Unbeknownest to all of you, there have been high level discussions underway at the most high highest levels of your much beloved current administration (that means Quis & I have been talking) about how to proceed with the next election cycle.
Here's what we have decided...we've decided to cave in to the popular whim and let you have your election instead of remaining as Co-Leaders For Life. There is one little twist that we've decided to throw into it however so, read on!
1)Only self nominations will be accepted. If you want someone to run, twist their arm into declaring their candidacy by posting on the "Yes I've Agreed To Run For Leader SO Please Vote For Me" thread.
***Please DO NOT post on that thread other than to declare your candidacy. There are plenty of other threads on which to post comments about the candidates or election. I would like to keep that thread a simple list of candidates so we can refer to it easily when preparing the ballot.
2)Any poster/ID may run. (Aren't we all really Alternate IDs anyway? Last time I checked my drivers license doesn't list my name as Varalent:D)
3)If you choose to have multiple IDs of your own run that's your business. You stand as much of a chance of stealing or diluting your own vote total by doing that as anything else.
4)Candidacy declarations will commence as soon as the official thread is posted and will close at 9:PM Eastern on Tuesday, June 22.
5)The poll will be available for voting (over on Vote-O-Matic) by 9:PM Eastern on Wednesday, June 23 and will remain open until 9:PM Eastern on Tuesday, June 29.
6)Only ONE vote per person please. Neither Quis nor I have any way of verifying whether someone has stuffed the ballot box by using alt IDs to vote. I WILL NOT ask Scott or Gary to do so in order not to force them to be involved in the elections, which I believe is their expressed desire.
7)In the event of a tie (i.e. everyone gets one vote or some variation thereof
) the run-off candidates will take part in a fun competion devised by Quis, ably assisted by Vee of course, which will end no later than 9:PM Eastern on Monday, July 5.
8)The new Leader will be that poster that gets the largest number of votes in the balloting (or wins the competition, if necessary) with the runner-up declared Deputy Leader.
9)The inauguration and Inaugural Ball will take place concurrent with the first anniversay celebration of Legion World on Tuesday, July 6 at 9:PM Eastern.
Good luck everyone!
Ladies, gentlemen, sentinents all...let the games begin (oh wait...it looks like they did already