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Rond was supposed to have died and we see Brainy(?) go to his grave and there he was, alive and revealed to be a GL. Brainy convinces him to join some hopeless cosmic fight. Close but not quite. He was thought dead, but then mysteriously showed up at Legion HQ afterward when Brainy was on the verge of despairing of ever finding a way to break through the Iron Curtain of Time and attack the Time Trapper. Brainy and his fellow "conspirators" did not want Rond along on that mission, but rather, Rond himself arranged that the time cube would pull him along as well. It was once they were facing the Trapper, and all the non-honorary Legionnaires had fallen that Rond revealed himself as a Green Lantern.
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I'll wait to comment further after I read L3W #3, but I can't see how anyone can defend the fact that the series is on the third issue and we've barely seen anything of the other two Legions mentioned in the title of the comic beyond a panel or two. Yet, pages upon pages are wasted on everything but the Legionnaires of three universes.
And really? The Action Legion had to be disbanded and re-established through this series? That was the best use of the story pages? And both the Guardians and the GLC has been around in the future for awhile. Unless something cataclysmic happened, where did they all go in such a short period of time? This story doesn't explain it. And why should it or the return of Sadam Yat even be here in the first place? Come on! You want to defend this?
For a history lesson (I'm no one's "grandpa"), the GLC has appeared in -
SUPERMAN #295 (January 1976) - Xenofobe, the Green Lantern of sector 2814 in the 30th century helps Superman restore the Legion's (and his) future after the Time Trapper destroys it.
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (Vol. 2) ANNUAL #1 (1982) - male Durlan Green Lantern offers help to the Legionnaires during the battle with Computo and is refused to due the pact with the Guardians and the U.P. with an asterisk that this is an untold tale soon to be revealed.
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (Vol. 2) #295 (January 1983) - Timber Wolf and Blok watch tapes depicting the untold tale of the Adventure-Era Legion and the GLC. Universo appears as a renegade GL who loses his ring. Two other GLs appear (one a female Durlan) and the Guardians as well.
According to Johns, his Legion is based on the ones that appeared Pre-Crisis up until Crisis.
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: I'll wait to comment further after I read L3W #3, but I can't see how anyone can defend the fact that the series is on the third issue and we've barely seen anything of the other two Legions mentioned in the title of the comic beyond a panel or two. Yet, pages upon pages are wasted on everything but the Legionnaires of three universes. I'm not sure if I can defend it, but I think I can explain it. I believe that DC is trying to tie the Legion more tightly to the rest of the DCU. That means things like Tellus appearing in Adventure Comics and the retroboot Legion having major arcs in JLA/JSA and Action. It also means having Green-Lantern-related characters show up in FC:L3W. For a long time, the Legion was almost completely separate from the rest of DC continuity. Not an island, exactly, but a peninsula. What that meant was that you could follow the Legion quite happily without reading any other DC books. Of course, it also meant that you could get people (and I've seen them on message boards) who could be heavy DC readers for decades and not know a thing about the Legion. Well, not it seems that DC is trying to light a fire under the Legion franchise, and one of the things they've decided is that it will help readership if the Legion isn't so isolated anymore. The more connections to other titles, the more interest there will be in the Legion. I can't say I'm enthusiastic about this, because I liked it that the Legion was off doing its own thing. But I can see why DC would want to change that.
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Still, I question why three pages RESTORING the GLC when the GLC was never gone to begin with?
Couldn't you have the GLC/Sodam Yat show up without having to re-establish them first?
Johns came out in an interview to say there were only two GL's left in the 31st century, at first I thought he was doing this so the Legion would be the undisputed heroes of the universe, no one else. Now, however, it seems that that retcon is in there just so the GLC can be reestablished.
Again, why? Why retcon something away, just to reintroduce it? That's my question and really my question with that preview.
I understand DC wants the Legion more integrated with the DCU, try to pull the Final Crisis fans in, pull the Flash fans in, pull the GL fans in, makes sense. But I wonder why the need to retcon something away that you want to be included anyways...
Long Live the Legion!
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And I can't get to the comic store until this weekend!
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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid: I picked it up.
WORTH IT. Stop messin up a good kvitchin. Okay well, if it's "worth" it, I might pick it up and say nice things but still... Gary's point is made, this is a Legion of 3 and we've barely seen one. Personally, given a GL choice, I'd rather mohawk lad had died and the mojo planet lived. At least the planet isn't going to show up in the Legion cantina expecting small talk and hitting on violet.
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A-hem. A little exchange of words between Phantom Girls and Apparition.
Phantom Girl 3: Is that what Jo looks like when he grows up? Ultra-Man is hot.
Phantom Girl 1: Actually, he still goes by Ultra-Boy.
Apparition: That is so adorable.
And, someone returns, but I'm not saying who. And, Johns fixed the problem with XS and Impulse being from another Earth. They aren't!
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yeah, read spoilers on another board. Looks like we WILL be seeing more of the other two legions (although I am waiting for more specific spoilers, I can't get it till Saturday people SPILL already!)
Long Live the Legion!
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Well, for starters, guess who's back to normal?
And we see a very important day in the history of Lex Luthor. The day his hair began to fall out!
And about the lightning rod, you have four guesses as to who's in it. And the SECOND one doesn't count.
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Time Trapper
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Well, the book is absolutely worth it, to quote another poster. Man was it worth it. The last page actually gave me a chill, and i haven't had any true stirings of emotion about a comic book in years, other than the utter tripe that was #50. As to the GL stuff. I don't think it was an actual retcon. Rond was the only GL that was shown in the precrisis Legion time. Unless i missed it, no one said that there were still 3600 GL's, or 7200 with the current change. GL's weren't allowed on earth (On mondays. Still laugh over that), but how old was that law? We know that Universo was a GL, but the way the story was written, the ring was passed down to Rond after him. Seems like quite a few things have changed in the intervening 1000 years. So, Sodom Yat could have been there, on OA, just watching the GL corps dwindle down to him and one other active GL, Rond. Look, there were only those preview pages, and a couple of panels more with Sodom. GL's, outside of Superman, have been shown to be a part of the Legion mythology. And the story is fanfreakintastic. It works in the story. This is a typical "throw in the kitchen sink, the outhouse, two boxes of Borax, and an air freshener Perez thing. By the end of it, every hero and villian will most likely have shown up so he can say he drew them. Gary, buddy, pal, friend, amigo...lighten up, baby. We all love ya. 
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Time Trapper
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I got it...I'm glad I did! The Good: There are lots of Legionnaires shown...at least two splash pages with tons of them (including Condo!!!! ~ Okay, it's only on one of the splash pages so far BUT HE'S THERE!!! So is Tenz in uniform, and BB) Jarth is no more...Garth returns in all his glory. Gates is pure Gates Lot of fun interaction among various versions of Legionnaires. PG/Apparition mentioned above, also some with the three Jos, etc. The Bad: Looks like at least one Legionnaire dies maybe two. I really need to reread it to catch more. George Perez in all his glory, filling every inch of space with something to look at. 
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Well, how can we whine about that? Thanks for the rays of hope, Grandma
A singin' and a dancin' along the way.
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after the funeral feeling and devastation and utter blah that legion 50 was this was a splash to the face...i felt that no so familiar 'LONG LIVE THE LEGION' cry deep in my soul that i havent felt since the early baxter days. (basically precrisis) loved it loved it...why cant someone in the DC offices make a Regular legion comic for the "real" legionnaires and make a Legion of 3 worlds comics for the other 2? and have the stories switch back and forth after an arc...i mean i can think of it why cant they?
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Originally posted by rickshaw1: ...As to the GL stuff. I don't think it was an actual retcon. Rond was the only GL that was shown in the precrisis Legion time. Unless i missed it, no one said that there were still 3600 GL's, or 7200 with the current change. GL's weren't allowed on earth (On mondays. Still laugh over that), but how old was that law? We know that Universo was a GL, but the way the story was written, the ring was passed down to Rond after him. Seems like quite a few things have changed in the intervening 1000 years.
So, Sodom Yat could have been there, on OA, just watching the GL corps dwindle down to him and one other active GL, Rond.
I snipped this down a bit, but the "no GL's on Earth" bit was explained in the first issue after the Great Darkness Saga ended. GL's showed up on Earth attempting to shut down the Time Institute to prevent anyone from attempting to see the dawn of time again (I can't remember exactly what happened the first time somebody did it, but it was bad.) Vidar (Universo) was part of the task force and they seemed well organized and there was no indication that there were any troubles with the Corps. I believe the Corps also offered to send aid during the second appearance of Computo during LSH Annual #1. The aid was turned down and help set up the eventual reveal of the reasons behind the ban.
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This was a very satisfying beat-em-up. Interesting bit with Luthor's hair - I have the distinct impression that this has to do with Kon-El.
Live Wire reverting back to normal was the exact sort of super-contrived deus ex machina reset that Johns is so fond of...one of the reasons I generally dislike him as a writer. All the darting and weaving to explain XS was one of those retcons where you just sigh and think, "OK, it kinda had to be done and that was fine, but...whatever."
All said and done, though, enough "cool" to go around.
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Boy, what an over-reaction Legion World just had to a few preview pages, eh? This book was ALL Legion. It really feels like Johns has a handle on individual Legionnaires' personalities and even the personalities of the villains. A little Sodam Yat didn't hurt that at all. If nothing else, it'll be the Flash family that steals too much scene from the Legions, but XS and Impulse and the Tornado Twins had inherent Legion ties from their beginnings.
Nitpick: Jarth's transmutation abilities allowed him to turn himself back to Garth...and he didn't restore himself to two flesh arms? Kind of dumb.
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any deaths in this issue? (oh make sure it's put into the spoilers box please.) thanks.
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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">3Boot Sun Boy is frozen by Prime, and then crushed</span></span>
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I've read it 3 times now. I love it. I am sad about a few characters but overall WOW!
The first two issues were amazing but had me very worried. This one restored my faith a bit. Great stuff.
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Time Trapper
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Matlock, you are absolutely right. I had forgotten those GL's. But, again, for all we know those may have been the last of the GL's. There were only a few, and years have passed as i understand it since that story and this one takes place. The universe is a dangerous place. Nothing says those GL's survived.
We do know for a fact that at some point in time the GL corps does once again dwindle down to just one or two, from Hal's on time line if i recall. I have no idea when it took place, though. I had to be some time after this restart of the corps. Hal visits the 51st century or something like that. He is given the memories matching a Paul Manning, i think it was. Been a while since i have read those issues, so i cannot say for certain.
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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid: <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">3Boot Sun Boy is frozen by Prime, and then crushed</span></span> NOOOOOOo not him! only one death so far? was he using the same costume from WnK era? or one recently in Shooter era?
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And, sorry, I'll try to lighten up. But, there was still too many continuity gaffs for me (Classic, Reboot and Threeboot) to enjoy this story and this issue has done nothing (for me - I'm not speaking for anyone else) to excuse the two issues before it or the gratuitous deaths.
Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.
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Just curious - anyone else annoyed that, between the composition of shots and dialogue (especially in this issue), it's clear that Johns has retconned the Lightning Lass/Timber Wolf breakup and subsequent LL/Shrinking Violet relationship?
Didn't DC just SPECIFICALLY create Batwoman to have a prominent lesbian superhero? Why not use the ones that they had?
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