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Originally, they were in their early to mid 20s, weren't they?
Lu and Chuck were the first but I'm a little hazy about the rest, except for Lar and Shady.
But this group is slightly different.
Mon is still healthy and Shady is still in her 'old' outfit. By this time she should be in the body suit and have a finger missing, too.
A singin' and a dancin' along the way.
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i can't believe this book actually came out! here in milan that night it rained, italian sky must be very emotional if you're interested, here's a link to my review: http://translate.google.it/translat...amp;sl=it& tl=en&history_state0= i wrote it in italian, of course, so i had to translate it with google translate. it's not that accurate, hope for the result to be readable!
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Yeah, but they're hidden by a voice bubble.
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That's what I meant. That they were behind the voice bubble.
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Where is the full image that that came from?
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I don't know. You'll have to ask him on his blog. Sorry I'm not very helpful.
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Who's blog? Got a link to it?
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Scott Koblish. I should've said so when I first posted it. Sorry.
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Oh! I should have figured...
Scott, any chance of posting the entire tiff? Please! *batseyes*
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Ha ha! This is his evil twin, Hsilbok Ttocs. I have him trapped at the bottom of the Hoover Dam.
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I liked this issue. It was a good wrap up to one of the two best Legion stories in years (Superman and the LOSH being the other). Mister Johns as set up quite a landscape for the thirtieth century. I just wish we could look forward to more frequent updates on it.
Superboy Prime's ending was pretty twisted. I wasn't sure it worked until I saw him posting on the DC Comics message boards--hilarious.
If I wanted to be critical, I'd lament that we had to get the closing narrative from Brainiac 5. He is so over-used for such things. I can't be too critical, though. Reader-friendliness likely dictated using him since his three versions had been so prominently featured in the story.
I hope we get more Stone Boy in the Adventure back-ups!
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And I want more Rainbow Girl. And a snocone!
But, in all seriousness, I have a question pertaining to George Perez. Has anyone here ever had him do a commission, and I don't mean at a convention, I mean ordering one.
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Originally posted by Mr. Kayak: i can't believe this book actually came out! here in milan that night it rained, italian sky must be very emotional
if you're interested, here's a link to my review: http://translate.google.it/translat...mp;sl=it& tl=en&history_state0= i wrote it in italian, of course, so i had to translate it with google translate. it's not that accurate, hope for the result to be readable! Most of the story description came through clearly. Unfortunately, the translator had difficulty in your deconstruction. It seemed very interesting and I think I got the gist of your article. Very interesting. Was L3W translated to italian or did you read it in english?
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Jim you asked about Alan Scott a while back... This from a thread at the Comic Bloc: http://www.comicbloc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72679 That is Alan Scott entombed on Zerox and that's also supposedly a Green Lantern named Torquemada with him. The bottom picture shows them together in their unentomed state...along with a young Mordru. All I know is...if Alan Scott is entombed on Zerox, Alan Scott is potentially still alive in the 31st century. I love stuff like that...oh btw, there's also a 52 style chalkboard spoiler heaivly referencing Brainiac 5 in the most recent issue of Booster Gold. I know one thing..it probably just wan't artistic license on the part of Perez, seeing as how Johns has been affiliated with both Green Lantern and JSA in recent years. And Johns does plan stuff years in advance.
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I don't think a reaction at a Con is going to dictate DC's direction with the Legion and Superman...futhermore, Con reaction or not, the book sells better than any Legion or Superman title right now. It sells well.
Beyond all that, Paul Levitz being the former VP of circulation already knows the book sells better with Superboy and Supergirl being part of it...
And Johns said any Legion title written by him will involve Superman.
The reason there is a delay IMO is because there is litigation concerning both Superman and Superboy and the Siegel and Shuster heirs, and until that resolves itself I expect DC to keep painting the corners. I am stunned to see Superboy and the Legion on the cover of the Superman origin by Johns...
BTW, Superman is shown as Superboy witht he Legion by Francis in that Adventure Preview.
But I don't really see this as anhy down era, Mon-El and Tellus are in Superman every month, we are about to see the early years between Superboy and the Legion, and we got a spot in Adventure.
I'll just point out that if Johns is indeed at the Legion helm right now, it would be pretty much impossible for him to do a quality relaunch writing 4 or 5 other titles, including a relaunch of the Flash and Blackest Night.
I think there is sort of a perception by Legion Fans that Johns isn't much of a Legion Fan...
Obviously, he is one. He's made Mon-El extremely high profile.
He put Starman in the JSA.
The first true live action appearance of the Legion was brought about by him.
He even says he's a Legion Fan.
And you know what? IMO, he's been a lot kinder and less destructive in his treatment of the Legion than many of the writers whose Legion Fandom isn't questioned.
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As for DC's plans with the Legion, Mark Waid shed some intersting light on it back in April in this interview: Mark Waid: BM: Was the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES a difficult property to tackle given the numerous incarnations and histories involved with the team even though you essentially relaunched the book? Was this a book you had always had your sights on?
MW: Problem was, that history was badly broken. CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS and the John Byrne SUPERMAN reboot and a few other storylines had really wrecked the Legion's continuity beyond repair, and no matter how fast we ran around trying to patch the raft, some other ripple in DC continuity was blowing another hole in it, to the point where Legion history seemed like nothing BUT hasty patches.
The absolute, irrefutable reality was that by the early 2000s, new-reader perception of the Legion was that it was an impenetrable read full of mismatched history that made no sense. You can argue all you like that this perception wasn't fair or accurate, if you're so inclined, but it didn't matter. That was the series' reputation, and it hardened around the characters like cement. We couldn't give that book away no matter how good it actually was. In fact, it's forgotten, but the last time it was relaunched around about 2000 (as THE LEGION by Abnett and Lanning), you could not have asked for a greater promotional push. Wizard Magazine promoted it with giveaways, and they NEVER promote DC. Ads were everywhere, retailer incentives were created...and it was still pretty well D.O.A.
So in 2005, I was asked if I wanted to come aboard, and I felt there were only two ways to go--either try to get back to Silver Age continuity, which was flatly impossible in part because of the ongoing litigation between the Siegel estate and DC over who owned Superboy--or plant a giant flag that said, "Everything starts fresh here, it's all new, it's a total reboot and we're all on the same page, readers and creators." I chose the latter path, for good or ill. Barry Kitson and I worked out their entire world, including origin material you'll never see, and (at the suggestion of writer Tom Peyer) rethought the Legion as less of a super-team and more of a political movement. And we got some mileage out of it, and I like what we did.
But now we're back to what I was saying before--how liquid DC continuity was at the moment. While we were busting our asses to rebuild the franchise (and getting periodic fan notes from Paul Levitz, which were gold to me), a whole different editorial office was allowing Brad Meltzer to undo absolutely all our hard work for one of his JLA stories, which (he'd been told) could star the 1980s Legion, as if ours never existed. I don't blame Brad at all, but boy, was that mismanaged on all levels--because it was deliberately kept secret from us until it was on the verge of being printed. I would have JUMPED at the chance to play along somehow, thus strengthening a new Legion series that were on about issue four or five of, rather than sending a message that our Legion was just some sort of aberrant fan-fiction. (Yes, I'm still pissed.) Barry and I were dealt with in unbelievable bad faith, which I could have endured, but it wasn't just about Barry and me; it made DC as a whole just look stupid and uncoordinated, and I still love DC enough to hate when that happens.
On the one hand, I wish we'd had that chance, but the timing wasn't right and it wasn't in the stars. On the other hand, I have no regrets because I have to work extra-hard sometimes to convince some readers that I'd much rather move forward than backward.
Waid quoted once more for emphasis: Superboy was returned to DC and Geoff Johns now has the opportunity to re-re-re-relaunch the Legion as its Silver Age incarnation, and more power to him.
That is DC's stand as of the second most recent ruling on the Superman litigation, which was favorable towards the Superboy dispute and reversed the earlier ruling that went against DC. As you can see by that...DC fully intends to launch a Legion very similar to the Pre-Crisis one....with Superman being a part of it. That a very vocal and dedicated portion of Legion Fans don't support Superman/boy in the Legion is someting well known to DC, that the opinion of those people isn't reflected in sales, at all, is also known by them. The people that feel that way will still buy the Legion even if Superman is in it whether they like him being in it or not...they are it's core. It's everyone else that won't buy it because it is an inpenetrable read that are the problem. Every writer that has written the Legion in the past 20 years, with the exception of maybe Tom Bierbaum, wishes they could have been able to use Superman, Supergirl, or both. Right down to Jim Shooter... Jim Shooter flat out said he couldn't sell the book without a Super in it. And he was pissed that he didn't get one....in fact that was part of why he fell out with DC. I don't think Jim understood...they wanted to him, as the greatest Legion writer of them all, to sell the Supermanless Legion. He was the last chance of the Supermanless Legion IMO...it's last gasp, everyone else had failed at it, and finally the Legion's greatest writer failed at it too. Thus ending the debate once and for all... The list of names that have failed to sell the Supermanless Legion is impressive and reads like a whose who of the greatest artists and writers in the industry over the past 20 years. Paul Levitz knows all this too...he was the VP of circulation before he was the Publisher. So that litigation is huge...it also explains why they are trying to up the profile of Mon-El, and tie him more obviously to the Superman lineage. If all else fails they can use Mon-El...or try too. They tried this once before during the Reboot, of making Mon-El the de-facto Supermasn of the book...didn't work. This time they are tryng it by moving Mon closer to the Superman family instead of further away from it.
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Time Trapper
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It's so cool to see a Legion review in Italian - I just wish I could read the language. I'd certainly agree with your views on Superboy Prime.
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Originally posted by Blockade Boy: Most of the story description came through clearly.
Unfortunately, the translator had difficulty in your deconstruction.
It seemed very interesting and I think I got the gist of your article. Very interesting.
Was L3W translated to italian or did you read it in english? thanks! i hope you could have read my review in a better way. i could have tried to translate it myself but it was just too long and i didn't have time. but i would have liked to! in short, about superboy prime, i said that i believe the first "ending", where the character comes back to earth prime and his parents make him face his crimes, was perfect because it closed the circle of his personal saga. superboy prime became evil because he had lost his parental figures and couldn't learn from them the same ethical principles that made superman himself the hero we all know and love. in infinite crisis, superboy prime tried to build a world that could have been as "pure" and "noble" as his own. now that he's back home it's like he could have taken a look at himself through the mirror of his parents and see that it's him who needs to be redeemed. i was very disappointed to see the "second" ending, in the very final pages. first, because we see that superboy prime is still the same jerk, so now i don't now what his story is about anymore. superboy prime's saga makes no sense since that ending makes of this character a mere caricature of a villain. second, because it's not fun to see johns mock fanboys... i mean, i don't like the category either, but what isn't the very same L3W if not a mere "nerdgasm" for DCU fanboys? and didn't publishers like DC and authors like johns himself created the fanboy category in the first place, by self-exiling comics into comics shops and by putting out only self-referential books? if johns hates fanboys so much i think he should start by stopping to write books like "brainiac" or "blackest night" which are nothing more that "explanations" of stuff that happened in other books (WHY brainiac had so many versions post crisis, HOW the green lantern power works, etc etc etc). that's all p.s. in italy L3W is going to come out in early 2010, but i won't pick it up because DC comics' italian editions are very bad: wrong translations, scanned pages, high prices, etc etc etc... in fact, most of italian comic book readers don't care about DC at all. marvel is very popular here, instead.
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Space Fatigue Survivor
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Originally posted by Blacula: I'm not sure who posted it but someone said they think the Johns-Legion are all the same age as Superman now... The way I see it, DC has two issues it had to address in regard to ages: 1) With all the Superboy litigation, the writers wanted the Legion to interact with Superman, so the Legionnaires in Lightning Saga, The Justice League of 31st Century saga in Action, and the main focal group Legion in Lo3W were all aged so Superman would be hanging out with peers, not him being in his thirties hanging out with teenagers (creepy). 2) The Legion has always been a teen group, and that's where it retains much of its charm (like the Teen Titans). To age the Legion significantly removes them too much from the original working formula (ex - 5YL). Although they were an adult Legion, I think there was a conscious effort to portray them as young as possible. Superman was portrayed larger and more mature than the others because, although he is considered a Legionnaire, he also is still the Big Guy.
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Although I thought that the ending was a bit anti-climatic, I really enjoyed the Legion of Three Worlds mini-series. I somehow expected a whole lot more to happen. Bottom line...we got "our Legion" back!!!
I'm not sure if this was addressed in previous posts (as I did not read through all 105 of them). Was there any mention of the Ranzz kids from the pre-boot (Graym,Garridan,Dacey & Doritt) or the Krinn boy...Pol? Do the Ranzz's still have kids and what about the Krinn's...were they married? There seemed to be an awkwardness with Rokk and Lydda early in the series. Let me know if any other poster addressed this. Thanks!
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Originally posted by MYG: ...I really enjoyed the Legion of Three Worlds mini-series. I somehow expected a whole lot more to happen. They KILLED YOU! Hey, maybe you'll get some spotlight in Blackest Night!
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I believe the only child who still exists at this point is Graym. Garridan's probably still Validus. I hope.
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Yeah I know Blockade Boy...they killed off my favorite Legionnaire. But you have to understand, I've followed the LSH since 1980 and at this point I'm immnue to anything more they (DC) can do to the Legion. Again, at least we have the "real" Legion (or as close as we'll ever get) back! I hope you're wrong Sarcasm Kid, and that we'll see these "Legion kids" (which are so much a part of the "real" team) down the road, hopefully in the Adventure series.
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Oh, by the way, Long Live Myg, Long Live Karate Kid II...in our memories anyway!!!
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