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Joined: Jul 2003
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For my upcoming "Battle for the Championship of the Universe" game, and my own Encyclopedia Galactica project, I've started a list of Legion locations. Here is a list of all places mentioned or seen in stories collected in the first five volumes of the LEGION ARCHIVES.
Additions and corrections welcome:
(NOTE: Sorry bulleted tabs did not carry from the Word doc.)
(NOTE: m. = mention only. un. = unnamed. Names in quotes are my own creations for unnamed locations, generally taken from the accompanying text.)
• 281-Y — Planet that is headquarters to the Anzar Gang, which stole the Duplazor machine. Colossal Boy retrieved it, but was expelled from the Legion for losing it, when the team didn’t realize it was actually stolen by Dynamo-Boy (ADV330-1965.03). • AAROK — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 5:15 on Aarok (ADV312-1963.09). • AB-213 — Galactic sector on the edge of another galaxy where Superboy traveled to a planet circling a double star (one blue, one orange) in hopes of finding a means to revive Lightning Lad. Inhabitants of the world lie in a death like trance when close to the orange sun and come to life under the influence of the blue. Superboy peeled off a bit of the blue sun to shine over Lightning Lad, to no avail (ADV312-1963.09). • AKTAR — m. Homeworld of Gooba, who won a dinosaur-throwing contest in the Interplanetary Rodeo, held on Rorbis, marking him as something of an expert in the use of repeller-ray gloves (ADV323-1964.08). • ALTAIR — m. Home of the one-eyes Pyramid Men, a pair of whom tried to sell the Legion stolen "living paintings" from Thar, while the team was investigating Thieves' Planet (ADV308-1963.05). • ALTHAR — m. World that uses liquid money, four gallons of which can be exchanged at the Space Bank for five walking pieces of Barakian living money (ADV309-1963.06). A lonely, unpeopled world, home to many strange life-forms, such as a dinosaur-like creature that eats rocks. There, in a vast yet abandoned prison-like building, once used for psychological and physical testing of would-be astronauts, Science Police Commissioner Wilson tested the Legion to see how willingly they’d give up the location of their super-weapon, the Concentrator (ADV321-1964.06). • AMAZONIA — m. Its Queen is a member of the United Planets Inner Council (ADV349-1966.10). • “ANDAL” — un. Home to a race of green-skinned, pointy-eared aliens, who live in straw huts. Matter-Eater Lad saved them from being frightened by the giant Mouth-Creature by eating all of the Red Andal tree, its favorite food located near their village (ADV321-1964.06). • ANTARES — m. Home of the legendary protean beasts, shape-changers who can imitate anything, one of which became a pet to Chameleon Boy after it was liberated from Hydra-Men en route to Thieves' Planet (ADV308-1963.05). m. First reference to super-scientific race that gave the Proteans their powers to help them adapt to any conditions (ADV316-1964.01). Now the name of the red star around which the unnamed homeworld of the Protean race revolves. The unnamed planet was home to a species of telepathic, protoplasmic blob, which were made into pets by a great humanoid scientific civilization that colonized the world. When a giant orange star passed too close, altering the planet’s climate cycle, the scientific humanoids left, using an Evolution Beam to alter the Proteans, giving them the ability to alter their shape and adapt to any environment (ADV322-1964.07). By the Legion’s time the world has an orange sun, which only partially depletes Supeboy’s powers. The scientific colonists were the Llorn and their buildings, abandoned by the Legion’s time, resembled giant screwdrivers and were hidden behind iron mountains in forests of giant purple mushrooms. Dr. Norm Eldor tried to convince the Proteans that he was a descendant of the Llorn in order to trick them into revealing the location of the machine that gave them their powers. He was defeated by the Legion with the aid of Unknown Boy, to whom the Proteans built a memorial statue (ADV334-1965.07). • ANVOR — World seen on the Legion’s Emergency Board (ADV327-1964.12). • ARBRO — m. Home to a race of tree men, where the sun has weakened such that inhabitants can no longer produce chlorophyll needed to survive (ACT287-1962.04). un. The Substitute Legion foiled an invasion of Earth by the Plant Men, whose feet become uprooted when they reach maturity, when Chlorophyll Kid caused a population explosion that wrecked their city (ADV306-1963.03). • ARDEMO — World on which Triplicate Girl was studying stone reliefs of a forgotten alien people when a voice from one called her and covered her in a metallic spray, in an attempt by the Time Trapper to trap her and force her to reveal the location of Legion super-weapon, the Concentrator. Ardemo has yellow soil, a light green sky and large, brown, tree-sized mushrooms (ADV321-1964.06). • ARNAK — m. Place where Brainiac 5 “killed” an human-like robot in self-defense (ADV342-1966.03). • AROK-1 and AROK-2 — Twin worlds connected by a long, tubular structure, a model of which was seen on display at the Interplanetary Fair (ADV326-1964.11). • ASTEROID Z — Home of Comet the Super-Horse (ADV293-1962.02). • ASTEROID ZONE — Place were Cosmic Boy defended himself from Space-Pirates by drawing meteors between himself and the pirates’ line of fire (ADV342-1966.03). • ASTEROID ZYX — Lair of a deadly plant, the Gowampi Trigocerus Lympodiary, a self-propelled yellow and orange globe which, when fully ripe, explodes into a shower of death-dealing pollen. Under the influence of Queen Azure of Femnaz, Phantom Girl lured Star Boy there, where he had to use his power to burrow deep underground to avoid the plant (ADV326-1964.11). • BAALDUR — m. Homeworld of Glorith, tapped by the Time Trapper to devolve the Legion into protoplasmic blobs, but only succeeded in regressing them to an infant stage and was herself turned to slime (ADV338-1965.11). • BARAK — m. World that uses living money, large coined-shaped creatures with legs, five of which can be exchanged at the Space Bank for four gallons of liquid money from Althar (ADV309-1963.06). • BEZTIA — World in another galaxy seen in the “Smallvile” alternate reality (SBOY117v1-1964.12). o GOTHIKTER: Beautiful, weird city populated by monsters who take turns concentrating on a purple globe located high overhead, which magnifies their love vibrations to counteract evil everywhere in their galaxy (SBOY117v1-1964.12). • BGZTL — m. Homeworld of Phantom Girl, in the 4th dimension, sharing the same physical space with Earth (SMANA4v1-1961.11). Has a Wedding-Wand Rite that is used in marriage ceremonies, in which guests hold aloft long canes with small models of themselves at the end (ADV337-1965.10). • BISMOLL — m. Homeworld of Matter-Eater Lad, where inhabitants evolved the ability to eat anything without being harmed when microbes, over a period of eons, made all food poisonous. Described as being near the edge of the galaxy (ADV303-1962.12). • BL-2 — World located in Space Sector 487, toured by Legionnaires who had to wear protective suits during their scientific investigation because an atom war had wiped out its inhabitants, leaving its ruined citied covered in a haze of radioactive fallout, which mutated a surviving animal into a bizarre creature, with the body of a yellow elephant, the head of a giraffe, and the wings of a giant eagle (ADV317-1964.02). • BORKA — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 10:30 on Borka (ADV312-1963.09). • "BOUNCERS' PLANET" — World hidden along with its sun inside a big, dark cloud. Home to terrific bouncers, hairy creatures that are all globular grinning head, which bounce better than Bouncing Boy. Once saved by Supergirl, they remembered and gave the sickened girl Legionnaires refuge while the boys battled Satan Girl (ADV313-1963-10). • BRAAL — m. World from which Cosmic Boy’s parents migrated, where inhabitants evolved magnetic powers to fight metal monsters who roam the world (SMANA4v1-1961.11). • BROGG — Jungle world on which space pirates has squirreled away their booty, using holographic projections of strange beasts to scare others away, until the projector was destroyed by Mon-El as part of his initiation in his Marvel Lad identity (ADV305-1963.02). • BROK — m. Homeworld of Zaryan the Conqueror (ADV304-1963.01). • CANOPUS — m. Home to an ant-race of giant, talking ants (ADV308-1963.05). • CARGG — m. Homeworld of Triplicate Girl, where a triple sun gives inhabitants the power to split into three bodies (SMANA4v1-1961.11). • "CITADEL WORLD" — un. Barren planet near the Mount Rushmore of Space, on which the Legion built a fortress to defend themselves against Mask Man, who nonetheless succeeded in killing several Legionnaires there, until his magic was reversed (ADV310-1963.07). • COLU — Homeworld of Brainiac 5, whose ancestor Vril Dox was the adopted son of the original villainous Brainiac. Dox found a way to boost his mind to 12th-level intelligence and passed that trait on to his ancestors (ADV316-1964.01). • COMAR — m. Location of Sun Boy, as seen on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV342-1966.03). • "CRYSTAL WORLD" — World of giant crystal formation on which Chameleon Boy cornered and nearly captured Ultra Boy while the latter was hiding out as a fugitive (ADV316-1964.01). • CYRANUS — m. Its Chancellor is a member of the United Planets Inner Council (ADV349-1966.10). • DARZYL — m. Planet Vorm claimed to be from when he joined the Legion under false pretenses as Dynamo-Boy (ADV330-1965.03). • DAXAM — m. Homeworld of Mon-El, where lead is deadly to its inhabitants (SBOY89v1-1961.06). Home to a Great Medical Center, where doctors figured out a way to revive Lightning Lad which would require a super-sacrifice (ADV312-1963.09). Ultra Boy mentions that its inhabitants are master biophysicists, just before Mon-El proves it by helping un-mind-swap three human guinea pigs on Little-Known World (ADV316-1964.01). • DELAN — World seen on the Legion’s Emergency Board (ADV327-1964.12). • “DISTANT PLANET” — un. Jungle world located near the Gorilla Nebula, explored by Brainiac 5 and Sun Boy, from which priceless emerald statues made by an ancient race unknown to history were transported back to Earth for safe-keeping (ADV343-1966.04). • “DISTANT WORLD” — un. Place where Light Lass defended herself against savage cave men by making the boulders they tried to drop on her super-light (ADV342-1966.03). • DOLL WORLD — World to which the Legion tracked Mask Man, a disguised descendant of Mr. Mxyztplk, said to be the only world whose inhabitants are as small as he is. He killed Chameleon Boy and Shrinking Violet when confronted there (ADV310-1963.07). • DURLA — m. Homeworld of Chameleon Boy, where he inherited his powers from his parents (SMANA4v1-1961.11). Home to a strange green egg-shaped crystal called the Jinx-Stone, said to being bad luck to everyone who touches it (ADV343-1966.04). • "EASTER PLANET" — un. Uninhabited world where abandoned cities are guarded by giant statues of lizard men, made of corroded silver. The Legion captured some of Roxxas' men there (ADV307-1963.04). • EARTH — Home base for the Legion of Super-Heroes (ADV247-1958.04). Confirmed homeworld of Bouncing Boy, Colossal Boy and Invisible Kid (ADV316-1964.01). Millions of years ago, the Earth’s sun was red, which left Superboy powerless when he visited the founding of Atlantis (ADV333-1965.06). Cosmic Boy’s parents and his little brother live on Earth, in a Metropolis suburb (ADV335-1965.08). Millions of years from now a nuclear war has caused humans to live as cave men menaced primitive and gigantic prehistoric-type beasts. Meanwhile, the Time Trapper keeps his base in the grotesque structure (a gargoyle-shaped skyscraper) which towers above the debris of a once great city (ADV338-1965.11). Homeworld of Ferro Lad (ADV346-1966.07). o ALASKA: Location of a hastily built Electro-Tower, used to defend Earth against a Khund invasion (ADV346-1966.07). o ATLANTIS: Underwater home of mermaid Lori Lemaris and Supergirl’s merman boyfriend Jerro (ACT276-1961.05). Star Boy, Lighting Lad, Mon-El and Brainiac 5 are shown to be in the ancient past gathering scientific data for the city, which already had a dome, before it sunk (JO76-1964.04). Shown to still exist in the 30th century (at least the part populated by mermen) as Ultra Boy is seen helping to repair seaquake damage (ADV325-1964.10). Atlantis was built millions of years ago, before humans had evolved, by a humanoid race from the planet Vruun, with help from the Legion. Led by Leta Lal, the Atlanteans warred with a group of Kryptonians who also attempted to colonize the Earth. But xenon in Earth’s atmosphere was slowly killing the Vrunnians, so they used artificial evolution to turn themselves into mermen able to breath underwater, while Star Boy used his power to sink Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean (ADV333-1965.06). o BATCAVE — Long hidden and rediscovered in the Legion’s time. The Legion used an Imperfect Duplicator Ray and an Anti-Matter Force-Thing Projector taken from the cave to battle Computo (ADV341-1966.02). o CEYLON: (aka Sri Lanka) Location of a hastily built Electro-Tower, used to defend Earth against a Khund invasion (ADV346-1966.07). o CHINA: Spot where, in 1280, during the Shang-Tu Dynasty, Brainiac 5 pursued Universo. He was captured and brought to the palace of Kublai Khan, but managed to escape, only to be nearly fried by a mechanical dragon when rescued at the last instant by Rond Vidar (ADV349-1966.10). o DOOM CRATER: An extinct volcano, in the dome of which an alien race left a tower adorned with a cosmic eye in a superstitious attempt to ward off evil. Element Lad turned the tower to uranium then attached his flight belt to it and sent it away as part of Proty II’s puzzle to determine a new Legion leader (ADV322.1964.08). o ENGLAND: Spot where, in 693, Colossal Boy pursued Universo, only to get forced off a cliff by knights in a medieval siege tower, whereupon he was rescued at the last instant by Rond Vidar (ADV349-1966.10). o EGYPT: Spot where, in 1243 BCE, Shrinking Violet pursued Universo, only to nearly be crushed underfoot by a chariot horse when rescued at the last moment by Rond Vidar (ADV349-1966.10). o FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE: m. Artic retreat of Superman (ACT267-1960.08). o GIANT HALL OF FAME: Statues of great men of all ages, carved from pinnacles of stone high in the Himalayan. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century until destroyed by Starfinger (ADV336-1965.09). o GLOBAL TUNNEL: A smaller version of the Trans-Earth Tunnel, used by scientists to send small flyers to study the Earth’s core. It was one of the Secen Wonders of the 30th Century, until collapsed by Starfinger (ADV336-1965.09). o METROPOLIS: Home of Superman in the 20th cen. and the Legion in the 30th (ACT267-1960.08). Protected by Lighting Lord from the greatest electrical storm it had ever known, under the ruse of playing a hero (ADV331-1965.04). City ravaged by Computo (ADV340-1966.01). ▪ AVENUE OF THE SUPER-HEROES: Street lined down the middle with giant statues of Legion members as a token of thanks by a grateful world (ADV306-1963.03). ▪ CHRONO-RESEARCH LAB: Time study institution whose director, Prof. Huxton, under the influence of Universo, lured the Legion to various time periods (ADV349-1966.10). ▪ FUSION POWERSPHERE: Generates nuclear fusion energy that powers the entire planet. One of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century. Starfinger had his secret lair inside it, built within walls of Inertron to make it proof against the terrible force inside the sphere (ADV336-1965.09). ▪ LEANING TOWER OF PIZZA: Located in the 20th century, Superboy saved it from falling even though Lana Lang, in her Insect Queen identity, tried to take advantage of its peril in a dangerous windstorm to expose Superboy’s secret identity (SBOY124v1_1965.10) ▪ LEGION CLUBHOUSE: Headquarters of the Legion of Super-Heroes, with many underground levels, which above-ground appears to be an inverted rocketship (ADV247-1958.04). I. ARSENAL ROOM: Ransacked by Nemesis Kid to help pave the way for a Khund invasion of Earth (ADV347-1966.08). II. ROGUE ROOM: Room where the Legion keeps harmless android copes of its worst foes, along with other trophies and memorabilia (ADV328-1965-01). III. CELESTIAL CHAMBER: Planetarium with rotating accurate models of each Legion member’s homeworld (ADV328-1965.01). IV. LEGION LIBRARY: Contains strange books from many worlds, including the Animal Books of Zinnat, Crystal Code Books of Vogn and Disk-Books of Uranus (ADV337-1965.10). V. MEETING HALL: un. Place where the Legion members sit at a high dais overseeing a gallery. Used for formal occasions, such as the induction of new members (ADV346-1966.07) VI. MUSEUM ROOM: Happened to have a marriage exhibit, just when the plot required it (ADV337-1965.10). • LEGION PARK: Location where great statues of the Legionnaires are on display. The girl Legionnaires destroyed those representing many male members of the team (ADV326-1964.11). ▪ METROPOLIS PRISON: Place from which the LSV freed Lex Luthor (SMAN147v1-1961.08). ▪ METROPOLIS SPACEPORT: Arrival point on Earth for Polar Boy, on the way to his Legion audition (ADV306-1963.03). Location of a giant jewel-topped spire known as the Space Beacon (ADV316-1964.01). Receives a starship full of space creatures from various worlds for an Earth zoo, which escape and are corralled by Elastic Lad (JO76-1964.04). Brainiac 5 got a concussion and Sun Boy broke his wrist when the latter crash-landed there when he brushed his arm against an emergency dive lever during approach, following a recent flight through the Gorilla Nebula (ADV343-1966.04). ▪ METROPOLIS STADIUM: un. Place where Bouncing Boy got so involved in a robot gladiator tournament, he mistook super-plastic fluid for his soda (ADV301-1962.10). Place where Sun Boy was forced to destroy a giant statue of himself, said to be the first in a series dedicated to the Legion, when it tipped toward spectators (ADV302-1962.11). as Metropolis Arena, the Legion puts on a charity demonstration when their clubhouse is stolen by Dr. Regulus, the shockwaves of which caused Sun Boy to fall and hit his head, knocking him out and giving him amnesia (ADV348-1966.09). ▪ METROPOLIS UNIVERSITY: m. Prof. Mart Arbo invented Heavy Labor Robots, which Starfinger and his gang used to sneak into a news broadcast to announce his evil plan to destroy the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century unless the Legion handed over its sample of Rejuvium (ADV335-1965.08). ▪ SCIENCE HALL: Location of a student science fair where the Legion met Rond Vidar and used his recently invented Time Cube to travel back in time in pursuit of Universo (ADV349-1966.10). ▪ SCIENCE POLICE HEADQUARTERS: Dream Girl gave eyewitness testimony there that cleared Star Boy of criminal charges relating to the death of Kenz Nuhor (ADV342-1966.03). ▪ SUPER-SCIENCE MUSEUM: Robbed by Lighting Lord during his brief tenure as a Legion member (ADV331-1965.04). ▪ UNITED PLANETS COUNCIL BUILDING: Home to the governing body of the U.P. including its five-member Inner Council, impersonated by Legion members to bait a trap for Universo (ADV349-1966.10). ▪ UNITED PLANETS LAB COMPLEX: Place commandeered by Brainiac 5, in which he created Computo (ADV340-1966.01). o MIDVALE — Town in the 20th cen. where Supergirl lived in an orphanage (ACT267-1960.08). Home of Streaky (ADV293-1962.02). • CRANSTON CREEK: Place where Supergirl met the Legion when invited for on her second attempt to join the team (ACT276-1961.05). o MUSUEM OF FORBIDDEN WEAPONS: Place where the Phantom Zone projector is kept in the 30th cen. (ACT287-1962.04). o MUSEUM OF MEDICAL WONDERS: Place from which Bouncing Boy prevented the then of an invaluable Healing Urn, winning his place into the Legion (ADV301-1962.10). o NINE PLANETS: Ice cream shop visited by Legion founders and Superboy (ADV247-1958.04). Visited by Legion founders and Supergirl (ACT267-1960.08). o PALACE OF PEACE AND GOOD WILL: Museum that served as a front to Morlock’s Cosmic Spy League (ADV320-1964.05). o PALMER OBSERVATORY: m. Home of the Hyper-Telescope, which discovered Khund and alerted the United Planets to the danger of its warlike race (ADV346-1966.07). o PARIS: Spot where, in 1812, Saturn Girl pursued Universo, ending up a handmaid to Napoleon. She was framed as a spy and set before a firing squad, only to be rescued at the last instant by Rond Vidar (ADV349-1966.10). o PERU: Spot where, in 1300, Chameleon Boy pursued Universo, imitating an Incan Sun God and getting himself thrown into a volcano, whereupon he was saved a the last moment by Rond Vidar (ADV349-1966.10). o REVERSED WATERFALLS: Great pumps which desalt sea water and send it up over a high cliff to irrigation channels feeding an inland desert. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century until destroyed by Starfinger (ADV336-1965.09). o SMALLVILLE: Home of Superboy and Krypto in 20th cen. and of the Legion on the 30th, where the Kent home is surrounded by robot factories (ADV247-1958.04). ▪ CALVIN’S CAVE: Place where Superboy first met Star Boy (ADV282-1961.03). ▪ DONALD MACE PHOTOGRAPHY: Shop where negatives were destroyed by Ultra Boy’s penetra-vision when he tried to discover Superboy’s secret identity (SBOY98v1-1962.07) ▪ KENT GENERAL STORE: Run by Superboy’s adoptive parents (SBOY89v1-1961.06). ▪ MAPLE GROVE: Town near Smallville where Superboy met a Sun Boy imposter (ADV290-1961.11). ▪ SMALLVILLE REFORMATORY: Place where a young Lex Luthor is incarcerated (ADV300-1962.09) o SOUTH POLE CITY: City heated by giant cosmic lamp, fixed by Superboy (ADV247-1958.04). o STALAG CAVERN: Giant cave located near the location of that year’s interplanetary Fair where Saturn Girl, under the influence of Queen Azura of Femnaz, captured Superboy (ADV326-1964.11). o STANHOPE: Location of Stanhope College, attended by Supergirl in her secret identity of Linda Danvers (ADV334-1965.07). o STRATOSPHERE LABORATORY: Built on built on lofty stilts to conduct experiments on the upper atmosphere. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century until toppled by Starfinger (ADV335-1965.08). o SUN CITY: A hospice community located on a worldwide track, enabling it to move around the planet to always stay in the sunlight. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century, until Starfinger destroyed the track (ADV335-1965.08). o TIERRA DEL FUEGO: Location of a hastily built Electro-Tower, used to defend Earth against a Khund invasion (ADV346-1966.07). o TRANS-EARTH TUNNEL: Linking opposite ends of the Earth, created by Supergirl (ACT267-1960.08). Used by Cosmic Boy and Chameleon Boy to transport the Doomsday Bomb, they had to ingest freeze-pills as they approached the hottest part of the Earth’s core (ADV303-1962.12). o WIND CONTROL CENTER: Controls all wind currents on Earth. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the 30th Century (ADV336-1965.09). • EKTRA — m. Location of Mon-El, as seen on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV342-1966.03). • “FARAWAY WORLD” — un. Place where Mon-El and Sun Boy left off fencing in Octopoidal Plant Pests to attend the trail of Star Boy (ADV342-1966.03). • “FAR PLANET” — un. Place where Element Lad defended himself from a savage alien by turning its knife to gas (ADV342-1966.03). • FEMNAZ — World located in Galaxy V79, populated by warrior women and docile men and ruled by Queen Azura. When the men objected to worship of a moon goddess by firing prayer-rockets at the planet’s yellow moon, Azura had them banished. She then used a glow jewel on the female Legionnaires, when visiting her planet on a good-will tour, to plant hyper-powerful post-hypnotic commands to destroy their male teammates. However, when the prediction of the Femnaz men proved correct and the prayer-rockets caused the moon to split in two, the male Legionnaires sent to Galaxy V79 saw the planet’s peril and rebuilt its moon. Azura then had the boy Legionnaires return me world’s men and released the girl members from her command (ADV326-1964.11). • FERNO — World on which Ultra-Boy used his penetra-vision to melt down a berserk lead monster (ADV301-1962.10). • GALAXY V79 — Region where many of the male Legionnaires were ordered by Saturn Girl to stay on patrol for one month due to an alarming upsurge of space villainy, although it was only a ruse to get them out of the way while other male Legionnaires were captured by the female members of the team, while under the influence of Queen Azura of Femnaz (ADV326-1964.11) • GALLAN — World seen on the Legion’s Emergency Board (ADV327-1964.12). • GEMOVIA — m. Home of the rare Jewel-Bird, one of which Saturn Queen stole from the Space Zoo during her brief tenure as a Legion member (ADV331-1965.04). • “GIANT HAND” ASTEROIDS — un. Binary asteroids, one of which is topped with a giant stone hand. Used by Luther as a trap for Superboy. Destroyed via collision. (SBOY86v1-1961.01). • “GIANT SPACE-VORTEX” — un. A huge tornado of whiling dust and space debris, into which Sun Boy was caught with a space-ark bearing the evacuated inhabitants of Xenn, after he had stranded his fellow Legionnaires in space, due to paranoia brought on by space-fatigue. It is located near the iron-rich world of “New Xenn” (ADV318-1964.03). • GION-EL — World with weird vegetation unlike any on Earth, where the Legion gave Jimmy Olsen an initiation test prior to his induction as an honorary member (JO72-1963-10). • "GLASSLESS PLANET" — un. World that has no glass, populated by green lizard-like humanoids, who tried to steal Earth's glass with giant vacuum "loot-pumps," in order to use it in the manufacture of poison gas for conquest. Their plan was foiled by the subs in an adventure that at last brought them to the attention of the main Legion team. (ADV315-1963.12). • GORILLA NEBULA — Gaseous formation in space that resembles a giant red gorilla. Everyone knows it’s bad luck to fly a space ship through its “jaws” (ADV343-1966.04). • GORLA — World were crowns are part of the marriage ceremony (ADV337-1965.10). • GRAA — Jungle world of giant yellow-barked palm trees, where Chemeleon Boy set up a rader-beacon to aid space navigators, when momentarily captured by the Time Trapper, who tried to pry information about the Concentrator, one of the Legion’s super-weapons (ADV321-1964.06). • “GRAVITY WORLD” — un. World of green-colored soil and mountains, lacking a spark of life, on to which the Legion landed when abandoned by a space-fatigued Sun Boy. It had great gravity, such that the Legionnaires could not even stand without assistance from Light Lass. The Legion escaped when Lightning Lad used his power to fuse some rocks so they’d glitter like diamonds, attracting a giant Space-Roc, whose leg the team lassoed when if flew off into space (ADV318-1964.03). • GROCZ — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 8:49 on Grocz (ADV312-1963.09). • GRRYK — An ice world, a model of which was seen on display at the Interplanetary Fair (ADV326-1964.11). • GRXYOR — m. Homeworld of Antennae Boy (ADV305-1963.02). • GRYKK — World on which Colossal Boy battled a gaint who terrorized a city of normal-sized beings (ADV301-1962.10). • HAJOR — un. Homeworld of Kid Psycho, a mutant born with a giant brain thanks to the exposure his parents had to a radium gun they used to defeat a giant octopus-like space monster that threatened the planet. It was later destroyed by a wandering planet that crashed into it, leaving Kid Psycho as the only survivor, thanks to being rocketed away in the nick of time by his parents. (SBOY125v1-1965.12). m. Planet named (ADV365-1968.02). • “HELPLESS PLANET” — un. World with millions inhabitants destroyed by evil Force-Villains as Mon-el watched, unable to help. The Legion, thinking Mon-El had an Ultima-Weapon on him that would have prevented the disaster while temporarily neutralizing his anti-lead serum, expelled him from the Legion for cowardice until it was discovered the gun was planted on Mon-El by Dynamo-Boy (ADV330-1965.03). • “HONEY WORLD” — World on which the Legion landed when abandoned by a space-fatigued Sun Boy. Uninhabited save for giant bees who made a highly-nutritious for of honey, its only vegetation is a cactus-like plant inedible to humans. The Legion found a ship there that had crashed centuries ago at the dawn of space travel, along with the corpses of two space-pioneers killed in the wreckage, who has been petrifying chemicals in the spray of a waterfall near where the ship crashed. By placing them in full stream of the waterfall, the Legion caused the corpses to grow into giant statues. The Legion then used the rocket engines of the wrecked craft to augment their own and escape the planet (ADV318-1964.03). • HRANN — m. World were girls place a floating Halo-Jewel over their heads to show they are in love (ADV337-1965.10). • HRTAE — aka Bizarro World. Home planet of the Bizarros, a square world where inhabitants attempt to forge a civilization that is in every way the opposite of Earth’s. It am big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World. (ADV329-1965.02). • HYDRA WORLD — m. Home to a race of green-skinned, three-headed humanoids. While searching for the Thieves' Planet, the Legion tracked a pair of hydra-men and freed the alien creatures they had stolen, including Proty (ADV308-1963.05). • HYRNAK — m. World that sent the Legion the gift of a strange plant that grows a live animal when it blooms (ADV311-1963.08). • IMSK — m. Homeworld of Shrinking Violet, where she inherited her powers from her parents (SMANA4v1-1961.11). • INANOR — World seen in the “Smallvile” alternate reality (SBOY117v1-1964.12). o MECHAGO: A living city where all normally inanimate objects, buildings and machines, are alive and intelligent. Built by humans who perished centuries ago (SBOY117v1-1964.12). • INSHAR — The World of Giant Flowers, evolved in unusual soil, whose precious seeds are worth a fortune. The Legion foiled a theft attempt by Jungle King (ADV309-1963.06). • INTERPLANETARY CIRCUS — Traveling circus that features strange and sometimes dangerous beasts. The Legion met Timber Wolf during the troupes’ Metropolis stop when the Science Police sent a team to investigate reports of animals too dangerous for public safety, including Venusian Hoppers, Jovian Camalephants, Red Korlots and a Morvennian Fear-Beast (ADV327-1964.12). • INTERPLANETARY FAIR — A festival celebrating the many customs of the United Planets. Listed separately from Earth on the assumption that it moves from world to world, just as the old World’s Fair moved from city to city on Earth. It inclues an Avenue of the Planets, meant to symbolize the peace and friendship which exists between the many worlds belonging to the Cosmic Peace Council (ADV326-1964.11). • INTERPLANETARY POST OFFICE — Center or all mail between worlds, presumably in the Sol system as only its planets are listed on the delivery chutes. The Legion saved it from an attack by space-serpents, taking two men frozen to death by space exposure during the attack to Skor, where they were revived where they were revived in a special healing chamber (ADV312-1963.09). • IRON CURTAIN OF TIME — Impenetrable barrier that prevented the Legion from advancing more than 30 days into its future, first discovered by Cosmic Boy and Sun Boy when in pursuit of that scientific criminal The Time Trapper, which Superboy and Mon-El found they also could not breech (ADV317-1964.02). Superboy and Brainiac 5 are allowed to pierce the Curtain, to a time millions of years from now when the Earth is a wasteland destroyed by nuclear war and humans live life cavemen, and are temporarily trapped on the other side (ADV338-1965.11). • JANDA — m. World on which, according to Phantom Girl, The Shurg is the latest dance craze (ADV342-1966.03). • JEWEL WORLD — Ruled by an emperor whose telepathic powers work only at night (ADV325-1964.10). • JUPITER — m. Listed on a chute at the Interplanetary Post Office, with its mail going to a place that starts "He..." (ADV312-1963.09). Home of the Jovian Caelephant, a large, blue trunkless elephant-like creature with duel humps on its back such as seen on an Earth camel. Prone to stampeding (ADV327-1964.12). Home of the Jovian Mastodon, a multi-tusked, two-trunked, green elephant, easily confused by Duo Damsel when she split in two (ADV342-1966.03). Residents believe a lunar rainbow is the worst bad luck sign there is (ADV343-1966.04). • KAFFAR — Planet where inhabitants equip their homes with periscopes, because they think windows bring bad luck (ADV343-1966.04). • KALLOR OBSERVATORY — un. Giant, domed observation deck orbiting mighty stars, staffed by Star Boy's parents, onto which he was born, causing him to be a mutant with the ability to draw induced mass from the stars (ADV317-1964.02). • KANDOR — Kryptonian city shrunk by Brainiac and stored in a bottle (ACT276-1961.05). • KARAK — A wild, lonely planet where Star Boy’s parents had an observatory. After traveling there to visit them, Star Boy and Jan Barth, an explorer living in the observatory while surveying the world, were attacked by Kenz Nuhor, a would-be suitor of Dream Girl. Nuhor killed Barth and Star Boy was forced to kill Nuhor in self-defense (ADV342-1966.03). • KATHOON — Homeworld of Night Girl, a world of perpetual darkness (ADV306-1963.03). Confirmed to be a world that has no sunlight (ADV315-1963.12). • KAVOON — m. Planet that gave the Legion a monkey-like house pet to celebrate the (staged) weddings of Saturn Girl to Lighting Lad and Phantom Girl to Ultra Boy (ADV337-1965.10). • KHANN — Planet inhabited only by criminal outcasts from hundreds of worlds where, in the Palace of Villainy, the Brain Lords of Khann (removed from the dying bodies of the cosmos’ mightiest evil-doers), including Mighty Mog, Wondrous Incarno and their leader Atro, dispense criminal advice. Matter-Eater Lad and Triplicate Girl were nearly killed while on a covert mission to apprehend Atro, and were saved only by the timely intervention of a young Lex Luthor (ADV325-1964.10). • KHUND — Militaristic world ruled by Garlak that dominates an entire collection of stars and planets in a galaxy at the very edge of the visible universe, which attacked Earth to further its conquest (ADV346-1966.07). The Khund invasion is defeated by the Legion, despite the destruction of the Legion Arsenal by Nemesis Kid, hired by the Khunds to infiltrate the Legion, and Garlak is captured by Karate Kid. (ADV347-1966.08). • KOOBAR — m. Location of Matter-Eater Lad, as seen on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV342-1966.03). • KORBAL — Jungle planet on which Garth and Mekt Ranzz were attacked by a giant purple lightning monster (SMAN8147v1-1961.08). Recast as a wild world planet on which Garth and Ayla Ranzz crashed, when they were attacked by Lightning Beasts, now recast as tusked horse-like creatures with electrical transformers growing out of their foreheads (ADV308-1963.05). un. A strange world of eternal lightning where the Legion kept Lightning Lad's body, eventually finding a means to revive him. (ADV312-1963.09). All three Ranzz siblings crash-landed on the planet and got their powers when they tried to lure the Lightning Monsters into recharging their ship’s batteries (ADV331-1965.04). • KORR — Home to Sky City, built on a giant pillar high above the planet's deadly smog. (ADV309-1963.06). o SKY CITY: Repository of the few Comet Jewels, said to the rarest of all jewels, stolen by Jungle King while the Legion worked to prevent the city from toppling over under the influence of an earthquake beast (ADV309-1963.06). • KRALLAK — World of lizard men seen on the Legion’s Emergency Board. It called for help when its moon exploded, causing Superboy and Mon-El to race there and prevent a rain of destructive debris (ADV327-1964.12). • KRYPTON — m. Birth world of Superman and Supergirl (ACT267-1960.08). Visited by Mon-El, who was then sent on to Earth (SBOY89v1-1961.06). Dev-Em’s family is said to have lived next door to Jor-El, Lara and Kal-El (ADV320-1964.05). Jor-El won his greatest award, custody of the brain of Garf-Og (preserved in a crystal globe when his body perished) for locating and defeating The Mighty Gazor, a dying of old age after a lifetime of scientific villainy, who had tried to destroy Krypton with his earthquake machine (ADV323-1964.08). Millions of years ago, a nuclear accident happened just as science was beginning to mature, leading the government to ban scientific research, forcing people to live in a pre-industrial communities that lacked even steam engines. Earth’s dinosaurs originated on Krypton, where they were shy, tame creatures, and were brought to Earth by the Legion. Once on Earth the Kryptonians warred with a group from Vruun that also was attempting to colonize the planet in a city they called Atlantis. The Kryptonians won the land when the Vruunians found xenon in Earths’ atmosphere was deadly to them, and turned themselves into mermen to live on the ocean’s bottom. However, the Kryptonians were too few after the war and, unable to fight the dinosaurs which became wild on Earth, eventually died out. (ADV333-1965.06). o HALL OF LEARNING: Place where scholars rapibdle absorbed incredible amounts of knowledge from earphones connected to recording tapes, until vandalized by Dev-Em (ADV320-1964-05). o JEWEL MOUNTAINS: Place with giant multi-colored jewel formations where the only scientists on the planet lived during a pre-industrial era when science was banned when a nuclear accident wrecked an entire town. Despite the rest of the world not even having steam engines, Zat-El and he followers here built (with the Legion’s help) a space ark capable of reaching Earth. (ADV333-1965.06). • LALLOR — Home to a civilized, scientific people and the location, years ago, of a terrible accident, when an atomic weapons plant, built by Prime Minister Vorr to consolidate his power over the entire planet, exploded. Five children, whose parents lived near the plant were affected by the fallout, were born with unique super-powers. Vorr exiled the five to space when they reached their teen years, but was driven from power by the Lallorian people when the Legion returned them, whereupon they became the Heroes of Lallor. Lallor is home to the Gurn, a two-headed, striped tiger, and the Dark-Beast, a giant dog-like creature with no eyes but giant radar-enabled ears (ADV324-1964.09). • "LITTLE-KNOWN WORLD" — un. Uninhabited jungle world orbiting s green sun, on which Ultra Boy found a green-skinned scientist who, in imitation of experiments conducted by a Kryptonian criminal, swapped the minds of three of race into the minds of three terrible monsters, including a Pyramid Man, and was unable to swap them back until aided by Mon-El (ADV316-1964.01). • LOST WORLD — Long extinct wandering world once populated by by mighty scientists who built super-powerful machines, which passed through the Sol system. It was here that Alaktor exchanged the minds of Superboy, Mon-El and Ultra Boy with those of Hitler, Nero and Dillinger. After switching back, the super trio pushed Lost World into a cosmic cloud where it will remain hidden and never be seen again (ADV314-1963.11). • LUMBAK — World on which Phantom Girl helped alien law-officers enter the impenetrable hideout of some evil-doers (ADV301-1962.10). • LUNA — as the Moon. Still barren, the Subs tried to make it an emergency headquarters, finding an abandoned underground city built by an unhuman race ages ago and still illuminated by perpetual radium lights. Much like "Easter Planet" the streets are lined with statues of giant lizard men, albeit these are green and have flippers for hands and feet (ADV311-1963.08). • LUPRA — m. Homeworld of Color Kid, named in (ADV365-1968.02). • LURNA — Home to a great variety of fantastic creatures, including a Kryptonian Flame-Beast, which Sun Boy ticked into recharging his powers (ADV302-1962.11). • MARDRU — un. Homeworld of Chlorophyll Kid (ADV306-1963.03). m. Planet named (ADV365-1968.02). • MARS — m. destination of the Nova Express (ADV247-1958.04). o MARS CITY: m. Greatest City on Mars, protected under an impenetrable dome, a model of which was used by Supergirl to trap the Chameleon Men (ACT287-1962.04). Place at which Lester Spiffany is running late from an appointment when applying to join the Legion (ADV301-1962.10). Has its own special brand of champagne (ADV329-1965.02). • MERNL — Homeworld of the Trylop Council, which warned the Legion that its computers predicted a member would die battling Zaryan the Conqueror (ADV304-1963.01). • MLAIN — A war-wrecked world to which Shrinking Violet fled when Heroes of Lallor tried to capture the team, having been tricked by Dr. Marden King into thinking they were super-villains. Duplicate Boy tracked here there and confessed his love for her, eventually surrendering at her behest when the full Legion arrived and tried to capture him (ADV324-1963.09). • MIRAGE WORLD — An orange colored world on which illusions of dragons still protect the ruined city of a long-dead race. While hiding out there, Ultra Boy was captured by a race of mystery Raiders bent on conquering the Earth, who wanted him to join their ranks, only to learn he just pretended to be criminal in order to lure them into a trap (ADV316-1964.01). • MONSTER WORLD — Planet in far space were human colonization failed because of the weird, dangerous monsters there, including the earthquake beast, the super-spinner, the eye monster, the gas creature, mirror monster, the drill beast, and the omnibeast, all captured by Jungle King to serve in his Legion of Super-Monsters, except the gas creature, which got even after Bouncing Boy defeated the earthquake beast by turning on Jungle King and converting him to gas (ADV309-1963.06). • MORVEN — Home of the Morvennian Fear-Beast, a creature consisting of a large, beaked head, with giant eyes and many centipede-like legs. Telepathic, it conquers other animals by putting fear in their minds (ADV327-1964.12). • MOUNT RUSHMORE OF SPACE — Area where giant asteroids are carved into awe-inspiring busts of famous people from across the universe. Mask Man killed Triplicate Girl, Phantom Girl and Element Lad there, by causing their ship to crash into an asteroid made in his image (ADV310-1963.07). • MRYNAH — World on which no crime of misdeed has occurred since Braino, one of the noblest beings of all time, used his mind-power to funnel into himself all evil that existed on the world, killing himself in the process (ADV320-1964.05). • MURRA — Homeworld of Aarl, Xaxan and another (Graah) who joined the Legion under false pretenses as Size Lad, Magnetic Kid and Blackout Boy in an attempt to learn Plan-R for the defense of the Earth. A super-computer on Murra makes Super-Pills that give its inhabitants a different temporary super-power thanks to the active ingredient Thallium, or it did until Element Lad turned all the pills into ordinary aspirin (ADV337-1965.10). • MYAR — m. The Alchemists’ Planet, homeworld of Nemesis Kid, who used his own alchemical skills to give himself the power to defeat any one opponent (ADV346-1966.07). • NALTOR — m. A scientific world that's home to Dream Girl where it's intimated that all inhabitants are precognitive, as she is said to have the strongest abilities of all (ADV317-1964.02). • NEPTUNE — m. home of the invisible eagle (ADV247-1958.04). m. Homeworld of Ronn Kar (ADV314-1963.11). Presumably the place where Neptune Nectar, a drink offered by Star Boy to Dream Girl, was invented (ADV317-1964.02). • “NEW XENN” — un. Iron planet on to which the Legion evacuated inhabitants of the planet Xenn, in a giant space ark capable of traveling at “double full speed,” which they built. It is in a previously uncharted area of the galaxy near a giant space-vortex (ADV318-1964.03). • OLO — Planet protected by the Peace-Beasts (ADV325-1964.10). • ORANDO — m. Homeworld of Princess Projectra (ADV346-1966-07). m. A witch gave Princess Projectra her powers soon after birth (ADV365-1968.02). • ORANZ — Dark world invaded by Roxxas, who stole its valuable "cold light" globes, plunging it into darkness. Some inhabitants have blue skin (ADV307-1963.04). • ORAX — m. Its Representative is a member of the United Planets Inner Council (ADV349-1966.10). • OZI — Seen as the location of Sun Boy on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV321-1964.06). • PARADISE PLANET — World built as a vacation spot for billionaires from many worlds. Transformed into a ghastly shambles by the Bizarro Legion and repaired by the real team. It’s staff is made up of pink-skinned aliens with antennae in place of ears. (ADV329-1965.02). • PHANTOM ZONE — Dimension where Krypton used to jail criminals in incorporeal form, used by Superboy as a place to keep Mon-El until he could discover a cure for the latters’ lead poisoning (SBOY89v1-1961.06). Used by Chameleon Man and prison for Supergirl and Whizzy (ACT287-1962.04). Mon-El permanently freed from the zone (ADV305-1963.02). Phantom Girl can enter and leave the Zone at will, if she concentrates strongly enough. There she met The Mighty Gazor, last of the Phantom Zone prisoners, all others having been freed by Superman when their sentences ran out (ADV323.1964.08). Denizens of the Zone can communicate with each other telepathically and, when acting in consort, can sometimes control the actions of people outside the Zone, such as when the Legion compelled a young Lex Luthor to release them from banishment (ADV325-1964.10). • PIRATE PLANETIOD — Home, as the name suggests, to space-pirates, including Vorm, who joined the Legion under false pretenses as Dynamo-Boy, who scrambled the brainwaves of the head pirate, turning him into a mindless idiot, by forcing upon him the crown he was meant to wear (ADV330-1965.03). • PLUTO — m. Listed on a chute at the Interplanetary Post Office, with its mail arriving from Venus (ADV312-1963.09). • PREZTOR — Homeworld of Command Kid, who joined the Legion under false pretenses when possessed by a demonic entity. Golde is even rarer on Preztor than it is on Earth. (ADV328-1965.01). o TABOO ISLE: Island off-limits because a mountain on it is inhabited by evil demons who can possess humanoids who wander nearby. One took over the body of Command Kid, giving him hallucination-inducing powers, until driven out by its one weakness, proximity to gold (ADV328-1965.01). • “PRISON WORLD” — aka Takron-Galtos, where a teen who joined the Legion under false pretenses and tried to sabotage its Emergency Board to further a crime plot, was sent for incarceration (ADV327-1964.12). as PRISON PLANETOID, a maximum security prison for the system’s most dangerous lawbreakers, including Dr. Norm Eldor, who escaped in a supply ship past the Electric Eye Halo surrounding the little world (ADV334-1965.07). • PROCYON — Home to a species of brown mouthless creatures with ten tentacle-like arms and fifty fingers, which is otherwise blob-like, having two short stumps for legs (ADV322-1964.07). • PUPPET PLANETOID — World onto which the children of a fantastic race of super-sized giants from another dimension dangle their stringed puppets, which appear to be five times the height of a normal human, through a tiny gateway between dimensions (ADV313-1963.10). mn. As Puppet World, seen in flashback of Ultra Boy saving Sun Boy from the clutches of one of the giant puppets (ADV316-1964.01). • QUARANTINE WORLD — Medical planet to which the female Legionnaires were sent after contracting a strange crimson virus, in actuality red kryptonite radiation passed into them by an evil doppelgänger of Supergirl, in hopes of extending its life (ADV313-1963.10). • "RAIN WORLD" — un. Asteroid of perpetual rain, populated by yellow-skinned aborigines, to whom Fire-Lad introduced fire as part of his initiation test to join the Legion (ADV315-1963.12). • RAMBAT — m. Homeworld of the Brain Globes, evolved from once humanoid forms after learning to work mental miracles (ADV293-1962.02). • RAMBOR — m. Said to be the Homeworld of criminal Rann Varal, in actuality a false identity used by Ultra Boy to flush out an invading army (ADV316-1964.01). • "RANTAK" — un. Asteroid where villages are ravaged by giant lizards called Rantaks. Stone Boy won an invitation to join the Legion when he quit his initiation test assignment to capture a Rantak, giving precedence to the safety of a native village (ADV315-1963.12). • “RED ASTEROID” — Planetary body (which actually has yellow and orange soil) that is home to a small mining operation, where Lightning Lad fought the Super-Moby Dick of Space, losing his right arm in the process (ADV332-1965.05). Lighting Lad recalls that he stepped onto the asteroid with his left foot first, one of the oldest taboos of spacemen, when confronting the Super-Moy Dick of Space (ADV343-1966.04). • RIMBOR — m. Homeworld of Ultra-Boy, a distant planet said to have three purple moons (SBOY98v1-1962.07). • RING WORLD — World that appears to be a circular tube, seen on the Legion's Universe-Monitor (ADV315-1963.12). • R-K528 — Home planet of Kissandra, a blond beauty whose alien aura brings happiness to true lovers who approach her shrine (ADV326-1964.11). o ROMACE VALLEY: Said to be the most romantic spot in the universe, populated by giant butterflies, human-sized flowers and a light-beam painting of Kissandra (ADV326-1964.11). • RONN — m. World that gave the Legion a jewel painting to celebrate the (staged) weddings of Saturn Girl to Lighting Lad and Phantom Girl to Ultra Boy (ADV337-1965.10). • RORBIS — Home to the Interplanetary Rodeo and its famous dinosaur throwing contest and Kangobronc races, the latter of which Saturn Girl participated in as part of Proty II’s puzzle, designed to pick a new legion leader (ADV323.1964.08). • ROVANN — World seen on the Legion’s Emergency Board (ADV327-1964.12). • ROX-URL — m. Galaxy in which a science equation taught to the Legion by a famous professor during their regular studies must be altered, of course (ADV309-1963.06). • RXZM — Earth-like world rescued when Light Lass levitated into orbit a bomb planted at the world’s core by the Bizarro Legion, which hoped to commit a “noble deed” by blowing it up in emulation of the destruction of Krypton (ADV329-1965.02). • RYGOR — Planet that holds an annual parade honoring the greatest law-enforcers in the universe. A Young Lex Luthor confronted much of the Legion during the parade and banished them into the Phantom Zone (ADV325-1964.10). • SATURN — m. home of Saturn Girl, where scientists are experts in telepathy (ADV247-1958.04). Homeworld of Saturn Queen, where inhabitants feel the urge to commit crime only when separated from the influence of its ring system (SMAN8147v1-1961.08). m. All Saturnians have E.S.P. powers, not just Saturn Girl (ADV316-1964.01). Home of the Tri-Hydras, a green, triple-headed dragon-like beast (ADV322.1964.07). Its greatest treasures are guarded by invisibility detectors, making a teleport ray preferable for pilfering. Has circus acts in which strange beasts are telepathically made to perform stunts (ADV325-1964.10). m. Said to be crime free (ADV331-1965.04). Home of the Stone-Dragon, a blue, tusked crocodile like creature with a segmented, humped body. Colossal Boy defended himself from an attack by trapping the creature in a canyon (ADV342-1966.03). Home of the Scorpion Beast, which resembles a giant insect with bat wings. It claws drip a powerful acid (ADV342-1966.03). • SHANGHALLA — Cemetery satellite venerated by billions of inhabitants of millions of galaxies as the resting place of scores of super-heroes, including Mog Yaor, Hate-Face, Beast Boy, Leeta-87, Triplicate Girl, and Nimbok (ADV341-1966.02). • “SHRINE WORLD” — un. Place where Star Boy saved the shrine built to an alien race’s national hero (a purple dog-faced creature with giant webbed feet, located atop a pagoda-like building) from blowing away in a terrific tornado (ADV321-1964.06) • SHWAR — m. Homeworld of Fire-Lad, named in (ADV365-1968.02). • SIRI — m. Home of the phantom beast, an intangible, striped horse-like creature with long toes and a curly tail, stolen from some planetary zoo by Hydra-Men, which was freed by the Legion when they intercepted the criminals' flight to Thieves' Planet (ADV308-1963.05). • SKOR — World on which its Science Foundation invented a radium-capsule that could restore frozen cells to life, if not permanently damaged. It failed to revive Lightning Lad (ADV312-1963.09). • SPACE BANK — Domed, circular building robbed by Jungle King and his Legion of Super-Monsters. Repository to various forms of money from across known space (ADV309-1963.06). • SPACE JUNKYARD — Location of wrecked spaceships from many worlds, which are repaired by an Astro-Salvage Crew (ADV329-1965.02). • SPACE SECTOR 487 — Location of World BL-2 (ADV317-1964.02). • STALAG OF SPACE — Prison planet run by Nardo, a three-eyed crimson-skinned humanoid from a distant galaxy whose race lives by nuclear energy in their veins, which can be released from the hands as power rays. Android duplicates of Nardo served as guards at the Stalag. Exiled from his world for his crimes, Nardo has sworn war on all lawmen in the universe, using his Stalag to imprison any heroes he runs across. Plant Lad, Blockade Boy and a Durlan trapped in the form of Superboy all died trying to help the Legion escape, while Weight Wizard, who served Nardo for extra rations, died after having second thoughts. (ADV344-1966.05). Outside of the prison camps (one for males, the other for females), the Stalag is roamed by the nocturnal, elephant-like Phanders, which are easily spooked by bright lights, and giant man-eating lily pads, which emit a poisonous gas. Triplicate created a Phander stampede with the Stalag spotlight, helping the team to escape, but not before one of Nardo’s rays, deflected off Superboy, made Matter-Eater Lad too obese for duty (ADV345-1966.06). • STARYL — Second planet revolving around a blue sun, 20th cen. home to Luma Lynai, a potential match for Superman (ACT292-1962.06) • "STRANGE WORLD" — un. World of fiery rivers orbiting a red sun. While hiding as a fugitive, Ultra Boy tricked the Legion into looking for him there (ADV316-1964.01). • STTZZL — World seen in the “Smallvile” alternate reality (SBOY117v1-1964.12). o NECROPOLIS: Phantom City located in volcanic crater, inhabited by spectral beings resembling aliens who once roamed long-dead worlds. No one can communicate with them (SBOY117v1-1964.12). • SUPERBOY PLANET — Artificial world built by the Legion in the 20th cen. to both honor and imprison Superboy (ADV267-1959.12). • "TAROC" — un. A distant world that is home to the Taroc creature, which bears a new body from its flying orange lizard-like body when it dies (ADV312-1963.09). • THANAR — Asteroid orbiting a blue star, inhabited by a race of mineral-fleshed people. Superboy and Colossal Boy confronted the Super-Moby Dick of Space there (ADV332-1965.05). • THAR — m. World known for its "living paintings," which employ a living liquid to create figures that constantly move. On Thieves' Planet, a pair of Pyramid-Men tried to sell a stash of stolen living paintings to the Legion (ADV308-1963.05). m. Homeworld of Olen Jor, a blue-skinned humanoid with an android-like appearance, who used his power of super-hypnotism for crime, until jailed (ADV316-1964.01). • THARR — Homeworld of Polar Boy, a hot planet where, in its hottest desert, inhabitants learned to use their mental force to neutralize heat vibrations and create cold (ADV306-1963.03). World where great heat storms are caused by a orbit that occasionally brings it quite close to its red sun (ADV315-1963.12). • THAUN — m. Said to be an unlucky world, Saturn Girl was on her way there to disprove the supposed Legion Jinx when captured by the Luck Lords of Ventura (ADV343-1966.04). • THIEVES' PLANET — Isolated planet that's a refuge for criminals from all planets of the universe, shielded by an invisibility-force, created by The Master, a strange telepathic creature of living electrical energy, that keeps it hidden from view. The Legion found the planet and was there when it discovered a recently revived Lightning Lad was actually his sister Ayla in disguise (ADV308-1963.05). • THROON — World orbiting a yellow sun on which a pair of zany old men, the last of their race, live in a giant citadel armed with great neutralizing-force projectors and giant robots to scare away all others, for fear their world would be taken over by anyone the world was down to just two inhabitants. The Legion took away their weapons to free traffic lanes in nearby space (ships within 30 million miles of Throon had been at risk), but guaranteed the men could live out their lives in isolation and peace, their planet unmolested by off-worlders. However, it was Night Girl who finally managed to penetrate the citadel, giving the Subs their first taste of public recognition. Throon’s xenophobic race was eons old and lived entirely within the citadel, the remainder of their world populated by strange, dangerous creatures. (ADV319-1964-04). • TOMBOR — A dead world whose inhabitants transformed themselves into wraiths as their world died. They refused an offer by Phantom Girl to return them to normal, having come to prefer their new state of existence (ADV340-1966.01). • TOONAR — Standard U.P. world to which the Legion traveled after being abandoned in the vastness of infinity by a space-fatigued Sun Boy (ADV318-1964.03). • TORAD — m. Its Prime Minister is a member of the United Planets Inner Council (ADV349-1966.10). • TREE WORLD — World of giant trees topped by amazing skyscraper buildings, seen on the Legion's Universe-Monitor (ADV315-1963.12). • TROM — un. Homeworld of Element Lad, where a unique radioactive environment gave its small population the power to use mental radiations to alter the atomic structure of base elements, until they were wiped out by Roxxas. Tromites refused to use their power to make themselves rich, as they only valued turning objects into more utilitarian elements (ADV307-1963.04). m. Planet named (ADV316-1964.01) • TYRO — Seen as the location of Mon-El on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV321-1964.06). • UMRAX — World where Meglaro went after Brianiac 5 baited him by saying the Science Police Commission had temporarily stored the greatest treasures of the universe there. Contains a gaseous atmosphere that renders anyone who lands there unconscious (ADV303-1962.12). • URANUS — m. [Last of the Earth system planets to be named in a Legion story] Uses Disk-Books that resemble giant silver record platters (ADV337-1965.10). • VAALOR – m. Homeworld of Nimbok, a mutant who saved the planet from a score of incredible perils, only to be slain by a treacherous sorcerer who pretended to be his most trusted friend (ADV341-1966.02). • VAL — Planet protected by the Robot Law Corps (ADV325-1964.10). • VALL — m. Dark planetoid aided by the Legion when Sun Boy and Lightning Lad used their powers to kindle a nearby asteroid into a sun (ADV324-1964.09). • VANISHING WORLD — Planet where swarms of monsters resembling giant tentacled dogs with antennae build fantastic machines unceasingly for some unguessable purpose. It simply vanishes if anyone approaches (ADV329-1965.02). • VANNAR — World that always has one side facing its red sun, the other dark space, ruled by the tyrant Sun Woman, who possesses super-strength thanks to a solar powered backpack, until her reign was topped during Night Girl's initiation test to join the Legion (ADV315-1963.12). • VASMEER — m. Homeworld of Mog Yagor who saved the planet but perished while fighting a space beast (ADV341-1966.02). • VAVALLA — m. Water world were females of the undersea people swim under the rare Scarlet Spiral Coral to show they want to be kissed. The planet gave the Legion a bowl of giant pearls to celebrate the (staged) weddings of Saturn Girl to Lighting Lad and Phantom Girl to Ultra Boy (ADV337-1965.10). • VAVOONA — m. Location of Colossal Boy, as seen on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV342-1966.03). • VEGA — m. Home of the living top, a whirling beast stolen from some planetary zoo by Hydra-Men, which was freed by the Legion when they intercepted the criminals' flight to Thieves' Planet (ADV308-1963.05). • VENTURA — Home to the four Luck Lords, off-world scientist who use psych-science to rule over a native race of squat, troll-faced humanoids. Origin place of the Star Stone, an expensive trinket resembling a multi-colored star, thought to bring good luck. It and other items were part of a blackmail scheme against the natives, who paid for good luck lest they fall under the influence of the Lord’s mastery of bad luck. When they feared investigation by the Legion, the Lords turned their Super-Hypnotic Long-Range Ray on the team, making them believe in a Legion Junx, untis thwarted by the Super-Pets, who were immune to its effects (ADV343-1966.04). • VENUS — m. on statue as first explored by the “Unknown Spaceman” (ADV247-1958.04). Homeworld of Cosmic King, from which he was banned because transmutation is considered evil (SMAN147v1-1961.08). Home of the Gyrak, the planet’s wildest beast. It resembles an eight-legged tiger with one eye and giant bat-wing ears (ADV325-1964.10). Hope of the Hopper, a small owl-like bird that jumps on its single leg (ADV327-1964.12). Hummingbird tongues from Venus are considered an expensive delicacy, not unlike Terran caviar (ADV329-1965.02). Home of the Sneep, which resembles a round, furry head with centipede-like feat. Although harmless, sight of the Sneep can terrorize the ferocious Matter-Dissolver Monster (ADV330-1965.03). Home of the Octopus Vine such as the one imitated by Plant Lad when he tried to break out of the Stalag of Space (ADV344-1966.05). • VOGN — m. World that uses Crystal Code Books which shaped like a double helix (ADV337-1965.10). • VONDRA — World which asked the Legion for help conducting its planetary census, where Dream Girl used a strange aurora to turn several Legionnaires into babies, in an attempt to keep them from a future mission on which she foresaw their deaths (ADV317-1964.02). o VALLY OF THE AURORA: Spot where the refraction of tiny drops of youth elixir in the atmosphere causes an aurora which has an unusual effect on humans, it turns them into babies, unless they've first taken the precaution of swallowing s special antidote (ADV317-1964.02). • VOR — Location of the rare element Vorium, which Brainic 5 needed to complete his Time-Thrust Mechanism needed to pierce the Iron Curtain of Time. The planet keeps statuary of its many fantastic beasts, including a blue hippo-sized beast that uses its pointed snout to dig up and eat the vorium (ADV322-1964.07). • VORN — A jungle world here peculiar evolutionary conditions created many strange animals, causing human colonization to fail save for one village. Beasts include the Lian-Fruit eating Dralgo (which resembles a giant house fly) the crocodile-like Vran, the Flasher-Beast (which looks like a giant, purple gorilla that emits light beams from its oversized eyes), the Tork (a horned elephant with a head on either end), the Slith (a six-armed ape), the Volcano Beast (which lives in volcanic craters and breathes sulfurous air), and the blue, ravenous dingo-like Maw. Feeling unwelcome on Lallor because of his super-power, Beast Boy fled to Vorn and turned its beasts against the few inhabitants, and later, the Legion, until captured among the creatures and shipped to Earth for display in the Metropolis Zoo, where he died in dog-form after escaping while saving a little girl from an attacking Maw. (ADV339-1965.12). • VRUUN — m. World ruled by cruel tyrants, from which a small band fled to Earth and founded Atlantis. (ADV333-1965.06). • VURUNA — Water world with no land, where peace-people who have no modern weapons live on floating cities. Plundered by Roxxas for its huge, multi-colored pearls (ADV307-1963.04). • W-27Y — World on which ultra-dangerous, fantastic creatures
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Isn't the planet actually called "Khundia"? At least it was by the 80's.
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Are you interested in Postboot or Threeboot locations, PoFo? I remember your original post in the Legion Reference Thread listed some Reboot locations like Aarok, Aleph and Vyrga. I shared some more locations for you there. More on the way. thothkins shared a list too.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 12/05/14 11:46 AM.
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Wow, what an amazing list, thanks for sharing as I'll definitely use a few of these in my fan fics now.
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Though your list ends before it's finished properly, is there a limit to how long a post is? Vorn kind of ends mid- sentence, and wouldn't Xerox be after that?
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Hmm . . . you're right. There was a bunch that was to have been pasted in after Vorn. Didn't notice that it did not take.
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• VORN — A jungle world here peculiar evolutionary conditions created many strange animals, causing human colonization to fail save for one village. Beasts include the Lian-Fruit eating Dralgo (which resembles a giant house fly) the crocodile-like Vran, the Flasher-Beast (which looks like a giant, purple gorilla that emits light beams from its oversized eyes), the Tork (a horned elephant with a head on either end), the Slith (a six-armed ape), the Volcano Beast (which lives in volcanic craters and breathes sulfurous air), and the blue, ravenous dingo-like Maw. Feeling unwelcome on Lallor because of his super-power, Beast Boy fled to Vorn and turned its beasts against the few inhabitants, and later, the Legion, until captured among the creatures and shipped to Earth for display in the Metropolis Zoo, where he died in dog-form after escaping while saving a little girl from an attacking Maw. (ADV339-1965.12). • VRUUN — m. World ruled by cruel tyrants, from which a small band fled to Earth and founded Atlantis. (ADV333-1965.06). • VURUNA — Water world with no land, where peace-people who have no modern weapons live on floating cities. Plundered by Roxxas for its huge, multi-colored pearls (ADV307-1963.04). • W-27Y — World on which ultra-dangerous, fantastic creatures from many worlds are imprisoned under the watch of the Creature Custodian (ADV330-1965.03). • WHAM — m. Lyrical location of Three-Eyed Sam, according to a song heard by Antennae Boy. (ADV305-1963.02). • “WILD PLANETOID” — un. Place where Thomas Keene discovered Rejuvium (ADV335-1965.08). • WINATH — m. Homeworld of Lightning Lad and Light Lass (ADV316-1964.01) • WIND WORLD — World of perpetual winds, seen on the Legion's Universe-Monitor (ADV315-1963.12). • WORLD OF A HUNDRED MOONS — One of the strangest worlds in the universe, a barren planet of metal-ore outcroppings, orbited by hundreds of moons, each a different color. The Legion fought the Super-Moby Dick of Space here (ADV332-1965.05). • "WORLD OF PURPLE TWEEDLES" — un. World on which Lightning Lass, under direction from Brainiac 5, carved a Mount Rushmore-like likeness of the national hero of that planet's dominate race - short, round, purple-skinned, clothing-adverse people with big noses, webbed hands and feet, and black spots covering their lower halves (ADV317-1964.02). • WORLD OF THE UNDEAD ROBOTS — World where giant mechanical robots created to serve humans revolted and drove all living beings away. Then, unable to repair themselves, they gradually stopped running and now stand silent watch over the deserted cities. The Legion fought and defeated the Super-Moby Dick of Space here (ADV332-1965.05). • XALLA — m. World that sent the Legion the gift of a Time-Mirror, which shows people how they'll look in the future (ADV311-1963.08). • XANDO — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 2:50 on Xando (ADV312-1963.09). • XANDU — m. place from which the Dazzle Gem, said to be worth a fortune, was derived (ADV301-1962.10). • XANTHU — Homeworld of Star Boy, described as a world of super-science, where copper is apparently plentiful enough that it is used to make a maze of giant drain pipes underneath at least one city and diamonds are so common that no one used them for jewelry (ADV282-1961.03). o RAINBOW BRIDGE: A colorful feature linking a city to the forest location of Star Boy’s laboratory (ADV282-1961.03). o JUNGLE MOUNTAINS: Home of the parakat, a mountain range where peaks are topped with jungles instead of snowcaps (ADV282-1961.03). • XENN — World whose inhabitants were evacuated by the Legion when they learned an atomic reaction had begin inside the plant which would cause it to explode within weeks. Xennians have blue skin, large bulging eyes and receding hairlines of thin, black hair. They can only live on planets with a high percentage of the rare element xenon in the atmosphere. Xenn was never seen on panel to have been destroyed (ADV318-1964.03). • XOLNAR — m. World on which Shrinking Violet was serving s solo mission (ADV309-1963.06). • YAR — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 11:40 on Yar. (ADV312-1963.09). • YORGG — An unexplored planet in the W-Galaxy, populated by a race of bulbous-nosed aboriginal lizard men called the Talons. A young Lex Luthor lured the Legion there by pretending he was evolving into a Talon, whereupon he trapped much the team in the Phantom Zone (ADV325-1964.10). • YW-89 — Asteroid on which the Legion forced the Legion of Super-Villains to surrender and give up their membership in the LSH when Element Lad used his power to alter its atoms such that it would explode like Krypton when exposed to the energy of their super-powers (ADV331-1965.04). • Z-4437-3N — Space sector to which the Legion was lured by the Zyzans with a false distress signal which should have left the Earth unguarded and easy to conquer, but for the Substitute Legion (ADV311-1963.08). • ZANNO — m. Listed on the Legion's interplanetary clock. When it's 1:27 on Earth, it is 2:55 on Zanno (ADV312-1963.09). • ZAR — Giant world where oversized rings are part of the marriage ceremony (ADV337-1965.10). • ZILC — m. Location of Chameleon Boy, as seen on the Legion’s Mission Monitor Board (ADV342-1966.03). • ZINNAT — m. World that uses animals as books (ADV337-1965.10). • ZIRR — m. Homewold of Mon-El’s friends Garl and Englen, who belong to a race of yellpw-skinned, dome-headed humanoids (ADV321-1964.06). • ZOND — Home to a robot-like metalloid race that things getting struck lighting is a harbinger of wonderful luck (ADV343-1966.04). • ZOON — Homeworld of Timber Wolf. A planet of perpetual sunlight with three differently-colored suns, such that the light changes every eight hours, from red in the morning, to green in the afternoon, to yellow at night. It’s strange plant-life resembles giant multicolored mushrooms. Power comes from valuable solar powered Space Crystals (ADV327-1964.12). o EBONY MOUNTAINS: Location of the laboratory that belonged to Dr. Mar Londu, Timber Wolf’s father, who created an army of androids to mine Zuunium, one of the rarest elements in the universe, which exists only at the core of the planet (ADV327-1964.12). • ZWEN — un. Homeworld of Stone Boy, where the nights last six months and its inhabitants evolved the power to turn to stone as a form of suspended animation (ADV306-1963.03). m. Planet named (ADV365-1968.02). • ZYZAN — m. Homeworld to a race of yellow-skinned, cold adverse, lizard-like humanoids, who tried to raid the Earth of its ores by first luring the Legion offworld, then disguising themselves as Legion members when the Subs showed up instead (ADV311-1963.08).
• “GREEN DIMENSION” — un. Chameleon Boy and Proty II are seen on by Lex Luthor’s Time-and-Space Super-Console visiting their parallel world doubles in another dimension (ADV325-1964.10). • MASK MAN HYPERTIME — Timeline in which a descendent o Mr. Mxyztplk killed all of the Legionnaires but Superboy, undone when he was tricked back into his own dimension, this ending all effects of his magic (ADV310-1963.07). • “SMALLVILE” — Alternate Dimension, possibly Earth-3, in which five Legion members — Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Element Lad, Invisible Kid and Ultra Boy — were drummed off the team for conduct unbecoming a Legionnaire. Seeking revenge, they then traveled back in time to reveal the identity of that world’s Superboy, which is so secure not even Lana Lang suspects it (SBOY117v1-1964.12)
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This is awesome work, thanks for putting the time in! I will definitely be mining this list for my fanfic as well 
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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For general interest & this was the only thread I could find with "United Planets" in the title (although I thought Emily Savana had one about U.P. government but couldn't find it). An early history of a United Planets, from Arthur C. Clarke's Rendezvous with Rama. Titan is settled, but not Saturn - I always wondered why Saturn Girl wasn't from Saturn....
Rendezvous with Rama - chapter 38 "General Assembly"
According to the history books - though no one could really believe it - there had been a time when the old United Nations had 172 members. The United Planets had only seven; and that was sometimes bad enough. In order of distance from the Sun, they were Mercury, Earth, Luna, Mars, Ganymede, Titan and Triton.
The list contained numerous omissions and ambiguities which presumably the future would rectify. Critics never tired of pointing out that most of the United Planets were not planets at all, but satellites. And how ridiculous that the four giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were not included.
But no one lived on the Gas Giants, and quite possibly no one ever would. The same might be true of the other major absentee, Venus. Even the most enthusiastic of planetary engineers agreed that it would take centuries to tame Venus; meanwhile, the Hermians kept their eyes on it, and doubtless brooded over long-range plans.
Separate representation for Earth and Luna had also been a bone of contention. The other members argued that it put too much power in one corner of the solar system. But there were more people on the Moon than on all the other worlds except Earth itself, and it was the meeting place of the U.P. Moreover, Earth and Moon hardly ever agreed on anything, so they were not likely to constitute a dangerous bloc.
Mars held the asteroids in trust, except for the Icarian group (supervised by mercury), and a handful with perihelions beyond Saturn and thus claimed by Titan. One day the larger asteroids, such as Pallas, Vesta, Juno and Ceres, would be important enough to have their own ambassadors, and the membership of the U.P. would then reach two figures.
Ganymede represented not only Jupiter - and therefore more mass than all the rest of the solar system put together - but also the remaining fifty or so Jovian satellites, if one included temporary captures from the asteroid belt - though lawyers were still arguing over this. In the same way, Titan took care of Saturn, its rings, and the other thirty-plus satellites.
The situation for Triton was even more complicated. The large moon of Neptune was the outermost body in the solar system under permanent habitation; as a result, its Ambassador wore a considerable number of hats. He represented Uranus and its eight moons (none yet occupied); Neptune and its other three satellites; Pluto and its solitary moon; and lonely, moonless Persephone. If there were planets beyond Persephone they, too, would be Triton's responsibility. And as if that was not enough, the Ambassador from Outer Darkness, as he was sometimes called, had been heard to ask plaintively: "What about comets?" It was generally felt that this problem could be left for the future to solve.
Last edited by Fat Cramer; 03/14/19 06:52 AM. Reason: typo
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Great idea to post this Cramer. I have always enjoyed Rendezvous with Rama and the rest of Clarke's writing but didn't remember that he called them the UP in the book.
With our better knowledge these days the Ambassador from Outer Darkness (Triton) would have an even bigger role with all the objects in the Kuiper Belt and the TNOs (Trans Neptunian Objects) of which we now know there are a lot.
There are even concepts for floating colonies in the upper atmosphere of Venus where the pressure and temperature would be close to Earth's, which might explain how Cosmic King could come from there.
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Goodness, thanks for posting this Portfolio Boy! I can see so many worlds that I've going to have to brush up on for the Heroes of Other Worlds thread!
Such a cool piece of work, thanks again for compiling it!
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In the last 5 years, has this list ever been updated anywhere past Adventure 349? I don't want to duplicate someone else's work if it's already out there somewhere.
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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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There's also The Legion Help File, which has a pretty comprehensive list of planets up until about 2000.
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For general interest & this was the only thread I could find with "United Planets" in the title (although I thought Emily Savana had one about U.P. government but couldn't find it)... Here is the link, as I think it might be helpful: http://www.legionworld.net/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=946502#Post946502The map is hard for me to understand because some of the planets are placed outside the Milky Way galaxy. I have attempted to contact one of the Bierbaums regarding the map to see if they remember their reasoning. In my fanfiction, I have reorganized some of the planets. I plan to post my theory maps in Bits soon.
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Putting in my 2¢ worth:
ANV -- One of the worlds which refuses to help the Legion in its battle against the Sun-Eater (ADV352)
BISMARI -- Prison Planet where Validus was to be executed by bombardment with “anti-energy” (ADV352)
CRAGGOK -- Distant planet described as an “out-of-the-way hideout” for the Emerald Empress. Its civilization is roughly equivalent to Earth’s Middle Ages (ADV352)
DUAR -- One of the worlds which refuses to help the Legion in its battle against the Sun-Eater (ADV352)
NUMAR -- World renowned for its great jewels (ADV352)
GOHAN -- One of the worlds which refuses to help the Legion in its battle against the Sun-Eater (ADV352)
XAK-- One of the worlds which refuses to help the Legion in its battle against the Sun-Eater (ADV352)
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