Does anyone have any good scans of the following characters:
Styx and Stiletta Queen Azura Inferno's admirer/stalker Shadi from pre-Zero Hour "Legionnaires" Matter-Eater Lad after the prison camp incident when his metabolism slowed down. I think he appeared bloated in the issue with Sir Prize and Miss Terious Ion, the Imsk heroine who tried out for the Legion and was killed by Micro Lad
I saw no avatars available that fit me. Well, maybe one. Can any of you provide a suitable pic that I can submit for an avatar, preferably one that doesn't paint me in a bad light?
It's still in the Long Live the Legion forum, which you can access at the top of the Legion of Superheroes forum page. It's like a sub-forum of the main Legion forum now.
I was poking around Alex Ross's website today and I noticed the below image under his new DC art section:
It's labeled as "Starboy Cover," but I'm certain I've never seen it before.
Does anybody know what the deal is with this image? I'm not even certain that it's Legion related (although those flying figures in the back certainly seem like Ross's go-to Legion style).
I seem to recall (can't remember where I read or heard this) that he was intended to be evocative of the Batman villain, the Scarecrow, originally.
And - although this is based on nothing other than a hunch - I'd wager that the odd scene in Legion of Three Worlds where his costume was revealed to be filled with insects was a sly nod to the "Hooded One" from the comic series, "Bone".
I seem to recall (can't remember where I read or heard this) that he was intended to be evocative of the Batman villain, the Scarecrow, originally.
And - although this is based on nothing other than a hunch - I'd wager that the odd scene in Legion of Three Worlds where his costume was revealed to be filled with insects was a sly nod to the "Hooded One" from the comic series, "Bone".
A Bone reference?
That flew right over me, I've only read the first volume of it.
Still, possibly made of insects, controls earth and rocks... so much to be done.
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
Nightcrawler: Updated us to version 8.0 of the software. Everything resets to the default settings. I'll be restoring things back to normal as I have time.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.