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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe...Tellus tried to hide his curiosity about Agent Jocelyn Lure as the pair flew through the skies towards their target. He had picked up a distrust of Science Police officers because of Captain Adym's actions and the tidbits he had picked up from Chameleon Girl... but Agent Lure was different. She had sided with the Legion against detonating a bomb that could wipe out half the continent, declining to sacrifice the few to save the many. She was a puzzle. Her crisp yet melodious voice interrupted his thoughts. "I would have thought Dawnstar would be leading this retrieval mission, not you." "She's needed back there," Timber Wolf growled. "XS said she needs Gates, Dawnstar, Tyroc, Quislet and maybe even Wildfire to help her out. Funny how so many of the Legionnaires whose powers are essential to break the time barrier just happened to be on this mission." "I wasn't involved in selecting the mission team," Agent Lure said coolly. "And besides, without XS' speed we wouldn't have a shot at getting back home from this present time." Brin grit his teeth. "You may be our ally now, but I still don't trust Echo." "Wouldn't expect you to. That's how you survived this long, after all." "Please be quiet," Tellus muttered. "It is difficult filtering through all these thoughts while maintaining our cloak." "So take a break, Tellus. We're close enough that I can sniff her out. Set us down in the center of the area you've identified." As soon as Tellus complied, Timber Wolf jumped forward and dove through an open window. Latching onto the frame, he swung himself around and behind the door leading to the roof and opened it. "Ladies and Hykraians first," he bowed as he motioned for them to enter. "Charmed," Agent Lure said as she entered. They made their way down the flights of stairs until they reached the second floor. "Over here," Brin motioned. They walked until they reached Apartment 247. "Are you sure that's her?" Agent Lure asked. "Positive," Brin said. "I never forget a smell." "Nor do I forgot brainwaves," Tellus added. "She is the one we seek." Agent Lure nodded and rang the doorbell. They waited as footsteps shuffled. "Who is it?" called a timid, weak voice. "I'm not feeling so good. I don't think you should visit me." "We'll be fine," Agent Lure said. "I'm Officer Lure. I just need to ask you a few questions." "Can't it wait?" The voice sounded congested; the speaker made a sound as if blowing her nose. "I'm really under the weather." "I just need a few minutes," Agent Lure said. "Please. This is urgent." "Okay..." The door slowly opened, and a pale girl with unruly hair appeared behind the door. She leaned on the door frame, tissue in hand. "What do you need?" Agent Lure looked at Timber Wolf and Tellus one more time, and both nodded. She fixed her gaze on the girl. "You. Popping Planetary Chance Machine Number 247-A 61-EOAE. Somahtur needs you." "What... oh." The girl dropped her tissue, her eyes glazing over. Then she snapped back to attention and looked down. "GRIFE. What have I been doing all this time? Are you seriously telling me that I let the microbes living in my body affect me?!?" Timber Wolf shot a smug grin at Agent Lure. "Told you." "So that is why and how you disappeared. We all thought Earth-Man had tossed you into the timestream..." "But I was hiding under witness protection. Nobody wanted Earth-Man to copy my powers. Think of the pandemics he could have started," the girl spat. "It's about time somebody kicked his butt!" She pressed something on her wrist, and her appearance shimmered and changed. Now they were looking at a girl still with pale skin, but with purple hair and a pair of white antennae. "Actually... we beat him up long ago. Someone must have forgotten to bring you back. But we're going home now," Timber Wolf added quickly as Drura started to sputter. "How long have I been here?!?!" Agent Lure drew herself up. "On behalf of Echo, I apologize for the delay." The girl shook her head as she swung the door open entirely. "Never mind. Just bring me home already!" Tellus held out a hand. "Yes. The Legion of Super-Heroes and the Legion of Substitute Heroes will be glad to have you back in the 31st century, Infectious Lass."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/18/21 06:42 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe...Zoe looked out the window. They had been driving for almost 15 minutes, but hadn't seemed to be getting anywhere. And all the while, Aunt Michelle had been asking her about her friends and teachers. "When was the last time you went with your mom on a dig?" Aunt Michelle faced straight ahead, as if she was concentrating on the road. Zoe was puzzled; there were no other cars in sight, and almost nobody was walking on the sidewalks. What was she looking at? "A couple of years ago. It was summer and she'd taken me to explore the Son Doong Caves in Vietnam. Supposedly the world's largest. After that we zipped over to Sagada in the Philippines to study the Lumiang Burial Cave. They stack coffins on top of one another near the entrance." "Did anything happen there? Anything unusual?" "Nothing, Aunt Michelle. Look, I enjoy talking and all but don't you think we should be getting home? They might get hungry. And it's late and I'm tired." "Almost there, Zoe. And don't rush too much. I really enjoy spending time with you." "I enjoy spending time with you too, but I haven't heard from Aunt Myra or Stan yet. I'm starting to worry." "Don't be. I'm sure they're fine." "Yeah, well... it's safe around here, but you never know..." Zoe trailed off as she looked outside. It was still quiet, and the streetlamps showed the streets were empty. Where was everybody? "Aunt Michelle, you said mom's planning to come back in a couple of weeks. Do you know why she hasn't replied to me yet?" "Probably just hasn't gotten your emails. Ethiopia isn't exactly perfectly connected yet." "Okay..." She looked out the window again. "Are you sure you know the right way? I don't really recognize this neighborhood..." "I can manage," Aunt Michelle smiled while looking straight ahead. "Let's just keep going." "Okay..." Zoe shrugged as she settled back into her seat. She tried to look at Aunt Michelle out of the corner of her eye. Why was she gripping the steering wheel like that? Was something wrong? She pulled out her phone and checked again. Still no texts from Aunt Myra or Stan. Or even Sally; they always talked on the phone for hours. She looked at her last message. "Aunt Michelle's being kind of word. Have you been able to check on Aunt Myra?" Still nothing. Why was nobody picking up? She crossed her arms and stared out the window. More of the same boring houses and empty streets. Only, something seemed to be moving, reflected darkly in the window... She screamed as the car lurched towards its side. "Aunt Michelle?!" she screamed as she raised her hands to protect her face, praying that the car wouldn't turn turtle. The impact pushed them over onto the sidewalk, and the car didn't stop until it slammed into a tree. "Oh my gosh! Aunt Michelle?" Zoe undid her seatbelt and looked over. Aunt Michelle was groaning, hand on her head. "Are you conscious? Talk to me!" The driver's side door was a tangled mass of metal; she could barely make out another car on the other side. She couldn't see if the other driver was moving. "Somebody help us!" She looked around in desperation. If the other driver was dead or crazy or a criminal, she was all alone. She shook Aunt Michelle. "Wake up!" "Leave her, Zoe!" Somebody opened her door and grabbed her. Zoe looked around in surprise. "Mr. Morgan?! Help my Aunt, please!" "She's not your aunt," Mr. Morgan hissed, dark eyes wide in fury. "Now, come. We need to leave." "What are you saying? We can't just leave her!" "I didn't go all this way just to rescue your kidnapper along with you. Now come," Mr. Morgan pulled her out of the car. "We need to go." "Wait! Kidnap? Are you sure? Did something happen to Aunt Myra or Stan? What do you know?" "I'll answer all your questions later. Just get into the car." "No, we can't just leave Aunt Michelle, I..." Mr. Morgan stopped and stared at her with cold eyes. "You will listen to me now, Zoe. Get in the car right this instant." Zoe froze. She had never heard her teacher speak like that before. "I..." "Now, Zoe." His voice was like cold fire. Zoe tried to pull her arm free from his grip, only to feel it tighten. "I said, now." "Let her go!" Mr. Morgan screamed in rage as Aunt Michelle tackled him. A shocked Zoe held her arm as she watched them both tumble to the ground, rolling around in a struggle. Aunt Michelle shouted, "Keep running, Zoe! Run away now!" "No, stay there!" Mr. Morgan thundered as he tried to flip Aunt Michelle over. Zoe looked from one to another, unsure of what to do. "I said run, Zoe! If you want to live again, run as fast as you can!" Aunt Michelle screamed. Tears flowed down Zoe's face. What was happening? She looked at her mother's oldest friend and her favorite teacher struggling on the ground. Then, she turned and ran off into the night.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:39 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe..."Grife," Wildfire shook his helmet as he peered intently at the baby in his hands. "Here's another fine mess you've gotten us into." The baby gave him a stare that would have made Drake flinch back when he still had a human body. "The whole exercise of jumping into alternate universes and dimensions is, at best, trial and error. We have no way of predicting what each universe will look like before we arrive, hence the numerous precautions we take - including the use of my forcefield, Umbra's darkfield, and Kid Quantum's quantum bubbles for added protection. And you yourself have shown such faith in Shikari's abilities, which are what led us here in the first place!" "I was joking, Brainy. But still, point," Wildfire said as he set the infant Brainiac 5 down. "I'm just glad your intelligence is intact." "And so is my knowledge, though I physically have the strength of in infant. Fortunately, Coluan physiology is such that we have complete intellectual ability from an early age. Unfortunately, our teammates comes from races and species which do not share the same advantage..." "Tell me about it," Wildfire muttered as he looked outside Brainiac 5's forcefield into chaos. "Hey, somebody play with meeeeee!" Garth yelled as his crying sent arcs of electricity into the sky. "Give me back that cookie or I'll hit you!" Jo cried as he chased a cheeky Brin around the camp. "Ugh, your clothes are ugly," sneered Triad Neutral as she towered over a shrunken Violet. "Yeah, I bet your mommy dresses ugly too," added Triad Purple. "Hey, don't be mean," Triad Orange pleaded as she leaned down to talk to Violet. "Can you grow back up?" "I'm too scared," whispered Violet. "Guys? I'm not used to babysitting over 20 super-powered toddlers. A little help here?" Ferro held Umbra in one hand, Chameleon in another; his outstretched arms were keeping them as far apart as possible. "Oh, crap!" he quickly set Umbra and Chameleon on opposite large boulders to chase after Spark. "No, don't wander off, Ayla! You might fall over the edge of that cliff!" "I need to back Ferro up. How do we get out of this, Brainy?" "I diagnose that this is being caused by a gas. The effect should wear off once we exit this universe. My forcefield will protect the equipment and me, but I need you to fetch M'Onel and Andromeda to operate the treadmill, and Gear to act as standby. You and Ferro will have to keep the others under control, and herd them to the area of the treadmill as soon as we're ready to go." "Okay..." In a few second, Wildfire returned with M'Onel and Andromeda. "Hey kids, you're arguing over who's faster, right? Well, our friend Querl here has just the thing for you to decide who is!" In another second, Wildfire returned with Gear. "And I.Z.O.R, Querl needs your help to keep this treadmill working, okay?" The three toddlers grinned and clapped with excitement as Brainy herded them around. "Thank you, Wildfire. Now, you may go help Ferro." "Yeah, thanks, Brainy. Any suggestions how I can keep them quiet?" "Do I look like a nanny?" Brainy snapped. "Ferro's good with kids, I'm sure he'll think of something." "I don't think "good with kids" is good enough for dealing with so many super-powered brats," Drake muttered. He found Ferro trying to stop Shikari from attacking Sensor. "That is my prey!" Shikari screamed. "I'll take her," Wildfire grabbed Shikari. "My armor's tough enough to withstand her armor. For a bit. Any ideas on how we can get them to quiet down?" Ferro shook his head. "Not unless we can put them to sleep... hey, wait a minute. Let me go find Saturn Girl. If this doesn't work though, you'd better be ready to bring them to me so we can alter their transuits one by one." "That'd still leave Shikari and maybe Violet and Apparition awake. I hope it does work." "Just try and herd the kids together and make sure none of them are doing anything dangerous," Ferro said as he left Wildfire. Ferro tried to ignore the kicking, screaming and crying kids around him until he could find Saturn Girl. The young blonde was curled into a ball and crying, while a young Cosmic Boy comforted her. "We're going to get into so much trouble!" she bawled. "When the teachers come back, they're going to punish all of us!" "I've been telling them to shut up, Imra," Rokk says. "We'll be okay!" "Hey, you're not going to get into trouble," Ferro squatted down so he could meet Imra's eyes. "But I do need your help to calm everyone down. Can you help me?" Imra nodded shakily even as her tears fall. "Imra, have you ever made someone fall asleep before?" Imra's eyes widened. "Oh! I don't want to use my telepathy on my friends!" "Please, Imra. You're only going to make them fall asleep so they can rest. There's nothing wrong with that. Can you do it for me, please? I'm worried I might not be able to stop them from having accidents." "Why don't you do it, Imra?" Rokk pleaded. "Uncle Andy needs our help!" "Okay..." Imra said. "I'll do it." "Thank you, Imra, I really appreciate it," Ferro smiled. "Uncle Drake, did you get that?" "Yeah, Uncle Andy," Wildfire's amused voice came over their flight rings. "We're all good to go." "But don't put I.Z.O.R., Lar, Laurel, Querl, Shikari or Uncle Drake to sleep, okay? We need to get our... uh, our hovercar ready to leave." Imra nodded as she closed her eyes. Seconds later, she opened them. "Okay, I did it." "She did too, worked like a charm. Good work, both of ya," Wildfire's voice was heavy with relief. "Come on, let's go bring them all to Brainy." Ferro sighed as he lets Imra ride on his shoulders, while he held Rokk's hand. "Come on, kids. Let's get ready to go. I just hope our next destination doesn't give us so many headaches."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:39 AM.
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INFECTIOUS LASS!!  I am also enjoying Legion babies, hahaha...poor Ferro & Wildfire  I think I know what's going on with Zoe now too! Will be quite interesting to see if her story pans out like I have a feeling it might..!
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Our discussion about Quislet made me realize that poor Drura was still missing. I couldn't very well just leave her behind  The Legion babies thing was a sudden inspiration. I realized that this version of the Legion hadn't really been deaged yet. Ferro and Wildfire make a good pair of uncles  I wouldn't be surprised if you and Omni have predicted where I'm going with Zoe by now 
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe...Zoe rocked herself back and forth as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Aunt Michelle had been acting weird, Mr. Morgan had appeared out of nowhere and tried to kill them, and now both seemed to be fighting over her. "Sprock," she muttered as she leaned against a tree trunk. The way things were going, she wouldn't be surprised if a man in a black suit and glasses came to tell her that her mom was a spy behind enemy lines. "Gri- I mean great. Get a grip, Zoe," she told herself. Grife. Wonder where I made up that word. Bad enough I'm in trouble, now I'm starting to speak in tongues.. She sat back down and considered her options. Repeated calls back home weren't picked up. Sally, Jenny, Ayla, Candi; none of them were answering. Not even Gim, and he usually picked up right away. The best option was to find someone who lived nearby. She was on Truman Street. Jan lived nearby. Wiping her tears and composing herself, she darted behind the hedge she was hiding behind. Whatever happened, she would not let herself sit her and become a victim. *********************************************************** Zoe stood with her back to the door as she rang the doorbell frantically. She hadn't seen any traces of Aunt Michelle or Mr. Morgan, but the way he had appeared suddenly a while ago made her not want to take chances. "Come on, come on...!" She stumbled backwards as the door opened. "Oooomph!" Zoe rubbed her backside gingerly; good thing the floor was carpeted. "Zoe? What are you doing here so late at night?" Jan asked. "Oh Jan!" Zoe stood up and held her arms out, pleading. "I don't know what happened. Mr. Morgan - he attacked my Aunt Michelle. And now he's after me, and my aunt told me to run, but she's been acting really weird too, and I don't really know what's going on, and I can't reach my Aunt Myra, and-" "Wait, calm down Zoe. Are you sure it was Mr. Morgan?" "Positive." Zoe shivered despite herself. What had happened to Aunt Michelle? Though she'd been acting weird, she was still practically family. "Please, you have to help me. I can't reach anyone and I don't know what's going on." Jan poured a glass of water and handed it to her. "Okay, I'm going to go get my folks. Maybe we can drive you back to your place. Here, have a seat and hang on." "Thanks," Zoe said as Jan turned to leave. "I really appreciate it. It's been a really scary night." "You'll make it through, Zoe. Remember, you're a strong girl." Jan smiled, a warm and sincere smile. Zoe knew Candi liked that about him. She gave a small smile in return. As Jan disappeared up the steps, Zoe peeked at her phone. Still nothing. She turned it off again; maybe her messages just weren't getting through. She looked around. The house was very comfortably furnished. She picked up a picture of the Varga family. Each was dressed in formal wear, but though they looked stately they also had big smiles on their faces. She had met Mr. and Mrs. Varga before, and though reserved they were also very warm. No wonder Jan had turned out to be a very wise and mature kid. She leaned back and looked at the clock. What was taking so long? She couldn't hear any footsteps. She stood up and peered up the stairs. Were Jan's parents already asleep? Maybe she should go up. She placed a tentative foot on the first step. She was thrown forward as the front door vanished in a blinding explosion. Gasping, she turned around to see smoke billowing through the door. It parted to reveal an angry Mr. Morgan. "You have tested my patience, Zoe. Stop trying to run away." Zoe desperately tried to pull herself up. "Where's Aunt Michelle?" "Where she won't trouble you again. Now come." "No... no! Leave me alone!" Mr. Morgan strode calmly forward and grabbed Zoe before she could climb up more than two steps. She kicked and screamed and tried to get away, but neither Jan nor his parents seemed to hear her. "They can't help you," Mr. Morgan's normally warm voice was cold as ice. "I'm the only one who can help you now." As he dragged her to the door, Zoe screamed with all her might. But nobody came to help her.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:40 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe...Though she hadn't accessed her speed until a few months before becoming a Legionnaire, XS had grown to live and breathe it. The world routinely stood still for her even as it rushed at breakneck speed for the normal sentient on the moving walkway. But right now, her mind was reeling so much she wished she could slow down. And that made her very nervous indeed. She tried not to think about it as she ran faster and faster on the cosmic treadmill. "I hope all of you are hanging on tightly," she thought through Tellus' telepathic link. "Nobody's getting left behind," Chameleon Girl replied even as her Durlan form lashed everyone tightly to the treadmill. "Friend XS just concentrate on running and let Quislet lead, yes? Quislet prove it best Legion leader ever, and you all be my campaign managers at next elections!" "You, lead? I'd rather let Polecat and the Mess lead me into the Rimborian sewers, or Matter-Eater Lad lead me to a Bismollian buffet," Timber Wolf muttered. "Quiet, guys," Tyroc hissed. "This is difficult enough without you all providing a distraction!" "We're approaching escape velocity," XS huffed as she slowly accelerated. Traveling through the dimensions wasn't just about running as fast as you could; you had to control your speed just so. "Quislet, Dawnstar, Gates, your powers should be reacting soon..." "Oh, sprock! The world is blurring away..." Infectious Lass whispered as the scenery around them began to melt into a rainbow of blending colors. "We're really going home?" "Not if you don't follow Quislet's instructions! Big bad one-way energy field surrounding this era, yes? Someone thought to keep you all here permanently! So Wildfire and Tyroc listen to me veeeery carefully otherwise we smash into itty bitty pieces of energy that not even Quislet can put together again!" Drura's eyes bulged. "Sprock me. I don't want to die a thousand years before I was even born!" "Have a little faith," Wildfire's gloves glowed red with his energy. "Come on Quislet, you little pain. Don't we fire now?" "Sssh, Quislet boss here, not you! We wait until we reach right frequency. Almost, almost... XS, little faster yes?" Sweat dripping all over, XS grit her teeth as she pushed the limits of her acceleration. Her chest was heaving like never before. "You can do it, Jenni..." Gates whispered. "Almost, almost..." Quislet whispered as the colors began to get brighter. They were melding into each other faster now, like multicolored ink being stirred together. XS had to resist closing her eyes; she hated running blind. And besides, Quislet had said she would see something when the time was right. "Okay, we here!" Quislet beeped as he let loose a stream of energy right in front of them. The surrounding colors vanished into a painful pure white light; and then, as if belched out by a Naltoria Giant Squid, a solid black aura began coalescing into view. "What the nass?!" Wildfire exclaimed. "That is one mean energy shield! I don't think I could survive hitting that!" "We are approaching it at a very uncomfortable speed," Dawnstar's voice was calm and soft. "We will hit it in less than a minute." "Don't chicken out now!" Quislet commanded. "Tyroc, Wildfire, NOW!!!" Red-orange streams of anti-energy burst forth from Wildfire's containment suit as Tyroc opened his mouth wide. XS knew he was playing around with different hypersonic vibrations until he found the right frequency. She wished she could help, but it was all she could do to maintain the necessary pace. Her grandpa Barry had often made this trip with other speedsters in tow; she was doing it alone with ten others. She had to trust they could do it. "We only have fifteen seconds," Dawnstar's voice was a calm whisper. "Tyroc, you need to adjust your frequency!" Quislet commanded. "Higher, higher!" Tyroc clenched both fists as he opened his mouth even more. Reality itself seemed to shake as the red-orange blasts poured onto the blackness. XS forced herself to ignore Gates' and Infectious Lass' cursing as they approached closer and closer... ... and the blackness parted to reveal the swirling colors again! "We opened a path! What did Quislet tell you??" XS never thought Quislet could sound even more exuberant. "Dawnstar, you need to find our way to the other side of the barrier now!" "I am already doing so," Dawnstar's wings spread open majestically as she closed her eyes. XS thought she detected a hint of relief. "I see the way! Gates...!" "Way ahead of you, thanks to Tellus' link. One inter-energy field taxi service coming up! Sprock, I never thought I would be happy to teleport so many people!" XS forced the treadmill through the green teleport disk that Gates created in front of her. Only after they emerged did she let herself slow down. As the treadmill stabilized, Wildfire turned around. "We all did it! We blasted a hole through that barrier! We made it through!" Cheers erupted all around as Timber Wolf grabbed Gates in a bear hug; Dawnstar kissed Wildfire's helmet; Agent Lure wiped her brow; Infectious Lass collapsed against the treadmill's side while Tellus supported her telekinetically; and Tyroc shook one of Chameleon Girl's hands; all while Quislet zipped around their heads. "Told you Quislet best Legionnaire ever!" XS let herself smile as wide as she could. She could see a bright greenish yellow ray; the time beacon she had asked Brainiac 5 to set. "Hang on everyone! 31st century, here we come!"
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:40 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe...This takes place before the last Retroboot story - the new Fatal Five. Sun Boy and Star Boy are still alive, Phantom Girl hasn't fled to who knows where, Glorith and Zerox are still in this plane of existence, and the Legion is not in any danger of being disbanded.Phantom Girl wanted to pace around the meeting room to soothe her nerves, but she settled for squeezing Ultra Boy's hand instead. She wasn't used to having to restrain her emotions so, but then she wasn't used to being Legion leader, either. "Any word, Cos?" Her teammate and old friend shook his head. "Not a peep from Dream Girl since she left." "Maybe she stopped for a molecudermal spa," Garth said. He held up a hand and went on before Cosmic Boy could retort. "I know Rokk. Despite her manner, she's one of our most responsible Legionnaires. I'm just trying to lighten the mood. I'm not worried, and neither should you. Nura, Imra and Jeckie make a very formidable trio." "And Star Boy, Element Lad and Brainiac 5 are nearby, to back them up," Tinya added. "I agree, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. We're all just anxious because - despite Nura's visions - we're not 100% sure they will succeed. Nor are we sure that this will." She indicated the blipping time beacon fixed in the center of the Legionnaires' meeting table. It had been glowing for a little more than an hour now. "They'll be back, Tinya. I always knew there was no way we'd lose so many Legionnaires permanently," Jo said confidently. "The team's going to get back together and be back better than ever." "I'm already looking forward to it, Jo," Rokk said as he called up the Mission Monitor Board. "When Nura asked us to ready the team I was struck at how small we've gotte-" The room exploded in a burst of color before Rokk could finish his sentence. Only Ultra Boy didn't flinch; his invulnerability allowed him to stare into the very Sun itself. "Oh my grife..." he whispered. Then he darted forward. "I never sprocking thought I'd be so glad to see you again!" he grinned as he gave Wildfire a high-five. The room burst into noise as the Lost Legionnaires greeted their teammates. Infectious Lass and Agent Lure hung back a little awkwardly while Quislet zipped over everyone's heads. "What did Quislet say? Huh? Quislet is the best Legionnaire ever!" "Congratulations, XS," Phantom Girl smiled as they shook hands. "You did what nobody else could. You know, you always have a place on our team." "Thanks, Pha- Tinya," XS smiled. She missed her own teammates, but she was equally a part of this team right now. A little warmth wouldn't hurt. "But my heart is with my own team - I mean, the team I grew up with. I love working with all of you, but I can't forget that we have our own Tinya, and Jo, and Rokk... and some teammates without counterparts here. We have our own universe. Or we will have, if our plan works." Gates teleported beside the pair. "Yeah. I enjoyed my time with you and all, but I miss our Teenage Death Squad and our reality, flawed capitalistic economy and horrendous political system notwithstanding." He made a show of cracking his arms against one another. "So even though I'm sprocking exhausted and want to gorge myself in some Imskian glubworms, let's get cracking." "We've been trying to contact Dream Girl, but..." Cosmic Boy spoke. "Wait, I'm getting a call." Dream Girl's visage appeared over the central meeting room. "Tinya. I know the Lost Legionnaires are back. Are the others I asked for ready?" "All on standby. Should we head over there now?" "Right now," Nura said, her normally serene and melodious voice crisp and breathless. "And not just them. Bring everybody you can. It's very bad. And tell Cos and Lydda to start remembering everything they can about 21st century magical heroes. You have to get here in sixty minutes or else we're dead. Nura out." Everyone in the room stared silently for a second as the call ended. Tinya wished she could just disappear into the floor. But, she was the leader now. She looked at Rokk, the Legion's first and arguably best leader, and he nodded. She swallowed, then lifted her flight ring to her lips. "Phantom Girl to all available active and reserve Legionnaires and Substitutes. Assemble in the hangar. We leave in fifteen minutes." As the call went out, she turned to the assembled Legionnaires. "You heard Nura. I'm sorry guys, I know you must be exhausted. But we need you all; I'll have to ask everyone without injuries to join us. Infectious Lass, you're welcome to come along. Gates, I'm sorry but we'll need your powers. Tellus, work with Cos to prepare a mental packet of 21st century magical heroes and their powers and get ready to feed it to everyone en route. Jo and Tyroc, prep our cruisers. Everyone, hop to it. Let's go Legionnaires!" Over a dozen heads nodded assent, and most of the Legionnaires ran out of the room. Cosmic Boy paused to lay a hand on Tinya's shoulder, and he smiled warmly at her. "This is one heck of a first week as Legion leader, Tinya. But something tells me you'll do just fine." "I hope so, Cos," Tinya breathed as she tried to smile. "I really hope so."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:41 AM.
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Loving your work IB!
Zoe's story is great, it reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where erything the main protagonist (and viewer/reader) believes is subverted and we're left watching something very unusual. I'm intrigued and unlike Raz don't know what to expect next.
Also, Quislet and Xs rescuing the lost legionnaires was genius, and picking up Drura on the way (loved her being in witness protect btw) was great to see. You obviously love Gates as you have written his character so well, it's inspiring me to give him some screen time too in one of my stories.
And what a cliffhanger! Fab, fabber and fabbest - be here within an hour or we're all dead! Nura's visions are always great but that's really quite scary. Great stuff.
More, more, more!
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Thanks, Harbi! I always love reading your feedback. I'm really glad Zoe's story has you hooked. Hopefully I'll be able to make the next twists and turns believable. Thanks, I'm really enjoying putting the team back together. Honestly, at first I just wanted to reunite the Postboot Legionnaires as quickly as I could (spoiler!); but your own writing (among others) inspired me to do my best with this version of the Legion too. Hence the inspiration to bring the Lost Legionnaires, Quislet AND Drura all back (after you did such a good job of reuniting your own team in your fic!). I'm pleased that you like how I write Gates; he IS my 2nd favorite Legionnaire of all time. I love his sarcastic, somewhat grumpy personality and the underlying heart of gold it covers up. I'm glad the cliffhanger worked. I'm very excited to write the next couple of installments 
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/28/14 09:06 AM.
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Love the teamwork with XS and pals! Also cool to see Dreamy being her doom-portending self  She has the most plot devicey power there is but somehow she can always get away with being the one to just tell everyone else "the plot says you have to be here now". I also quite liked Jo's confidence that the Lost crew were alive the whole time, and it casts his apparent insensitive jock rendition of the last Levitz series in a different light if you consider he never really grieved because he never thought they were gone 
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Thanks raz! I think Nura gets away with it because of her manner and personality. Preboot Nura plays at being shallow but is very formidable; Postboot Nura was beautiful and had gravitas; Threeboot Nura had an air of mystery. For Jo's confidence, I borrowed from Postboot Jo during his Legion lost days. He himself stated he had the most faith of anyone that they'd make it home then  I never liked the "dumb jock" portrayal of Jo (Threeboot Jo is probably my most hated Legionnaire). His life on Rimbor should have given him street smarts, confidence in his "intuition" (for lack of a better term) and maturity.
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I think you are right about Nura...too often with precog characters they don't actually have a personality outside of speaking up when necessary to move the story along. You can do an entire story with Nura without ever using her power because her personality is strong enough to carry her on its own. And I dislike dumb jock Jo as well, though I do really like the idea that he lets people think that's who he is because a )it doesn't really bother him what anyone not called Tinya thinks about him and b) it gives him a great advantage. The 5YL Legion was very good to him in that respect 
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Yeah, Nura's excellent fighting skills certainly help when writing stories about her  Contrast with Marvel's Destiny. Playing-dumb Jo is the best. It takes a lot of smarts and discipline to not reveal your advantages 
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe...Zoe tried to hold her tears in as she looked around the room that Mr. Morgan had locked her in. It was bare; besides the bed she was sitting on, there was only a dusty mirror and a small table with a jug of water and a plate of food. There were no windows or other doors, as far as she could tell. She had even scoured the walls for a trapdoor, but there was nothing. She licked her lips; she was thirsty, but she didn't want to risk drinking the water. It could be drugged or poisoned, for all she knew. Wiping her tears, she sat back down on the bed and cupped her hands to her mouth. Jan... Jan was the only one who knew where she was. Could he be okay? The scene that had unfolded at his house played again in her mind. Kicking and screaming, Zoe tried to wrest free from Mr. Morgan's grip. "Jan! JAAAAAN!!"
"He can't help you now. Nobody can." Mr. Morgan's voice dripped with cold cruelty as he pulled Zoe to the door.
"Zoe? Zoe?" Footsteps sounded above as Jan's voice came down the stairs. "What's going on?"
"Jan! Help me!"
"I said, he can't help you now," Mr. Morgan said icily as he dragged Zoe across the doorstep. He kicked the front door, causing it to close. Then he swiftly pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit it.
"What are you going to do?" Zoe whispered, fearful.
In one smooth motion, Mr. Morgan threw the lighter on a puddle that had collected below the front door. Zoe's throat dried up as the front door burst into flames. She kept screaming for help as Mr. Morgan dragged her off, while smoke thickened the night sky and covered the dim light from the moon.Zoe shuddered as she blinked back tears. She could only hope Jan and his family had made it out. How awful would it be if something had happened to them just because Jan had helped her? The creaking of the floorboards outside made her freeze. She quickly wiped her face; she didn't want to show Mr. Morgan how afraid she was. She held her breath and forced herself to stare at the door as the footsteps came nearer. Mr. Morgan's face was stony, devoid of his usual warm and fatherly smile. A tray with a towel and a bowl was balanced on his arm. He glanced at the table. "You haven't eaten. No matter. You won't need to after we're done." Zoe dragged herself backwards. "What are you going to do to me? What, can't you get a date, Mr. Morgan?" Mr. Morgan closed his eyes and laughed; it was a low, guttural, deep laugh that made Zoe's blood chill. "Perhaps in another universe I would have considered taking a bride. But I know how treacherous you women can be. No, I will just put you to sleep, And when you wake up, you will remember none of this." Zoe drew herself up and forced herself to look him in the eye. "I don't want to go to sleep. And I don't want to forget. I will remember what you did to Jan, and to Aunt Michelle, and I will make sure they get the help they need and that you are put in jail where you belong!" Mr. Morgan shook his head with a mirthless laugh. "Such fire! But that fire is what got you into this situation in the first place. Now hush, this will all be over soon." He dipped the towel into the bowl he carried, and help it up before him. "Just close your eyes and breathe. It will all be better when you wake up." Zoe's heart pounded as she crawled backwards; her hands closed on the jug beside the table. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" She had always imagined her first time would be with someone like Gim Allon on her wedding day; not like this, a prisoner to some monster. She held the jug in front of her. "Don't come any closer!" Mr. Morgan didn't even laugh this time. He slowly and calmly set the tray down. "That won't work, Zoe." Then he dove forward with surprising speed. Zoe screamed as she swung the jug in front of her with all her might; Mr. Morgan's hand caught her forearm as it swung, sending droplets of water everywhere. He pushed her against the bed and held the towel up threateningly. "Be quiet, damn you!" Zoe gasped as she tried to kick against his stomach, his legs, anything that might cause him to let her go. But he was too strong, and she had never felt anyone touch her with such force. She turned her head to the side, desperately trying to avoid the towel. She could smell something weird, and it made her want to gag. Whatever happened, she couldn't let herself touch the towel. She kicked with all her might as she wriggled under Mr. Morgan. "I said sit still, damn you!" he growled as he cupped his hands around her cheeks. He twisted her head around forcefully. Zoe clamped her mouth shut, but her eyes widened as the towel descended on her. Her desperate struggling began to weaken as she started to feel drowsy. Her eyes were beginning to close when she heard a strong pounding. Was it her head? She felt a vague sense of floating. Mr. Morgan grunted as he let go of her wrist, which fell limply on the bed. And then everything faded into white as oblivion took her.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:42 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe..."Zoe. Zoe." Zoe's mind struggled to grasp her surroundings as a familiar voice called her name. She couldn't recall where she was or what had happened, but she a vague feeling that she needed to be wide awake. Yet her body wouldn't cooperate; she struggled to move her arms and legs, but they were like limp noodles. "Here, let me wake her." This one was a different voice, she knew. Tantalizingly familiar, yet still different. She felt something - like immaterial fingers - caress her mind. "Oh!" she gasped as her eyes opened wide. "Do not meddle with her, woman!" She recognized Mr. Morgan's voice, though he sounded angry and imperious, so unlike the normally kind and calm teacher she knew. Suddenly, it all came back to her. He had kidnapped her! She forced herself to sit upright. "It's okay, he's not a threat." A white-haired woman she had never seen before - yet who somehow seemed familiar - caught Mr. Morgan by the arm as he ran towards her. She swung him around like he was a sack of meat and slammed him against the wall. Moaning, he slumped to the floor. "Are you okay, Zoe?" She turned to see a blonde woman smiling at her; she recognized her voice as the one who had talked about waking her up. "I... I don't understand. Who are the two of you? I feel like I should know you, but I've never seen you before." "We do not have much time." Zoe froze as she recognized this third voice. "Aunt Michelle." Aunt Michelle was holding her arm. She appeared bruised and was standing shakily. She held up a hand as Zoe was about to speak. "Please, Zoe. We do not have much time. I know you felt I was acting strange. But that is because you need to know something. You are Zoe Saugin, but the life you are living is not your true life. And this," she gestured all around her, "none of this is real." "What... what do you mean? What do you mean not my life? Am I..." Zoe's mind raced as she considered the possibilities; her hands felt clammy. She clutched herself in confusion. "Am I adopted?" Aunt Michelle closed her eyes and shook her head. The blonde woman knelt down beside Zoe and placed a gentle arm on her shoulder. "Zoe. My name is Imra. I look like your friend Irma, but I am Imra. Think, Zoe. You need to remember who you used to be." Zoe tried to get up off the bed. "I still don't understand. Who are you, and why are you telling me these things?" "I suggest we get out of here first," the white-haired woman said as she tore the bedsheet up into strips. "Imra, help me tie him up. Aunt Michelle, is there a way to get Zoe out of here?" "Too late." The white-haired woman yelled in pain as Mr. Morgan slammed his leg into hers; and as she crumpled, Mr. Morgan smashed her head into the floor. He stood up and advanced on them. "Behind me," Imra said. As Zoe hid behind her, Imra held out both her hands. "I command you to stop!" Mr. Morgan ignored her and grabbed a shaky Aunt Michelle by her neck. Zoe gasped as he lifted Aunt Michelle up. "Let go of her!" Zoe cried, as she watched Aunt Michelle's feet kick helplessly. "I said, I command you to stop!" Imra said again. "Foolish woman. I still have enough power to take care of you." The air around Mr. Morgan seemed to shimmer and flow, like a pond would if a pebble were dropped into it. Zoe gasped as the air pushed outwards and slammed into Imra. The blonde woman flew backwards and slumped against the wall. Zoe's eyes bulged as her mouth opened wordlessly. What had just happened? "Zoe, run!" Aunt Michelle's voice was barely a croak. "You have to run. I will not be destroyed here, but you will be." "You are wrong, woman. I have been here long enough to infiltrate every corner of your mind. I can destroy your mind, and the minds of all those within it," Mr. Morgan laughed. "Watch as I banish your unconscious friend." He waved his hand, causing Imra's form to glow. "What are you doing?" Zoe cried as she rushed towards Imra. "Stop!" "I think not." Mr. Morgan snapped his fingers, and Imra vanished. "Oh my God!" Zoe covered her mouth as she fell forward. What in heaven's name was happening? Was she hallucinating? This couldn't be real! "And your sister," Mr. Morgan hissed as he faced the white-haired woman, who was struggling to get up. Her form began to glimmer as well. "NO!" Aunt Michelle held out her own hand, and the white-haired woman's form began to solidify again. "I say she stays!" "You cannot fight me forever, woman!" Mr. Morgan raised his arm, and Zoe felt her body being pulled to him. "Not with my dear Zoe feeding me with power!" "Let me go!" she cried as she flew through the air. "You will not have her!" As Aunt Michelle spoke, Zoe felt herself being pulled in the opposite direction. "I WILL have her!" Mr. Morgan said. Zoe screamed; she felt like she was being torn apart. Slowly, slowly, she was being pulled nearer Mr. Morgan. The pain was unbearable; she kicked and writhed, but there were no visible bonds around her that she could unravel. As she drew closer to Mr. Morgan, she could feel herself getting weaker. Her hands began to glow green, and the glow itself began to flow towards him. Mr. Morgan held his other hand out towards Aunt Michelle. Stone and cement rose from the floor, twisting around like a serpent. Zoe's scream of pain began to turn into one of horror. She still couldn't believe all this was real! As she watched in shock, the stone began wrapping around Aunt Michelle's legs. Aunt Michelle's own mouth dropped open in surprise, and Zoe felt herself sliding away from her and towards Mr. Morgan. "You have to let them both go!" the white-haired woman stood on wobbly legs, but her voice was strong. "He absorbed her first, his hold on her is too strong. And we are in his playing field now! The longer you engage him on an astral level, the more likely he takes control over your own body!" "Nnngg..." Aunt Michelle grit her teeth even as she pointed at the rock. Blasts of energy burst forth from her hands, and where they hit the rock disappeared. But the rock still kept growing over her, faster and faster. She glanced desperately at Zoe. "I cannot let them go! I cannot release only her, but will end up releasing them both. And she is not of her own mind yet! She may not be able to resist him!" "But at least we will have a chance!" The white-haired woman stretched her hand out. "Please! Look at you now. You're barely holding him off; he's too strong here. Trust my visions. Trust me!" "I..." Aunt Michelle looked at Zoe one more time. Zoe was feeling steadily weaker with every second that passed, but the pain didn't let up. She couldn't speak, but she stared at Aunt Michelle with pleading eyes. Anything, anything to end this torture. Aunt Michelle nodded. "Zoe Saugin, I am sorry. I am sorry for letting this man take your life... and for only giving it back to you now. And I am sorry that you still must fight for it after I do." The last thing Zoe heard was Aunt Michelle chanting in a language she didn't understand... and then the pain mercifully ended as she felt her very being dissolve.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:42 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another universe...Zoe blinked as the world stopped spinning around her. She held onto the wall beside her to keep from stumbling. Where was she? She gaped at the scene in front of her. She was in a towering cavern with a ceiling so high she could barely see the end of it; and in the middle was a throne with skulls for handrests. She gawked as she looked closer; those were real skulls! And there were skulls littered all along the floor! And behind the throne, stone faces were frozen in grimaces of pain and anger. Zoe suddenly felt the urge to vomit. Grife, where had Aunt Michelle taken her? Why had she taken her? What was all that about that not being her real life? She looked around. Maybe she could find a way out... The blonde woman, Imra, lay still on the ground. The white-haired woman was trying to sit up, moaning. But they were wearing weird costumes instead of normal clothes. And nearly a dozen other men and women were gathered around the room. One of them had a full face mask on; another was a girl with facial tattoos, not unlike African warriors she had seen. And one of them looked like a normal man, but was green all over! And behind this group, Mr. Morgan was wearing purple robes and a green winged hat; his beard was completely white and had grown down to his shoulders. But it wasn't just his outfit that made Zoe pause; his hands were glowing with bright light! She backed away slowly. What was this crazy place? She found herself with her back against hard rock. "I am sorry, Kinetix," a low, gravelly voice murmured behind her. Heart in her throat, she turned, afraid of what she might see. A large stone man was carrying Aunt Michelle in his arms. He stared down at Zoe with large white eyes, and stretched a hand out towards her. "Please, come with me. You will be safe." Time seemed to stand still as Zoe took in the sight. Then, without even thinking about it, she ran. She barely heard the woman with close-cropped hair snort as she fled. "Nice going, Stone-Face. Zoe, wait!" But the woman's calls were drowned out as the cavern began to shake.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:43 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe..."Are you okay, Mysa?" Mysa opened her eyes to Blok's gentle and gravelly voice. She quickly pulled her long hair forward to see what color it was. White. Snow white. Her heart soared with relief for a moment. She was back; she no longer had to use every fiber of her being to contain Mordru within her. "Oh, Blok! I am myself again!" Blok's smile was the widest she had ever seen. He opened his mouth to speak... only to interrupted by a frazzled Lightning Lass. "Sorry to cut the reunion short," she snapped, "but this isn't exactly the best place!" Mysa sat upright as the sound of explosions and rumbling filled the air. Zerox was shaking all around them. "Everyone gather close," Brainiac 5 ordered as he strained to maintain a forcefield around the assembled Legionnaires. A concerned Star Boy was tending to a recovering Dream Girl, while Sensor Girl and Element Lad were kneeling beside an unconscious Saturn Girl. "A little ammonium carbonate should do the trick," Jan said as he waved his hands. Imra gave a small moan and stirred. Mysa gasped as she looked around. "Has he gotten control of Zerox already?" Sensor Girl stepped forward. "Be at ease, Mysa. I am keeping everything hidden from Mordru, at least while we are near him. Kinetix will be safe for now." "She ran away almost as soon as she woke up," Ayla shook her head with frustration. "Wouldn't even listen to us. But she'll be fine until we can catch her. She has a good guardian angel." "Let me assist you, Brainiac 5 sir," Glorith's quiet voice was laced with calm determination. Magical energies erupted around them, reinforcing the forcefield dome. The falling debris around them seemed to slow down in their descent, no doubt a side effect of Glorith's time-based magic. "Please rest, my teacher. You have just ended a terrible ordeal." "Besides, we have a more immediate threat to deal with," Nura said as she hobbled over. "Ugh. Remind me not to enter the minds of any sociopaths in the near future." She quickly made her way to Imra. "Imra, if you're okay, we need to get Zoe's memories back so Mordru can stop leeching her powers." Saturn Girl nodded, and forced herself up. "Thank you, Jan. I can manage now." "Two team split then?" Nura asked. Jan nodded. "I can stall Mordru. Brainy, Thom, Ayla, Glorith, Jeckie and Blok should be more than enough until reinforcements arrive." "And Imra and I will go after Kinetix." "Wait," Mysa said weakly. "I shall go with you." "No, Mysa," Nura shook her head. "You've been to hell and back. You need to rest and replenish your strength." Mysa drew up to her full height, and made it a point to stand. "No, Nura. I appreciate the concern, and it is true I am very weak now. But I still have my magical knowledge which Kinetix does not. I will be needed to guide her with what she still must do." Dream Girl looked at Element Lad and Saturn Girl, who both nodded. Dream Girl sighed, then nodded as well. "Okay, Mysa. I know you can take care of yourself." She checked her nails and frowned. "Ugh. I'll break three more before we finish." She looked at the others. "Keep safe, everyone. I won't lie." Her melodious tone turned serious as she looked everyone straight in the eye. "Things are going to get much, much worse in a few minutes."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:43 AM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe...Zoe ran and ran, her head pounding all the way. Where was she? Who were these people? Why were they doing this to her? Could she hide from them? And would she ever be able to get home? No, don't think about that now, she told herself. Just concentrate on getting out of here.Stifling a sob, she kept running. **************************************************************** Mordru crackled with energy as he let his magics feel the throne room of Zerox. "Don't be fools, Legionnaires. Your Mysa failed to pacify me with a benign fantasy of life on 21st century Earth! See how I drew Zoe Saugin into my own fantasy world without Mysa detecting it? I have already forged a link with the magic stored inside her body! And I retain that link even now that Mysa has reversed the spells that allowed us to absorb each other!" He raised his hands higher, and the cavern shuddered. "Aaah, see how Zerox acknowledges the return of its rightful master?" He spread his hands out; tendrils of magical energy snaked into the walls and floor, causing the cavernous palace to shake. "Surrender Mysa and Zoe to me now, and I shall kill you swiftly, Legionnaires! I know you are hiding here!" "Oh, shut up!" Electricity arced across the cavern, striking Mordru right in the face. "Lightning Lass!" Mordru roared with anger as the shock hit him. He swiftly traced the source of the bolt and caused the ground in that area to explode. Dust filled the air, which he cleared with a wave of his hand. To his surprise, no body lay in the pit. "Face me, coward!" What felt like jagged rock slammed into Mordru's back. He bounced forward and crashed into the wall. "Our attempts at self-preservation are not a mark of cowardice," Blok rumbled. The large Legionnaire hefted a large rock and slammed it down on Mordru. "I do not wish to use such violence, but you must be stopped." "Good going, Blok!" Star Boy grinned as he compressed the rocks down onto Mordru as tightly as he could. Rocks joined together to form boulders. "He must be under 30 meters of rock now!" "Not enough," Element Lad stepped forward. "Keep piling mass on him, while I transmute his oxygen and seal off the edges of the pile." "Two parts inertron per part of titanium should do," Brainiac 5 added. "And now I shall add an extra layer of security using my forcefield." Sensor Girl helped Lightning Lass to her feet. "Are you well, Ayla?" "Yeah, thanks Jeckie," Ayla brushed off the dust on her costume. "Your illusions were able to throw his aim off." Glorith, who had been hovering silently all this time, spoke in a strained voice. "It was difficult, but I have been able to block his connection to Kinetix. Hopefully my spell will last long enough for her to regain her memory, and also control of her magical energies." "Great," Star Boy commented as he kept raining debris down on Mordru. "So we just have to keep him under wraps. Shouldn't be too hard. I mean, bury him and he shuts down. We just have to make sure we've buried him enough." "Don't get cocky, Thom," Jan was visibly sweating as he transmuted the debris into a solid prison. "Nura predicted things would get worse. And Mordru's time on Zerox may have attuned him to the planet. It might not be so simple." "INDEED!" Mordru's thunderous exclamation was drowned out by an exploding mass of rock and stone! Only Glorith's immediate reaction shielded the Legionnaires from falling debris that wasn't under Brainiac 5's forcefield dome. "What happened? I thought you had cut him off from Kinetix's power?" Ayla asked Glorith. "I did. He must still have tremendous magical stores of his own. And he is attuned to Zerox, as my teacher Mysa has predicted," Glorith panted. "We must rethink our strategy." "I would recommend a titanium-inertron shield that completely cuts him off from the rock?" Brainiac 5's voice was calm and calculating. "Projectra, can you sense if Mordru is still under my field?" Before Sensor Girl could answer, the ground split open outside the forcefield dome. An enraged Mordru stepped out slowly and calmly. "I am losing patience, Legionnaires. You will surrender your magic users to me NOW. Or else." "Be calm, Legionnaires, and let us wait. I am still masking his senses," Sensor Girl warned. The seven of them held their breaths as Mordru turned around to survey the room, his hands crackling with energy all the while. "Do you think this is as bad as it gets?" Lightning Lass whispered. "You heard Dream Girl," Brainiac 5 said. "She asked us to educate ourselves on 21st century magical heroes. I have a suspicion that..." His words were drowned out as Mordru thundered. "If you will not reveal ourselves, then I command my servants to seek you out!" The energy from his hands crackled outwards, illuminating the stone statues on the walls. The immobile faces, frozen in rage and pain, began to move. One by one, they tore themselves free from the cavern walls and flew down to face Mordru. The horrified Legionnaires looked on as one, wearing a hood over her face, spoke. "We awaken, Master. What is your bidding?" "Find the Legionnaires. Bring the magic users to me." Mordru crossed his arms and paused for a second, considering. "And kill the rest." "As you wish, Master," the stone woman bowed. "Will they be able to see through my illusions, Glorith?" Sensor Girl asked quietly. She was still regal, something Glorith could not quite maintain yet. Glorith shivered despite herself. "Not immediately. But in a few minutes, I think they will." The silence between them was palpable. Then Jan took his flight ring. "Phantom Girl, for all our sakes I hope you will make it here before Nura's deadline." He didn't even wait to hear Tinya's reply before he turned to face the others. "Well, what are you all waiting for? We need to find a defensible spot. Let's move!" The seven Legionnaires flew off. Glorith spared a backwards glance, and immediately wished she hadn't. Dozens of stone figures lumbered around; all had been heroes in life, but were now slaves to the Dark Lord in death. They had not known true peace for hundred of years. She hoped with all her heart that they could free these slaves, as they had freed Kinetix. And she hoped with all her might that the same fate would not befall any of them here today.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:43 AM.
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Wooh!! Looking forward to the big showdown!
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Thanks raz! Looking forward to writing it 
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Intermission time! I have created a Recap Thread to summarize everything that has gone on so far. I will add to it periodically. The very first post of this thread also contains a link to the recap.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up! VOLUME 2: SCATTERED SOULS
In another Legion's universe...Zoe peered cautiously around the corner of the narrow passageway she had taken shelter in. She heaved a sigh of relief at the lack of movement. Faint sounds poke of a distant battle being fought; maybe with everyone distracted, she could slip outside. And then what? She was in a place she couldn't even believe was real; what was she going to do once she made it out? Close her eyes and tap her heels three times to get home? The clanging of footsteps pulled her out of her reverie. Holding her breath, she pushed her back against the wall, twisted her head to the side and listened intently. Were they coming closer? She pulled herself down as close to the ground as possible. She gingerly placed the hand mirror she carried on the ground, tilting it just so to allow her to peer around the corner... The wall across her erupted in a shower of rock and dust. Coughing, Zoe scrambled backwards as a large orange creature came into view. Massive arms flexed and fangs bared, it leered at Zoe. She screamed as she turned around to run. As she swung around, a man in a form-fitting blue suit and a red cape moved to block her way. She gasped as he raised a long, gleaming sword and pointed it at her throat. "W-wait," she raised her hands in front of her, taking a step backwards. The man flicked his wrist, slashing at the wall beside her. Zoe's breath caught as she stopped in her tracks. "No..." The big orange creature, fangs pulled back in an vicious grin, flanked the man with the sword on his right. A huge golden gorilla stepped up to the swordsman's left. All three began to advance. Zoe held out her left hand. "St-stop! Go away!" She reached out furiously with her right hand, trying to grab hold of something, anything, which she could use to protect herself. Her hands closed around a chunk of stone; she screamed as she threw it at her attackers. All three smiled cruelly at her feeble attempt. The golden gorilla leaped forward; the ground shook as it landed. It landed inches in front of her and bent over until its face was millimeters away. "You didn't really think that would work, did you?" Zoe's breath caught in her throat. She tried to close her eyes, but couldn't force herself to. Somehow, the gorilla being able to talk only made things scarier. "Come along now. It won't hurt much, and soon you'll be one of us." It reached a big, hairy hand towards her... Something else else green and purple flashed in front of her, and the gorilla bounced back. "She's not interested, pal!" Zoe gasped as a short-haired brunette sprang into view. "She belongs to only one team, and that's the Legion!" The brunette pulled what looked like a gun from her belt and fired at the snarling gorilla's chest. It roared in pain and bent over, clutching its wound; the brunette kicked it in the head. "Look out!" Zoe yelled as the swordsman swung. The brunette blurred and vanished as the sword met only air; a second later, the brunette reappeared and slammed the swordsman's head into the wall. "Thanks," the brunette smiled at Zoe. "Here, take this." She tossed a gun at Zoe as she disappeared once more; the orange creature lunged at where she had been. Zoe's eyes widened as the creature turned towards her. "I dunno what's up, but you're comin' with me, sweets." Hands shaking, Zoe aimed her gun at him. "No!" "You heard her, she said NO!" The brunette reappeared with a flying kick to the orange brute's head; she landed nimbly as he went down into a heap on the ground. Holstering her gun, she turned to face Zoe with a big smile on her face. "Nice going, Zoe. Glad to see you still have your fighting spirit." "H... how do you know me?" Zoe squeaked as she clutched her chest. "What were those things?" "Magical heroes of the past, and now slaves of Mordru," the brunette said as she pulled Zoe up. "Bork, Nightmaster and Congorilla. They meant to bring you to Mordru so he could finish enslaving you too. But we won't let that happen, of course." "I... I don't understand..." Zoe slipped her hand out of the brunette's. "Do you mean Mr. Morgan? What does he want with me? Who are you? Are you friends with Aunt Michelle?" She kept facing the brunette even as she bent down to pick up her handbag. "Do you know those other people back there?" "We're the good guys, honey," the brunette smiled as she held up a ring. "See this? You used to have one like it. You just don't remember yet. I'm Shrinking Violet, but you probably know me... knew me... as your friend Sally." Zoe's eyes widened. "How can you be her? You're so much older!" Zoe studied the brunette's face intently. "You look like her, but how can I be sure? Are we in the future?" The brunette - Sally - chuckled. "You have no idea. Look, I know it's a lot to take in, but we don't have time to explain. There are more of these slaves around, and we have to keep moving. Wait, let me report in." She held her ring up to her mouth. "Violet to Legion. Mysa was right, the slaves are now flesh and blood. Should make things easier. I have Zoe." Sally paused for a second. "Copy. Make it fast, though." Then she held out a hand. "Zoe, I know you don't recognize me, but you have to trust me. We can help you remember everything." Zoe clutched the gun nervously as she eyed Sally. She looked like Sally, and her voice sort of sounded like Sally's... "I don't know... prove that you are Sally." Sally shook her head. "Your memories are different from mine. This isn't the world you know. But I know that pendant around your neck came from your mom." Zoe fingered her pendant. "Go on." Frustration crept into Sally's voice. "You like Gim. You've made tons of dresses for me. You adore black hole layer cake." Zoe shook her head. "Black hole layer cake? What the sprock is that?" "Listen to yourself." Sally's hand closed around Zoe's. "What word did you just say?" Zoe paused. "Sprock? It's a nonsense word." "No, it's not. Haven't you ever wondered how you came up with it?" "I... I've never told anyone." Zoe felt her head swimming. "I always thought I invented it as a kid." "We use it a lot here. Now, look." Sally's face was level with Zoe's own, and Zoe thought she could see the sincerity in her eyes. "My teammates can help you, if you let them. Why would I give you a blaster if I didn't want to protect you?" Zoe's hand closed nervously around the gun she held. "And here's something else for you." Sally opened her palm; in it was a golden ring with a stylized golden L and a star nested in a solid black background. "Go on, take it." Zoe gingerly reached out and touched it. "It... it looks so familiar." "It should. It's yours." Zoe picked it up tentatively and gave Sally a quizzical look. The brunette shrugged her shoulders. "Try it on your ring finger. I bet it fits perfectly." Shaking, Zoe held the ring up. It looked so familiar... The light glinted on it. It wasn't the most beautiful ring she'd ever seen, but it was the one she wanted to try on the most. But this was all too much to take in. She looked at Sally again; the woman who looked so much like her friend, yet was somehow different, looked back at her impatiently. Zoe clutched the ring in her palm, then shoved it into her pocket. "No, not yet. I know you saved me Sally, but I'm still not sure." The brunette sighed and shook her head. "They told me it wouldn't be easy..." Then she held her hand open. "Come on, then. I have to get you to safety until the others can catch up." Zoe closed her eyes, then took Sally's hand. She had saved her, after all. And it wasn't like she would stand a chance on her own. "Okay, then. Now what?" "Now..." Sally said as she drew her gun once more. "Now we find a safe place, because things are just going to get crazier."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:44 AM.
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Joined: Nov 2009
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Vi!  Having the magical heroes turned bad is an awesome move (and potentially frightening considering who that could be in the DCU!) I have a feeling Zoe is gonna kick some butt when she gets her full memories and power back!
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Thanks raz! I'm going to enjoy writing an awesome bunch of fight scenes here. I almost wish it could be the Postboot-era Legion in the thick of things, but they'll have to wait their turn. I'm surprised at how much fun I'm having with the Retroboot team. And Zoe's time will come, too 
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