No lie. I use this well-remembered tune for my yoga count-offs in the evening. Works a lot better than trying to crane my neck and watch a clock or an open phone:
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
One of them was also George Jefferson, I believe. The crossover fanfic possibilities have likely not been explored yet. Probably something to do with pocket universes.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
In the original Sesame Street test pilot, an actor named Garrett Saunders played Gordon. When it went to series, Matt Robinson took over the role and played Gordon for three years. Hal Miller followed for two years. Roscoe Orman was cast in 1974 and has played Gordon ever since.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
"Pocket universe" makes me think of the "Mandarin Orange" carving my neighbor's Mom had back in the day. Somebody managed to work a whole tiny seaport or village into the middle. Like a diorama you could hold in the palm of your hand. I thought it was the coolest thing ever when I was a kid.
I grew up with dogs but not cats. Which is why I am a dog person. My landlord does not allow dogs, but allows cats. Even so, I don't think I have the wherewithal to care for a dog in the city (taking him for walks) Plus unless the dog is a small dog, I think dogs need space to run.
Meanwhile, my apartment started having a mouse problem. Which is why I got a cat.
Cats do seem to be better able to take care of themselves - and they can get lots of exercise climbing.
I think our 5 dogs would probably end up chasing that poor cat in the gif. Except for one, she's such a coward she would probably hide in a corner, trembling all the while, and whimpering whenever something falls and makes a loud noise.
Our cats are always trying to steal each other's food, too. We feed them in separate rooms, but Butterscotch The Evil is adept at prying the door open so they can both escape.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
I recall volunteering at a no-kill cat shelter in a neighboring town. One evening, I started my shift to find that a black-and-white "tuxedo" cat had let himself out of his kennel. He was just relaxing and grooming himself on an upholstered chair in the reception room. So myself and a staffer put him back in his kennel before starting our evening routine of feeding, cleaning boxes, etc.
The next night, the same cat again had let himself out, and this time there were two or three other cats with him in that same area. I think he was trying to teach everyone how to jimmy open their kennels.
Luckily, a staffer adopted that tuxedo the following week.
Last edited by Lad With Glasses; 04/20/1604:31 PM.
Well it was in the news recently about Inky the octopus who escaped from his tank in a New Zealand aquarium, got across the floor, down 100 drain pipe, and back to the sea.
I have heard other stories of octopuses (octopi?) in aquariums who would leave their tanks, go to nearby tanks, eat the fish, then return to their own tank.