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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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When I've had a malt of late, it's been Glenkinchie. It's a light, sweet and fruity lowland malt with a decent finish.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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Had a mocha rum shake back at the beach. Dee-lish, and gave me just the right "kick" for the day.
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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Wow, SHAKES sure is quiet nowadays.
Hey Mr. Bartender, move on over. Since you don't have any customers now, why don't we try some new mixes? Come on, I'll pay for all the drinks we make!
Why must power be so elusive?
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Tempus Fugitive
Tempus Fugitive
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Had some Christmas Light Ale yesterday. The lightest one in the selection, rather than any festive cheer.
"...not having to believe in a thing to be interested in it and not having to explain a thing to appreciate the wonder of it."
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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I like Sam Adams White Christmas ale. In fact, all of their holiday beers are pretty great. Sam Adams is probably the last great company in the world.
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Having some wine from Spain, and some Johnnie Walker black label.
It isn't New Year yet but I'm already seeing fireworks!
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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Hey IB, come on over here. I wanna get your opinion. Do you think pluberries, rainbowfruit and peaches will go well with lambanog and silverale?
Why must power be so elusive?
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Hmmm, interesting idea Zoe. Lambanog's pretty strong but it does have that nice coconut-y taste that would add a tropical splash to that. Only way to know is to try! Say, after we perfect some drinks you wanna go over the files on those kids from Earth? I have a couple in mind who'd be great to bring into the Office but wanted to see what you think.
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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Okay, if not lambanog maybe some vodka?
I've heard good things about those Earth kids, especially about a couple of gals who can kick ass. The LMB could use more ladies.
Why must power be so elusive?
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Yeah, and I think you'll like them. Especially the ones with elemental powers - there's one who can work wonders with wind.
Say, do you think this drink could use some chocolate syrup?
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Renly Fox enjoyed a glass of Brande, telling a lewd joke which drew tremendous laughter from around him. He was full of vim and vigor this night; his adrenaline was already pumping when she walked in.
It was almost as if he was waiting for her, knowing where and when to be.
Turning aside from the party he was entertaining, he caught full view of her: olive skin. Black hair. Young. Golden, piercing eyes.
As if a chameleon, he changed his demeanor to that of the most welcoming of persons.
"My dear, you look quite lost," he said as she walked forward. Renly's words causes the others nearby to part, letting him take the lead. Are you alright?"
"I-I am lost...I think..." She said in a confused voice. "I'm having a hard time getting my bearings..."
"Then by all means, please have a seat. Let's get you a drink to stiffen to nerves and I'm sure we can sort this out soon enough."
She was lovely, he thought. And rather peculiar.
He was very agreeable, she felt. She would trust this one for now, and do as he said. Surely he could help her figure out where she was...and who she was.
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Angdar landed outside of Shakes and entered.
He saw a few people that he recognized as he made his way to the counter.
He pulled out his Ommni Com and dialed Cobalt. "Hey Zoe. Yeah, I'm here, got us a seat at the counter. Crowded here...yeah, some regulars, and some new faces as well. Okay. See you when you get here."
He put the com away and ordered a coffee while striking up a conversation with the patron next to him.
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Renly helped usher the girl into a seat at the bar, and handed her a brande, as he picked up another refill for himself. He took a moment to look at the girl and see what he could notice. She’s calmed down a little for one thing. And she’s quite beautiful.
“I didn’t catch your name, miss,” he said.
She hesitated a minute, wondering if she should tell him or not. At last she said “Jewel.”
He smiled. A fake name, obviously. He bowed deeply and formally. “Renly Fox, at your service.”
She either didn’t understand the gesture or wasn’t impressed by it. “Thank you for your kindness, Renly,” she said. “But I think perhaps I need to be going soon.”
“Why not finish your drink first, my dear?” he replied. “I was going to ask you where you might be going but if you’ll forgive my boldness, I get the sense you don’t really know yourself.” He offered a warm, small smile at this, as he tried to remove any smugness to his words.
At this exact moment, Giant Robotic Lesbian suddenly fired up the piano, and the crowd exploded in great delight as she played Elton John’s “Rocket Man”. Happening exactly right then, the couple to the left of Renly and Jewel suddenly got up to leave after paying their tab, leaving an open space between them and the next patron—a familiar looking winged figure, who was the imposing Angdar Fel.
Renly’s face betrayed nothing other than he noticed Angdar was there. Jewel picked up nothing more than that. Angdar, however, knew when someone was taking his measure.
“I-I really don’t know where I’m going,” said Jewel. “My mind…is so fuzzy right now. I remember being in a…tomb? Is that the word I’m looking for? I…” she began and then suddenly began laughing. “I don’t even know what language I’m speaking or how I learned it!”
Renly laughed equally as loud. “It’s Interlac! I’m told it sounds like space-dolphins mating and breaking wind to those who don’t speak it.”
Now they both laughed hard, as Jewel grew even more comfortable.
And before she knew it, Renly was ordering another round for them.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Cobalt Kid rushed over to SHAKES after receiving Angdar Fel’s message. The kid is good, no doubt about it, he thought about Angdar. He had just left Lolita and Shark Lad at the Beacon and was feeling guilty about interrupting their date night. He knew his presence in Lolita’s life sometimes caused an issue with Shark Lad. He felt bad if he was exasperating the problem. And it was with this distraction in his mind that he landed in the side alley between SHAKES and Shameless Hussies. Few Legionnaires had as much experience as Cobalt Kid; but like all of them, Cobalt could make mistakes too. The distraction was a mistake, as was not realizing early on the danger he—and all of them—were in. He prepared to send a message back to Angdar when suddenly a voice cut him off. “Nice night, eh?” He turned around immediately—his instincts immediately telling him he was in danger—but it was too late. He felt a piercing rip go through his chest…and then out of his back. He had been harpooned by something awful, and the pain was immediate. Blood and stomach acid leaked out the front of his stomach, as he fell to his knees. “Y-You…” he said, recognizing his assailant, as the figure drew closer.” The assailant smiled. “Me,” was the response. The assailant walked away into the darkness, happy that events in SHAKES could play out without Cobalt Kid mucking it up. Cobalt tried to call out and couldn’t. He fumbled for his Omnicom but he’d already lost the ability to lift his arms. Blood gurgled in the back of his throat and slowly, his vision started to fade to black.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Elle walked down the street. Everywhere she went led to dead ends. No matter who she talked to, all of them insisted that Dev Em was dead. She had seen the monument on Daroon. Seen the monument on Legion World itself. Watched the funeral service over and over. Heard the horrid rumors of what had happened on Webers World during the rising of the dead.
She would not give up, no matter what they all said. Especially her former boss, “Cobalt Kid!”
Her eyes widened as she approached his body. He was reaching for his Omni Com. Hs fingers barely moving in a grabbing motion. Blood was everywhere. She looked around and saw nobody else around. Nobody down the alley, nobody on the street. She was angry with Cobalt Kid with his involvement with the death of Dev Em…but this…
She whipped her head around and saw a man running wildly around the corner with an Omni Bird in chase.
Did that bird just yell?
The man ran past and the Omni Bird glanced towards her as it flew.by and then abruptly stopped and began to change.
“DEV EM?!?!?” She yelled at the top of her lungs, “Cobie is hurt!”
The man that approached her from the street was not who she thought it was.
“I…you…he needs help!”
“What happened? What did you do?” Beast Boy asked her as he bent down and picked up Cobies Omni Com. He pressed the connect button and looked up at her.
“Nothing…I was going for a drink at shakes. I’m looking for someone…I…I found him like this a few seconds before you came around the corner. Who are you? Are you Durlan?”
Beast Boy held up a finger. “Angdar?” he said as the person on the other end answered, “Cobalt needs medical attention. Already summoned the emergency teams, but he might need something more. We are in the alley next to Shakes.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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The doors to shakes all but flew off their hinges. Angdar was over to them in seconds and was talking on his Omni Com, “Kenitix, I need you at my location as soon as possible. Cobalt is down,” he looked at the man laying on the ground, :”it’s bad. Starting what I can do.”
He caught a glimpse of Elle out of the corner of his eye. “You did this didn’t you? He told me about your threats…thought you wouldn’t actually follow through.” He said as he bent down next to Cobalts body and began examining the would.
Beast Boy mumbled something to himself and then spoke up, “no, she had nothing to do with it except bringing my attention to the alley. She just happened upon the scene.”
“Detain her, we can find out the truth later.”
Sirens rounded the corner, the regular authorities were arriving and Angdar yelled for them to arrest Elle. The medics began to surround Cobalt and Angdar moved out of their way. He moved towards Elle to detain her.
Beast Boy got between them, “don’t do this, it wasn’t her. There’s another scent in the air that I can’t identify…fading. It’s whoever did this.”
“If she’s innocent, then she won’t mind answering a few questions.” Angdar said as he went to move Beast Boy out of the way.
Beast boy grabbed Angdars arm as he reached for his and changed into a Flasher Beast as he did. “Sorry, but you’re wrong and you need to let this go and I need to get on the right trail fast.” He blinded Angdar with a quick flash from the Flash Beasts eyes apologized as he did it. “This will last long enough to let me get her out of here.”
When Angdar regained his senses, Beast Boy and Elle were gone and the medics were still trying to stabilize Cobalt Kid.
“Damn it.”
He flew quickly to the far side of the alley and looked around. There did appear to be a trail that someone left through the garbage that was littered about. “That doesn’t mean she didn’t…”
He stopped and went back to where Cobalt Kid was, and then past a he suddenly remembered the reason he was there in the first place. He scanned the crowd, but it was too late. The girl was gone.
He tensed and flew straight up and began searching the streets for two sets of people.
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With all the commotion outside, no one saw Renly and Jewel quietly leave Shakes.
He told Jewel it was perhaps getting too crowded for her, and he'd bring her somewhere quieter so she could concentrate. She was all to happy to accept the offer.
He was well experienced with staying undetected, so once they were out, it was now much easier.
What luck! It was all working perfectly. Of course, luck has nothing to do with it, he smiled.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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As Cobalt was lifted onto a medi-car to be taken to Medicus Two, he remained unconscious, clinging on for dear life. Though every medical instrument showed he would unlikely survive the attack, he healing powers were already working their magic. It seemed every medic--and Angdar too--believed he'd pull through.
Suddenly, he spoke:
"E-Elle...," he said out loud. "Elle and Beast Boy..."
Angdar heard the words clearly. It did not improve his mood. Now he tensed up and flew straight up and began searching the streets for two sets of people.
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When she arrived on the scene, the growing feeling of guilt seemed to explode within her. It was almost painful. She felt her face flush and then hot tears filling her eyes.
She held them back, and then let anger and purpose take over.
"Angdar," she said the Security Officer in charge via omni com. "I can help. Let me plot out the likely routes on Legion World they might take. I'll narrow it down fast."
"Will stand by then," Angdar said grimly.
Beside her, Shark Lad shuffled his feet impatiently.
I could have prevented this. If I was with him, she thought. And no matter how much she would later tell herself that wasn't true, or how much Sharky or Brit or anyone else would say the same thing, she'd never stop thinking it.
It had been a lovely dinner. Following an awkward five minutes where Sharky and she were a little annoyed at each other--basically for daring to be annoyed at each other--they had rallied and enjoyed a great meal with a lot of laughter and smiles. They prepared to transition into a more romantic evening when word of Cobie's attack came over the wire.
So here she was now. In a beautiful high end cocktail dress with her hair looking immaculate, holding back tears and forcing herself into her stoic, cold LMB mindset. Sharky was annoyed and growing downright angry. Guilt was seeping deeper and deeper into her. And what started out as a great night was progressively turning into the first real bad one in almost two years.
Elle. I never noticed her before but from what I remember, she's another sad little girl blaming everyone else for her own shortcomings.
And Beast Boy. He should never have been allowed on Legion World unchecked. She generally distrusted strangers; now she remembered why.
Elle and Beast Boy. All her anger and guilt coalesced around thinking of capturing those two.
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It doesn't seem right to be here without Vee behind the bar. Babbette, Would you bring me a double JWB on the rocks with a Michelob back?
<sits on the specially cushioned stool Vee (and Semi) presented him with after the "Invasion of Taltar">
Here's to you old friend...
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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"Ranger. Good to see you." <Invisible Brainiac sits down beside Space Ranger>. Babbette, I'll have what he's having.
<raises his glass>
Here's to you, old friend...
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Hmmm .... looks like the triple marine-varnished antique swinging saloon doors need a new coat of varnish .... and a dusting.
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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Well, I'm sure not cleaning up the place!
Keep up with what I've been watching lately! "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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Card Stalgie, he's not old enough to be in here.
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Humanoid from the Deep
Humanoid from the Deep
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Sheesh Nighty! At least give a guy a chance to sneak in before kicking him out. 
Keep up with what I've been watching lately! "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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