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DC is Reviving the Legion Soon! Everyone Will Embrace It!
by colonyofcells - 03/31/25 12:50 AM
Recent Legion-verse sightings in DCU proper
by Eryk Davis Ester - 03/30/25 08:30 PM
Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
by Korbal - 03/30/25 08:16 PM
Need A Legion Reference? Post Here
by Ann Hebistand - 03/30/25 05:44 PM
Kill This Thread XVII - Retirement Age
by Ann Hebistand - 03/30/25 04:35 PM
Legion Trivia 6
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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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Thanks, raz! Nightwind's story is strongly based on realities here in the Philippines, and I am glad it translated well into fiction.

Next up - a few more scenes delving into the private lives of a few more Legionnaires!

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both of these down moments were really well done and I'm liking the friendship that is developing between Amp and Lamprey. They will be a good due to follow once they make Active status someday.

Nightwinds moment was really nice. its always good to delve more into the families and histories of the legion. a tour of worlds? i like that idea.

looking forward to more.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Thanks Omni! Amp and Lamprey both have the right attitude, and that is just as important as having the right powers.

Look for more exploration of worlds and backgrounds soon too smile

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

One by one, the members of the Legion landed on the large upraised stage smack dab in the center of the crowded room. Active members stood on the outer edge, joined by the former Active members who had stepped down - Thunder, Magnetic Kid, Impulse. The large pool of Reservists followed, and then the Honoraries.

The Legionnaires gave one last show of power, each using their special abilities to the delight of the crowd. Bolts of energy in every imaginable color erupted into the air, while others were coated in their tell-tale power signatures. The crowd grew even wilder as the holocams rotated around to take in the spectacle.

Then, as one, the Legionnaires stopped. Nightwind stepped forward. "Sentients, we thank you for joining us in our long-awaited Legion Day celebration. But this day is not about the individual Legionnaires; indeed, it is about an ideal that is larger than any one of us - and believe me, Violet can get pretty large!" A ripple of laughter went through the crowd as Violet enlarged ever so slightly with a wicked smile.

"The Legion is about acceptance, diversity, cooperation, and a firm belief in the power of good and the importance of working towards that good. And you don't have to possess metapowers or special abilities, or put on a skintight costume, or become a master combatant to join in that." A spotlight shone on the Legion's Honorary members and Support Staff as the Legionnaires turned towards them and applauded. Rond Vidar touched his spectacles nervously, and Dr. Mollie Dennum jumped excitedly at being recognized. "Indeed," Nightwind continued, "we are happy to work with wonderful sentients from all over the United Planets and beyond in our day-to-day operations, which have branched out from assistance in defense and rehabilitation, to education, healthcare and development. We have set up an exhibit on these in the Allon Hall. Interested volunteers can also sign up there."

As excited murmurs spread through the crowd, Nightwind stepped back to give Rebound center stage. The rotund Legionnaire inflated and bounced high up into the air to get the crowd's attention. "Nightwind was very much right when she said you don't need to be an active Legionnaire to contribute. But for those who do think Active duty is right for them, you are in luck! Open tryouts will be held in one month; this will coincide with the Legion Cadet program's next intake. We invite those eligible to apply for either one. Those interested can see the exhibits in the Superboy hall, where Legionnaires and Cadets alike will share their experiences. Our Legionnaires will also be traveling to selected United Planets worlds for an information caravan! The full schedule will be shared on the Interwebs today." The murmurs rose in volume to a full chatter at this announcement.

"These initiatives are a good way to increase inclusion, and allow more sentients to contribute in making our galaxies a better place," Kid Quantum II continued. "Before we march on forward, though, we want to take a moment to remember our pasts. There are some absent Legionnaires whom we want to remember."

The lights in the great hallway dimmed. Sensor resisted the urge to shake her head; this was unnecessary, but it did give an air of solemnity to the proceedings. She never did like pomp and circumstance, but she understood its use. She quickly caused an image of Superboy to appear over the assembled Legionnaires. A triplicated Triad stepped forward. "We were fortunate enough to have had Superboy, Conner Kent, join us briefly before he returned home*. It was an amazing experience, working alongside someone known only from history. We learned as much from him as he learned from us."

As Triad stepped back, Sensor conjured up an image of the first Kid Quantum, James Cullen. Jazmin reached out a hand as her father and mother stepped onto the stage. Cosmic Boy shook Mr. Cullen's hand as Jazmin hugged her mother. Jazmin recalled how elated her parents had been when she had called them after their return; James' death had been so long ago that her parents had now accepted it, but Jazmin's final return had given them one living child. She intended to keep their family as whole as possible. "James was one of the first Legionnaires, and the first to die in the line of duty. His death has led us to adopt several measures to keep our Legionnaires safe, not the least of which is our requirement that participants have inherent powers not reliant on technology. Yes, I am confirming this once and for all," Jazmin emphasized.

Sensor concentrated, and an image of Leviathan, Gim Allon, joined James. His parents and his sister came on stage to stand beside Gim's old friend Gigi Cusimano, who shook Admiral Allon's hand and gave Mrs. Allon a hug. Gim's sister Drianna brushed her hair as she looked at Gim's image. Violet and Kinetix came up to greet the family as Star Boy faced the crowd. "Leviathan was, and still is, the toughest trainer I have ever had. He had high standards for us, and even higher standards for himself. He always led by example, and his sacrifice proves that he would never ask anything of his team that he would not do himself. His legacy lives on, as many of his training ideas are being used not just in the Legion, but also in the Science Police and the UP Military." Dreamer held Star Boy's hand as he stepped back.

Finally, an image of Element Lad appeared, a serene smile on his childlike face. Murmurs ran through the crowd as some of the Kwai and others from the Second Galaxy tensed up; even some from United Planets space went still. The Progenitor's actions had been widely reported. Element Lass stood, facing the crowd with determination. The crowd grew quiet as they took in her crystalline body, gleaming in the light. Live Wire stood slightly behind her and squeezed her hand in support. "Although Jan Arrah eventually turned into the Progenitor, we are not here to remember that aspect of him. We do not excuse his actions during that period of his life. But we do remember his heroism when he was still one of us; without him, several of us would not be here and neither would our galaxy. This day, we remember not the Progenitor - but Element Lad, one of the best of us."

Muted, polite applause went up through the crowd, though a handful of fans burst into cheers. Element Lass nodded, satisfied, as she melted back into the crowd of Legionnaires.

Cosmic Boy cleared his throat as he levitated himself. "Now, we have an action-packed day planned for you. Copies of our program are available for download. I won't bore you with any long speeches, as I'm excited to continue myself! Have a great Legion Day, everyone!"

The crowds cheered as the Legionnaires took off again, one by one, broad smiles on their faces as they circled the great hall.


IB's notes:

1) Superboy returned home during the Fatal 500 story in the Teen Titans/Legion special. At the same time, the Legionnaires were lost in the timestream. The less said about that, the better...

2) Here are bios of the four absent Legionnaires:

Element Lad, Jan Arrah of Trom; elemental transmutation
Kid Quantum I, James Cullen of Xanthu; ability to generate a stasis field; relies on his quantum belt to enhance his powers to as point where he can affect objects larger than his fist
Leviathan, Gim Allon of Mars; growth to giant size
Superboy, Kon-El/Conner Kent of Earth; Kryptonian/Human hybrid and clone, Kryptonian powers

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 11/18/15 12:49 PM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

M'Onel, Lar Gand of Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers

Thunder, Cece Beck of 90th century Binderaan; SHAZAM-empowered human with enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, wisdom and flight powers (Reservist, former Active Member)

Rond Vidar of Earth (Iran); skilled scientist specializing in time studies (Honorary)
Shvaughn Erin of Earth (Ireland); Science police captain and Legion Liaison Officer (Honorary)


Thunder smiled as she flew over the large crowd below. She was so glad she could now travel through time with relative ease; she thought back to her first encounter with the Legion*, and her despair at being stranded 60 centuries in the past!

She smiled even wider as she remembered how supportive her new friends had been. She was glad to have returned to help them in a time of crisis, and to join them in celebration now.


She turned to see Rond Vidar thumbing his spectacles as he approached. She made sure not to let her smile slip as she faced him. "Rond! How did you enjoy the parade?"

"I'm glad it's over," Rond said flatly. "It gives me a chance to follow up on my messages to you."

"Oh, yes. I hope you received my reply," Thunder said evenly.

"I did, and I'm here to try and convince you that your replies are counter-productive," Rond pointed out. "Sharing your knowledge of the future state of time travel can only be beneficial to the galaxy as a whole."

"Rond..." Thunder hesitated as she thought about how to word her response. The Wisdom of Solomon AND her studies in school had both told her that sharing future events to those in the past was to be avoided as much as possible. "Rond, believe me, I would love to help you with your scientific advancement. But scientific discoveries are meant to be made at the proper time... Besides, wouldn't it be more fulfilling for you to make those advancements on your own, instead of having them handed to you on a silver platter?"

Rond peered down his glasses at Thunder, as if considering. "That is true, but I don't expect you to provide blueprints and scientific formulae. What I do want to know is why time travel is not more commonplace in your time. We already know that even 20th century science was advanced enough for time travel... so how come this area of study hasn't advanced significantly in the next 7,000 years?"

"Rond, a lot of history has been lost since Earth d..." Thunder almost bit her lip. Revealing that Earth was dead in her time was telling too much! "... since this time. Even if I told you what I knew, it would be very little and much of it is only known through a smattering of historical records. I'm sorry, but I can't reveal my future knowledge. I would be more than happy to help you in other ways though, like contributing to studies you are running in the hear and now. Data gathering, for instance."

Rond opened his mouth to protest again, but before he could retort, a crisp voice cut in. "Rond, stop harassing Thunder. If she says she can't tell you anything about the future, she really can't." Thunder felt a wave of relief wash over her as Shvaughn Erin and M'Onel stepped beside her.

"Captain Erin." A hint of frostiness permeated Rond's voice. "Of course you would want to limit scientific inquiry. That's what the Science Police does."

"We regulate, not limit," Shvaughn Erin replied calmly, as if she had explained herself many times before. "Believe me, Rond, we support scientific inquiry as long as it is done responsibly. Remember, RJ Brande himself reopened the Time Institute during his term, and Winema Wazzo has continued his policies. We just need to make sure that scientific advancement is done properly and within accepted guidelines."

"Besides," M'Onel added, "don't you agree with Thunder's point that any discoveries you made would be more rewarding if you arrived at them yourself?" He held Thunder's gaze as he said this, and Thunder gave the smallest of smiles. M'Onel was the first Legionnaire she had met, and she still counted him as one of her closest friends on the team.

"Hmph," Rond snorted. "Well, I can see there's no more point in arguing. I do have some experiments I'm running now, though, so if I can take you up on your offer before you return to your native time, Thunder? I can also use your help, M'Onel. And," he continued somewhat testily, "feel free to join in and observe, Captain Erin."

"Thank you, Rond," Shvaughn smiled sweetly. "I would love to contribute to your research."

"Well, you are certainly more open-minded than most of your colleagues," Rond muttered. "And I say that without any hint of sarcasm. I'll send you the details." With a small nod, he turned to leave.

"Thank you both, for backing me up," Thunder smiled. "Rond can be persistent! I'm just glad the other Legion scientists aren't pushing me."

"Brainiac 5 is smart enough to understand the implications of revealing future knowledge," M'Onel said. "You don't have to worry about him. And Invisible Kid seems to be very busy right now."

"I'll say," Shvaughn added with a twinkle in her eye. "I've never seen him like that before. I'm happy for them."

"Love seems to be in the air now," Thunder added with a laugh. Shvaughn smiled back, and M'Onel blushed slightly. How funny it was that the man who spent a thousand years in the Phantom Zone was more discomfited than the woman only a fraction of his age! Thunder quickly grabbed their hands. "If you aren't busy, I would love to introduce you to my parents. They're watching the parade in the meeting room - this is a strange time for them, after all."

"I'd love to," M'Onel said as he flew up. "I'm glad they were able to make the trip."

"And thanks for suggesting they stay away from the crowds," Shvaughn added. "It's always best to limit contact between sentients from different centuries. Not that we have any protocols for that, but it makes sense."

"My pleasure. Besides, no offense meant but they are not really comfortable wandering around either. It's a strange time and place for them," Thunder continued as she started flying towards the meeting room. "I'm just glad they insisted on coming. Now I get to celebrate with all of my family."

She smiled to herself as M'Onel and Shvaughn followed her. Despite her relatively short time with the team, the Legion really had become her family away from home. She would definitely make sure to visit often.


IB's notes:

1) LSH v4 110. The Rock of Eternity exploded, stranding her int he 30th century in her Thunder form only. When she reverted to her human form, she would return to her native 90th century. Thunder returned home in Legionnaires 81. My Thunder comes from a few years in her future, where the Rock of Eternity has been fixed, allowing her to travel through time such that she can transform into Thunder and back while in the 30th century.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/27/16 02:09 PM.
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Well, I really didn't mean to steal your Thunder with my latest Rainbow Girl installment-- honestly, that was originally written probably December of last year.

Your Post-Zero-Hour M'Onel has a slightly different history from my 'Batch SW6' Valor, and my characters are easily in their mid-to-late twenties.

Rond ought to know better than to ask questions about the future. His query concerning future time travel tech is sort of like an Egyptian from the 40th century C.E. asking, "Why don't you guys build pyramids anymore?" To give a proper answer would require an entire history of the world.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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I think it's great that we are both using versions of Thunder and Lar Gand. There's room for all of our realities and then some.

Ah well, you know how Rond is...

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So just for fun, I was thinking -

What nicknames would Shikari give all the Legionnaires? I already thought of Jovial Legion for Chuck and Triplet Legion for Lu. I like to think that she already knows everyone's code names, but still likes using her nicknames. Just because.

I also think she would change some of the nicknames she used in Lost. Brainiac 5, for example, went from Green Legion to Smart Legion in canon. I imagine that Kid Quantum II (Brown Legion), Saturn Girl (Fair Legion), Monstress (Large Legion) and Chameleon (Orange Legion) would change...

As a bonus, adding some non-Active Legionnaires who will be getting a lot of use soon... smile

Amp - Boosting Legion
Andromeda - Contrite Legion
Apparition - Spirited Legion
Babbage - Robotic Legion
Blizzard - Cold Legion
Brainiac 5 - Smart Legion
Calorie Queen - Consuming Legion
Chameleon - Changing Legion
Chemical Kid - Chronicler Legion (Condo is a reporter)
Chlorophyll Kid - Plant Legion
Cosmic Boy - Founder Legion
Density (Jed) - Tough Legion
Dragonmage - Dragon Legion
Dreamer - Future Legion
Echo (Tyroc) - Loud Legion
Element Lass - Sweet Legion
Ferro - Iron Legion
Flying Fox - Lupine Legion
Gates - Opinionated Legion
Gear - Mechanical Legion
Gravity Kid - Weightless Legion
Hotshot (Staq) - Fire Legion
Impulse - Healer Legion
Inferno (Dirk) - Sun Legion
Insect Queen - Insect Legion
Invisible Kid - Sneaky Legion
Karate Kid - Fighter Legion
Kid Quantum II - Leader Legion/Time Legion
Kinetix - Animating Legion
Lamprey - Swimmer Legion
Live Wire - Electric Legion (same as Spark)
Lume - Bright Legion
Magnetic Kid - Athlete Legion
Magno - Cheerful Legion
Matter-Eater Lad - Food Legion
Mentalla - Controlled Legion
Microbe - Infectious Legion
M'Onel - Heroic Legion
Night Girl - Night Legion
Nightwind - Windy Legion
Particon - Energy Legion
Rainbow - Rainbow Legion
Rebound - Jovial Legion
Saturn Girl - Disciplined Legion
Sensor - Royal Legion
Spark - Electric Legion (same as Live Wire)
Spectrum (Ulu) - Color Legion
Spider-Girl - Whip Legion
Star Boy - Heavy Legion
Tellus - Aquatic Legion
Theena - Monitor Legion
Thunder - Empowered Legion
Timber Wolf - Hunter Legion
Triad - Triplet Legion
Ultra Boy - Bold Legion
Umbra - Dark Legion
Vapor (Tal) - Airy Legion
Veilmist - Vanishing Legion
Violet - Small Legion
White Witch - Magical Legion
Wildfire - Fire Legion
XS - Fast Legion

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/27/18 07:19 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

Brainiac 5, Querl Dox of Colu; 12th level intelligence and force field powers
Gates, Ti'julk Mr'asz of Vyrga; opens teleportation disks
Shikari Lonestar of the Kwai; pathfinding, armored skin and claws allowing for flight and survival in space


"Well, it's nice to FINALLY get some time to catch up and think!" Gates' normally acerbic tone was unusually warm and friendly; it was certainly not what most of his teammates were used to hearing. To Brainiac 5, though, it was a common - and welcome - occurrence. The two Legionnaires were walking in a corridor high above the festive celebrations below. Neither liked crowds, and neither had volunteered to participate in the power displays going on now, where several Legionnaires were wowing the crowd with their abilities.

"I swear, sometimes I think this team's ego is too big. Look at all the credits we are spending on this self-aggrandizing Legion Day, when millions across the galaxy need better access to healthcare or education?"

"I agree with you on the improper allocation of resources," Brainiac 5 looked up from his Omnicom to address Gates. He rarely did for other sentients, as one of his twelve thought-tracks was enough for most conversations. But he wanted to show Gates that he was listening, and he had learned that making eye contact was one of the best ways to do so. "However, you would be pleased to know that the recently revitalized Brande Industries is funding 43% of the costs. Private donors account for another 49%, and our own Legion funds another 5%. The United Planets and its individual member worlds are only contributing 2% of the funds."

"That is... definitely refreshing," Gates conceded. "I would rather the governments spend their money more wisely, but I do understand they would need to contribute something, even as a token, to show their support. And to inspire their people."

"That's certainly magnanimous of you. Are you sure you're OUR Gates?" Brainiac 5 teased, though his tone was as serious as ever.

"Hey, being stranded a thousand years in the past of ANOTHER universe*, being painfully scarred there, and THEN being skewered by a magical zombie while fighting to restore our own reality** tends to make you mellow down a bit."

"Indeed. Kinetix herself seems to have mellowed down as well. I am glad both of you are back to normal, and that Candi is back, albeit in altered form." Brainiac 5 paused as he tapped in a few instructions into his Omnicom. "Apologies, ongoing experiment. I'm glad our team is back together, and that so many of us have been restored or enhanced in some way."

"You have changed quite a bit yourself," Gates joked. "You would never have so openly expressed happiness at the team coming back together."

"You know I am more comfortable with such emotional expression now," Brainy replied as they walked along.

"Just don't tell the others," both said in unison as they shared a hearty chuckle.

"Want to grab lunch?" Gates asked. Before Brainiac 5 could respond, his Omnicom beeped. "Apologies, Gates. My group of Coluan students has arrived. I'm hosting a discussion on methods of cooperation with the Roboticans while maintaining Colu's security. Babbage and Zaron Lux have done a wonderful amount of work on the subject. You are, of course, welcome to join us..."

Gates shrugged. "Sure, I have nothing better to do n-" Before he could finish, excited squeals echoed along the hallway. Gates' mouth opened in consternation as Shikari and two other Kwai led half a dozen young Vyrgans towards him. "Gates! It is the great hero, Gates!"

Gates raised his arms in exasperation. "What now?!"

"It looks like you have a fan club," Brainiac 5 commented. "I expected as much. You have developed quite a reputation among younger Vyrgans."

"I should just teleport away..." The glowing green glimmers of a teleportation disk started.

"They will just find you, you know. Best to get it over with," Brainiac 5 noted. He cleared his throat as Shikari and the others neared. "Thank you for teleporting me to my meeting, Gates. It saves me a lot of time."

"Er... yes. My pleasure, Brainiac," Gates stammered as Querl vanished into the disk. Gates forced himself to smile as he faced Shikari and the others. Predictably, the rather slow-moving Vyrgans beamed large smiles at him as they approached. What surprised Gates, though, was when the two Kwai knelt before him.

"Okay... I can understand those from my own species giving me much undeserved hero worship, but what has addled your brains?!" Gates chirped.

"Kwai culture values place and direction above all things," Shikari explained as she looked at the two Kwai.

"And your abilities allow you to change your location with a thought," one of the Kwai continued. The other just bowed lower. "Even though your abilities are not as far-reaching as the Thresholds, they are still amazing."

"Yes, Mr. Gates!" One of the Vyrgans piped up. They were crawling at such slow speeds. Gates felt exhausted just looking at them; he remembered how hard it had been to move around before he had mastered his powers. "Your abilities allow you to make such a difference! You are our hero!"

Gates blistered. "A fine hero I am, if that is what you have learned!" He waved an arm at the startled Vyrgans as he lectured them. "I consider my greatest contributions to the United Planets to be those not directly linked to my powers, such as the medical outreaches we started. And yes, my powers have admittedly been useful, but it was my choices that made me a hero! Look at all the sentients out there who misuse their abilities, or who contribute greatly without having any special abilities at all!"

"But... but Mr. Gates!" A young female stammered. "We always assumed that the reason you have an independent mind is because of your powers!"

"Oh, please! I was just fortunate enough to have both characteristics. But remember Mantis Morlo? He was an independent thinker too, but he had no powers!" Gates cringed a bit at that name. Morlo had exposed himself to mutagens to try and develop teleportation abilities as well; he had instead mutated himself into a large, hulking, power-hungry madman.*** Gates had been trapped in their 20th century then, but his teammates had defeated Morlo. Gates was still embarrassed by the whole affair. "Look, I know that most Vyrgans tend to conform to the norm, but that doesn't mean you can't learn to consider new ideas. You're here on Legion World, aren't you? Tell me, did your parents and families support your visit?"

"No, they didn't," one Vyrgan answered as he looked down. Behind him, Shikari seemed amused. "We had to remind them that you were declared a planetary champion by Matriarch."

"There, you see? That is a sign of independent thinking. My own independence started because I read literature from off-world! Of course, it was easier for me because I could teleport into our planetary storehouses... We didn't have libraries then..." Gates mused. Seeing the downcast look on the youngsters' faces, Gates' heart softened. "Look, I may have castigated you just now, but I see your good intentions. I have some spare books I can lend you. Even though most of our people tend to conform, I know Matriarch has an open mind. She has encouraged independent thinkers like Mantis Morlo before. You just need to expose yourselves to different ideas. Shikari can attest to that, can't you?"

"Yes, Opinionated Legion is correct." Shikari had retracted her armor, and bent down to face the Vyrgans directly. The two Kwai behind her looked up as well. "I used to be an embarrassment to my people, as I had the fierce mindset of a hunter and warrior. But now, many of my path-kin embrace those same ways. My people are also opening up and embracing new ideas, and our own Matriach is wise enough to see that this can be beneficial if harnessed properly."*****

"Please... teach us," one of the Vyrgans pleaded as she looked at Gates and Shikari, in turn. Murmurs of agreement arose from the others.

"Only if you promise to stop with the hero worship!" Gates groused. "Now, stand close together. I'll bring you to the library, and let's get started."

"Now, aren't you glad I brought them to you?" Shikari whispered as Gates prepared a teleportation disk.

"Indeed I am, Kari," Gates smiled. "I always did fancy myself an educator..."


IB's notes:

1) Legion Lost 2, in which several Retroboot Legionnaires plus Gates were stranded in their universe's 31st century

2) Volume 2, in which the Legionnaires retrieve Kinetix and fight to reclaim her absorbed magic from Mordru so they can restore their own universe. The actual post where Gates was injured and then healed is here.

3) Legionnaires 45

4) As shown in Legion Lost 3 and the Legion 5. I expanded on this idea in Volume 1.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 11/28/15 01:14 PM.
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I really like this one IB, your bringing everything you started in Vol. 1 full circle here.

Gates attitude and out burst at those who showed him hero worship was right in line with what i would expect from Gates.

His and Brainy's friendship is really well developed. i like that Brainy learned to look at Gates to show he cares and his attention.

Shikari's people looking at Gates like a god... him that could have some interesting story implications.

The explanation of resources discussion was really well done.

Rond's determination to talk to Thunder and get some answers kind of scars me and i think that could be trouble if she goes to the Time Institute.

M'onel and Erin make for a cute pairing that i dont think has been seen before. Can't wait to hear more about them.

Can't wait for more.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Thanks Omni, glad you liked these bits.

Gates and Brainy make such an interesting pair. And Gates' crankiness is always fun to write.

I always like exploring Shikari's previous misfit status.

Rond will not give up that easily.

I like Shvaughn and Mon for each other, both are so mature.

And of course, though Thunder is taking Reserve status she will be back!

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Gates and Brainy do make a great pair, I like reading them together smile

Shvaughn and Mon are interesting too...I am so used to thinking of her as Element Lad's girlfriend and of Mon with being with Shady that it's always jarring to me to see them together in your series but you make it work really well!

I also don't for a second expect Rond to give up that easily wink

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Thanks raz, glad these interactions are doing it for you smile Mon and Shvaughn just seemed to evolve naturally in this continuity smile

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

Chameleon, Reep Daggle of Durla; shapeshifting
Sensor, Jeka Wynzorr of Orando; sensory manipulation
Spark, Ayla Ranzz of Winath; electricity generation and manipulation


"Cooool!" Chameleon smiled at the sounds of amazement from Spark's old friend Hegga and her twin Megga. The brunettes cooed in appreciation as Chameleon transformed into an exact duplicate of Megga. Despite his duplicating their physical forms exactly, though, including the slight differences in how they parted their ponytailed hair, on the surface, a sentient would be hard-pressed to tell which of the two he was duplicating.

Most sentients, anyway. Twins, of course, could always tell each other apart.

"Wow... Am I that fat?" Megga winced as she wrinkled her nose.

"You're fatter," Hegga teased. "Cham's just being polite."

"I think you're both in wonderful shape," Cham said tactfully. "Of course, I say this in a totally platonic way. Everyone knows Ayla is the most beautiful, in my eyes."

"He's so perfect," Hegga winked as she elbowed a laughing Spark. "I don't suppose you have any other teammates who are single and looking."

"Most of them are taken or chasing someone in particular, but maybe you'll find one of the Cadets appealing," Spark considered. "Come on, let's grab the rest and get hopping. There's a lot of ground to cover." She cupped her hands over her mouth and yelled. "Hey Garth! Quit being all-talk and get a move on!"

Live Wire stuck his tongue out at Ayla. Beside him, Saturn Girl rolled her eyes, to the laughter of Garla and Lando, Garth and Ayla's other pair of childhood friends. The six of them had been close ever since their kindergarten days on Winath, and the two pairs of non-powered twins had stood by Spark during the brief amount of time Garth had left her alone on Winath while he was searching for Mekt.* They had kept in touch ever since Spark joined the Legion, and Spark was always grateful for a chance to talk to good friends outside of work.

As Imra helped Ayla usher the group together, Chameleon saw a flash of pink out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look, but it had vanished.

He quickly sidled over to Spark and whispered in her ear. "Ayla? Mind if I catch up? I think Sensor needs my help."

Spark nodded in understanding. Without skipping a beat, she waved Hegga and Megga towards Garth and the others. "Cham has some Legion business to attend to, but we'll make sure you don't notice he's gone," she winked. Chameleon smiled as she led her friends down the hall, and smiled even wider as Hegga and Megga turned back to wave at him. He waved back, then quickly shifted into the form of a Bgztlian Translucent Dragonfly - fast and hard to see. He zipped down the hallway, made a hard left, and continued down past the areas which were sealed off from guests. This area of Legion World contained laboratories, workshops, hangers and temporary holding cells. Chameleon knew that his flight ring would ensure that scanners would recognize him. It was made of a malleable metal able to adjust in shape and size - to a limited degree. But enough so that he could change shape and still carry his flight ring around with him.

He zoomed right and stopped in the middle of the empty hallway. Seemingly empty, that is.

He quickly shifted back into his usual form, and made a show of putting his hands on his hips. "I know you're there."

The air shimmered, and an instant later Sensor appeared. "I don't need to ask how you knew I was in this very spot, but I am wondering what prompted you to find me."

"I was sure I had seen you passing by earlier. When I turned to look, you were gone. That meant you didn't want to be found. And I know you're dreading the possibility of your father visiting..."

Sensor shrugged. Chameleon used to find it curious how well she had learned to use her new arms and facial features to express emotion, until Sensor had explained that her mental abilities allowed her to subconsciously pick these up. "I know it's not right to keep running away, but I'm not ready to face him yet."

"And why is that?"

Chameleon almost jumped, as Sensor's face took on a mask of horror. She quickly used her illusion powers to conceal herself as she hissed angrily. Chameleon raised his hands in front of him. "Jeka, I didn't...!"

"No, he didn't." King Charlz of Orando slithered forward, accompanied by Prince Willum. Unusually, they were not accompanied by a retinue of raccoon servants or officials. "You have forgotten our serpentine senses, my dear? Just like you have forgotten to return our calls? We know you are here. Why do you continue to hide?"

"Father, I..." Sensor trailed off, as her seemingly disembodied voice spoke. "I... am ashamed."

"Of what?" King Charlz drew himself up. "You should be ashamed if you have done something wrong. By all accounts, what happened to you was an accident. There is nothing wrong with that."

"But I... I am hideous."

"Sister, weren't you the one who so vehemently argued for fair and just treatment for all, regardless of species?" Prince Willum spoke. Not as loudly as King Charlz had, but just as regally. "What makes you think we would shun you just because your physical self has transformed? Show us more esteem than that."

"You are still my daughter, Jeka," King Charlz added. "Nothing will change that. Least of all an accident that has changed only your outer form."

The air shimmered again as Sensor dropped her illusion. She stood there for a second, then rushed forward to hug her family. "I'm so sorry..."

Chameleon smiled to himself as he flew silently away.


IB's notes:

1) As depicted in Legends of the Legion 2.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 12/24/15 03:03 PM.
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I liked Sensor's reunion with her family, and it's nice to see Ayla having old-school Winathian friends too. She strikes me as one of the Legionnaires who would be more likely to have a life outside the team that she'd want to stay connected to smile

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Thanks raz, appreciate the comments, as usual smile

Ayla's friends were really THERE for her in their lone appearance. It touched me so much I wanted to use them again.

Glad you liked the Orandan Royal Family getting back together. Sensor's father and brother have learned their lesson from before, and are much more liberal now!

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Oh cool, I didn't realise the Winathians were canon characters...nice one! smile

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Thank you smile The Reboot introduced so many little canon bits that I don't need to look far for story ideas smile

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This scene was really touching IB.

Sensor and her family was very well done. Her father has come along way from the over baring and slightly xenophobic king we once knew.

and its great to see all of your sub plots from vol. 1 coming back around. i know i've said it before but its true. they remind me just how rich your story is.

i can't wait for more.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Thanks Omni, so nice of you. I really appreciate the comments!

I hope to get through this portion soon so I can start having some more action again.

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

Blizzard, Brek Bannin of Tharr; cold projection
Element Lass, Candi "Princess" Pyponte-LeParc III; transmutation
Kinetix, Zoe Saugin of Aleph; advanced telekinesis and animation of objects
Magno, Dyrk Magz of Braal; magnetokinesis
XS, Jenni Ognats of Aarok; super-speed


Blizzard tried hard not to lick his lips as he surveyed the crowd of young sentients milling around his teammates. They were in a large hall just off the Threshold chambers, and nearly a dozen Legionnaires were scattered all around, demonstrating their powers and answering questions. Element Lass' deep, melodious voice filled the air as she quizzed some school children on the elements; with every correct answer, she transmuted a new one for them to identify. "Candi always loved children," Kinetix whispered to Blizzard with a smile. "It's great to know that the things she has been through have not dampened her spirit."

"Yeah... she's a wonder. I'm glad I got the chance to meet her," Brek whispered back as they watched Candi transmute a block of silvery-white terbium into the similar-looking praseodymium. "Okay, kids," she boomed. "This element has greenish oxides, and in combination with neodymium, can be used to create high-powered magnets..."

Brek's attention was yanked away by a tug on his pants. He looked down to see a young Terran, probably no more than five. "And which Legionnaire are you?"

He knelt down so he was face-to-face with the kid. "Hey, little guy. I'm Blizzard. I can make things super-cold."

The kid wrinkled his nose. "Oh, you're one of the newer Legionnaires." He sniffed, then turned to face Kinetix. "And you're Kinetix. Finally changed back, huh? My uncle said your Terrorform form was hideous."

Brek knew his face was reddening. He opened his mouth to snap at the kid, but Zoe winked at him. Then she knelt down too. "Yes, if you've been following the Legion you will know that I thrive on change. But not all changes are good, and I'm happy to be back to my normal self. Now, maybe you would like a little change too? What's your favorite color?"

"Green," the boy replied. "Why?"

"Good choice," Zoe laughed. "I think it would look good on you." She touched his red shirt, and the tell-tale green glow of her powers surrounded it. The boy gasped in surprise as his shirt turned a dark green, with the words "Long Live the Legion" on it in white. "Wow, that is so cool! I'm glad you're back too!"

"Kinetix is really good at that," Brek said, doing his best to smile. "I have a trick of my own too, though. What's your favorite juice flavor?"

"Pluberry!" The kid said, still beaming as he admired his shirt.

"You're in luck. I have just the thing," Brek winked. He opened his belt pouch, taking out a small flask of clean water. He could do this trick in almost any environment, but hygiene was important. From another pouch, he took a polymer cup and a small bottle of flavoring. "Kinetix, would you mind holding the cup for me?" Zoe smiled as she did; Brek's heart jumped a bit as she took the cup from his hand with hers, instead of using her telekinesis. He opened the flask and poured some water out, using his powers as he did.

The little boy gasped as the water turned into finely shaved ice. He gasped again as Brek poured the pluberry flavoring onto it. With a wide smile, Brek took the cup and handed it to him. "Here you go. Don't forget to toss the cup into a recycler once you're done with it."

"Oh wow! You two are the coolest! I'm going to tell my uncle he's wrong!" The boy rushed off, yelling "Thank you!" as he did.

"That was really nice, Brek," Zoe smiled as she touched his shoulder.

"Yeah, well," Brek hoped he wasn't blushing. "If you hadn't kept your cool... which I should be better at... Thanks for handling him well."

"My pleasure. It was sweet of you to want to defend me," Zoe winked.

Brek smiled back. Before he could continue, a now-familiar blue and white streak appeared.

Sorry to rush everyone," XS's voice rang out as she ran around the room, "but you might want to stand back!"

"And Jenni's grown too. At least we can actually understand what she says even when she's speeding," Zoe winked as she and Brek complied.

Jenni stood in the center of the room, beaming excitedly. "Okay kids, Magno's so happy he has his powers back he's going to show you a little trick!" Dyrk's grin was even wider than the one he had upon first joining the Legion. He ran a finger along the metallic armbands he wore, as if to remind himself that this was all real. Then he flashed his dazzling smile at the audience. "Stand back, everyone. I'll need some room for this to work." He concentrated on the props he had prepared, a pile of tiles colored golden yellow or black. The yellowish ones were made of a different metal, so he could use his magnetic powers to "feel" the differences. He pulled them forward with a wide flourish of his arms, causing the disks to begin spinning around in a tight circle. The crowd oohed and aahed as they moved faster and faster, each one rotating as the whole collection began to form into a sphere.

"This gets better, folks," Magno beamed as he made the tiles stop spinning. The tiles settled into a gigantic mosaic of the Legion logo. The crowd went wild.

"Way to go, Magno!" XS jumped.

"You have some good moves too, XS," Magno called out over the cheering of the crowd. "Show everyone how fast you can move!" With another flourish, he threw his arms back. Bereft of his magnetic control, the tiles began to fall. The crowd gasped again, many covering their ears in anticipation of the loud crash.

The crash never came. In the space of a blink, XS had run forward and caught all of the tiles, arranging them on the floor in the pattern of the Legion logo.

This time, the crowd really went wild.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 12/30/15 12:36 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

Chemical Kid, Condo Arlik of Phlon; controls chemical reactions (probationary pending completion of Legion basic training)
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility
Microbe, Drura Sehpt of Somahtur; generate and control harmful and beneficial microorganisms

Magnetic Kid, Pol Krinn of Braal; magnetokinesis (Reserve Legionnaire)


Microbe heaved a sigh as she walked along the hallway, away from the large area where her teammates were displaying their powers. This hadn't been quite as bad as she expected. Her powers were nowhere near as flashy as the majority of Legionnaires' were, and she certainly had limited options when it came to displaying her powers. But she was able to draw her share of gasps and cheers by using some of her more benign microorganisms to change the colors of flowers and leaves. The children from Colu and Mardru* had been especially appreciative.

Of course, she had to keep herself from focusing on the ones who had been afraid. Not a few mothers had politely tugged their children away with the pretext of watching another Legionnaire. Others had stayed, with plenty of antibacterial gel and even a few filtration masks on their faces.

Still, nobody had been rude, and more had stayed than had left. She had made progress. As one of the very few Somahturians who had made it offworld, this was significant indeed.

Maybe next time, more Somahturians would visit. A wide grin spread across her face as she recalled the family of four who had posed with her. All wore completely-sealed bodysuits and helmets, of course, much like the one she had worn in her early days as a Legion Cadet**. Well, not everyone had as much control over her abilities as she had.

She turned the corner and almost bumped into Magnetic Kid. The ex-Active Legionnaire nearly jumped. "Oh, Drura! Whew, I'm glad it's you. I was afraid it was another reporter, rabid fan, or advertiser asking me to model..." He ran a hand through his hair and clicked his teeth. "I apologize, Drura. That must have made me sound like a big, arrogant squaj."

"Only a small one," Drura laughed, sticking her tongue out. "No worries, Pol. I know what it's like feeling hounded. I dealt with that a lot when I first joined."

"It can be a pain, yeah..." Pol shook his head. "Most of them want to get in on the ground floor, after my recent departure from active duty."

"You know, Chemical Kid might be able to help you out with that," Drura said helpfully. "After he joined, he got me a few choice segments on Your Galaxy Direct. Some of them were with Chameleon, Saturn Girl, Andromeda and Babbage. It really helped me talk about what it's like for a Somahturian to be a high-profile Legionnaire. I know the others enjoyed the opportunity to plead their peoples' cases too."

"Yeah..." Pol nodded his head, considering. "Maybe if I give an exclusive, and state my case once and for all, people will stop hounding me for comments. I'm so tired of telling people I didn't stop down because Magno rejoined or because I'm afraid to live up to my brother's reputation as a Legionnaire. Then, of course, there are all the comparisons of our best Legion AND Magnoball moments..." He bit his lip as he looked at Drura, who was nodding politely. "I'm sorry, I'm rambling again."

"It's okay," Drura smiled sweetly. At least Pol was self-aware enough to stop. "Come on, I know Chemical Kid is in the Mission Monitor Room."

"So, tell me more about what you said in your interviews," Pol smiled. Drura began explaining her views on Somahtur's contribution to the UP as they flew down the hall.


"... aaaaaand, besides your spot with Hannah Wells on The Earth Spins, which you don't really need me for as Hannah is a big supporter, Hectorrr Arroo says he'll get in touch with you for a segment on UP Today," Chemical Kid finished. He set down the Omnicom which he had been tapping on furiously for the last few minutes. Behind him, Invisible Kid was dutifully switching between Mission Monitor Board channels. The couple had volunteered for this monitor duty shift to catch up on work; Lyle was reviewing some plant samples from the recently revitalized Xanthu to see if the Hypertaxis energy used to restore the planet had had any effect. Condo was editing an article on the Khunds' much-improved relationship with the UP, which had been spurred by their initial alliance against COMPUTO's Robotica, and further cemented by the Legion's disappearance. Of course, he inhibited himself from writing about the Legion directly, now that he had a flight ring himself. But that still didn't stop him from using his contacts to help his teammates out when he could.

Like now.

Magnetic Kid stood up, a big smile on his face, and gripped Condo's right hand tightly. "Thank you, Chemical Kid. I can't believe how quickly you helped me. This is so great of you."

"Please, call me Condo," Condo smiled back.

"Don't call him cutie, it might get to his head," Lyle called out.

"As if you don't call me that every time we're alone," Condo retorted without breaking his smile. He turned back to Pol. "Anything for a teammate."

"Ex-teammate, actually. I'm just sad we didn't get a chance to serve together," Pol noted.

"Hey, you're still a Reservist, and I'm still technically on probation. Based on everything that's happened this past week, I'm sure we'll get the chance to go in the field together," Condo pointed out.

"I'm sure you'll pass Legion training with flying colors," Drura added. "The course is designed so that even those with no combat or law enforcement experience can learn everything they need to while there. Power control is an issue for some, but from what I've seen you have no problem with that, either."

"Yeah..." Condo smiled as he used his powers to ripen a Winathian apple. "I really appreciate how lucky I am, not only to get these powers but to have some good control over them, and to have been unconscious for most of the Monitor's occupation. Lyle's chemistry knowledge helps too - but don't tell him that, he's already full of himself as it is."

Lyle stuck his tongue out at Condo, as Pol and Drura giggled. They both stood up. "So, thanks again for helping out," Pol added. "We're going back out there. See you at the dinner later?"

"Maybe sooner," Lyle checked his Omnicom. "Our shift ends in about 30. Which should be just about enough time for me to send out these findings."

Drura and Pol waved goodbye. After they stepped out, Lyle turned to Condo with a smirk on his face. "So, are you still worried about being perceived by the others as just "Lyle's significant other"?"

Lyle yelped as Condo playfully punched his shoulder. "Fine, you're right. I feel like I'm fitting in, and everyone appreciates me for my unique talents, and I'm not just Mr. Lyle Norg."

"Mmmmm," Lyle said as he sidled up to Condo. "Mr. Lyle Norg sounds nice."

Condo held up his finger as Lyle got closer. "Actually, I was thinking you would be Mr. Condo Arlik."

"Har, har." Lyle sank back down in his chair as he looked at his Omnicom. "Well, maybe after our shift we can go back to our quarters for a bit. We still have time before the Foccarts arrive. My biological parents are, as usual, busy."***

"Aw, Lyle," Condo said as he squeezed Lyle's shoulder. "I know you care more about Jacques and the Foccarts than you do your own parents. Have you found any more leads?"

Lyle shook his head sadly. "None. But I know he's alive. It just doesn't make sense otherwise. My restraints were removed while Charma held me captive. And there's the moving goblet you saw at my memorial..."

"I could have been imagining things..." Condo began. "But then again, I might not have..."

"And so the search continues," Lyle said as he began tapping his chin. "Grife, I hope I can conclusively prove something, soon. The Foccarts have always been there for me. I would love to give them some good news."

"I'll help you any way I can, Lyle," Condo said as he hugged Lyle tightly.


1) Mardru is the homeworld of Chlorophyll Kid!

2) Drura's full bodysuit and helmet appeared in Legion 35-38.

3) As revealed in Legionnaires 66, the Norgs were always traveling on official UP business. Lyle was practically raised by the Foccarts. Jacques was like the brother he never had; Jacques ingested Lyle's invisibility serum while controlled by Charma and was thought dead. Jacques is know a deep-cover UP operative, and using his invisibility has the potential to kill him. Jacques resurfaced briefly, invisibly saving Lyle from Charma, but he didn't reveal himself. In my Volume 1 entry, I had Jacques move a goblet at Lyle's memorial invisibly while Condo was there, though Condo wasn't sure of what he saw.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/12/16 02:59 PM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World. The Legion Day celebrations.

Apparition, Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl; intangibility
Inferno, Dirk Morgna of Earth (USA and Russia); pyrokinesis (probationary pending completion of Legion basic training)


"Dad." Inferno tried hard to keep the exasperation from his voice, but he was almost certain he wasn't succeeding. "We've been over this a zillion times. I will be okay."

"Dirk, son, don't get your old man wrong." Derek Morgna's mustache bristled as he addressed Dirk, and even through the screen of an Omnicom Dirk could tell that his father was in full dad mode. "I'm not trying to be an old fuddy-duddy here. But the Legion wasn't able to protect you against Dr. Regulus twice*. And remember that Fire Elemental that possessed you?** And then you got kidnapped on Legion World and experimented on. Just because your full powers are back and completely under control doesn't mean you have to join the Legion...!"

"The Legion saved my life, dad!" Dirk instantly felt ashamed at having raised his voice. He cleared his throat, calmed himself and continued. "I'm sorry for speaking loudly, dad. But without the Legion, I might not have escaped Regulus OR the Fire Elemental with my life... and they rescued me from the Monitor. I owe them a lot. Besides, how many Legionnaires have died in the line of duty? As a percentage? I had a lot of fun, and it feels great to do good. How much more can I do as a Legionnaire, with these powers?"

Dirk's dad sighed deeply, the way he would when Dirk was younger and was being insufferably stubborn. Grife knows Dirk had been, then. But this time... He understood his dad's reservations, but why couldn't his dad see his point?

"Look, I'll head over there in a bit. I don't want to make a fuss in front of everyone. But I really hope you'll reconsider."

"Thanks for the concern. See you later, dad..." Dirk sighed as the call ended. "Sprock..."


Dirk almost jumped as the ethereal figure of Apparition floated through the wall. "Oh, I'm sorry," she said gently. "I sometimes forget that not everyone is used to my powers. And I am very sorry if I seemed like I was eavesdropping. I was just on my way to check on Cub, and this was fastest."

"No, no, it's no problem, Apparition. Just... well, I guess you know how parents can be."

"Do I," she said with a smile. "If you could only have seen how my mom reacted during the early days. Trying to disband the Legion in the UP Senate, harassing poor Cosmic Boy, calling me up randomly and yelling at me..."

"Heh. My dad isn't quite as loud, but he's definitely just as persistent..." Dirk chuckled.

"It WAS hard," Tinya laughed. "I think I was the only Legionnaire then whose parent wasn't quite supportive. Everyone else had folks cheering them on. Well, those who had families." She paused for a moment. "Look, I certainly don't mean to pry, but I know how stressful arguing with parents can be. And you seem very close with your dad. If you want to talk about it... After all, it can be tough smiling and waving to the public while these things weigh on your mind..."

Dirk smiled. "An invitation to talk from a pretty lady sounds like just the thing. Thank you, Apparition."

"Call me Tinya," Tinya smiled back. "As long as you remember I am also Mrs. Jo Nah."

Dirk threw back his head and laughed. "Fine, as long as you call me Dirk. And pardon the harmless flirting. I guess I picked it up from my dad and uncles. They always talked that way, even after they all settled down and had kids..."

"It's nothing. Jo turns on the charm without thinking of it too. As for my mom, well... I've never seen another sentient melt her like my dad used to when I was younger. But the less said about him, the better..."*** The two floated down the hallway as they regaled one another with stories of their childhood days.


1) Legionnaires 29, when Regulus gave Dirk his powers; and Legionnaires 39/LSH 83, when the Legion fought Regulus again on McCauley property Gallan.

2) The Elements of Disaster: Legionnaires 71 to 74.

3) Apparition's history with their parents has been chronicled elsewhere, but a quick recap: 8) Luonel Burdo is Apparition's dad. He was the Wazzo family groundskeeper, a rough type whom Winema fell in love with at first sight. Ironic isn't it? Maybe that's one reason why she hated Ultra Boy so much at first. Anyway, Burdo was a pathological gambler, and secretly a Carggite. He gambled away his money at the Luck Lords' casinos, and to escape his debt he gave up two of Tinya's bodies. Winema and Tinya never found out until Tinya, whose body died in the White Triangle War (Legionnaires Annual 2) but whose spirit survived in Ultra Boy's body (LSH 82), merged with Phase of 20th century LEGION (LSH 100). Turned out that Phase was one of her other bodies (LSH 102). Her third body was never found... but Reboot's excellent story revealed that this third body had been sold to a slave trader, who in turn sold her to a mining company, and the third self had died in those very mines.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 02/27/16 02:15 PM.
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Some more great moments.

Tinya and Dirk's were really cute and I like that you explained where Dirk's womanizing ways come from.

They both really are the only one's whose parents aren't thrilled with them being in the Legion. i never realized that before. One would think there would be more parents.

Zoe and Berk are also really cute and i liked their moment. She might be really good for him. I'm with him though would find it hard to always be on like that.

Dura and Pol are a nice pairing and i wish Pol was sticking around. I'd like to get to know more about him. Going to Condo was a great idea and that part was also well done.

Dura's world sounds like it would be interesting to visit. is it possible to go there?

His and Lyle's banter is cute and i liked that bit about taking each others names.

Jenni and Dryk are cute and glad they are going to finally get a chance.

Can't wait for more.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Thank you Omni, you sure read fast! Really happy to hear from you.

With this Dirk, I think a lot of his flirting is harmless. Just subconsciously turning on the charm. (I'm actually a lot like that in real life, so have had to be careful people don't get the wrong idea).

Your comment made me think, and yes, the Legion parents are overwhelmingly supportive! Now that Sensor's dad has come around. But I think Andromeda's family would definitely NOT be supportive at all smile

Glad you like Zoe and Brek. In the 21st century Legion fic (spread out over multiple threads, but catalogued in the Bits directory, I also had Brek crush on Zoe. It just seemed right to carry it on over.

Zoe has also mellowed down, time was she would have sassed that kid back. I also agree with you and Brek though, it's tough keeping your cool like that while people are being rude.

Glad you liked Drura and Pol - I wonder if I should develop that. I was really just looking for two Legionnaires who would have trouble with the media. Happy that Condo's continuing dabbling in journalism works for you too.

Somahtur should be possible to visit, with the proper precautions. Thanks for giving me the idea to visit it. Perhaps soon... wink

Much of Lyle's and Condo's dialogue with one another is patterned after how Blaze and I talk in real life smile Happy you liked it too.

And XS and Magno, finally glad they have a chance too!

Thanks again for the usual support Omni!

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The Legion World Star
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