I think the gorgeous Fez woman was Tsai Chin, who made a lot of films. In fact, I think she was in The Virgin Soldiers, which is supposed to be a not-bad British black comedy. I've been meaning to search around for it.
Not a bad theme song, either. I think one of the Kinks co-wrote it.
[ETA- No. Damn my defective memory. Tsai Chin was Fu Manchu's daughter, not Fez Lady. Every time the daughter in Castle yells, "FAA-THUH!" I'm sad that neither Joel nor the robots responds, "You promised to get me a MOUSE, Father!" I have a real soft spot for the old Looney Tunes with Sylvester & Son.]
Last edited by cleome50; 03/23/1710:51 AM.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
Despite the dated arrangement and the Outlaw-esque use of "pleasure" as a verb, yeah. I love this LP. Bibb was a formidable singer and in a better world his career would've been huge. Same applies to his son, Eric: a really talented Blues artist.
Speaking of Outlaw, Queen Laura is probably my favorite villain in the musty, cluttered storage unit that is the MST3k stable of films.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
I think there's a big-screen showing of the Time Chasers this coming weekend. That would be a great thing to see, but now that's it's yardwork season... Decisions... decisions...
I don't care what anyone says. The star [sic] of that awful movie is actually pretty cute, despite the mullet and chin issues. If I'm going to have a big dumb doofus crashing a plane with me in it, I'd sure rather it be that guy than John "Wall Of Smug" Agar.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
So, last Tuesday I got to watch a live simulcast of the Rifftrax-MST3K reunion show. Almost all the old lineup was there to hug and tell silly anecdotes. Except J. Elvis Weinstein (the original Tom Servo).
I hear they may be re-showing it in some theaters around the country. So if you're a fan with a few extra dollars-- go! I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
That sounds good. Thanks, Cleome. It's a shame Josh Elvis didn't make it, though, because then his successor, Kevin Murphy, could have told the story about some loser who went to all the trouble of printing out and mailing to Best Brains a huge banner reading, "I HATE TOM SERVO'S NEW VOICE."
Me, I prefer Kevin's voice to Josh's, but to each their own -- even losers with too much bottled-up anger.
I love the bit in that interview where Josh frightens everyone in the con audience by saying, "I was mad because they wouldn't let me take the puppet home with me."
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
One of the robots, commenting on a scene in "Attack of the the Eye Creatures" where a greasy-haired guy in sweat-drenched striped pajamas gets out of bed:
I hardly know whether this merits bragging, but... as of last week, I can now proclaim that I've seen all three permutations of Santa Claus Conquers The Martians. That is: the original MST3K roasting, the Cinematic Titanic follow-up, AND the Rifftrax follow to the follow-up.
Seeing it on the big screen has given me far too much familiarity with just how those Martian leotards fit, too. I'm sure you know what I mean, Fans.
Last edited by Lad With Glasses; 12/07/1610:32 AM.
I'm late to this but put me down as a big MST3K fan from back in the day. I have to admit that I haven't kept up with the later offshoots but I think there were a couple of years when, if a show made me laugh it was either this, The Kids In the Hall or the Tick.
That reminds me of the bit where Joel hearkens back to those Nineties Little Caesar's ads (in one of the Hercules films) by grumbling, "Pizza Pizza, my a**!" during a fight scene with a pair of Centurion-type guys.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
I love their parodies of "Operation: the Goofy Game for Dopey Doctors," the time that Dr. F put TV's Frank into a life-sized version, and the way they'd all make fun of the voices from the TV commercials:
I just got my thank-you gifts for backing the new show a year ago: a set of postcards and a new MST3K T-Shirt! Woo! (I got a larger size, so mr_cleome and I could take turns wearing it.)
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
Remember this from one of the (endless) scenes of gangsters walking in Radar Secret Service:
"Man, I'm chafin' like a bear! These Italian bun-huggers give me NO room at all!"
All right, so I'm the only one who does. I probably need to spruce up my wardrobe, join up with Grindr or whatever they call those, er... dating services the younger set seems to like.
Uh... yeah. Definitely seen this but uh... not 'til today. Yeah... [whistles nonchalantly]
A pal of mine with a big-screen is hoping to do a viewing for us on 4/14, when it premieres for the first time.
There's a local game shop which does viewings of the old episodes on a regular basis, and we went to their anniversary celebration a week or so back. There was a viewing marathon which culminated in Manos, then a Q&A with the woman who played Debbie. She's selling a book about the film's influence on her life, and she's done a sequel to the film with her character all grown up and inheriting The Master's, uh... business.
Joel Hodgson wrote the forward for her, and proclaims Manos STILL one of the worst things he's ever sat through!
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
As a long-time fan AND resident of the Pacific Northwest, it's always made me sad that we're not nearly famous enough for our bad movies. I mean, there was that stupid Madonna "suspense" film they did here when I was still in college. (Shot on our University grounds, in fact: to the irritation of everyone basically. Also that one cop film with some heart throb of the day who the local hipster rag couldn't shut up about... who's now totally forgotten by everyone. Me included, thank God.) But the only film shot here and then immortalized on the show was Last Of The Wild Horses, shot in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon. And lovely it looked, too. As good as could be expected given the fact that Wobert Wippert shot the whole thing on a budget of $100.
However, when Jackie Neyman (aka Debbie) did her appearance, she gave us the long-awaited Pac NW-Manos connection: her Dad (aka The Master) had long ago quit the arts-entertainment biz and was working as a handyman in Lincoln City (Oregon Coast) when adult J.N. called him to tell him she'd finally located a copy of the film! Woot!
Last edited by cleome50; 03/29/1710:38 AM.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*