First of all, I want to start out by saying that no matter what criticism I give to this episode, I will always appreciate the message that the show is sending. Bullying is unaccaptable, no matter who does it or for what reason. The stance that the cast takes to protect Kurt was heartwarming, if not slightly unrealistic.
So Kurt's mom and Finn's dad get married. It was a cute ceremony and an amazing reception. Seeing Finn step up and accept Kurt as his brother and dancing with him made me cry. I have complained in the past that Rachel was too self-centered and Finn too dumb, but tonight went a LONG way to redeeming them with me.
Carol Burnett was totally wasted her. She wasn't funny. The whole thing with Sue marrying herself seemed like a ridiculous subplot to balance some of the more serious things going on. Sue seemed out of character in many ways tonight. Her protest and resignation, although touching, didn't seem to be like the Sue we have seen up to now. I all for shades of grey, but the writing of Sue is all over the place this season.
And now, the bullying. Rather than face the bully, Kurt opts to transfer to another school. The school that his new friend Blaine just happens to attend. Rivals for New Direction. I am hoping this is more of a plot device to get Kurt and Blaine together than Kurt running away. At some point, he will still have to face the bully. There is no getting around it. Hopefully Kurt will be stronger when he finally does return.
Sue telling the Cheerios to hit themselves with the chicken cutlets had me cracking up. I was really hoping this would be the end of the Karofsky being a jerk closet case storyline.
I didn't think I'd ever say this but I think Lauren and Puck could be a good fit. I'm glad Artie & Mike are bonding. I really liked Rachel's rendition of "Firework". I'm not sure what to think about the idea about Finn/Quinn getting a reprise although I hoped she and Sam would last a lot longer.
Friendly Neighborhood Performer
Visit my official hangout ActorLad's Cool Luau over at the Mission Monitor Board!
The ep that aired after the Super Bowl was my first dip into Glee. I know musicals and musical comedies especially aren't anything about reality, but they really stretched things with the substitute football players. Even if it were possible, the team woulda been down about 80 points at the half, right? Oh well, maybe next time I'll turn my brain off and let myself go a little more. I didn't hate it, but I'm not sure I'm really the show's target audience! (said target being unabashed musical fans)
I think I'd like it more if the singing was more prominent and was like 75% of the show, instead of about 25% (based on that ep). I really liked the duet of "Need You Now" with the mohawk dude and the brunette, for example. Not a country fan at all, but that's one I like.
I also don't like the obvious lip-synching. I know it's a staple of musical numbers in movie musicals and the like, but it always takes me out of the experience. Can't anyone just sing on camera for these things? Not Glee's fault, really, but a personal caveat, nonetheless.
Poor Sam believing Quinn's saving Finn from chocking on a gumball story as an explanation for her mono. Speaking of Sam, his version of "Baby" wasn't bad. My favorite performance was definitely Lauren's version of "I Know What Boys Like". Loved how Britt can make Rachel's clothes fashionable when she can't.
Friendly Neighborhood Performer
Visit my official hangout ActorLad's Cool Luau over at the Mission Monitor Board!
I loved Finn explaining the various types of drunks. Bieste & Will's honky-tonk adventure looked like fun. I enjoyed the rendition of Tik Tok before the vomiting happened. Anyone else really sick of Rachel's character? She's getting increasingly annoying be it drunk or sober.
Friendly Neighborhood Performer
Visit my official hangout ActorLad's Cool Luau over at the Mission Monitor Board!
I was... it hasn't been on in WEEKS! However, unless things brighten up considerablely, I'll be dropping it. I loved the show for it's cheery (and admittedly unrealistic) take on all the teen-angsty situations, but this season has been nothing but down right depressing. If it doesn't find it's way back to a happier outlook soon, I'm out of here. There are plenty of dark and depressing shows out there already, I want something better and more FUN.
Well new episodes start again this Tues. Said episode also introduces The Glee Project's Damian as Rory an Irish exchange student who has a thing for Britney. I'm happy about that as he was one of my favorites.
Friendly Neighborhood Performer
Visit my official hangout ActorLad's Cool Luau over at the Mission Monitor Board!
This show is ending this week. I've stayed with it the whole time.
It's certainly been flawed. My personal opinion is they should have let characters who graduated leave the show, to make only an occasional guest appearance. The "newbies" introduced in season four had a lot of potential, but they had to compete for screen time and viewers' (and writers') attention with established characters who were off in New York. When it finally became obvious that this wasn't working, they made the horrid decision to move the show to New York full time. That was the low point.
This short last season, on the other hand, has been wonderful. The only problem I have with it was the season four "newbies" were shunted off with little explanation. Of course, the show has had a lot of characters who disappeared without explanation (Joe and Sugar anyone?).
Overall, it's been great to have a show that allowed people to burst into song for no apparent reason. Will and Sue, of course, were the mainstays. The two "adults" played off each other so well. Without Matt Morrison and Jane Lynch, the show never would have worked.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
I left midway through Season 2 when I felt I was being required to suspend my disbelief TOO much, but I softened to that as time when on and returned via NETFLIX and watched all of last season and this season on TV.
I think losing Finn is what dealt the show a blow from which is simply could not recover.
Th treatment of Rory, Joe and Sugar remains a problem for me to this day (my love for 2nd stringers is well documented). ANd I certainly didn't care for the wholesale dumping of the newbies. All signs of a show scrambling to figure itself out (see also Season 1 of THE MINDY PROJECT with its constant cast changes).
That said, I'm certainly glad I returned. GLEE exploded into Pop Culture and burned as bright as anything could for awhile. It deserves and is getting a good send-off.
The final number (a song with which I was not familiar) was great. I only wish all those old friends could have had some dialogue so we could have some closure with everyone. I especially loved Sugar's grand entrance at the tail end of the sixth-season newbies and Unique and Ryder entering hand-in-hand (Unique always really loved Ryder and that whole storyline was just abandoned). Conspicuous by her absence was Melissa Benoist (Marley), who was preparing for her new role as Supergirl.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
There are a few "tribute" episodes that I would have loved to have seen them do. An Elvis Presley episode, a Simon and Garfunkel episode or a Sound of Music episode would have made me squeal with, well, with glee.
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
It seems like a tragedy they didn't do A Sound of Music Episode!
(and more Bee Gees speaking of Tragedy)
They always did Lady GAGA really well.
Is it worth it to watch the last two episodes? (I'm expecting a yes)
I've been missing Quinn Fabrais a lot these past two seasons ... one of the most fleshed out characters ...
and I adore ... Santa Lopez and her alter ego ... Naya Rivera ...
The scene where she pushes Sue ... is at once the most wish fulfilling / gratifying moment and the result of a long character development.
"No, THIS is assault!" Loved it.
Also when Santana gets her butt kicked by the big girl. ("I'm from Pluma Heights! ?)
There were a few times that the Glee kids surpassed the artists they were covering ... Santana did it with Girl is on Fire and Blaine (I think did it a few times).
The most disappointing cover ever ... was Santana covering Cold Hearted Snake by Paula Abdul ... it seems PERFECT yet .. i thought it was just like a Karaoke version.