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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGIn another Legion's reality...This is Trudi Trusoe of the Daily Planet with a more in-depth look at the alternate Legion. A mere three hours after these younger alternate-dimension Legionnaires appeared, the invading army has been defeated! Here we see them flying into action alongside the Legionnaires Gates and XS, both rumored to be from this alternate-dimension team. All in all, we count 44 different beings, all shown in this holo. Besides the 26 seen before, we also see alternate reality versions of Legionnaires Bouncing Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, White Witch, Polar Boy and Magnetic Kid; Substitute Legionnaire Infectious Lass; former Legion Academy Students Nightwind and Mentalla; the Legion's Science Police liaison Sgt. Shvaugh Erin, and even super-villain Spider-Girl! Many of the new ones do not have direct counterparts in our Legion, such as their leader Kid Quantum.
Curiously, all of these beings seem to be active members of this alternate Legion, with Nightwind taking on a leadership role.
The redheaded Legionnaire with the green costume calls herself Kinetix, the same code name used by the female Legionnaire who perished fighting Superboy-Prime. Could she have been resurrected in the same event that restored our own White Witch from her transformation into the Black Witch?
Questions also abound about the mysterious Legionnaire who wears a costume similar to the 21st century hero Captain Marvel.
Another interesting fact is that several of these Legionnaires have deceased counterparts in our reality, including Ferro Lad, the first Invisible Kid, the first Karate Kid, Magnetic Kid and Mentalla; on the other hand, many of our own Legionnaires do not seem to have living counterparts, including Colossal Boy, Sun Boy, Element Lad, Sensor Girl, Chemical King, Tyroc, Dawnstar, Blok, Quislet, Tellus, Night Girl, Chameleon Girl...
I have just received a list of code names. Besides Kid Quantum and Kinetix, the other Legionnaires without counterparts in our reality are called Andromeda, Sensor, Thunder, Shikari, Gear, Babbage, Particon, Impulse, Lume, Insect Queen, and Science Police Officer Dyrk Magz, who used to be code named Magno."I missed this," Spark said as she downloaded copies of the holos flashing on the screen. "You mean the adoration of the crowds?" Chameleon teased as he rubbed her shoulders. "I meant us flying into battle," Spark stuck her tongue to at him. "I think you are the one who cares more about the adoration, Reep!" "She's got you there, Cham," Chuck laughed as he handed an Omnicom to Triad. The quartet were in a spare laboratory, working to organize whatever supplies they needed for the trip back home. "I'm sure Lyle would agree with me. Right, Lyle?" Lyle Norg didn't answer; he was busy scrolling through Omnicom after Omnicom. "Lyle?" Chuck asked again. "I'm concentrating, Chuck," Lyle said brusquely as he tapped on the screen. "Maybe you all should too. I really want to get back." "We're working hard too, Lyle," Triad said as she patted Chuck on the shoulder. "You've been pretty intense since we came back here. Are you okay? If you're bothered about your counterpart being dead, we talked about it before... Part of me is dead here too, so I sort of know how you feel..." "Our reality is different from this one," Lyle replied flatly. "I care more about getting back home and making sure things are okay there." "Lyle's just worried about his parents," Chameleon stepped in smoothly before Triad or Chuck could respond again. He locked eyes with Spark, who nodded; with Lyle's blessing, Cham had filled her in on Lyle's secret relationship with their own Condo Arlik. Their return had given Lyle hope and a single-minded intensity to see Condo again, but he had not yet told anyone else about it. Spark nodded and stood. "Lyle's right, and I am worried about everyone back home. I talked to the other Dirk Morgna, and he offered to guide us through their tesseract system so we can pick out supplies. Want to come with, Lu and Chuck?" Sparing a curious glance at Lyle, Triad and Chuck stood up and followed Spark out of the room. "Thanks, Cham. Thank Ayla for me later," Lyle said as he went continued his work. "Brainy, Gear and Babbage did a thorough job of downloading whatever they could from the lead ship's databanks, but they might not know exactly what to look for. Which leaves me to do a surface scan on everything." "You do have a craftier mind than they do. Let me know if there's anything I can help with," Cham offered. "Thanks. I'll be fine as long as people don't distract me and get on with their own work," Lyle replied without even looking up. "Sure, Lyle," Cham replied as he stood up. He opened his mouth again, but thought the better of it. He began to gather the scattered Omnicoms around the room. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lyle sip from his mug of coffee and set it beside an open Omnicom - one that showed two of the golden statues of this Legion's Hall of Heroes. Their Invisible Kid and Chemical King. Lyle Norg and Condo Arlik. Chameleon shivered. That Hall of Heroes had really, really made him appreciate the differences between their universes.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/26/17 06:45 PM.
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Wow, I never really thought what it would be like for Lyle to know that both him AND the guy he loves are dead in this reality....not sure which one would feel worse! 
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Wow, you read fast raz!  Thanks for the usual comments and support. Yeah, the differences between realities will crop up from time to time  I imagine it can still be pretty jarring, even if you know it's not really you. In LMB-lore, Invisible Brainiac's Earth-4 counterpart is dead. Blaze got a bit upset when he found out and I felt a little weird inside, and this is just my LMB persona! I'll probably just have 1-2 more of these, if at all - Lyle is more affected than most because he does not know how Condo is back home, but I imagine other Legionnaires shouldn't have as hard a time processing that some of their counterparts are dead. And then it's back to the Legion's home reality.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGIn another Legion's reality..."Icannotbelieveit'stakingsolongweshouldhurry!" Andromeda smiled with understanding. Though XS had learned to relax a bit since they were in the Legion together, she was articulating what many of them were thinking - they needed to return to their home reality as soon as they could. But even though she had forgotten to temper her super-speed in this instance, she could see that everyone was working as quickly as possible. And that was what she had learned in the time after she had aided the White Triangle.* That each race, each species, had been given its own gifts; that there was no such thing as an absolute scale of superiority which each should be measured against; and that the greatest blessing was to be able to use one's own talents to the fullest. And the diversity which the Legion championed was the source of its strength and success. "We can start gathering everyone. We're almost ready," Nightwind called. "I'm sure you'd like that job, XS," Andromeda smiled just as Kid Quantum raised her flight ring to her lips. "Ofcourseseeyouinabit!" XS vanished in a blur of white and blue. Laurel winked at Jazmin, who winked back. XS could traverse the entire headquarters of this Legion almost as quickly as Jazmin could give the order, and she would ensure that those engrossed in their duties - like Brainiac 5 must be - would come. Laurel trained her eyes on her speeding teammate; she could just make out the blur as it circled around. She also picked up snatches of conversation, though she tried her best not to eavesdrop. "My Val is proud to have you as his counterpart. He told me so," Sensor Girl's regal voice told the younger Karate Kid. Beside him, Sensor crossed her arms. "I still find it quite amazing that your Orando only has a humanoid race..." "I find it equally amazing that your Orando does not have any humanoids!" Sensor Girl replied. "Can't believe your Mekt is back in his family's good graces. I mean, he destroyed YOUR arm!" the older Ayla told the younger Garth, as the older Garth looked on with a grimace full of disgust. "... your pathfinding is more forward-looking than my own tracking skill," Dawnstar mused. Shikari shook her head. "It may be, but you have definitely honed your own abilities to their fullest. Tracking us across universes..." "It never really gets easier," the younger Wildfire told his counterpart. "Still, I did spend an unknown amount of time as a feral star..."** "I think you would have liked Monstress. Everyone liked her," Umbra stood with her counterpart in the Hall of Statues. "I... was dismissive of her at first, but now that she is gone I realize how strong she must have been, to be so kind-hearted even through her struggles." "I'm sure she would have appreciated hearing that," Insect Queen smiled. "So you inherited the Captain Marvel legacy? He was one of the greatest heroes of the 21st century," Night Girl smiled. "Indeed he was," replied Thunder. "And beyond that, as well." "Still feels odd that I don't have a counterpart here, apparently..." Particon murmured. Gear and Dyrk Magz nodded in agreement. Tyroc shrugged. "We thought the same thing." Harmonia laughed melodiously. "It's very possible that we do have counterparts, but they just have not found their way to the other universe's Legion yet..." "Leviathan was the best teacher I ever had," the younger Star Boy told the older Colossal Boy and Chameleon Girl, as the younger Dreamer held his hand. "He would have been proud to see how long you have served with your Legion." "I do still miss him from time to time," the younger Violet said quietly as Kinetix held her hand. "I liked him, but you... you loved him," Kinetix added soothingly. "I'm here for you, Vi." "Huh. Even in another universe, Gim Allon manages to make so many women feel for him," the older Violet shook her head. "Our Jan was the sweetest, kindest, most self-sacrificing person I ever knew," the younger Saturn Girl told the older Element Lad and Shvaughn Erin,as they held hands while looking through files shared by the younger team. "Even though he became the Progenitor, well... we remember what he did before he became that. That is the Jan we celebrate." "A bit sobering, to see my counterpart is dead, infiltrating the Fatal Five to try proving she was worthy to be a Legionnaire," Mentalla held herself, as if shivering. "Tell me about it," Ferro gently patted her shoulder. "When I first found out that my counterpart died fighting the Sun-Eater... Something else else I managed to barely survive... but you know, our teammates will do everything they can for us. And Tellus tells me that your telepathic abilities are greater than their Mentalla's were... and I've heard you have a better attitude," he smiled. Mentalla stops as if surprised, and her mouth slowly smiles. "Why... thank you." "I was enslaved by Mordru, and watched him do unspeakable acts..." the older White Witch said as Blok stood close to her. "I am just glad his threat here has been ended for good***." "I... do not know what you have seen, but I can only imagine," the younger White Witch closed her eyes. "I... I am our Mordru's daughter." "Oh...!" the older Mysa clasped her hands to her mouth. "It... must have taken a lot to stand against him," Blok added. The younger Mysa shook her head. "Not as much as you might think..." "Your Nightwind is amazing!" The older Nightwind gushed as she stood with both Polar Boys and both Druras in a circle. "I mean, Legion leader? She just seems so together..." "We were cadets together," the younger Drura smiled. "She used to be quite the rebel, but she worked on it." "So have you, it seems," the older Drura said admiringly. "Wow." "Hey, you guys are no slouches either," the younger Brek said as he punched his older counterpart playfully. "I mean, Legion leader too!" "The secret to that is never losing our optimistic spirit," the older Brek laughed as the two high-fived each other. "I still can't get over it. Married and with a kid?!" the older Jo shook his head. "And what's so surprising about that, hmmm?" the older Tinya smacked him playfully. "Yeah, and that's why I'm dying to get back," the younger Tinya pursed her lips. "Shvaughn told me that Byrin is safe with my mom. I can't wait to see him again..." "We will soon, angel," the younger Jo said. " At least his rapid aging has been reversed after you found your last body...****" "Yes. But when we get back, we should do something about the slavers that killed her." Andromeda's mind reeled at all her teammates - her friends - had been through. They had all updated each other telepathically, but of course not everyone had shared their own personal developments. And she respected them even more for seeing them soldiering on despite all each had faced. Her heart swelled with pride as she saw them entering the meeting room one by one. It was really good to be back with them. ************************************************************ IB's notes: 1) Andromeda used to believe in the racist teachings of the White Triangle, though she did not subscribe to their violent and murderous ways. She gave them the anti-lead serum that Brainiac 5 had developed for her, only to be shocked that they used it to slowly destroy Earth. She almost died stopping them. After recovering, she left the Legion to join the Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos, which helped her fully overcome her xenophobia. 2) After Wildfire was swallowed up by the Rift (Widening Rifts), he was deposited in the Kwai Galaxy as a formless cloud of energy. He existed in a state where he could barely feel. The Kwai mistook him to be a star. He was rescued when Kid Quantum II recognized his quantum signature. 3) The older White Witch was given to Mordru by the Legion of Super-Villains. Before she first joined the Legion too, he transformed her into The Hag. Mordru was ultimately defeated in imprisoned on Zerox in my Volume 2. 4) With Reboot's permission, I am treating his untold tale as canon. In his tale, he solved the mystery of Apparition's third body - she was born half-Carggite and half-Bgztlian, and her Carggite dad stole two of her bodies away. The second body became Phase of 20th century LEGION; Phase merged with Apparition to restore her tangibility in LSH 100. The third body's whereabouts were addressed by Reboot. Byrin is the name Reboot gave to Cub, Tinya and Jo's daughter. For much of his life, Cub aged rapidly and exhibited powers beyond phasing and Ultra Boy's powerset. Reboot fixed it so the rapid aging was due to Tinya's third body's soul inhabiting Cub's form. I am having it that Cub's extra powers also came from there.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 09/18/22 04:45 PM.
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In another Legion's reality...
"You know, we can go with you. Help you liberate your headquarters," the older Phantom Girl offered as she watched the younger Legionnaires file into the Bouncing Boy. It and the invading ships were all parked beside one another in the middle of a large open area just outside Metropolis; each was linked to the cosmic treadmill that XS was impatiently standing beside. Nothing from their own universe, save memorials that had been created for their own deceased Legionnaires, would be left behind here after they crossed the dimensional barrier back home.
"Thanks, but you heard what our White Witches and Dreamers had to say," Kid Quantum smiled. "The barriers between our universes are thin now because the energies recreating our universe crossed the dimensional barrier from yours. We can't be sure they will always be so easy to pierce."
"We'll be fine," the younger Nightwind added. "You've helped us enough. If we bite off more than we can chew, we can still send an SOS over to you. We're just sorry the bad guys had to do some damage to your city."
"You gave us enough warning to make sure nobody died," Phantom Girl smiled. "We'll be fine too."
"And I know you'll clear up all those loose ends Gates mentioned in his report**," Kid Quantum II winked. "Okay then, I think everybody has said their goodbyes and everything is loaded and ready to go," Kid Quantum II said as she shook Phantom Girl's hand. "Thanks again for all your help. We'll be in touch."
"Count on it," Phantom Girl smiled as she flew to where the rest of her team stood. They watched as XS ran faster and faster, and the ships began to vibrate. As the younger Legion began to fade from their universe, she raised her fist. She did not need to look behind her to know that the others were following suit. As one, they saluted their counterparts. "Long Live the Legion!"
IB's notes:
Gates' story picked up after Legion Lost 2. Loose ends introduced there included the mysterious organization Echo and Captain Adym. Legion Lost 2 introduced waayyyyy too many dangling plotlines, and I'm glad they take place in the Retroboot-verse!
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/09/15 08:08 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMING
Back Home...Condo Arlik grit his teeth as his pink-skinned captor considered him. Though he tried to flex his arms, the restraints around his wrists ensured he could not move. Behind the captor, he could see an unconscious Dragonmage floating in a liquid bath. He could not help but think that Lyle had found the young sorcerer attractive, if not for the snobby attitude. Even if Dragonmage had been conscious though, he could not have helped Condo. As his captor had studied him, he knew that Dragonmage was still depowered.** "Do not struggle, Phlonian," the man moved with a measured pace that spoke of much scientific training. Condo had often seen Lyle move the same way when he was playing around with chemical reactions. A tear fell from his eye, not from pain, but from a mixture of fear and longing. If Lyle were here, he would know what to do... "I assure you, I do not intend to cause you pain. I only wish to study you," the man said. "I do have to take away your liberty to do it, but so be it." "Why do you want to study me? I don't have any weird abilities..." Condo spat. "Phlon was colonized by humans from Earth," the man began pressing some buttons. "I would very much like to know if Earth's genetic potential was inherited by your people." "You still can't do this, you know," Condo said as he began to feel light-headed. "This isn't right!" Machines hummed a he felt a gas being pumped around him. The pink man just watched impassively as he faded into unconsciousness. ********************************************************************** IB's notes: Dragonmage lost his powers again after helping the Legion stop the Elementals (Legionnaires 71-74). A fair trade-off; he first lost much of his powers after fighting Mordru (Legionnaires 48-52). He regained them only by freeing the Elementals, which caused much chaos and damage across the galaxy.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/09/15 04:42 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMING
Back Home...Winema Wazzo spared a glance for the monitor centered on Byrin Wazzo-Nah, her one and only grandchild, as reports came in from all over the United Planets. Byrin was sleeping soundly, guarded by two of her best presidential guards and several of the most advanced guards Robotica had offered. Byrin was the only thing she had left of Tinya, and she would guard him with her life. After resting her eyes on him for a few seconds, she tore herself away to read through her reports. The news channels were still reporting about the sudden lack of communications from Legion World, but most sentients had not yet taken notice. On nearly all UP Worlds, local Legion Day celebrations were still proceeding uninterrupted. Thankfully, they had been able to configure all Thresholds to bring all evacuees to the UP building on Earth - even now, all escapees from Legion World were in the UP building, strictly forbidden from leaking the news outside. She would make sure panic was averted. Sadly, after she and her contingent and the UP ambassadors had made it through, precious few civilians had emerged before the Thresholds had winked out of existence. Try as they might, even though they had managed to restart the Thresholds, no Kwai could get through again. Just like the Robotican invasion. She could only give thanks that somehow, nobody had been caught in between Thresholds when they had suddenly disappeared. The Kwai assured her of that. Whoever their enemy was, it seemed he was trying to minimize loss of life. So she considered her options. She had already addressed the UP Council, asking its ambassadors to tell only their world's leaders about the happenings. If she could, she would keep it secret even from them - having Legion World be taken over so quickly would only further erode confidence in the new Legion, something she did not wish to see. They were still slowly proving themselves in the eyes of the UP, and even she knew they were not quite as effective as the old Legion had been. Not yet. And in less than an hour, she would have to address them again to discuss options. She could have had the UP fleet and Science Police handle it, but with sentients from all over the UP still on Legion World, she did not dare risk acting without at least making ambassadors from all over feel they had been consulted. She drummed her fingers as she reviewed the plans. With no way to enter using the Thresholds, her options were limited. They would have to test whether the Footstep Drives could be a viable alternative. The Coluans were doing their best, but they would not work with the Roboticans, and now both worlds were submitting proposals which contradicted one another. Politics. She was quite good at it, and usually loved it, but today she hated it very much. Rubbing her temples with her fingers, she considered... "Madame President! Get down!" She turned with surprise as her guards drew their weapons, even as a glowing green disk appeared in front of her. She quickly phased as a precaution... ... only to turn solid again as she saw who stepped through. "Oh my grife. Is that really you?" She melted as the figure reached forward and held her close. "It's me, mom. It's really me." Tears dripped down Winema's face as her daughter Tinya hugged her again. Behind her, Ultra Boy stood with a small smile. After Winema's own near-brush with death*, she and Jo had come to an understanding. She saw a few other Legionnaires, including Gates, but she paid them no mind first. Nor did she mind the exclamations of surprise from those in the room with her. She just held Tinya close as mother and daughter cried. "Mom, there's so much that has happened, but that can wait," Tinya said gently as she pulled back. "We need to act quickly. We control five of the enemy's ships. We're jamming all outbound communications, but Sensor and Gear can't keep them hidden for long." "From the ship's databanks, we know that Legion World is being kept shielded by a field generated from three asteroids placed just so around it," Kid Quantum II added. "It is likely that something similar was used to block off all transmissions from Titan**." "We intend to send three teams, one for each asteroid," Nightwind continued. "One team will wait near Legion World, and will move in once we disable the field. One more team will stay on Earth, just in case." "It stands to logic that Earth will be the next target," Brainiac 5 intoned. Winema would not admit to anyone, but she had missed his calm voice. Even in a crisis, he remained refreshingly unruffled. "This enemy clearly intends to study sentient life; and Earth has historically been a hotbed for metahumans. Xanthu and Lallor as well, but Earth has shown much more historical diversity since the 21st century, and it's importance as the seat of UP leadership will mean he can work undisturbed that much longer." "I have their paths, Leader Legions," Shikari's voice was determined. "I know where all three are." "Great work, Kari," Kid Quantum smiled. "Okay, Legion, we leave in thirty. Legion field leaders, let's go over the plans one more time. The rest of you, take your time to prepare. I'm sure some of you want to call your families first, but remember that some of them may be on Legion World..." A viewscreen flashed in front of her, and the faces of UP General Hol, Fleet Admiral Everett, Science Police Commander Hagbard and Khundian Warlord Lorvack all popped into view. "Madame President!" Fleet Admiral Everett's tone was crisp, as usual. "A fleet of ships has left Legion World and is headed directly for Earth!" "We must engage!" Lorvack raged. "I shall give the order immediately!" "I agree," Winema stood up. "We cannot let them subjugate another world!" "Wait, mother!" Tinya leaned beside her, to the surprised gasps of those on the other side of the screen. "We need to keep the element of surprise." "Yes, Madame President," Nightwind spoke up. "We propose that the ships be allowed a safe distance nearer Earth, but far enough away from Legion World not to be noticed by anyone on it. This way, some Legionnaires can join the battle and we can alter their communications enough that our presence will not be discovered. This will also give our away teams time to disable the shields around Legion World." Winema considered. She wanted to point out that the inexperienced Legionnaires had lost Legion World on their watch.... but then, they had managed to find the Lost Legionnaires and bring them home, instantly doubling their number AND more than quadrupling their combined power. And as Tinya had once told her, she should have more faith in her last line of defense. Warlord Khorvack had begun protesting. Winema raised a hand. "My dear Warlord, I sincerely and humbly apologize for interrupting, but time is of the essence. I believe these Legionnaires have a point. I thank you again for your assistance, but as Legion World and Earth are both in UP space, I humbly request you follow our lead. You know we would follow your lead if this emergency were taking place in Affiliated Planets space***." "Very...well. Just tell us what you intend to do." Winema could see that the Warlord was fighting against his warlike nature. She was just glad there had been some Khunds, like him, who were able to think of long-term advantages. Kid Quantum stood. "I shall transmit our plan in five minutes, ladies and gentlemen. Okay, Legionnaires, you know what to do. Your thirty minutes are up." ************************************************************* IB's notes: 1) Winema was almost killed in Legion 35-38. Ultra Boy was responsible for getting her to a surgeon in time to save her. 2) I established at the start of Volume 3 that Titanet transmissions were being halted by a field around Titan. This is why, even though some Naltorian precogs on Titan could have foreseen the attack, none would have been able to warn anyone off Titan. 3) The Affiliated Planets (AP) is another grouping similar to the UP. They were initially formed as part of a plot by the Dark Circle, but continued on after the Circle was exposed. The Khunds were former members, but during Legion Worlds 4 were seen providing assistance to Xanthu (an AP member) against Robotica, hinting that they rejoined. The AP membership is much smaller than the UP's, but the AP still wields much influence. The UP and AP often aid one another against common enemies (as seen when Robotica invaded Earth; the Khunds brought the Xanthian refugees with them and warned Earth about the coming of Robotica).
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/23/15 10:02 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMING
Back Home...The brightly-colored room was still and silent. The only movement came from the pale flashing lights positioned at just the right angle; the little spinning lamp sent colorful orbs floating around the room like a rainbow of bubbles. The calming ripples of the famous Silk River of Bgztl hummed through the air. Apparition gazed silently at the sleeping figure in the middle of the room, her husband Ultra Boy to her left, her good friend Timber Wolf to her right. "My baby," she whispered as she leaned forward, tears welling up in her eyes. "I've missed you so much." Ultra Boy clasped her hand in his; his eyes were moist too. Timber Wolf flashed a warm smile as he breathed deeply, taking in Byrin's scent. All three stood for a few more seconds, then turned around and slowly walked away. There was much more still to be done, and a Legionnaire's work could not wait. As they reached the door, Ultra Boy turned around for one last look. "We'll be back soon, little guy." Then he gently closed the door behind him.
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These were some great little bits IB.
i really liked seeing all the comparisons between the two legions and them interacting.
I think Phantom Girl and older Ultra boy and their younger counterparts was really cute. Seriouly in all their time together the retroboot's version never got married or had kids. I guess that's where the Reboot got it right. lol
I loved the Cub scenes and the explanation of how his rapid aging is solved!
Hmmm Condo seems to be in trouble big. i hope the team gets to Legion world soon!
Pink skinned villain...i'm still unsure who it is and can't wait for the reveal. (unless i missed a post?)
keep it coming!
read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!
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Thanks Omni, I always appreciate your comments and support  I know right, the Tinya/Jo romance has always been one of the longest. Or maybe it seemed so because they were THE main romance in the Reboot  Our fellow Reboot fan, Reboot, gets the credit for solving Cub's rapid aging. I just took a good idea and made it canon. I'm glad you liked the scenes though, I wanted his parents and "uncle" to get a look at him before we launch into the next bit - which will have plenty of action! The team won't get to Legion World for a while yet - it won't be long in terms of their time, but I have a lot of dominoes to set up and push first  Condo is in a bit of trouble and I can't promise it won't get worse... No reveal yet! I'm glad the villain has you hooked. I think I need to improve my villain writing. I also have to finalize who goes where first, but once I do I plan to launch into the next part! Thanks again 
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I really liked the two Legions interacting too, and I wonder if we're gonna end up with a new Chemical King out of what's happening with Condo..? Interesting!!
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Thanks raz  I plan to have more of the two Legions getting together in the future, though not too often. Poor Condo and Lyle will be going through a lot more before things get better... And Chemical King? Some differences should remain between Legions 
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGBack Home on Earth..."Jazmin." Kid Quantum II looked up from her quick huddle with Nightwind to see Invisible Kid walking up to them. "What is it, Lyle?" "I need to be on the Legion World team." Jazmin could hear Berta's breath catch. Berta was used to working with a much smaller team, and Jazmin knew they were also generally less vocal than the veteran Legionnaires. But Jazmin had also learned that they were veterans for a reason... "Why, Lyle? We placed you on one of the force field teams because stealth is a primary consideration. We don't want the Earth or Legion World teams to be revealed early." "You'll also need more stealth on the Legion World team. We know the bad guy has hostages. Tons of hostages. And you'll need someone with intimate knowledge of the schematics. Finally, the bad guy hints at wanting to do biological studies on his hostages. You will need someone who can understand that, and with Brainy on the Earth team..." Jazmin considered. She could tell there was something personal behind this. Lyle had come a long way from the Legionnaire who covertly formed an Espionage Squad and lobbied for the juiciest missions to prove himself - something Cosmic Boy said he had done during the team's first year or so. There must be something - or even someone - very important to him on Legion World for him to do this. And at the same time, he raised many valid points. Having him on the Legion World team would increase the team's success. Kid Quantum looked at Nightwind, who nodded back simply. Berta had probably reached a similar conclusion, though she would probably only be thinking about how to implement the strategy they had concocted. "Okay then. We'll have Tinya backing up Sussa. Cham can go it alone." "Thanks, Jaz. Berta." Jazmin was glad Lyle had acknowledged Berta's role in the decision this time. As Lyle turned to walk away, she called after him. "Lyle... I trust you to keep a cool head, okay?" Lyle twisted his head back to grin and nod. Then he walked away again. "Okay... what could be turning him into a hothead?" Nightwind asked. "Lyle's a very private person, so I can only guess..." Jazmin started. Before she could finish, XS and Dreamer sat down in front of her. "We have some suggestions on the team lineups, leaders," Dreamer said simply. XS had her eyes closed, fingers on her temples. Nura handed over an Omnicom. As Jazmin looked at it, her eyes widened. "Interesting changes." "Did you have some new visions, Dreamer?" Nightwind asked. They had already run everything through Nura as a matter of course. Dreamer patted XS on the shoulder. "Frankly, no. It was Jenni." "I know it might be hard to believe," XS began. "But remember how I knew to find Gates and get Kinetix back?** I think the Time Trapper planted these into my head too. I just know. Please believe me. Somehow I can feel that these are important." "I don't foresee anything that will contradict her," Nura added. Nightwind and Kid Quantum looked at one another again. This time, it was Jazmin who gave a nod. Nightwind was her co-leader now, and she wanted to reinforce the fact to the entire team. Nightwind nodded back. "Your visions gave us our universe back, so I say we trust them," Nightwind said. "We'll review the lineups around your recommendations and announce the changes in five minutes." *********************************************************** IB's notes: 1) XS' mosaic was introduced in Adventure Comics 526. Her encounter with the Time Trapper was in Legionnaires Annual 3. I just tied the two together in Volume 2.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/16/16 06:01 PM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGBack Home on Legion World...Micro stared at the figure inside the cell. A gray-haired, balding man in a green robe. What was so scary about him? But his new commander had sent him to guard this man, so guard him he would. He would guard him very well. The man stared back at him. "Micro, isn't it? Not a very scary code name, but no doubt descriptive." Micro's hairs stood on end. "Don't belittle me, old man. Micro is a scarier name than Ra's al Ghul ever will be." The old man raised his hands. "I'm sorry, boy. You just look so young, I... AGH!" The old man crouched on the floor, hands to his chest. "My heart...! Please, please help me!" Micro quickly grabbed a nearby medi-kit and unlocked the cell, heart pounding. His commander had given him strict orders to guard this man, but to keep him alive. He would not let him down. He would show everyone what a big man he could be. Crouching down beside Ra's he turned him around. "Okay old-timer, breathe easy. Just give me a few minutes. I'll need to..." He stopped in mid-sentence as Ra's smiled, then slammed a hand down hard on his neck. "Accck!" "I know that this hold disables an Imskite's ability to shrink," Ra's smiled cruelly as he twisted his fingers. "But it does not dull any of the senses." Micro screamed as his head exploded in pain. He found himself on the floor as Ra's calmly dusted himself off. "I would let you live, but then you might sound the alarm. Plus, I found you to be quite an arrogant snot." Ra's raised his foot above Micro's head. "This will be fast, but not pretty." Micro could not help but flinch. He was too young. There were so many things he still had to accomplish... and he could not bear the shame of falling to an escaped prisoner... "Put your foot down, Ra's." A melodious voice sounded just outside the cell. Micro gasped as he saw his commander, pink-skinned and tall. Beside him was Charma, the siren with the ability to control the minds of any man; Brainstorm the telekinetic; two Gil'dans, one from each subspecies***; and a woman with a faded Titan tattoo on her cheek. He thought her name was Nara Minsork. "S-sir...!" "I gave you such a small task, Micro," the Commander intoned. He shook his head with disappointment. "If my warning systems had not alerted me that the cell was open... Help him up, Charma." "Stand up, Micro." Micro felt his body follow her every command; there was nothing he could do to resist. He licked his lips in fear. He didn't like failing, but he most especially did not like failing the Commander. "I'm sorry Sir, I..." "You will not do it again." Micro's world exploded in pain again as a wave of energy coursed through his body. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" He had seen beings much larger and tougher fold under the pain. But he never imagined it would be so. The pain went on for what seemed like an eternity, and when it stopped his body continued to shake. "Let that serve as a lesson. And you, Demon's Head." The Commander turned to Ra's still standing, immobile. "I asked Charma to make sure you can't talk. I do not want to bear your mind games or your prattling. I want two things from you - the knowledge you have accumulated, and to understand how the Lazarus Pit burns in your body. I had intended to keep you completely whole, but it seems I underestimated you. It won't happen again. I can still study you as a vegetable." He turned to the Gil'dans and the telepath. "First, you will transfer all his knowledge into my mind. Then you will destroy the part of his brain that controls his movement. Be open to my telepathic commands so I can instruct you. Be careful. The Legion disabled his telepathic safeguards, but his mind is no doubt powerful." "I tried entering Brainiac 5's mind once. I upgraded myself to enter advanced minds unaided," Nara Minsork said. "I don't even need to use a mind-grabber to help me." "And you should not. I want his mind kept healthy, aside from the destruction of his motor skills." Nara nodded, then a telepathic nimbus surrounded her as she linked her mind to the Gil'dans. Then the nimbus extended to envelope Ra's. A dazed Micro thought he saw Ra's eyes widen and his body convulse, but his head was still swimming. He watched as the multi-colored aura surrounded Ra's, then extended towards his Commander. The worst part was, everything happened in silence. And after a few minutes, Ra's head bent forward. "I have him, Sir," Brainstorm said as Ra's body floated gently towards the bed. "It is done," one of the Gil'dans added. "I can hear him screaming in his mind, but he cannot move." "Drop your telekinesis for the moment, Brainstorm," the Commander said. He stepped forward and punched Ra's in the stomach. Ra's body lurched backwards with the force, but no sound escaped his lips. His eyes did not even blink. "It seems so. Still, I want someone to guard this cell. Not you, though, Micro." He turned to look at the redhead, still sprawled on the ground. "I have already punished you. Fail me again and my punishment shall be even more severe. The rest of you, good job." Micro paled as his Commander stood to leave, the rest following him. Nara Minsork in particular seemed especially pleased with herself, while Charma looked relieved. And Micro... Micro wanted to shrink down and hide in shame and fear. He knew that his Commander would never forgive him if he committed another failure. ************************************************************ IB's notes: 1) Micro is, of course, the Reboot Micro Lad. He murdered another Imskite called Ion in a contest by Imsk's government to determine who would join the Legion. Violet solved the case and caught him, earning her Legion membership. (LSH v4 66) 2) Ra's al Ghul somehow survived into the 30th century. He murdered Leland McCauley and Amilia Crugg, posing as the former. It is not sure whether he murdered McCauley before or after being elected President of the United Planets. The Legion stopped his plan to induce Hypertaxis evolution on Earth by causing near-extinction events. Kinetix was transformed into a terrorform hybrid during this event. (The Legion 4 to 8) 3) The two Gil'dan subspecies in the Reboot are the brain (think Brain Globes of Rambat) and the worm (think Zymyr).
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 09/12/15 06:36 PM.
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Thanks to Omni for the consulting time last week. Omni suggested making my villain more menacing by highlighting the fear of his lackeys - hence the inclusion of Micro in this last post. I chose Micro because his motivations for murdering Ion were "so I could be a big man!".
The happenings with Ra's were something I had planned long, long ago for various reasons. One, to highlight the villain's motivation (and to set up a plot point later on, watch out for it!). Two, I always thought it silly that after all the trouble he caused, the Legion would just keep Ra's on Legion World. He's dangerous! This is one way to neutralize his threat while not letting it be a permanent thing - it will be pretty easy to reverse the damage to his mind.
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Nice to see the Credo again - and Lume getting into the action was fun, as was Hadru and spider Girl's encounter. The slice of media was fun too, filling in the big picture without having to recap in a dry fashion. Gates and the two Timber Wolves was good too - nice acknowledgement amongst them about each others personalities "I keep our team honest" indeed! The scene between Rokk and Pol read very true, nice interaction between them. The friendly banter between Sparks and Cham was sweet, and Lyle's private concerns were well written too - I'm looking forward to seeing what you do about that plot line. Xs's eagerness to get moving made me smile - so true to character! And Andromena usingthis to get Jenni to get the team together was clever- nice characterisation work in the conversations between the various members with Dawnstar and Shikari discussing the differences between them as perhaps my favourite. I miss Monstress as well! Ah... so Condo won't be fine and dandy when Lyle gets to him unless theyget there quickly! The main bad is interested in human genetics - I have no idea who it can be but whoever it is they are really going for it! For all he says he doesn't want to cause pain somehow I'm sure he would if he thought it was worthwhile. The 'honourable' villains are always the most ruthless - Dr Doom springs to mind. Your take on Winema is really good too - her hating politics today and having missed Brainiac 5s calm voice were really telling. The Khund warlord wanting to get started on the attack made me smile - they are a beligerent bunch aren't they  The scene's with the various Jo's and Tinya's were very well written, and in particular the end of the section where Jo turning round to tell the sleeping Cub that they would be back was touching. You have a great skill of capturing the teams depth of personality. Lyle deciding which mission he is on is just him to a tee, that bot always has an ulterior motive - he's the ultimate sneak isn't he? Guess we should be grateful that he's on the Legion's side eh? Jenni coming up with the plan was a nice twist, she's so often written as a weak link when it comes to that sort of thing, but I'm worries that the info seems to come from the Time Trapper. Oh poor Micro, he never seems to get it that being able to shrink doesn't make him tough, maybe he's learned his lesson this time? I was going to suggest Ra's as the main villain but you've upped the ante again by having him, quite literally, lose his mind! One question - are Gilpans the Gildishpan? Looking forward to more, more, more!
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Hi Harbi, your thorough commentary is once again very much appreciated! I'm thrilled at how many scenes you touched on  I'm very glad you're liking all those little bits and interactions. They're the most fun part of writing the big team that is the Legion. Yes, the G'ildans are the Gildishpan. In the Reboot, there was a scene where a brain globe chastised the worms for mistranslating their name into Gildishpan! G'ildan was the correct term. Lyle and Condo's love story is based quite a bit on mine and Blaze's, so things will get worse before they get better. But those two have been through so much they will definitely keep fighting for a happy ending. I do miss Monstress as well, which is why I will definitely be revisiting her story somewhere down the line. After all the current hullabaloo is over of course. I'm glad you commented on my honourable villain, my take on him is that he is not sadistic (at least, not in the sense that he causes pain or suffering because he enjoys it) but can be plenty ruthless and selfish. Just look what he did to Ra's. Speaking of, glad Ra's fate came as a surprise! Happy you liked the Tinya/Jo scenes. As the only married couple (so far), I would really like to see them have a happy relationship. Yes, Jenni's insight coming from the Time Trapper can be scary, that's a good point you raised. Of course, the team is being trusting now because that insight got them their universe back, but it's a good point - should they take everything at face value? Yes, Micro is too overconfident and does not quite learn. I'm glad you liked my use of the Khund warlord, it means a lot coming from you as you have featured them heavily in your own writing  Thanks again Harbi, my next step is to finalize which Legionnaire goes where. I already have a basic plot outline in mind, but the character bits will fill themselves in after I come up with the team assignments
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGBack Home, In space between Earth and Legion World...The Persuader tapped the handle of the Atomic Axe impatiently on the floor of their ship as they advanced towards Earth. He didn't have to think often - that was usually Tharok's job when they were operating together - but something grated on him. "Will you stop, Persuader? Your Axe isn't the quietest thing in the world, and I need to concentrate," Tharok snapped. Persuader glanced at his teammate. Tharok had also been on edge lately. "Hey, Tharok... Something else else about our mysterious benefactor bothers me..." "What? His immense power and resources, immense enough to free dozens of super-powered criminals AND recruit super-powered agents from the Kwai Galaxy? The speed with which he did it, so fast that we caught Legion World flat-footed before Takron-Galtos had a chance to send the alarm? His ability to instill fear and respect in all of us, such that we all chose to follow him to Legion World? That we are now, under his direction, attacking Earth with a fleet of ships and mechanical, non-sentient drones the size of a small planetary army? That he also sent a small fleet into another universe to hunt down and retrieve the vanished Legionnaires? Or that we all were required to subject ourselves to his chemically-induced hibernation so he could "study" us - who knows what information he gathered or what failsafes he installed in us? My systems don't detect anything, but his technology is so foreign that he might just have cloaked it particularly well!" Tharok spat each succeeding sentence with more and more venom. "So tell me, Persuader, which one worries you?" The pit of Persuader's stomach began to churn as sweat beaded on his forehead. In the Fatal Five, Validus was mindless, Tharok was clearly the boss, the Empress was a psychopath and Mano occasionally had his bleeding-heart moments, but none of them could dominate you to such an extent. "Is he using mind control on us?" Tharok shook his head. "No. None of the telepaths I spoke to noticed anything." "I just want to know when we can ditch this army," Mano spoke up from the other side of the room. Despite Mano's willingly joining the rest of the Five to free Tharok some time ago*, Tharok still kept Mano at arm's length. And with good reason; Mano had nearly killed Tharok once.** "We're following him now because he freed us and because he has a plan. He never asked us to follow him forever." Tharok shook his head. "He doesn't seem to want power or money, just knowledge. This expedition is to cripple Earth's armed forces and prevent them from being mobilized against Legion World. Finding the Legion is about the same thing, stopping them from stopping him. But once he finishes studying... who knows? Moving on to the next planet? The next galaxy? He doesn't seem to be planning to set up an administration here that he can govern long-term. I think he will leave once he gets what he wants, with no concern about what happens. It might turn into a free-for-all. We need to be prepared for that..." All three fell silent, considering. "He had Validus, Empress and the Eye stay behind," Persuader noted. "He sent just enough of us to take Earth, but kept many of the most powerful with him. He doesn't trust us either." "He's thought about a lot of things, obviously," Tharok groused. "He's..." His next words were drowned out as an explosion rocked the ship. Flames began licking the control room. Persuader staggered to his feet, using the Atomic Axe to lift himself up. His eyes widened as he saw a fleet of UP ships advancing on them. "How...!" Mano cried. "These ships were supposed to have advanced cloaking!" "They must have intercepted the first set of ships somehow. It's the only way they could have detected us without us detecting them in turn. But how? They jumped directly into an alternate universe?" Tharok mused. "They would not have returned unless... Sprock. They found the vanished Legionnaires!" Tharok raced for the controls. "We have to get a message back to Legion World!" Before he even reached the controls, the walls of the ship buckled. Persuader and Mano were thrown off their feet as they watched Tharok slam into - and through - the hull. "Quickly, Mano!" Persuader yelled as he brandished his Axe. "If we combine attacks, even a Daxamite will fall!" A purplish-black nimbus surrounded Mano's hands as he ignited his powers. "Just be ready to swing your Axe, and make sure you don't hit me." Persuader deigned to answer as he tensed his muscles. He could not afford to get distracted now. He turned his head in the direction Tharok had been thrown. The next attack could come from any direction. The floor they were standing on buckled, and both men were thrown against the ceiling. Too late, Persuader realized that the attack had come from below. As they smashed into the hull, his last thought was that they hadn't even been able to enjoy a galaxy without the Legion of Super-Heroes. ********************************************************************** IB's notes: 1) After the Fatal Five first formed (including Mano, Persuader, Tharok, Validus and Empress but no Emerald Eye), Mano turned on Tharok when he realized Tharok had duped him into thinking they would fight mass murderers whom the Legionnaires were aiding. He realized that Tharok planned to incite war between Titan and Braal and the Legionnaires were the good guys. (LSH v4 80) 2) The Fatal Five was reformed by the Emerald Eye, sans Mano. The Eye declared it wished to serve the Empress as she had simple aims and strong desire; this would allow the Eye to better focus its powers. (LSH v4 120-121) 3) The reformed Fatal Five included Mano. They freed Tharok so they could claim their "prize", something which they had hidden away and could only be unlocked with all five original Fatal Five members present. The nature of this "prize" was never revealed, but it was supposed to help them make one last big score. In this appearance, Mano didn't show any signs of the decency he did in his first few appearances. (Legion 15-16)
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/26/17 06:53 PM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 3: HOMECOMINGBack Home, In space between Earth and Legion World...Andromeda, Laurel Gand of Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers Kid Quantum II, Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu; time manipulation Star Boy, Thom Kallor of Xanthu; gravity manipulation Thunder, Cece Beck of 90th century Binderaan; SHAZAM-empowered human with enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, wisdom and flight powers ********************************************************************* "Nice tactic, coming at them from below." Andromeda darted in front of a UP ship as she took a torpedo in the chest. "And just like that, three of the Fatal Five out." "Thanks," Thunder smiled as she dragged the unconscious forms of Persuader and Mano behind her. "You were the one who spotted them. With our speed it's pretty easy to keep our presence secret. I'm sure not all of the villains are as smart as Tharok is." She evaded another blast, which slammed into Andromeda's invulnerable form harmlessly. "It's great getting a chance to work with you, Andromeda. I heard so many good things about you during my own short stay with the team." "The pleasure is mine, Thunder," Andromeda smiled as she scanned the field with her telescopic vision. "I see another flashpoint up ahead. Care to join me?" "As soon as I stow these two. I'll just look for the explosions." Thunder and Andromeda exchanged nods as the two zipped off in opposite directions. Thunder headed straight for the lead UP ship; just seconds earlier, Andromeda had brought a chained-up Tharok there. As she approached, she saw a dozen missiles blasting out of an enemy ship and straight for her. "Star Boy? Kid Quantum? I'm with the Terra and I have my hands full..." "Let me lighten your load." A purplish aura surrounded the missiles, causing them to slam into one another. "I really like your expanded powers, Star Boy."* "Thanks, I like them too." Thom Kallor pointed his hand at the ship which had fired the missiles, causing its path to shift ever so slightly. Just enough for its tail to stray into the path of fire coming from another of the enemy ships. "Nicely done," Thunder said as she tucked Mano under her left arm, alongside Persuader, and tapped on the airlock. "Now I'm going to look and see which villains are manning that ship." "Forget the individual ships' contents for now, Legionnaires," Kid Quantum's voice came over the flight rings. "Track my location. Another two dozen ships just left Legion World. We're jamming their communications back to Legion World, but we can only do that when they get nearer Earth. We need to draw the line here." Star Boy and Thunder looked over to Kid Quantum's location; though faint, the golden bubbles were definitely hers. She was using her powers surgically; a rusted cannon here, a crumbling propulsion system there. They shared a look, and Star Boy shrugged. "I hope the others hurry with their missions. I could really use a chance to let loose." Thunder nodded as Star Boy flew off to join Kid Quantum. It was frustrating, but they had to keep their presence a secret as long as they could, at least until the shields around Legion World were deactivated and the strike team could infiltrate. She really felt for her teammates, many of whom had friends and even family held hostage on Legion World now. She didn't need the wisdom of Solomon to know how much pressure they must be under. ************************************************************* IB's notes: 1) Star Boy's powers have fluctuated over the Reboot era. He started out with mass-increasing powers; then developed a full suite of Daxamite-like powers which were inconsistent and difficult to control. He lost them and returned to his mass-increasing powers; Khundian training caused them to "evolve" into complete control over gravity.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 09/13/15 10:15 AM.
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Poor Persuader not getting a chance to swing his big axe around! That was a good scene between him and Tharok, I like that he's smart enough to question someone giving him everything on a platter 
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Thanks raz, glad you liked it. The Persuader isn't all that scary against the right opponent (and really, all you have to do is get past the Axe) but he's more than just dumb hired muscle.
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Time Trapper
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Just a few thoughts although I haven't finished the latest entries. THANK YOU for the recap! That in itself is great reading and full of ideas and interesting character combinations. Very realistic to have them use first names, maybe comics have to maintain some tradition, but this is so much more natural and makes them seem more like real people. Lyle's worry for Condo is touching; of course he'd be distracted by this - but is their relationship a secret? If so, hopefully for some other reason than same sex in the future. That's a truly powerful image, to have Lyle see statues honouring both their deaths, so sad. Very sensible to put an explanation in place re: that the barriers between the universes might not always be thin. I love the idea that the Coluans would not work with the Roboticans (those snooty Coluans!  and nice to see Winema is not such a pain in the ass.... I would never have thought of making Nightwind a leader but why not? This is what makes these stories so enticing, the focus on different characters. A well-thought out takedown of Ra's al Ghul and interesting that you have made it reversible. I don't know where you find the time to write all this - are you secretly Carggite?
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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FC! Thank you for the comments, they have brought a big smile to my face  Glad you enjoyed the recap and found it helpful. It also helps refresh my memory when I need to remember what I have already established. Lyle and Condo's relationship is a secret, but only because Lyle is such a private person. In Legionnaires 59 Lyle got a note saying "Can't wait to see you! - C". He's not the type to confide in his teammates much and he likes to compartmentalize. Glad you liked the barriers between universes bit. Can't have people dimension-hopping all the time! Those snooty Coluans  This was established in DNA's Legion, when Robotica invaded. Nightwind appeared in Gail Simone's Legion arc and showed a lot of initiative, so I thought she would make a good leader for the "new" Legion. Glad you liked Ra's take-diwn too  I always found it silly the Legion would just leave him in a cell on LW. This is a nice way of neutralizing his threat, though not permanently. Haha writing is part of how I relax on weekends  Thanks for reading. I'm really excited to get to the end of this arc, I have major things planned!
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thanks for the credit IB and glad i could return the favor since you've helped me so much in my own writing.
These last post were good. Miro was a great choice. He's fear was palpable and this is giving a much better picture of your villain. Although I still have no idea who it is.
Tharok and The Persuader's moment was very insightful and agreed Persuader showing some brains is a nice change of pace for him.
Also really like the tactics of hit high and low by Andromeda and Thunder. They seem like a pair i'd like to see together more often.
Also thank for all the Editors notes. Your work and dedication is truly appreciated. There so close to taking things back i can feel it. Can't wait for more.
read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!
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Thanks Omni, I really do enjoy collaborating and planning with you and I think it strengthens both our work! Glad you felt the Micro scene was effective, and really, credits to you for giving me the idea. A clue, this villain is new and has never been seen before - but we have seen others like him! Glad the street-smart Persuader is getting some love. I also liked Andromeda and Thunder working together, quite a powerful pair and they are quite alike. They are close, but they will have to go through quite a lot before their work is done 
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