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by Invisible Brainiac - 03/13/25 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
I seem to recall someone who read the "Mask Man" story when it first came out saying something like that the first death in that story, coming on the heels of Lightning Lad's death a few issues earlier, seemed really dramatic, and the second death in that story made it seem like they were upping the ante over the previous killing of a single Legionnaire. By the time you got to the third death, however, it was pretty obvious that there was some sort of fake-out going on.

Although that was what - a single issue story? So the pain is all over in a short while. Unlike now x_x

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Re Empress vs. Mon, it was possible once upon a time, when the Eye had powers like mind-control and reality warping - but now it seems to be all blasty blast blast.

Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Knife? Sounds like they're borrowing heavily from the reboot version of the Empress to me (including the annoying "Eye did it!" speech quirk).

That was the Emerald Eye though, not the Postboot Empress.

Still, I'd take that Empress over this one any day! When I opened the issue I scratched my head and asked why a giant spider was growing out of the Empress' head...

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Originally Posted by BridYYC
Originally Posted by Color Kid
I would have to agree that things are not what they seem. Universo?

The way this book is going, it'll be Archmage.

You give them too much credit. The way this book is going, it'll probably be "Archie"

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I'm pretty sure that Portela is now just doing he cover and has moved on to Animal Man

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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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There was a comment on a Legion of Substitute Podcasters show, regarding issue #18, that the Empress might be Jeckie. It was just tossed out, not too seriously, but it made me think that this Empress, or the Eye itself, might be wielding some magic that overpowered Mon-el.

I don't think Jeckie's involved (Lar would have recognized her) but it was diverting to consider that Jeckie herself might have made some pact with the Eye to revive Val Armorr. If she sleeps with his old uniform, she might try anything.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Originally Posted by Dave Hackett
OK, so I just read it:

I've really given Paul a a lot of slack and defended him from time to time, but this is just awful, awful stuff.

I'll say this, at least things aren't boring like they've been since Levitz returned.


He's writing the Legion out-of-character in order for the story to have consequences. In Paul's old days, he do something like having Mon-El swoop in at lightspeed and separate the Empress and the Eye. Probably wouldn't have worked long term, but it's better than him just getting blasted repeatedly by the eye.

Tinya has been a mess. Is this Levitz's way of saying she shouldn't have been elected Legion leader?

I don't know if anyone is truly dead or not, but that's not even the point. It's also odd that the rookies get off scott-free (they shouldn't even have been inducted), yet Legionnaires with years of experience get taken down like punks.

The artist on the second half of the book made Kolin's artwork look good by comparison, and I'm pretty sure he's scheduled to do more. Well, at least it's not as awful as the cover art.

Things have gone to so mediocre to promising to utter crap in the past 3 issues.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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This issue ranks among the all-time worst comics I've ever read.

Every single comic from Marvel and Image in 1992 was better than this.

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Time Trapper
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I SO have to buy this.

It wasn't at my comic shop this week or last?!?!?!

I think it wasn't allowed past customs because of poor quality!

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And then there was steak!
And then there was steak!
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I could send you my copy! It's all yours for the taking!

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Gen X > Space X
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Accept CL's copy, Power Boy. Otherwise, you'll only encourage them...

Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on ipernity! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
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I have to see the mess ... I have a sick sense of humor.

It sounds A M A Z I N G.

better than the issue I flipped through at the store that had Dream Girl's arm growing out of her boob.

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And then there was steak!
And then there was steak!
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Message me and I'll get you my copy. Really. It's so bad it's making my room stink. XD

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Space Fatigue Survivor
Space Fatigue Survivor
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We (the readers) really need to get some answers (plot advancement) in the next issue:

1) How is the Fatal Four doing all this tech carnage?

2) Is Tharok now just some holovid or is he projecting himself (and his carnage?) through the mysterious Tharok chip?

3) Where's Mano?

4) Some kind of hints on the status of Star Boy, Invisible Kid and Polar Boy.

5) Why are the Promethean Giants even in this saga?

6) What does Ultra-Boy see in a self-centered wuss of a Legion Leader such as Phantom Girl? Tinya's stock is sinking as low as Shadow Lass'.

I need answers to at least half these questions or next issue will be a disappointment.

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Originally Posted by Kid Quislet

I need answers to at least half these questions or next issue will be a disappointment.

Get used to disappointment.

Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Time Trapper
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Originally Posted by Kid Quislet
We (the readers) really need to get some answers (plot advancement) in the next issue:

5) Why are the Promethean Giants even in this saga?

This made me laugh! hahahaha!

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6) What does Ultra-Boy see in a self-centered wuss of a Legion Leader such as Phantom Girl? Tinya's stock is sinking as low as Shadow Lass'.

Which is a great representation of how out of character this run is for Levitz. During his last run, if any gender had a complaint it was the men. Levitz did really well with the female legionnaires. He turned Dream Girl from a background player to a major Legion force. He revitalized Saturn Girl. He re-invented Projectra. He made Violet interesting. He re-energized (pun intended) Lightning Lass. He wrote Dawnstar and Shadow Lass really strongly. And, arguably, he laid the ground work that made Phantom Girl the solid, dependable person that ultimately got her elected leader all these years later. But you're absolutely correct. The writing and characterization that has befallen these ladies is sad.

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The writing and characterization that has befallen this book is what is really sad. I mean a person with a 12th level intelligence doesn't have a ready made plan on how to take down their greatest enemy? Let alone the skills to have a headquarters built that won't fall apart if the power fails smile WTF?

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When has Brainiac 5 been shown to have a high-level of preparation in the comics? He does not come to my mind when I think about characters who are good at prep.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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The Conspiracy arc against the Time Trapper showed a masterful bit of planning, for one. Brainy's high intelligence means that whether he has oodles of time or needs to think on the fly, he's supposed to be able to come up with solutions that the other Legionnaires cannot.

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Envy me, you poor people. ENVY ME!!!!!

For I have not read this issue.

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I don't know if I have just been worn down by so much bad storytelling in this title or if my expectations were negative from reading this thread, but I didn't actively hate this issue. I didn't LIKE it by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn't hate it just kind of plodded along without making an impact.

Then again, if that's the best I can say after reading the Legion these days maybe it is time to throw in the towel after all.. tongue

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I forget which writer it was (Peyer?), who said the key to writing Brainy was to spend all week coming up with a foolproof and outrageous plan and then write Brainy doing it instantly.

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Space Fatigue Survivor
Space Fatigue Survivor
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Originally Posted by razsolo
I don't know if I have just been worn down by so much bad storytelling in this title or if my expectations were negative from reading this thread, but I didn't actively hate this issue. I didn't LIKE it by any stretch of the imagination, but I didn't hate it just kind of plodded along without making an impact.

Then again, if that's the best I can say after reading the Legion these days maybe it is time to throw in the towel after all.. tongue

I am totally with you on this. The expectations on this story arc were high and optimistic (for me) but the payoff just hasn't been there (yet). I am not ready to give up on this until the conclusion and I'm certainly not calling for the cancellation of the title, but the numbers and negative reviews are currently strongly pointing in that direction.

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Eager Young Space Cadet
Eager Young Space Cadet
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Originally Posted by Power Boy

I have to see the mess ... I have a sick sense of humor.

It sounds A M A Z I N G.

better than the issue I flipped through at the store that had Dream Girl's arm growing out of her boob.

I'm with you. I haven't checked in with the book in awhile (given Levitz's lack of direction) but this sounds so much like a train wreck, like you hate to see this much carnage and waste, but you can't help but stare in wonderment. Have to buy this issue now.

"I have a ticket to the moon....but I'd rather see the your eyes"
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Uggg I don't know. I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would but it still felt rather off. Phantom Girls crying while not a good look is at least kind of understandable in that she thinks her entire team is dead. I hope this is just a build up to Tinya's resolve coming back and she will redeem herself later. She better.

The Monel fight was just dumb. While I don't object to a Emerald Empress that looks like a cross between Hela Goddess of Death and a Female Fury I do object to her much to easy defeat of Monel. Other posters noted his lack of invulnerability I was more alarmed at the fact he forgot he possessed super speed and common sense. And if the reason the Eye hurt him was a magic based reason a simple explanation would have helped. That fight made Monel look like a chump and his teammates cowards. The cover blurb said "Their Champion has fallen"? All the Legionnaires are supposed to be champions what were they thinking? It feels like this is written by someone who doesn't "get" the Legion but that's not the case.

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