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Most of the members mentioned in this thread were my favorites of the Levitz run. To each his own and all that. And there sure are a ton of Levitz fans out there.
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It's interesting that no one has mentioned Tinya.
Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Originally posted by MLLASH: Originally posted by The Beyonder: [b] Originally posted by MLLASH: [b] I do wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc. Troy got the royal shaft. Umm, I didn't get the reference? [/b] Troy Stewart = Tyroc. [/b]No. I meant that ref. about "...wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc."? What does it mean? You're not one of those Tyroc haters, aren't you? (After all, Tyroc wasn't bigoted. He solely acted that way he did, because he thought the entire universe was populated by afro-american-hating parasites, and he WAS the only champion Marzal had to defend them...)
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Originally posted by doublechinner: I think there's at least 2 legitimate takes on Levitz's Legion:
1) He allowed the characters to grow up, or, in Timber Wolf's case, not grow up. To be fair, I think Levitz was trying to "fix" Brin (bad pun) after Karate Kid's death. Well, in some cases (most notably, Dream Girl, whose characterization was simply a stroke of genius; especially seeing how she had allways been used solely as either a third-class plot device, or Star Boy's token girl-friend). But, in Timber Wolf's case especially, there was no "character growing". His personality got utterly RAPED, resulting in Brin becoming the least sympathic of all Legionnaires, far, far worse the Wildfire was on his worst days. Brin was seldomly shown on panel before Levitz: even Vi got more spotlight then Brin. But he HAD a fully rounded personality. He was, on the one hand, very laid-back and quit. On the other hand, we knew that he didn't care for decadence (much like Karate Kid), he sometimes felt insecure because of his morbid past, and that he could explode into dangerous rages, whenever somebody hurt his friends (especially Ayla) in front of his eyes.
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Originally posted by Tromium: The guys:
SUN BOY - Levitz turned a once brilliant hero into an ass-grabber and set him up for the big fall under TMK, who spun his womanizing into congenital moral weakness. The idea of a "chauvantistic pig" in the 31st century was not only repulsive, but implausibly anachronistic. His comeuppance at the hands of Gigi, Yera and Laurel Kent was good only for a few yucks at his expense. After Levitz, there was nowhere for Dirk to go but downhill and there hasn't been a viable depiction of Sun Boy until now, imo.
LIGHTNING LAD - Here's a hero who survived death, dismemberment and numerous other tortures, and proved himself to be a strong and competent leader, but he breaks down like a baby when his wife takes a powder. Go figure. Then, to make things worse, he's subjected to "electrical brain fever" and later assigned the job of Imra's babysitter as if he were nothing but a worn-out husk. Not only an abominable mischaracterization, but a fate worse than death.
COLOSSAL BOY - I neither liked nor disliked pre-Levitz Gim, but his courtship and marriage to yucky Yera was enough to make me gag. Did Levitz honestly think he could pull off a romance based on utter falsehood or was he making fun of Gim as a big, stupid lug? To this day, I really don't know. All I know is that the Yera thing completely ruined CB for me and it's little wonder the postboot team transformed him into a martinet with the IQ of a log.
STAR BOY - He transformed happy-go-lucky Thom into a whining, clinging co-dependent patsy, until he finally gave him the cojones to quit the Legion and leave Nura behind. I'm overjoyed the WaK SB is not glued to Dream Girl.
WILDFIRE - Drake lost it when he started obsessing over his impossible love for Dawnstar.
TIMBER WOLF - Even his delightful friendship with Blok couldn't compensate for the painful castration Brin suffered during the Levitz years. It's astonishing how many of Levitz's male characters were reduced to foils for cruel, confused or diffident women. Brin epitomizes Levitz's unfortunate bias against strong, romantic male characters.
ELEMENT LAD - Levitz spotlighted E-Lad as leader and deputy leader and gave him some fine moments, but his relationship with Shvaughn was all wrong and, in the end, the "spiritual philosphy" stuff he started gave later writers license to turn Jan into a weirdo - or worse. It's one of the reasons Jan (as a character model) is still in trouble today.
POLAR BOY - Levitz hated Polar Boy, and it showed. After he turned Brek into an incompetent idiot the original Subs became little more than a joke.
INVISIBLE KID II - And Levitz thought Tyroc was an embarrassment? If I never see skunk-hair and his creepy little sister again it'll be too soon.
MON-EL - I can believe it of Brainy, Imra and even Luornu, but I don't believe for a single moment that this monumental hero would participate in a secret conspiracy that went against everything the Legion (and his pal Superboy) ever stood for. His slow, agonizing death was torture - for the readers. So too was his unbearably cloying relationship with Shadow Lass. Ah, so true. Especially that part about Invisible Kid II...
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Originally posted by Tromium: The gals:
DREAM GIRL - He made Nura stronger in many ways, but at the same time he also reinforced the anachronistic sexual stereotype that made her such a joke. It wasn't until DnA that Nura became a viable character again. The WaK Dreamy thankfully avoids (avoided?) that pitfall, for the most part.
SHRINKING VIOLET - a.k.a. Shrinking VIOLENT. What's wrong with the idea of a shy hero who can also kick butt? Nothing, that's what. The tough-chick stereotype is a cop out, imo. I hope there's something of the Silver/Bronze age Salu left in the new WaK version.
LIGHT/NING LASS - Among the most unconvincing scenes ever written by ANY Legion writer was Ayla dumping Brin, both before she left the Legion and after she rejoined. Her pursuit of Pol Krinn was distasteful, to say the least.
SATURN GIRL - The asteroid incident was the moment that Imra jumped the shark. Forever.
SHADOW LASS - No one in Legion history ever wrote a worse portrayal of Tasmia than Levitz did. No one. Thanks gods for Umbra, if only because the new Shady has inherited some of that character's vitality and guts.
WHITE WITCH - Levitz took a perfectly lovely character (the Silver Age White Witch) and turned her into a freak. How'd she grow those antennae, huh? Apologies to her fans, but I thought Levitz-era Mysa was a travesty. Can we debate that? About Dream Girl: I don't know about that. Remember how she was allways depicted as some cypher? In THAT case, at least, Levitz actually FIXED her-- and gave her one of the strongest, most unforgettable charactizations ever. About Ayla: Well, I truly HATE what Levitz did to Brin, Imra & Ayla with that particular story-line. I also think Light Lass was vastly overreacting when she "caught" Brin doing nothing more then comforting Saturn Girl, and getting hysterical because of it, and finally leaving both Brin and the Legion over it. Up to this point, I think Timber Wolf was in the right. But in later stories, Brin was being consistently depicted as the Legion's resident creep, so why should Ayla even WANT to bother with him? Also, in a later story, Ayla made a strong case about how, while she loves Brin, she can't start a new relationship with him, since he left her down the one time she needed him, after all the time SHE was there for him. So it's not as if Light Lass' leaving Brin was character-raping: she acted like you'd expect somebody to act in that situation. Frankly, if I was female (or otherwise in love with Brin), I'd leave him too, after all those artifical character faults heaped uppon him by Levitz... About Shadow Lass:Oh, I think the early Giffen/Baum team did even worse to Shaddy, with all of that "Ooooooo, Gar, I love you*can't LIVE without you*My DarlingMon*My life solely resolves about YOU*Please don't leave me AGAIN!!!*Without YOU, Lar, I am less then nothing" crap...
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Originally posted by Arachne: [QUOTE]
I agree that T-Wolf suffered a lot under Levitz, but he did mange to maintain a bit of charm. Ayla, on the other hand... I don't think I'm ever going to like Ayla.
Timber Wolf, as written by Levitz, and "charme"? Isn't hat kinda mutually exclusive??? Arachne, are you serious? And Ayla had - from her point of view - VERY GOOD CAUSE to not wanting to have anything to do with her former lover...
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Originally posted by MLLASH: Originally posted by Kid Prime: [b] Originally posted by Tromium: [b] SATURN GIRL - The asteroid incident was the moment that Imra jumped the shark. Forever.
Imra Ardeen is such a shameless hussy.[/b] See, I never have gotten this. All that is shown on-panel is a HUG. A HUG. There *could* be an argument that there was a kiss as well, in that shadowy scene.
It was Light Lass' unnecessarily hysterical reaction that made HER jump the shark, I thought, until TMK explained it all by lesbiafying her.
I saw nothing wrong with what Imra and Brin did myself. Very human, very natural considering the circumstances. [/b] Exactly. Nice to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Ayla was being hysterical at that particular occasion.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: [qb] I do wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc. Troy got the royal shaft. Umm, I didn't get the reference? No. I meant that ref. about "...wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc."? What does it mean? You're not one of those Tyroc haters, aren't you? Hardly. I am a big fan.
It was Paul Levitz who considered Tyroc's origin to be the metaphorical "lemons". He has admitted so before, more than once.
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Originally posted by The Beyonder: Originally posted by Arachne: [b] [QUOTE]
I agree that T-Wolf suffered a lot under Levitz, but he did mange to maintain a bit of charm. Ayla, on the other hand... I don't think I'm ever going to like Ayla.
Timber Wolf, as written by Levitz, and "charme"? Isn't hat kinda mutually exclusive??? Arachne, are you serious?
And Ayla had - from her point of view - VERY GOOD CAUSE to not wanting to have anything to do with her former lover... [/b]Hmm, I can see how "charm" does imply a certain amount of intelect that was clearly lacking. Let's try this again. I'm talking about a kind of innocent, boyish charm, not the swauve intelectual kind. When he was away from Ayla (you know, she needs a nasty nickname, Imra's got two surely Ayla deserves at least one), he usually seemed to be lighthearted and maybe a bit mischievious. I'm thinking mainly of the time he made Dawnstar laugh, not many did that. Do you have examples of him acting like a creep? All I can think of is that he hired a detective to keep and eye on Ayla. That's certainly in violation of her rights, but if it was just to make sure she was safe, it's not all that bad. Of course, my collections not complete, so I could be missing a lot. When it comes to dissing Brin, I don't think Levitz has anything on Giffen. I mean c'mon, Furball? Drinking out of the toilet?? Eww.
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Nasty nickname for Ayla? Let's call her Slappy.
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I think Duo Damsel suffered the most during Levitz's second run - after her second body was killed by the Time Trapper it left her in a real state of confusion. You would assume, given her origin, that she would either be shunned by her fellow Carggians for not having two other bodies or else she would simply cease to exist after a few days of being a single, virtually powerless entity. Not even Brainy's gift of a force-shield belt would have been enough...Altho, had he given the belt to her BEFORE the Time Trapper assault...oh well, Levitz must have concocted his "useless character hit list" long before then...
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Looking back, it seems like Levitz really wanted to humanize our Legionnaires, perhaps to emphasize that there was a heroic quality to the team that was more than the sum of it's parts. That is perhaps a good approach to the material, but he often seemed to go too far. Levitz was GREAT at getting across a decent amount of characterization in a short set of panels, a seeming must for an effective Legion writer. Some kinds of character arcs may not lend themselves to that format. Lightening Lad's breakdown, for instance. Even the most heroic among us can snap, given the right set of triggers. If Levitz had portrayed that in a more realistic way, it would have been a powerful story cycle about a hero losing, than regaining his confidence. Instead, it came across too much as a typical soap-opera like character turn. Having said all this, I loved the Levitz Legion and am happy to hold forth many of its tales as the finest of the lot. But it is interesting to realize how hard it was to salvage a lot of these characters after Levitz was done with them. It seems like the best writers can't resist destroying the great characters and themes they themselves have created. See Claremont, Chris and now, sadly, Johns, Geoff.
...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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"It seems like the best writers can't resist destroying the great characters and themes they themselves have created."
I really hate that...
My first exposure to Ayla was her Light Lass persona during Levitz' 1st run and after, when she came across as a really sweet, nice, fun-loving person. Dumping all that ANGST!!! on her early in his 2nd run, I never really got to like her much after that for a long, long time... UNTIL the reboot, when she suddenly became this very nice, friendly, SMART girl, who, while few seemed to notice it, was the first one to become friends with Brainiac 5. It still boggles my mind that NOBODY ever followed up on that... it was such a "natural" relationship to develop, and it never did.
Early in the Levitz-Giffen run, I heard from someone working at DC that Keith Giffen (who was adding a TON of his own ideas to the mix virtually every issue) had a PERSONAL vendetta against Jim Shooter (perhaps Shooter had been instrumental in having him FIRED from THE DEFENDERS years before??). Giffen had apparently said that before he was through, he was going to get rid of EVERY character Shooter had created. Sure enough, although it took some time, in his last issue of that run, he KILLED Karate Kid.
I often like to quip that Giffen may be the ONLY artist I know who often appears on fans' "favorites" lists and "most hated" lists at the same time!
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Space Fatigue Survivor
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Mr. Giffen is one of those artist/writers who says he loves the Legion. I would hope he wouldn't go after Jim Shooter-created characters for some sort of revenge. That would be pretty sad. KK hopefully was just the tragic hero in a good story.
That said, TMK is TOTALLY to blame for the greatest characterization carnage the Legion has had in its history. Anyone complaining about the numerous Legion reboots (and I'm one of those) can point directly at the 5 year gap version, which so twisted and perverted most of the Legionnaires it has still never recovered, and resulted in the reboot attempts to start over. Mr Giffen almost loved our Legion to cancellation death.
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By-the-by, I think Mr. Levitz was attempting to give each Legionnaire some separation by stories which gave various members some personal challenges to go along with the team's adversity. This was an extension of Mr. Shooter's work of making the characters more 'hip', and I think it was successful. The stories read like an OC of the eighties, trendsetting and popular, and an enormous undertaking for such a large group.
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Originally posted by doublechinner: Looking back, it seems like Levitz really wanted to humanize our Legionnaires, perhaps to emphasize that there was a heroic quality to the team that was more than the sum of it's parts. That is perhaps a good approach to the material, but he often seemed to go too far. Levitz was GREAT at getting across a decent amount of characterization in a short set of panels, a seeming must for an effective Legion writer. Some kinds of character arcs may not lend themselves to that format. Lightening Lad's breakdown, for instance. Even the most heroic among us can snap, given the right set of triggers. If Levitz had portrayed that in a more realistic way, it would have been a powerful story cycle about a hero losing, than regaining his confidence. Instead, it came across too much as a typical soap-opera like character turn. Having said all this, I loved the Levitz Legion and am happy to hold forth many of its tales as the finest of the lot. But it is interesting to realize how hard it was to salvage a lot of these characters after Levitz was done with them. It seems like the best writers can't resist destroying the great characters and themes they themselves have created. See Claremont, Chris and now, sadly, Johns, Geoff. This statement really sums up my feelings on this issue. Well said, doublechinner! Thought I'd mention Cham. Don't forget that Levitz had him become a political criminal, ruining his reputation and further tarnishing the trust in Durlans.
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Originally posted by MLLASH: [b] Originally posted by MLLASH: [qb] I do wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc. Troy got the royal shaft. Umm, I didn't get the reference? No. I meant that ref. about "...wish he had tried to make lemonade out of the lemons that surrounded Tyroc."? What does it mean? You're not one of those Tyroc haters, aren't you? Hardly. I am a big fan.
It was Paul Levitz who considered Tyroc's origin to be the metaphorical "lemons". He has admitted so before, more than once. [/b]Ah, now I see. And in that Legion special from TwoMorrows, Levitz admitted he thought Tyroc's powers - them being sound-based- were "silly" too, considering the fact that he appeared in a sound-less comic book. I allways thought this was a lame excuse, since the Black Canary is also sound-based, but SHE became something of a fan favorite. But at least he DID introduce positive, level-headed "ethnic" characters, even if I can't STAND the second Invisible Kid, and hated him from that anual on...
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Originally posted by Arachne: Originally posted by The Beyonder: [b] Originally posted by Arachne: [b] [QUOTE]
I agree that T-Wolf suffered a lot under Levitz, but he did mange to maintain a bit of charm. Ayla, on the other hand... I don't think I'm ever going to like Ayla.
Timber Wolf, as written by Levitz, and "charme"? Isn't hat kinda mutually exclusive??? Arachne, are you serious? And Ayla had - from her point of view - VERY GOOD CAUSE to not wanting to have anything to do with her former lover... [/b] Hmm, I can see how "charm" does imply a certain amount of intelect that was clearly lacking. Let's try this again.
I'm talking about a kind of innocent, boyish charm, not the swauve intelectual kind. When he was away from Ayla (you know, she needs a nasty nickname, Imra's got two surely Ayla deserves at least one), he usually seemed to be lighthearted and maybe a bit mischievious. I'm thinking mainly of the time he made Dawnstar laugh, not many did that.
Do you have examples of him acting like a creep? All I can think of is that he hired a detective to keep and eye on Ayla. That's certainly in violation of her rights, but if it was just to make sure she was safe, it's not all that bad. Of course, my collections not complete, so I could be missing a lot.
When it comes to dissing Brin, I don't think Levitz has anything on Giffen. I mean c'mon, Furball? Drinking out of the toilet?? Eww. [/b]Well, that detective scenario is also the very first example, which springs to my mind. But Brin did far worse then merely making sure she was all right: he tryed to pass himself off as having searched for her all the time because he loved her, tried to pretend a love and commitment to her he clearly didn't feel at the time. He clearly was being dishonest and even a bit manipulative to her-- and in a very calculating way, too. He had it all planned out, that one:there's that instable Lightning Lass, all in tears, and after Brin PAYD somebody else to find her for him, rather then going searching for her himself, he'd walk in, proclaiming his "love" for Ayla, the big, strong boy-friend come to "rescue" her, all the while hoping that Ayla was really NAIVE enough to swallow the bait. How is that not being a creep? What he planned to do in that scenario was far worse then him innocently comforting a stressed-out Imra. And, IMHO, even if he'd actually have made love to Imra - by accident, not because he wanted to cold-bloody cheat on Light Lass, that detective scenario would STILL be the worse part of the two offenses, since in that case Brin was clearly trying to lie to Ayla, and manipulate her with false pretenses. It seems inocent enough, on the surface-- but, frankly, it's not too much better then beating Ayla in a fit. Basically, he seemed more concerned with Ayla resuming her place as his girl-friend then he was with Ayla's well-being.
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Or, how about the time Brin went snide on Cham because he had a mental problem (sort of), and infiltrated Khund space? Cham obviously had his share of problems even without the pending jail punishment.
But that didn't stop Brin of snarling at Cham, hmm? (Or just about anybody else, for that matter. He was worse then Wildfire, in that regard.)
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Originally posted by MLLASH: Originally posted by Kid Prime: [b] Originally posted by Tromium: [b] SATURN GIRL - The asteroid incident was the moment that Imra jumped the shark. Forever.
Imra Ardeen is such a shameless hussy.[/b] See, I never have gotten this. All that is shown on-panel is a HUG. [/b]Honestly, at this point, calling Saturn Girl a shameless hussy is just something I do. But you know that!
White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Hmmm...more Levitz-bashing than I ever expected to see here!
I think you can make a general case that Levtiz did NOT write great interpersonal relationships. There's not a Legion romance from his tenure that isn't a little silly and juvenile. Shady worshipping Mon (the "Mon dies" storyline made me ill with the tears, and hysterics, and...), Star Boy: King P-Whipped, Ayla's somewhat inexplicable ultimatum to Brin, etc. A lot of the complaints above can be traced to such silliness.
Re: Tyroc. He DOES have a stupid power. And he DOES have a borderline offensive origin. And he DID wear chest chains and Peter Pan booties. I remain convinced the only reason anyone remembers him is because he went away so quickly.
The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.
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Originally posted by armsfalloffboy: Hmmm...more Levitz-bashing than I ever expected to see here!
I think you can make a general case that Levtiz did NOT write great interpersonal relationships.
Speaking only for myself, it wasn't my intention to bash. It's important to have threads like this that challenge conventional thinking about Legion creators. Levitz's contributions were vastly important - no one will deny that - but I think there's far too much Levitz worshipping that ignores his very obvious faults as a writer. He tried to push the envelope with the characters by giving them complexity and gravitas they never had before. He succeeded brilliantly with some of them but unfortunately mishandled (imho) and stigmatized others. Some people will contend that his stories were worth the damage he inflicted, but I think this thread makes a good case that some of his ideas (the asteroid story and its aftermath) were not only badly executed, but contained such inexplicable and unpleasant characterizations they still leave a bad aftertaste today.
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