Originally posted by Charles Phipps:
Rokk is also an individual whose personality simply doesn't jive with the TT.
One problem the legion has with its villains is that too often they seem to rely on immortality as a means of driving them mad.
Plastic Man was fine after 3000 years. Immortal Man ditto.
Jan shouldn't have even been immortal but if he had, his interaction with his creations would have probably filled the void in his heart.
Jan was around for ONE BILLION years though. He was alone for a couple of hundred million years, then he started trying to play god, that took another good few tens of millions to get going...
And by the time they were advanced enough to help him get home or anything of the sort, he wasn't sane enough to think of it - he'd forgotten them. Try and think of someone you met for ten minutes 20 years ago. That's what the Legion would be like to him by then.
Seriously, try and imagine floating in space like that for that long. Just imagine. Try.
And Plastic Man wasn't "fine" after sitting on the bottom of the ocean for a few thousand tears in an emulsionary goo, he was heavily traumatised for a while (and I half-suspect that
Continuity Bandit retconned that
anyway, although it was so deliberately convoluted it's hard to tell).