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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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In a twist on Semi's Nasty Genie thread, and to help Ibby along with his therapy from it...
Adapted from Semi's original:- "So to play this game, the poster makes a wish. The next poster technically grants the wish, but with a twist so that the wish has extra beneficial side effects. Or the wish can just be granted with a short description of how nice it is, to make the wish maker feel better.
Always start the response with "GRANTED!" After granting the wish, you get to make the next wish."
As this thread is in honour of Ibby, he can make the first wish.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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My, how thoughtful of you, thoth!
I wish thoth's cat were always nice to him.
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strange but not a stranger
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Granted. thoth's cat rubs against his leg and purrs at just the right moment to make thoth feel so good.
I wish IB had three years of pure traveling
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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Granted! red tape, conflicts, bureaucracy and inclement (unless wanted for nice scenery) weather all vanish so as not to get in the way for a second during Ibby's travels, where he gets to see all the places he wants to.
Ibby gets to tell the people he loves most all about it. Which isn't hard as they all get three years free travel to go right along with him.
I wish that cleome discovered a jazz cavern containing lost records of great artists that everyone thinks were never made.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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Cleome does, and spends the next few months happily listening to all the records.
I wish thoth's cat would only ever be nice to him.
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"Granted. thoth's cat rubs against his leg and purrs at just the right moment to make thoth feel so good."
I wish Ibby would get to wish thoth's cat would only ever be nice to him on all his posts on this thread.
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Granted. IB is so filled with gratitude at thoth for starting this thread that he wishes him and his cat only the best.
I wish thoth's cat would only ever be nice to him.
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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Even Nice Genie had to check with the cat first before being allowed to grant anything. The cat tells Genie that nice/ not nice are irrelevant, subjective human terms based around their own hazy moral structures that lack the purity of a cat's perception of the world.
The cat did say that's it's likely that it would continue to be cat-like. thoth wouldn't have it any other way, not that he has any say in the matter at all.
I wish that more people would play Ibby's Spaceopoly threads.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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Granted! Thoth, Stalgie, Rocky, Quis and Ibby are each cloned three times. They spend all day playing Spaceopoly.
I wish everyone on LW could have free comics for the rest of our lives.
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Granted, all Legion Worlders now have standing dates (paid for by Donald Trump) with cast members of Saturday Nite Live whenever they want.
I wish DC would bring back the classic Legion of Super Heroes in a really big way.
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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Granted. Semi gets his wish by having a Legion book written by Paul Levitz and pencilled by a rotating roster of Keith Giffen, Steve Lightle, and Greg LaRoque. In addition, there would be a secondary series that focused on the Legion Academy kids written by Tom and Mary Bierbaum.
I wish I could become a better swimmer.
Keep up with what I've been watching lately! "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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Granted. I thought of turning you into a sperm cell (after all, Nice Genie is the brother of Nasty Genie), but thought better of it. Instead, you get to time travel. First, you'll spend a week in the 1930's training with Johnny Weissmuller (and as a bonus get to star as Boy in one of the Tarzan movies); then you're off to the 40's to learn a little water ballet (synchro swim) with Esther Williams. Then you get to hang out with Mark Sptiz at the 1972 Olympics. Finally you get to test your newfound swimming skills in the Sumatra tsunami of 2004. (just kidding - Nasty Genie! Get out of my head!)
I wish California's drought would end.
Last edited by Semi Transparent Fellow; 08/15/15 06:40 PM.
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Granted! Benevolent aliens come and fix global warming, all the world's fault lines, pollution, and give us nice renewal energy tech and early warning systems for all sorts of natural disasters. They do all this without changing the climate much so life on Earth has to do very little to adapt. In return, all they ask is we take good care of our planet so one day we will be deemed ready to join something called the United Planets. They will be watching... but they won't do anything nasty!
I wish LGBT people would be completely accepted and given equal rights everywhere all around the world.
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As an aside, I just realized I wished for thoth's cat to be nice to him on 3 separate occasions. I'm sorry, I must have been terribly sleep-deprived at that time. (Though I really do wish thoth well and I'm not sorry for making nice wishes for him!)
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/15/15 10:14 PM.
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Granted! People throughout the world realize that sexuality is a blessing, and celebrate the wide spectrum of consensual sexualities in a global pride week, leading to the first trans* presidential candidate on the Republican ticket, the end of homophobic and transphobic violence, and encouraging open discussions of gender and sexuality expression in k-12 globally.
We are all hungover from the pride week, but cheer it all on anyway.
I wish that there would be a cure for HIV.
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Granted! At this very moment a cure has been discovered. It's cheap to produce and can be bought for the equivalent of 50 cents. Soon it is distributed all over the world.
I wish for world peace.
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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Granted! In addition to creating world peace on Earth, the various nations work together for a cooperative space exploration campaign to create colonies on planets in our solar system.
I wish for a Legion of Superheroes movie.
Keep up with what I've been watching lately! "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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Granted, and as a special bonus, Cher will NOT play Dawnstair and Reese Witherspoon will NOT be Saturn Girl. I know there was a lot of worry about that. So rest assured that you can attend comic conventions without the threat of violence.
I wish Kyle McLaughlin were still young enough to play Cosmic Boy.
Last edited by Semi Transparent Fellow; 08/16/15 07:14 PM.
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Granted! A fountain of youth is discovered. Everyone around the world drinks from it. As a bonus, population growth is stemmed and scientists find a way to make all our resources renewablw so the deaging does not play havoc with our ecology.
I wish that the ISIS problem would be solved.
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Granted. Nice Genie gives Thomas Roberts the power of flight and a really big bag of "Nice Wish Dust". If you are not familiar with Nice Wish Dust, it works like this: sprinkle it over what ever you want and make a wish. The wish will be granted within the area that the Nice Wish Dust lands. Thomas immediately took off at super speed to the mid-east, where he proceeded to sprinkle Nice Wish Dust over all Isis encampments. Thomas used his newsman connections to get accurate info on all the encampments. Once the Nice Wish Dust was distributed, Thomas wished that all men in the sprinkled areas would turn gay. The dust worked and all ISIS activity stopped. ISIS members were not longer interested in beheading - instead they were more interested in getting head.
(Sorry if this was too risqué for Legion World. I have no idea what's acceptable anymore.)
I wish we would finally know what Donald Trump's true hair situation is.
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Nah, it wasn't too risque. Just right (a lot of us make jokes along those lines and it was quite clever) and made me laugh. I think some of the jokes on The super-extra gay-married good times of Peebs and Lash! and the Comedic Adventures of Ibby and Stalgie are just about that level of risque. Especially some of mine  Granted! Trump's hairpiece is blown off during a crucial presidential debate, revealing it to be a machine which has been influencing Trump's actions and speech. It turned out to be an invention that was supposed to be an intelligent hairpiece that would adjust itself to temperature, wind, etc, but that went wrong. Trump immediately reveals himself to be a docile, polite and sensitive soul who withdraws from the presidential race. I wish that we would get over our obsession with celebrities.
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feelin' hot hot hot
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Granted! All celebrities are provided the technology to remain fully anonymous except when doing their job (sports/acting/etc.). Entertainment segments in all forms of media are banned. Being a paparazzo is outlawed worldwide, punishable by fifty years hard labor.
I wish that finding a job wasn't so hard!
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Granted! The worldwide economy is booming, capital is easy to find, and LinkedIn has blossomed into a wonderful, easy-to-use network that connects employers and potential employees. Cali gets 5 job offers in the next 24 hours.
I wish that I didn't have a cold.
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feelin' hot hot hot
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Granted! You now have a warm.
I kid.
You sleep for twenty-eight hours straight and reawaken refreshed and rejuvenated. Everyone is kind to you in understanding of your illness and you are able to pick up in life with relative ease.
I wish I didn't need to get shots for my trip.
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Gosh i wonder what a warm feels like  Granted! Your immune system is magically boosted and you never get sick again. I wish I could travel the world like those long term backpackers do.
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