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Kill This Thread LXIII - Sticking to your Resolutions
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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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Originally Posted by Rockhopper Lad

I promise, DC, give the JSA and the Legion their own books again in their own continuities and I'll buy every single issue!

I haven't read the issues yet, but I saw the preview of Jay Garrick visiting Kent in the hospital and it really made me miss the history that the JSA used to have. I wish DC would realize that just because a character isn't in their 20's or 30's doesn't mean that they're boring. The diversity of ages in the DCU used to be one of its greatest strengths. frown

Keep up with what I've been watching lately!

"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
Kappa Kid #849872 05/03/15 07:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Nostalgia Lad
Originally Posted by Rockhopper Lad

I promise, DC, give the JSA and the Legion their own books again in their own continuities and I'll buy every single issue!

I haven't read the issues yet, but I saw the preview of Jay Garrick visiting Kent in the hospital and it really made me miss the history that the JSA used to have. I wish DC would realize that just because a character isn't in their 20's or 30's doesn't mean that they're boring. The diversity of ages in the DCU used to be one of its greatest strengths. frown

I know. Basically all DC is doing is rebooting their books every ten years just to entice the 20 somethings of that decade by loading every book with whatever trend is current. Right now it's "instagram and twitter and skype" and then when they have to chuck all that out the window they lose the fans they made THIS decade. And the pattern will repeat again and again until they finally go bust.

I can understanding wanting to make a book accessible, but there's a difference between accessibility and pandering. And by pandering I mean making a book all about "We're relevant because instagram and 20 year old college graduate Jay Garrick!"

Last edited by Sarcasm Kid; 05/03/15 07:11 PM.
Reboot #849874 05/03/15 07:48 PM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Hmm. DiDio says they publish comics to 45-year-olds, which I am. Then they say the want younger readers, which Stalgie and Sarky are. We all want what DC used to publish. sigh

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Reboot #849875 05/03/15 07:57 PM
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I know, like, how they can think all the fans who are complaining about wanting the old DCU back are only doing so because of nostalgia? What nostalgia?! I was -5 years old when the first Crisis came out, and I didn't start regularly buying comics until mid 2005.

All I want is a comic book about the Fab Five Titans in their late 20s, with their kids alive, being awesome dorks together. I do not want problem child Wally West and psychopath Amazon doll Donna Troy.

Reboot #849876 05/03/15 07:57 PM
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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The problem is that DC's readership has grown tired of continuity and history for some reason, which is something I don't understand.

Just look at this thread on CBR (I'm the poster named Pharozonk):


Even worse, the older fans have turned against continuity as well. Some people will just buy books week after week out of a misplaced loyalty to the company. Anyone who demands something out a company that they've given money to for years have every right to voice their opinions on what they see as a selling out of the product's core principles.

Keep up with what I've been watching lately!

"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
Reboot #849877 05/03/15 08:02 PM
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I don't even know why I buy them anymore. Multiversity and Convergence are the only things I've been able to enjoy with a clear conscience lately. Everything else is because I'm either concerned about the characters or I'm trying to support a friend who worked on the book.

The two Titans Convergence books are the only brand new Titans comics besides Earth One I've bought since 2010.

Reboot #849890 05/04/15 06:13 AM
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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I just want a comic to read that I enjoy.

It doesn't have to be weighed down with continuity nor does it have to avoid it. The characters would have to be reasonably consistent across each issue, but you'd expect that in any medium. That's not to say that they have to become burdened with so much backstory that the character becomes unworkable.

Any nostalgia I have is because of the good writing and art, not because of an event, a gimmick or a desperate sales push. Nostalgia for that is what got me to pick up two Convergence spin offs. It's what kept me buying DC out of habit years ago long after I should have stopped.

I've probably got my favourite eras and stories for a number of the DC franchises. But I was happy to look at all the DCNu comics. I don't think I dropped any of them because they didn't fit my ideal. I dropped them because they didn't have enough quality.

Events are a little different. I have the first issue of Multiversity. But I got it on an impulse and haven't read it. I'm likewise avoiding the main Convergence event. DC Events were even worse than their regular series and I can't see me reading one for quite some time. So for this sort of story, it may actually be a good read. But so few of the others beyond Crisis and Legends were even bearable, that it's simply not worth the effort of checking.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
Reboot #849910 05/04/15 07:37 AM
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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I guess I'm very attached to certain characters and teams, all of which got screwed over in the last few years. frown

It wasn't that long ago that the JSA and the Legion each carried two monthly titles. They easily could again.

The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
Reboot #849916 05/04/15 08:03 AM
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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I'd settle for one decently put together Legion title frown

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
Reboot #850094 05/06/15 03:36 PM
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Status after Titans #2: An ugly, writhing ball of human emotion that has never been so happy for a comic book in their entire life.

Reboot #850105 05/06/15 04:14 PM
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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Pleased for you Sarky. However it came about, let's hope it's something that sticks.

"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
Reboot #851578 05/20/15 07:33 AM
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With the Victoria Day holiday delaying new books a day, I thought I'd give capsule reviews of the first month of books I sampled. Generally disappointed thus far, as they all seem to have the same plot. I also dropped the main series after issue #3, so I'm unsure what the overall story looks like now...

Swamp Thing: Bizzarrely side-steps most of the developments in the book at the time of Crisis and reads a bit like a dud. Odd as Wein was really involved at the time.

Suicide Squad: A pretty good Squad Story. Interesting in that, keeping in character, the Squad goes after the other city rather than try to find another solution.

Hawkman: At least broke the mold of the other Convergence Titles. Interested to see where it goes.

Booster Gold: Really a continuation of the Future's End story, which in turn comes form the pre-Flashpoint Universe. May be the most important book that no one realises. Disappointed the Legion played the role of the non-thinking reactionary attackers.

Plastic Man and the Frededom Fighters: Not bad, but I'm tired of evil Woozy.

Batman and the Outsiders: Bland and uninteresting.

Blue Beetle: Not a huge fan of Captain Atom's characterisation, waiting for the Legion.

Shazam: Suicide Bombers and Captain Marvel don't really mix for me.

Justice Society of America: I didn't mind this as a "Last Hurrah" kind of story, but also disappointed that it's a Last Hurrah at all.

World's Finest: Would have been more fun without killing off a portion of the team gratuitously (poor Earth-2 GA never catches a break, huh?)

Action Comics: A little slow, but not bad characterisation.

Detective Comics: Great Art, but a clunky script/dialogue with Huntress getting a serious case of the stupids.

Reboot #851611 05/20/15 04:46 PM
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in hiding
in hiding
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Made my monthly trip to the CBS today. Had 3 monthlies and one TPB in my box. Saw all the various Convergence titles on the shelf. Went home with 3 monthlies and one TPB.

Next trip to the CBS will probably be after July 22.

First comic books ever bought: A DC four-for-47-cents grab bag that included Adventure #331. The rest is history.
Reboot #859290 07/11/15 02:14 PM
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DC is doing a few spin off Convergence mini books later this year.

One is about Telos, another is about Clark and Lois's son nine years in the future, and the other is a Titans Hunt series.

Reboot #871686 10/06/15 05:48 PM
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You know, the more I think about it the more I realize that DC missed a number of opportunities for stories to "properly wrap up" with Convergence. Had it not been squished into two months, they might've had the time to do an entire pre-Infinite Crisis line of books. They could've been set in a version of Metropolis pulled just before the new Multiverse was created. Or better yet, Bludhaven just after Chemo was dropped since so many of the heroes were called in to help with the relief effort.


LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: The FYL Legion, with a wrap up on what the whole deal with that canister was and some final resolution on "Are they clones or not?"

ALL-STAR SQUADRON: The Squadron pulled just before the Crisis changed everything, with Mekanique included in the team as it's actually during the time she was holding back the Crisis's effect... and somehow the Young All-Stars were pulled in as well as Axis Amerika.

SUPERMAN FAMILY: Set in the splinter Earth-One from "Many Happy Returns" where Linda Danvers married Superman and they had a daughter, and she gets to team up with the pre-Crisis Kara and Earth-2 Power Girl when the domes came down.

BLOODLINES: An alternate take on the New Bloods where they're given a chance to actually be characters instead of stock 90s extreme cliches.

SUPERBOY VS THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES: Superboy-Prime was stuck in Pre-Infinite Crisis Metropolis, and when the dome comes down he learns of the Threeboot Legion's city and they're brought into conflict.

STARS AND S.T.R.I.P.E.: A chance for Geoff Johns to try and revisit some of the MANY dropped storylines from the series where he basically cut his teeth on the DCU.

WELCOME TO TRANQUILITY: This one could've been really ingenious because it could explain what happened to Tranquility when it disappeared after the Worldstorm event.

JOKER'S DAUGHTER: They could've had Bob Rozakis revisit that planned Duela Dent series.

TEAM TITANS: Considering the Team Titans were mostly erased thanks to Zero Hour, it makes some sense that we could've seen the team just before that happened, and it could've let Phil Jimenez or the former writers establish stuff they wanted to or properly address the complaints with those characters.

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