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Originally posted by Dev Em: I wonder if I should reboot myself? Well, you've been a Daxamite, and then a Durlan, and then back to a Daxamite, right? Are there any other races that you find cool? (I'm a fan of mini-retcons. They can be confusing sometimes, but it's fun to give yourself little tweaks from time to time... keeps things fresh )
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: This first continuity retcon was in Year Two, but was it connected to Lash's retcon powers (I think they came later), Lucien's (ditto) or the Living Retcon? That might be what happened. I was thinking it was "board" related, but perhaps it was more "bored" related
Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
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Must interject how much fun it is to "hear" all of you remininscing about the LMBP. Reminds me of holidays when I was a kid, sitting at the table, and listening to the grown ups tell family stories from way back when!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Gee... it's not every day that the LMBP gets compared to adults
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Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Thanks Var, it's good to know you find it interesting! I myself am interested in hearing about the last few months of LMB continuity when you first joined! I had just wrapped up my term as leader, then I guess a whole bunch of you guys joined up! Dev, retconning yourself is always fun. I usually assume that a true retcon means that that was the way it was the whole time, like Princess Crujectra always having been Crusader's sister! Say Princess, is your brother still around, or his on a leave of absence? I figure part of the fun will be for each individual to figure out what their exact continuity is. Hasn't a certain Princess Crujectra had long standing relationships with Loser Lad and Iron Rat, as well as little flings (even with a certain Cobalt Kid ) Up next, I plan to start going over Year Two and finalizing the continuity of Year One in a more structured order. Does anyone have anything else about Year One they want to mention that we've forgotten? We'll add it later if we've forgotten tidbits, but it's always good to hear more! Whenever there were retcons, we'll say that there was a major crisis that occured. The major times I can think of were the one we've just mentioned, The Living Retcon, Lil' Lash and Seahorse adventure, the death of the Legionnaires board, the death of the next board after that, and any times that Lucien, Lash or others screwed up continuity . We should try and figure out a coherent continuity for these conitnuity blips:) I figure the Living Retcon and Lil' Lash stories fit in nicely (maybe the Living Retcon was responsible for the Loser-snake period and it's subsequent change back), and the two deaths of the boards are the two Crisis (the first is against the Anti-Moderator where the Legionnaires board died, and a few alt Id's did like Foxy Roxy), and the second crisis is the deaths of the cool board we had after (can't remember what we called it) and the actual DC boards, which resulted in the death of Space Tart among others! What do you guys think, does this straiten it out even a little?
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Princess, you don't know what those adults to whom I was comparing you guys were like. Most are gone now but they would have fit right in at SHAKES, believe me!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Ahhkkk! This thread just made me realize that we have to wrap up the latest LMBP Adventure "Super Jailhouse of Space" I think it's hanging in limbo right now, ever since the LW Great Darkness! EDE, Lasher, what say we get it finished?
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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I've got it all set up for a conclusion, I just need other folks to work on finishing it!
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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I've got it all set up for a conclusion, I just need other folks to work on finishing it! I just bumped it up so it would be easier to find. Let's get to it!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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I say we end it in a big postathon sometime this week!
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Vee, I've not been much help in the story threads lately, and I was unable to finish what should have been a simple little Coma Lad/Dormant Damsel story after nixing one plot element. I fear I've got hack-writer's block!
The Living Retcon first appeared in the Attack of the Anti-LMB story. He had put together several members designed to specifically negate certain LMBers powers. Worthless Girl was the Anti-LMB member that was able to negate Shady's morale-boosting powers. By the end of the story, The Living Retcon and Worthless Girl (who had proven that she wasn't so worthless at all) left for the Living Retcon's dimension.
During the followup, which featured The LR and WG exploring various multiverse's versions of the LMB (my favorites were the LMB GODS and the funny-animal LMB), the retcon powers were somehow transferred into WG. She became the fun-loving, flighty Retcon Girl and The LR transformed back to Floyd, his human persona.
Following this, I somehow (forget how) briefly got a portion of the retcon powers. I was drunk at a bar with BBC missing the days of my youth and the retcon powers transformed me into Super Lash Tot in response.
The tale of my being a potentially-dangerous reality-altering baby was told in Seahorse & Super Lash Tot Adventures-- right up there with LMB Experience for favorite thing I've written.
After Crujectra and Crusader saved me -- *and* BBC for that matter-- (read the story for details, it's hella-cute!), the retcon powers were never mentioned again... so if anyone else had 'em it mighta been then that they were transferred....
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: Say Princess, is your brother still around, or his on a leave of absence? We decided that changing log ins is too much of a pain, so he has free reign over at the LMBP Yahoo Group, and Legion World is all mine
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Originally posted by Eryk Davis Ester: I say we end it in a big postathon sometime this week! The Beginning of the End has begun!!!! Don't miss it!
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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I'm in for that Tag Team thread ending!
I think for LMB: Year One, I'm going to go through and make one coherent timeline for all the things we've mentioned.
For LMB: Year Two, we'll do the same thing we've been doing for five pages and go back over all the continuity and stories that took place during that time period. I still don't have a set end for that year, so let me know what you think!
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Wish I had been part of this!!!! I just one of the new kids!!!
Let the Fun Begin!
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Originally posted by icefire: Wish I had been part of this!!!! I just one of the new kids!!! yeah !!! it's really cool reading over the "LMBP" history !!! great work Cobalt Kid !!! i think, i joined the "LMBP" early on in the 3rd year ??? and what a great bunch of friends i've made from there !!! Matthew.
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Yeah Matt, I think you joined circa Year Three! I really can't wait to get that continuity ironed out, cuz I think you, Stu, Pov and a few others joined during that time!
I've recently been reading the Legion of Message Board Posters thread on the outpost (all 48 pages of it, it's looooooooooong), and I have a mixture of two feelings. One, it's unbelievably exciting going back over that stuff, and two, I also feel a mixture of saddness that so many people don't post anymore (at least not during the same eras). So, in other words, thanks you guys for being a blast online to "talk to"!
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For Year Two, I think we can include these eras; Lash (aka Lashwire) as Leader with Lardy as deputy. Loser as leader with Newcru as deputy and Newcru as leader with Dev as deputy! Up next was BBC's term as leader (and then Stu, which is definately year three). I think BBC's term fits nicely into year three, as it marks the end of the Legionnaires board, as a transition in membership again (Loser Lad stopped posting full-time, I eventually came back full-time, a few other mainstays had by this time stopped posting like Shark Lad, Sasha, Lumberfox and some more). Therefore, I think when BBC started his term as leader, it marks a rough transition to the LMB's third year (not as clean as the other transition). So for year two, we have the period that starts when Lash takes his leadership, the Onevisions really start up, the huge tag team threads start appearing, Lash's LMB stories fit in, a few retcon stories, Loser's term as leader, Newcru's term as leader. This marks a time for me personally, when I came back to the boards, but never really full-time. I participated for a few days at a time then would be gone for weeks, making me wish I was there for it. Some of the stuff I do remember were Bucky the Psychotic Beaver (he doesn't get killed yet by Lardy until BBC's term ), Furball, Carrina Winters and her eventually going crazy, Faraway, Kid Psychout and his motorcycle, Kid Therod, Lardy's stories taking place in the 5 yrs later future, Dedman (aka Cannon Fodder Kid), Shark Lad going evil, Princess Crujectra and the first retcons, Lash's stories (I always enjoyed Lash the Super Tot and BBC's adventures the most ), and a whole bunch of other things! More research needed! Dev, Sharky, Cru and Lash, you guys were very prominent during this period, any good memories you want to share
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During Year Two:
-Cobalt Kid appeared infrequently for Lash and Loser's terms as leader, by the end of Loser's term and for the duration of Newcru's (now Crusader) he was no longer an active LMBer.
-Mighty Fan Boy Lad remained a major poster during Lash's term, but eventually stopped posting full time either during Loser or Newcru's term.
-Dev-Em aka Anchor Boy became a very prominent member, and was deputy leader to Crusader.
-Newcru King (retconned as Crusader) was deputy to Loser Lad and then Leader for a term. Princess Crujectra appeared during Loser Lad's term and became a member.
-Kid Therod, Kid Psychout (and his motorcycle), Faraway Lad and Dedman (aka Cannon Fodder Kid) all became prominent members.
-Carrina Winters joined the LMB and then subsequently lost her mind during Loser or Newcru's term. She will forever be known as the true LMB traitor.
-Shark Lad went evil for a time, ended up going good once more, and eventually stopped posting for a time.
-Lumber Fox stopped posting soon after Year Two started, as did some other posters, such as Kbern Kid and others. Armsfalloff Boy stopped posting at the end of year one (he had recently had a child I believe in real life).
-Lash Lad became the second leader of the LMB, then Lashwire midway through, the was retconned to have retcon powers, then retconned himself into Lash-tot, had adventures with BBC and then was saved by Princess Crujectra and Crusader.
-Lardy began to suddenly carry around a very big shotgun.
-Shady appeared infrequently as well, but always managed to pop up.
-Other LMBers were mainstays as usual, such as Beagz, Seahorse, Greybird, and others that I'll remember once I've completed this long post...
-Loser Lad was one of the most prominent posters by far, became leader for a time, was retconned as a snake, changed back, dated Princess Crujectra, was involved in most the other adventures, and by the end of year two took a leave of absence from the LMBP.
-Dean Lee began his career as Sketch Lad, and unknowingly creatd Globe Girl who served with the LMB, but was revealed to be just his creation that soon after dissapeared.
-Space Tart continued serving the LMB, and continued her relationship with Cobalt Kid who often was missing for weeks at a time.
-Hummer Lass eventually joined the LMB after being in love with Lardy for a long time. Whether she and Lardy got together finally is unknown, as Lardy and Helen became divorced.
-Foxy Roxy continued to serve on the LMBP, and remained an active poster. During the final crisis of year two, she was one of the posters who sacrificed her life to save the universe.
-Dead in Four posts Bod joined in a tag team thread but died later in four posts.
-The LMBers fought many of their old enemies, and many new ones such as an albino midget with a Rob Liefield gun, Beigeseid, and some others I can't remember. They also continued to go to the Hootchie Hut and their usual places.
-There are others that I'll remember that I'll write about later. There's a ton of other stuff that I'm forgetting, so help me out guys!
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Some I already rememberd that I'd forgotten;
-Ample Man became a big poster during Lash's term, and was a major member for a good amount of year two. By the end of year two, he had stopped posting, and we've only seen him a handful of times since. He was another great guy!
-And Furball joined the LMB has a part pet/member that really liked Shady! (This was of course an Alt Id of Dev).
BTW, who was Foxy Roxy? Newc? Beagz? I remember it was a long time poster...
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: -And Furball joined the LMB has a part pet/member that really liked Shady! (This was of course an Alt Id of Dev). what a minute ... Furball was Dev? Dev, you bastard ... you busted my dorsal fin big time ...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: Dev, Sharky, Cru and Lash, you guys were very prominent during this period, any good memories you want to share I launched Psychotic Beaver as a goof on Space Tart, taking the name from my "secret origin" ... during an LMBP chat session, using two web browsers, my Psychotic sibling and I battled it out ... in the "heat" of the fight, I accidentally used the SharkLad id to "speak" for Beev, and got busted ... Lard told me the whole thing was a weak attempt to capitalize on the whole Space Tart phenom, so I let him have the honor of "killing" her off in a subsequent chat session ... I brought her back during my "evil reign," along with another sibling who never got off the ground, Studly Woodchuck ... the highlight of my evil period was telling Lash his ass looked fat in his new pants ... eventually, I came back to the good side ... in the summer of 2000, I took off to Europe for six weeks ... when I got back the retcon was in effect, and I took on the LoneShark id ... at the point, someone must have had enough of all my alternate id's and created "Alternate ID of Sharklad" ... still not sure who that was, but before I could find out, I resigned from the LMBP due (in continuity) to lingering effects from my evil period and (in reality) to the pressures of working and going to grad school full time ...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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one of my favorite memories was Mighty Fan Boy Lad's story about talking his high school principal into letting him and his friends dress up as superheroes and run around during his homecoming rally ... the kid had guts ... as I posted before, the Five Years Later thread was amazing ... anybody have the link to the LMBP site that has that thread archived? I remember a pretty funny "Fin vs. Fur" thread that someone started to let me and Furball have it out ... Cobie's roadtrips, though I wasn't an active member yet, were a blast ... the LMB enquirer thread surrounding one of the first elections was killer too ... if I remember right, that id first appeared in a thread I started during my evil period when I was slamming various LMBPers ...
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Originally posted by SharkLad: the highlight of my evil period was telling Lash his ass looked fat in his new pants ... There was time when Lash wore pants?! Jeepers! The things I'm learning in this thread...
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