fourth best retelling of wonder woman's origin to be published in 2016.
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Action reads a bit better when alternated with Superman even when they run separate stories. While Superman focuses almost exclusively on the family element (particularly Clark & Jon), Action does more with the surrounding characters (Lex, Lois, New Clark), and the Superman parts are more of a narrative drive.
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