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Rond Vidar’s Lab
Ayla Ranzz sat there, half amused and half-terrified that she just saw her headmaster upchuck on her martial arts instructor.
Deep in her pocket, Vi whispered “if you laugh, it’s your ass, y’know. Don’t screw this up.”
Vi didn’t think Paladin or Karate Kid were that vindictive but she didn’t feel like finding out. She considered if maybe now was a good time for her and Vi to bail and go have a little fun in Legionnopolis. She still wanted to—real bad—but she had to admit this whole time travel ordeal had her really curious.
I may have found myself accidently pulled into my first LMB mission… she thought. I can’t pass up this opportunity!
“Hey Doc,” she said to Rond Vidar. “How come you have all this stuff on Power Boy?” She saw a litany of files, both digital and print, on his desk that pertained to the current LMB Leader.
“Ms. Ranzz, you do realize that is all confidential? You aren’t snooping are you?”
“Er, of course not,” she said. She looked around, wondering what she could do. And then suddenly, she felt the oddest sensation. Her electrical powers, which she had been used to using on a regular basis for years, started to act funny. She was too in control of them to let them go off on their own, but she felt like there were “frizzing” a little. As if some energy was drawing them in a specific direction. Looking up, she saw they were being pulled towards Paladin.
“Hey Prof,” she said. “You feeling weird at all again? ‘Cuz my powers are acting funny. Being part of the electro-magnetic thingamajig—“
“—Field—” corrected Rond
“—Right, field, maybe their reacting to you?”
Paladin concentrated for a moment but replied “well if they are, the coins are doing their job for the moment…I’m not going anywhere…” and then, taking another minute, “…though I do feel something odd…”
And suddenly, to all of their shock, a 6 foot Velociraptor suddenly appeared right in the middle of them all!
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As the beast sized the lot of them up and prepared to lunge at any moment, Val sprung into action, flinging Rond over to Paladin in such a way that Val knew they would overturn the couch Paladin was on and provide both with momentary cover.
Then he barked at Ayla, "now! Give him all you've got!"
Her astonishment broken by her instructor's wake-up call, Ayla blasted the velociraptor with the biggest electrical charge she could muster on short notice. Unfortunately, the was in mid-leap when the blast reached it. With the creature momentarily ungrounded, the field had very little effect. As it was, Ayla was barely able to dodge the monster and unfortunately was stunned when she hit her head on some equipment. (Still hidden in Ayla's pocket, Vi was knocked out cold.)
The monster drooled and was about to lunge for her throat when it felt a tug. It turned to see Val grabbing hold of its tail. Before it could react, Val used his expertise with leverage to throw the animal across the room away from Ayla and from Lardy and Rond.
It recovered quickly and took this strange human's measure, pondering its next move. Val had his hands extended, watching the creature's movements carefully to anticipate its next lunge. He guessed perfectly and dodged the swift creature a millisecond before it connected. It moved so fast that it careened hard into the far side of the lab, shattering much valuable equipment to Rond's dismay.
As it took a moment to recover, Paladin ambled to his feet. He had great faith in his friend, but he wasn't altogether sure that martial arts would prevail against as unholy a beast as this one. Paladin gathered all of his strength and hoped against hope that he could build something up that was strong enough to do any damage. But as the creature again charged Val, barely a spark came out of his hands.
But as Val prepared to dodge the creature again--it disappeared, only about two steps away from its target.
"FUCK!" Paladin yelled in relief and exasperation.
"'Fuck' indeed," Val repeated back with bemusement. "It seems we've gotten out of the frying pan and into the fryer."
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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"Excellent" Rond said as he crawled on the floor stretching out his hands looking for his glasses. Someone needs to make glasses that don't fall off He thought.
The funny thing is Rond didn't look the least bit scared, for a guy with no powers he always seemed fearless.
"Just fantastic!" He said again.
Val asked "Did you hit your head?"
Seemingly absent minded Rond turned his attention to his computer screens .. streams of different colored data flowed over them all … one looked like a collection of numbers in the shape of the velociraptor.
"no, no help there …"
"yes …. "
"Couldn't have happened in a better place, i've got all my sensors here just waiting to collect data! ha!" Rond squealed.
Rond's head snapped around to the disheveled Ayla (who was fishing around in her pocket) and the dumbfounded and increasingly frustrated Paladin. Val looked serene as he always was when near or in a battle.
"COME ON, The games afoot!"
Rond moved to rush out of the front door, when Paladin grabbed him firmly by the arm. "What .. are … you … talking .. about."
Rond took a moment to take in the scene, they looked like they had just been in a fight, the sofa was still turned over. Rond's brain had always jumped ahead of others but after years of studying time the connections his brain made were often not linear and of complex patterns only he could make out. Even Brainiac Five had trouble following his conclusions when it came to time travel. But Rond was likable, the clumsy super nerd … kind … and not the least bit arrogant … well, not on purpose.
Finally Rond took a breath and said "Look, you …" He said to Paladin and pointed at one of the screens … a vague figure of Paladin composed of numbers and formulas .. who knows what they meant … but everyone could make out that it was Paladin … pink dots littered the image of Paladin.
"dinosaur" Rond said and pointed to another screen, the figure of the velociraptor .. again with pink fluctuating dots.
Rond hit the keys on table in front of the array of screens. A huge pyramid flashed on the largest screen. "Today … same chrono tampered signature. pink dots."
"There are a few ways to manipulate time or the time stream, all require vast amounts of energy … except for … well … that's confidential … to be published in May … anyway, as well as the fluctuation in the time stream in a localized manner … we can also trace the type of energy used to fuel the time travel. Sometimes, it's easier than trying to match of the chrono signatures, especially if one has travelled through time several times in the recent past."
Val cocked his head to the side as if to say get to the point.
"Pyramid, Paladin, Velociraptor. All related to each other. "
"What's more" Rond pointed to another floating screen, whenever he pointed to a screen that one floated forward and the others receded . There must be about a dozen all dancing through the air back and forth as Rond made his points. A few tiny spheres floated about Rond as well, and they seemed very interested in Paladin … popping over to him like flies to take occasional readings.
The screen with the pyramid floated forward and appeared to actually grow in size .. .it showed the pyramid from earlier in the day … Rond touched his index finger and thumb together .. and the view zoomed in on the pyramid.
"THERE!" Rond pointed again … a small female figure strode through the street making progress away from the pyramid. Rond wiggled his left index finger and the scene changed from the satellite image to a series of numbers in the shape of the young women … she was surrounded by fluctuating pink dots … the energy signature that connected Paladin, the Pyramid, even the velociraptor and .. her.
"We've got to find that woman. Toot suite. Before she tampers with time again."
"Alonzy! Time is of the essence." Rond said as they gathered their things, he didn't seem aware he had made a pun.
The four of them (five with Vi) made haste to the legion hover car.
No one noticed the crunch under Paladin's boots, the coins Rond had given him to stabilize his form in the present had fallen off in the fight and lay on the floor.
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New Road, Legionopolis
The girl had moved away as quickly as she came and Emily was glad to see her leave. Some areas of the city had been more affected than others, and Emily decided it would be best for them to be as far away from where the pyramid was as possible. They were walking down a busy shopping district. She thinks,I do not want anything to happen to these children. I fear what would happen to me if any of them got harmed.
Virus stopped inside the entrance a store and bought a parasol. She hated the sun and wanted to keep her skin pale, as was the recent fashion on Earth. Emily heads to the back of the store to see if they have anything she likes. Thom sighs as he fears that they will end up buying a bunch of stuff and Elysion and himself will be forced to carry her packages. He looks around and notices that Elysion is nowhere to be seen.
"Um, Virus, have you seen Elysion?" He asked.
Virus does not even look up from the items she is examining. She replies, "He told me he needed to make a phone call and would meet us in a few minutes."
"Did he tell Ms. Sivana?" Star Boy asks.
Virus replies, "I don't think so. We better find him before he gets into trouble."
The two of them feel a small tremor and hold on to the frame of the door. They looked at each other and realized that trouble had already began. They walked outside and down the street, turned right and saw that Elysion was face to face with what appears to be an army of Ancient Greek hoplites, separated by a crack in the Earth.
"That was quite a startle--ugh--they aren't here! Why can't they use common sense and stay together?" Emily said. She grabbed her things and raced after her students.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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As the crew of Paladin, Karate Kid, Rond Vidar, Ayla and Vi took the streets of Legion World, the tini Legion Academy student in Ayla's pocket suddenly started coming too.
"Ugh..." she moaned, then adding angrily..."WHAT THE FUCK?!!"
Both Paladin and Karate Kid stopped mid-step, though Rond gingerly continued on. "Salu?" asked Paladin, curiously.
Vi looked up and Ayla's face had a sheepish expression on it.
"Hello, Ms. Digby," said Val. "We're glad you're unharmed."
"Visiting our brother, eh Ayla?" said Paladin. "Or partying all night in downtown Legionnpolis?"
"Well, you see, uh..." began Ayla.
"She's a liar," said Vi with a wicked smile, enjoying ribbing her paramour. "But she's damn cute, isn't she? What's the use Ayla, we're caught now."
"And maybe you need to get back to the Academy ASAP," replied Paladin.
"Aw c'mon, Prof! Look around us!" she said, as they noticed the general chaos in the streets. "You could use us! We'll follow orders and stay out of your way. We've come this far with you..."
Paladin looked at Val, who shrugged. They were both thinking the same thing. It could be a useful learning experience. So long as it didn't get too out of hand.
"Okay," said Paladin. "For a little while at least. Now here did Rond get off to...?"
"Up here!" yelled a voice about a block ahead of them. "And hurry! There appears to be a Spartan Army heading my way!"
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Angry and confused Spartans moved towards Rond, swords out:
Rond had his (suped up and smaller than standard) Omnicom out and tapped at it with an electronic pen ... he absentmindedly grabbed one before they left but wasn't sure if it was the sonic pen or the laser pen ... "meh. Need to invent a new one anyway."
oh well ... he was never a fighter ... oddly he was very fit but not good at fist fights.
SO ... Rond hoped over a fence ... " 1.45 seconds" before a bolt of lightning knocked out three of the nearest Spartans.
"BRING IT ON!!!!!!" Came from a voice that sounded like one of his worst students ... Vi.
Rond crouched down on the other side of a fence while what sounded like small fists and feet struck Spartans ...
"Hmmm" Rond said, distracted from his calculations for once "Maybe Vi has other talents."
"heh heh."
Rond went back to the display on his pad, he circled some locations on a map "Shakes? nah …"
These time disturbances all over were making sensible calculations or conclusions about their nature or any pattern to them, impossible …Rond laughed, excited at the challenge, and said "well … nearly impossible "
He tapped away in rapid fire at his Omnicom while the wild sounds of a pitched battle came from just beyond the flimsy fence he leaned against.
Last edited by Rond Vidar; 03/31/14 04:17 PM.
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Thom and Virus walk towards by Elysion, glancing at the hoplites every so often. A few of the hoplites look at the crack, as if they want to cross to the other side. A man who appears to be their leader shouts something, and the men resume their positions. Elysion stares blankly at them, and the others are afraid this could of ended badly if they didn't show up in time.
"What do you think you are doing?" Thom asked.
Elysion shrugs, "They were attacking that shop over there and I stopped them."
"Could you...um...please move it back the way it was before Ms. Sivana shows up?" Virus wearily smiles.
Elysion asks, "Thom, could you make the soldiers lighter? That would cause less damage then putting the ground back together."
"Sorry, my gravitational powers only work one way. I remember our friend Spy said that the Legion Academy has a student named Light Lass who could go that, but she isn't here right now. I can however, use my powers to hold everything in the surviving area in place while you do some terraforming," Thom explains.
Elysion nods his head and focuses his power on the crack in the ground. Slowly the ground moves and Thom quickly pushes gravity hard so everything in a 25 feet radius does not move while Elysion has the new plates collide. This helps to minimize any shock-waves in the surrounding area.
Elysion removes his grasp and the area is almost as it was before he moved it out of place. Thom looks exhausted and the hoplites look utterly astonished by what they have just seen. The commander slowly walks in front of them. He says some words, but nobody present could understand what he meant.
Fortunately, at that very moment Emily caught up to them. She looks very upset and puzzled at what is going on. She walks up slowly to her students and gives them a glare.
She asks, "So were you right Elysion, is this an elaborate publicity stunt?"
He says softly, "I don't think so, Ms. Sivana. They do not speak any language I understand."
She quickly takes out the translator piece and places it in her ear. She walks up to the commander, who repeats what he said before.
He said in Greek, "I am Pyrrhus of Epirus, I beseech you, deities as you are, to accept our obedience. We keep your temples and offerings. You must be some form of Aphrodite."
At that point Emily quickly turned her translator off and said, "That is it, I'm calling for help. I suppose we should keep talking to them so that they will stay out of trouble."
Last edited by Emily Sivana; 03/31/14 06:23 PM.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Time Trapper
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Paladin waded right into the thick of the Spartans, his sword drawn and engaging multiple assailants. He relished the opportunity to fight such skilled warriors. In fact, these were among the best opponents he'd ever faced, certainly better than anyone at the old Lard Monastery.
"Don't kill these guys!" he yelled as he parried a blow. "Other than it generally being frowned upon by LMB Code, there's no telling how badly history could be altered if any of these guys don't make it back in one piece!"
Shouldn't have to fight these guys for long. They should disappear in another minute or less judging by the length of the other disturbances.
Paladin grinned as two more lunged for him, one with a sword, another with a spear. He maneuvered perfectly to duck the sword while kicking the swordsman in the mid-section and whirled to cut the other's spear in half in the same smooth motion.
My skills are sharper than I'd feared after so little combat experience of late. Haven't even used my powers, yet! I hope Lash is nearby--I know the sight of all these naked and near-naked ripped dudes would set his heart a-flutter! And I hope Cobie's--
At the thought of his friend, Paladin suddenly froze for a split-second. He was going to complete the thought of how much Cobie's interest in history and combat would make this a nigh-orgasmic experience for him. Instead, thinking of his friend, he got the worst feeling Cobie was in dire straits.
That split-second nearly cost Paladin his life in the form of a sword through the heart, but he instinctively threw up a force field just in the nick of time. Paladin raised his sword to disarm the assailant, but instead saw the Spartan drop his sword and yell "HALT!" at the top of his lungs. Stranger still, Paladin recognized the word even though he spoke not a word of any form of ancient Greek or whatever exact language Spartans spoke. He checked to make sure that he'd not brought along his universal translator. He hadn't.
At the Spartan's beckoning, every single Spartan stopped his attack and turned toward where the order had been barked.
The Spartan who'd nearly killed him then shocked Paladin by kneeling before him. Again, in the strange tongue that Paladin should never have been able to understand, the man said, "Spartans! Before me stands the great Anotaylus, son of the Dark Lord Priapus!"
Paladin's jaw dropped, even more so as he heard the collective gasp of the others, followed by their reciprocal kneeling.
"Forgive us, great Anotaylus! Unlike your dread father, you are a great friend of Sparta! We knew not that we were now in your realm! Please forgive our trespasses!"
Before Paladin could think of something to say in response, the Spartans suddenly shimmered and disappeared.
Now, what the FUCK was that all about?!?
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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The three teenagers were curious about the soldiers and they in turn were curious about them. They saw the two young men as sons of Poseidon, and the young woman as Persephone herself. They had never been treated like this in their lives. Meanwhile, Emily sent a message to headquarters.
Emily said, "We need to find a way to send them back. Please get Exnihil, I know he has the technology we need."
"Would it not be a good idea to have an army at our command?" Elysion asked.
"Forgive my student, his parents were villains who supported Earthgov," Emily apologized.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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The New Time Institute: The moon Ymir orbiting Saturn
Harmonia stood in her white lab coat. The room was dark except for a single enormous screen that depicted events in the Time Stream.
It was more like a Time Solar System rather than a Time Stream per se in physical actuality but ... humans always had a limited awareness of the universe.
Her arms were folded under her breasts and her hair pulled back into a low loose bun. No one else was on her new Time Institute. She was still getting it set up, perhaps the others didn't even know it existed yet, she hadn't told them. Circadia Senius had taken a group to the Time Institute on Earth. She was all to herself ... just as she preferred.
Harmonia thought a new name might be appropriate, the Centre for Time ... the Centre of Time ...
She smirked to herself, that sounded right to her often arrogant sense of self. Well she had every reason to be arrogant.
But now something on the screen caused the lines around her eyes to tighten.
So little of the equipment was set up, it had taken so long to get this rebuilt after the fall of Titan. The destruction of the Telepath's planet had disrupted the gravity and position of all of Saturn's moons and she had to wait for the region to resettle. However, the focused gravity of Saturn's rings made this the ideal location for observing time phenomena.
Harmonia did not frighten easily, or thrill easily, or rise to any emotion not after her many may years of life.
But THIS ... this was curious ...
Then the screen went blank! As if bereft of power.
A chill went through this ancient woman as she stood, now alone and in the dark.
Last edited by Harmonia Li; 04/12/14 04:02 PM.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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En Route to Medicus Two
“As the Space-Ambulance raced through the skies of Legion World, one of the two EMT’s within was scrambling; he was taking tests, hooking up devices and finding himself on the verge of a panic. The gunshot wound—with a Dominator laser blaster—was among the worst wounds he’d ever seen where the victim managed to somehow live.
“Relax Pete,” said Sam Pureheart, who was sitting on a bench a few feet away. Amazingly, Sam was relaxed and composed. He was even smiling.
“Are you nuts?!” yelled Pete, the younger EMT who had recently came to Legion World. “This guy probably has no chance in hell—“
“You’re still not thinking like a Legion Worlder, Pete,” said Sam with a laugh. “This guy is no ordinary vic. This is Cobalt Kid. You know, legendary hero and all that…” he added, rolling his eyes at the last part. The long-standing friction between Sam Pureheart and Cobalt Kid were lost on Pete the EMT. “There’s a reason he lived. There’s also a reason that against all odds, he’s actually doing better right now than he was when we loaded him in.”
Pete, frowning, stepped back and took into view the body of Cobalt Kid laying on the gurney. It took him a moment to catch signs of it, but it was true. He was stabilizing somehow. Even his breathing was turning normal again.
“Healing factor,” said Sam, answering Pete’s unspoken question. “LMBers are notoriously hard to kill.”
Pete looked at Cobalt Kid and could see he was in tremendous pain, though consciousness loomed out of reach. His face was grimacing, as if thoughts were racing through his mind that were causing him incredible confusion and hurt. “I think he’s trying to speak, Sam.”
“You can probably take the respirator off,” said Sam, somewhat curious about Cobalt might have to say. As of this moment, who was attacker was remained a mystery though all signs pointed to an obscure former employee of his named Elle.
Pete removed the respirator and immediately they could hear Cobalt mumbling. He was talking aloud, as if he was talking in his sleep. Yet his words came sharp and erratic, as if he was in a shouting match with someone.
“Any idea what he’s saying?” asked Sam, leaning forward.
“I…I think I can make out a few words…” said Pete, leaning closer to Cobalt. And as he listened, he found he could.
“T-Time War…” said Cobalt softly. “Time War. Time War. Time War.” He kept repeating it. Pete suddenly felt a chill run up his spine. Then Cobalt changed his words abruptly. “Keep it safe. Keep it secret. Into the blue. Into the blue. Into the blue.”
Despite seeing all kinds of blood and gore throughout his EMT career, Pete felt a nauseous, terrifying feeling creeping into his very soul at these words. To comfort himself more than Cobalt, he spoke to him. “E-Easy there, Cobalt, sir…easy there. No one is here. Just us.”
Cobalt’s eyes suddenly opened up wide and Pete jumped back, letting out a yelp. “I need instructions,” said Cobalt in a dead serious manner. “I need instructions about the blue,” he said. And then a confused, disheveled face reappeared as he began to lose unconsciousness again.
“Instructions from who?!” yelled Pete, unsure of what was happening.
“Fr-From the pl-planet…” whispered Cobalt. “From the planet,” he repeated, and he dosed again.
Pete felt his heart-racing just as he felt a stillness in the air. He turned to Sam with wide eyes.
Sam shrugged. “Sounds like crazy talk to me,” he said matter-of-factly. “Guy is full of drugs and on the verge of death. Probably seeing things. Or maybe he’s crazy. I’ve heard that about Cobalt before.”
Pete turned back towards Cobalt. Talk to the planet? he thought. Crazy talk.
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Harmonia briskly walked through the streets of Legion World. Her flat shoes hit the pavement with a pat pat pat She wouldn't let anyone see her run, and she didn't sweat but her eyes betrayed her ... as did her frantic looks from side to side. She was searching for something. "I have to get to the time disturbance. Where is the source ... where is the source ... is it a place ... an object ... ?" She spoke out loud to herself, a very rare show of disturbance. Her omnicom made a BREEP "A fluctuation in the time stream. Just around the corner ... down this alley." Harmonia peered down a narrow alley, the lights flickered, the time disturbances had played havok with the city services. What she saw gave her pause. ![[Linked Image]](http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af278/megacity07/pariah_zpsa06f4e06.jpg) "HHHHHHHH" Harmonia gasped and her hands went to cover her face. Moments later the image faded away as if it had never been there. "Disaster Boy? What have I done?" Harmonia Li, the immortal ice queen fell to her knees.
Last edited by Harmonia Li; 04/19/14 04:33 AM.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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Rond looked at the scene, Spartans all disappeared. Ayla and Vi looked a bit stunned, Val looked calm as ever and Paladin was dumbstruck and frustrated.
"The time disturbance is not the only thing amiss here. It seems the disturbance is like an open door, attracting other travelers from from the multiverse drawing some in its net but also allowing for easy time and dimensional travel."
"In fact, there is an incoming signal nearby. several in face ... it is difficult to separate those related to one disturbance or another."
"I would need to be in my lag to untangle them. I'm sorry but there is so much unusual time and dimensional data all around it is impossible to determine our next move."
Last edited by Rond Vidar; 04/19/14 10:09 PM.
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Reflecto ![[Linked Image]](http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af278/megacity07/tumblr_lqxhfnJiU11qdp1y3o1_r1_400_zpscb689395.jpg) Energy Boy ![[Linked Image]](http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af278/megacity07/1926924-sun_boy__001__01__zpsb516d39f.png) "Stella ... are you sure we should be doing this ... maybe we should go back to the Academy .. where its safe." Stella Ah Reflecto replied in an off hand manner "You're never going to be a Legionnaire with that attitude." Energy Boy commented "I just mean, we should leave it to the professionals, stay out of the way ... I'm sure they have everything under control." Reflecto turned "Power Boy chose us for his advanced academy training fellowship! He wants us to be Legionnaires soon! And with him out of action ... it's up to us to make sure things are right while he's gone. Power Boy believed in us. I won't let him down." Energy Boy relented and followed Refelcto quietly "ok ok ok ... but if we end up dead, don't say I didn't warn you." It was dark and quiet in the epicentre of Legion World now, whatever was happening had messed with the electricity and residents had been ordered to evacuate. It went from dead silent to loud noises heard off in the distance from moment to moment. Reflecto always wanted to go in the direction of the noises ... well not everyone had a force field ... but then the noises only lasted for a few moments and then it was silent ... they were getting lost changing in direction from loud noises to other loud noises. Reflecto was getting frustrated "FRACK!!! Again a wild goose chase ... what is going on!" when ... KRACKOW!!!!!
Last edited by Power Boy; 04/19/14 10:26 PM.
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Reflecto had just been struck by lightning.
She turned ... confused ... good thing she had her force field up.
Energy Boy was a bit blinded from the blast but unhurt and he instinctively stood behind Reflecto and she instinctively stood in front of him. They had been practicing at the Academy learning to work as a team. Reflecto was the short range brawler and Energy Boy was the long rand distance attacker.
What Reflecto saw made her mouth drop.
Older adult versions of Saturn Girl ... but even more slutty ... Cosmic Boy but ... with a greasy goatee ... and not one but two Lightning Lads ... one with red hair and one with white hair ...looked more like Mekt and Garth Ranzz ... and two others behind them ... a blond woman who wore a Sun Boy costume and ... a muscular man of an African appearance wearing little ... except a metal mask.
They seemed like perverted versions of the Legionnaires they knew ... the seemed so sinister even just by their facial expressions. And then there was the fact that Reflecto had just been struck by lightning .. one of the Lightning Lord's hands still krackling with energy.
Reflecto was scared. And she was quite brave. Foolishly brave at most times.
"Energy Boy.." she whispered ... "run, run now." and she dug in her heel ready to charge the six adult attackers.
"ENERGY BALL AWAY!!!!!!" Energy boy shouted and a huge glowing ball of energy flew from his right hand like a base ball ...
It burst in the air in front of the evil Legionnaires.
It stopped short of it's target, as the evil Cosmic Man raised his hands in defense to create a magnetic force field, but it still left a blinding flash of light and force.
Energy Boy grabbed Reflecto's arm forcefully "COME ON!"
By the time the air cleared ... Reflecto and Energy Boy had run .. with a head start of only a few minutes but a thankful few minutes ... that might make the difference whether they lived or died.
Last edited by Power Boy; 04/19/14 10:59 PM.
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Reflecto and Energy Boy ran in a haphazard directionless manner, they tried to lose their pursuers ... evil versions of the most famous Legionnaires.
...BUT ... They always seemed to find them, to be one step ahead of our young Academy members.
This time was worse though, they had run out of places to turn, run out of alleys to run down.
They were surrounded.
The two Lightning Lords were in front of them glowing and krackling with the power of the storm.
The blazing woman called Inferno was approaching from their left, they could feel the heat from her firey form already.
On the right, the metal masked sonic manipulator stood, his massive muscular physique barring their way.
Behind them, the final two and the most scary marched towards them.
Reflecto tried to cover Energy Boy but they were surrounded and it was a futile effort. Energy Boy nervously tapped his fingers together ... energy blasts at the ready. The young guy looked about to cry.
The tall blonde woman, the evil Saturnyn Queen spoke, her cape and Cosmos King trailing behind her.
"Children, children" she said "You can not run from me. I am a telepath." she giggled in a sing song manner as if chastising five year olds.
Energy Boy and Reflecto both felt their bodies relax, despite their minds falling greater and greater into panic ... they couldn't move. Saturnyn Queen held them with her power ... and reached up and held Reflecto's face in her hands.
"Now child, what can you tell me about this world?"
Saturnyn Queen's power delved into Reflecto's mind.
"no ... no ... " Reflecto squeeked.
Saturnyn Queen smiled like a snarling rat "Yessss, please resist, it will make it more painful for you."
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Harmonia Li stood in the shadows watching the horrid scene unfold before her.
This would not do, no, no it wouldn't.
She had no idea who these people were but she had a good idea, a good idea it was connected to her vision of Disaster Boy.
Time itself was in disarray. The dimensions and alternate timelines were in danger of over lapping. Of happening simultaneously. The absence, the opposite of time.
Harmonia stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself.
"Unhand them. Those are mine." She said in her most imperious manner ... which for Harmonia was quite imperious.
She snapped her hand at Reflecto and Energy Boy to join her as if calling to puppies.
The six combatants were dumbfounded, so unexpected was this that Saturnyn Queen lost her hold on Reflecto and Energy Boy ... the two young academy members hurried over behind Harmonia Li, nearly hiding behind her lab coat ... almost as under Harmonia's power, Harmonia's charisma, as they were under Saturnyn Queen's mental dominance.
Saturnyn Queen snapped her mouth shut, sighed, shooked her frustrated head and said:
"Who are you?" in a tone that icy would be insufficient to describe.
Something else else seemed to come over Harmonia, as Saturnyn Queen not so subtley attempted to delve Harmonia's brain.
Reflecto could have sworn she saw a glow around Harmonia ... and Harmonia Li said with a voice not quite her own ... as she stared out from her eyes, also not quite her own.
"My name is Harm. And these are mine."
"H H H arm?" Saturnyn Queen mumbled ... "Is it really you? We ... we had no idea you were here as well ... Didn't recognize you for a moment ... had no idea ... "
"Very well, take them of course." "We were just going." Saturnyn Queen recovered, not quite scared, this woman was never scared, much like our Imra Ardeen but she was worried and taken aback, unsettled, unsettled in a woman who usually settled her life very well.
Saturnyn Queen turned to the others in her group, all of them seemed to have backed off a few feet ... they all each and every one of them shuffled their feet in a slow retreat.
There were no more words said by the evil Legionnaires they just walked backwards shuffling away as if there had been much more said, much more decided.
"BY MY LEAVE." Harmonia Li growled.
After a few moments, the three were alone, Reflecto and Energy Boy confused and still scared, Harmonia Li still standing quietly watching the direction in which the evil LSH had gone.
Last edited by Harmonia Li; 04/21/14 12:21 AM.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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The trio walked briskly when finally Reflecto asked
"Who's Harm? What was that back there?"
Harmonia Li paused and reflected on whether she should answer or not.
"As you may have guessed those people where not from around here, nor this time nor this dimension. Harm is the name of my doppleganger from their timeline and home dimension. I suspect the future timeline that Disaster Boy is/was from. A terrible place where good is evil where evil has conquered the galaxy under the heel of the [i]Syndicate of Ultra Criminals[i/], led by Saturnyn Queen and Cosmos King ... twisted versions of our own Legion"
The golden Reflecto pursued the topic, a bit insecure on questioning her professor "You ... guessed. You weren't sure." The implications of the risk Harmonia Li took sinking in.
Harmonia Li didn't take the bait. "Child, you should study all your dopplegangers across the multi verse. I have found it ... enlightening."
and then in a rare moment of personal openness Professor Li commented.
"This one in particular, was like looking at a version of my self where my darkest desires took root and flourished to become a horrible monster and far greater power than myself."
"Enough. Let's get you to the others, I have no more time to babysit."
Last edited by Power Boy; 04/21/14 02:44 AM.
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"How long are we going to wait here?" Virus whispers to Star Boy.
He replies, "I don't know."
Emily said, "Well, students, I think we're going to have to send these soldiers home by ourselves."
She pushed a few buttons on her mobile device and opened a way to the tesseracts of Legion World. The hoplites looked at each other in astonishment and began following the group down into the tesseracts of Legion World. Elysion thought he saw a strange creature carrying a woman through the street in the corner of his eye, but said nothing as this entire day was very unusual.
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Harmonia, Reflecto and Energy Boy saw the familiar tower of Legion Headquarters in the distance.
when ... they were surrounded again.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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"Hello again"
"It occurred to me ..." The wicked Saturn Queen said sinisterly.
"It was rumored that Harm while completely in control of Earth from the Asian Territories was still on Earth. What brings you here?"
"In fact, part of our treaty with Harm requires her to stay on Earth ... in OUR universe."
"Furthermore, she shed this human skin ages ago! YOU ARE NOT HARM! You are this universe's version!!!"
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Harmonia sighed, the gig was up, herself and the two young academy members were surrounded by six evil dopplegangers of their most famous and heroic Legionnaires.
She let out a large sigh. And with a smirk and a shrug ....
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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Earth and pavement exploded everywhere underneath the feet of Saturnyn Queen, Cosmos King and one of the Lightning Lords.
They flew like dolls as the ground heaved and showered them with rocks!
On the other side of Harmonia Sun Woman and Lightning Lord 2 were shocked for a moment but then moved to strike.
Sun Woman (who looked remarkably like this realms Sandy Anderson) BURST INTO FLAME and the flames flew towards Harmonia.
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As the of flame flew towards Harmonia ... she raised an eyebrow ... and the flame turned in a 90 degree angle, reflected, striking Lightning Lord 2 fully in the shoulder!
Lightning Lord flew back burned by the flame.
Sun Woman screamed in frustration and moved to strike again when ...
Sound waves struck Harmonia with intense force as the evil Tyroc screamed.
The elemental fell knocked over by sound.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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The metal masked evil Tyroc stood triumphant calm and sinister looking.
when ...
CRACK!!!! reflecto struck him with a mighty blow across the face!
Bad Tyroc went down, and Reflecto pointed to Energy Boy to grab Harmonia ... She left a glare for the remaining villain Sun Woman but the villaness did not consider giving chase, outnumbered.
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