Coming up with a review of Hawkeye #1 has been a struggle, and it's brought to mind something that Alan Moore said in a 90s interview, something to the effect of, "I knew I'd never make it as a rock journalist after I went to [Hawkwind leader] Dave Brock's home to interview him, and he was such a good host, even offering me tea & biscuits, that I found I couldn't say a bad word about him or his band."
Kelly Thompson and I are not Besties by any stretch, but we are definitely acquaintances via G-mail, and she's been kind to me, so I've been trying to find the best spin to put on the first issue of her first All-Eyes-are-on-Me-to-Deliver-Now gig.
So here's the best I could come up with:
There are some beautifully executed character bits, and the whole outcome of opening her PI agency's door to prospective clients, all of whom...
...are like, "Where's the REAL Hawkeye? You know, the one who's all grown-up and a dude?"... both hilarious and poignant IMHO.
The theme of Kate's first solo detective case since moving to Venice Beach is very timely, if possibly a bit on-the-nose, and overall, the comic currently stands as a diamond-in-the-rough. It took Kelly's "Jem" comic four issues to fully come alive, after all. But in a much harsher market than when "Jem" launched (less than 2 years ago, a sad statement on the modern comics industry,) she might not have a chance to chip away all the rough edges before cancellation.
But I'm still gonna buy every issue, every month. Sisterly solidarity, and all that.