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so i found this cool little website that fans sort of brake down every thing into tropes and this trope http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.p...wesome?from=Main.CrowningMomentOfAwesome got me thinking, what is the hands down Crowning Moment Of Awesome for each legion member, and sadly i could only come up with like three so i want to know the every one here thinks the rules for CMOA as defined by the web site are The moment when a character does something for which they will be remembered forever, winning for them the eternal loyalty of fans, an a Moment culminant d'Awesome It should be noted that Crowning Moments of Awesome are subjective, and what strikes one as being pure awesome may generate a 'meh' reaction from another. It is also possible for certain characters to have more than one moment of awesome during their existence, both for the above-mentioned reasons of audience subjectivity, and because some characters are just that awesome. Nonetheless, the merely very cool is not necessarily a CMOA, even if it seems like that at the time. the immediate circumstances are (if well-done) intentionally designed to increase the excitement, satisfaction, or relief of any particular climax, but not every climax does a CMOA make. In general, just to fit the name, in order to be a Crowning Moment of Awesome an act must be: * Awesome. Not fun, not intellectually satisfying, not vindicating, not a shout out or a piece of the metaplot or metagame. Awesome: whatever it is, it has to be that thing several times over, maybe in several ways, and it has to go beyond what you have come to expect or, possibly, could predict. * A moment. Some characters are Crazy Awesome indeed, but their entire existence is not a CMOA for them. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with being so awesome that everything you do would be a CMOA for someone else, but not for you, because it makes your own actual CMOA's just that much better. * Crowning. It is the cherry on the icing on the cake, bringing the personal story of its participants to a climax. It's the best thing that's ever happened to them, even better than all the other, similar but somehow lesser things that they have done. SO here are mine matter eater lad eating the Miracle Machine, saving the universe Saturn girl taking down Universo while every one else is under his control on the planet save four people. i know its not a good guy moment but when element lad in the reboot blows apart montress with a look if im remembering right. And i know this is not a legion, hell even a comic book moment but when Super girl is under the north pole and is in that world where Kryptonite does good and Metallo is crushing her neck and it was her plan to let that happen so she can use the sword to knock the green rock away. that was the first time i genuine like her cause she was smart and it was awesome
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Ultra Boy playing Mordu and Glorith against one another and essentially saving the entire galaxy and timestream--and never taking credit for it.
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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Projectra snapping Nemesis Kid's neck was a crowning moment of awesome for the character (if not for her career as a Legionnaire...).
Element Lad waving his hand and making 10,000 Daxamites drop out of the sky from lead poisoning wasn't portrayed as a crowning moment of awesome, but *should have been.*
(Really, Jan got a few very casual and very sick displays of power in the Great Darkness Saga. In another scene, he creates a lead bubble over Superboy during a fight with a clone of Superman, and the thought is, 'That won't protect him from the bad-guy...' but it was to protect Kal from *his own power,* as he turns the rubble around the clone into gold Kryptonite.)
Val busting out of the 'power-draining shackles' on Orando was close. The scene in the reboot with Val in prison, saying 'you're trapped in here with me' goes so far in the direction as to be a crowning moment of suck, sorta like the time that Wolverine quoted 'wanna dance with the devil in the pale moonlight' to the Mandarin.
Threeboot Dream Girl facing off the Pre-Cops on Naltor, basically forcing them to second-guess themselves and miss the true danger. Probably not a crowning moment of awesome, but a moment of awesome, nonetheless.
Chameleon Boy on Durla, fighting another Durlan in a shapeshifting duel, and winning by turning into a hummingbird. He doesn't win because he's a Legionnaire, he doesn't win because he's a stronger shapeshifter, he wins because he's the *smarter* shapeshifter.
White Witch facing off against the Khund cyborg who has just taken out the others, all gunfighter style. Her first ever solo fight as a Legionnaire, and a stylish one.
Reboot (?) Timber Wolf wiping out the Fatal Five single-handedly would certainly count (although that went right past Crowning Moment of Awesome to Mary-Sue Unstoppable, IMO).
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Well you guys already picked some of my faves, Projectra snapping Nemesis Kid's neck and Saturn Girl facing off against Universo being the top two on my list. Another one for Saturn Girl is when she goes to face Zarlon the conqueror (is that his name?) by herself. It is the collimation of her entire plan where she basically decided that if a Legionnaire would die, it would be her. Even though LL ruined it, I still think that is a great Saturn Girl moment and speaks so much to her character. Dream Girl in the Great Darkness Saga - don't know if this is really a CMOA, but the scene where the universe is utterly going to heck and she comments about breaking a nail. LOVE IT! Keeping her priorities even in time of chaos Good thread, I'm sure I'll think of some more soon.
Long Live the Legion!
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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This site tends to pick out some of the CMoA (such as White Witchs face-off with the Khund cyborg). And am I the only person in the world who can't say Khund out loud without it sounding like something that will get me slapped? Wow, what an awkward word to use in a sentence, especially around non-Legion-fans...
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Trap Timer
Trap Timer
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Originally posted by Set: Reboot (?) Timber Wolf wiping out the Fatal Five single-handedly would certainly count (although that went right past Crowning Moment of Awesome to Mary-Sue Unstoppable, IMO). This was really cool... when Karate Kid did it thirty years earlier. (Then again, he only fought them to a standstill, but it was also the old school Fatal Five when they were still pretty damn badass...)
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space mutineer & purveyor of quality sammitches
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Either I'm too far gone to remember any Crowning Moments that haven't already been mentioned by others, or the moments I can think of would be scoffed at by everyone else.
I will say that the animated series episode "Child's Play" is my personal Crowning Moment for Phantom Girl.
Also Star Boy in the episode "Unnatural Alliance," literally building a planet from scratch to imprison a cadre of bounty hunters. Too bad nobody on his side was around to see it.
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space mutineer & purveyor of quality sammitches
space mutineer & purveyor of quality sammitches
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[snip] Originally posted by Set: Projectra snapping Nemesis Kid's neck was a crowning moment of awesome for the character (if not for her career as a Legionnaire...) My favorite would actually be later on, when she stripped Persuader of his senses and left him to "live alone in your sickening mind." A classic Whoa. I'm glad she's on our side moment. Threeboot Dream Girl facing off the Pre-Cops on Naltor, basically forcing them to second-guess themselves and miss the true danger. Probably not a crowning moment of awesome, but a moment of awesome, nonetheless... It's pretty damn crowning. Especially in context of the argument with the High Seer later on. And I'm not sure how much of this was deliberate on Waid's part, but I liked the idea that she was willing to trust her teammate to kayo her without causing her real harm; anything to get at the truth and win the fight.
Chameleon Boy on Durla, fighting another Durlan in a shapeshifting duel, and winning by turning into a hummingbird. He doesn't win because he's a Legionnaire, he doesn't win because he's a stronger shapeshifter, he wins because he's the *smarter* shapeshifter... I always figured that it wasn't about the smarts you were born with, but the idea that you can't live in isolation from the world(s) your whole life and hope to make the most of what you were born with. A debatable point in some universes, but...
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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awwww, the white witch's face off with the arch mage.
dream girl taking out omen with a lever.
chameleon boy winning tribal leadership on durla, after getting his powers back.
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Brainiac 5 facing down the Time Trapper in the climax of the "Conspiracy" story.
Reboot Shrinking Violet beating up Micro Lad in the tryout on Imsk.
The SUBS assault on the Dominator underground chambers during the "Terra Mosaic."
Saturn Girl - preboot, her domination of Universo at the climax of the Universo Project. Post-boot, her doing the same to Dr. Psycho after he removes Aven's mental blocks from he mind.
Invisible Kid - defeat of Hunter I.
Bouncing Boy - defeat of Hunter II.
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oh i have one for lighting lad at the end of leagion lost- when every one is finally working like a legion team again he drops his ring, so he wont be braking the code, when he goes out to kill element lad and the monster thing
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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The Subs when they defeated the League of Super-Assassins.
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Shadow Lass in her debut: The fight with Emerald Empress. Insect Queen resigning her humanity to save Superboy. Dream Girl resting all the time to Star Boy in his judgment for murder. Saturn Girl in her confrontation with Darkseid in the Annual 2. Projectra en her role in Mordrú Rising, destroying the body revived of his lovely Val. Veilmist, saving all the legionnaires buried by Mordrú. Wave (Spider Girl) resigning the Jo's love, encouraging him to rescue to Tinya in the past. Phantom Girl in her reunion with Jo in Zero Hour, only for die five minutes later.
From UK with glamour.
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No one ever seems to talk about "Super Soldiers of the Slave Maker" from Superboy #220, but I think it's Phantom Girl's CMOA. In this story, the Legion visits a planet that's ruled by an evil dictator. He tells them that he's planted a bomb at the core of the planet, and the bomb is set to explode if they interfere with it, so the Legion had better just go away. While the other Legionnaires are debating what to do, Phantom Girl takes the situation into her own hands. She phases to the center of the planet, defuses the bomb, and comes back alive.
Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Superboy & Supergirl giving Darkseid the what for (yes i used that term to be funny) in issue LSH 294) and of course Supergirl still giving it to him after he banishes Superboy to the 20th century.
Bring back the super-cousins
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duo damsel saves the life of princess projecta by taking all of the pain that would kill one person and splitting herself in two
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Dream Girl's use of her persona, the LSH flight ring and her teammate's powers in "The Legionnaire's Made for Burning"... one of the issues leading up to the Great Darkness.
Element Lad, with Cham and Brainy's help, deducing the solution to the Shrinking Violet issue. Invisible Kid quoting the LSH constitution to Imra in the LSH's return to the Kwai galaxy.
Umbra's fierce protectiveness towards Wildfire, in the face of her own severe fear of, revulsion towards his dual nature.
I've chosen several moments that have nothing to due with the powers of the characters in question, as I think those type of moments are the most awe-inspiring.
With that in mind, I'd have to say that one of the most awesome moments in LSH history was when several Legionnaires (Cham, Sun Boy, Cos, Saturn Girl and who else?) held lightning rods up, knowing that one of them would die, to bring Lightning Lad back from his death-like state.
For super-power displays, I'll mention Element Lad and his spectacular- though wrongly depicted- use of his powers in the Widening Rift stories, not to mention him saving the lives of the Lost Legionnaires before becoming the wretched Progenitor.
Cosmic Boy's magnetic apotheosis after the terrorist act that decimated his family (mainly visual, I guess).
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Ferro Lad-In Adventure 353 when he saved the universe by defeating the Sun Eater. In my opinion, this was also a crowning moment in the history of the Legion as well.
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The Mystery of Sensor Girl revealed!
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I think my favourite two have already been mentioned; Sensor Girl stripping the Persuader of his senses, and Brainy using the Infinite Man to defeat the Time Trapper. That second gambit is probably one of the best CMOA of any comic book character in any continuity, it was so perfectly plotted out and made complete sense but was still utterly shocking and a brilliant display of what makes Brainy the most dangerous Legionnaire when his only power is his mind...
Actually, while we're on the Time Trapper...I think Mon-El taking down the Time Trapper at the start of V4, knowing the pyrrhic cost of that gesture, is definitely another great one.
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Good one, S-S.
I may be breaking the rules here, but some of my crowning moments of awesome are the quiet moments.
Duo Damsel saving 2 truck drivers in the Mordru story and winning the respect of Superboy.
Brainy telling her she's one of the bravest Legionnaires after the Conspiracy story.
A powerless Bouncing Boy charging in to save Saturn Girl in the Computo story.
Colossal Boy forgiving Yera for deceiving him.
Superboy's eulogy for Triplicate Girl.
Cosmic Boy's guilt over Ferro Lad's death.
Ayla's discovery and acceptance that Garth is really Proty.
ME Lad facing down Duplicate Boy with logic.
Dream Girl letting Quanto escape.
Element Lad deciding that letting Roxxas live with his madness was a more suitable punishment than killing him.
Invisible Kid punching Ultra Boy out for disobeying a direct order.
Princess P giving Validus a pep talk.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Rond and Andrew Nolan in the Mordruverse. still heroes!
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Wow, Jim. Your post made me tear up remembering some of those moments.
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Thanks, Rhino. Those are the scenes that move me, more than the flash-bang, look what I can do grand gestures. Here are a few more:
Cosmic Boy's conscience taking the face of his mother when he's about to kill her murderers.
Shadow Lass mooning over Brainiac 5 in the shell of the old clubhouse.
Myla telling the Legionnaires she'll take good care of Lyle after he died.
Karate Kid charging to Projectra's aid after she's clubbed by a thug.
Dream Girl refusing to predict the outcome of Star Boy's trial.
Jakra weeping over the Hunter's body, while Invisible Kid ponders his motives.
Princess P facing a jeering crowd on her home world.
Star Boy accepting Polar Boy's offer to join the Subs.
Superboy crying over his parents to save Shrinking Violet from his antibodies.
Supergirl kissing Brainy goodbye in the same story.
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Stone Boy winning and then turning down membership in the Legion.
Matter-Eater Lad standing up to Duplicate Boy.
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