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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 10:46 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 10:45 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 10:45 AM
Kill This Thread LXIII - Sticking to your Resolutions
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 10:44 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 04:20 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/24/25 04:19 AM
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I thought the episode was a complete waste of time (like Mystery Lad, I was wondering why they didn't just put implants into the real Persuader)... up until the Ron-Karr twist, which actually made it kind of interesting. Still, this wasn't one of the better episodes of the season. Probably the weakest since the first, imo.

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The episode looked better in the coming attractions than actually watching it. Brainy didn't seem at all like first season. He seemed much more sinister (echoes of Brainiac) and Cham even looked frightened by his suggestions at one point. As someone pointed out, Brainy's statement at the end was kind of chilling. Actually, the whole realization the group had at the end came across as rather simplistic. You'd think they'd realize there's good and bad in everyone by now. Ron Karr's switch to the other side seemed to come a bit too easily. Could see Mekt wanting to do what's right for his sister. (Guess they didn't figure out the moral of the story in that episode.) The only reason I could see for Ron Karr's switch was that he was insulted by Imperiux saying he shouldn't think for himself. He never did get a chance to really bond with Cham (a fellow shape-shifter) and want to help him out for friendship reasons. Ron Karr did seem very upset about overriding someone's personality though. His almost punching out Brainy when Ron Karr appeared as Superman seemed totally out of character for Superman. Guess that means some of Ron Karr's character came through despite the reprogramming. Might have been more interesting and more of a motivation if the bad guys had forced Ron Karr to take on someone else's personality without his consent and then shown him rebelling against Imperiex saying peons shouldn't think. No wonder Imperiex has an army mainly of machines. He can't seem to inspire anyone else. Also felt like Superman X has kind of settled in like he belongs already and we really didn't get to see any adjustment period or how he learned to deal with the others and start acting more like a team player. Would have been fun to see more conflict between him and his teammates, such as having him challenging Brainiac 5 more about his role as remembered by the 41st century and Brainiac 5 learning from that, instead of Brainiac 5 acting more like what Superman X was warning about.

One thing that's bothering me about the various shows this season is how they decide who's in what episode. They seem to be throwing characters together, probably based on what works for the plot, rather than any logistical reasons that make sense such as who's where when they're fighting the war. One episode, Cosmic Boy and some of the Legion we hardly ever see is on the cruiser with Superman X. The next episode, Superman X is there with the regulars. Someone may be on the ship one week and off the next. The only explanation we had was when Cham mentioned Superman, Lightning Lad, Brainiac 5 and some of the others were off fighting the war with the Dominators or when Brainy said Superman was off on the other side of the Galaxy fighting during the episode with Shrinking Violet. Might make more sense if there was more than one cruiser for them to be on too. It would be nice if they didn't just move characters around the universe for whatever was convienent for the story of the week and actually had who was fighting where and when make some logical sense and have a real continuity. So far, I like first season as a whole much better than second season. Although, I did see some hints of interesting plotlines this season that could use some following up or fleshing out.

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Devil's Advocate
Devil's Advocate
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To answer the first criticism in the previous post, maybe they're foreshadowing Brainy losing his mind (again). I'd rather see that than have him suddenly go nuts out of the blue.

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If they're going to have Brainy go nuts in a future episode, they can always blame that on the Coluan Alignment again. No foreshadowing necessary. Just a thought.

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i don't think they would do that the coluan alignment made him act like he was bipolar not evil and even if they wanted to use that as an excuse they could easily fix it with the "magic rock" the only real problem there would be getting some of it and they could split teams up for that one team to keep brainy busy

if they wanted to make brainy evil the best way would be to have a dormant program of some sort that they can't get rid of it only build firewalls to hold it off

i didn't notice the lack of girls in the previous legion eps. but i noticed it in this one almost as soon as i saw the hole team together that as a girl annoyed me.

I felt there was no real reason to have 2 supermen in one eps.

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Not much between despair and ecstacy
Not much between despair and ecstacy
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The Good: The Superman/Ronn-Kar switch. Never saw it coming.

The Also Good: Cham is shaping up (pun intended) to be an interesting and fun character. I like him as an eager-to-please rookie who is not very skilled as a fighter.

The Bad: The plot was contrived and predictable. How convenient that Cham was miraculously healed of his Persuader complex once Ronn-Kar revealed himself.

The Ugly: NO GIRLS!!! GRRRR! (I hate it when Lash is right. smile )

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The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that
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Couple of other things about this episode... When they went after Cham as Persuader, I kept thinking they would go after the real Persuader pretending he was Cham to get him out of there and let Cham finish his mission. Guess they were more concerned over Cham's safety. They certainly had no problem telling the difference between the two Persuaders. As to the switch, it was awfully quick. They had to pre-program Ron Karr to act like Superman, know Superman was in the vicinity (not off on some other mission) and know Superman would show up in the Cham rescue. It was very convenient of Persuader to escape and give an excuse to retrieve Cham. If Cham had been extracted in another way or Superman hadn't gone on the mission to get him, the plan would never have worked. They had to have all that ready ahead of time before the teleporters kicked in and Superman was replaced by Ron Karr. How were they holding Superman anyway after the swap? That didn't look like Kryptonite they were using on him, but maybe some was around or maybe they put him under red sunlight. There was a lot that wasn't explained. A spy in the Legion's ranks before the swap (as suggested about last week's episode) would have made more sense to make sure the plan came together. There were a lot of factors involved that could have gone wrong.

Also, have been mainly mentioning things that bugged me about this episode or that left me with some questions. Didn't want that to come off sounding as all negative comments. I do think Legion is one of the better shows on the air this season. Would just like them to keep getting better.

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Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:
I'm also dissapointed that we did not see more of Durla. Is the animated version anything like the 8-second war version of the Levitz/Giffin era? We may never know.
Considering that they were describing Durla as a major hub of the space travel routes (not exact quote, but that basic idea?) -- I'd say not. Or at least that if they had the war, that these Durlans did agree to terraforming procedures to get their world safer for the other UP members?

I know that during the 80's, Broadcast Standards and Practices didn't allow any mention of nuclear power and weapons. That was the explanation for why the Decepticons had to go raiding dams or oil fields instead of nuclear power plants. Whether that rule's changed, I've no idea how to check? smile

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Not much between despair and ecstacy
Not much between despair and ecstacy
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Originally posted by lm8:
A spy in the Legion's ranks before the swap (as suggested about last week's episode) would have made more sense to make sure the plan came together. There were a lot of factors involved that could have gone wrong.
Funny thing is, when Superman was revealed to be Ronn-Kar, I initially thought he had *always* been Ronn-Kar, since his first appearance in episode two of this season. That would have been totally unexpected and would have made Imperiex an even more formidable adversary.

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The Semi-Great Gildersleeve - writing, super-heroes, and this 'n' that
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Originally posted by Seth Gaterra:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Portfolio Boy:

I know that during the 80's, Broadcast Standards and Practices didn't allow any mention of nuclear power and weapons. That was the explanation for why the Decepticons had to go raiding dams or oil fields instead of nuclear power plants. Whether that rule's changed, I've no idea how to check? smile
But what about Firestorm appearing on the last few seasons of Super Friends? He was the "nuclear man" afterall.

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I felt that is episode got a very good plot line. Very few shows can surprize me.
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other than that it was a very good episode

SMILE Because the rest of the world isn't
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