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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
by Korbal - 03/31/25 11:52 AM
Kill This Thread XVII - Retirement Age
by Ann Hebistand - 03/31/25 11:46 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:45 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:01 AM
DC is Reviving the Legion Soon! Everyone Will Embrace It!
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 08:44 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
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Legionnaire Bios - Part 11 Density, Lamprey, Sizzle, Tellus

This section will initially cover all Active Legionnaires; former Active Legionnaires are included too (whether deceased or retired). It also includes those who were offered, but refused, Active membership.

This aims to cover developments during my stories, but also to remind myself about what makes each character tick smile I did not attempt to note down every single defining character moment for each, but to stick to the broad strokes that offer insight into their personalities.

I will list the Legionnaires in the order in which they joined. Where several Legionnaires join at the same time, they will be listed alphabetically. As these bios are fairly long, I will have 3-6 Legionnaires in each post.

Second Batch of Legion Cadet Graduates, Volume 4

The remaining top scorers from the last test are invited to take a new test. Density and Lamprey sign up; Sizzle and Tellus decline. Then-Cadet Brawler interrupts the test, nearly killing several Legionnaires. Density, Lamprey, Sizzle and Tellus are all invited to join the Legion, though only the first three accept.

Density, Jed Rikane of Earth (Mongolia and Nepal) and Quothon; controls his body's density

Jed Rikane's father was from the high-gravity world of Quothon; this heritage made Jed stronger and bigger than most of his peers. Combined with his purple skin, Jed would have stood out on most planets; but with the diversity on Earth, he blended right in. Having grown up fairly comfortably, Jed also developed an easygoing attitude to life - as long as he was having fun, things were good.

Unfortunately, his parents suffered an accident. Looking to support them while they recovered, Jed volunteered for an Earth government study that tried to replicate meta-powers of Legionnaires. He met Tel Vole during his intake, and Jed quickly asked the attractive young man for his number.

Jed was exposed to Bgztlian touchstones in a bid to duplicate Apparition's phasing abilities. While he never gained full intangibility, Jed did gain the ability to control his density. Before Jed could fully explore the applications of this power, the laboratory he was in was shut down - apparently, the scientists there had not had the proper clearances to run their experiments.

The government quickly referred Jed and Tel (who had also gained powers) to the Legion Cadet program (Volume 1, 3). Jed was a good Cadet, though not one of the most ambitious. Still, he pushed himself harder than he normally would, because he knew how important Legion membership was to Tel. Tel and Jed's relationship blossomed, and only about a year after meeting each other, they got married.

When Tel successfully passed the first Cadet exam, Jed barely missed getting an invitation - compared to those who did, Jed seemed a bit too laid-back, and did not use his abilities as creatively as the others. Anxious about being separated from his husband, Tel tried to lobby for Jed's membership, much to Jed's embarrassment and the annoyance of many Legionnaires. The couple successfully navigated the tension and strain on their relationship, after Jed pointed out that he was not as ambitious as Tel - but that he had every intention of staying with his husband, even if it meant settling for a role in the Legion support staff. Jed would later pass the second Cadet exam by defeating Brawler and using his powers creatively (like lowering his density to ride a tidal wave), much to Tel's elation. Having gone on a few missions already, Jed has admitted to himself that being a Legionnaire is more fun than he expected (Volume 4).

Lamprey, Tayla Skott of Earth (Maldives and Palau) and Neptune; underwater survival; hydrokinesis

Born to an Earth father and a Neptuniuan mother on Earth, Tayla was always encouraged by her parents to connect with both her roots. Tayla spent many carefree days on Neptune with her maternal grandparents; but her time on Earth also made her fall in love with the water. Taking up sports such as surfing and diving, Tayla often wished she could spend more time in the water.

Her wish come true, in a bad way; she was caught in an undercurrent. Running out of oxygen and losing consciousness, Tayla's body triggered her metagene; she quickly realized she could function underwater and even control the water around her!

Encouraged by her dual heritage, Tayla thought to join the Legion Cadet program (as Lamprey) to both master her powers and help promote diversity and inclusion in the galaxy (Volume 1). She was one of the Cadets stuck on Legion World during the Monitor's takeover, and played a part in defeating him and his army (Volume 3). Seeing the reunited Legion, and the advancement of fellow Cadet Mentalla to full Active membership, motivated Lamprey to push harder. Tayla befriended fellow Cadet Amp, who was equally as determined to advance. Together with Chemical Kid, Inferno and Echo, the five logged plenty of supplementary training hours.

Lamprey did well in the first Cadet exam, but was ultimately passed over. However, the Legion made sure to inform Lamprey that she was only passed over due to concerns about the potential limitations of her power - what would she do in dry environments, or places where there was no water source? Her close friends Amp and Nightwind both offered to tutor her, as did many other Legionnaires - a sign of how well-regarded Lamprey was.

During her second exam, Lamprey displayed creative uses of her powers. She kept a small flask of water on hand just in case, but she also learned how to draw water vapor from the air... and from the bodies of sentients. Based on her strong showing against former fellow Cadet Brawler, Lamprey was quickly voted in. She has quickly developed a reputation for being one of the nicest and most considerate Legionnaires on the team (Volume 4).

Sizzle, Teela Spuunvil of Abaddonus; absorbs and converts energy

Teela had always wanted to leave Abaddonus. She felt it was a dull world, in the middle of nowhere, without much to make it stand out other than the red skin color of its natives. So when interplanetary travel opened up due to the Stargates, Teela hopped on the first flight out.

She bounced around for a while, eventually ending up on Earth... just as Ra's al Ghul launched his Hypertaxis engine. Barely escaping the Terrorforms, Teela was shocked to discover that the Hypertaxis conditions had activated her metagene; she could absorb any form of energy and convert it into something else. When things settled down, she joined the Legion Cadet program (as Sizzle) to understand her powers better. She quickly learned that she could not store energy; anything she absorbed had to be released right away.

Sizzle treated the Cadet program as a game for a while (Volume 1). However, the first Cadet test was a wake up call for her. In the middle of the test, Sizzle realized how much real danger she could be in. The Legion took notice of her epiphany, and watched in interest as she began approaching the test with much more maturity and caution. This was enough to move Sizzle from the low-score tier to the high-score tier; and Sizzle was given specific feedback. She applied herself, learning how to draw on ambient energy from the environment; she also became very conscious of her limits. She could handle much less energy than, say, Spark or Live Wire or Inferno; but her advantage was in her versatility. Wildfire, in particular, spent a lot of time helping her improve.

When the second Cadet exam was announced, Sizzle decided to hold off; she wanted to hone her skills further, and did not feel confident enough to join another VR simulation. However, then-Cadet Brawler interfered with the exam, putting several Legionnaires and Cadets in danger. Working with Density, Lamprey, Tellus and Triad; Sizzle cleverly attacked Brawler from outside the VR room. This impressed the Legion, and - upon the insistence of Density and Lamprey - Sizzle's membership was voted on, and the Legion invited her to join. Buoyed by their confidence in her, Sizzle accepted. She still feels a bit of disbelief at her progress, but has embraced Legion membership with both hands (Volume 4).

Tellus, Ganglios of Hykraius; telepathy and telekinesis

Like most Hykraians, Ganglios did not really have a concept of anything beyond the Great Mother Ocean that covered their world. Until one day, the United Planets made contact.

Many Hykraians were shocked to learn that there were other worlds out there, and that most were not at all like theirs. The United Planets, sensing the potential of a race of telepathic and telekinetic sentients, eagerly began developing ways to accommodate them off-world. Ganglios, taking the code name Tellus (explorer, in their language), volunteered to test the helmets that were produced. After all, there was much to experience out there.

Naturally curious, Tellus enjoyed learning about the ways of the United Planets. But, he struggled to find his footing - he had to rely on his flight ring to move around on land. Worse, he found his telepathy more suited to life forms that were not fully sentient; fellow sentients just had so much going on (Volume 1,3). He marveled at how other telepaths like Saturn Girl and Mentalla could block out so much noise; they reassured him that they grew up learning to do so, and he could too, in time.

Tellus was a studious and sensible Cadet, but his main flaw was how unsure he was. He was always tentative; Kinetix explained to him that his powers were strong enough to be a Legionnaire, but that his teammates would trust him to clearly define his limits on missions. After the first Cadet test, Tellus did not get offered Active membership but did score in the highest tier of those who did not become Legionnaires because of his lack of confidence (Volume 4).

Some Legionnaires, such as Gates, tried to use tough love on Tellus; this only made him more unsure. When the second Cadet exam was announced, Tellus declined to participate, not feeling ready yet. However, then-Cadet Brawler interfered with the exam, putting several Legionnaires and Cadets in danger. Working with Density, Lamprey, Sizzle and Triad; Tellus coordinated their defeat of Brawler. The Legion was impressed enough to offer Tellus full membership, but he declined once more.

A mission to Lallor opened Tellus' eyes. Lallor was much quieter and slower-paced than Earth, and Tellus could read thoughts more easily because everyone else seemed so relaxed. More importantly, Lallor had much more animal life, and Tellus' telepathy was more useful there. He discovered that he could easily communicate with, and calm, Lallorian Hero Beastmaster while the latter was transformed. After a successful mission, Tellus decided to join the Heroes of Lallor; and due to the two teams' cross-reservist arrangement, Tellus remains a Reserve Legionnaire as well.

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Legionnaire Bios - Part 12 RJ Brande, Shvaughn Erin, Superboy (Kon-El), Dragonmage

Now that the Active Legionnaires have their bios, I will move to Honorary Legionnaires and some key Reserve members.

This aims to cover developments during my stories, but also to remind myself about what makes each character tick smile I did not attempt to note down every single defining character moment for each, but to stick to the broad strokes that offer insight into their personalities.

Honorary Legionnaires

Rene Jacques "RJ" Brande of unknown; telepathy of unknown levels; Legion Founder/Financier and United Planets Ambassador to the Second Galaxy

*Recognized for founding the Legion! and being their continued supporter all throughout

The origins and early life of RJ Brande are shrouded in mystery, and he prefers it that way. What is known is that RJ Brande was both an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. Brande Industries dabbled in manufacturing; none of it was particularly exciting or noteworthy until he revealed his brainchild: Stargates! Stargates allowed for point-to-point faster-than-light travel between stargates, where a ship simply had to enter one and exit another. Not only did this greatly reduce the time and cost needed for interplanetary travel, but it helped the fledgling United Planets build stronger ties.

RJ was always a believer in diversity and collaboration; and though a private citizen, he was very active in United Planets (UP) affairs. He even had the ear of President Jeanne Chu (LSH 0, LSH Secret Files 1).

Hoping to accelerate the growth of the UP, RJ was encouraged by his executive assistant and adoptive daughter Luornu Durgo (relationship revealed: Legionnaires 24) to take a tour of the galaxy to mingle with the average sentient (LSH Secret Files 1). On the last stop of his tour, RJ was saved from an assassination attempt by Rokk Krinn of Braal, Garth Ranzz of Winath ,and Imra Ardeen of Titan. Each came from a different world, and two of those (Braal and Titan) had just recently ended a war. RJ's imagination ignited; inspired by the great heroes of the 20th century, he proposed founding a Legion of Super-Heroes to champion diversity and cooperation to inspire the galaxy. RJ even committed to funding most of the costs. The Legion was born (LSH 0).

After a few birthing pains, RJ helped the Legion bring down President Chu for illegal acts. For his role, RJ was elected - against his will - as UP President. Though angered and upset, RJ took to the role swimmingly; he made the Legion a volunteer unit, abolishing the draft, and giving them much freedom (LSH 80).

RJ continued to support the Legion strongly, working closely with them and the UP Armed Forces to stop Mordru. When Violet became deathly ill, RJ revealed previously-unknown telepathic powers; he entered her mind and brought her back from the brink (Legionnaires 48-52). RJ helmed the UP through several crises, such as the Dark Circle's attempt to seize power (LSH 106-108, Legionnaires 62-65). Unfortunately, one such crisis was tied to RJ's Stargate network; the Blight used the Stargates to entwine Earth and seven other worlds. RJ worked with the Legion to organize resistance; and the Blight were eventually defeated. However, the UP sought to place blame, and they blamed RJ for not securing the Stargates against the Blight. RJ was impeached and the Legion was disbanded (LSH 122-125, Legionnaires 79-81).

RJ kept the Legion alive with a small group. Cosmic Boy, Invisible Kid, Violet and Chuck Taine acted as a Subterfuge Squad, going on missions (Legion Worlds 3); Triad diverted resources from Brande Industries; Gear engineered Legion World, and Sensor hid it. When the lost Legionnaires returned from the Kwai Galaxy, RJ was on hand to welcome them back (Legion 3); and he helped them stop Ra's al Ghul (Legion 8). For his actions, RJ was made the United Planets' Ambassador to the Kwai Galaxy (Legion 25-33, LSH Secret Files 3003). RJ's role has since expanded to being the UP's Secretary of the Exterior. He has continued to support the Legion, acting as a father figure to many on the team; any Legionnaire can call him any time, and he will drop everything to help them (Volume 4).

RJ also enjoys bluegrass music, cigars, and delicious fatty food (LSH Secret Files 2). RJ also maintains an estate on Mars (Legionnaires 37).

Shvaughn Erin of Earth (Ireland and Montenegro); Science police captain and Legion Liaison Officer

*Recognized for helping the Legion on several missions, such as being stranded in the 20th century (LSH 85-100), resisting the Blight (Legion of the Damned LSH 122), and piercing the Robotican shield (Legion 14)

Shvaughn always believed in law and order; her parents had educated her on many of the wars and conflicts Earth suffered in millennia past, and she understood that the prosperity of today was only because Earth now had a unified government. She joined the Science Police to help keep that government stable. Thus, when the Legion of Super-Heroes was formed, Shvaughn was skeptical of having untrained, young vigilantes act as super-heroes (LSH 0). Shvaughn would have an especially strong dislike of Leviathan, who had left the Science Police to join the Legion; it did not help that Shvaughn was critically injured by the Composite Durlan while Leviathan was there (Legionnaires 25).

Shvaughn was appointed to the role of Legion Liaison; she was angered at her perceived punishment, thinking it would be a desk job. Her colleagues mercilessly made fun of her as well. But as Shvaughn dug into the Legion's personnel files, she became inspired by the hardships that XS and Kinetix endured, and her view of Leviathan improved when she realized he joined the Legion to help people. Shvaughn became a staunch supporter thereafter (LSH Annual 6), even trying to stop Science Police officers from arresting Brainiac 5 (Legionnaires 32). Shvaughn would also lead the Legion's Support Staff in protecting the HQ from shapeshifting invaders (Legionnaires 35).

Shvaughn would not hesitate to leap into action when needed; she shot at the Emerald Eye when it possessed Violet and the Legion, but was turned into a baby for her efforts. She insisted on joining Saturn Girl's last stand, and was sent back to the 20th century with half the Legion - thankfully, as an adult (Legionnaires 40, LSH 84-85). Shvaughn stayed with the Legion throughout, assisting as best she could with her police skills despite not having any powers (LSH 85-100), though she struggled with being the only non-powered person and with being a bit older than the other Legionnaires (LSH 94). Upon returning to the 30th century, Shvaughn was promoted to Sergeant for her service (Legionnaires 58). She would continue to work closely with the Legion, even going into the field on Durla to defend it against the Dark Circle (Legionnaires 63-64); and she was one of the last members of the Resistance against the Blight to be captured (LSH 122).

After the Legion fell into the Rift, Shvaughn remained with the Science Police; she would work with M'Onel from time to time (Legion Worlds 1). When the Legion returned, she eagerly returned to her role as Legion Liaison, and even helped the Legion breach Robotica's shield around Earth (Legion 13-14).

Shvaughn was actually attracted to M'Onel; she had realized that he was the legendary Valor, but kept it secret. M'Onel also knew that she knew. When the Legion reunited during the Monitor's invasion, M'Onel thanked her for being trustworthy. M'Onel became attracted to Shvaughn for her maturity, and for her seeing him as a man rather than a legend. The two have become a couple. M'Onel worries a lot about hurting Shvaughn accidentally; they keep red sun lamps in their quarters so M'Onel can relax while with Shvaughn. M'Onel also gifted Shvaughn a special signal watch so she can call him when needed; he accepts that her job is dangerous, and understands that she does not want him to coddle her (Volume 3-4).

Superboy, Kon-El of 20th century Earth/Krypton; tactile telekinesis that simulates super-strength, flight and invulnerability

*Recognized for helping save Valor - now M'Onel - from the Phantom Zone in L* 31

The 20th century Superboy was originally conceived as a clone of Superman, but has since developed his own legacy and identity. When Lar Gand contracted lead poisoning, Superboy was forced to exile him into the Phantom Zone until a cure could be found. That cure only materialized a thousand years in the future; in fact, Superboy was pulled by the Legion to the 30th century to help create it (Superboy v3 19 and 21, LSH 74, Legionnaires 31). For his help, the Legion awarded Superboy with Honorary Membership. Triad Purple also briefly flirted with Superboy, though nothing came of it.

When the Legion was stranded in the 20th century, Superboy assisted from time to time, especially against COMPUTO (LSH 98-100).

Superboy was dragged again to the 31st century for a time, where he operated alongside the Legion, joining field missions, until they could determine the exact time he left to return him safely (Legion 25-33). The cavalier Superboy would experience friction with Cosmic Boy, who held him to very high standards. Eventually, Superboy returned to his own time (Titans/Legion Special); he still retains Honorary membership and even helped the Legion find a time-lost Cosmic Boy (Volume 4).

Special Entry

Dragonmage, Xao Jin of New Shanghai (Earth colony); sorcery

Xao was born on the exact moment the Lunar New Year transitioned to the Year of the Dragon. Somehow, this alignment gave him the ability to harness magical energy and cast spells in the form of dragons; and imbued him strongly with the qualities of a Dragon: power, nobility, tenacity, confidence, intelligence and a thirst for honor. It did bring a few bad traits as well: Xao tended to be hotheaded, sharp-tongued, overly confident and unheeding of external criticism.

As soon as he was old enough, Xao took the name Dragonmage, and left New Shanghai to join the Legion of Super-heroes. As soon as he demonstrated his powers though, acting leader Live Wire vetoed his application (Legionnaires 43). Having just encountered the Emerald Eye (LSH 83-84, Legionnaires 40-41) and a vengeful Mysa (Legionnaires 42), and still reeling from Violet being possessed by the Eye, half the Legion being sent back through time, the whole Legion temporarily being possessed by the Eye, and Mysa manipulating Kinetix - Live Wire simply wanted nothing to do with magic. Kinetix and Star Boy questioned Live Wire, but an angry Xao had already stormed off.

Hoping to convince the Legion of his worth, Xao made his way to the disturbed tomb of Mordru, as he sensed a strong magical being had been freed. Mysa appeared, chastising him for his recklessness; she enlisted Xao in her efforts to stop Mordru (Legionnaires 46). She filled Xao in on Mordru's past acts and sent him to warn the Legion; a frightened Xao broke into Legion HQ and was restrained by Invisible Kid. Xao returned to Mysa, empty-handed (Legionnaires 47).

Xao assisted Mysa in abducting Kinetix, so she could explain Mordru's plans and his connection to the Emerald Eye. Kinetix convinced Mysa and Xao to join forces with the Legion and the United Planets task force. Xao played a key role in the battle versus Mordru, though he was severely injured and lost most of his magical abilities. Xao departed with a rejuvenated Mysa to recover, and a budding attraction developed (Legionnaires 48-52).

Mysa tutored Xao in his magical abilities, and their relationship remained mainly professional. Xao, impatient with his lack of progress, sought out more sources of power. He was warned by a ghostly guardian, but ignored it; his efforts unleased four elementals who had been imprisoned by Mordru. The elementals possessed one host each, and wrought much destruction on Earth and Swizzar; they stole all the water from Gil'd; and destroyed the entire planet Dryad. Xao, his magical abilities returned, joined Mysa and the Legion in defeating the elementals on JS-1967, before they could revive and attack Mordru. Xao lost his magical abilities once more. Disturbed and shamed by the death and destruction he had inadvertently caused, Xao turned himself into the authorities for imprisonment (Legionnaires 71-74). A saddened Mysa supported his decision, and hoped he would learn to be more patient.

Xao was one of the captives of the Monitor on Legion World; the Monitor's experiments restored his magical abilities in full, and he helped the Legion stop the Monitor (Volume 3). Still shamed by his past actions, Xao refused Mysa's offer to put him forward for Active Legion membership. He was, however, voted in as a Reserve Legionnaire (Volume 3-4).

Xao returned to New Shanghai, and began teaching children to help atone. He helped the Legion on a few cases, such as the reformation of Dryad. Along the way, he was contacted by the Pig to join his Chinese Zodiac and summon the Chinese gods for wishes. Xao weighed the offer; on one hand, he realized the Pig was dangerous; on the other hand, he thought the Chinese gods could help him atone for his actions and restore the lives lost when he freed the Elementals. Thinking to join the plot to ensure the Pig would not harm anyone, Xao signed up. He was forced to battle the Legion to gather enough violent energies to power the spell; but Xao secretly cast his own counter-spell to ensure no Legionnaire would die, though many were severely injured. During the final battle, Xao helped prevent the Legion from stopping the Zodiac spell. The Chinese gods judged the Zodiac, punishing most and leaving the rest for modern justice. Upon learning that the reforming Dryad had been drained by the Pig for the spell, and was in danger of dying, the Legion offered to share their life forces; but it would not be enough. Xao volunteered to sacrifice himself to save Dryad. and died apologizing to Mysa. Dryad lives on, with Xao's life force keeping it alive in a diminished form (Volume 4).

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/31/23 10:01 AM.
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Legionnaire Bios - Part 13 Chlorophyll Kid, Mandalla, Tomb

Now that the Active Legionnaires have their bios, I will move to Honorary Legionnaires and some key Reserve members.

This aims to cover developments during my stories, but also to remind myself about what makes each character tick smile I did not attempt to note down every single defining character moment for each, but to stick to the broad strokes that offer insight into their personalities.

Other Reserve Legionnaires (also Legion Support Staff)

Chlorophyll Kid, Ral Benem of Mardru; accelerated plant growth (Disaster Relief & Development)

Coming from the agricultural world of Mardru, shy and anxious Ral had always loved plants. He preferred them over other people; plants didn't talk to him or befuddle him, and he could admire their beauty and their usefulness. He also didn't obsess over his interactions with them. When he was about 12, he was working at a farm over the summer; he fell into a vat of experimental fertilizer, and gained the ability to accelerate plant growth. He gleefully used his power, before being gently told that randomly accelerating plant growth could play havoc with the environment. Ral spent the next few years becoming an expert on plants; specifically, uses for various plants, and which plants belonged to which ecosystem.

When the Legion held their first open tryouts, Ral thought he could join (cameo in Legionnaires 43). He wasn't very keen on fighting crime, but he thought joining the Legion would give him an in to the United Planets, where he could find better uses for his talents. A very nervous Ral botched his audition though; it turned out so badly that Ral fled the audition room before the sitting Legionnaires could give their verdict. Hoping to salvage the situation, Ral joined fellow rejects Brek Bannin and Lydda Jath when they formed a Substitute Legion team, but the team never saw action and fell apart naturally.

Some time later, Ral received a message from Brek about the Legion Cadet program. Ral decided to sign up, and was pleased to see all his former teammates from the Substitute Legion there as well. They formed their own sub-group within the larger Cadet body, cheering each other on; when Brek Bannin (Blizzard) and Drura Shept (Microbe) were promoted to full Legionnaire, Ral and the others celebrated. For his part, Ral was approached by Gates in forming a core team to spearhead relief missions through the United Planets; his unique powers meant Ral could easily bring large quantities of food supplies and healing ingredients to far-flung areas of the galaxy (Volume 1)

Soon, the rest would get their chance. Ral and the others took part in a VR membership test. The experience highlighted limitations for many of them; for Ral, it was not so much his powers but his attitude. The Legionnaires could clearly see that Ral was not very comfortable taking charge, and he was frightened of combat situations. The Legion gently urged Ral to consider his path: he could help the Legion without fighting. An elated Ral accepted, becoming part of the Legion's Disaster Relief and Development arm. He did ask to be counted as a Reserve Legionnaire; his experiences fighting the Monitor's army showed his power did have some combat applications.

Ral is one of a handful of Legion support staff members who also hold Reserve Legionnaire status, meaning he can be called on to join missions. Ral has made it clear that he prefers to join search and rescue or crowd control type missions, though. As with the other former Substitute Legionnaires, Ral keeps in touch with his teammates, most of whom joined the Uncanny Amazers or the Heroes of Lallor full-time, but who retain Reserve Legionnaires status as well.

Mandalla, Tari Wahlmunn of Takron-Galtos; projects a thought-sphere that affects the target's mental and physical functions (Legion medical staff)

Tari's mother was a citizen of Chiron, but gave birth to her on Takron-Galtos. Archaic laws from both worlds meant that Tari had to apply for Chiron citizenship; and was automatically granted Takron-Galtos citizenship for being born on its surface. As soon as she was old enough, Tari was taken to Chiron to live with relatives. She never quite felt at home though; most people were polite, but they whispered about the little girl who was born on a prison planet.

Her relatives started the procedures for to apply for Chiron citizenship, but as soon as Tari was old enough, she abandoned the idea. For one, she found it idiotic; needing to take a citizenship test and submit dozens of documents was not her style. Besides, she had inherited her mother's abilities to project a thought-sphere, and she used that to enter the Legion Cadet program.

Tari was a promising student, and her thought-sphere had varied applications - the only real drawback was that she could not easily control its area of focus. Any and all beings in its volume were affected, meaning she had to aim very precisely. Tari was realistic enough to know she would have a tough path to becoming a full Legionnaire, and actively sought out Support Staff positions. After all, she just wanted to serve with the team long enough to earn de facto citizenship on all United Planets worlds, like all Active, Reserve and Honorary Legionnaires had - and she knew very well that her powers and progress were enough to earn her Reserve membership. Besides, though she liked doing good, she didn't like it enough to always actively put herself in harm's way.

After the first Cadet test, Tari was not offered full Legion membership - but she was among those in the top tier of scorers. The Legion felt that she hung back a bit too much, and were concerned about the precision of her thought-sphere. When Legionnaires came to speak to her about her next move, Tari immediately asked about taking on a full-time Medical Staff role with Reserve Legion status. She was quickly offered a post, and her thought-sphere has come in handy for sedating patients, for use in therapy sessions with Legion psychiatrist Dr. Ryk'rr, and many others.

Tari happily serves in the Legion Medi-Bay, knowing that her time there will open many future doors for her. She has also served on a few missions, though mainly those involving crowd control.

Tomb, unpronounceable of Sarccus; controls others' bodily functions (Legion medical staff)

In the Legion's early days, President Jeanne Chu called on each United Planets world to draft one representative to join the team. However, she soon realized that some quality control and training would be needed - especially after the early death of Kid Quantum I. A Legion Academy was built, and Andromeda and Apparition were asked to ferry three students to it: Tomb, Cannus, and Brawler. For his part, Tomb definitely was powerful enough to be a Legionnaire; however, his homeworld Sarccus had had little contact with other planets before, and were not used to interacting with others. Tomb remained taciturn if a bit odd, and nearly came to blows with Brawler for laughing at the wrong time. Tomb did acquit himself well in battle, but he still remained at the Academy (Showcase '95 #6).

After the draft was abolished, the Legion Academy was shut down as well (Legionnaires 43). Tomb returned to Sarccus, though he did regret not seeing more of the United Planets.

When the Legion Cadet program was reformed, the net was cast wide. After all, the Legion's philosophy was that the program would be used to train sentients to be the best that they could be; they would not all become Legionnaires, and that was okay. Having more sentients out there who could control their powers and who were altruistic would be good for the galaxy, and places could be found for them (whether as Legion Support Staff, in the Science Police, or elsewhere). Tomb, Cannus and Brawler were all contacted, and all three became Legion Cadets.

Tomb kept mainly to himself at first, though he slowly learned how to interact with the others. He even came to consider the other Cadets as his friends, though they would be surprised at that; simply because Tomb did not really do typical "friend" things. But he was always willing to lend a hand of support. He also relished in learning more about the physiologies of other living beings, though he very strongly kept from tampering with his friends' systems - he knew it would be a breach of trust.

After the first Legion Cadet exam, the Legion did not invite Tomb to join. The consensus was that his powers were extremely useful and potent, but that he needed to learn to work better with others. It soon became clear that Tomb marched to his own beat, and the Legion decided to offer him a permanent spot on the Medical Team. Tomb happily accepted; he finally had an outlet for his powers and biological knowledge. Tomb did retain Reserve Legion status, and has joined a few missions - not only those involving search and rescue, but occasionally some offensive ones as well. After all, he does have one of the most versatile powersets on the team.

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Volume 5: What Makes Us Special

Post 1. Ultra Boy focuses on improving his combat effectiveness. He watches over Cub so Apparition can go to an appointment.

Post 2. Several Legionnaires attend Dragonmage's memorial service on JS-1967. Inferno shows Dryad the memorial for Brika, the Dryadian who was possessed by the Earth Elemental.

Post 3. Violet and Matter-Eater Lad have a romantic dinner. Tenzil opens up to Violet about his self-consciousness.

Post 4. Some of the Legionnaires discuss their choices for leader. Kid Quantum II is busy preparing for the handover. Theena calls Gear for a mission to Linsnar, much to Gear's consternation.

Post 5. Babbage, Kinetix, Microbe, Rebound and Legion Cadet Swallowtail head to Swizzar on a mission.

Post 6. Andromeda, Gear, Gravity, Saturn Girl, Tomb and Legion Cadet Healer head to Linsnar on a mission. Gear confides in Saturn Girl.

Post 7. On Swizzar, the Legionnaires investigate incidents where some Swizzarans disappear in a blinding light, and those left behind remain catatonic. Microbe and Swallowtail help give relief to those left behind, while Babbage, Kinetix and Rebound investigate the sites. The latter three are caught up in one of the light explosions.

Post 8. With difficulty, Gear slips back into old behavior on Linsnar, pretending not to think and act independently. The Coordinating Council (First Coordinator M.E.T.A, Deputy Coordinators D.E.L.L. and Z.O.O.M. explain that Linsnarians have been randomly falling ill and comatose.

Post 9. Microbe and Swallowtail are joined by Invisible Kid, Triad and Umbra; they track down Babbage, Kinetix and Rebound. Rebound manages to escape on his own. The bad guys are a gang led by Coluan Zula Hex, and include Bronto (big and strong dinosaur physique), Disks (a teleporting Vyrgan), Gangster (can duplicate indefinitely), Licht (from Lume's world), Pollen (controls plant pollens), Undertaker (from Tomb's world), and Ze Tongue (prehensile shape-shifting tongue). They were kidnapping Swizzarians from a mysterious buyer. The Legionnaires beat the bad guys and free the Swizzarians.

Post 10. More and more Linsnarians are falling comatose. Saturn Girl thinks that the Linsnarian's unique techno-organic physiology is the key clue. Andromeda, Saturn Girl and Tomb handle rescue efforts, Healer triages at the hospital. Amp, Apparition and Brainiac 5 join Gear and Gravity in tracking the source of the malady; their technological sides are being targeted by a radio signal sent by Tarik the Mute and rogue Robotican WIN-97! The Legionnaires reactivate WIN-97's Asimov Circuit, and - by focusing the signal through Gear - cure all the Linsnarians. Gear stands up for himself when M.E.T.A. compares him to S.I.R.I., and the Legionnaires cow M.E.T.A. into considering actions to stop the Linsnarians from blindly obeying anyone who would command them to do evil things.

Post 11. Sandy Anderson is living the high life on Ventura. A mysterious female leaves her a device with a message on it.

recap continues here

also adding a Roll Call of Pollen's group:

The Bad Weeds

Bronto of unknown; saurian physique with enhanced strength and durability
Disks of Vyrga; opens teleportation disks
Gangster of unknown; generates unlimited duplicates that vanish if he loses concentration
Licht of Silvan; energy being made of light
Pollen of unknown; plant-based physiology, including production of spores that cause a variety of effects
Undertaker, unpronounceable of Sarccus; controls others' bodily functions
Ze Tongue of unknown; prehensile, stretchable, shapeshifting tongue
Zula Hex of Colu; 8th level intelligence

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/10/23 03:25 AM.
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I need to go through this thread to see everyone else's write-up but I like Ral, Mandalla and Tomb's!

It's cool that there is a place for your Ral even though he's not really a fighter, and Mandalla's thoughtsphere is such a cool throwaway description for a power for someone who never really did anything at all in any of her appearances!

And I find Tomb really interesting, he's genuinely so weird compared to a lot of the superficially different Legion aliens!

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thanks, raz! glad you're liking these smile

I really think of the Legion as doing more than just defense, but also development - Ral fits super well.

I find it a shame that Tomb only actually appeared once in canon, happy to give him some new life!

and Mandalla, I really wanted to take her in a different direction than normal telepathy or stuff like that.

hmm gives me a couple of ideas, Tomb and Mandalla should really go on a mission together... smile

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Volume 5: What Makes Us Special, continued from here

Post 12. Kid Quantum II chairs her last meeting as Legion leader. Ferro avoids Mentalla. Impulse tries to hide his jealousy and attraction to Chemical Kid. Gear, Sensor and Shikari talk about developments with their own worlds/people. Election results: Triad is Leader, and Gates is Deputy Leader.

Post 13. Full vote breakdown.

Post 14. RJ Brande hosts a dinner to celebrate Triad's election win. Rebound, Lori Morning and Marla Latham also attend. Only Triad Neutral attends, as Orange and Purple are catching up on work. The others reassure Triad and urge her to depend on her friends, too.

Post 15. Triad Orange and Chameleon review some recent cases with possible links: Mar Londo's kidnapping of Teena Dav, Tarik the Mute and the rogue Robotican on Linsnar, the kidnappings on Swizzar. Triad Purple and Sensor check on some prisoners, including Ra's al Ghul and the transformed Zodiac Signs (Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Rooster). A mysterious figure teleports in and takes the Signs... and Wonder Woman, Goddess of Truth, appears after to ask for help!

Post 16. Gates convenes Brainiac 5, Insect Queen, Lamprey, Microbe and Star Boy to ask for advice on being Deputy Leader. Gates and Lamprey are called into a meeting by Triad.

Post 17. Wonder Woman, now the Goddess of Truth, enlists the Legion's help - to stop Ares from restoring the Zodiac Signs and sparking a war between the Greek and Chinese pantheons!

Post 18. Inferno, Lamprey, Nightwind, Triad, Dryad and Diana follow Ares to a magical floating island in space, Aeolia. They pass through the obstacles (one each for air, water, earth and fire) and catch up to Ares. Ares has already restored the Ox. The Legionnaires and Diana run interference while Sensor and White Witch, hidden, retrieve the transformed Rabbit, Snake, Horse and Rooster - but Ares has laid a trap, and the objects draw from White Witch's magic and restore the four other Zodiac Signs!

Post 19. The Legionnaires pull their own trump card: only Triad Neutral is present. The White Witch casts a spell to allow Triad Neutral to reintegrate with Triad Orange and Purple over a distance... and combined with Shikari's pathfinding and Gates' teleportation, over a dozen Legionnaire reinforcements come barreling in! Using teamwork, the Legionnaires disable the Zodiac Signs and Ares' armor, while Diana holds Ares. Athena and the Queen of Heaven (Chinese pantheon) arrive, and combine their abilities: they bind Ares from interfering in mortal affairs. They allow the Zodiac Signs present to retain their forms and powers, but once they think of using their powers for evil or selfishness, their powers disappear until those desires vanish. Diana gives Triad a bracelet that can be used to communicate with her, and Athena sends the Legionnaires back to Legion World.

Post 20. Cosmic Boy and Kid Quantum are enjoying a well-earned vacation. They discuss the latest Legion membership meeting, which reviewed the current Cadets for readiness. Dryad was invited, but declined to join. A VR test will soon be arranged for the Senior Cadets.

Post 21. Matahari van Dam, Earthgov Spymaster, thinks that Sandy Anderson has not yet read the message left for her. Matahari considers Mano a possible candidate for her needs, and dismisses Validus. She thinks that there are four other strong candidates she can tap.

Post 22. Blizzard, Chameleon and Density take Rainbow and Veilmist to Braal, to participate in a charity exhibition. Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn) meets them there. A bomb explosion rocks the stadium they are in.

Post 23. Ferro, Violet and Wildfire take Crystal Kid, Battering Ram and X-Bomb Betty to protect the Sklarian Asteroid Belt from a meteor swarm. Mentalla has talked to Kinetix about Ferro, and Kinetix told Violet (because Ferro also used to have a crush on Violet!) Violet tries to talk to Ferro, but is rebuffed.

Post 24. Blizzard, Chameleon, Density, Rainbow, Veilmist, Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn) work with Officer Vin Kolkin on Braal to handle the bombing. They spot a suspicious-acting civilian in the crowd, and trace their location.

Post 25. Chameleon's team capture the culprits: Tonya Dinns, a disgraced former Magno-Ball champion; Alux Cuspin, Cosmic Boy's embittered former manager, and a sentient from the same homeworld as Legion Support Staff member Vampire.

Post 26. Ferro aggressively and preemptively attacks an approaching Sklarian government ship, mistaking it for a Sklarian Raider craft. Crystal Kid tells Ferro off, and Violet and Wildfire try to placate the Sklarians. Triad steps in and suspends Ferro, requiring him to see Dr. Ryk'rr.

Post 27. Mentalla tells Echo about Ferro's actions. Element Lass, Karate Kid, Mentalla and Violet support Ferro as he goes to see Dr. Ryk'rr. Dr. Ryk'rr has also been counselling Legion Cadet Teena Dav, who is still getting over her abduction by Dr. Mar Londo.

Post 28. Gates, Live Wire, Particon and XS take Dragonwing, Flying Fox and Vision to sister planets Dagosk and Dabron. Dragonwing posits that the "senior" Reservist Cadets are all being given missions to test their readiness for full Legion membership.

Post 29. and Post 30. Ferro speaks with Dr. Ryk'rr. He flashes back to interactions with Wildfire, Violet, Mentalla and Element Lass. With Dr. Ryk'rr's guidance, Ferro processes his feelings: he's not jealous of Mentalla or Violet per se, but rather envious of those who can still taste, touch and smell - unlike him. He's been feeling like nobody can relate to him; even Wildfire and Element Lass, who've lost their senses, have different perspectives on their conditions. Ferro realizes he's been avoiding opening up because he fears being rejected for his feelings. Dr. Ryk'rr sets a follow-up appointment, encourages Ferro to talk to his friends such as Wildfire, and conceives an idea to test with Saturn Girl.

Post 31. On Dagosk, Gates' team is asked to advise on, and provide, security for a public consultation on Dagosk and Dabron joining the United Planets. XS regales the team about their (Gates, Leviathan, XS) first mission to Dagosk, and Gates muses about his own opinions of Leviathan.

Post 32. Gates' team foils an attempt at sabotage on the consultation: Charma was hired by Councilor D'ceet to cause violence. Flying Fox reveals a power he's been keeping secret out of shame: a disarming stare that makes its victim think that he's cute.

Post 33. Ferro makes the rounds among his friends and teammates. He decides to go on a leave of absence after his mandatory suspension elapses. Brainiac 5, Impulse and White Witch tell him they haven't made any progress on finding a way to heal him. The Legionnaires, armed with a better understanding of Ferro's struggles, gift him with a handwritten card and a box of art supplies.

Post 34. Saturn Girl and Dr. Ryk'rr surprise Ferro with their solution: they can use the Titanet to stimulate Ferro's mind, allowing him to reexperience all his memories in a way that stimulates all his lost senses. As it is not a reversal of his condition, and requires active Titanet stimulation, he can only use it an hour a day. Element Lass and Wildfire helped test this, and it works on them, too - as well as any sentient with a mind.

Post 35. An agent of Matahari van Dam's, "Miss Lanzz", assesses Mekt Ranzz, former Lightning Lord, and judges that he's not suitable for Matahari's needs.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/26/23 05:06 AM.
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Life has been busy lately, folks.

Now, I'm also in the process of backing these writings up, so I have a copy elsewhere off Legion World.

For now... some graemlin fun wink


AmpGirl Andromeda Apparition Babbage PolarBoy Brainiac5 CalorieQueen Chameleon ChemicalKing CosmicBoy1 PowerBoy Dreamer Tyroc Monstress Ferro Gates Gear :Gravity: SunBoy InsectQueen InvisibleKid1 KarateKid1 Kinetix KidQuantumII Lamprey LiveWire Lume Magno Mentalla InfectiousLass1 MOnel1 Nightwind1 Particon ChuckTaine SaturnGirl1 Sensor Shikari Sizzle Spark SpiderGirl StarBoy1 TimberWolf1 Triad UltraBoy1 Umbra Violet WhiteWitch Wildfire1 XS


MagneticKidII Thunder ChlorophyllKid Impulse Mandalla Tomb


Aquamarine BatteringRam CrystalKid Dragonwing Dryad Fauna FlyingFox Healer Neuron Paragon RainbowGirl Swallowtail Veilmist VisiLad XBombBetty


ElementLad1 KidQuantum Leviathan Dragonmage


CalamityKing Dolphin DreamBoy DreamGirl Martin Anderson Mess Polecat Retro TeenaDav CeraKesh


Atmos Arachno Konk! NightGirl PorcupinePete Radion ColorKid


GasGirl BeastBoy Catspaw CometQueen FireLad ArmFallOffBoy StoneBoy Tellus


RJBrande ShvaughnErin Superboy1


Cannus Cub Dr.Gym'll Dr.Ryk'rr Dr.MollieDennum GigiCusimano LenszloPhillish LoriMorning MabuhayCorazon MarlaLatham M'Rissey Proty Question RondVidar Theena Vampire

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Have not had much energy to write - took a new role at work, which I'm growing into.

But there will be some new content soon - I've commissioned Jeff Moy for some pieces featuring my roster smile Watch this space, gang!

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Part 1 of my Jeff Moy commission, covering members of my team smile

I've arranged them roughly by relationship - horizontal and vertical tongue

Blizzard / Kinetix / Violet / Matter-Eater Lad
Chameleon / Spark / Triad / Rebound
Invisible Kid / Chemical Kid / XS / Magno
Saturn Girl / Live Wire / Cosmic Boy / Kid Quantum II
Legion - part 1.jpg

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Commission part 2 smile

also roughly organized around character relationships:

Gates / Brainiac 5 / Andromeda / Babbage
M'Onel / Shvaughn Erin / Mentalla / Echo (Troy Stewart)
Thunder / Sensor / Ferro / Lume
Wildfire / Shikari / Umbra / Magnetic Kid (Pol Krinn)

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 12/22/24 04:38 AM.
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Volume 5: What Makes Us Special, continued from here

Post 36. Brainiac 5, Gates, Kinetix and Violet stop Xotar from stealing some ancient weapons.

Post 37. Impulse deals with his attraction to Chemical Kid, and jealousy/annoyance at Invisible Kid, as they visit Galactic Pride with Density and Gravity.

Post 38. Impulse and Invisible Kid have an honest conversation, as they watch the Galactic Pride parade with Chemical Kid, Density and Gravity.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 01/19/25 10:00 AM.
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And Part 3 arrived today! smile

Star Boy / Dreamer / Density / Gravity
Element Lass / Insect Queen / Particon / Gear
Inferno (Dirk Morgna) / Lamprey / Nightwind / Dryad
Impulse (Kent Shakespeare) / Amp / Microbe / Sizzle

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 01/25/25 11:27 AM.
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