I am not reading this, but I somehow cannot look away.
From what I have gleaned from the internet, there are already stark differences between JL3K and JL2K.
• Lacks heat vision.
• Personality change: he is arrogant, smug and vain; considers himself better than his teammates.
• Makes lewd and misogynistic comments to and regarding Wonder Woman.
• Hates Batman with a passion.
• Personality change: impulsive and hot-headed, rather the opposite of the cool, grim Dark Knight as he is generally portrayed.
• Hates Superman with a passion.
Wonder Woman:
• Lacks her “magical” paraphernalia.
• Violent in the extreme; lacks the compassion of the 21st-century WW.
• Ugly. But that may just be the art.
• Claims not to remember the Superman-Wonder Woman romance.
The Flash:
• Lacks the aura which protected him from friction, and allowed him to vibrate through walls.
Green Lantern
• Lacks a power ring. Has some sort of compensating technology in his cloak-and-cowl, but considers it inferior.
• Personality change: remarkably optimistic, cheerful and upbeat, to the point of being silly.
The five apparently consider themselves to be Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Princess Diana, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan; however, they also seem to be somehow aware that their memories are false, artificial, or implanted, and that they are in some measure ¿reconstructions? of their previous selves.
The Flash proves he is a Legion fan: