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Thank you for a most entertaining hour or so of reading, IB. For some reason opague even to myself, I put off reading LOSS- but I really enjoyed it when I finally did read it. I was particularly moved by the Dreamer tribute with the Titanet/Dreamscape union, by Infectious Lass being inspired by Gates, by all the Xanthu scenes (Insect Queen's about to join the Legion, isn't she?). The Dirk and Dyrk scenes both have me curious. I was pleased with the Babbage ongoing plotline and by the Enkenet/Kwai developments. I love Nightwind as this Legion's leader and her further mastery of her power to control all air, not just its more dramatic component, wind. Your use of Spider-Girl was inspired, too.

Thanks again- you've inspired me to go back and work on some lapsed Legion stories of my own!

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Thanks for the kind words, Mystery Lad! Your feedback really makes me feel pleased that I've been treating our beloved Postboot characters well. It also helps soothe the pain of them no longer being published.

Thanks also for your post "reminding" me of some of the developments I've introduced - I'm still thinking on where to bring Insect Queen and also how to further explore the Kwai, Coluan Sleepnet and Titanet/Dreamscape plotlines (boy, the Postboot sure introduced a lot of big concepts!)

Would love to read your own Legion stories smile I'll definitely be reading them when you post them!

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Kent Shakespeare watched as over 25 Legion Cadets, many of them his old classmates, gathered in the training hall. Amp - Ming Sul - waved as she entered with Retro and Sizzle. A chuckling Comet Queen and Flying Fox flew past a preoccupied Zaron Lux, who almost collided with Calorie Queen. Large, purple-skinned Density held hands with his boyfriend Gravity as they chatted with Dragonwing and Mandalla. Arachno, a cadet from the the newly-discovered race of spider-people from Arachnidia, was with the Durlan cadet Yera Liggle. Arachno was still learning Interlac, and Yera's closely-related Durlan tongue helped. In the same vein, Lamprey was helping the Hykraian Tellus adjust to the methane-free atmosphere of Legion World.

Blizzard and Infectious Lass chatted with their former teammates Chlorophyll Kid, Night Girl, Rainbow, Stone Boy, Porcupine Pete, Fire Lad and Color Kid. "So you're Blizzard now, huh, Brek? I've been thinking of using Aurora for myself," Color Kid waved his hands.

"Until I told him Aurora was the name of an ancient Earth goddess," Night Girl laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, well Rainbow's already taken," Color Kid pouted.

"If you don't have enough choices, I have too many," Fire Lad complained. "Blaze, Maelstrom, Firestorm, Hotshot..."

"Any of those would be good, Staq. I've been thinking of using Microbe for myself too, to reflect my abilities over microorganisms other than pathogenic ones," Drura offered.

Kent chuckled to himself as he walked past. These former Subs were promising, though many of them - Fire Lad and Porcupine Pete especially - needed to work on their control. Which made the session they'd planned today even more important.

Kent stopped beside Nightwind. "Just came in from the lab, fearless leader. Everybody here?"

"Just about," she replied as Tomb and Splitter walked in. Splitter was chatting happily with his former teammate Vapor; the Lallorian hero was on an extended exchange for advanced training.

"Alright, cadets!" Chuck Taine clapped his hands. "Let's get the ball rolling. You got a reading assignment last session. Who wants to give a summary of it? Mentalla?"

The blonde Titanian lowered her hand and stood up gracefully. She was one of the most studious of the cadets, and it showed in her serious demeanor. "The text was about control of powers. Saturn Girl cited several instances where a lack of control had jeopardized teammates - offensive giants such as Wildfire, Spark, Star Boy and Umbra had all mildly injured other Legionnaires during practice. And Saturn Girl's own telepathic powers have... caused her to unknowingly mentally pressure others such as Apparition and Cosmic Boy." Her lips formed a thin line. Chuck knew she could relate to the experience; as with most Titanians, Mentalla had gone through a few bumps along the way to learning her powers. "Good summary, Mentalla. Now, who can talk about the relevant provisions in the Legion constitution? Gravity?"

Tel's posture was confident as he spoke. "Clause 3.1.ii requires an active member to be able to fully control each inherent superpower; and during Saturn Girl's time as Head of the Committee on Membership she proposed including strict testing on this matter. Clause 3.5. states that a new member may fail the required probationary period for demonstrating a lack of power control, and Clause 4.3.v. provides that a member may be expelled for willfully lying about the amount of control of his or her power." As he sat down, Density gave him a wink and a thumbs-up. Gravity returned it with a huge grin.

"You've also done your homework," Chuck said with a smile. "Power control was a very big issue for Saturn Girl because of the sheer scale of her own. Sometimes when she had very strong opinions she'd tend to broadcast them to the others, and once she unknowingly manipulated an unconscious Cosmic Boy. If she hadn't realized it, he might not have gotten the medical attention he needed. And that is why she pushed for the Legion to focus greatly on control, and had the VR room be reconfigured to display statistics on a simulated opponents' health.”

Nightwind’s voice came over the comlink. “And now, we are going to show you how to use this feature. Keep your eyes on the viewscreens, cadets. You ready, Jennifer?”

The pink-clad Legionnaire called Particon stepped forward. She had traded in her armor and helmet for a more agile – yet still durable – jumpsuit and glasses. Her close-cropped pink hair completed her color scheme. “Ready, fearless leader.”

The VR room whirred to life as a burst of light coalesced into a Quothonian and a humanoid who could have come from any of three dozen UP worlds, including Earth. They charged at Particon, who quickly fired off two energy blasts, which hit each squarely in the chest.

“Intensity of Particon’s attack: 7.2 for each blast. Damage to Quothoni: stunned, no burn injury. Estimated time to consciousness, 5.2 minutes. Damage to Xanthuan: stunned, mild burn injuries, estimated recovery time 4.5 days. Estimated time to consciousness, 64.3 minutes.”

“Quothon is a high-gravity world,” Particon explained. “Natives are tougher than your typical UP civilian. A blast powerful enough to take a Quothoni down could do plenty of damage to anyone else.”

“The VR room doesn’t only measure damage taken by energy blasts,” Nightwind told the cadets. “Brek, Mysa, Kent?”

The VR room generated four more Quothoni. In short order, one was frozen solid; a the second was hit in the chest by a magical blast; and the third went down after receiving both of Kent’s elbows in his face. Nightwind herself took out the last one by slamming him against the floor. The VR room quickly read out a medical report and expected recovery time for each.

“Even more indirect attacks can be diagnosed by the VR room. Drura, Sussa, Lume, Pol?” Four more Quothoni were quickly felled: one in a coughing heap, another had his skull smashed against the floor by Spider-Girl’s hair, the third was blinded in a flash of light, and the last one received a block of metal in the gut.

The chatter from the cadets was excited. Kent raised his voice. “Of course, as these are VR constructs the machine only bases its diagnosis on medical and biological data collected from throughout the UP and on measurements of your actual power output. Actual results in the field may vary. Nothing can substitute for caution and practice. It IS still a fun way to learn control, though.”

“Are you ready to learn some control, cadets?” Chuck asked with a gleam in his eye. He had to cover his ears to drown out the resounding YES from over 25 excited cadets.

IB's notes:

Saturn Girl was so powerful that her mentor, Micah Aven of Titan, surreptitiously installed mental blocks in her mind to keep her from overloading. Dr. Psycho destroyed these blocks in LSH 90. She had trouble controlling her powers at first, including mentally pressuring others to agree with her, and unknowingly animating Cosmic Boy's comatose body (discovered in LSH 96).

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/16/18 03:26 PM.
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I like the idea of the Legion being able to train in application of their powers in a VR environment this way! It's always fun coming up with things to show student superheroes training at, and this would be a really good narrative tool in a comic to show off people's powers and skill levels smile

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Thanks, raz smile I plan to have a lot of fun with it in the future, while also stressing the importance of mastery over powers.

Invisible Brainiac #801500 02/14/14 10:45 PM
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


"Mmm, tasty," Tenzil thought to himself as he chomped on a bittersweet rock. It was waste from the mines of Orando, and the diminutive raccoon miner who had offered it to him was only too eager to be rid of it.

He looked over at the banquet table, just to be sure everything was in order. The rainbowbird breast, banyo salad, pluberry pie, lumosfish fillet and black hole layer cake were all ready, and his roast pig was almost done. The randonian pudding, which takes hours to prepare, had been cooked back on Legion World and was just being reheated now. He could afford a break.

Besides, the dignitaries in the hall were milling around in small groups. Tenzil wasn't surprised; there had been many huge recent developments across the UP. Many planets had been clamoring to join to gain access to the medical missions and the new Titanet-Naltorian early warning system. The latter was still being tested, but had already been able to predict a 7.6 magnitude quake on Manna-5. Others were after the newly-revitalized Science Police; officers had been going through advanced training on handling meta-powered opponents in cooperation with the Legion. Shvaughn and Gigi Cusimano had been very active in spearheading the effort, with active involvement from Dyrk Magz and the Legionnaires. They had even approached him for insight on Bismollian combat techniques!

He smiled warmly as a pair of ambassadors approached him. Both were middle-aged, but had a youthful glow about them. They seemed familiar. "What can I get you, sirs?"

The younger of the two smiled warmly. "Just some soystix, thank you. Though I'm tempted to, I wouldn't want to start stuffing myself full before everyone else does."

"You're doing a wonderful job, young man. Even the finicky Gil'dan representative is very happy."

"Thank you..." Recognition flashed in Tenzil's mind. "Ambassadors Ivar and Kwin."

The two nodded their thanks and left Tenzil struggling to contain his curiosity. "I thought Ambassador Kwin was facing proceedings on Titan..." (1)

"That was a long time ago." Tenzil almost jumped at the familiar voice.

"Mr. Latham! Sorry, I thought I was keeping my voice low."

"Low enough," Marla Latham smiled. "But we have to be more careful. Ambassador Kwin had already served his sentence, which was reduced because of his intent. When he set that bomb, he never meant to harm anyone besides himself. Both Ambassadors have been working to forge even closer ties between Titan and Braal." Tenzil nodded; he hadn't been keeping up with the news as much as Chuck had. "Now, do you need any more help with the preparations?"

"No, I'm fine, thanks. Once the pig is done, we're all set. Is King Charlz about ready to address the assembly?"

"He has been for hours. But these things need to be done in their proper time; we need to give the Ambassadors time to talk. I'm pleased to say that King Charlz has already fully embraced the reforms initiated by Prince Willum. The raccoon race of Orando is now being treated as equals to the serpentine elite; outside of the hereditary monarchy, qualified raccoons may rise to top positions. They are also being given access to education, and raccoon and serpentine staff alike will accompany Prince Willum to all UP summits and committees."

"Wow. Sounds like you wrote the King's speech yourself!"

"Oh, I had a hand in it," Marla noted. When he was completely relaxed, he has almost as much humor as RJ Brande. "And I was there when the King practiced it. This opening speech is very important: the UP meets her today to discuss our notions of equality and our definition of sentience. For example, how do we treat the Proteans that Mantis Morlo created on Vygra? Several of them are still in custody."

"Those are big questions indeed," a melodiously feminine voice said. "Good morning, Mr. Latham."

"Ah, Leejah! It is good to see you again. I hear your therapy has been going well?"

The former Durlan living weapon smiled. "Yes. I now have full control over my shapeshifting abilities, though I haven't been able to access my ability to copy powers. Perhaps it's all for the best." (2)

"That's good to hear," Marla smiled. Tenzil smiled too; he was hear to serve and be seen, but not be heard.

"I wish Princess Jeka and my own countryman Reep Daggle could both be here today. They and their teammates played such a huge role in advocating for equality and understanding across the UP."

"Yes," Marla nodded. "Princess Jeka in particular spent a lot of time working with her brother to reform Orandan society. Though she spent much of her time on Legion World, she communicated with him regularly." Tenzil knew why she never actually returned; until the end she still hadn't accepted her new form.

"I find it very impressive myself. Durla could learn much from what Orando has implemented. I have rarely seen such a big change in how a planet is run, and believe me I have studied many planets! Princess Jeka was a born reformist."

Leejah and Marla continuing gabbing as Tenzil's eyes wandered. It was true; though many raccoons in the hall still acted as servants or guards, he saw at least three conversing with ambassadors from around the galaxy. All were accompanying and assisting members of the serpent race of course, but the fact that they weren't doing menial chores anymore was a big leap forward.

"By the way, thank you for the wonderful banquet, young man," Leejah smiled at him. "I can see we UP delegates will be very satisfied with the food, at least."

Tenzil smiled back with a slight bow as Leejah moved to depart. He loved being able to make good food, and unlike most Bismollians he also knew how to appreciate the edibles of other species.

"Well, I have a to get back, Tenzil. The King and Mr. Brande make their entrance in 15 minutes, and I have to make sure President Wazzo is able to patch in. Keep up the good work." Tenzil grinned as Marla shook his hand. It felt good to continue playing a part, however small, in the making of history.

IB's notes:

Sensor's race of serpents was served by raccoon servants. It was not until Legionnaires 62 that Sensor and her brother Willum began to fight for the raccoon's rights.

1) Arn Kwin of Braal and Xamuel Ivar of Titan were ambassadors who were secretly a couple. In Legionnaires 38, Arn Kwin planted a bomb in his box at the public arena. He intended to use the bombing to generate sympathy for Braal on Titan, in hopes of improving relations between the two worlds. After seeing the warm reception Cosmic Boy got on Titan, he tried to disarm the bomb, only to set it off prematurely.

2) Leejah was one of three Durlan Living Weapons, engineered to have the ability to duplicate powers as well as forms. She declined to join the Dark Circle; in a battle with her "brother", she lost all her powers and was stuck in one form. She later became the planet Durla's new spiritual leader.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/24/15 01:24 AM.
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Was the raccoon emancipation something you came up with or was it taken from canon? I remember thinking it was strange that after kicking off with a big xenophobia storyline the Legion then introduced a character from a world with a servant race and nobody questioned it...

Good to see Tenzil again too! smile

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The raccoon emancipation began in Legionnaires 62, when Sensor and her brother faced off against their dad because he was pushing the miners too hard. By the end of the issue the miners had their own list of labor demands. I like to think Sensor was inspired by that to give the miners the opportunity to be the equals of the snakes of Orando.

I'm glad to use Tenzil again too! He's only appeared once before in Loss, IIRC, and I felt it was a crime to not use him more.

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I didn't really follow the post boot until Ras A Ghul so a lot of your story's depth is unfortunately lost on me. That said IB you have a genuine warmness that always shines through, your characters appear solid and you have a great sense of timing too - each of your posts is perfectly placed into the flow of the overall story. Tenzil and Marla - were they ever seen together - and if not why not as they are great characters whose personalities make a great bit of writing (and reading).

I'm loving this, it makes me want to go hunt out the post boot and dive in to see what has inspired such a lovely piece of writing.

You know what I've just got to say next - more, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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That's very nice of you to say Harbi! I'm very glad you're enjoying the story's flow, because truth to tell I didn't put that much thought into it. Mostly I'm just writing vignettes as I come up with ideas - Sensor's came near the end because I was struggling whether to tell it from the POV of a raccoon or not.

Tenzil and Marla were almost never seen together before, except for Legionnaires 35. I'm glad you liked their interaction, and very pleased that it makes you want to learn more about the Postboot smile Thank you for such kinds words and wonderful encouragement!

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Mekt Ranzz placed his arms behind his head as he looked out of his window. The full moon cast a gentle glow over the farmlands of Winath; though sometimes he missed using his lightning, he couldn't deny that the clear skies were also beautiful.

Perhaps they should be kept that way.

He cast his thoughts back to the day. Winema Wazzo had hosted a grand reunion of the surviving families of the Legionnaires. It gave Mekt some small comfort to know he was not alone in dealing with his sense of loss.

In fact, he'd surprised himself by how deep his feelings were. When Omar Magz, that squaj, had snidely remarked that the Legionnaires had been poorly trained, he had earned a punch in the nose from Mekt.

He leaned back in bed. Violence brought him no pleasure; at least, not in the same way it used to during his Lightning Lord days. He had derived satisfaction in putting Omar in his place, but he didn't enjoy causing fear. His brief time with Ayla and Garth, after Garth returned, had -

You were really hot today.

That voice. Where? It was in his head!

Who are you? Mekt thought back. He'd had telepaths probe him before, but this seemed fainter.

Jancel. I'm sure you remember me. I'm the blonde. The prettier of the Ardeens.

He did. He had nodded at her and her parents while his own parents had greeted him warmly. Garth and his lover Imra had gotten their families together before, but that had been while Mekt was still imprisoned. He hadn't quite been sure of what to say to them.

What do you want?

Oh, I just want YOU. You're an older, hotter, sexier version of your brother. I'm sure you're the type of man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to get it. Now, I'm not really here, but with the Titanet boosting my telepathy up, I can make it seem like I am. Mekt could feel her fingers brushing against his chest, his torso. Mmmm. You have a very solid body. You're a lot more muscular than that stupid Garth was.

Her fingers kneaded his flesh. Like she was really here. He instinctively drew back, but the sensations kept following him. He could smell her perfume; it reminded him of pluberries. He gasped as she placed her hand on his thigh, and began moving it upwards. He forced himself to imagine pushing her away, and he sent that thought out with all his mental might.

Why are you stopping me? I'm sure it's been a long time since you've had anything more than your own hand help you out.

Yes, but this isn't the way I want to end my cold spell. You're not even really here. You're a lot younger than me. You're just a teen.

He sensed Jancel stamping her foot on the floor, as if she were right in his room with him. I am NOT a child! I am sixteen now, and I am every bit as able to be a woman as my sister Imra was!

Mekt shook his head. He somehow knew that she could sense him doing that. You sound like you are trying to compete with her.

I don't need to compete with her. I am better than her!

Then why are you going after me? I'm a lot more self-aware than I used to be, and the way you talked about her and how you compared me to Garth...

Oh, please! I'm just telling the truth. I'm better than her. You're better than him. Together we can be so much more than they ever were. That stupid Imra and her stupid Science Police career and her stupid Legion career. And what happened to her? She lost her mind, then when she got it back she couldn't control herself. And she got Element Lad and Monstress killed, and Garth only survived because he got lucky! And where are both of them now, huh? They're gone. And there's nothing stopping me from getting what I want now.

And what exactly do you want?

You. You being with me. And then we can take the UP by storm. I can get that device off you so you can use your powers again. Then we can form our own team. Show up the Legion. We'll be bigger than them.

Mekt rolled his eyes. This girl was almost as bad as he used to be. So immature. Looking for excuses. But maybe he could help her, in a way that nobody had been able to help him...

I won't tarnish Garth's memory by doing this. Look, I know what it's like to live under the shadow of your sibling. Believe me, I do. And I had two siblings, both younger than me. You think you're better than your older sister? I grew up feeling inferior to my younger siblings because I was born without a twin! And while they were beloved Legionnaires, I was locked up in a cell unsure if I would ever get my lightning powers back. I was more despised than ever.

I wasn't despised, I just wasn't noticed...

Let me finish, Jancel. Believe me, you'll appreciate this. My sister Ayla forgave me for trying to kill them. So did my brother Garth, even though I destroyed his arm. He told me he wanted me back, that I had always been part of the family. When he said that, it stung. Because it was true. I saved his life that day, because it was what he would have done. Ever since then, I've tried harder and harder to be like him. Because everybody loved him, and I wanted to be loved too.

Mekt paused, to let the words sink in. To both himself, and to Jancel. I just wanted to be loved, too.

I can love you, Jancel replied. She seemed much more tentative, though.

You know, when Garth returned in the form of Element Lad, I almost couldn't look at him. Not because I hated what he'd become. But I saw how difficult it was for him to live in that body and endure the stares of his teammates - the very people he'd used as his second family. And for a while, I was secretly happy because I thought it would make him come back to Winath. But then I realized - if our places had been switched, Garth wouldn't do that to me. So I thought of what he'd do. And I called him on Legion World every day. I wanted him to know that he would always have me, no matter what happened.

Mekt could clearly remember that day he first called Garth. He could see Garth struggling; he'd been through a lot, and throwing in a big brother who claimed he had reformed was adding a lot. But with Ayla acting as intermediary and Mekt making sure to keep his patience, Garth had come around. For a short time then, they had been a true family again. Together.

Jancel, I am going to try something I learned in therapy. I will project a memory to you. I want you to take it in for yourself and see if you have ever felt something similar.

I... Okay.

Mekt focused on that day Garth and Ayla had returned home to Winath. They had just finished defeating the Credo in the Second Galaxy. Garth had brought Imra along.

He remembered the soft, warm morning sunlight. The smell of the blooming trees carried by the gentle morning breeze mingled with the scent of hot pancakes and syrup on the table. His mother, pouring juice into his cup. Ayla asking him if he wanted more bacon. Imra had opened a box of Titanian tarts she had brought; she offered Garth a piece and then held the box open for Mekt. Garth told him to take the green one because it tasted best. Mekt's hand had trembled as he took one, and he had stuttered as he thanked Imra. She smiled at him warmly, and Garth had given him a thumbs up sign. Their father smiled at them all in satisfaction, then asked them if they wanted to go hiking up to the old swimming hole.

It had been a perfectly normal, peaceful day. At the end of it, Mekt and Garth had gone to the room they shared - Ayla and Imra slept in the other. Mekt plopped down on the bed and looked at Garth as he had looked out the window. "Y-you're not going to sleep, Garth?"

Garth turned to look at him and smiled. "This new body doesn't need to sleep, which is good in that I never get tired... and bad because I get bored a lot. But you go ahead."

"M-m-must be tough. I m-mean, not b-being able to... to... you know."

"Yeah, it can be. But you and the others helped me through it, Mekt. And I can rest easy knowing I have my big brother back."

Mekt smiled as he relived that memory. He could feel Jancel's consciousness, like a knot in the back of his mind, reliving it with him.

So, what do you think?

... Your family is a lot better than mine. I... I... it's been a while since we've had that moment. Imra only visited us once after she came back. She... she...

She what?

She... she... oh grife. She came to my room and told me that she had missed me. And she brought me some stuffed toys for my collection. But I didn't talk to her. I turned her away without even opening them.

I used to do that too. But I changed.

And because you did, your family accepted you back. Grife. Well... well... good for you! Me, my family never rejected me. I was just the ignored one. It's not fair. And now that Imra's gone I'll never be able to show her that I'm just as good. I... I...

It's not too late. You can show everyone else.

No... you don't understand! It's not the same! What's the point of being great if she can't see me? Then I'll never be able to hear her say that I'm better than she is? Huh?"

Why do you want to keep living your life comparing yourself to her? She never wanted to compete with you. You can be your own person.

I... I... This is crazy! I gotta go. I gotta go...

And abruptly, she winked out of his head. Mekt felt her telepathic energy vanish like tendrils being withdrawn from his mind.

He sighed and lay back down on his pillow, hands over his head. Poor Jancel. She had been so consumed by envy that she had been blinded to her own sister's love for her.

Like he himself had, so long ago.

But his brother had never given up on him, and because of that the rest of his family hadn't either. He would honor their memory by taking care of their parents as best he could.

He was so glad he had been able to thank and make peace with Garth before he'd left. At least he could sleep soundly at night now.

He only hoped Jancel would be able to do the same.

IB's notes:

Mekt first became a sort-of good guy in Legion Worlds 2; he was back on the Ranzz farm and helped Ayla out against some saboteurs. In Legion 25 he revealed he was wearing a Live Wire costume. He said, "I only ever wanted to be like you". I took this development and progressed it, turning Mekt into a reasonably well-adjusted guy (as long as he's on his meds!) A flashback shows Mekt helping Garth against an attacking inmate (saving his life).

Jancel appeared in Legionnaires 38 and 57. She was extremely jealous of Imra and tried to take Garth away from her.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 09/19/21 03:26 PM.
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Woooow this was a tough one to write. It's longer than most of my entries too... We're almost at the end, folks! After 2 and a half years (can't believe it's been this long). Only Element Lad left (and boy, this last one's definitely going to be the hardest!)

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That one hit me in the feels the most! I thought for a sec we were getting the start of Lightning Lord & Saturn Queen, very pleasantly surprised to see you didn't go in that direction! smile

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Glad you liked it, raz! Live Wire was one of the last Legionnaires because I wanted to think over his concept really well. I'm glad I was able to throw in some development for Spark and Saturn Girl too - both were very important in Garth's life.

And I didn't go in that direction because I didn't want to just ignore the development Mekt had under DNA smile I don't believe in just ignoring other writers' developments.

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I didn't realise DnA had Mekt mellowing out already, cool! smile

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He started to in Legion Worlds 2, then his fate was kind of a toss-up after. But they revisited him in Legion 25 where he acted a lot like how I portrayed him (I think :p)

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Okay, I already have my ideas for the Element Lad entry. The challenge is actually finding the time (and energy) to write it!

For inspiration, I'm gonna post this -

CosmicBoy1 LiveWire SaturnGirl1 Triad Apparition XS Chameleon InvisibleKid1 Leviathan KidQuantum Brainiac51 Spark Kinetix Violet Andromeda Gates StarBoy1 ElementLad1 UltraBoy1 MOnel1 Umbra Sensor Magno Ferro Monstress KidQuantumII KarateKid1 Thunder Wildfire1 Shikari ChuckTaine Gear TimberWolf1 Dreamer Superboy1 Nightwind1 InfectiousLass1 WhiteWitch Impulse Lume Babbage Particon MagneticKidII PolarBoy SpiderGirl

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I haven't seen the Nightwind one before, pretty cool stuff! laugh

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Unseen, not unheard
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Nightcrawler is a genius wink
Of the above, only White Witch, Kent Shakespeare, Magnetic Kid, Polar Boy and Spider-Girl's graemlins reflect their Preboot versions. All the others (including Nightwind and Infectious Lass) are Postboot-specific graemlins.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 03/28/14 01:54 AM.
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Crikey! I already have a general outline for Element Lad's entry, but things have been so hectic! I hope to be able to work on it this weekend, but I might have to be in the office Saturday frown

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Thanks to Reboot for pointing out that Andromeda and M'Onel could not both be present at the same time. I looked back and realized that Valor debuted his M'Onel identity just as the three founders were leaving for Titan at the end of Legionnaires 37; the entire team would not be together again until Legionnaires 39, just before half the team left on a mission again. Thus, the only way for this post to fit into continuity is for it to take place after LSH 80 but before Legionnaires 37.

A loud crash shattered the solitude among the beautiful crystal spires; the acrid gray clouds of smoke dispersed in the disturbance. Yet not a living thing stirred on the now dead world of Trom.

Shvaughn Erin frowned as shards of crystal scattered around. "Taine! I was still getting readings from that."

Chuck breathed heavily as much in exhaustion as in rage. "I can't believe that some people would do that, Shvaughn! Grife, don't they know what Element Lad did? He sacrificed himself to save our galaxy! And to insult the people of Trom like that!"

"I'm as disgusted by the graffiti as you are, but I was trying to collect all the evidence I could. This may be the roots of another White Triangle cell; at the very least, the readings I'd get could help us pick suspects from the visitor logs."

"I... grife. I'm sorry, Shvaughn." Chuck sheepishly put his hand on his nape as he commanded the Bouncing Boy to land. The visor he wore glowed as it did; it was useful being able to remotely control his ship.

Shvaughn shook her head and pocketed her Omnicom. "No worries, what's done is done. Let's go pay our respects."

The two trudged along between the gleaming multi-colored crystals. Each marked the final resting place of a Trommite man, woman, child or animal; only bone had survived the terrible onslaught that had slaughtered Trom. Bone and metal. And metal was where they found RJ Brande. The UP President usually exuded a youthful, cheery glow; but now the weight of the ages seemed to rest on his shoulders.

"This was the satellite that I helped Tarn and Garra install," he motioned. "By damn, but we were so excited. Cautiously, yes, but we sincerely believed that UP membership would benefit Trom. And that may have been why the Daxamites chose to destroy it. It used to be so beautiful..."

"You shouldn't rationalize Trom's destruction like that, sir." Shvaughn's tone was strong but reassuring. "Those rogue Daxamites were filled with hate. They could have destroyed Trom any other time."

"Yes, yes, you're right. I don't blame myself, you know. I blame the hate that permeated those Daxamites' minds."

"I'm just glad we stopped them for good," Chuck's voice was still fairly cheerful, but underneath was a tinge of pain. Though it had been a while, the Daxamites had killed his parents too.

"Yes," Shvaughn shuddered involuntarily as she recalled the report Gigi Cusimano had filed. After the Legion had sent the four Daxamites to an uninhabited red sun world, the UP had wasted little time in deploying a Science Police contingent to retrieve them. Answers were needed, and so was justice.

Gigi had written of scorching heat; all the officers had worn transuits despite the rich oxygen content of the atmosphere. But Gigi had told Shvaughn that her experience there had made her blood run cold.


Gigi Cusimano was grateful for the visor she wore. The blazing sun was a far cry from the climate control on Earth. "Look sharp, men. We have four insane Daxamites; though powerless, each is in good physical condition and we can definitely assume they are hostile. Now..."

She was cut off by a blood curdling scream. "Don't touch meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" A grown man's voice, but wailing like a pitiful child. "Let's move!" Gigi commanded as her squad ran forward. "It's just around the clearing... oh."

She and her men stopped in shock. The red-haired one, Arns, was astride the mustached Suggin. Only, Suggin was staring lifeless, mouth open wide; his black suit torn all over, blood pouring from multiple wounds. A twig pierced his stomach, another his leg, and a third his eye. His head had been split open.

Arns turned around and stared at them with hateful eyes. He released a guttural yell and charged.

Gigi squinted and aimed at his leg. She quickly shifted her blaster settings. He was running too fast to avoid a major blood vessel, but if she cauterized the wound as soon as she fired...

*THWIIIIIIIP!* *THWWIIIIIIIIIIP* a blaster round pierced Arns' mouth, another his right eye. His mouth opened in shock, mirroring Gigi's own surprise. Then he tumbled forward to lie still on the ground.


Gigi had reported the officer who had shot to kill, but it had been ruled self-defense. They knew better, of course, but the UP also knew that people needed to heal.

One of the other Daxamites had been found with his body shattered on some rocks; doctors guessed he had jumped after thinking he could still fly. The last one had been found stuffing sand in his mouth; nothing in the medikit could save him.

The anti-lead serum had driven them insane, as Brainiac 5 predicted. What they thought had saved them, had turned out to be the cause of their deaths.

"You know, when Element Lad found out the four Daxamites who'd ravaged Earth were dead, he actually said he wished they would change well," she shared. "I told him myself, thought he would want to know."

Brande nodded. "Aye, I was pretty surprised myself. When we landed on Earth he said that no punishment was severe enough for them."

"Maybe he thought that going insane and dying violently was bad enough," Chuck offered.

"No, I think it was his way of honoring the Trommites," RJ whispered. "He tried to explain it to me once. Time's changes are holy, and only in the next state of death can they truly know. Death was seen as a reward, though suicide or murder was frowned upon. Time spent in this realm was valuable, for it would make you appreciate the next state more."

"Maybe he felt sorry for, you know, how unenlightened they are. He and Karate Kid used to get into all sorts of philosophical discussions about their studies and beliefs, and one thing they agreed on was that knowledge and open-mindedness are among the best ways to enrich oneself."

"Still, I admire his lack of desire for vengeance. Grife knows we see enough of it every day." Shvaughn couldn't help but brush her hair back. "Some people go to such extreme lengths for it."

"Yes, Jan always was forgiving. I think that's what change meant to him. Wrongs done against you are fleeting. Everything transmutes in time. So you can just let it go." RJ Brande said. He stopped by a crystal marker to say a little prayer. "But that doesn't mean he didn't have a sense of justice, or that he would passively accept fate. His actions in saving the Lost Legionnaires from the rift, and even in actually closing the rift, show that."

"Yeah, I remember we used to think he was this very spiritual, fatalistic guy. But we all got a better understanding of him after the operation against the last four members of the White Triangle leadership..."


"Are you sure your contraption will keep the Daxamites depowered, Brainy?" Ultra Boy asked as he used his telescopic vision to scan the blackness around them.

Live Wire motioned him to shush; beside him, Saturn Girl and her teacher Aven had their eyes closed, minds linked in intense concentration. A sheepish Jo lowered his voice. "I mean, there are still four of them left."

"For the 6th time, Ultra Boy, my calculations say that the red sun shielding around our ships will ensure the Daxamites lose their powers if they approach us. Unfortunately, they can still attack us indirectly from afar. And for the 143rd time, I am not called Brainy."

"Great, so they can fry us with laser vision? Wonderful," Triad Purple shook her head.

"SISTER!" Triad Neutral hissed, while Orange glared at Purple. Apparition's recent death - burned by a rampaging Daxamite - was still fairly fresh.

"Brainy did the best he could, Triad," Element Lad said gently. "Even if we coated the entire ship with lead they'd still be able to attack us from afar."

Cosmic Boy raised his arms, and the assembled Legionnaires fell silent. "Let's just be thankful we have measures against them, and that we're not fighting them on a crowded planet. Let's also be thankful that Invisible Kid's intelligence confirmed only four of the White Triangle's leadership remain free. Now, focus and be ready for your parts in the plan; we're up against four of the most powerful beings in the universe and we have to be --"

He was cut off as Saturn Girl's eyes opened in shock. "Oh grife, Wanderer's down! Everyone brace yourselves!"

Cosmic Boy began shouting instructions, but his words were drowned out as the ship keeled over. Jagged bits of meteoroid burst through the hull, and people and objects began flying around as the precious atmosphere escaped.

"Grife!" Cos yelled as sirens went off. "Imra, keep monitoring the Daxamites! XS, Kinetix!"

"I'llmakesureeveryone'sokay!" XS dashed off in a blur.

"I'm on it!" Kinetix's hands glowed as she manipulated the ship's hull; the metal twisted upon itself to seal the holes. Element Lad took his place beside her. "I'll reinforce the plating when you're done, Kinetix."

"Gates, you know what to do."

"Yes, yes, as usual, I'm here risking my life in a senseless war while my people refuse to let me return home. It's martyr Gates to the rescue"

"Just do it, Gates! And everyone... be very careful."


Clad in a black bodysuit and wearing a visor to hide his identity, Valor wrestled with the large, dark-skinned Daxamite who used to head combat training for the White Triangle. Although the yellow sun boosted their physical abilities by the same amount, his muscular opponent had greater baseline strength to begin with.

"To be this strong, you MUST be a Daxamite," growled Lax On with a brutish smile. "Let's see what happens when we toss you out of range of the yellow sun. Hey, Shere Heen, let's throw this traitor away."

"I'm no traitor," Valor said as he propelled himself and his attacker backwards before the cruel blonde called Shere Heen reached them. "Don't confuse your hate for loyalty."

"Big words, but you can't change our minds. We outnumber you four to one, and with your friends dead, you can't beat us!"

Valor glanced around helplessly. His telepathic link with Saturn Girl had been cut off, and his vision powers showed the Legion's ship in jeopardy. Brett Toos had just thrown some more meteoroids in the ship's direction. Though he didn't let on, it seemed the Daxamite might be right. He kept flying backwards, but it would only be a matter of time before the other three caught up to him...

"I had no idea precognition was another one of your powers!" a playful voice chimed in. "Or maybe it's not, since you're predicting all wrong!" Valor felt his opponents' grip loosen. He quickly kicked against Lax On's stomach and turned around to see a piece of cloth around Lax's eyes. As Lax reached for it, it squirmed and twisted.

"Chameleon? Thank grife," Valor breathed as he turned around to punch the lean Brett Toos. He knew the others would be coming.

"M'On! 3 o'clock!" Star Boy yelled. Valor turned to see a glowing green disk. He quickly shoved Brett Toos towards it; the disk closed as he tumbled through. Another disk appeared, and he smoothly intercepted Shere Heen in mid-flight to push her through that second one.

"Traitor! Where are they?" Zena Wernos' long dark hair flailed behind her as she charged Valor. "Bring them ba-" Her words trailed off as she flew right into a third teleportation disk.

Valor smiled as he turned towards Lax On, who was trying to swat a rapidly shapeshifting Chameleon off his body. "Now, where were we?"


"Move that 1.5 centimeters to the left, Cosmic Boy," Brainiac 5 instructed. "Now Leviathan, attach your piece into the slots I have provided."

Leviathan grunted as he pushed his piece into place. "Grife, Cos! This is taking too long. How can we risk the lives of the entire team? I know we don't kill, but these are desperate times."

Element Lad shook his head. "We have discussed this, Leviathan. Brainiac 5 is confident he can tailor his lead poisoning cure for any Daxamite given enough time, but we can't be sure we actually will have enough time."

Leviathan rounded on Jan, eyes narrowed in anger. "Normally I would respect your pacifist beliefs, Element Lad, but grife! These are among the terrorists who killed your entire people! The last ones free! How can you worry so much about not killing them? What if we lose more Legionnaires because of your inaction?!"

"Gim! This is not the time!" Cosmic Boy's tone was firm.

"It's alright," Element Lad spoke up. "Leviathan, if there were no other option I would agree with you. But we do have another one. We can prepare this miniature stargate while our teammates distract our opponents. This was how we defeated the Daxamites on Earth."

"And we lost Apparition, and nearly lost Andromeda, because of it! Almost nobody walked away unscathed! And what if the stargate doesn't work properly?"

"I highly doubt that it won't," Brainiac 5 sneered. "But I do agree with your analysis. It would be easier, and provide us a much lower margin of error, to just have you transmute their transuits into lead. You won't kill them right away, Valor and Andromeda are already immune to lead, and I will have approximately 48 hours to tailor the serum to each of their genetic codes. If you won't listen to this gigantic buffoon's emotional outburst, then listen to my logical analysis."

"See? I don't care if Brainy's just insulted me. Listen to reason, Cos!"

"It was also my decision, Leviathan," Element Lad said calmly. "I choose not to use my powers to poison our attackers."

Cosmic Boy cut in before Leviathan could open his mouth again. "I understand your point Gim, and Brainy, but I don't want to force Element Lad to possibly cause the deaths of these Daxamites if we can help it. Saturn Girl and Aven are monitoring the situation closely, and if things go wrong, then we can step in."

Leviathan stared intensely at Cosmic Boy, then at Element Lad, who both met his gaze. As Gim locked eyes with Jan, Jan stared back calmly. "I am sorry, Leviathan, but I believe this is the best way."

Leviathan's stare stretched into seconds, then minutes. "Fine. But if even one Legionnaire gets sent to the hospital, it's on your head."

Brainiac 5 cleared his throat. "Well then, since you have all agreed to unnecessarily flirt with danger, perhaps you can help me finish constructing the tool that will save us all."


Kinetix strained with all her might as Zena Wernos struggled against her telekinetic field. "Unhand me, freak!"

"I may have a tail, but people like you are the real freaks!" Zoe shot back. She grit her teeth to avoid showing the strain; she doubted she would have been able to hold Zena with her old power levels. "Grife, Cos, are you guys ready yet?"

"Hah! What do you expect from these sub-races?" Zena sneered as she shot a blast of laser vision. Kinetix gasped as it narrowly missed her head.

"Next shot will hit, freak," Zena's cruel smiled showed as her eyes - the same eyes which had burned Trom - glowed. "I will enjoy smelling your burned corpse... what?" Her eyes continued glowing, but no beams of death lasered out of them.

"Run out of batteries?" Kinetix snarked as she strengthened her telekinetic hold.

"Something else else like that," Shrinking Violet said as she grew to normal size. "Keep her arms pinned, Kinetix. I attached Brainy's red sun generator to her back, but we don't want her to knock it off by accident."

"Okay, and now we wait." Zoe's powers extended the neck of Zena's black bodysuit to cover her mouth; her captive's eyes bulged in anger as the threats she was screaming were silenced.

"Not too long, I hope." Violet's tone showed her worry as she checked the timer on the device. Brainy had warned that the small size and limited energy source would only last for about 60 minutes. "I don't want us to go home to any more gold statues..."


"Grife, Star Boy! I think you're actually making this guy stronger. Quit it already!" Ultra Boy winced from the impact of Brett Toos' punch. "I may be invulnerable but even I can't last forever!"

"Okay, okay, sorry for adding so much to his mass. Just wanted to slow him down and help you a bit..." Star Boy mumbled.

"Yeah, well, maybe you can help by taking a few punches," Jo grumbled as he withstood a kick to the stomach.

"I... oh, I know what to do," Star Boy grinned as he used his super speed to vanish.

"What the sprock?!" Jo yelled.

"Coward," sneered Brett as he cocked his arm to throw another punch.

"Ah-ah! It's timeout for you," Star Boy's voice came as locked Brett in a chokehold from behind. "Lyle, move it!"

Ultra Boy watched in amusement as a floating disk attached itself to Brett Toos' back. To his credit, Brett kept struggling even while the red sunlight sapped his powers.

"Keep holding him, boys," Invisible Kid said as he faded into view. "Daxamite cells act like batteries, so this won't drain him instantly."

"Don't worry, we can hold him all day," Star Boy grinned.

"We don't have all day, Thom," Lyle said quietly.


"Sprock it! Life support is okay, but our propulsion and steering's shredded." Live Wire let himself release some electricity as an outlet for his stress. "How are you doing, XS?""

XS' voice came over the comms. "Reading through the repair manual now. I can already tell we don't quite have enough tools or materials to repair everything. Last meteoroid hit our supply room."

"Grife! No way we can leave the ship like this."

"Garth, we're doing our part. Without you and Triad at the controls, that last attack would have totaled us. Now please, we need to concentrate," Saturn Girl said soothingly.

"Tracking the minds of four mobile, teleporting Daxamites is no easy feat even for telepaths of our caliber" Aven added grimly. "We don't need the added challenge of a distraction."

Garth settled back into his seat glumly. Triad laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder as she spoke to Gates. "The others are getting into position, Gates. You're up."

She closed the line before she could hear Gates' reply, partly because she didn't want any still-powered Daxamites to hear anything and partly because she would rather read Gates' sarcastic responses from the flight ring transcripts than hear them.

After noting that Gates was "on his way to provide taxi services to ungrateful teammates," she sent a message to the Dreadnought Terra. "Pres. Brande, Admiral Everett. Ship not in imminent danger. Stay away until we send signal."

As she ended transmission, Garth looked up. "Any word from Ayla yet?"

"None. But don't worry, Garth. She has some pretty good backup."


Spark held her breath as the teleportation disk deposited Shere Heen within eyesight. She quickly unleashed her electrical powers outwards. "Hey, you big bully! Pick on someone who's not afraid of you."

"Pathetic. You can do nothing to me," Shere Heen cracked her knuckles as she began to approach Spark. Ayla quickly let loose with another blast right at Shere's eyes. The Daxamite simply blinked as she kept advancing. "Now, which of your limbs should I detach from your body first?"

Both Legionnaire and White Triangle member barely registered the orange blur that swooped out of nowhere and sent Shere Heen tumbling into a nearby asteroid.

"What?" Shere gasped as she rubbed the dust from her face and fixed her telescopic vision upwards. "I should have known! Cowardly traitor Laurel Gand!"

"I am not a traitor," Andromeda said calmly. "I have just learned the truth. And I am not a coward; I am just fighting to protect my... my friends." She quickly lifted a large asteroid and threw it right at Shere Heen, who was knocked down by the blow.

"You're strong, but I'm stronger... what? What have you done to me?!" Shere screamed as she tried to take off. "I can't fly!"

"Great job, Andromeda. Now, I'll take over. If you go any nearer you'll lose your powers too." Spark directed a carefully rationed amount of electricity at Shere Heen, stunning her.

"Good. Now I can go nearer so Gates can pick us all up," Andromeda said. "Facing my fellow Daxamites was... not as difficult as I thought it would be."

"I guess having Valor himself reaffirm your beliefs is a big courage boost, huh? Be my guest?" Spark motioned. As Andromeda flew towards the asteroid, she called out. "By the way... I'm really glad you decided to join us for this mission. Before you leave, I mean. And it's not just because you saved my butt back there. It would really be nice if you decided to stay."

Andromeda paused, and gave Spark what seemed to be the happiest smile she had ever smiled. "Thank you, Spark... Ayla. That means a lot more to me than I could ever express."

Spark smiled back, then flew forward to join her ex-teammate and new friend.


"Well, are we ready to finish this mission? Or have I been rushing myself and tiring myself out for nothing?!" Gates' tone was a touch more acerbic than usual.

"Easy, Gates," Star Boy cautioned. "I think Brainy's almost done."

"And before you continue, Gates, I understand you're tired but so is everyone else. The least we can do now is not distract Brainy," Violet added. Before Gates could retort, she continued, "and thank you for the great work."

This expression of appreciation shocked Gates so much that he remained speechless.

"I'm done reinforcing the deck, Brainy- Brainiac," Element Lad wiped his brow. He couldn't imagine how the Legion had managed to construct the miniature stargate in Legion HQ with only Brainiac 5 working on it. Maybe they had had more time then.

"And Kinetix and I are done assembling the pieces, Brainy," Leviathan called.

"Gates has transported everyone here," Triad reported. "Dreadnought's moving in position to support us."

"And all Daxamites are still unconscious. Wait, Brett Toos is waking up... there, back to sleep again." Saturn Girl brushed back her hair in exhaustion.

"And we should still have about 7 minutes of red sun radiation left," Invisible Kid noted.

"Good. We can begin. Now we need to generate a charge large enough for the stargate to work. Live Wire, Spark, Ultra Boy, Valor, Andromeda, Star Boy, fire at this spot."

The six Legionnaires let loose with electric blasts and heat vision. The other Legionnaires watched in nervous silence as the power gauge on the collector slowly filled up. 10%... 15%... Though the Daxamites were momentarily stunned and powerless, memories of the White Triangle War ran deep. They had lost one teammate, and each of those who had fought in it still remembered the terrible feelings of helplessness at staring down beings so much more powerful than they.

"45%... good... XS, when the gauge reads 95% I want you to agitate the molecules of this shard at super-speed. Element Lad, once the gauge reaches 100%, transmute this bar into tarnium."

"Gates, once the gate opens, please teleport the our captives near the portal opening. And everyone, make sure you keep your distance. Though they'll be powerless once the gate deposits them onto the red sun world, I doubt anyone would want to be stranded alongside them," Cosmic Boy added as his teammates' heads nodded in agreement. "Hang tight everyone. This will be over very soon."

"Sooner than you think!" A burst of laser vision shot forth from Zena Wernos' eyes and hit Ultra Boy in the back. Jo yelled in pain and slumped forward, unconscious. A second burst of heat vision sliced through the pillars holding the makeshift Stargate together. "What do you know, maybe my cells store more energy than most Daxamites' do?" she quipped. She quickly reached over and plucked the red sun disk from Lax On's back. "Wake up!"

"No, you don't!" Valor grabbed Zena's hand. "Saturn Girl, make her sleep!"

"That's what I'm trying to do with Lax On!" Imra yelled as the muscular Daxamite began to stir.

"Trying is the operative word," Zena sneered as she whipped Valor around and threw him at Saturn Girl. As Valor launched himself at Zena again, she blasted him with heat vision and threw a meteoroid at him. The rock hit his head, and his unconscious form floated alongside Saturn Girl's.

"Lar's down!" Kinetix yelled as she tried to ensnare Zena with her psychokinesis. "How... UGH!" Another burst of heat vision hit her arm; Zoe doubled over in pain her field dissipated.

"We used your trick against you," Zena smiled grimly as she removed the red sun disks from Shere Heen and Brett Toos, both of whom began to stir. She threw one of the disks at an approaching Andromeda, followed quickly be a rain of meteoroids. The last volley battered Laurel, throwing her into Invisible Kid and Chameleon. A blast of cold breath froze an attacking Shrinking Violet in her tracks. "Now, where's the little bug... ah!" Gates screamed as he teleported away, but not before heat vision singed his abdomen.

"Grife! We have to stop them," Leviathan yelled as he grew to colossal size. Live Wire nodded as he pointed towards Zena. "Half the team's down already!"

"No!" Cosmic Boy and Brainiac 5 yelled together. "We need to fix the stargate now!" continued Cos. "Triad, call Aven and ask him to keep the other Daxamites asleep! XS, keep fixing the beams!"

"I can spare you, Star Boy, but I need both Ranzzes to keep charging the stargate," Brainiac 5 added.

"My pleasure, Brainy," Star Boy charged Zena and grappled with her. "Yikes!" he yelled as he dodged a burst of heat vision. "I don't know how long I can keep this up..."

"Let me help you, Star Boy," Element Lad stepped forward, hands raised. Sheathes of inertron surrounded Valor and Andromeda, and a wall of lead appeared between the stargate and the Daxamites. The smooth surface of the wall extended outwards into jagged spikes. Jagged lead cocoons also surrounded his other unconscious teammates. "If you try to burst through here, Zena, your transuit will be cut and you will be exposed."

"Wonderful," Zena growled as he headbutted Star Boy. An unconscious Thom floated away as Zena faced the wall of lead. "I can just burn through this!"

"And I will keep making more. I have no wish to harm you irreversibly, Zena. Do not force me to transmute your own transuit into lead." The wall kept regenerating on one side even as it was being destroyed from the other.

"I don't believe for a second you would, Trommite! Even though we killed your entire world, you didn't have the guts to poison us right away!"

Sweat began to bead on Jan's forehead. "I did not because it would be pointless to condemn you to a painful death. But I can, and I would if there were no other choice. So stand down while I still have a choice."

"Never!" Zena yelled as she intensified her blast. Element Lad quickly transmuted an intertron-titanium band around Zena's eyes. She burned through it in seconds.

Sweat began trickling down Element Lad's neck and back. The Legion was his new home, and he wished to uphold its ideals. And even though Trom was gone, he remembered the teachings - an eye for an eye was not their way. But how much longer could he hold on? Could he buy enough time?

He forced himself to listen to the flight ring chatter even as he concentrated on reinforcing the lead wall. "I... am having difficulty... keeping the other Daxamites from... rousing," Aven breathed. "I can sense... the yellow sunlight... recharging them..."

Jan quickly transmuted metallic cocoons around the sleeping Daxamites. He did not dare cocoon them in lead; if they struggled and tore their transuits, they would be poisoned for sure. He began reinforcing the lead wall between him and Zena with other metals - inertron, titanium, iron, tungsten, osmium, lightlium, everything he could think of. The wall continued to buckle, though; as he was tiring, Zena's body was absorbing more and more yellow sunlight. Jan could sense that his wall wasn't as thick as it used to be. Dents began to appear in multiple places as Zena intensified her beams.

"I will hold out as long as I can, Zena. I will..."

"Element Lad! Tarnium, now!"

"At last!" Jan thought as he turned around and aimed his power at the rod in the middle of the Stargate. "NO!" Zena screamed as the Stargate began to burst open in a flood of multi-colored light. Debris began flying into the hole at amazing speed.

"Everybody hold on!" Cosmic Boy ordered as the Stargate began its pull. "I'll try to pull the others in magnetically!"

Element Lad raised his hands, and slowly the cocoons around his teammates turned into iron. They began to drift away from the Stargate, pulled magnetically by Cosmic Boy. The inertron cocoons around the still-sleeping White Tranglists began to transmute into handcuffs made of iron even as they were pulled in. "Hope this helps enough, Cosmic Boy. It's about all I can do now. I'm exhausted..."

"Good, because you're coming with me!" Element Lad looked up in horror to see Zena hurtling towards him. She slammed into him before he could even move.

"I'm going to finish the job we started on Trom, genetrash," she hissed.

"JAN!" Leviathan grew to colossal size and tried to grab at them. As his gigantic arm loomed close, it was met by Zena's heat vision. "Arrrgh!"

"Now," Zena said as she cocked her arm back, "I finish the job."

"Do as you wish," Jan said. "I still don't plan to kill you."

"You don't have to!" Triad Purple yelled. "Eat red sunlight, scumbag!"

"No!" Zena screamed in horror as Purple attached a red sun disk to her back.

"Grab my hand Jan!" Orange stretched out to him. "I can bring you back with me - aaaah!" Orange and Purple were blown backwards out of the Stargate by Zena's breath. Zena's arm closed around Jan's neck, pulling him close, as another held his arm. Two quick bursts of heat vision burned both his palms, as he felt Zena's grip tighten around his neck.

He desperately closed his eyes and unleashed a magnesium flare. As Zena's grip loosened, Jan transmuted his boots into tungsten and kicked back, while propelling himself as far as he could with his flight ring. If he could just get out of range until Zena's powers faded...

His heart sank as a hand closed against his ankle. "After all this you still won't kill me?" she hissed. "Weakling!"

Jan forced himself to look her in the eye. "I actually think it's a sign of strength. I won't compromise my beliefs. I'd have thought you would appreciate that."

"And if you don't, we do! Now, let him go!" Both looked in surprise as a XS and Gates teleported into view. In a second, XS had pried Zena's hand from Jan's leg, and had kicked her in the chest to propel her further into the Stargate. "Okay Gates, let's get out of here!"

"Let's just make one thing clear," Gates grumbled as he created a teleportation disk while Zena's scream of rage faded into the background. "Not ALL of us appreciate you risking our lives like this!"


RJ Brande chuckled as he recalled the detailed report that had been submitted. "Though not all the Legionnaires had agreed with Element Lad's reasoning, they had commended his actions, skill and creativity in using his powers to save them. Luckily, none of the Legionnaires suffered more than minor injuries."

"More importantly, we got closure. These four were tried alongside the other two White Triangle leaders we had caught earlier. They're serving their sentences now," Shvaughn added.

"The other two?" Chuck asked.

"Lynched by moderate Daxamites who were afraid that the White Triangle's actions would invite reprisal and war. It wasn't a pretty sight."

Chuck shuddered. "Sometimes I think the ones who died violently got what they deserved, but I guess the cycle of violence has to end somewhere."

"So it does, lad. Justice can be meted out without unnecessary violence."

"Element Lad was one of the Legionnaires I knew least," Shvaughn mused as she looked at his monument. "But this story makes me remember that he was also one of the wisest."

"And how," Chuck said. "Brainiac 5 told me that only Jan had the powers and skills to save them from the other side of the Rift. Without Jan, the Lost Legionnaires would never have returned, and we wouldn't have been strong enough to stop Ra's al Ghul."

"And it's just right that we honor him today," RJ Brande said. "Though they may be gone, they live on in our stories and memories. And we honor them every day by continuing to live their dream."

"Sorry we're late." The three turned to see Dyrk Magz, Marla Latham, Tenzil Kem, Lori Morning, Rond Vidar, Lady Mysa, Dr. Ryk'rr, Dr. Gym'll, Dirk Morgna, Spider-Girl, Winema Wazzo and Cub Wazzo-Nah, Nightwind, Infectious Lass, Blizzard, Particon, Impulse, Babbage, Magnetic Kid, Lume, Gigi Cusimano and Hannah Wells approaching. Chuck was also surprised to see television reporter Condo Arlik; he had seen him with Invisible Kid before but thought it was just for interviews. "We were delayed wrapping up some relief efforts on Corvan IV, and we swung by Legion World to pick everyone else up" Mysa explained.

Hannah held up her hands. "I'm here today as a friend of the Legion's, and not as a reporter. I owe the Legion for helping me see past my selfishness and shallowness."

"I'm here as a friend too," Condo smiled weakly. "The Legion's been an inspiration."

"What have you been up to while waiting for us?" Tenzil asked.

"Just telling stories about the lost Legionnaires," Chuck said. "You should hear Mr. Brande's account of how they took down the last of the White Triangle leaders. Now THAT was a battle."

"I've read all about it," Winema smiled. "But my dear Mr. Taine, I hardly think that can compare to the time the Legion drugged and kidnapped me in order to clear my name and expose the incumbent UP President!"

RJ Brande chuckled as he sat down. "Now THAT is a story we all should hear. Gather around, everyone. I had planned a solemn ceremony, but I think it would be better if we all just shared our fondest stories about the lost Legionnaires. If you would be so kind as to begin, Winema?"

Winema smiled as she reclined in her portable hover chair. "This was during the false Sun-Eater scare. I was under house arrest, under suspicion for trying to murder the Legionnaires..."

And so they sat together, Legionnaires and friends and allies, recalling with fondness the best memories they had of these lost heroes. Aches and pains were soothed, and resolves strengthened, as they shared the moments of triumph and determination that had made the young heroes of the Legion the legends that they were.

Because although the old team of Legionnaires may be lost, their legacies would live on forever.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 09/19/21 03:34 PM.
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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


In another universe...

Twenty-four figures huddled around a campfire in the middle of a steep valley. Soft animal cries could be heard in the distance, but no other sentient beings had been sighted for klicks all around. It seemed they might very well be alone again.

Kid Quantum stood up somberly and cleared her throat. Twenty-three faces looked at her with varying expressions, though not one of them wore a smile.

"Okay, so this is the 5th world we've visited ever since we left that other Legion's world, and it's still definitely not ours. That's fine; nobody said it would be easy. But Shikari's pathfinding keeps pointing us in the right direction; I'm confident that there is a right direction because she can see something. So let's just rest up, get a good night's sleep for once, and we'll try again in the morning. Eat up, okay? We need our strength."

Twenty-three heads nodded in unison.

"Come on, say it with me one more time," Kid Quantum grinned. "Long live the Legion!"

"Long live the Legion!" twenty-four voices called, though perhaps not with quite as much enthusiasm as they once would have had. But it was still better than Kid Quantum had expected. Then, the twenty-four Legionnaires dispersed.

"Nice speech," Cosmic Boy smiled as he placed a shoulder around Kid Quantum.

"Not quite as good as anything you could have come up with, Mr. Pep Talk," Jazmin smiled.

"Well, these are exceptional circumstances. Not even the Lost Legionnaires had this little hope to go on while they were in the Second Galaxy. But you're right, Shikari's talent keeps sensing a path. We'll get there."

"Hmmm. I really appreciate your optimism, Rokk. It helps me keep my own up. And believe me, I really need it."

"You're a strong leader of a strong team, Jaz. Don't worry, things will turn out just fine. As long as we're alive..."

"... we still have hope," Jaz finished. The two drew closer as they sat by the fire, and together they looked up at the stars. Perhaps one of those stars would lead to home.


Dreamer leaned against Star Boy as they finished their dinner. "I'm glad your powers haven't been acting up recently," Nura smiled. "It looks like the three Brainiac 5s were able to fix whatever was wrong with you."

"Yeah. And they say I should be fine as long as I don't strain myself too much again. One thing good about us hopping through dimensions," Thom smiled as he kissed Nura.

"Oh, sorry!" Apparition covered her mouth as she and Ultra Boy stepped into view. "We didn't think anyone else was here."

"It's okay," Nura smiled reassuringly. "We were just about to finish up."

"Hey Jo," Thom said as he extended a hand. "I never did thank you properly for moving War World away when you did. If you hadn't, Brainy says I probably wouldn't have survived the Robotican War."

"Yeah well, we're teammates, Thom. You would have done the same - and you did, when I was having those pains when Tinya's spirit was stuck inside me. So we're even." Jo and Thom shook hands, smiling.

Tinya waved as Nura and Thom left. "Well, aren't we the friendly one now, Jo. I'm proud of you."

Jo shrugged. "I guess all this dimension-hopping has helped put things into perspective. Why harbor grudges when there's no good reason to? They are our teammates, after all."

"So you're going to start being nice to Brin now?" Tinya teased.

"We probably won't be drinking buddies any time soon, but yes, I'll be good," Jo smiled.

"Mmm. You should, because Cub very much likes both his Daddy and his Uncle Brin around." Tinya rested her head on Jo's chest and curled up close. "I miss him. I even miss mom. We just started getting along, and then we're torn from reality. Hardly seems fair."

"Little in life is, angel. But don't worry, we'll get the chance to carry on soon," Jo said with as much sincerity as he could muster.

The two stared into the campfire from a distance as they held each other through the night.


Shikari's armor-skin cut through log after log after log. She was panting, but she didn't stop.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady!" Wildfire's voice was thick with amusement. "We have a big day tomorrow, you shouldn't tire yourself out!"

"Oh, Wildfire!" Shikari breathed in deeply as she armored down. "It is just so frustrating. My pathfinding sense has never failed me before, even when it led us to the Omniphagos. How come it is failing me now?"

"Well, we've never been cast into other universes before. But I think Kid Q's right; your sense has always pointed us into a new direction. I think, eventually, we'll get home."

"I hope it is sooner rather than eventually. Then Smart Legion can study the technology shared by his other versions, and cure you."

Wildfire sat in silence for a moment. "Yeah, they did say there might be a way for me to replenish my anti-energy. We just need to find a good source for it. Is that... is that why you've been pushing yourself so hard?"

"I have no wish for you to dissipate, Wildfire," Shikari said solemnly. "I would like for you to be whole again."

Wildfire took Shikari's hand and squeezed it gently. He didn't have to say anything; his touch said it all.

IB's notes:

Star Boy and Ultra Boy have had a semi-antagonistic relationship ever since Thom told Cos that Jo was suffering from weird cramps (LSH 81). The cramps were because Tinya's spirit was struggling to get out of Jo's body.

Jo and Brin have never liked each other. Jo was jealous because Brin took care of Tinya on her journey from Rimbor to Earth.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/23/15 09:59 AM.
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Joined: Feb 2011
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That was the best and most epic ending and post yet! I loved ever minuet of it.

i loved seeing the team in action. When i think of this Legion, its this roster i love and think of the most. It was the early days.

the way you tied up the "the White Triangle Saga" was great. You gave a really good ending. Element lad's powers were so impressive. I also enjoyed how he stuck to his beliefs. His conviction is really strong and its easy to forget how much so. You've returned Jan to a heroic glory.

gates was awesome as always. Love his banter.

spark and Andromeda was really sweet. I really liked that moment. I actually want to use that relationship in my own story.

there is just so much going on in this. But i love every second of it!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Joined: Feb 2011
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I can't wait to see what comes next!!!
Loving Shikar and Wildfires moment!!!
they are so cute at that moment.

nice touching on Thom's powers and Jo's attitude.

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Thanks, Omni! I'm glad you think my Element Lad post turned out well. I had such a hard time with it; it was very hard to come up with something that could make up for his turning into the Progenitor, and I didn't want to just rehash the "oh but Jan saved us all from the Rift" theme. Then I remembered that the White Triangle Saga had never been completely wrapped up in the Postboot. I'm just glad I was able to do him justice.

I liked using the "early" team too, and it was easier because there were half a dozen less Legionnaires to keep track off. It sure can be hard to think of something to do for everyone in a given scene!

I chose Spark to partner with Andromeda because I don't recall an instance where she really antagonized or snarked at Laurel (unlike Tinya or Zoe). It also fits her personality, I think. Yes, feel free to write their friendship into your own story!

I'm very much enjoying writing Gates too tongue I think he provides a great outlet for my own sarcasm.

I'm glad you're excited to see what's next! I already have plans for all the Legionnaires wink I love writing Shikari and Wildfire too, though at this point I'm not sure I'll move towards a romance for them yet. They make good "best friends" though.

Although conflict is good for drama, I always liked the Legion best as a family with lots of camaraderie. That's why I had Thom and Jo "patch things up" so to speak, and softened his attitude towards Brin. And hey, Brin helped his wife and child, so he really has no reason to hold a grudge. As for Thom (and Wildfire's condition), I just thought it made sense that the Legionnaires would have gotten medical attention after Legion of 3 Worlds. Thom's condition in my opinion should have been a lot easier to fix than Ferro's inability to turn back into flesh, or Sensor's mutation.

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