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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Welcome to the New LMB Academy! The Academy once existed in our earliest years but eventually fell into disarray when the LMB was struggling to find a home. Past time it was revived, I'd say!
I'm pleased to announce that the new LMB Academy is about to open on a previously uninhabited island right here on Legion World, an island named after fallen LMBer Dazzle Lass and henceforth designated "Leelee Island".
I, Paladin, am the headmaster in charge. Our lead martial arts trainer is Val Armorr, one of many heroes of the Oval War. Many active LMBers will be chipping in to teach classes and train students, and I anticipate some will stay on staff on a more permanent basis. Other fine instructors outsie the LMB will be joining in as well.
As the Academy prepares to open, we are now accepting applications for aspiring LMBers and any sentient wishing to learn more about controlling their powers. Simply come here and introduce yourself and demonstrate your powers.
In addition, new LMBers that were inducted during the Oval War and in its aftermath will be required to take basic martial arts training, mental defense classes and participate in power limitations studies which will aid in their continued development.
Also, any long-serving LMBer is invited to sign up for any classes that he or she feels may be beneficial to them on a strictly voluntary basis.
An initial course list will be posted within a few days. Meanwhile, applicants may ce in on a walk-in basis for evaluation.
Let me express how excited I am by the rebith of the LMB Academy and by the prospect of it becoming a staple of Legion World and the continued growth of the LMB!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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A welcome return, indeed. The influx of new blood is always vital, and hopefully the training provided will offer some real value.
And hopefully the little gray / purple guy who says "Urk" will be signing up.
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Time Trapper
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Power Boy led a small procession from the rocky shores of the island to a clearing where Paladin and Cobalt Kid waited.
He wore a shimmering cloak and held his Mega-Rod as a sceptre.
Two companions flanked him. Tall men, New Gods, one with wavy flaxen hair and the other with long straight black hair. Most assumed Power Boy kept them as bodyguards but in actuality they kept his schedule, with appointments, and worked as analysts of information for the many decisions Power Boy had to make as LMBP Leader.
Power Boy approached with dignity, peace, and a fulfilled happiness.
'This is a good thing that happens here today.' He thought.
He addressed Paladin with words in an old language for all to here.
" ¡£¢∞£ £¢∞§¶• •≠–ºª` "
"Blessed be the home of the just"
Even in the original words it was a blessing and a statement.
"Paladin" Power Boy said with a nod.
"Champion ... and savior ... of the realm"
"I vow as leader of the Legion of Message Board Posters you shall have all the resources and protection you require for this place of greatness." Power Boy said with a passionate authority.
Helio, the fair new god at the left unrolled a scroll of a paper-like metal and handed it to Power Boy.
Power Boy unrolled it and said once more:
" ¡£¢∞£ £¢∞§¶• •≠–ºª` "
It looked like magic as the words on the scroll scattered like sunlight around them and floated into the air around the new academy. It was in fact, New God protection technology, sophisticated nanites, spread to the wind.
Formalities over Power Boy gripped Paladin in a huge hug, patting him roughly on the back. A few reporters, sight-seers, and academy hopefuls came from behind and began to explore the grounds with a jubilant chaos.
Last edited by Power Boy; 01/23/13 03:07 PM.
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Reflecto was first to step forward. She seemed like an over achiever to everyone present.
Earlier, she was bitter, upset that she had to undergo training. Hadn't she proved herself during the war of the Oval, and she was busy fighting crime in Charlottenberg.
But on the climb up to the Academy, the grandeur filled her. She might have something to learn here after all.
"I am Reflecto II of Xanthu. Sister of the late Reflecto." She proclaimed.
"As some of you know, I have a forcefield made of reflecting light, It enhances my strength, allows me to fly, protects me of harm, and even ...."
WHAM!! The field expanded knocking Cobalt Kid and Paladin back a few steps.
" ... can be projected as bolts" She smiled a self-satisfied smile.
She could teach them a few things too.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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Time Trapper
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Power Boy placed a hand on Cobalt Kid's shoulder. "That one has spirit." "Much like many of our greatest warriors in their youth." Power Boy turned, spying a pair of children that were prodded forward by a gruff Science Police officer. The S.P. said "go on ... you need to live somewhere." The Oval war had made orphans of many across the galaxy. The fraternal black haired twins stepped forward. They were young, hardly teenagers. The boy shouted exuberantly ... and much too loud "WE ARE THE TIME-SPACE TWINS!!!!" "I'm time ..." the sister said shyly. I ... c,c,c ... cAN stop time ... or speed it up ..." she pointed at a nearby butterfly that froze mid flight in the air. It hung suspended until she released it. at which point it fluttered off as if nothing had happened to it. The boy was boisterous ... "AND I'M SPACE." he zipped across the grass. "I can cross space in an INSTANT!" ![[Linked Image]](http://imageshack.us/a/img826/6373/wondertwinszanandjaynab.jpg) A protective space chimp grabbed both of them by the arms and pulled them together. The shy girl explained ... "We combine our powers and ... can open portals to other places. teleport people, things." The gruff S.P. with short blonde hair stepped forward and cleared her throat. Her name badge said "Circe". It was unclear if that was her first or last name. She spoke to Paladin personally. "AHEM. Sir, These two saved a lot of lives on Weber's World with these portals. They're only children but they evacuated a lot of people from Weber's World during the attacks ... even after their parents ... their parents were ambassadors to Weber's World ... they were killed in the war." She said with a frown. After a pause she said: There's one other thing, a special kid, another special kid I mean. He's got some issues with sunlight but he's tough ... and I think he could use the influence of some strong hands. good hands too. If it's alright, I'll bring him by, tonight.
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At long last, she thought, now I can step out from my brothers' shadows.
"Ayla Ranzz, ready and anxious to get started, sir!", she said to Paladin.
As the younger sister of a famous and legendary Legion World founder--not to mention a quirky and possibly deadly older brother who also lived on Legion World--she had some pretty big shoes to fill. Today was step #1 in accomplishing that.
"I won't let you down," she added.
And later, after her nerves settled down, she began to understand how monumental this was. Until she found herself distracted:
Who is that sexy brunette from Imsk? I HAVE to meet her!
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Rond Vidar held back at the end of the crowd, arms crossed.
New Academy, all that new equipment, I bet they need science instructors. Seems like a great place to position myself after being squeezed out of the Time Institute. There's something fishy going on there ... I know it. I'll need help though.
yes ... this looks like a great place to start.
Rond put on a smile and walked over to shake Paladin's hand.
Last edited by Rond Vidar; 01/23/13 05:23 PM.
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a young sentient steps forward. though obviously humanoid, the others are hard-pressed to describe the sentient in any way. indeed, wether the sentient is male or female seems indeterminable in ways that any present can explain.
the sentient speaks:
i am the conundrum.
i have no inkling who or what i am other than the nomenclature i somehow feel compeled to introduce myself with.
i am the conundrum.
please....help me.
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Time Trapper
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<Paladin takes notes on his Omnicom>
Reflekto---sign her up for Basic Hand-to-Hand I, Mental Defense I and book her for a power level test, followed by a Level 5 Scenario Room session.
Ayla Ranzz--New Student Orientation and go from thre.
Rond Vidar---schedule interview for teaching staff position.
Conundrum---hm. Earliest possible appointment in med lab.
<taking a break>
<to himself> Too soon after Temp, Lardy. Too young for a geezer like you, anyway. And not appropriate for a headmaster to date students or staff, either.
You're growing up, aren't ya, Lardy?
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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Kinetix chuckled as she got her training schedule. She had more advanced classes than Kairos did, a fact that Kairos didn't find amusing at all.
"I still don't get why I can't take the more advanced classes!"
Kinetix laid a gentle hand on her friend's arm. "They take into account previous experience, and I was planetary champion of Aleph for a while before joining up. I'm sure you'll do fine though, and before long we'll be classmates. Okay?"
Kairos glowered a bit before sighing. "Alright. Too bad Marvin won't be joining us, since he already took these classes. At least I have full LMB membership, unlike someone else..."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T TAKE THE ADVANCED CLASS???" a shrill voice rang out. "I'M A HERO TOO!!"
"Your LMB evaluation says you have to," came the measured voice of the instructor. Kinetix and Kairos both squirmed in embarrassment for Spelling Bee. "I think we should scoot before we get wrapped up in this," Kairos whispered.
Kinetix nodded in agreement, and the two walked away. Behind them, the instructor had turned into a hulking golem and was now towering over a still-screaming Spelling Bee.
Why must power be so elusive?
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Coded message from:
**********decrypted message*******
Hiya Palardy. Radiant's my call sign, though I'm thinking of switching to it permanently.
Hey, glad to hear you started the Academy again. Can't think of a better LMBer for the job. Any word on whether the UP will make trouble? Lemme know if there's anything I can help.
Regarding Blaze... he was inducted alongside Angdar, Kinetix and the others,so I guess he has to go through the basic classes too. I've been teaching him some of it, but our training sessions always manage to end up with some unclothed wrestling, if you know what I mean.
Now... we two are doing some hush-hush stuff somewhere. Can't tell you the details, but I figure we owe it to you to let you know that the whole pre-wedding tour of the galaxy was a cover story. Suffice to say that nobody will be able to find us. So, is it OK if we defer Blaze's training? Can't say when we'll get back, but it'll probably take no more than half a year.
By the way, I can see you right now with my powers, so just write down your reply. I'll be able to read. Will acknowledge when I do.
Thanks much!
*****************end decrypted message****************
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Time Trapper
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<Paladin writes encrypted response> Sounds fine, Ibby! LMBers on leave/secret missions are temporarily exempt from Academy protocols, so Blaze is okay.
Half a year, huh? Sorry to hear that. Been looking forwrd to seeing you guys since I got out of Takron-Galtos. I'll have to tell you about that some time...
Anyway, you kids have a good time, even if it's not actually a pre-wedding tour. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! 
Regards, Lardy<end message>
Last edited by Paladin; 01/24/13 01:04 AM.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Looking like a real bright crop of students for the first class, Lardy. A lot of familiar names from the Oval War. I've worked briefly with Reflekto, actually and you'll see she's top notch.
<notices the Imskian Salu Digby give him a dirty look>
Huh. She's no shrinking violet, eh? Remind me to tell you the story of why all of Imsk hates my guts now.
<sees Karate Kid up ahead; smiles and shakes hand; nodding towards Lardy he speaks>
It's damn good to have this guy back, isn't it Val?
Last edited by Cobalt Kid; 01/24/13 08:05 AM.
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*Exnihil walks across the Academy campus toward Paladin. As he passes Cobalt Kid talking to Val, he gives a brief glance over. Almost imperceptibly, Cobalt's eyes raise toward Ex as he gives him a subtle nod. Without missing a beat, Cobalt continues on speaking with Val as Ex walks on.*
Paladin: Exnihil! It's been a while, man! How've you been? Heard you had a rough go of it with all that Klordny Killer stuff while we were off planet.
Ex: Yeah, but's that's ancient history, now. All's well that ends, you know? So... "Paladin", huh?
Paladin *laughs*: Yeah, time's are changing, my man. All part of growing up, I guess. So what brings you down, Ex? Trying to score a faculty spot? Early 20th Century Cinema 101 or something?
Ex: Not exactly, man. Would you believe... I'm looking to enroll?
Paladin: Enroll? Ex, you've been an LMBer for over two years, now. You looking to hone up your fighting skills or something?
Ex: More on the "or something" side. I heard you're staffing up your science division. You're bringing in Rond Vidar?
Paladin: We're still in talks but, yeah, it's looking good.
Ex *pursing his lips and nodding*: Yeah, that's what I thought. Paladin... Lardy... we've always been straight with each other. I know it's sort of strange for an established LMBer to recycle back to the Academy but, trust me on this... I need to be in that class.
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***steps forward***
My name is Hart Druiter. I used a potion I made that gave me the ability to adapt in such a way that I can defeat any one opponent.
I'd like to develop that power so that I may someday join the LMB.
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Looking down at the Omnicom Paladin scrolls through the lists of students nodding in satisfaction as he notices the names and the classes they are taking.
“So Ex” he continues “you got something in mind wanting to work with Rond and stuff”
“Exnihil laughed “not so subtle Lardy. Lets just say I have my reasons”
“ok” smiled Paladin “let me just…….WTF………”
Ex looked up sharply suddenly alert for trouble
“what’s up Lardy” he asked.
“The Omnicom” stuttered Paladin “it’s gone”
“No its not” said Ex relaxing and smiling “it’s over there” and he pointed to it now lying on the floor about 6 feet away.
“I’ll get it” said Paladin
As he bent down to pick it up, all of a sudden it appeared just out of reach, moving with the lightning fast reactions of a master warrior, Paladin adjusted his grasp and stretched forward his hand closing on nothing as once more the Omnicom moved, trying to readjust his grip he stretched a little too far forward and fell flat on his face.
Quickly bouncing back to his feet Paladin looked around his scowl quickly muting the laughter of the Academy students.
“OK, nice joke now come on over here” said Ex barely able to contain his laughter as he looked over Paladins shoulder.
Out of the shadows walked.
“Far” shouted Paladin his face breaking into a wide grin, “What are you doing here”
“Apart from pricking your pomposity you mean” responded Faraway Lad with an equally broad smile.
The two old friends embraced each other.
“So” said Faraway “you finally going to put all that experience to good use eh?”
“What” replied Paladin “the Academy? Well given all the things I, we, have been through, perhaps it time to give something back”
“Well what you are doing is pretty serious Lardy but don’t forget to make it fun as well, remember how much we learnt that way”
“Anyway it’s a great idea and I thought I might just offer my services as a visiting lecturer, if you will have me of course”
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Time Trapper
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I was hoping you'd say that! What do you think? A "History of the LMB" class? "Politics and Super-heroics"?
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Kar Em walked towards Paladin. Paladin raised an eyebrow at his approach.
"Fine thing you're doing here young man. I'd like to offer my services in any way I can. I feel like I failed my boys, and I need to do something to help these young men and women."
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Coded message from: Radiant To: Paladin **********decrypted message******* I'm glad you told me not to do anything you wouldn't, because I've been trying to try some of those things that you have!  I think you can guess which ones, not the least of which is riding a dragon. Thanks for the sign off on Blaze. I'll make sure he gets his ass here as soon as we're done. Whoa. Last time we talked I knew you might have to face a UP court, and now you've been in and out of Takron-Galtos? Glad you made it out... Let me know if there's anyone I need to zap in the UP. Buy you a drink when we get back! IB *****************end decrypted message****************
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I was hoping you'd say that! What do you think? A "History of the LMB" class? "Politics and Super-heroics"? "sure" replied Far "thought we might also throw in 'Negotiating Skills', Ethics of 'Realpolitik', and I'm sure I can get Hrun to advise on battle strategy and tactics" Faraway smiled. "can I also run a short course on 'drink, debauchery and keeping a clear head' you can help on that one if you like"
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Ohmygod! Hey Mr Palindrome, If you need a Range Safety Officer, and like someone to teach these rookies which end of a weapon gets pointed like away from them give me a shout.
K? Bye!
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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Hm. Not sure we're having any kind of firearms class, Brit. I'll probably be offering swordplay as an elective (guess who'll teach that?  ), and Val might be incorporating bo sticks and what-not in his advanced martial arts classes, though. I figure the kids can go to the Security Office eventually if they want to learn firearms. I'm sure there are other roles you can have here if you want.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Ohmygod! So you're gonna have like Mr Nightlycrawler teaching a class! That is so like Kewl it Space-Rawks! Even My would like sign up to take classes in swordplay from Him!
And I bet Ibby And Blazing would be like top notch Escrima Instructor Dudes.
Hi! How are you? <click-click> <span style="font-size: 15px;">BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!</span>
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Coded message from:
Red Arrow
**********decrypted message*******
Hello, Sir. I have been contacted by the Charltonburg High School in regards to one of their students. They are worried that this students' powers make him/her "at risk". They are asking for a couple of LMBers to come and talk to the student and his/her family. Can you or a staff member at your school come?
**********end message*******
Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Time Trapper
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Ohmygod! So you're gonna have like Mr Nightlycrawler teaching a class! That is so like Kewl it Space-Rawks! Even My would like sign up to take classes in swordplay from Him! Sarcasm ill befits you, Britt. 
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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