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Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
#115345 01/02/13 03:12 PM
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The year is now 3112.

In space orbits a planet, once home to a veritable legion of hero’s now they have left and the planet drifts along abandoned to a welcome, pleasant and prosperous anonymity. However in one small part of the planet sits a derelict and shunned complex of buildings. Nature has started to reclaim them, and creepers and vines now twine around once tall and majestic buildings. The roadways and walkways that connected these homes and offices, laboratories and work shops are cracked and split, wild flowers and grasses now blow languidly in a gentle breeze.

A small flyer enters the atmosphere in the dead of night, easily avoiding the planets commercial warning and flight path control systems. As it starts its final approach towards the buildings suddenly and swiftly parts of the derelict complex start to come back to life. Automated tracking systems power up after decades of hibernation. Weapons systems spring up from concealed bunkers fully activated and locked on as the vessel continued on its downward trajectory.

Inside the flyer a slim female hand reached forward and pressed a few buttons. As recognition codes shot through the air to the command and control centre the weapons powered down, and slowly returned to their hardened bunkers. “Stage One completed” the woman thought.

A few minutes later the flyer was landing at a small docking port half way up a derelict tower block. The engines flared for a few seconds more, the glow from the exhausts illuminating an empty space that showed here and there Mother Nature’s attempts to reclaim the building. As the dust from the landing settled a small door opened in the side of the flyer and a bright beam of light flooded out from the vessel. By chance or design the beam of light struck a small door in the far wall.

Silence descended once again to the docking bay, punctuated only by the gentle clicking of the metals in both the flyer and the dock as they both cooled in the darkness of the night.

Eventually, after what seemed an age but was only a few seconds in reality, a figure appeared silhouetted in the door of the flyer. It paused, and then slowly walked down the steps and towards the door at the other end of the light beam. As she reached the entrance an electronic scanning wave came from a panel in the centre of the door and swept up and down her body. After a second, the scanning wave switched off and the docking door slid open.

The woman stepped through.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
#115346 01/02/13 03:15 PM
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And found herself in a long empty and very dusty corridor. The corridor was only illuminated by small red emergency lighting, giving just enough light to see by. It did give the observer, if there had been one, the first chance to see who this woman might be. At first glance she might be taken for someone in her late 40’s maybe early 50’s. She was attractive with a fit and athletic body and as she walked forward slowly but confidently, she seemed to know where she was going. She passed various rooms and seemed to pause and reflect. Once, reaching what looked like a common room, she stopped and for a few seconds a smile flitted across her face as happy memories raced through her head

After turning a few corners and going through a few more body scanning doors she came upon a door that looked different to the rest. This one somehow seemed more robust than the others and somehow managed to give the impression that it would not let just anyone through.

“This is new” she thought.

She then noticed the small panel on the right hand side of the door. As she moved towards it, the panel powered up. A light shone out and she paced her right eye against it.

“Please state your name” said the computer.

“Brittany Quank” replied the woman.

Lights flickered on the control panel and then the computer continued.

“Retinal and voice scans match records. Please place hand in receptacle”

Brittany moved her right hand to a point just below the panel and felt the tiny pinprick in her finger.

Almost instantly the computer responded.

“DNA strands matched. Please proceed, and welcome back Everyday Girl it has been a long time since you were in the Security Office”

As the door opened, Brittany gave an involuntary shudder. It was years since she had used that name, many years indeed. She thought she had put all that LMBP stuff behind her, especially since…….well since that day with her grandfather. Over the years the rest of them, the LMBP she had grown up with had all either died or moved on. Now He had called her and asked to see her one last time. She smiled as this was a place filled with happy memories, and it was typical of Him to bring her back here, to come back to where they had both spent many happy and carefree years.

Moving through the security office Everyday Girl noticed with slight surprise that this part of Levitz Plaza was fully powered and lit. ServoBots were busy cleaning and maintaining the rooms. It looked as if the LMBP had just left for a moment and would be back anytime soon. But of course that would not happen, not now would it.

“Hello EG, long time no see” said a voice from above her head. “He’s in the back room he’s been waiting for you”

Looking up Brittany gasped, “Gladys” she stammered looking at a slightly dingy disco ball, a lot of the glitter having tarnished, “is that really you”

“It is EG, but no time to catch up, I’ve been asked to watch out and make sure you are not disturbed, go on you go through”

Brittany walked through into one of the back corridors and then quickly found her way to the room she was seeking. Only now did she hesitate and for a moment, just a moment her composure faltered. Even though she knew what to expect it was not going to be a pleasurable moment.

“Come in” said an old and feeble voice from inside the room. She was expecting it, but the frailty of it still shocked her as did the fact that he knew she was there.

“How does he do that” she thought and she walked through a door which opened as she approached it and into the room “we never figured that one out”.

The room was large and mainly empty and dark except for a small circle of light in the centre. The light was gentle and soft, like an autumnal sunset, and in the background she could hear faint music.

“Beethoven, if I am not mistaken” she thought.

A sweet smell of apple orchards and freshly mown grass blew across the room. All in all the room was surprisingly quiet, peaceful and refreshing.

In the centre of the circle of light stood two, human, female and very pretty nurses. Brittany noted that they were wearing slightly old fashioned military nursing uniforms. Another example of this government looking after one of their own perhaps, making sure that he keeps his part of the bargain, making sure perhaps that he did not tell secrets.

As Brittany walks towards the light the nurse’s nod to her in greeting.

“Not long now” says the smaller blond one sympathetically.

“We’ll leave you two alone, you must have a lot to say” adds the second taller brunette. “We’ll just be outside if you need us”

Together they walk off into the darkness; Brittany hears a door open and close and is aware they have left the room.

In a chair in front of her sits a very old man. The few wisps of silvery hair left on his head do nothing to hide the liver spots on an otherwise bald head. In his arms IV drips feed him nutrients and medicines. Other tubes monitor his heart and blood pressure, whilst a few more tubes are discretely placed to take care of his bodily functions. Across his nose and mouth is a large mask, helping him to breath. His face is ancient, heavily wrinkled and, as is the way with very old people close to death, it seems to have started to collapse in on itself. The old man had his eyes shut, his breathing, even with the mask, was strained and a rattle came from his throat with each breath.

Brittany looked at him for a moment, a tear came to her eye unbidden as she remembered the man he used to be, a long time ago when he was young fit and had his life in front of him instead of now when it was almost all behind him. She remembered back to when he had played games with her as a toddler, when he had been there for her, always watching, always supporting her being as proud as punch when she had graduated from college and jokingly disapproving when she had brought home boyfriends. A good friend to the family and her true……..

“Well God Daughter” said the man in a voice that was surprisingly firm and resonant, “Am I that old and repulsive you don’t have a kiss for me?”

“Uncle Darden” said Brittany with a mock frown “don’t tease” and she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him as he raised a skeletal hand from the armrest and tenderly patted her arm.

“Tease? Me? Never” Faraway said with a smile

“But no” he continued then he coughed, struggling to breath, “Thank you for coming my dear” he said, reaching up to remove the mask so he could talk a little easier. “It is so very selfish of me to want company at this time I know but I am so glad you of all people could be here”

Brittany shuddered a little at that use of the phrase “at this time” she didn’t like to think about what that meant.

Her God Father was the last living connection to that time, now so long ago, when the LMBP had taken her to their hearts. Although medical advances had greatly prolonged human life it had not made them immortal nor had it been able to halt all of the ravages of old age. Faraway had out lived them all, all her friends in the LMBP and most of her family had all gone on the great journey. With Faraway’s passing one of her last direct and physical connections to the old days would be gone. A great and living link to the past would have disappeared and now those times would be “History” with a capital H and people would learn about it from holo’s and university courses.

“Hush, of course I came, how could I leave my, my God Father alone at a time like this” was all she said as she pulled up a chair and sat next to Faraway, whose eyes had closed once again in a contented sleep.

Tenderly Brittany pulled up the oxygen mask over his face and tucked Faraway up in the wool tartan rug he had across his knees.

She sat and held his hand. Not long now she knew, his message bringing her here on this specific day and at this specific time had been quite detailed and had warned her that this was the end. She knew all she had to do now was to wait. To wait until it all began.

The room was very still and quiet now, the lights had dimmed a little further and the readouts on the monitors next to Faraway gleamed brightly in the twilight. The circle of light seemed to be getting a little smaller and a little darker as the minutes passed by. All it needed to complete the picture was the loud tick tock of a grandfather clock thought Brittany. As time went on her eyelids grew heavy and her head drooped, she too fell into a deep sleep.

Now the room fell deathly silent, almost the silence of the grave.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761155 01/06/13 03:15 PM
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In a corner of the room a small pin prick of light appears. It starts to move and expand and soon a pearly white light filled globe is growing in the corner of the room. From out of the light steps a four footed figure, it stops for a second its tail swishing in the air, and then it looks back into the light.

“Yes, I know you can’t come through yet and you have to wait for it to fully open but I can get through and I want to see them” said the cat archly, “don’t worry I can’t start without you so you wont miss anything”

Having said that the cat then walked primly and delicately across the floor towards the sleeping figures, stopping at the feet of Brittany it looked up and said “Well hello Princess, long time no see” then it jumped up and landed on her knee.

The shock of a cat landing on her lap caused Brittany to jerk awake

She looked at the cat sitting on her lap, a broad almost Cheshire grin on its face.

“Stupid Cat” she shouted, angry that she had fallen asleep and angry that someone had managed to sneak up on her. Then she realised just who she was looking at

“Stoopid” she stammered “Is it really you…..but your…..where have you been….. I haven’t seen you since….. are you OK…… did you get…….”

“Well” drawled the Cat languidly cleaning a paw. “In the same order the answers are. Yes.…….technically yes, but its complicated,………around,………..true but I seen you a lot since then,…………very thank you very much, ………….and through that” and with his now clean paw Stoopid Cat pointed to the expanding white light.

Brittany looked at the light and saw, or thought she saw, pale shadows inside the light coming closer to her.

“Ah, it begins” said a now awake Faraway beside her. He reached out and patted her hand, “my dear this is how it must be, please don’t be sad”

As they watched, a shadow grew larger, slowly taking on the shape of a man, it walked towards them becoming more clearly defined and less of a shadow until at last it stepped over the threshold of the light and into the room.

Brittany gasped and her hands flew to her mouth. Her adventures with the LMBP and beyond had shown her many of the wonders of the Universe but this really was a little bit unnerving.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761156 01/06/13 03:16 PM
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He was just as she remembered him. Tall and broad, his muscles rippling under his chain mail shirt as he walked across to the chair Faraway sat in, a huge infectious smile plastered across his face.

“Hrun? Jarls Father?” Brittany asked hesitantly, “but it can’t be, you died. You died 40 years ago in battle as you always wanted. How can you be here now?” Her voice hardened and her face scowled “its time travel isn’t it; I always hated time travel and all those paradoxes.”

Hrun roared with laughter and juggled a small (for him) dagger in one hand.

Stoopid cat had leapt from Brittany’s knee and onto Hruns shoulder, now from his position draped around Hruns neck like a fur collar he spoke

“No child, this is not time travel, nor is it trickery as you might understand it.”

Hrun carried on the conversation “Brittany JarlsDottir, Everyday Girl, Dottir it does my heart good to see you again. But the Cat is right, this is not Time Travel. And you are right also, for that was a glorious battle and a death fit for a warrior was it not. It is true that I fell many years ago but now we have been granted a boon. A boon such as has happen only a few times before in all the millennia of existence. Our friend Faraway has suffered much and fought long and hard for others, he has kept secrets within secrets within secrets, gifts from the very Gods it would seem. And now the Gods pay their dues, and respects, They have decreed that it is only moot that he should have his friends to accompany him on the next stage of his journey, a journey beyond even us on this side of the veil, to some other place faraway perhaps” Hrun joked and laughed again.

Despite it not being a very good joke everyone joined in the laughter, it was hard not to, for Hrun filled the room to bursting with his happiness and jollity.

Faraway had stood up now and Brittany noted that although he still looked old, he seemed a little less frail. Using a walking stick he moved slowly and painfully to Hrun and grasped his forearm in a warm friendly greeting.

“Well met hale fellow” said Faraway “I am glad you are here”

“AS I am too old friend” bellowed Hrun “but this is a poor meeting for comrades in arms, where is the music, the dancing girls, the drink”.

Stoopid Cat was now hanging upside down from Hruns neck and he turned his head to look at Brittany, “well Hrun if you want naked dancing girls there’s….”

She shot Stoopid a look of pure venom, “don’t even go there cat” she hissed.

As they verbally sparred a shadow grew rapidly in the light then with a rush a blurred shape came rocketing out of the light, it raced around the room and then screeched to a stop in front of Faraway. Everyone in the room firstly looked down at their hand where a small bulbous glass had appeared, and then across at the smiling face that was beaming at them.

“Beegz” said Faraway, “you came too”

“We did” said Beagle Boy “hang on a moment and I’ll pour the port” He vanished into a super speed blur again and a few seconds later was back in the same place. Everyone now had a filled glass.

“We?” asked Faraway but then stopped as a sharp tug on his trouser leg made him look down. There growling away as he worried at the material, he saw

“Piddlin pup!” he cried out in joy, “hello boy” The pup looked up at him and then wandered off to explore the rest of the room, sniffing around the chair Faraway had recently been sitting in he gave an appreciative little yap, then promptly raised his leg and added a little something to the party.

“Sorry guys” said Beegz “I guess he’s a bit excited to see everyone again. I’ll clean it up” and he was a blur again. A second later he was back. Piddlin pup in the meantime had sat down heavily and was scratching at his ear. Then he sat tongue hanging out, panting and tail thrashing from side to side in joy as he watched what was fast turning into a party.

“Oh my giddy aunt” said a very English voice, “I hope I’m not too late”

Brittany looked at the newcomer, she walked to where Stoopid Cat was now sat watching the gathering.

“Is that Seahorse” she asked, “I heard Uncle Darden talk about him”

“Oh I beg your pardon my dear” said the man “could not help but overhear you there, BellBookCandle Kid or Seahorse? What’s in a name, it is only a label for a thing, not the thing itself, is it not? But who ever or whatever I am I do know I am so very very charmed to meet you. He raised her hand and quickly kissed the back of it.

Before she could respond she felt Stoopid cat jump up on her shoulders.

“I think you had better step back a bit” he purred into Britt’s ear, “I have a feeling this is going to get crowded” There were more shadows appearing in the light now, as they stepped through she saw faces she had not seen in decades and all young and vibrant, in the full flush of their youth and glory. Soon the room was filled with people all chatting, all eating and drinking. They all shared one thing in common. They were all as far as she knew, dead. So how could they be here, how could they be laughing and joking as only very old friends could?

“You know this place is dreary, dreary dreary” said a voice “it needs to be fabulous” and a dazzling figure gestured and the room became full of glamour. Lucian Lad entered with Space Tart. “It needs the Brads, he waved and suddenly a group of semi naked men were serving drinks.

Now the gathering was in full swing, over there in one corner stood Graybird, his majestic wings folded, as he stood in deep conversation with Shadowplay in Candlelight. In a small group Tsarin Kid, Kid Therod Sketch Lad, Rhino, Fat Cramer and Harbinger were laughing at some small joke. Across from them Hrun and Varalent, together with Shark Lad, Numf El and Kid Psychout were engaged in a noisy drinking game.

Dev Em stood near to Faraway, discussing old campaigns and memories, whilst in a corner, Poverty Lad and Furball were trying (and failing) to impress Foxy Roxy and Globe Girl.

In another group, Eryk Davies Ester, Outdoor Miner, Quislet and Reboot, were singing a rather off colour song as a counterpoint to a far more off colour song that was been sung by Yellow Kid and the Primary Colour Gang.

Many others she had know or at least heard of, now filled the room, eating drinking and joking.

“Stoopid” asked Brittany as she watched Faraway mingling with the crowds, he no longer looked as old, and was moving more easily now, his gate and poise reminding her of earlier days, his hair was growing back and the wrinkles were less pronounced.

Stoopid cat looked at her expectantly.

“Stoopid” she continued, “I don’t see them, why haven’t they come”

“Who” purred Stoopid Cat.

“Don’t play games Cat” she snapped “are my Grandparents coming, all the rest are here, why not them?”

“Child” said the cat “The powerful magic needed to hold open this portal can only come from Pagan, she has had to give up the pleasure of seeing you to enable the others to come through. And as for Abin that old fool said he loves you so much he was afraid that seeing him again like this would be too much for you”

Tears welled in Brittany’s eyes and she whispered, a little girl all alone and seeking the protection of her family once more, “I wish that they had been able to come, at the very least I wish that he had come then he could have taken my love to her”

Stoopid Cat looked at her, for once something that could be mistaken for compassion showed in his eyes. “Wait a moment” he said then he vanished.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761211 01/07/13 02:31 PM
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Drying her tears Brittany looked at the room. As she did so a larger than life voice shouted out from the light

“Sweeeeeet ASSSSSS Sweeeet. This looks like a party and a half. Come on Loser, there’s a keg with our name on it” as out of the light bounded a happy and louder than life Lard Lad with Loser Lad close behind.

Despite her sadness she smiled, this has the happy carefree Lardy she had heard about, before all the darkness, He had, she noted, two happy shining eyes, all the pain gone from them. He swaggered and leered and letched, indeed this was the legendary Lardy who could give Hrun a run for his money in the drinking stakes. And it looked as if Hrun, Lardy and Loser were drinking to make up for lost time.

“They do look happy don’t they” said a voice from behind her.

She spun around “Gramps” she shouted throwing her arms around him.

He kissed her gently on the forehead.

“I wasn’t going to come through” he said “I didn’t want to face having to leave you again. But that dammed stooped cat convinced me otherwise”

“But I am so glad he did” said Brittany snuggling into Abin, feeling warm and safe and protected.

“it is only for a little while longer my dear, the gathering is nearly over, soon we must all return beyond the veil, and if we ever meet again…..well that is in the hands of the Gods” said Abin.

As they spoke three small toy rocket ships flew out of the light, zooming around the room they soon found their target. Flying in a V formation over Faraway’s head as he was deep in conversation with Mirenna Helen the bomb bays on one of them opened and a small rock fell out landing squarely on, and then somehow staying on, Faraways head.

Faraway reached up and took the Rock in his hands and looked at it, whilst absently rubbing his head. “Blok the pet rock” he smiled, “even you could make it”

“Courtesy of myself” said a female voice. Darden looked up, “Gigi” he said watching as the rocket craft returned to her tesseract plated armour and disappeared. In a second the armour retracted revealing a gorgeous woman in a long gown and then in an instant he was beside her, sweeping her up in his arms he kissed her long and lovingly. “If your here it must be nearly time” he said.

They walked arm in arm into the room and stopped in front of Mirenna who to the surprise of everyone, dipped her head and curtseyed.

Reboot nudged Semi Transparent Fellow in the ribs, “sparks are going to fly here, eh what” he said.

“Forgive me Jennifer” she started to say. But she was stopped by a smiling GiGi who lifted her gently to her feet.

“This is no time for jealousies Mirenna, nor can we change the past, the things you went through together helped to make him what he is now and for that I thank you” said Jennifer “we are now moving on, beyond the veil and even further away, you may or may not see him again. I can be generous and allow you some time together ”

Then with a mischievous smile GiGi took out one of her lollypops and put it jauntily in her mouth then took it out and started to tap it on Mirenna’s immaculately coffered hair using it as emphasis for her words.

“but…you …just…re...mem...ber…whose…hus…band…he…is”

Then she turned and gave Faraway a hard but affectionate thump on the head with the same lollypop

“And don’t you forget either. Idiot”

The watching crowd roared with laughter.

Turning to the crowded room Faraway raised his voice. “Gentlemen it is time” he called “and as they used to say in my old home town. Last orders please, see your drinks off, and haven’t you lot got any homes to go to”

To which the crowd responded with cries of “another 72 pints here” and “see you jimmy” and “no we haven’t”

But quickly the visitors started to filter back out of the room and into the light. One of the last to go was Lard Lad, clutching a barrel of beer under one arm he stopped in front of Darden and Jennifer, He belched theatrically, “you always could throw a party Far” he said drunkenly, then leaning in conspiratorially and tapping the side of his nose “Cobies waiting for you you know, he said to tell you he’ll see you on the other side old friend and not to worry it all turned out for the best” then with a hic he crossed over the light threshold and all they could hear faintly from the light as the shadows regressed and faded was an very old and very rude Rimborian drinking song.

Abin put his arm around Brittany’s shoulder. “I have to go soon too angel”

“Will I see you again Gramps” she asked

“I don’t know angel, I hope so” he replied, but there is one last act to see, I can stay for that then I must go”

The room had fallen silent now, the last faint echo’s of the party fading into a hardly guessed at distance.

The light had faded slightly now it brightened once more. This time however it also cleared and through what Brittany now thought of as a portal she could see a landscape. It was idyllic; fields of clean green grass ran down from the portal to a valley floor, in the middle distance sheep and cows grazed contentedly in front of a small village with a tall church spire dominating the surroundings. Across the valley a majestic oak forest covered the hillside. The sun shone down on this and the only noise was the hum of bees and the rush of water as a river ran impossibly across the portal. Suddenly and she had no idea how it got there Brittany was aware that a boat sat in the middle of that river. In that boat, stood three figures, silent, imperturbable and surrounded by a warm golden glow, it took Brittany a while to realise who she was seeing. Standing to the left, as he looked, was Nightcrawler, semi mythical creator of Legion World itself. To the right was Lash Lad revealed in all his glory as a Founder, majestic, noble and heroic. In the centre between these two stood Princess Crujectra. But she was different here, more alive, more beautiful that ever, if such a thing were possible, she stood exposed now in all her true majesty and glory and Brittany realised that the Crujectra they had know on Legion World was but a pale reflection and that seen through a dirty glass, to this, the true forms and shapes of the Princess. Her radiant beauty almost physically hurt her to look at.

Smiling she gestured to Faraway, inviting him to board. As an honour guard Hrun and Stoopid Cat stood at the base of the small gangway holding flaming torches (which is a really good trick for a cat)

Brittany realised that now Faraway was looking as young as he had when she had first met him almost 120 years ago. Still holding GiGi’s hand Faraway shook his head; he turned and looked back into the room, as if waiting for someone.

“Is he here yet” GiGi asked Faraway.

“Not yet” came the reply, “you know him, all of time and space to play with and he still leaves things to the last minute.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761212 01/07/13 02:34 PM
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As he spoke there was a violet glow in the corner of the room and a strange machine appeared out of a swirling pulsating vortex.

“Doctor Cobalt, come on in” shouted Faraway.

Into the room walked a tall, dark-haired, handsome figure in a deep blue suit, overcoat and top hat. In his hand was a cane made totally out of metal. Beyond his deep blue eyes and sharp facial features, a noticeable scar shaped like an “X” was over his left eye. He looked to be in his mid-forties.

With a tip of his hat to Brittany he smiled, “Everyday Girl how nice to see you again” then he leant in and whispered “Still don’t know how he does that do you?”

Then he walked into the room and faced Faraway.

Brittany looked back up and saw her gramps eyes shining as he watched as Faraway met and greeted this older Cobalt. No she shook her head, not older, younger, but older that when she left the LMBP.

Abin hugged her “now this is time travel stuff Britt, don’t try too hard to understand it, it gets very confusing”

“But he just ignored you, and the others in the light?”

“That’s because he is not allowed to see us, we are part of a different song, a song which is almost finished, yet to him, because his song is still strong and being sung lustily by many he can not hear ours. Now watch”

Across the room Faraway and Doctor Cobalt were deep in conversation.

“So you got the message did you” said Faraway.

“It took a while to piece it all together”, smiled Doctor Cobalt “but eventually the bits all fell into place.

“Now” he continued “tell me why now and why this place”

Because for all this time, all these years I have been trying to do the impossible, to avoid his fate, to prevent what happens happening” said a sad Faraway. “And now there is no more time. Nothing worked Des, every time I tried to destroy it something stopped me. Every time I hid it, it was found. Every time I gave it to someone else the universe went to Hell in a Hand basket. It was almost as if the damnable thing was alive, like it wanted to be found.

“I’m sorry Des every path I followed, every step we took or from your point of view will take, led to the same end. Either this has to happen now in this way or the universe ends in an infinite number of horrible ways”.

Doctor Cobalt took his friends hand, “I realise that now” he said. “I have been as close to him at that point in time as I dare and have traversed all the rest of time and space seeking for an alternative. Like you old friend I have found nothing that will let us avoid that fate”

The two were silent for a moment. Then Faraway hugged Doctor Cobalt.

“I’ve failed Des, all that effort I put into training him, teaching him, preparing him , trying to push him in certain directions, all for nothing, It seems as all I have ever doen is prepare him to that point, that one point in time”

Doctor Cobalt considered for a moment, “Far do you remember what he said to you all those years ago, when he first met you and suggested you join the LMBP”

“You mean about how some points in time are fixed, and can’t be changed, about how trying to change them would take more power than actually existed in the entirety of the big bang. Yes I remember. I remember him saying that he had to do this, and that a hero has responsibilities and if you want to live the life you have to pay the price. I remember that he said we would try to change things but we would fail but that he wasn’t sorry, that he had lived a good life and was richer for meeting so many friends. I remember him proving to me who he was and how he knew all those things, I remember how serious he was yet somehow so happy as if the knowledge had in some strange way set him free. Des I didn’t believe him then and I don’t want to believe him now, even after a lifetime of trying”

“Well maybe he was right Far, maybe he knew, maybe he knew we had had this conversation” said Doctor Cobalt.

“Well that’s almost certain, I mean a conversation like this you be bound to would remember” conceded Faraway. “But I still don’t have to like this” He gripped Cobalts hand.

Then a decision made, he reached inside his shirt and took a small key shaped object from around his neck. He held it up in his hand dangling it from the small gold chain. “It looks nothing special does it Cobalt, yet this small key will start a chain of events of immeasurable consequence. It appears that the laws of time decree that I do this, at this time and in this point in my life, because I always have done it and because across an infinite number of time lines I always will do it” Faraway Paused He suddenly pshed the key backing his pocket. “But” he continued slowly “what if I don’t, what if I take it with me across the veil, where no one can find it”

“But you know what will happen” said GiGi “Don’t do this lover, if you do not only will you destroy this universe but also the lands beyond”

Faraway looked at the key for a few seconds more, struggling with his thoughts, could he truly risk the Universe for the sake of a friendship. “Maybe he is worth more than the Universe?” he asked, seeking help and approval as he struggled with his conscience

From behind, Brittany felt Abin give her a gentle push, “go on angel this is really why you are here, you must tell him to let it go”

“Uncle Darden, dearest God Father” said Brittany walking towards Faraway “Aunt Jennifer’s right. I don’t know for certain but you’re talking about Cobalt aren’t you, an older Cobalt even than this version, it has to be. But Uncle Darden, you of all people know he would not want you to do this, he cannot, would not, let you destroy millions of others to save him. You know this because you trained him, he’s so much like you, you wouldn’t even think twice about sacrificing yourself for the people you love so why do you think he would be any different. No he would not want you to do this, you must give it up. Please Uncle”

Almost as if waking from a dream Faraway looked towards Brittany, Seeing her face he turned to look at his wife, and then through the threshold to the lands beyond.

“But to do so will cause so much pain to so many” said Faraway.

“But from what I understand” said Brittany “to not do this will cause many more people pain and suffering. You taught me the difference between right and wrong and him the same lessons, that to do the right thing sometime you have to make very hard decisions, and that sometimes the things you want to have an hold you have to give up for the sake of everyone else”

His shoulders slumped “so be it” he said, “From the end now the key goes back to the beginning then, and my part in this tale is done”. Reaching back in his pocket he quickly put it in the outreached hand of Doctor Cobalt whose fingers closed upon it hiding it from view.

It was almost as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders, He straightened his back and taking his wife’s hand he kissed it. “I’m ready now my love” he said

“Abin, you too”

Brittany turned to look at her Gramps, “bye” she mouthed.

“love you angel” mouthed Abin back and then he turned and crossed the threshold and was quickly gone from sight.

Almost immediately Faraway and Gigi stepped over the threshold and up the gangplank onto the boat, which silently turned and to a faint accompaniment of flutes and violins sailed away down the river. Hrun and Stoopid cat stood for a while watching then they too turned and walked away fading quickly out of sight. As the boat disappeared into the distance the light vortex became to fade and contract. Slowly it shrank down to a small pin prick of light which flared briefly then went out.

Brittany was left alone with this strange Cobalt Kid. He smiled; there was no forgetting or mistaking that smile. He raised his hat to her again. “I must go” he said, but I will see you again, many times”

“Wait” said Brittany, “I want to know, what as that key? What is it going to do?

“No sorry” he said brightly “Can’t tell you that, spoilers” and he stepped into the violet glow which flared then vanished.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761213 01/07/13 02:35 PM
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Brittany Quank was left alone in the room; she was slightly surprised to see the old Faraway sitting still in his chair. She did not need to read the dials on the machines to know he was dead. As the nurses returned to the room to prepare the body and remove all the tubes Brittany Quank turned to leave tears welling in her eyes. She opened and stumbled through the door and hurried out her tears blinding her as she ran straight into two people.

“Brittany” she heard a voice that she recognized, “are you all right?”

“yes mother”, she said wiping her eyes and nose “but he’s gone”

“Ah” said Diana slowly “I see”

“That door is stronger than it looks” said the second figure

“yes” agreed Diana “nothing in My’s arsenal of tricks even scorched it and my magic’s simply bounced back off” she smiled, “it seems as if Lord Faraway managed to hunt out a few secrets designed to keep even me at bay”

My Whee Fem had now moved across to Brittany and had put an arm around her to comfort her

“When Bast told me of what was to happen here I thought I might be able to help, but it appears that some things must be” said Diana thoughtfully, still a little surprised at just how effective Faraway’s locks and counter measures had been.

“Still said My Whee Fem as they slowly walked back towards the hanger deck “we may not have been there to help you and Uncle Darden but we can at least share the journey home, its not right that you have to do that on your own”

The End

Last edited by Faraway Lad; 01/07/13 02:38 PM.

Re: Journeys End - A onevision story of the future.
Faraway Lad #761216 01/07/13 02:39 PM
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Legion World

In a small workshop, Power Boy, Invisible Brainiac and Matlock were looking at a small machine, covered in rods and dials it looked as if it had sprung from the pages of a steampunk novel. Which in some respects it had. A violet haze hung around the machine.

Matlock pushed a battered fedora back on his head and growled at his fellows. “Damnation, this thing beats us every time. Cobalt wants us to get the shield’s down and we have tried everything we know, I’ve called in a lot of favours to get information that might help and still nothing”

“I have hit it with everything I’ve got” said Power Boy “and nada, not even a crack. So now what?”

“Guys” said Invisible Brainiac “how about this” and he held up a gold chain which had a small key shaped object hanging on it. Attached to the chain was a message in Cobalts handwriting. “Try this” it said.

“Where did that come from” demanded Matlock

“I don’t know” replyed IB “It was just here on the table”

“Well” said Matlock “we might as well, nothing else has worked”

IB approached the machine holding the Key in front of him, as the key touched the violet haze, the colour deepened and then a visible ripple spread over the surface of the haze, before the colour faded and disappeared. The machine now stood unprotected, at last they could start.

“Power Boy” said Matlock, “Get Cobalt on the line, tell him we are in and are ready to go when he is”.

To be continued in Time Boy's Tale - Linear A Version (H.G. Wells)


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