Ooh, nice. Thanks, Cleome. I'm relieved that I'm not the only Cetera/Chicago fan here at Legion World. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, though, that my gateway to vintage Chicago was the David Foster Produced Comeback Era.
Out of respect for you and other fans who haven't yet made themselves known, I shan't post videos of any 80s Chicago hits.
You should post 'em anyway. I mean, we have a guy here whose thread is called "Dungeon Of Schlock" and the board is still standing, so...
On my quest for a jazzed-up version of the song, I found a video of an adorable teenage girl doing the drum parts in one of those rock-star games. I thought she did well, but her cat was not impressed and dozed off about halfway through. Critics.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
Whenever I get around to it, I'll try to post videos with album covers and single sleeves instead of the actual music videos. Ye Gods, even by the standards of other veteran rock bands pandering to MTV at that time, Chicago's videos were awful!
And I'll have to do a search for that "kitty-kritik" video. Thanks.
Oy. I'm pretty sure that one day during my not-so-adorable teen years, I tried to rip the cable box out of the wall and stomp on it during Chicago's "Stay The Night" video. Or maybe it was Asia's "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes."
Either way, I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to go watch TV at that friend's house after that. Ohhh... yeahhh... I had some issues.
Last edited by cleome50; 10/07/1608:11 AM.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
The very last record I've dated and put away in my collection* is her appearance leading an all-female group on a 10" disc called Cats Vs. Chicks. The cover's in terrible shape: literally falling apart. But the record itself sounds fine, and given how jacked-up the prices are for these things now, I was lucky to score it for around five dollars when I did.
One disappointing thing: the EP cover shows cartoon images of Pollard and "rival" bandleader: the great trumpeter Clark Terry. ("Terry vs. Terry." Get it?) But the cartoons are White, while in real life both artists were Black.
*Completing an organizing project that's taken at least a year and a half. I was really determined.
Last edited by cleome55; 07/24/2104:43 PM.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
When I was very little I got to go with my mom to meet a very special lady. She was so beautiful and elegant. I was most likely three going on four but I fell in love. That was the day Julie London stole a little boy's heart.
Oy. I'm pretty sure that one day during my not-so-adorable teen years, I tried to rip the cable box out of the wall and stomp on it during Chicago's "Stay The Night" video. Or maybe it was Asia's "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes."
Either way, I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to go watch TV at that friend's house after that. Ohhh... yeahhh... I had some issues.
The worst part for me is, even the worst of the old videos (OK, maybe not the very worst) look almost endearing today next to some of the Gods-Awful horror movie/gore/sex/near-nudity/pseudo-ironic-hipster-creepiness/instantly-dated-CGI-effects/pretentious-director-freshly-graduated-from-film-school videos from the past 15-20 years.
The inner science nerd in me has fallen love once again. Makes me want to get out those old genetics text books again. Ugh...maybe not. But I do want to rewatch Cosmos.
The Original Broadway Cast Recording of "Legally Blonde: the Musical." My daughter's school is putting it on starting Thursday and she's on the Tech Crew. She's played me about half of it in the car already anyway. It's not bad.
The Original Broadway Cast Recording of "Legally Blonde: the Musical." My daughter's school is putting it on starting Thursday and she's on the Tech Crew. She's played me about half of it in the car already anyway. It's not bad.
I remember liking the first Legally Blonde movie but hating the second.
Best wishes to your daughter and all the others in the crew & cast.
I actually have the CD edition of that soundtrack album (bought it used a few years ago), mainly because I like most of what Eurythmics have done. I don't listen to it that often (too depressing, perhaps even more today as the Orwellian fantasy has gotten closer to reality), but I do think it's good for what it is.
With our new truck we get Sirius XM radio free for 6 months. Not sure we'll keep it but for now I'm digging Lithium (90's alternative & grunge). A little too heavy on the STP and not enough Canadian content, but otherwise a really nice mix. Its companion channels "1st Wave" (80's alternative) & XMU (current alt) are pretty cool too.