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There are a lot of ongoing discussions about which era or version of the Legion we prefer or would want to see published on a regular basis. I'm having a hard time with this because each era or version of the Legion has certain strong points. Some characters fared better in reboots, while others were diminished. I'm going to present my opinion on four members and the era I think portrayed them the best. I invite everyone to respsond with thoughts on my picks, and add some of your own, giving your reasons. You can define eras or versions any way you choose.

Triad/Reboot: Luornu certainly had some good moments before Zero Hour, but I think the reboot made her better. I like the code name Triad better than Triplicate Girl, Duo Damsel, or Una. It's simple and descriptive, and makes her sound more like a real hero. The distinct personalities of Triad Purple, Triad Neutral, and Triad Orange were explored in greater detail and with more creativity during the reboot than any other era. Her origin as one of the few Carggites with distinct personalities was compelling. The idea that this was viewed as a sign of mental instability on her home world, plus the support she received from her grandmother who had the same condition, added more depth. Her role as Brande's adopted daughter made her early inclusion into the Legion seem natural. Her friendship with the other girls was a fun and regular feature of the reboot. She really got a lot of exposure. DNA took her even further giving her a major role in keeping covert Legion activities funded during the Legion Lost period, and being a key player in reforming the Legion when the Lost members returned. She got to shine by being the one the take down Ras al Ghul. Coipel gave her a great look. I always thought that DNA planned to make her leader after Quantum Kid's term, and was very disappointed that we never got to see this.

Saturn Girl/Adventure Era: She was a feminist before most people knew what the word meant. She had a distinct personality in an era where bizarre plot twists usually overshaowed characterization. She was smart, committed, and an early leader. She was complex. She could be an Iron Butt, nosey, thoughtful, and compassionate, however, she never seemed out of character. One person really could have all these qualities. I never liked her much in the reboot. She seemed too self absorbed and spend a lot of time fainting, sick, or not in control of her powers. I hate the lack of vocal cords in the the 3boot, and she never really developed a personality at all.

Jo Nah/5YL: Jo was the antithesis of Dirk in the TMK Legion. Dirk stayed on the right side of the law and the establishment as it became corrupt. He lost his soul. Jo went back to Rimbor to become a smuggler and managed to keep his. The loss of Tinya made him a sometimes painfully tragic figure, but he carried on with his head held high. He was a loyal friend to Brin, and he and Kent became easy freinds. He guided Kono the best he could, but didn't try to control her. He knew he couldn't. He laughed and joked in spite of his pain. He was an actor. He was smart, but acted dumb in a high stakes game with Glorith and ended up saving the universe.

Tenzel Kim/3boot: I'm going out on a limb with this one because he has only appeared in two issues. In previous eras we've seen him as an underutilized hero whose powers sometimes made him appear ridiculous, as a senator, as a TV star, a defense attorney, and a chef. Almost always played for comic relief in the last 20 years. Bedard is maintaining the comic relief aspect while giving him a deadly serious mission. Giffen's Tenzel was sometimes too over the top. I'm feeling a balance here that I really like. For most of his career, Tenzel has been a joke. For the first time, I'm taking him seriously. I would never have described him as cool until last Wednesday.

Okay, which era gave your fave a chance to shine?

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Interesting topic, Jerry. You've hit on exactly why there is no consensus among fans as to which version of the Legion should be "official" (assuming any of them should be). Each version has had unique storylines and characterizations that should not be discarded wholesale.

By far, I prefer the original timeline, complete with Superboy and Supergirl. But in recently rewriting the Legion's origin as a creative project, I found myself "filling in the gaps" by including President Chu, and also by relying more on Garth's personality in the animated series than as he was originally portrayed. These additions just add so much to what was already there.

I agree completely with your assessement of Triad, Saturn Girl, and Jo Nah. Here are some of my own picks:

Phantom Girl/animated series -- the irreverent space princess/daughter of the president but embarrassed by it. Often used for comedy relief (she has the best lines), but also portrayed as an effective and independent fighter.

Shadow Lass/Levitz era -- Perhaps she took advantage of Mon-El and married him when he was not capable of saying no, but it says a lot about her loyalty to him, strength of will, and the customs of her people.

Mon-El/Bates-Cockrum version -- He didn't have a lot to do in many stories, but, as the Legion's leader, he was always there: a kind of big brother whose presence was calmly reassuring.

Queen Projecra/Bierbaums version -- I'm really enjoying her appearances in the post-Giffen issues. She's a mature leader who has survived her own personal hell and come through it the wiser.

Star Boy/Adventure era -- Thom may have been the quintessential "average guy" and a bit of a patsy in some stories, but he also displayed the ability to think and act on his own, Legion code be damned. He also recovered from a devastating career blow -- being expelled from the Legion -- and made the best of it, first by joining the Subs, then by rejoining the Legion for an unselfish reason: to help Dream Girl find her sister.

Dream Girl/"Lightning Saga" -- From what little I've seen of her, she seems to combine the best qualities of previous versions of the character: a glamor girl, but also smart and calm; she cares about Thom's condition, but doesn't let her feelings show much, as they have a mission to accomplish.

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Bold choice on Dream Girl, HWW. She is one I struggle with because I have liked so many versions of her. Adventure era she added a nice exotic beauty quality to the Legion. I loved the strong leader who was always breaking a nail around the time of Great Darkness. The 5YL heavier but saucy Mae West thing had potential. I hated what they did to her in the early reboot but loved her after she got that Khund training. I really liked her early Threeboot portrayal. Too bad they ruined it by killing her and then making us wait forever to find out the real story which is just not satisfying. She looked great and got some of the best lines in Lightning Saga. I enjoyed the conversations in other threads about her lack of flirtiness in the story and how it wouldn't have been appropriate given the circumstances.

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Nura's always been an "also ran" character to me, though I've enjoyed bits and pieces of every version you cite. I suppose that's why it's easy for me to accept the "Lightning Saga" version of her. She doesn't seem that much different from past versions, though maybe somewhat more mature acting.

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It's hard for me to pick a favourite, but I keep going back to Cosmic Boy. His character has been fairly consistent overall, so I don't know if one era was really better than another for him. I know the Cockrum/Grell era produced my favourite costume. laugh

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I'm glad folk aren't sticking to just one 'favorite'-- I'd find that near impossible.

ELEMENT LAD... My first instinct was to pick the Levitz years when his status as longtime deputy leader got lots of play, followed by actual stints as leader. What got Jan into that position-- his detective work uncovering VIOLET'S STORY, might be his shining hour.

Then I thought of the 5YL era and Jan's shifting relationships with Sean Erin and Roxxas. I loved his role in 5YL (though I got tired of him endlessly returning to Trom).

ADVENTURE (great origin issue, the SUPER-ORPHANS, wisecracking to cover a shattered heart) and reboot had their moments-- though reboot E-Lad certainly veered into directions from which I thought he might never recover as a viable character.

I'm tempted to single out the Bates/Grell era, with Jan's first-ever show of emotion at the horror of his past.

But I think I'll stick with my first instinct. You really can't do better than being one of the leads during one of the LSH's most fondly remembered eras.

COSMIC BOY-- Early reboot, and DNA. As readers we saw for the first time what made Rokk Krinn so venerated as the LSH 'aged'.

SUN BOY-- ADVENTURE. No contest. He was a mainstay. I really don't get why later writers short-changed Dirk.

SATURN GIRL-- ADVENTURE. She was ground-breaking. Should've made the cover of MS. magazine instead of Wonder Woman. If only the cartoon tapped into what made Imra the team's primary heroine.

INVISIBLE KID-- Reboot, all the way. Lyle Norg from this era deserves to be used in whatever boots occur in the future. The sharp-eyed inventor and espionage agent was so much more than a rival for Brainy. I miss him.

BRAINIAC 5-- He's been central to most LSH eras. I'm torn between second-term Levitz and reboot. Stories where he goes insane automatically disqualify those periods. For me. I'd like to read Querl, rather than Vril, Dox again.

DREAM GIRL-- Levitz/Giffen (though this era gets points off for the Atmos mess) and late reboot are my favorites. I'm very intrigued by LIGHTNING SAGA Nura and her connection to THE DREAMING that she shares with Sandman. I hope that gets more play somewhere or other.

I like Nura's contrasts. She's vain (though at least some of that's an act, I think), glamorous and comfort-loving. But she's also one of the team's best hand-to-hand fighters... and a scientist-- with a familiarity with magic.

My favorite Nura moment is when she used her flight ring to rise above the stakes at which she and a handful of fellow Legionnaires were being burned on Orando. So, I'll go with Levitz/Giffen.

SHADOW LASS-- who came on strong in ADVENTURE. I love her earliest appearances. Not so much the Adult Legion doom.

But I really appreciate her in the reboot, preLost (and then post-Lost). Umbra was multi-faceted and complex. Flawed, deeply. But brave and fierce in her compassion. And she had a terrific uniform (I don't mean the one with the metal crotch-sheild).

Fun thinking about this-- I find myself wanting to pick almost every era for my favorite LSHers.

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NURA--The definitive Nura will always be the Levitz era, as far as I'm concerned. Uber-competent, but ambitious and desirious of recognition to the point that it cost her a longterm relationship.

LUORNU--I actually despise the Orange/Neutral/Purple stuff, as I think it basically kills any possibility of character growth. Personality-wise, Shooter and Levitz are the definitive writers for her, though powerwise the cartoon has been pretty impressive for her.

TENZIL--Best Tenzil story = Shooter's Action back-up. I'm thinking the current version has potential as well.

IMRA-- Has to be Adventure, as others have noted.

DIRK-- Likewise. He was the star.

GARTH-- Adventure as well. The "most heroic" Legionnaire of the early days.

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Yes, multiple favorites are allowed, by all means. Picking a favorite Legionnaire is like picking a favorite song. It's usually the one that happens to be in your head at the moment you are asked.

I totally agree with you on the reboot Invisble Kid, Mystery Lad. I regret that he wasn't included in Legion Lost. I thought he would have made an excellent addition (or replacement for Brainiac 5) on that team.

Cosmic Boy is a tough one. Early reboot he did shine, especially in the scene with Gim after Kid Quantum's death. I think I have to give the edge to 5YL for Rokk, though. The Venado Bay consequences, particularly his interactions with Vi in the aftermath, just stand out for me as some of the most powerful moments in Legion history. She is bracing herself for Rokk's anger and preparing to lose his friendship, but instead he asks for her forgiveness. That one gets me in the gut every time I read it.

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Very interesting topic. I'll have to think about it before I post though.

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Originally posted by Rockhopper Lad:
It's hard for me to pick a favourite, but I keep going back to Cosmic Boy. His character has been fairly consistent overall, so I don't know if one era was really better than another for him. I know the Cockrum/Grell era produced my favourite costume. laugh
I agree, the plunging man-cleavage rocked.

My favorite Legionnaire has always been Invisible Kid and so I'll say the classic era. I really haven't read much of the new book so I don't know how he's fairing in that one. Or for that matter, if he's still alive in that one.

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EDE, I have to agree with you on Adventure era for Garth. They made an honest attempt during the reboot. Showing him as a strong leader during the Team 20/Team 30 split. I loved his garden and green thumb in Legion Lost. His sacrafice was noble,of course. But the the whole Jarth episode really messed up all the progress that was made with him, and could never match the simple friendly nobility of the original Lightning Lad.

Any thoughts on the the Bierbaums' Garth in the early issues of Legionnaires? I'm a big defender of the Tom and Mary, but didn't like the hot headed, and at times mean, Garth of that period.

Ram Boy, Lyle is still alive 3boot, but he did lose an arm recently. He was introduced with lot of potential, but seemed to get off track in the most recent series.

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I have to differ concerning Tenzil Kem: I think the new version by Tony Bedard is a boring one. Everyone could be a prosecutor, that's not the role made for Tenzil.

Giffens version was way over the top, that's right, but it was wonderful. I loved his "Trust me - I'm a senator" stuff. Giffen even continued to work on this in collector items like the Legion 5YL role-playing book (anybody out there who also has this little gem???).

Another favorite of mine has always been Ayla Ranzz - and I think her character was violated by calling her "Spark" (ugh!) in the Reboot and she showed no characterization whatever in the Threeboot - so the best time must have been Levitz era for her (though I liked making her a Lesbian - kind of - in 5YL)...

Giffens Tenzil made my laugh so hard that I consider the few special Tenzil issues (#13, #49? is that right from memory?) as some of the best single issues ever - section comedy. Up there with Ambush Bug meeting the Substitute heroes.

But I very much like your analysis of 5YL Jo Nah, Jerry: Right on target. And even though it ended tragically for him, I would go as far as to say 5YL was the best moment for Dirk Morgna as well: Falling to the dark side - you gotta love this in a character smile

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Originally posted by Jerry:
Any thoughts on the the Bierbaums' Garth in the early issues of Legionnaires? I'm a big defender of the Tom and Mary, but didn't like the hot headed, and at times mean, Garth of that period.
I agree. I just read not too long ago the issue where Garth and Dirk make fun of Legion applicant Cera Kesh. Terrible scene. Wasn't it possible to make us feel sorry for Cera without two long-time favorite Legionnaires becoming the worst sort of teenage stereotype?

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Bumping for comparison with Lash's new thread on how Legionnaires fared during various eras.

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Don't know how I missed this thread!

Interesting that some people's choices don't necessarily equal the period where that character was getting the most exposure, like EDE's pick of the Adv or Levitz era over Reboot era for Lu.

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I can't pick a favorite. So here's my whole list:

Lu: I thought she was cute in SW6 and interesting in early reboot, where I thought she fared best. Very glad she hasn't lost any bodies since preboot.

Ultra Boy: became a favorite in SW6 and early reboot, but I thought he was too long in coming around in the latter. By the time he was a full member, he suffered a bit for the love affair with the then-lost Tinya and sub-par Team 20 arc and even subber-par post-100 LSH run. DNA's and 3boot Jo feels a bit dumb. For me, then, in retrospect, it's TMK Jo that really nailed his character -- Jo Nah = Han Solo.

Ferro Lad: SW6 all the way. He was merely a sacrifice in previous eras (and even became the first casualty of Zero Hour). Reboot Ferro was such a wuss that it became hard to like him even though he was by far my favorite Legionnaire of all time. DNA were taking him in the right direction, but ran of time with him by the time they brought him back.

Shady: Loved her bitchy reboot form; she quickly became my total favorite Legionnaire of the run as the sole Veronica to the Archies and Bettys filling out the rest of the team. Glad to see she's in top form in the 3boot, too.

Kid Quantum: I liked the TMK retcon character and thought his quick disposal in reboot was a travesty. His sister certainly fared well under DNA in particular.

Invisible Kid: I thought both sets were played weakly in the preboot, even if the latter got to turn the Subs into a real force and became President. The reboot really brought Lyle out in a great way. Wish the 3boot version would get a proper uniform; he's got great potential.

More later.

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I generally loved the way Lu looked and was used during the Coipel run. But I didn't like the constant arguing and indecision amongst the three Lus. So I'd have to give it to Adventure/Shooter Lu's Duo Damsel. I don't think she has been portrayed as human as she was here since.

My favourite Ayla moment: After recovering her lightning powers she is seen stowing away on a craft filled with the Legion of Super-Villains. Her bravery here really impressed me. So I guess I'd have to say Levitz for her.

Shadow Lass - her Umbra years - especially the Legion Lost run. This was her most imperious look art-wise. She had a touch of Projectra's regal quality. But more sour.

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Ultra Boy has always been my favorite even though he didn't much exposure in the Levitz run.

In v4 he really shined. IMO he was the "main" character there for a while. They didn't introduce anything new just explored him more. Jo was the man in v4.

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I'd like to see Lu's three bodies each have a unique and discernable personality of their own. Not three thirds of a one, or the same one triplicated.

Maybe just in an Elseworlds kind of setting... or some boot to come.

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Mystery Lad, I just had the same idea yesterday. What if it isn't the same girl that triplicates but three sisters that "unite".

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Count me in the Bierbaum camp for Ultra Boy. I've always loved Jo but the scene with the young Jo meeting up with the adult Jo just grabs my heart and gives it a twist. Brash outgoing young Jo contrasted with the mature heartbroken Jo I think UB really shines in the last few issues of that run. I feel he became one of the stars of the book during that time.
Loved the Emerald dragon costume. Loved the tragic hero angle.

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I agree with Jerry's Ultra Boy call, in that 5YL really let the character shine, and the moment when Jo reveals that he leaves his invulnerability on by default is one of the moments that cemented him as my all-time, never-going-to-change favorite.

But my personal favorite era for the character is probably the space pirates/memory loss storyline by Conway and James Jean from around the #270s. I guess because I was younger, the nostalgia kicks in harder. I know Conway is not a favorite for many Legion fans, but I like it all.

I probably wouldn't call him one of my favorite Legionnaires, but my favorite Chameleon Boy storyline is the Yera/Violet mystery by Levitz/Giffen. I thought that was a good moment for Colossal Boy also... he thought he was finally getting together with Vi, and I expected him to jump a different direction when he found out the truth; it was a nice surprise that he didn't.

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WILDFIRE: the highlight was when he burned oh so brightly right from the time he burst on to the scene -- he became hugely popular with fans, was elected leader as a rookie, shone during "Earthwar" and the Omega story, lit the romantic fire with Dawnstar, fought with Superboy, took the trainees under his wing etc. -- through "The Great Darkness Saga", then after that he might've still been a prominent member, but less so, until of course totally dropping out of sight for *years* during TMK, then disappearing for years *again* after Zero Hour (thank goodness it appears his absense this time won't be as long).

And despite the screwed up postboot origin, I think he had a mini resurgence of former glory during "Legion Lost"

And I also agree about ULTRA BOY during TMK. His appearances during the first dozen or so issues rocketed him to being my second fav Legionnaire.

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Drake, thanks for pointing out the "Legion Lost", Wildfire. It was some great characterization that gets overlooked. His spotlight issue was dead on. The art and coloring were brilliant. I loved the way he accepted Imra's deception as something that she felt the need to do for the team. He may not have agreed, but he didn't judge. It was time to move on. A cool and steady response for a guy who has the reputation of being a hot head.

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