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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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The Dark Stu saga (Part One) :
Week I-
Shortly after being elected leader, Stu begins constructing a mansion to govern Legion World. While this was never un-ordinary, it was used against him as propaganda when it appeared that he was a tyrant.
Stu announces that he will not step down at the end of his term and will reign as leader for 70 years.
Stu begins referring to himself as the "Much-Beloved Stu". Later, he begins calling himself "His Imperial Majesty Stu".
Suddenly, Stu is one day made moderator of every forum on Legion World. Suddenly, his government is able to touch every aspect of Legion World life.
During this week, it appears that Legion World is exceptionally quiet. Many members had not been seen for days or even weeks, including: Icefyre, Harbinger, Shark Lad, Space Ranger, Abin Quank, Lash, Teeds, Super Lad Kid, and a whole slew of others. Recently, Arachne and Invisible Brainiac had not been around either. Thus, the only Security Officer around for any period of time, was the chief, Cobalt Kid.
Upon learning of Stu's new status as moderator in every forum, Fat Cramer begins trying to figure out what is happening. She enlists her brother, Stoopid Cat. She then makes a secret complaint to the Office of Security.
Cobalt Kid recieves the message and offers to protect both her and Stoopid Cat, fearing that a new surge of institutional racism against cats might take affect now that Stu has gripped Legion World tightly.
Almost immediately, the Royal Inquisitor comes out of hiding and offers his services to Stu.
Fat Cramer investigates deeper into Legion World, attempting to learn of all of the missing LWers. She and Cobalt Kid continue to conspire, trying to learn the truth.
Stu acts as if nothing is happening, unaware that he has scared Legion World into a terror. He assumes that all is normal, and doesn't yet realize that his friends are acting different.
Giant Squid, a reporter on Legion World, begins standing outside of Stu's mansion, demanding an interview with the tyrant. He promises that he will not move.
Kid Prime resigns from Stu's administration, admitting that he is not comfortable with the new direction Stu has taken.
Things begin to feel more dangerous on Legion World. Nightcrawler is not seen for days...
(to be continued)
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The Dark Stu Saga (Part II)
Week Two-
The Royal Inquisitor begins making announcements that he supports Stu's takeover of Legion World and then offers to work for him in his government.
Fat Cramer and Cobalt Kid continue to investigate, and try to rally other Legion Worlders.
Fat Cramer beings worrying about the Safety of Jinx, the feline in the Stu administration.
Quilet, Esq., the main source of law on Legion World attempts to maintain a lawful society, and warns all parties to stand down.
Giant Squid continues reporting outside of Stu's mansion, although Stu never talks to him.
STUbot #128 becomes the newest entity to arrive on Legion World. This alarms many Legion Worlders. To make things worse, the Robot begins demanding that all LWers submit to the will of Stu.
Cobalt Kid moves out of Stu's mansion, and many Legion Worlders refuse to enter it, including Spellbinder and Fat Cramer.
Kid Prime begins making rounds around Legion World, searching for an item. He sneaks into Stu's mansion while the STUbot is engaged in a confrontation and finds the item he is looking for.
The STUbots inform the Royal Inquisitor that he has a job working for Stu's government, as the new Chief of Security. Cobalt Kid warns the Inquisitor that this is not legal, since he is Security Chief for life and cannot be removed by the Legion World leader. Quislet, Esq. tries to sort out the legal matters.
While making rounds around Legion World, Cobalt Kid bumps into Kid Prime and they enjoy a drink at SHAKES. While drinking, Kid Prime is suddenly snatched out of the bar through a portal and dragged off to parts unknown.
The Royal Inquisitor begins threatening Giant Squid, who continues to report outside Stu's mansion. Quislet, Esq. warns him against touching the reporter.
STUbot #128 begins making demands on Legion World for Stu. Semi-Transparent Fellow tells him that he is not allowed in SHAKES. The STUbot then informs Legion World that prohibition is now in affect and that selling alcohal in illegal. Quislet responds by telling the robot that alcohal isn't actually sold at SHAKES, and that since drinks are for free, SHAKES can remain open.
Lightning Lad and Outdoor Miner begin searching for Kid Prime. They come across the STUbot, get engaged in a confrontation, and Lightning Lad destroys STUbot #128.
Quickly, STUbot #129 enters Legion World. It soon becomes apparent that there is a massive amount of STUbots in waiting.
Sanity or Madness begins questioning the actions of Stu and his robots. He unleashes Circuit Breaker, a robot destroying beast, on them. It does it's job, and destroys many STUbots. However, it is also captured and joins Kid Prime.
Sanity or Madness, Outdoor Miner and Lightning Lad continue searching for Kid Prime, and SoM is able to rescue Circut Breaker. However, forces work against Kid Prime and keep him in his lonely corner of hell.
Eryk Davis Ester, worried about the now full-fledged tyranny of Stu, contacts Cobalt Kid and proposes that they ressurect the Triumvirate. Cobalt agrees and contacts his fellow Triumvir, Greybird. The three Triumvirs then decided to begin mobilizing their armies and call on them to be ready to come to Legion World if necessary and fight the forces of Stu.
Fat Cramer, Cobalt Kid and others begin taking up residence at Spellbinder's Psyonian Embassy to make sure they are protected.
The Royal Inquisitor continues to threaten Giant Squid, as well as many other LWers, specifically the Emerald Empress, Cobalt Kid, Varalent and Quislet, Esq.
Varalent resigns as Stu's Chief of Staff, disgusted by the tyranny he sees. He makes a public speech denouncing Stu.
Varalent ventures into Stu's mansion and rescues Jinx in a special mission. He takes the feline back to his Villa to make that it's alright.
Stu announces that he needs a queen to rule as dictator. Winema Wazzo, ever the oppurtunist, begins seducing Stu and offers to join him. The two apparently begin to fall for one another, and Stu takes Winema as his consort. Many LWers are disgusted, and Winema's unpopularity only brings more people to begin questioning Stu.
The STUbots announce that Legion World is under martial law.
(to be continued)
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The Dark Stu saga (Part III)
Week Three-
Giant Squid continues his reporting outside Stu's mansion, under threats against his life by the Royal Inquisitor and threats of being arrested by the STUbots. Quislet, Esq., continues to ensure that he is not arrested.
The Royal Inquisitor announces that he will be storming the Security Office to take away Cobalt Kid's job. Cobalt Kid refuses to let him, and prepares to fight him. There are no other security officers on Legion World now for some time.
Winema Wazzo and Stu begin making plans to rule as King and Queen. The leak to the press that they have a major announcement to make.
Varalent stands by his public decision and renounces Stu's reign as leader. He journies to SHAKES for a drink, where he is confronted by a mass of STUbots. He begins shrinking them and smashing them.
Across Legion World, Sanity or Madness and Circuit Breaker do the same.
Cobalt Kid leaves his Security Office and joins Varalent, helping him destroy the STUbots. They are soon joined by the Emerald Empress, who reappears on Legion World.
Elsewhere, Fat Cramer, Lightning Lad, and Outdoor Miner continue resisting Stu and his STUbots.
The Resistance is now full on. The various resisters begin organizing, at Cafe Cramer and the Beacon. However, these places are not completely safe and the resisters look for an alternate place.
While Cobalt Kid joins Varalent and Emerald Empress in destroying STUbots, the Royal Inquisitor forces his way into the Security Office and declares himself the new Security Chief. The STUbots explain that Stu, the tyrant, has nominated him. Legion World continues to be under martial law, and now a brutal backlash begins. While the resistance fights back with force, Quislet, Esq. turns to the confines of the law to use a legal means to stop this repression.
Bevis opens his new Fabulous Boutique. Secretly, it acts a center for the resistance, in a special back room designed with resistance weapons and tools. The various resistance members meet there in secret: Fat Cramer, Bevis, Stoopid Cat, Cobalt Kid, Outdoor Miner, Varalent, Emerald Empress, Lightning Lad, Eryk Davis Ester, Greybird and others.
Minesurfer begins politically riding the fence by supporting both sides.
The armies of the Triumvirate continue to moblize. Cobalt Kid's general, Scipio Taltarus, reports back to him that Stu has amassed thousands of STUbots outside of the Legion World atmosphere. Cobalt tells them to engage in war. Greybird and Eryk Davis Ester send their armies to join them, and a great war begins taking place outside of Legion World throughout space and faraway lands.
Stu and Winema Wazzo make their big announcement. During the announcement, Winema exposes the private areas of Stu to millions, in a disgusting display of debauchery. A stunned public is outraged, and even more so when Stu and Winema blame the episode on faulty equipment. Although it is obvious that Winema wishes to gain power on Legion World, Stu cannot understand why his best friends and allies are turning against him. To him, it appears as if Legion World has gone crazy and risen up in a violent rage.
Working out of Bevis' Boutique, the resistance continues working against tyranny. Bevis hurls tomatos at Winema and Stu, Varalent and Cobalt Kid destroy more robots, Sanity or Madness and Outdoor Miner search for Kid Prime and Fat Cramer burns the kitchens at the Beacon so Stu cannot poision the food of the customer, when it became apparent that he might (although this was a brillant illusionary tactic by Fat Cramer that did not actually destroy the kicthens).
The Royal Inquisitor continues to threaten Giant Squid. Giant Squid refuses to budge...
(to be continued)
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Bold Flavors
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The Dark Stu Saga (Part IV)
Week Three (cont'd)-
Giant Squid makes a speech to the public denouncing tyranny and the reign of Stu. He refuses to move away from Stu's mansion, despite offers from Fat Cramer and Varalent to broadcast from Varalent's Villa.
The Royal Inquisitor attacks Giant Squid and uses an omega beam on him, instantly destroying the innocent reporter, so that he is not only destroyed, but never existed.
Outraged, Quislet, Esq., immediately hands a warrant over to Cobalt Kid to take in the Inquisitor. Also outraged, Cobalt Kid prepares to fight back for the Security Office.
Blockade Boy, the first Security Officer to show up in weeks besides Cobalt Kid and Emerald Empress, shows up at SHAKES to see the Royal Inquisitor hurl a firebomb at it in an attempt to destroy the institution that refused to shut down. Blockade Boy uses his abilities to save SHAKES from being destroyed.
Cobalt Kid arrives at the Security Office and demands a final showdown with the Royal Inquisitor. He rips open the doors and runs in for the finale. Fat Cramer soon joins him, making sure that he doesn't go alone in the big battle.
The LMBP Spectre appears again on Legion World after a lengthy absence, her spirit calling out for vengeance over the destruction of Giant Squid. She vows to get to the bottom of things.
Cobalt Kid and Fat Cramer take on the Royal Inquisitor in a huge battle that decides the fate of the Security Office. After a lengthy and destructive battle, Cobalt Kid and Fat Cramer defeat and apprehend the Royal Inquisitor. Since Quislet issued a warrant for his arrest, Cobalt is able to legally bring him in and make sure he pays for the murder of Giant Squid. The LMBP Spectre also arrives and uses her incredible powers to reveal the Inquisitor's true identity: Dr. Albert Hoffman, the long-time enemy of Cobalt Kid, who had remained in hiding all these months to battle the Legion Worlders.
The LMBP Spectre then vows to get to the bottom of things.
While Cobalt Kid and the Emerald Empress repair the Security Office, Winema Wazzo makes a surprise announcement and has her marriage with Stu annulled. Ever the oppurtunist, she understood that things were coming to a head and attempted to escape with a large portion of Stu's money and diamonds. The Emerald Empress was able to stop her from stealing anything, although Winema was able to get out on bail, and currently is prolonging her trial through various legal means. She will most likely not be punished for her role in the Dark Stu saga.
Bevis accidently blows up the Security Office, unaware that it was won back.
Arachne and Invisible Brainiac reappear on the scene and immediately rejoin the resistance.
Poverty Lad and Cobalt Kid are called into Stu's office to talk about a peaceful solution. Poverty Lad is then turned into a duck, and Cobalt Kid into an amoeba.
Poverty Duck runs off, and Lightning Lad rescues Cobalt Amoeba and brings him back to the Resistance HQ at Bevis' Boutique.
Doctor One returns and joins the resistance. Using his knowledge, he increases Cobalt Amoeba's size so it can defend itself. Giant Cobalt Amoeba rejoins the resistance.
With the Royal Inquisitor and Winema Wazzo gone, the Resistance now begins discussing what to do about Stu...
(to be continued)
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GREAT recap, my friend, but you forgot to mention my resignation as STU's special counsel in the first part!
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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And the kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture of Jinx as well as Jinx's subsequent rescue by yours truly.
PS: Hi Jinx! There's milk at the Villa!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Thanks guys! These last weeks have been confusing! More on the last week soon!
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Confusing? I dunno, I think possibly the whole Dark STU Saga is possibly the most coherent story there's ever been at the LMBP. I mean, most events actually followed on from each other for a reason, individuals actually did things in some kind of coherent order and it was still f*ckin' fantastic.
I should point out though that i never threw any tomatos and it wasn't me that blew up the security office. Nope, not I, it was a mysterious masked figure who just happened to be following me around. Honest.
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Unless Tamper Lad Screws it up...)
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We know that Bevis. You were too busy coordinating the wardrobe changes to throw tomatoes and blow things up!
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Exactly. I'm completely innocent and wasn't involved in the Resistance at all. Especially since it didn't exist.
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Unless Tamper Lad Screws it up...)
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What I'm confused about -- if everything was just an illusion, how did Giant Squid get destroyed? [sinister music]
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ooh, oooh, maybe Giant Squid was behind it all the time? I mean, he was stirring up the resentment, his 'death' forced things into a final confrontation and all that. It could all be a big ploy on his part and he's really the big bad. Of course that begs the question, if he *is* the villain then who is he really?
Truth and Justice shall Prevail! (Unless Tamper Lad Screws it up...)
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Jinx's imprisonment and torture for the past couple of months was no illusion!
And WHERE is Icefire? Is anyone else still missing?
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Illusion? Those Amoeba Slime Trails were no Illusion and neither was the explosion that wrecked the security office.
Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!
With a Power Ring...
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I'm pretty sure only some of it was an illusion, like us seeing Stu as a dictator. The Royal Inquisitor and STUbot stuff definately happened, as did the war in space. So Giant Squid was destroyed. But Stu being a part of it was an illusion, which is why he was confused when we all started acting like crazed resisters. Except Bevis, of course!
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Hang on! It wasn't until after Giant Squid got killed by an Omega beam that the Mysterious Cloaked Figure appeared on the scene! Maybe the Mysterious Cloaked Figure is Giant Squid's angry g-g-gh-h-h-o-o-o-s-s-t-t-t!!!!!!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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The Dark Stu Sage (Part V) Week Four- With the Royal Inquisitor and Winema Wazzo no longer in the picture, the Resistance turns to Stu and begins planning what to do about his reign of terror. In addition to destroying various STUbots, other resistance members begin using propaganda against the leader, and graphitti begins appearing on the walls of Legion World. Invisible Brainiac even goes as far as to turn Stu's mansion pink. At this time, the very large Resistance consists of: Fat Cramer, Giant Cobalt Amoeba, Poverty Duck, Doctor One, Varalent, Emerald Empress, Stoopid Cat, Arachne, Invisible Brainiac, Blockade Boy, Eryk Davis Ester, Saturn Girl, Jinx, Greybird, Outdoor Miner, Lightning Lad, Mike Netzer, Sanity or Madness, Spellbinder, Circuit Breaker, Semi-Transparent Fellow and others, and new addition Abin Quank who returns to Legion World. Bevis is also possibly a secret member of the Resistance . Further, Kid Prime is still missing in his lonely corner of hell. The LMBP Spectre continues to hunt for the truth about the darkness on Legion World. Quislet, Esq. continues to maintain a state of law on Legion World, being the only voice of reason. Minesurfer continues to ride the fence. Stu now begins to grow very worried. He cannot understand why the rest of the LMB and LWers are in revolt against him, and why they are unleashing a propaganda campaign against him. Using his magic, he learns that he too has been under a spell, and can no longer tell what was real with Winema Wazzo and what was illusion. However, it is apparent to him that the rest of Legion World is under a massive illusion that has made him out to be a ruthless tyrant. Further, the Royal Inquisitor and the STUbots made the illusion worse by furthering their own ends while Legion World was under an illusion. Hoping for peace, Stu called out to the LMBP Spectre, saying that "it is time to end this", and that Legion World is under a massive spell. Believing this is a trick, the rest of Legion World approached their leader cautiously. Suddenly, the LMBP Spectre appeared to the rest of Legion World, announcing that Stu was right indeed. Removing the illusion off of them, the LMBP Spectre tells them that a higher power has been behind all of this, attempting to divide Legion World from their leader to cause the chaos that ensued. However, she is unable to learn the identity of the evil mastermind, and promises to continue searching. Suddenly, the LMBP Spectre dissapears again. Realizing that they've all been tricked, the Legion World resistance reunites with Stu under peaceful terms, and he embraces them just the same. Now no longer a resistance, but a united LMBP, the heroes turn their attention on fixing the chaos on Legion World and restoring things to normal. Then, they promise to begin searching for the still missing Kid Prime, who had gained an important item that has been forgotten about. Further, the LMBP vows to learn the identity of the evil mastermind and stop him/her. A mysteriously cloaked figure begins appearing on Legion World, who acknowledges him/herself to be the evil mastermind. Spellbinder removes the magic spell on Poverty Duck, restoring him back to his normal self (well, as normal as Pov is ). However, she cannot break the spell on Giant Cobalt Amoeba. Abin Quank restores the Security Office to it's former stature, although he makes it a bit more tasteful than before by fixing certain statues that were engaged in [exploitive deleted]. Abin tries to make a machine to turn Giant Cobalt Amoeba back to a human, but it turns out to be a pretzel making machine, now in Cobalt's office for future use. Invisible Brainiac turns Stu's mansion back to normal and the rest of Legion World begins cleaning things up again. Minesurfer announces that he was both sides all along, so he was truly right all along. After several failed attempts, Fat Cramer rallies Legion World to turn Cobalt Kid back to his normal self, and begins calling all mages. Finally, it is Varalent who shrinks Giant Cobalt Amoeba down to Cobalt Amoeba, and then Sanity or Madness who creates a machine to turn Cobalt Amoeba back into Cobalt Kid. It works perfectly, and Varalent re-grows Cobalt Kid back to his normal status. With Stu reunited with this allies and friends, Cobalt Kid and Poverty Lad restored, and Legion World fixed and working again, the LMBP now turn their sights to the two main problems: discovering the true identity of their enemy and rescuing the missing Kid Prime. (to be concluded)
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Put simply, the reasons for fighting were illusionary, the fighting, robot-destroying, etc wasn't A few other minor things, like STU trying to turn me into a groundhog & the beam bouncing off my forcefield and hitting Winema (unfortuntely, he turned her back quickly), and proclaiming he tampered with my reversion equipment when he hadn't been allowed near it and the settings he claimed to have used didn't exist (which is why Vee needed to shrink Cobie for me to revert him ). But generally, nice work Oh, and of course you missed your own reversion thanks to Vee & me [EDIT: Ah, final part got posted while I was typing...]
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Cheers to Cobie for putting the continuity together!
Say, DOES anyone know what DID happen to icefire?
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Hmm... I'm sure that the answer to the Mysterious Cloaked Figure's identity must be in this thread somewhere!
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I know the entire LMBP history down pat by this time! I've re-read this thread at least four times, and I've done even more research! So, I promise to get to that timeline soon ! The Mysterious Figure's identity must be in here if he/she is from our past!
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*addendum to Continuity*
After the mass illusions wore off, the LMBP learns that Lardlad's exile was nothing more than an illusion, and that he can still enter Legion World! He rejoins them immediately!
However, the question as to why Eryk Davis Ester was stuck in his body for a week remains a mystery...
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Hmm... if Lardy's exile was all part of the illusion, this means the villain has actually been operating since before the start of STU's term as leader!
But why keep Lardlad away from Legion world for so long, when he supposedly isn't on MCF's revenge list?
And why imprison poor Jinx for months as well?
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